function setInput2($number) { $this->input2 = (int) $number; } function calculate() { $this->output = $this->input1 * $this->input2; } function getResult() { return $this->output; } } $ex = new Calc(); $ex->setInput1(5); $ex->setInput2(20); $ex->calculate(); $ex->getResult(); // if I tries to get the result but just calling the variable $ex->$output // it throws an error since it is a private variable // // A Private variable is one that is only alailable to the class itself... // however the protected variable is available to the class and all of // the children classes // this is a brief example of how the extended class can use the input2 // variable however I still need a function in this new class to return it // outside the class. class Test extends Calc { function getinput2() {