/** * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked * when an action is not explicitly requested by users. */ public function actionIndex() { Yii::app()->page->title = "Лог по турам"; if ($this->beginCache("console_log_tours", array('duration' => 3600 * 12))) { $listTours = CatLogToursAll::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("date2")->setLimit(50)->setCache(0)); $listToursParams = CatLogToursParams::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("date2")->setLimit(50)->setCache(0)); $rows = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($listTours); $i++) { if (!empty($rows)) { $rows .= ","; } $rows .= "['" . date("d.m", strtotime($listTours[$i]->date2)) . "', " . $listTours[$i]->count . ", " . $listToursParams[$i]->count_category . ", " . $listToursParams[$i]->count_country . " ]"; } $this->render("index", array("rows" => $rows, "listToursParams" => $listToursParams)); $this->endCache(); } }
static function saveCatLogTours($tourId) { // Сохронякем индивидуальный лог $check = CatLogTours::findByAttributes(array("tour_id" => $tourId, "date2" => date("Y-m"))); if (sizeof($check) > 0) { $check[0]->count++; $check[0]->save(); } else { $check = new CatLogTours(); $check->count = 1; $check->tour_id = $tourId; $check->date2 = date("Y-m"); if (!$check->save()) { print_r($check->getErrors()); } } // Сохронякем индивидуальный общий лог $check = CatLogToursAll::findByAttributes(array("date2" => date("Y-m-d"))); if (sizeof($check) > 0) { $check[0]->count++; $check[0]->save(); } else { $check = new CatLogToursAll(); $check->count = 1; $check->date2 = date("Y-m-d"); if (!$check->save()) { print_r($check->getErrors()); } } }