Пример #1
	 * Calculates aggregated total amounts
	 * Iterates over the cart items in the contents of the cart
	 * to calculate aggregated total amounts including the
	 * subtotal, shipping, tax, discounts and grand total
	 * @since 1.0
	 * @return void
	function totals () {
		if (!($this->retotal || $this->changed())) return true;

		$Totals = new CartTotals();
		$this->Totals = &$Totals;

		// Setup discount calculator
		$Discounts = new CartDiscounts();

		// Free shipping until costs are assessed
		$this->freeshipping = true;

		// Identify downloadable products

		// If no items are shipped, free shipping is disabled
		if (!$this->shipped()) $this->freeshipping = false;

		foreach ($this->contents as $key => $Item) {

			$Totals->quantity += $Item->quantity;
			$Totals->subtotal +=  $Item->total;

			// Reinitialize item discount amounts
			$Item->discount = 0;

			// Item does not have free shipping,
			// so the cart shouldn't have free shipping
			if (!$Item->freeshipping) $this->freeshipping = false;


		// Calculate Shipping
		$Shipping = new CartShipping();
		if ($this->changed()) {
			// Only fully recalculate shipping costs
			// if the cart contents have changed
			$Totals->shipping = $Shipping->calculate();

			// Save the generated shipping options
			$this->shipping = $Shipping->options();

		} else $Totals->shipping = $Shipping->selected();

		// Calculate discounts
		$Totals->discount = $Discounts->calculate();

		$Totals->discount = ($Totals->discount > $Totals->subtotal)?$Totals->subtotal:$Totals->discount;

		// Calculate taxes
		$Tax = new CartTax();
		$Totals->taxrate = $Tax->rate();
		$Totals->tax = $Tax->calculate();

		// Calculate final totals
		$Totals->total = roundprice($Totals->subtotal - roundprice($Totals->discount) +
			$Totals->shipping + $Totals->tax);

		$this->changed = false;
		$this->retotal = false;

Пример #2
	* merchant_calc()
	* Callback function for merchant calculated shipping and taxes
	* taxes calculations unimplemented
	* returns false when it responds, as acknowledgement of merchant calculations is unnecessary
	* */
	function merchant_calc ($XML) {
		global $Ecart;

		if ($XML->content('shipping') == 'false') return true;  // ack

		$sessionid = $XML->content('shopping-session');
		$Ecart->Order = Ecart_buyObject::__new('Order',$Ecart->Order);
		$Shopping = &$Ecart->Shopping;
		$Order = &$Ecart->Order;

		// Get new address information on order
		$shipto = $XML->tag('anonymous-address');

		$Order->Shipping->city = $shipto->content('city'); //['city']['CONTENT']
		$Order->Shipping->state = $shipto->content('region'); //['region']['CONTENT']
		$Order->Shipping->country = $shipto->content('country-code'); //['country-code']['CONTENT']
		$Order->Shipping->postcode = $shipto->content('postal-code'); //['postal-code']['CONTENT']

		// Calculate shipping options
		$Shipping = new CartShipping();
		$options = $Shipping->options();
		if (empty($options)) return true; // acknowledge, but don't respond

		$methods = $XML->attr('method','name');

		$address_id = $XML->attr('anonymous-address','id');
		$_ = array('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
		$_[] = "<merchant-calculation-results xmlns=\"http://checkout.google.com/schema/2\">";
		$_[] = "<results>";
		foreach ($options as $option) {
			if (in_array($option->name, $methods)) {
				$_[] = '<result shipping-name="'.$option->name.'" address-id="'.$address_id.'">';
				$_[] = '<shipping-rate currency="'.$this->settings['currency'].'">'.number_format($option->amount,$this->precision,'.','').'</shipping-rate>';
				$_[] = '<shippable>true</shippable>';
				$_[] = '</result>';
		$_[] = "</results>";
		$_[] = "</merchant-calculation-results>";

		if(ECART_DEBUG) new EcartError(join("\n",$_),'google-merchant-calculation-results',ECART_DEBUG_ERR);
		return false; //no ack