public function getInitData($req) { $data = array(); $employees = new Employee(); $data['numberOfEmployees'] = $employees->Count("1 = 1"); $company = new CompanyStructure(); $data['numberOfCompanyStuctures'] = $company->Count("1 = 1"); $user = new User(); $data['numberOfUsers'] = $user->Count("1 = 1"); $project = new Project(); $data['numberOfProjects'] = $project->Count("status = 'Active'"); $attendance = new Attendance(); $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = $attendance->Count("in_time > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 week")) . "'"); if (empty($data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'])) { $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = 0; } $empLeave = new EmployeeLeave(); $data['numberOfLeaves'] = $empLeave->Count("date_start > '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); $timeEntry = new EmployeeTimeEntry(); $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = $timeEntry->Count("in_time > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 week")) . "'"); $candidate = new Candidate(); $data['numberOfCandidates'] = $candidate->Count("1 = 1"); $job = new Job(); $data['numberOfJobs'] = $job->Count("status = 'Active'"); $course = new Course(); $data['numberOfCourses'] = $course->Count("1 = 1"); return new IceResponse(IceResponse::SUCCESS, $data); }
function save($object = '', $related_field = '') { if (!$this->exists()) { $o = new Candidate(); $o->select_max('position'); $o->get(); if (count($o->all) != 0) { $max = $o->position + 1; $this->position = $max; } else { $this->postion = 1; } } return parent::save($object, $related_field); }
public function CurrentMemberHasAcceoted() { $CurrentUserCandidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('ElectionID' => $this->ID, 'MemberID' => Member::currentUser()->ID))->first(); if ($CurrentUserCandidate) { return $CurrentUserCandidate->HasAcceptedNomination; } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $this->info('Iniciando a requisição para o webservice'); $this->info('Carregando a lista de estados'); $estados = $this->makeRequest('estados'); $this->info('Foram encontrados ' . count($estados) . ' estados'); $this->info('Carregando a lista de cargos'); $cargos = CandidateType::all()->lists('id', 'type'); $this->info('Foram encontrados ' . count($cargos) . ' cargos'); $this->info('Carregando a lista de partidos'); $partidos = Party::all()->lists('id', 'abbreviation'); $this->info('Foram encontrados ' . count($partidos) . ' partidos'); foreach ($estados as $estado_id => $estado) { $this->info("Carregando os candidatos de {$estado->sigla} ({$estado_id}/" . count($estado) . ")"); foreach ($cargos as $cargo_nome => $cargo_id) { $this->info('- Procurando por ' . $cargo_nome); $candidatos = $this->makeRequest('candidatos', ['estado' => $estado->sigla, 'cargo' => $cargo_id]); foreach ($candidatos as $candidato) { $candidate = Candidate::where('full_name', $candidato->nome)->first(); if (!$candidate) { $this->info('-- Processando ' . $candidato->nome . '/' . $candidato->apelido); $picture_hash = Str::random(90) . ".jpg"; file_put_contents(app_path() . '/../www/uploads/' . $picture_hash, file_get_contents($candidato->foto)); Candidate::create(['party_id' => $partidos[$candidato->partido], 'candidate_type_id' => $cargos[ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace('º', '', (string) $candidato->cargo)))], 'nickname' => $candidato->apelido, 'full_name' => $candidato->nome, 'picture' => $picture_hash]); } } //$this->info('Foram encontrados ' . count($candidatos) . ' candidatos'); } } }
/** * Adds the missing instruments based on the visit_label * * @param Array $result containing visit_label info * @param String $visit_label The name of the visit * * @return NULL */ function populateVisitLabel($result, $visit_label) { global $argv, $confirm; // create a new battery object && new battery $battery = new NDB_BVL_Battery(); // select a specific time point (sessionID) for the battery $battery->selectBattery($result['ID']); $timePoint = TimePoint::singleton($result['ID']); $DB = Database::singleton(); $candidate = Candidate::singleton($result['CandID']); $result_firstVisit = $candidate->getFirstVisit(); $isFirstVisit = false; //adding check for first visit if ($result_firstVisit == $visit_label) { $isFirstVisit = true; } //To assign missing instruments to all sessions, sent to DCC or not. $defined_battery = $battery->lookupBattery($battery->age, $result['subprojectID'], $timePoint->getCurrentStage(), $visit_label, $timePoint->getCenterID(), $isFirstVisit); $actual_battery = $battery->getBattery($timePoint->getCurrentStage(), $result['subprojectID'], $visit_label); $diff = array_diff($defined_battery, $actual_battery); if (!empty($diff)) { echo "\n CandID: " . $timePoint->getCandID() . " Visit Label: " . $timePoint->getVisitLabel() . "\nMissing Instruments:\n"; print_r($diff); } if ($confirm === true) { foreach ($diff as $test_name) { $battery->addInstrument($test_name); } } unset($battery); unset($timePoint); }
public function testRetrieveCandidate() { $candidate = self::createTestCandidate(); $retrieved_candidate = Candidate::retrieve($candidate->id); foreach (self::$test_candidate as $key => $value) { $this->assertSame($retrieved_candidate->{$key}, $value); } }
public function getInitData($req) { $data = array(); $emp = new Employee(); $data['numberOfEmployees'] = $emp->Count("status = 'Active' and supervisor = ?", array($this->getCurrentProfileId())); $data['lastTimeSheetHours'] = $this->getLastTimeSheetHours($req)->getData(); $data['activeProjects'] = $this->getEmployeeActiveProjects($req)->getData(); $data['pendingLeaves'] = $this->getPendingLeaves($req)->getData(); $candidate = new Candidate(); $data['numberOfCandidates'] = $candidate->Count("1 = 1"); $job = new Job(); $data['numberOfJobs'] = $job->Count("status = 'Active'"); $attendance = new Attendance(); $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = $attendance->Count("in_time > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 week")) . "'"); $course = new Course(); $data['numberOfCourses'] = $course->Count("1 = 1"); return new IceResponse(IceResponse::SUCCESS, $data); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 80) as $index) { $fullName = $faker->name; $user = User::create(['full_name' => $fullName, 'email' => $faker->email, 'password' => \Hash::make(123456), 'type' => 'candidate']); Candidate::create(['id' => $user->id, 'website_url' => $faker->url, 'description' => $faker->text(200), 'job_type' => $faker->randomElement(['full', 'partial', 'freelance']), 'category_id' => $faker->randomElement([1, 2, 3]), 'available' => true, 'slug' => \Str::slug($fullName)]); } }
public function delete($candidate_id) { try { $candidate = Candidate::findOrFail($candidate_id); $candidate->delete(); return $this->respondWithArray(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Candidate deleted successfully']); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { return $this->setStatusCode(404)->respondWithError('Candidate with ID ' . $candidate_id . ' not found', 404); } }
public function doRestList() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(array('condition' => 't.user_id = ' . $this->plainFilter['user_id'])); if (!empty($this->plainFilter['name'])) { $criteria->mergeWith(array('condition' => ' LIKE :electionName', 'params' => array(':electionName' => '%' . $this->plainFilter['name'] . '%'))); } if (!empty($this->plainFilter['status'])) { $criteria->mergeWith(Candidate::getCriteriaWithStatusOnly($this->plainFilter['status'])); } $results = $this->getModel()->with($this->nestedRelations)->limit($this->restLimit)->offset($this->restOffset)->findAll($criteria); $this->outputHelper('Records Retrieved Successfully', $results, $this->getModel()->with($this->nestedRelations)->count($criteria)); }
public static function sendReset($candidate_id) { // Generate activation code $code = str_random(25); $c = Candidate::find($candidate_id); $c->password_reset_code = $code; $c->save(); $data = []; $data['candidate'] = $c; // Send activation email - Just in case they missed it when registering Mail::send('emails.candidate.reset', $data, function ($message) use($c) { $message->to($c->email, $c->name . ' ' . $c->surname)->subject('KDC - Reset your password'); }); }
public function getVoterVoteNext($postid) { $post = Post::where('id', '>', $postid)->where('Active', '=', TRUE); if ($post->count()) { $post = $post->first(); View::share('post', $post); //get the candidates vieing fot the post $candidates = Candidate::where('Posts_Id', '=', $post->id)->get(); View::share('candidates', $candidates); return View::make('voter.voter-vote-next'); } else { return Redirect::route('voter-home-get')->with('globalsuccess', 'Thanks for Voting'); } }
public function filterCheckExists($filterChain) { $data = $this->data(); $candidate = Candidate::model()->with($this->nestedModels)->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => (int) $data['user_id'], 'election_id' => (int) $data['election_id'])); if ($candidate) { if ($candidate->user_id == Yii::app()->user->id) { switch ($candidate->status) { case Candidate::STATUS_REGISTERED: $message = 'You have been already registered as candidate'; break; case Candidate::STATUS_INVITED: $message = 'Election administrator has already invited you ' . 'to become candidate. Please confirm your intention at ' . '<a href="' . Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('userPage/nominations', array('id' => Yii::app()->user->id)) . '">nominations</a> page.'; break; default: $message = 'You have already applied to become candidate'; } } else { $message = 'Candidate has been already created'; } $this->renderJson(array('success' => true, 'status' => 'exists', 'message' => Yii::t('aes', $message), 'data' => array('totalCount' => 1, 'models' => $this->allToArray(array($candidate))))); return true; } $filterChain->run(); }
function listAll($offset = 0, $limit = 30) { $candidates = new Candidate(); $candidates->order_by('position', 'desc'); $searchKey = ""; if ($_SERVER['METHOD_REQUEST'] == 'GET') { } else { $searchKey = $this->input->post("search_name"); $candidates->distinct(); $candidates->group_start(); $candidates->like('lastname', $searchKey); $candidates->group_end(); } $candidates->get_paged($offset, $limit, TRUE); setPagination($this->admin . 'candidates/listAll/', $candidates->paged->total_rows, $limit, 4); $dis['base_url'] = base_url(); $dis['view'] = 'candidate/list'; $dis['candidates'] = $candidates; $dis['searchKey'] = $searchKey; $dis['menu_active'] = "Ứng viên"; $dis['title_table'] = "Trang hiện tại:" . $candidates->paged->current_page . '/' . $candidates->paged->total_pages; $dis['title'] = "Danh sách 'Ứng viên'"; $this->viewadmin($dis); }
function login() { $username = $this->input->post('username'); $password = md5($this->input->post('password')); $o = new Candidate(); $o->where(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); $o->get_iterated(); if ($o->result_count() == 0) { } else { } }
} } // Used for CSS for a specific instrument. if (file_exists($paths['base'] . "project/instruments/{$TestName}.css")) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "main.php") === false) { $tpl_data['test_name_css'] = "css/instruments/{$TestName}.css"; } else { $tpl_data['test_name_css'] = "GetCSS.php?Instrument={$TestName}"; } } } //-------------------------------------------------- // get candidate data if (!empty($_REQUEST['candID'])) { try { $candidate =& Candidate::singleton($_REQUEST['candID']); $tpl_data['candidate'] = $candidate->getData(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tpl_data['error_message'][] = $e->getMessage(); } } // get time point data if (!empty($_REQUEST['sessionID'])) { try { $timePoint =& TimePoint::singleton($_REQUEST['sessionID']); if ($config->getSetting("SupplementalSessionStatus")) { $tpl_data['SupplementalSessionStatuses'] = true; } $tpl_data['timePoint'] = $timePoint->getData(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tpl_data['error_message'][] = "TimePoint Error (" . $_REQUEST['sessionID'] . "): " . $e->getMessage();
function fixDate($candID, $dateType, $newDate, $sessionID = null) { // check the user $_ENV['USER'] $user =& User::singleton(getenv('USER')); if ($user->getUsername() == null) { return PEAR::raiseError("Error: Database user named " . getenv('USER') . " does not exist. Please create and then retry script\n"); } if (PEAR::isError($user)) { return "Error, failed to create User object for (" . getenv('USER') . "):" . $user->getMessage() . " \n"; } $db =& Database::singleton(); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to create database object:\n" . $db->getMessage()); } // check the args if (empty($dateType) || !in_array($dateType, array('dob', 'edc', 'screening', 'visit')) || empty($newDate) || in_array($dateType, array('screening', 'visit')) && empty($sessionID)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Please pass a valid set of arguments\n"); } // check the date format (redundant) $dateArray = explode('-', $newDate); if (!is_array($dateArray) || !checkdate($dateArray[1], $dateArray[2], $dateArray[0])) { return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid Date! Please use the following format: YYYY-MM-DD \n"); } unset($dateArray); // candidate object - needed to get the dob/edc $candidate =& Candidate::singleton($candID); if (PEAR::isError($candidate)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Error, failed to create candidate object:\n" . $candidate->getMessage()); } // fixing DOB or EDC if (in_array($dateType, array('dob', 'edc'))) { // set and where arrays $setArray = array($dateType => $newDate); $whereArray = array('CandID' => $candID); // update candidate table record $success = $db->update('candidate', $setArray, $whereArray); if (PEAR::isError($success)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to update the {$dateType}: " . $success->getMessage()); } /* * add Feedback */ // feedback object $feedback =& NDB_BVL_Feedback::singleton($user->getUsername(), $candID); if (PEAR::isError($feedback)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to create feedback object: " . $feedback->getMessage()); } // add the new thread $success = $feedback->createThread('profile', '5', "The date of {$dateType} has been changed to {$newDate}.", 'N'); if (PEAR::isError($success)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to create feedback: " . $success->getMessage()); } // log the change fwrite(STDERR, "Updated {$dateType} to: {$newDate}, for candidate {$candID}. Check the record in the DB! \n"); } else { // fixing Date_screening or Date_visit // create timepoint object $timePoint =& TimePoint::singleton($sessionID); if (PEAR::isError($timePoint)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to create timepoint object: " . $timePoint->getMessage()); } // check if the timepoint is started before attempting to make changes to it if ($timePoint->getCurrentStage() == 'Not Started') { return PEAR::raiseError("Error: Cannot perform screening/visit date fixes on the non-started timepoints!"); } // get the stage statuses $screeningStage = $timePoint->getScreeningStatus(); $visitStage = $timePoint->getVisitStatus(); // make sure that the stage to fix is started if ($dateType == 'visit' && empty($visitStage) || $dateType == 'screening' && empty($screeningStage)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Error: failed to retrieve the date of {$dateType} (sessionID: {$sessionID}) b/c that stage was not started!"); } // set and where arrays for the update $setArray = array("Date_" . $dateType => $newDate); $whereArray = array("ID" => $sessionID); // update session table record $success = $db->update('session', $setArray, $whereArray); if (PEAR::isError($success)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to update the {$dateType} stage date to {$newDate}: " . $success->getMessage()); } /* * add Feedback */ // feedback object $feedback =& NDB_BVL_Feedback::singleton($user->getUsername(), null, $sessionID); if (PEAR::isError($feedback)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to create feedback object: " . $feedback->getMessage()); } // add the new thread $success = $feedback->createThread('session', '5', "The date of {$dateType} has been changed to {$newDate}.", 'N'); if (PEAR::isError($success)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to create feedback: " . $success->getMessage()); } // log the change fwrite(STDERR, "Updated date of {$dateType} to {$newDate}, for candidate {$candID}, timepoint {$sessionID}. Check the DB record!\n"); } // end if return; }
public function getUsersMandates($userId) { $candidates = Candidate::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('user_id' => (int) $userId)); $cand_ids = array(); foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { $cand_ids[] = $candidate->id; } return $this->findAllByAttributes(array('candidate_id' => $cand_ids)); }
/** * @return ICandidate|null */ public function getCurrentCandidate() { $res = null; $election = ElectionSystem::get()->first(); if ($election && $election->CurrentElectionID != 0) { $current_election = $election->CurrentElection(); if (!is_null($current_election)) { $candidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => $this->getIdentifier(), 'ElectionID' => $current_election->ID))->first(); $res = $candidate; if (!is_null($candidate)) { UnitOfWork::getInstance()->setToCache($candidate); UnitOfWork::getInstance()->scheduleForUpdate($candidate); } } } return $res; }
<?php header('refresh: 3; url = ../index.php'); //header('Location: ../index.php'); session_start(); require_once "../libraries/classes/config.php"; require_once "../libraries/classes/clsSchoolYear.php"; require_once "../libraries/classes/clsCandidate.php"; require_once "../libraries/classes/clsPosition.php"; require_once "../libraries/classes/clsVoter.php"; $studentID = $_SESSION["studentID"]; $programID = $_SESSION["programID"]; $voter = new Voter(); $schoolYear = new SchoolYear(); $currentSY = $schoolYear->getCurrentSchoolYear(); $candidate = new Candidate(); $ssgCandidate = $candidate->getSSGCandidates(); $programCandidate = $candidate->getProgramCandidates($programID); $position = new Position(); $ssgPosition = $position->getPosition(1); $programPosition = $position->getPosition(2); $ctr = 0; /*This line displays list of voted candidates from the SSG executive positions*/ //echo "-----------------------------------------------SSG Executive-----------------------------------------------<br>"; for ($pos_y = 0; $pos_y < count($position->getPosition(1)); $pos_y++) { if (isset($_POST[$ssgPosition[$pos_y]["posID"]])) { for ($cand_x = 0; $cand_x < count($candidate->getSSGCandidates()); $cand_x++) { if ($_POST[$ssgPosition[$pos_y]["posID"]] == $ssgCandidate[$cand_x]["candID"]) { /* echo $ssgPosition[$pos_y]["posName"].": "; echo $ssgCandidate[$cand_x]["lname"].", ".$ssgCandidate[$cand_x]["fname"];
public function clean($vote_id) { Candidate::where('vote_id', '=', $vote_id)->delete(); $arr = ['status' => 'success', 'msg' => '完成事項已刪除!']; return Response::json($arr); }
public function actionCandidates($id) { $model = $this->getModel($id); $this->layout = '//layouts/election'; $this->election = $model; $candidate = false; if (Yii::app()->user->id) { $candidate = Candidate::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => Yii::app()->user->id, 'election_id' => $model->id)); } $this->render('candidates', array('model' => $model, 'candidate' => $candidate)); }
<td><br>投票已完成...<br><a href="{{ url('/vote_result_show', array($vote->id), false) }}"><strong>{{$vote->vote_title}}<br>now:{{$time_now}}<br>start:{{$vote->start_at}}end:{{$vote->end_at}}</strong></a><br> </td> @elseif ( $time_now > $vote->start_at) <td ><br>投票進行中... <a href="{{ url('/account_data_show', array($vote->id), false) }}"><strong>籤票內容</strong></a> <br><a href="{{ url('/vote_result_show', array($vote->id), false) }}"><strong>{{$vote->vote_title}}<br>now:{{$time_now}}<br>start:{{$vote->start_at}}end:{{$vote->end_at}}</strong></a><br> <br><strong>{{$vote->vote_title}}<br>now:{{$time_now}}<br>start:{{$vote->start_at}}end:{{$vote->end_at}}</strong><br> </td> @else <td ><br>尚未投票...<br><strong>{{$vote->vote_title}}<br>now:{{$time_now}}<br>start:{{$vote->start_at}}end:{{$vote->end_at}}</strong> <?php $candidates = Candidate::where('vote_id', '=', $vote->id)->get(); $can_id = null; if (count($candidates) != 0) { $can_id = $candidates[0]->id; } ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <table> <tr> <td > @if ($ary[1][$vote->id]<>'沒有資料') <!-- {{$ary[1][$vote->id]}} --> <a href="{{ url('/candidate_data_show', array($vote->id), false) }}"><strong>瀏覽選項內容</strong></a>
// $account->vote_id; // $account->finish_at; $vote = Vote::find(49); $account = new Account(); $account->username = '******'; $account->vote_id = 49; $account->finish_at = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; $account->vote()->associate($vote); $account->save(); $account2 = new Account(); $account2->username = '******'; $account2->vote_id = 2; $account2->finish_at = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; $account2->vote()->associate($vote); $account2->save(); $candidate = new Candidate(); $candidate->cname = 'Naruto Uzumaki'; $candidate->job_title = 'yy'; $candidate->sex = '男'; $candidate->vote_id = 49; $candidate->total_count = 2; $candidate->save(); $candidate->accounts()->save($account); $candidate->accounts()->save($account2); // $account = Account::find(1); // $candidate = Candidate::find(10); // $candidate->accounts()->detach(); // // return $candidate->accounts; // return Candidate::with('accounts')->find($candidate->id); }); Route::get('/test2', function () {
public function identifyDetails($text, $lastCandidateID, $cv, $connect, $s, $sessionID) { $patternEmail = '/[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'\\=*+\\/\\?^_`{|}\\.~-]+@[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'\\=*+\\/\\?^_`{|}\\.~-]+\\.(?:[A-Za-z]{4}|lk|com|org|net|edu|biz|info|asia)/'; $patternNIC = '/[0-9]{9}+(V|v)/'; $patternDateOfBirth1 = '/([1|2][0-9\\.\\/-]{4}[0|1][0-9][\\.\\/-][0|1|2|3][0-9])/'; $patternDateOfBirth2 = '/([0|1|2|3][0-9][\\.\\/-][0|1|2|3][0-9][\\.\\/-][1|2][0-9]{3})/'; $patternContactNo1 = '/[0][0-9]{9}/'; $patternContactNo2 = '/[0][0-9]{2}[-" "][0-9]{7}/'; $patternContactNo3 = '/[+|0][0-9]{11}/'; preg_match_all($patternNIC, $text, $nicList); preg_match_all($patternEmail, $text, $emailList); preg_match_all($patternDateOfBirth1, $text, $dobList1); preg_match_all($patternDateOfBirth2, $text, $dobList2); preg_match_all($patternContactNo1, $text, $contactList1); /*** new Candidate Object is created***/ /*and putting extracted details to that object's attributes*/ if ($lastCandidateID == null) { $newCandidate = new Candidate("C001"); } else { ++$lastCandidateID; $newCandidate = new Candidate("{$lastCandidateID}"); } if ($nicList[0] != null) { $newCandidate->setNIC($nicList[0][0]); } else { /*If NIC is not extracted,cand status would be marked to unchecked*/ $newCandidate->setCandStatus("CS003"); } if ($emailList[0] != null) { $newCandidate->setEmail($emailList[0][0]); } $minYear = 3000; $minDOB = ""; if ($dobList1[0] != null) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dobList1[0]); $i++) { $year = $dobList1[0][0][0] . $dobList1[0][0][1] . $dobList1[0][0][2] . $dobList1[0][0][3]; if ($year <= $minYear) { $minYear = $year; $minDOB = $dobList1[0][$i]; } } } if ($dobList2[0] != null) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dobList2[0]); $i++) { $date = $this->changeDateFormat($dobList2[0][$i]); if (strlen($date) == 10) { $year = $date[0] . $date[1] . $date[2] . $date[3]; if ($year <= $minYear) { $minYear = $year; $minDOB = $date; } } } } if (date("Y") - $minYear <= 15) { $minDOB = ""; } $newCandidate->setDateOfBirth($minDOB); if ($contactList1[0] != null) { $newCandidate->setContactNo($contactList1[0][0]); } else { preg_match_all($patternContactNo2, $text, $contactList2); if ($contactList2[0] != null) { $contact = $this->changeContactNoFormat($contactList2[0][0]); $newCandidate->setContactNo($contact); } else { preg_match_all($patternContactNo3, $text, $contactList3); if ($contactList3[0] != null) { $contact = $this->changeContactNoFormat($contactList3[0][0]); $newCandidate->setContactNo($contact); } } } if ($nicList[0] != null) { if (sizeof($nicList[0]) == 1) { $s->checkInDB($nicList[0][0], $cv, $newCandidate, $connect, $sessionID); } } else { $matchToFlag = $s->needToFlag($cv, $newCandidate, $connect, $sessionID); } return $newCandidate; }
/** * Testable wrapper for Candidate::createNew * * @param string $DoB Date of birth of the candidate * @param string $edc EDC of the candidate * @param string $gender Gender of the candidate to be created * @param string $PSCID PSCID of the candidate to be created * * @return none */ public function createNew($DoB, $edc, $gender, $PSCID) { $user = \User::singleton(); \Candidate::createNew($user->getCenterID(), $DoB, $edc, $gender, $PSCID); }
function profile() { // Grab member ID from the URL $MemberID = Convert::raw2sql($this->request->param("ID")); // Check to see if the ID is numeric if (is_numeric($MemberID)) { // Check to make sure there's a member with the current id if ($Profile = $this->findMember($MemberID)) { $CurrentElection = $this->CurrentElection(); if ($CurrentElection) { $Candidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => $MemberID, 'ElectionID' => $CurrentElection->ID))->first(); $data["Candidate"] = $Candidate; $data["CurrentElection"] = $CurrentElection; } $data["Profile"] = $Profile; // A member is looking at own profile if (Member::currentUserID() == $MemberID) { $data["OwnProfile"] = true; } //return our $Data to use on the page return $this->Customise($data); } } return $this->httpError(404, 'Sorry that member could not be found'); }
public function getPaginateCandidatesAttribute() { return Candidate::where('category_id', $this->id)->paginate(); }
public function testRevokeVoteFailsWithMessageBecauseOfTimeout() { $this->login("*****@*****.**", "qwerty"); $this->open('election/candidates/1'); $this->waitForPageToLoad("30000"); $voteBox = ""; $this->waitForElementPresent($voteBox); //first vote $this->click($voteBox); $this->waitForElementContainsText($voteBox . ' span.value', '✓'); //Simulating that timer is expired $candidate = Candidate::model()->findByAttributes(array('electoral_list_pos' => 1, 'election_id' => 1)); $vote = Vote::model()->findByAttributes(array('candidate_id' => $candidate->id, 'user_id' => 1)); $voted = new DateTime($vote->date); $voted->sub(new DateInterval('PT' . (Election::model()->findByPk(1)->remove_vote_time - 1) . 'M' . '54S')); $voted = $voted->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->update('vote', array('date' => $voted), 'id = ' . $vote->id); $this->open('election/candidates/1'); $this->sleep(7000); $this->click($voteBox); $this->assertElementPresent($errorBox = 'css=div.flash-messages div.alert-error'); $this->assertElementContainsText($errorBox, 'Action is unavailable because of timeout'); //check all candidates are inactive for voting $this->waitForCssCount($voteBox . '.inactive', 3); }
public function jobAlertsPost() { // dd(Input::all()); if (!is_null(Session::get('candidate'))) { $candidate = Candidate::find(Session::get('candidate')->id); $input = Input::all(); // Check if there is an alert already $jobAlert = JobAlerts::where('candidate_id', $candidate->id)->first(); if (is_null($jobAlert)) { $alert = new JobAlerts(); } else { $alert = $jobAlert; } if (isset($input['active'])) { $active = 1; } else { $active = 0; } $alert->candidate_id = $candidate->id; $alert->job_type = $input['job_type_id']; $alert->sector_id = $input['sector_id']; $alert->location_id = $input['location_id']; $alert->salary_expectations = $input['salary']; $alert->keywords = $input['job_keywords']; $alert->skill_keywords = $input['skill_keywords']; $alert->active = $active; $alert->save(); return Redirect::back()->withInfo('Your alert settings have been saved'); } else { return Redirect::to('become-a-candidate')->with('info', 'Please login / register to view this page'); } }