Пример #1
  * Calculates the current age of someone born on $birthdate.
  * Source: stackoverflow.com/questions/3776682/php-calculate-age
  * @param sing $birthdate The birthdate.
  * @return integer The calculated age.
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function ageFromBirthdate($birthdate)
     // convert to format: YYYY-MM-DD
     $clean_birthdate = date('Y-m-d', CakeTime::fromString($birthdate));
     if (CakeTime::isFuture($clean_birthdate)) {
         throw new OutOfRangeException("Birthdate is in the future: {$clean_birthdate}", BedrockTime::EXCEPTION_CODE_FUTURE_BIRTHDATE);
     //explode the date to get month, day and year
     $parts = explode('-', $clean_birthdate);
     //get age from date or birthdate
     $age = intval(date('md', date('U', mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[0]))) > date('md') ? date('Y') - $parts[0] - 1 : date('Y') - $parts[0]);
     return $age;
Пример #2
  * checkFutureDate
  * Custom Validation Rule: Ensures a selected date is either the
  * present day or in the future.
  * @param array $check Contains the value passed from the view to be validated
  * @return bool True if in the past or today, False otherwise
 public function checkFutureDate($check)
     $value = array_values($check);
     return CakeTime::fromString($this->data[$this->alias]['document_date']) <= CakeTime::fromString($value[0]);
Пример #3
 protected function _validate()
     $now = time();
     $data = $this->request->data;
     $this->Provider->isOK = false;
     // Check consumer key
     if (empty($data['oauth_consumer_key'])) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Missing consumer key.';
     // Check all required launch parameters
     if (empty($data['lti_message_type']) or !array_key_exists($data['lti_message_type'], $this->Provider->messageTypes)) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid or missing lti_message_type parameter.';
     if (empty($data['lti_version']) or !in_array($data['lti_version'], $this->Provider->LTI_VERSIONS)) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid or missing lti_version parameter.';
     switch ($data['lti_message_type']) {
         case 'ContentItemSelectionRequest':
             if (empty($data['content_item_return_url']) or !(strlen(trim($data['content_item_return_url'])) > 0)) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Missing content_item_return_url parameter.';
             if (!empty($data['accept_media_types']) and strlen(trim($data['accept_media_types'])) > 0) {
                 $mediaTypes = array_filter(explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $data['accept_media_types'])), 'strlen');
                 $mediaTypes = array_unique($mediaTypes);
             if (empty($mediaTypes)) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'No accept_media_types found.';
             $this->Provider->mediaTypes = $mediaTypes;
             if (!empty($data['accept_presentation_document_targets']) and strlen(trim($data['accept_presentation_document_targets'])) > 0) {
                 $documentTargets = array_filter(explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $data['accept_presentation_document_targets'])), 'strlen');
                 $documentTargets = array_unique($documentTargets);
             if (empty($documentTargets)) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Missing or empty accept_presentation_document_targets parameter.';
             foreach ($documentTargets as $documentTarget) {
                 if (!in_array($documentTarget, ['embed', 'frame', 'iframe', 'window', 'popup', 'overlay', 'none'])) {
                     return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value in accept_presentation_document_targets parameter: ' . $documentTarget;
             $this->Provider->documentTargets = $documentTargets;
             if (!empty($data['accept_unsigned']) and !in_array($data['accept_unsigned'], ['true', 'false'])) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value for accept_unsigned parameter: ' . $data['accept_unsigned'];
             if (!empty($data['accept_multiple']) and !in_array($data['accept_multiple'], ['true', 'false'])) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value for accept_multiple parameter: ' . $data['accept_multiple'];
             if (!empty($data['accept_copy_advice']) and !in_array($data['accept_copy_advice'], ['true', 'false'])) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value for accept_copy_advice parameter: ' . $data['accept_copy_advice'];
             if (!empty($data['auto_create']) and !in_array($data['auto_create'], ['true', 'false'])) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value for auto_create parameter: ' . $data['auto_create'];
             if (!empty($data['can_confirm']) and !in_array($data['can_confirm'], ['true', 'false'])) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value for can_confirm parameter: ' . $data['can_confirm'];
         case 'basic-lti-launch-request':
         case 'DashboardRequest':
             if (empty($data['resource_link_id']) or !(strlen(trim($data['resource_link_id'])) > 0)) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Missing resource link ID.';
             // fall through
         // fall through
             if (!empty($data['launch_presentation_document_target']) and !in_array($data['launch_presentation_document_target'], ['embed', 'frame', 'iframe', 'window', 'popup', 'overlay'])) {
                 return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid value for launch_presentation_document_target parameter: ' . $data['launch_presentation_document_target'];
     ### Get the consumer
     $this->Consumer->id = $data['oauth_consumer_key'];
     if (empty($this->Consumer->consumer_key)) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid consumer key.';
     if ($this->Consumer->protect) {
         if (empty($data['tool_consumer_instance_guid'])) {
             return $this->Provider->reason = 'A tool consumer GUID must be included in the launch request.';
         if (empty($this->Consumer->consumer_guid) or !($this->Consumer->consumer_guid == $data['tool_consumer_instance_guid'])) {
             return $this->Provider->reason = 'Request is from an invalid tool consumer.';
     if (!$this->Consumer->enabled) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Tool consumer has not been enabled by the tool provider.';
     if (!empty($this->Consumer->enable_from) and CakeTime::fromString($this->Consumer->enable_from) > $now) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Tool consumer access is not yet available. It will be available from ' . $this->Consumer->enable_from;
     if (!empty($this->Consumer->enable_until) and CakeTime::fromString($this->Consumer->enable_until) <= $now) {
         return $this->Provider->reason = 'Tool consumer access expired on ' . $this->Consumer->enable_until;
     ### Validate message parameter constraints
     if (!empty($this->Provider->constraints)) {
         $invalid_parameters = array();
         foreach ($this->Provider->constraints as $name => $constraint) {
             if (empty($constraint['messages']) || in_array($data['lti_message_type'], $constraint['messages'])) {
                 if ($constraint['required']) {
                     if (empty($data[$name]) or strlen(trim($data[$name])) <= 0) {
                         $invalid_parameters[] = "{$name} (missing)";
                 if (!empty($constraint['max_length'])) {
                     if (strlen(trim($data[$name])) > $constraint['max_length']) {
                         $invalid_parameters[] = "{$name} (too long)";
         if (count($invalid_parameters) > 0) {
             return $this->Provider->reason = 'Invalid parameter(s): ' . implode(', ', $invalid_parameters) . '.';
     $this->Provider->isOK = true;
Пример #4
  * checkPastDate
  * Custom Validation Rule: Ensures a selected date is either the
  * present day or in the past.
  * @param array $check Contains the value passed from the view to be validated
  * @return bool True if in the past or today, False otherwise
 public function checkPastDate($check)
     $value = array_values($check);
     return CakeTime::fromString($value[0]) <= CakeTime::fromString(date(Configure::read('databaseDateFormat')));
Пример #5
 function compareDates($data)
     return CakeTime::fromString($data['close_date']) > CakeTime::fromString($this->data[$this->alias]['open_date']);
Пример #6
  * checkPastDate
  * Custom Validation Rule: Ensures a selected date is either the
  * present day or in the past.
  * @param array $check Contains the value passed from the view to be validated
  * @return bool True if in the past or today, False otherwise
 public function checkPastDate($check)
     $value = array_values($check);
     return CakeTime::fromString($value['0']) <= CakeTime::fromString(date('Y-m-d'));
Пример #7
  * Returns a UNIX timestamp, given either a UNIX timestamp or a valid strtotime() date string.
  * @param int|string|DateTime $dateString UNIX timestamp, strtotime() valid string or DateTime object
  * @param string|DateTimeZone $timezone   User's timezone string or DateTimeZone object
  * @return string Parsed timestamp
  * @see  CakeTime::fromString()
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/time.html#formatting
 public function fromString($dateString, $timezone = NULL)
     return $this->_engine->fromString($dateString, $timezone);
Пример #8
  * checkPastDate
  * Custom Validation Rule: Ensures a selected date is either the
  * present day or in the past.
  * @param array $check Contains the value passed from the view to be validated
  * @return bool True if in the past or today, False otherwise
 public function checkPastDate($data, $key)
     return CakeTime::fromString($data[$key]) <= CakeTime::fromString(date(Configure::read('databaseDateFormat')));
Пример #9
 public function analysis()
     $this->Cookie = $this->Components->load('Cookie');
     $projects = array();
     //        $this->Cookie->time = '999 hours';
     if ($this->request->is(array('post', 'put'))) {
         //            debug($this->request->data);
         if (isset($this->request->data['Participant']['email'])) {
             $email = $this->request->data['Participant']['email'];
         if (isset($this->request->data['Participant']['code'])) {
             $code = $this->request->data['Participant']['code'];
         $project_id = -1;
         if (isset($this->request->data['Project']['Project'])) {
             $project_id = $this->request->data['Project']['Project'];
         if ($this->data['Participant']['remember_me'] && isset($code) && isset($email)) {
             $cookie = array();
             $cookie['email'] = $email;
             $cookie['code'] = $code;
             if (isset($project_id)) {
                 $cookie['project_id'] = $project_id;
             $this->Cookie->write('participantData', $cookie, true, '+2 weeks');
         } else {
             if ($this->Cookie->check('participantData')) {
         $projects = $this->getParticipantProjects($email, $code);
         App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
         App::uses('File', 'Utility');
         if (isset($this->request->data['Participant']['analyze_File']) && $this->request->data['Participant']['analyze_File']['size'] > 0 && !empty($projects)) {
             /* ============================================= */
             /* ==============Load analysis=================== */
             /* ============================================= */
             if ($this->request->data['Participant']['analyze_File']['size'] > $this->filesize2bytes(Configure::read('max_file_size'))) {
                 $this->Session->setFlash("The file can not be more than " . Configure::read('max_file_size'));
                 return $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Participants', 'action' => 'analysis'));
             $file = $this->request->data['Participant']['analyze_File']['name'];
             if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'tsv') {
                 $this->Session->setFlash("The file must be in TSV format");
                 return $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Participants', 'action' => 'analysis'));
             $file = new File($this->request->data['Participant']['analyze_File']['tmp_name']);
             if ($file->readable()) {
                 $content = $file->read();
                 $lines = explode("\n", $content);
                 $incorrectFormat = empty($lines);
                 $count = 0;
                 $size = count($lines);
                 for ($index = 0; $index < $size; $index++) {
                     if (strlen(trim($lines[$index])) > 0) {
                         if (!$incorrectFormat) {
                             $columns = explode("\t", $lines[$index]);
                             for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++) {
                                 if (strlen(trim($columns[$i])) == 0) {
                                     $incorrectFormat = true;
                             $incorrectFormat = $incorrectFormat || sizeof($columns) != 5;
                         } else {
                 //                   $correctFormat = $this->correctTsvFormat($file, 5);
                 if ($incorrectFormat) {
                     //                        $count=$this->incorrecLineTsvFormat($file);
                     $this->Session->setFlash("Incorrect content file. Line {$count} is incorrect. " . "Content file must be in this format WO2009026621A1->A:12:24->1->0.99->paliperidone");
                     return $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Participants', 'action' => 'analysis'));
                 $participantID = $this->Participant->find('first', array("recursive" => -1, "fields" => array("id"), "conditions" => array('Participant.email' => $email, 'Participant.code' => $code)));
                 $participantID = $participantID["Participant"]["id"];
                 $this->request->data['Participant']['id'] = $participantID;
                 $this->participantSaveConnection($this->request->data['Participant'], "uploadAnalysis");
                 //                    $this->Participant->UploadedAnnotation->deleteAll(array(
                 //                        "participant_id" => $participantID));
                 //                    $this->Participant->PredictionDocument->deleteAll(array(
                 //                        "participant_id" => $participantID,
                 //                        "project_id" => $project_id
                 //                    ));
                 $javaJarPath = Configure::read('javaJarPath');
                 $analyze_program = Configure::read('analyze_program');
                 $runJava = Configure::read('runJava');
                 $program = $javaJarPath . DS . $analyze_program;
                 $path = $this->request->data['Participant']['analyze_File']['tmp_name'];
                 $file = new File($path);
                 if ($file->readable()) {
                     $newPath = $file->Folder->path . DS . md5(date('Y-m-d H:i:s:u')) . $file->name() . "mtmp";
                     $path = $newPath;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Ops! file could not be readed");
                 $arguments = "{$project_id}\t{$participantID}\t{$email}\t{$path}";
                 //                        exec("nohup java -jar $program $arguments", $output);
                 $javaLog = ".." . DS . 'java_jars' . DS . "java.log";
                 $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 exec("echo \"{$date}:{$runJava} {$program} {$arguments}\" >> {$javaLog} 2>&1 &");
                 exec("{$runJava} {$program} {$arguments} >> {$javaLog} 2>&1 &");
                 $this->Session->setFlash("Your predictions are being processed, we will send you an email when the analysis finish", 'success');
                 return $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Participants', 'action' => 'analysis'));
         } else {
             if (isset($this->request->data['Participant']['results_File']['size']) && $this->request->data['Participant']['results_File']['size'] > 0) {
                 if ($this->request->data['Participant']['results_File']['size'] > $this->filesize2bytes(Configure::read('max_file_size'))) {
                     $this->Session->setFlash("The file can not be more than " . Configure::read('max_file_size'));
                     return $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Participants', 'action' => 'analysis'));
                 /* ============================================= */
                 /* =====================Results================= */
                 /* ============================================= */
                 $file = new File($this->request->data['Participant']['results_File']['tmp_name']);
                 if ($file->readable()) {
                     $content = $file->read();
                     $content = $this->decrypt($content);
                     $results = json_decode(trim($content), true);
                     //                        debug($results);
                     if (!empty($results)) {
                         $projects = $this->getParticipantProjects($email, $code, $results['project_id']);
                         if (!empty($projects)) {
                             $goldenSet = $this->Participant->GoldenProject->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => array('user_id', 'round_id'), 'conditions' => array('project_id' => $results['project_id'])));
                             if (!empty($goldenSet)) {
                                 $isModified = !$this->Participant->PredictionFile->hasAny(array('participant_id' => $results['Participant']['id'], 'modified' => $results['date']));
                                 $results['Participant']['isModified'] = $isModified;
                                 $results['Golden']['user_id'] = $goldenSet['GoldenProject']['user_id'];
                                 $results['Golden']['round_id'] = $goldenSet['GoldenProject']['round_id'];
                                 $this->Session->write("analysisResults", $results);
                                 $this->redirect(array('action' => 'results'));
                             } else {
                                 $this->Session->setFlash("This golden set have been deleted");
                         } else {
                             $this->Session->setFlash("This file does not correspond to your credentials");
                     } else {
                         $this->Session->setFlash("This file is corrupted");
                 } else {
                     $this->Session->setFlash("This file is corrupted");
             } else {
                 if (empty($projects)) {
                     $this->Session->setFlash("You are not in any project");
                 } else {
                     $this->Session->setFlash("One team prediction file or one result file is needed");
     } else {
         $cookie = $this->Cookie->read('participantData');
         if (isset($cookie)) {
             if (isset($cookie['email']) && $cookie['code']) {
                 $this->request->data['Participant']['email'] = $cookie['email'];
                 $this->request->data['Participant']['code'] = $cookie['code'];
                 $this->request->data['Participant']['remember_me'] = true;
                 if (isset($cookie['project_id'])) {
                     $this->request->data['Project']['Project'] = $cookie['project_id'];
                 $projects = $this->getParticipantProjects($cookie['email'], $cookie['code']);
                 if (empty($projects)) {
             } else {
         $this->Post->recursive = -1;
         $this->Post->contain(false, array('User' => array('username', 'surname', 'full_name', 'image', 'image_type', 'id')));
         $this->Post->paginate = array('limit' => 5, 'order' => array('modified' => 'DESC'));
         $this->set("posts", $this->paginate($this->Post));
     $this->set('projects', $projects);
     App::uses('CakeTime', 'Utility');
     $finalDate = Configure::read('final_date_to_upload_tasks');
     $startDate = Configure::read('initial_date_to_upload_tasks');
     $isEnd = CakeTime::isPast($finalDate);
     $isFuture = CakeTime::isFuture($startDate);
     $isThisWeek = CakeTime::isThisWeek($finalDate);
     $isToday = CakeTime::isTomorrow(CakeTime::fromString($finalDate));
     $finalDate = CakeTime::format($finalDate, "%B %e, %Y");
     $startDate = CakeTime::format($startDate, "%B %e, %Y");
     $this->set('isEnd', $isEnd);
     $this->set('isFuture', $isFuture);
     $this->set('isThisWeek', $isThisWeek);
     $this->set('isToday', $isToday);
     $this->set('finalDate', $finalDate);
     $this->set('startDate', $startDate);
     ////        $key = "xVO5JLSLOTpKX4YRyFpJXNYb1STQK26mHAzgNK6bwS697XzK8ZE5kEA8R7gajaI9fE6HfemeLhg28nqbGTmh5Dv5uKydSOoM4BHlQ43mvH4h0Jl3xFDcv95fRnY9wYAluS1WFi9QOLc2JDUOsN3ggNzypHuZcPaAjBklfsNH98qkX5brqEnfMUubPOUCtpTEUmtvVNq2oTGKSArEuSuuKRnMHtlbKvl4XbaAUvSfajF4DtHwLa2qaWU6pNXLHf16";
     ////        $key = "FFF3454D1E9CCDE00101010101010101";
     //        $value = "63612bb6b56ef964bc2a6add5e0697deadde735fd4ca966d7b762f61b2b4cb14a14500";
     ////        $value = base64_decode($value);
     ////        debug($value);
     ////        $result = Security::rijndael($value, $key, 'decrypt');
     //        $result = $this->decrypt($value);
     ////        $resultE = Security::rijndael($value, $key, 'encrypt');
     //        $this->set(compact('result', 'resultE'));