function sync_data() { hg_flushMsg('开始同步数据'); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "nums"; $total = $this->db->query_first($sql); $total = $total['total']; $offset = 0; $count = 10000; //查询存在的分表 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); while ($offset < $total) { hg_flushMsg('开始同步第' . $offset . '到' . ($offset + $count) . '条'); $table = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); $table = convert_table_name($table); $table_str = ''; if ($table) { $table_str = implode(',', $table); } $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge UNION(" . $table_str . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); //查询存在的分表 $sql = "SELECT app_bundle, module_bundle, cid, title FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "nums WHERE 1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $count; $q = $this->db->query($sql); while (($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) != false) { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge SET title = '" . $row['title'] . "'\n WHERE app_bundle='" . $row['app_bundle'] . "' AND module_bundle = '" . $row['module_bundle'] . "' AND cid='" . $row['cid'] . "'"; // hg_flushMsg($sql); $this->db->query($sql); } $offset += $count; } hg_flushMsg('数据同步完成'); }
/** * * @param $language Sprache * für den Place-Holder-Text * @return CacheFile */ public function newCacheFileForPlaceholder($language) { $otherCacheFilename = $this->displayWidth . $this->displayHeight . "{$language}-placeholder.jpg"; $cachefile = new CacheFile($this->imageProperties(), $this->config, $this->proportion, $this->bgcolor, $this->origWidth(), $this->origHeight()); $cachefile->setDisplaySize($this->displayWidth, $this->displayHeight); $cachefile->cacheFilename = $this->scrambleFilename($otherCacheFilename, $this->config->getScrambleFilename()); return $cachefile; }
public function writeWatermarkInfo(&$sourcefileId, $thumbnailMode, CacheFile $cacheFile) { if (!$this->config->isUsedWatermark() || $thumbnailMode) { return; } static $disable_alpha_warning; $watermarkfile = $this->config->getWatermarkFile(); $align = $this->config->getWatermarkLeft(); $valign = $this->config->getWatermarkTop(); if ($this->config->getWatermarkTransparencyType() == 'alpha') { $transcolor = FALSE; } else { $transcolor = $this->config->getWatermarkTransparentColor(); } $transparency = $this->config->getWatermarkTransparency(); try { $watermarkfile_id = $this->loadWatermarkFile($watermarkfile); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } @imageAlphaBlending($watermarkfile_id, false); $result = @imageSaveAlpha($watermarkfile_id, true); if (!$result) { if (!$disable_alpha_warning) { $msg = "Watermark problem: your server does not support alpha blending (requires GD 2.0.1+)"; JLog::add($msg, JLog::WARNING); } $disable_alpha_warning = true; imagedestroy($watermarkfile_id); return false; } $offset_w = $cacheFile->offsetX(); $offset_h = $cacheFile->offsetY(); $w = $cacheFile->displayWidth(); $h = $cacheFile->displayHeight(); $watermarkfileWidth = imageSX($watermarkfile_id); $watermarkfileHeight = imageSY($watermarkfile_id); $watermarkOffsetX = $this->calcXOffsetForWatermark($align, $watermarkfileWidth, $offset_w, $w); $watermarkOffsetY = $this->calcYOffsetForWatermark($valign, $watermarkfileHeight, $offset_h, $h); $fileType = strtolower(pathinfo($watermarkfile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $sourcefileId = $this->upsampleImageIfNecessary($fileType, $sourcefileId); if ($transcolor !== false) { $transcolAsInt = intval(str_replace('#', '', $transcolor), 16); imagecolortransparent($watermarkfile_id, $transcolAsInt); // use transparent color imagecopymerge($sourcefileId, $watermarkfile_id, $watermarkOffsetX, $watermarkOffsetY, 0, 0, $watermarkfileWidth, $watermarkfileHeight, $transparency); } else { imagecopy($sourcefileId, $watermarkfile_id, $watermarkOffsetX, $watermarkOffsetY, 0, 0, $watermarkfileWidth, $watermarkfileHeight); // True // alphablend } imagedestroy($watermarkfile_id); return true; }
function show() { if ($this->input['id']) { $cond = ' AND id=' . intval($this->input['id']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_sort WHERE status = 1{$cond} ORDER BY last_time ASC LIMIT 10"; $qq = $this->db->query($sql); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishcontent.class.php'; $this->publishcontent = new publishcontent(); include CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/access.class.php'; $this->obj = new access(); include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); $exists_table = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); while ($info = $this->db->fetch_array($qq)) { $params = array('start_time' => $info['start_time'], 'duration' => $info['duration'], 'last_time' => $info['last_time'], 'column_id' => $info['column_id'], 'type' => $info['type'], 'output_type' => $info['output_type'], 'count' => $info['limit_num'], 'title' => $info['k'], 'publish_duration' => $info['publish_duration']); $rankingCon = $this->obj->get_content($params); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_cont WHERE sort_id = " . $info['id']; $this->db->query($sql); if (!empty($rankingCon)) { //查询发布到发布库的内容标识,用于判断内容是否是发布库数据 $content_type = $this->publishcontent->get_all_content_type(); $pub_content_bundle = array(); foreach ((array) $content_type as $k => $v) { $pub_content_bundle[] = $v['bundle_id']; } $rankingChunk = array_chunk($rankingCon, 30, true); foreach ($rankingChunk as $key => $val) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_cont(sort_id,cid,app_bundle,title,url,count) VALUES"; $space = ''; foreach ($val as $k => $v) { //非发布库数据标题使用库里存储内容 //从merge表统计出来如果没有title,到nums表查询标题 //merge表结构不好更改,更改后客户升级也比较麻烦 所以临时解决方案 到nums表再查询一次 if (!$v['title'] && $v['app_bundle'] && !in_array($v['app_bundle'], $pub_content_bundle)) { $sql_nums = "SELECT title FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "nums WHERE app_bundle = '" . $v['app_bundle'] . "' AND cid=" . $v['cid']; $nums_q = $this->db->query_first($sql_nums); $v['title'] = $nums_q['title']; } !$v['url'] && ($v['url'] = $v['refer_url']); $sql .= $space . "('{$info['id']}','{$v['cid']}','{$v['app_bundle']}','{$v['title']}','{$v['url']}','{$v['num']}')"; $space = ','; } $this->db->query($sql); } } $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_sort SET last_time = " . TIMENOW . " WHERE id = " . $info['id']; $this->db->query($sql); echo $info['title'] . "<br/>"; flush(); ob_flush(); } exit; }
public static function buildHtmlForImage(&$lightbox, CacheFile &$mosthumbProperties, CacheFile &$mosimageProperties, ImageProperties &$imgProperties, &$config, $param) { $accessLevel = $imgProperties->getAccessLevel(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->guest && $accessLevel > 1) { $img = ''; } else { $lightboxRel = $lightbox->getRel(); $thumbSize = ' width="' . $mosthumbProperties->displayWidth() . '" height="' . $mosthumbProperties->displayHeight() . '"'; $image = '<a href="' . $mosimageProperties->getCacheFileUrl() . '"'; $image .= ' rel="' . $lightboxRel . '"'; $image .= ' class="' . $lightbox->getCssClassForImageLink() . '"'; $image .= ' title="' . ($config->isViewCaptionTextForFullsize() ? $imgProperties->getCaptionText() : '') . '"'; $image .= '>'; $image .= '<img class="mosimgage-inner" src="' . $mosthumbProperties->getCacheFileUrl() . '"'; $image .= $thumbSize; $image .= $imgProperties->getImageAlignAsHtml(); $image .= ' alt="' . $imgProperties->getAltText() . '"'; $image .= ' title="' . $imgProperties->getCaptionText() . '"'; $image .= ' border="' . $imgProperties->getBorderWidth() . '"'; $image .= ' /></a>'; $caption = ''; $widthInner = $mosthumbProperties->displayWidth(); $widthOuter = $mosthumbProperties->displayWidth(); // + 26 - 12; // -12 img.mosimgage-inner margin- = 0px if ($imgProperties->isCaptionTextEmpty()) { $cssDisplay = " visibility: hidden;"; } else { $cssDisplay = ''; } $cssClassOuter = $imgProperties->getOuterCssClass(); $img = '<span class="' . $cssClassOuter . '" style="width: ' . $widthOuter . 'px;border-width:' . $imgProperties->getBorderWidth() . 'px;">'; if ($imgProperties->isViewCaptionTextForThumbnail()) { $caption_valign = $imgProperties->getCaptionPosition(); $cssWidh = 'width: ' . $widthInner . 'px;'; $caption = '<span class="mosimgage-inner-' . $caption_valign . '" style="' . $cssWidh . $cssDisplay . '" '; $caption .= '>'; $caption .= $imgProperties->getCaptionText(); $caption .= '</span>'; if ($caption_valign == 'top' && $caption) { $img .= $caption; } $img .= $image; if ($caption_valign == 'bottom' && $caption) { $img .= $caption; } } else { $img .= $image; } $img .= '</span>'; } $addHtml = self::getHtmlForFloat($param); return $addHtml . $img; }
public static function getInstance() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { $className = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $className(); } return self::$instance; }
public function GetMenuByParentID($ParentID, $force = false) { $Cache = new CacheFile(); if (!$ParentID) { $ParentID = $this->TopID(); } $CacheID = '/Moudles/Menus/' . $ParentID; $result = $Cache->Get($CacheID); if ($result == CacheFile::NOCACHE || $force) { $DB = $this->__InitDB(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $this->TableName . '` WHERE `' . $this->ParentID . '`=' . $ParentID . ' AND Property<2 ORDER BY `' . $this->GlobalDisplayOrder . '` ASC'; $result = $DB->Select($sql); if ($result) { $Cache->Save($CacheID, $result, CacheFile::__OneYearSeconds__); } } return $result; }
/** * Tests CacheFile->set() */ public function testSetException() { @rmdir("/tmp/shindig/te"); $this->assertTrue(touch("/tmp/shindig/te")); $this->setExpectedException("CacheException"); try { $this->CacheFile->set("test", "testing"); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertTrue(unlink("/tmp/shindig/te")); throw $e; } }
function show() { $cid = urldecode($this->input['cid']); if (!$cid) { $this->errorOutput('no cid'); } $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "nums SET del = 1 WHERE cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); $table = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); $table = convert_table_name($table); if ($table) { $table_str = implode(',', $table); } $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge UNION(" . $table_str . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge SET del = 1 WHERE cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); exit('sucess'); }
private function flushServers($force = false) { $fileCache = new CacheFile(); if ($force) { # del cache this configuration file $fileCache->delete('bee2:redis3.configuration.nodes'); } // retrieve this configuration from cache if (false === ($servers = $fileCache->get('bee2:redis3.configuration.nodes'))) { $res = $this->getConnection()->rawCommand('CLUSTER', 'NODES'); if (empty($res)) { return false; } $servers = array(); $_slave_server = array(); $res = explode("\n", $res); foreach ($res as $v) { if (empty($v)) { continue; } $item = explode(' ', $v); if (false === strpos($item[2], 'master')) { $_slave_server[$item[3]] = $item; continue; } $server = array('id' => $item[0], 'master' => $item[1]); $min_max = explode('-', end($item)); if (count($min_max) == 2) { $slot['min'] = $min_max[0]; $slot['max'] = $min_max[1]; } else { $slot['min'] = $min_max[0]; $slot['max'] = $min_max[0]; } $server['slots'] = $slot; $servers[$slot['min']] = $server; } ksort($servers); if (empty($servers)) { return false; } $_servers = $servers; $servers = array(); foreach ($_servers as $_k => $_server) { $_server['slave'] = $_slave_server[$_server['id']][1]; $servers[] = $_server; } $fileCache->set('bee2:redis3.configuration.nodes', $servers); } $this->_master_servers = $servers; return true; }
function get_content() { if ($this->settings['cache_expire_time']) { /**先从缓存读取数据 缓存不存在或过期时再从表中查询*/ include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/cache/cache.class.php'; $cache_factory = cache_factory::get_instance(); $cache_type = $this->settings['cache_type'] ? $this->settings['cache_type'] : 'file'; $cache_driver = $cache_factory->get_cache_driver($cache_type); $input = $this->input; unset($input['access_token'], $input['lpip']); $cache_id = md5(serialize($input)); $data = $cache_driver->get($cache_id); if ($data) { $this->addItem($data); $this->output(); } /**先从缓存读取数据 缓存不存在或过期时再从表中查询*/ } //$condition = $this->get_condition(); $offset = $this->input['page'] ? $this->input['page_num'] * ($this->input['page'] - 1) : 0; $count = $this->input['page_num'] ? intval($this->input['page_num']) : 20; $con = $con_count = $this->con_process(); $con['offset'] = $offset; $con['count'] = $count; $content = $this->obj->get_content($con); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishcontent.class.php'; $this->publishcontent = new publishcontent(); $content_type = $this->publishcontent->get_all_content_type(); $pub_content_bundle = array(); foreach ((array) $content_type as $k => $v) { $pub_content_bundle[] = $v['bundle_id']; } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/auth.class.php'; $this->auth = new Auth(); $app_info = $this->auth->get_app(); $module = array(); foreach ((array) $app_info as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v)) { $module[$v['bundle']] = $v['name']; } } $cidArr = array(); $conArr = array(); $other_content = array(); foreach ((array) $content as $row) { if (!in_array($row['app_bundle'], $pub_content_bundle)) { $row['bundle_name'] = $module[$row['app_bundle']]; if (!$row['bundle_name']) { $row['bundle_name'] = $this->settings["App_{$row['app_bundle']}"]['name']; } if (!$row['bundle_name']) { $row['bundle_name'] = $row['app_bundle']; } $row['content_url'] = $row['url']; $row['access_nums'] = $row['num']; $other_content[] = $row; } else { $cidArr[] = $row['cid']; $conArr[$row['cid']] = array('access_nums' => $row['num']); } } $cidStr = implode(',', $cidArr); $ret = $this->publishcontent->get_content_by_cid($cidStr); if (!is_array($ret)) { //return array(); } $ret = (array) $ret; $arExistIds = array(); foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $arExistIds[] = $v['cid']; $ret[$k]['bundle_name'] = $module[$v['bundle_id']]; if (!$ret[$k]['bundle_name']) { $ret[$k]['bundle_name'] = $this->settings["App_{$v['bundle_id']}"]['name']; } if (!$ret[$k]['bundle_name']) { $ret[$k]['bundle_name'] = $v['bundle_id']; } $ret[$k] = array_merge($ret[$k], $conArr[$k]); } $ret = array_merge($ret, $other_content); //发布库删除没有更新统计时条数不准确 下面代码为解决此bug //对比cid差集 $delCid = array_diff($cidArr, $arExistIds); //更新已经不存在的内容 if (!empty($delCid)) { $cid = implode(',', $delCid); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "nums SET del = 1 WHERE cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); $table = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); $table = convert_table_name($table); if ($table) { $table_str = implode(',', $table); } $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge UNION(" . $table_str . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge SET del = 1 WHERE cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); } $ret = hg_array_sort($ret, 'access_nums', 'DESC'); $pagearr = $this->obj->get_content($con_count, 1); $pagearr['page_num'] = $count; $pagearr['total_num'] = $pagearr['total']; $pagearr['total_page'] = ceil($pagearr['total'] / $count); $pagearr['current_page'] = floor($offset / $count) + 1; $ret = array('content' => array_values($ret), 'page' => $pagearr); if ($this->settings['cache_expire_time']) { /*将数据写入缓存*/ $cache_driver->set($cache_id, $ret, $this->settings['cache_expire_time']); /*将数据写入缓存*/ } $this->addItem($ret); $this->output(); }
/** * Retrieve body html * * Retrieves markup to include in the main content body of item show pages * * @return string Html to include in the header, * linking to stylesheets and javascript libraries */ public function getBodyHtml($params) { $params = $this->_filterCssParams($params, array('width', 'height')); if (empty($params['cacheFileName'])) { throw new Exception('Item cannot be displayed. No cache file specified for Ohms Viewer.'); return; } $libDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libraries/ohmsviewer/'; $config = parse_ini_file($libDir . "config/config.ini", true); $cachefile = isset($params['cacheFileName'][0]) ? $params['cacheFileName'][0] : $params['cacheFileName']; $cachefile = isset($cachefile['path']) ? $cachefile['path'] : $cachefile; require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libraries/ohmsviewer/lib/CacheFile.class.php'; //$plugin_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $plugin_dir = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) . '/plugins/MultimediaDisplay'; $cacheFile = CacheFile::getInstance($cachefile, dirname(dirname($plugin_dir)) . '/files', $config); //$cacheFile = CacheFile::getInstance($cachefile,'/var/www/html/omeka/files',$config); //dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))).'/files' ob_start(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var jumpToTime = null; if('#segment') > -1) { var jumpToTime = parseInt(location.href.replace(/(.*)#segment/i, "")); if(isNaN(jumpToTime)) { jumpToTime = 0; } } </script> <div id="audio-panel"> <?php //include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/libraries/ohmsviewer/tmpl/player_'.$cacheFile->playername.'.tmpl.php'; include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libraries/ohmsviewer/tmpl/player_legacy.tmpl.php'; ?> </div> <div id="ohms-main"> <h2>Transcript</h2> <div id="ohms-main-panels"> <div id="content-panel"> <div id="transcript-panel"> <?php echo $cacheFile->transcript; ?> </div> <div id="index-panel"> <?php echo $cacheFile->index; ?> </div> </div> <div id="searchbox-panel"> <?php include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libraries/ohmsviewer/tmpl/search.tmpl.php'; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both; color:white; margin-top:30px;text-align:left;"> <p> <?php if ($cacheFile->rights) { echo '<span><h3>Rights Statement:</h3>'; echo $cacheFile->rights; echo '</span>'; } ?> </p> <p> <?php if ($cacheFile->usage) { echo '<span><h3>Usage Statement:</h3>'; echo $cacheFile->usage; echo '</span>'; } ?> </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('a.indexSegmentLink').on('click', function(e) { var linkContainer = '#segmentLink' + jQuery('timestamp'); e.preventDefault(); if(jQuery(linkContainer).css("display") == "none") { jQuery(linkContainer).fadeIn(1000); } else { jQuery(linkContainer).fadeOut(); } return false; }); jQuery('.segmentLinkTextBox').on('click', function() { jQuery(this).select(); }); if(jumpToTime !== null) { jQuery('div.point').each(function(index) { if(parseInt(jQuery(this).find('a.indexJumpLink').data('timestamp')) == jumpToTime) { jumpLink = jQuery(this).find('a.indexJumpLink'); jQuery('#accordionHolder').accordion({active: index}); var interval = setInterval(function() { if(Math.floor(jQuery('#subjectPlayer').data('jPlayer').status.currentTime) == jumpToTime) { clearInterval(interval); } else {; } }, 500); jQuery(this).find('a.indexJumpLink').click(); } }); } jQuery(".fancybox").fancybox(); jQuery(".various").fancybox({ // maxWidth : width, // maxHeight : height, fitToView : false, width : '70%', height : '70%', autoSize : false, closeClick : false, openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none' }); jQuery('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', width : '80%', height : '80%', fitToView : true, helpers : { media : {} } }); jQuery(".fancybox-button").fancybox({ prevEffect : 'none', nextEffect : 'none', closeBtn : false, helpers : { title : { type : 'inside' }, buttons : {} } }); }); var cachefile = '<?php echo $cacheFile->cachefile; ?> '; jQuery('#content').find('h1').after(jQuery("#audio-panel")); jQuery("#audio-panel").after(jQuery('#ohms-main')); </script> <style> #ohms-main { width:<?php echo $params['width']; ?> ; } #ohms-main #transcript-panel { height:<?php echo $params['height']; ?> ; } </style> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * 叮当内容统计add */ public function dingdoneAddNums() { $id = intval($this->input['id']); $content_fromid = intval($this->input['content_fromid']); if (!$id) { $this->errorOutput(NOID); } $rec = intval($this->input['rec']); $appunid = addslashes($this->input['app_uniqueid']); $modunid = addslashes($this->input['mod_uniqueid']); //叮当原有数据兼容 $old_sql = 'SELECT id, access_nums, is_sync,url, last_sync_time, create_time, title FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "nums\r\n\t\t\tWHERE app_bundle='{$appunid}' AND module_bundle='{$modunid}' AND cid='{$id}' AND content_fromid = 0"; $old_row = $this->db->query_first($old_sql); if ($old_row && is_array($old_row)) { $count = intval($old_row['access_nums']); //删除此数据 $delete_old_sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "nums where cid =" . $id; $this->db->query($delete_old_sql); } else { $sql = 'SELECT id, access_nums, is_sync,url, last_sync_time, create_time, title FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "nums\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE app_bundle='{$appunid}' AND module_bundle='{$modunid}' AND content_fromid='{$content_fromid}'"; $row = $this->db->query_first($sql); $count = intval($row['access_nums']); $delete_new_sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "nums where content_fromid =" . $content_fromid . ""; $this->db->query($delete_new_sql); } if ($rec) { $title = $this->input['title']; if (!$title && !$row['title']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishcontent.class.php'; $this->publishcontent = new publishcontent(); $content_type = $this->publishcontent->get_all_content_type(); $this->pub_content_bundle = $pub_content_bundle = array(); foreach ((array) $content_type as $k => $v) { $this->pub_content_bundle[] = $pub_content_bundle[] = $v['bundle_id']; } if ($appunid && in_array($appunid, $pub_content_bundle)) { //统计时如果没有传并且库里没有标题,去发布库查询标题,用户统计后台搜索 include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishcontent.class.php'; $this->publishtcontent = new publishcontent(); $content = $this->publishtcontent->get_content_by_cid($id); $title = $content[$id]['title']; } } $title = $title ? addslashes($title) : addslashes($row['title']); $reffer = addslashes($this->input['reffer']); $type = intval($this->input['type']); $columnid = intval($this->input['column_id']); // if((TIMENOW - $row['last_sync_time']) >= SYNC_SPACE * 3600) // { $count = $count + 1; // } $ip = hg_getip(); $time = date('Ym', TIMENOW); if (!$row['id']) { $row['create_time'] = TIMENOW; } $tableName = "record_" . $time; // $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . DB_PREFIX . $tableName. "'"; // $this->db->query($sql); // if(!$this->db->affected_rows()) ### 读取已经存在的表验证新表是否已经存在 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); $oldTable = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); if (!in_array($tableName, $oldTable)) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . $tableName . " LIKE " . DB_PREFIX . "record"; $this->db->query($sql); // ###保存已建的表 关联时验证表是否存在 $newTable = array($tableName); $allTable = array_merge($oldTable, $newTable); $allTable = array_unique($allTable); $cache->set_cache('access_table_name', $allTable); // ###保存结束 } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . "record_" . $time . " (app_bundle, module_bundle, type, content_fromid ,cid, column_id, refer_url, ip, access_time, appid, appname,user_id, user_name, title) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t('{$appunid}', '{$modunid}', '{$type}', {$content_fromid} ,'{$id}', '{$columnid}', '{$reffer}', '{$ip}', " . TIMENOW . ", '{$this->user['appid']}', '{$this->user['appname']}', '{$this->user['user_id']}', '{$this->user['user_name']}', '{$title}')"; $this->db->query($sql); if (!$row['url']) { $row['url'] = $reffer; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . "nums (app_bundle, module_bundle, content_fromid,cid, title, access_nums, last_sync_time, is_sync, url, create_time, update_time) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t('{$appunid}', '{$modunid}', '{$content_fromid}', '{$id}' ,'{$title}', " . $count . ", '{$row['last_sync_time']}', '{$row['is_sync']}', '{$row['url']}', '{$row['create_time']}', " . TIMENOW . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->dingdoneSync($content_fromid, $row['last_sync_time'], $row['create_time'], $count, $appunid, $modunid); } if (isset($this->settings['default_number']) && $this->settings['default_number']) { @srand($id); $min = $max = 0; list($min, $max) = @split(',', $this->settings['default_number']); $count += @rand($min, $max); } $this->addItem($count); $this->output(); }
/** * Method sendErrorByMail * @access static * @param mixed $debug_msg * @param string $attachment_file * @param string $error_log_file [default value: error_send_by_mail.log] * @param mixed $cache_time [default value: CacheFile::CACHE_TIME_2MIN] * @since 1.0.100 */ public static function sendErrorByMail($debug_msg, $attachment_file = "", $error_log_file = "error_send_by_mail.log", $cache_time = CacheFile::CACHE_TIME_2MIN) { if (defined('SEND_ERROR_BY_MAIL') && SEND_ERROR_BY_MAIL == true && !isLocalDebug()) { $caching_file = new CacheFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../cache/" . $error_log_file, $cache_time); if ($caching_file->readCache() == false) { $debug_mail = $debug_msg; $page_object = Page::getInstance($_GET['p']); $debug_mail .= "<br/><b>General information:</b><br/>"; $debug_mail .= "URL : " . $page_object->getCurrentUrl() . "<br/>"; $debug_mail .= "Referer : " . $page_object->getRefererURL() . "<br/>"; $debug_mail .= "IP : <a href='" . $page_object->getRemoteIP() . "' target='_blank'>" . $page_object->getRemoteIP() . "</a><br/>"; $debug_mail .= "Browser : "; if (!isset($_SESSION['browser_info']) || $page_object->getBrowserName() == "Default Browser" || $page_object->getBrowserName() == "") { $debug_mail .= $page_object->getBrowserUserAgent(); } else { $debug_mail .= $page_object->getBrowserName() . " (version: " . $page_object->getBrowserVersion() . ")"; } $debug_mail .= "<br/>"; if (isset($_SESSION['browser_info'])) { $debug_mail .= "Crawler : " . ($page_object->isCrawlerBot() ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>"; } $caching_file->writeCache($debug_mail); try { $mail = new SmtpMail(SEND_ERROR_BY_MAIL_TO, __(SEND_ERROR_BY_MAIL_TO), "ERROR on " . __(SITE_NAME) . " !!!", __($debug_mail), SMTP_MAIL, __(SMTP_NAME)); $mail->setPriority(SmtpMail::PRIORITY_HIGH); if ($attachment_file != "" && is_file($attachment_file)) { $mail->addAttachment($attachment_file, basename(str_replace(".cache", ".txt", $attachment_file))); } if (($send_result = $mail->send()) != true) { $caching_file->writeCache("Error when sent mail: " . $send_result . "\nMail: " . $debug_mail); //echo $send_result; } } catch (Exception $e) { $caching_file->writeCache("\n\nMail sending error:\n" . $e); } $caching_file->close(); } } }
function freshports_NonPortDescription($db, $element_record) { global $TableWidth; global $FreshPortsTitle; $Debug = 1; freshports_ConditionalGet(freshports_LastModified()); header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); $Title = preg_replace('|^/?ports/|', '', $element_record->element_pathname); $FileName = preg_replace('|^/?ports/|', '', $element_record->element_pathname); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../include/getvalues.php'; freshports_Start($Title, "{$FreshPortsTitle} - new ports, applications", "FreeBSD, index, applications, ports"); ?> <?php echo freshports_MainTable(); ?> <tr><td valign="top" width="100%"> <?php echo freshports_MainContentTable(); ?> <TR> <?php echo freshports_PageBannerText('non port: ' . $Title); ?> </TR> <tr><td> <a HREF="<?php echo FRESHPORTS_FREEBSD_SVN_URL . $element_record->element_pathname; ?> ?view=log">SVNWeb</a> </td></tr> <?php global $User; # these two options must be the last on the line. And as such are mutually exclusive define('BYPASSCACHE', 'bypasscache=1'); # do not read the cache for display define('REFRESHCACHE', 'refreshcache=1'); # refresh the cache $BypassCache = substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], strlen($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) - strlen(BYPASSCACHE)) == BYPASSCACHE; $RefreshCache = substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], strlen($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) - strlen(REFRESHCACHE)) == REFRESHCACHE; $PageNumber = 1; if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'])) { parse_str($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'], $query_parts); if (isset($query_parts['page']) && Is_Numeric($query_parts['page'])) { $PageNumber = intval($query_parts['page']); if ($PageNumber != $query_parts['page'] || $PageNumber < 1) { $PageNumber = 1; } } } $NumCommitsPerPage = $User->page_size; $Cache = new CacheFile(); $Cache->PageSize = $User->page_size; $result = $Cache->Retrieve($FileName, $PageNumber); if (!$result && !$BypassCache && !$RefreshCache) { if ($Debug) { echo "found something from the cache<br>\n"; } $HTML = $Cache->CacheDataGet(); # # we need to know the element_id of this port # and the whether or not it is on the person's watch list # let's create a special function for that! # $EndOfFirstLine = strpos($HTML, "\n"); if ($EndOfFirstLine == false) { die('Internal error: I was expecting an ElementID and found nothing'); } # extract the ElementID from the cache $ElementID = intval(substr($HTML, 0, $EndOfFirstLine)); if ($ElementID == 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Extract of ElementID from cache failed. Is cache corrupt/deprecated? port was {$category}/{$port}"); die('sorry, I encountered a problem with the cache. Please send the URL and this message to the webmaster.'); } if ($User->id) { $OnWatchList = freshports_OnWatchList($db, $User->id, $ElementID); } else { $OnWatchList = 0; } $HTML = substr($HTML, $EndOfFirstLine + 1); } else { if ($Debug) { echo "found NOTHING in cache<br>\n"; } $HTML = ''; $Commits = new CommitsByTreeLocation($db); $Commits->SetLimit($Cache->PageSize); $Commits->Debug = $Debug; $Commits->UserIDSet($User->id); $Commits->TreePathConditionSet("= '" . $element_record->element_pathname . "'"); # # get the count without excuting the whole query # we don't want to pull back all the data. # $NumCommits = $Commits->GetCountCommits(); $params = array('mode' => 'Sliding', 'perPage' => $NumCommitsPerPage, 'delta' => 5, 'totalItems' => $NumCommits, 'urlVar' => 'page', 'currentPage' => $PageNumber, 'spacesBeforeSeparator' => 1, 'spacesAfterSeparator' => 1, 'append' => false, 'path' => '/' . preg_replace('|^/?ports/|', '', $element_record->element_pathname), 'fileName' => '?page=%d', 'altFirst' => 'First Page', 'firstPageText' => 'First Page', 'altLast' => 'Last Page', 'lastPageText' => 'Last Page'); $Pager =& Pager::factory($params); $links = $Pager->GetLinks(); $NumCommitsHTML = '<tr><td><p align="left">Number of commits found: ' . $NumCommits; $Offset = 0; $PageLinks = $links['all']; $PageLinksHTML = str_replace('/?page=1"', '"', $PageLinks); $PageLinksHTML = str_replace('/?page=', '?page=', $PageLinksHTML); if ($PageLinksHTML != '') { $offset = $Pager->getOffsetByPageId(); $NumOnThisPage = $offset[1] - $offset[0] + 1; $Offset = $offset[0] - 1; $NumCommitsHTML .= " (showing only {$NumOnThisPage} on this page)"; unset($offset); } if ($PageNumber > 1) { $Commits->SetOffset($Offset); } $NumCommitsHTML .= '</p>'; if ($PageLinksHTML != '') { $PageLinksHTML = '<p align="center">' . $PageLinksHTML . '</p>'; } $NumCommitsHTML .= $PageLinksHTML . '</td></tr>'; $HTML = $NumCommitsHTML; if ($Commits->Debug) { echo "PageNumber='{$PageNumber}'<br>Offset='{$Offset}'<br>"; } $NumFetches = $Commits->Fetch(); $DisplayCommit = new DisplayCommit($db, $Commits->LocalResult); $HTML .= $DisplayCommit->CreateHTML(); $HTML .= $NumCommitsHTML; # If we are not reading if (!$BypassCache || $RefreshCache) { $Cache->CacheDataSet($element_record->{'id'} . "\n" . $HTML); $Cache->Add($FileName, $PageNumber); } } echo $HTML; echo "</table>\n"; ?> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="*" ALIGN="center"> <?php echo freshports_SideBar(); ?> </td> </TR> </TABLE> <?php echo freshports_ShowFooter(); ?> </body> </html> <?php }
public function __construct($cacheFileName) { $this->config = parse_ini_file("config/config.ini", true); $this->cacheFile = CacheFile::getInstance($cacheFileName, $this->config['tmpDir'], $this->config); $this->cacheFileName = $cacheFileName; }
public function get_content($params = array(), $get_count = false) { $timefield = 'create_time'; if (!$params['start_time'] && !$params['duration'] && !$params['column_id']) { //不限制开始和时间和时长时表示所有查询所有内容 从汇总表 nums表查询 if (!$get_count) { $sql = "SELECT cid, access_nums AS num, column_id, app_bundle, title, url FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "nums WHERE 1 AND del = 0"; } else { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "nums WHERE 1 AND del = 0"; } } else { $mergeall = false; if ($params['start_time']) { $start_time = $params['start_time']; if ($params['duration']) { $time = $params['duration'] * 60; $end_time = $params['start_time'] + $time; } else { $timefield = 'create_time'; $end_time = TIMENOW; } if ($end_time < TIMENOW && $end_time < $params['last_time']) { //continue; } } else { if ($params['duration']) { $time = $params['duration'] * 60; $start_time = TIMENOW - $time; $end_time = $params['end_time'] ? $params['end_time'] : TIMENOW; } else { $mergeall = true; } } //查询存在的分表 include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); $exists_table = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); //查询存在的分表 if (!$mergeall) { ###根据起始时间关联merge表 $start_year = intval(date('Y', $start_time)); $start_month = intval(date('m', $start_time)); $end_year = intval(date('Y', $end_time)); $end_month = intval(date('m', $end_time)); $table = array(); $i = $start_year; $j = $start_month; while ($i < $end_year || $j <= $end_month) { if ($i > $end_year) { //年份大于等于当前年份时跳出循环 break; } $j = strlen($j) != 2 ? '0' . $j : $j; $table_name = "record_" . $i . $j; if (in_array($table_name, $exists_table)) { $table[] = $table_name; } if ($j == 12) { $i++; $j = 1; } else { $j++; } } } else { $table = $exists_table; } $table = $this->convert_table_name($table); if ($table) { $table_str = implode(',', $table); } $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge UNION(" . $table_str . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); ###关联结束 if (!$get_count) { $sql = "SELECT cid,count(*) AS num, column_id, app_bundle, refer_url AS url FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "merge WHERE 1 AND del = 0"; } else { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ( SELECT cid,count(*) AS num FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "merge WHERE 1 AND del = 0"; } if ($start_time) { $sql .= " AND {$timefield} >= " . $start_time; } if ($end_time) { $sql .= " AND {$timefield} <= " . $end_time; } } if ($params['column_id']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishconfig.class.php'; $this->publish_column = new publishconfig(); $ret = $this->publish_column->get_column_by_ids('id,childs', $params['column_id']); $idArr = array(); if ($ret && is_array($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $idArr[] = $v['childs']; } } $idStr = implode(",", $idArr); if ($idStr) { $sql .= " AND column_id IN(" . $idStr . ")"; } } if ($params['type']) { $params['type'] = explode(',', $params['type']); $params['type'] = implode("','", $params['type']); $sql .= " AND app_bundle IN('" . $params['type'] . "')"; } if ($params['title']) { $sql .= ' AND title LIKE \'%' . trim(urldecode($params['title'])) . '%\''; } if ($params['cid']) { $params['cid'] = explode(",", $params['cid']); $params['cid'] = implode("','", $params['cid']); $sql .= " AND cid IN('" . $params['cid'] . "')"; } /** begin zbb 2015-4-20 加了一个筛选条件publish_duration **/ /* if($params['publish_duration'] > 0){ $sql .= ' AND publish_time > ' . (TIMENOW - $params['publish_duration'] * 60); } */ /** end **/ ###从merge表查询需要group by cid if ($params['output_type'] == 1) { //统计栏目 $sql .= " GROUP BY column_id "; } else { $sql .= $params['start_time'] || $params['duration'] || $params['column_id'] ? " GROUP BY cid " : ""; } if (!$get_count) { $sql .= " ORDER BY num DESC "; if ($params['count']) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . intval($params['offset']) . "," . intval($params['count']); } $q = $this->db->query($sql); $rankingCon = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { $params['output_type'] == 1 && ($row['cid'] = $row['column_id']); //排行类型为栏目时 记录column_id $rankingCon[] = $row; } return $rankingCon; } else { if ($params['start_time'] || $params['duration']) { $sql .= " ) AS a"; } $q = $this->db->query_first($sql); return $q; } }
function show() { $id = intval($this->input['sort_id']); $column_id = $this->input['column_id']; $exclude_column_id = $this->input['exclude_column_id']; if ($id) { $sql = "SELECT status,output_type,column_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_sort WHERE id = " . $id; $sort = $this->db->query_first($sql); if (empty($sort) || $sort['status'] != 1) { $this->errorOutput("unexist or unaudited"); } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishcontent.class.php'; $this->publishcontent = new publishcontent(); $content_type = $this->publishcontent->get_all_content_type(); $pub_content_bundle = array(); foreach ((array) $content_type as $k => $v) { $pub_content_bundle[] = $v['bundle_id']; } $offset = intval($this->input['offset']) ? intval($this->input['offset']) : 0; $count = intval($this->input['count']) ? intval($this->input['count']) : 30; $data_limit = " LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $count; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_cont WHERE sort_id = " . $id . " ORDER BY count DESC " . $data_limit; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $cidArr = array(); $conArr = array(); $other_content = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { if ($row['app_bundle'] && !in_array($row['app_bundle'], $pub_content_bundle)) { $row['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['update_time']); $row['content_url'] = $row['url']; $other_content[] = $row; } else { $cidArr[] = $row['cid']; $conArr[$row['cid']] = $row['count']; } } $cidStr = implode(',', $cidArr); $blDirectReturn = $this->input['direct_return'] && $this->input['direct_return'] != 'false' ? 1 : 0; if ($blDirectReturn) { $this->addItem($cidStr); } else { if ($cidStr) { if ($sort['output_type'] == 1) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishconfig.class.php'; $this->publishconfig = new publishconfig(); $ret = $this->publishconfig->get_column_info_by_ids($cidStr); } else { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishcontent.class.php'; $this->publishtcontent = new publishcontent(); $useColumn = array(); if ($column_id) { $sort['column_id'] = $column_id; } if ($exclude_column_id) { $exclude_column_id = explode(',', $exclude_column_id); $sort['column_id'] = explode(',', $sort['column_id']); $sort['column_id'] = array_diff($sort['column_id'], $exclude_column_id); $sort['column_id'] = implode(',', $sort['column_id']); } foreach ($cidArr as $cv) { $useColumn[$cv] = $sort['column_id']; } $ret = $this->publishtcontent->get_content_by_cid($cidStr, $useColumn); } $arExistIds = array(); if (is_array($ret) && count($ret) > 0) { foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $arExistIds[] = $sort['output_type'] == 1 ? $v['id'] : $v['cid']; //栏目时统计记录的是id 内容统计记录的是cid $ret[$k]['count'] = $sort['output_type'] == 1 ? $conArr[$v['id']] : $conArr[$v['cid']]; } } //发布库删除没有更新统计时条数不准确 下面代码为解决此bug //对比cid差集 $cidStr = explode(',', $cidStr); $delCid = array_diff($cidStr, $arExistIds); //更新已经不存在的内容 if (0 && !empty($delCid)) { $cid = implode(',', $delCid); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "nums SET del = 1 WHERE cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $cache = new CacheFile(); $table = $cache->get_cache('access_table_name'); $table = convert_table_name($table); if ($table) { $table_str = implode(',', $table); } $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge UNION(" . $table_str . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "merge SET del = 1 WHERE cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_cont WHERE sort_id=" . $id . " AND cid IN(" . $cid . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); } // $ret = (array) $ret; $ret = array_merge($other_content, $ret); if (is_array($ret) && count($ret)) { $ret = hg_array_sort($ret, 'count', 'DESC'); foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { if ($sort['output_type'] == 1) { $v['title'] = $v['name']; } $this->addItem($v); } } } } } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "ranking_sort WHERE status = 1 "; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $ret = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { $ret[] = $row; } if ($ret) { foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $this->addItem($v); } } } $this->output(); }
/** * Tests CacheFile->set() */ public function testSet() { $this->CacheFile->set("test", "testing"); $this->assertEquals("testing", $this->CacheFile->get("test")); }
private function debug(CacheFile $cacheFile, $msg) { if ($this->config->isDebug()) { $filename = $cacheFile->getCacheFilename(); echo "[{$filename}] {$msg}<br />"; } return; }
public function GetUserGroup($UserGroupID, $force = false) { $DB = new DB(); $Cache = new CacheFile(); $CacheID = '/Users/UserGroupID/' . $UserGroupID; $result = $Cache->Get($CacheID); if ($result == CacheFile::NOCACHE || $force) { $Sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_usergroups WHERE UserGroupID=' . $UserGroupID; $result = $DB->GetOne($Sql); if ($result) { $Cache->Save($CacheID, $result, CacheFile::__OneYearSeconds__); } } return $result; }