$result = $appNotes->postNewNote($_POST['APP_UID'], $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], $noteContent, $_POST['NOTIFY_PAUSE']); } // End save $unpauseDate = $_POST['unpausedate'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['unpauseTime']; $oCase = new Cases(); if (isset($_POST['APP_UID']) && isset($_POST['DEL_INDEX'])) { $APP_UID = $_POST['APP_UID']; $DEL_INDEX = $_POST['DEL_INDEX']; } elseif (isset($_POST['sApplicationUID']) && isset($_POST['iIndex'])) { $APP_UID = $_POST['sApplicationUID']; $DEL_INDEX = $_POST['iIndex']; } else { $APP_UID = $_SESSION['APPLICATION']; $DEL_INDEX = $_SESSION['INDEX']; } $oCase->pauseCase($APP_UID, $DEL_INDEX, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], $unpauseDate); break; case 'unpauseCase': $sApplicationUID = isset($_POST['sApplicationUID']) ? $_POST['sApplicationUID'] : $_SESSION['APPLICATION']; $iIndex = isset($_POST['sApplicationUID']) ? $_POST['iIndex'] : $_SESSION['INDEX']; $oCase = new Cases(); $oCase->unpauseCase($sApplicationUID, $iIndex, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); break; case 'deleteCase': $oCase = new Cases(); $sApplicationUID = isset($_POST['sApplicationUID']) ? $_POST['sApplicationUID'] : $_SESSION['APPLICATION']; $oCase->removeCase($sApplicationUID); break; case 'view_reassignCase': G::LoadClass('groups'); G::LoadClass('tasks');
/** * Pause case * * @param string caseUid : ID of the case. * @param int delIndex : Delegation index of the case. * @param string userUid : The unique ID of the user who will pause the case. * @param string unpauseDate : Optional parameter. The date in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" indicating when to unpause * the case. * @return $result will return an object */ public function pauseCase ($caseUid, $delIndex, $userUid, $unpauseDate = null) { $g = new G(); try { $g->sessionVarSave(); $_SESSION["APPLICATION"] = $caseUid; $_SESSION["INDEX"] = $delIndex; $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"] = $userUid; if (empty( $caseUid )) { $result = new wsResponse( 100, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_REQUIRED_FIELD" ) . " caseUid" ); $g->sessionVarRestore(); return $result; } if (empty( $delIndex )) { $result = new wsResponse( 100, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_REQUIRED_FIELD" ) . " delIndex" ); $g->sessionVarRestore(); return $result; } if (empty( $userUid )) { $result = new wsResponse( 100, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_REQUIRED_FIELD" ) . " userUid" ); $g->sessionVarRestore(); return $result; } if( strlen($unpauseDate) >=10 ){ if (! preg_match( "/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}| \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/", $unpauseDate )) { $result = new wsResponse( 100, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_INVALID_DATA" ) . " $unpauseDate" ); $g->sessionVarRestore(); return $result; } } else { $unpauseDate = null; } $case = new Cases(); $case->pauseCase( $caseUid, $delIndex, $userUid, $unpauseDate ); //Response $res = new wsResponse( 0, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_COMMAND_EXECUTED_SUCCESSFULLY" ) ); $result = array ("status_code" => $res->status_code,"message" => $res->message,"timestamp" => $res->timestamp ); $g->sessionVarRestore(); return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = new wsResponse(100, $e->getMessage()); $g->sessionVarRestore(); return $result; } }
function pauseCase() { try { $unpauseDate = $_REQUEST['unpauseDate']; $oCase = new Cases(); if (isset($_POST['APP_UID']) && isset($_POST['DEL_INDEX'])) { $APP_UID = $_POST['APP_UID']; $DEL_INDEX = $_POST['DEL_INDEX']; } else { if (isset($_POST['sApplicationUID']) && isset($_POST['iIndex'])) { $APP_UID = $_POST['sApplicationUID']; $DEL_INDEX = $_POST['iIndex']; } else { $APP_UID = $_SESSION['APPLICATION']; $DEL_INDEX = $_SESSION['INDEX']; } } $oCase->pauseCase($APP_UID, $DEL_INDEX, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], $unpauseDate); $app = new Application(); $caseData = $app->load($APP_UID); $data['APP_NUMBER'] = $caseData['APP_NUMBER']; $data['UNPAUSE_DATE'] = $unpauseDate; $result->success = true; $result->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE_PAUSED_SUCCESSFULLY', SYS_LANG, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $result->success = false; $result->msg = $e->getMessage(); } echo G::json_encode($result); }
public function pauseCase() { try { $unpauseDate = $_REQUEST['unpauseDate'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['unpauseTime']; $oCase = new Cases(); if (isset($_POST['APP_UID']) && isset($_POST['DEL_INDEX'])) { $APP_UID = $_POST['APP_UID']; $DEL_INDEX = $_POST['DEL_INDEX']; } elseif (isset($_POST['sApplicationUID']) && isset($_POST['iIndex'])) { $APP_UID = $_POST['sApplicationUID']; $DEL_INDEX = $_POST['iIndex']; } else { $APP_UID = $_SESSION['APPLICATION']; $DEL_INDEX = $_SESSION['INDEX']; } // Save the note pause reason if ($_REQUEST['NOTE_REASON'] != '') { require_once "classes/model/AppNotes.php"; $appNotes = new AppNotes(); $noteContent = addslashes($_REQUEST['NOTE_REASON']); $appNotes->postNewNote($APP_UID, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], $noteContent, $_REQUEST['NOTIFY_PAUSE']); } // End save $oCase->pauseCase($APP_UID, $DEL_INDEX, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], $unpauseDate); $app = new Application(); $caseData = $app->load($APP_UID); $data['APP_NUMBER'] = $caseData['APP_NUMBER']; $data['UNPAUSE_DATE'] = $unpauseDate; $result->success = true; $result->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_CASE_PAUSED_SUCCESSFULLY', SYS_LANG, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $result->success = false; $result->msg = $e->getMessage(); } echo G::json_encode($result); }
/** * @method * * Pauses a specified case. * * @name pauseCase * @label Pause Case * @link http://wiki.processmaker.com/index.php/ProcessMaker_Functions#pauseCase.28.29 * * @param string(32) | $sApplicationUID= "" | ID of the case | The unique ID of the case. The UID of the current case can be found in the system variable @@APPLICATION. * @param string(32) | $iDelegation = 0| Delegation index of the case | The delegation index of the current task in the case. * @param string(32) | $sUserUID = ""| ID user | The unique ID of the user who will pause the case. * @param string(32) | $sUnpauseDate = null | Date | Optional parameter. The date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' indicating when to unpause the case. * @return None | $none | None | None * */ function pauseCase($sApplicationUID = '', $iDelegation = 0, $sUserUID = '', $sUnpauseDate = null) { //var_dump($sApplicationUID, $iDelegation, $sUserUID, $sUnpauseDate);die(':|'); try { if ($sApplicationUID == '') { throw new Exception('The application UID cannot be empty!'); } if ($iDelegation == 0) { throw new Exception('The delegation index cannot be 0!'); } if ($sUserUID == '') { throw new Exception('The user UID cannot be empty!'); } G::LoadClass('case'); $oCase = new Cases(); $oCase->pauseCase($sApplicationUID, $iDelegation, $sUserUID, $sUnpauseDate); } catch (Exception $oException) { throw $oException; } }