Пример #1
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $dics_for_cache = ['projects', 'types'];
     foreach ($dics_for_cache as $dic_name) {
         ## Refresh dics cache
         #Cache::forget('dic_' . $dic_name);
         $dic_[$dic_name] = Cache::get('dic_' . $dic_name);
         if (!$dic_[$dic_name]) {
             Cache::forget('dic_' . $dic_name);
             $dic_[$dic_name] = Dic::valuesBySlug($dic_name, function ($query) {
                 $query->orderBy('lft', 'ASC');
             }, ['allfields', 'alltextfields'], true, true, true);
             #Helper::d($dic_name); Helper::ta($dic_{$dic_name}); #die;
             $dic_[$dic_name] = DicLib::loadImages($dic_[$dic_name], ['avatar', 'image', 'logo', 'photo', 'header_img']);
             #Helper::d($dic_name); Helper::ta($dic_{$dic_name}); #die;
             Cache::add('dic_' . $dic_name, $dic_[$dic_name], self::$global_cache_min);
         View::share('dic_' . $dic_name, $dic_[$dic_name]);
         #Helper::d($dic_name); Helper::ta($dic_{$dic_name});
     Route::group(array('prefix' => '{lang}'), function () {
         Route::any('/project/{slug}', array('as' => 'app.project', 'uses' => __CLASS__ . '@appProject'));
         #Route::any('/ajax/send-message', array('as' => 'ajax.send-message', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSendMessage'));
         #Route::any('/ajax/some-action', array('as' => 'ajax.some-action', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSomeAction'));
     Route::group(array(), function () {
         #Route::any('/ajax/send-message', array('as' => 'ajax.send-message', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSendMessage'));
         #Route::any('/ajax/some-action', array('as' => 'ajax.some-action', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSomeAction'));
Пример #2
  * Search for movie title
  * @param string $q The search query
  * @return Response
 public function searchTitle($q)
     // init result array
     $result = array();
     // trim query
     $q = trim($q);
     // create slug from query
     $q_slug = str_slug('imdb-' . $q);
     // check if search is in cache
     if (\Cache::has($q_slug)) {
         // retrieve item from cache
         $item = \Cache::get($q_slug);
         // add data to array
         $result = array('fromcache' => true, 'data' => $item);
     } else {
         // url encode query
         $q = urlencode($q);
         // Use the Imdb Api to search for movie
         $imdbResult = json_decode(file_get_contents(sprintf(env('IMDB_SEARCH_TITLE_URL'), $q)));
         // only proceed if the most popular title array is filled and at least contains 1 movie
         if (isset($imdbResult->title_popular) && is_array($imdbResult->title_popular) && count($imdbResult->title_popular) > 0) {
             // extract year from title_description
             $year = intval(substr($imdbResult->title_popular[0]->title_description, 0, 4));
             // create object for this movie
             $item = new ImdbMovie($imdbResult->title_popular[0]->id, $imdbResult->title_popular[0]->title, $year);
             // add item to cache for a year
             \Cache::add($q_slug, $item, 60 * 24 * 365);
             // add data to array
             $result = array('fromcache' => false, 'data' => $item);
     // return json formatted response
     return response()->json($result);
 public function get_exchange_rates()
     //		\Cache::forget('money_exchange_rates');
     if (\Cache::has('money_exchange_rates')) {
         $data = \Cache::get('money_exchange_rates');
     } elseif (is_connected("openexchangerates.org")) {
         $api_key = "bbc128aa6f3645d78b098f0eef3dd533";
         $json = file_get_contents("http://openexchangerates.org/api/latest.json?app_id={$api_key}");
         $json = json_decode($json, true);
         $data['rates'] = $json['rates'];
         $data['base'] = $json['base'];
         // $data['json_rates'] = json_encode($json['rates']);
         \Cache::add('money_exchange_rates', $data, 360);
         \Cache::add('money_exchange_rates_default', $data, 50000);
     } else {
         $data = \Cache::get('money_exchange_rates_default');
     $currency_list = \Lst::common('currency1');
     $arr["site_name"] = "Ahmed-Badawy.com";
     $arr["base"] = $data['base'];
     foreach ($currency_list as $key => $val) {
         $n = ['short' => $key, "name" => $val, "value" => $data['rates'][$key]];
         $arr['rates'][$key] = $n;
     return $arr;
Пример #4
 protected function _getDepartmentList()
     if (Cache::has('departmentList')) {
         return Cache::get('departmentList');
     } else {
         $list = DB::table('sectionmasters')->join('departmentmasters', 'departmentmasters.sectioncd', '=', 'sectionmasters.sectioncd')->select('departmentmasters.departmentcd as departmentcd', 'sectionmasters.sectionname as sectionname', 'departmentmasters.departmentname as departmentname')->get();
         $expiresAt = Carbon::now()->addMinutes(10);
         Cache::add('departmentList', $list, $expiresAt);
         return $list;
Пример #5
 public function institucion($categoria, $id = null)
     $this->options['categoria'] = $categoria;
     $this->options['id'] = $id;
     $encabezado = Estructuras::getEncabezado();
     if ($encabezado) {
         $this->data = Estructuras::getEstructuraEncabezado($encabezado);
     $response = ApiHelper::prepareResponse($this->data, 'institucion', $this->options, $this->total);
     Cache::add(Request::getRequestUri(), $response, Config::get('cache.time'));
     return $response;
Пример #6
 public function crear_key($datos, $results)
     $datos = $this->sii->orderParamsToKeyCache($datos);
     $keyToService = md5(json_encode($datos));
     $response['key'] = $keyToService;
     if (Cache::has($keyToService)) {
         $response['data'] = Cache::get($keyToService);
     } else {
         Cache::add($keyToService, $results, $this->minutesToCache);
         $response['data'] = $results;
     return $response;
Пример #7
 public function fire($job, $data)
     if (isset(app('veer')->cachedView) && config('veer.htmlcache_enable') == true && !auth_check_session()) {
         $cache_url = cache_current_url_value();
         $expiresAt = now(24, 'hours');
         \Cache::has($cache_url) ?: \Cache::add($cache_url, app('veer')->cachedView->render(), $expiresAt);
     } else {
         return $job->release();
     // leave it here
     if (isset($data['repeatJob']) && $data['repeatJob'] > 0) {
         $job->release($data['repeatJob'], 'minutes');
 public function store(Request $request)
     $title = $request->input('title');
     $content = $request->input('content');
     $post = ['title' => trim($title), 'content' => trim($content)];
     $posts = Cache::get('posts', []);
     if (!Cache::get('post_id')) {
         Cache::add('post_id', 1, 60);
     } else {
         Cache::increment('post_id', 1);
     $posts[Cache::increment('post_id', 1)];
     Cache::put('posts', $posts, 60);
     return redirect()->route('post.show', ['post' => Cache::get('post_id')]);
Пример #9
 public static function start()
     $key = static::getKey();
     $start = microtime(true);
     Cache::add($key, 0, static::$intervalSeconds);
     while (Cache::increment($key) > static::$concurrency) {
         if (!static::$spinLockSeconds || microtime(true) - $start > static::$intervalSeconds) {
             die('429: Too Many Requests');
         usleep(static::$spinLockSeconds * 1000000);
Пример #10
 public function manufacture($classname, $id, $row = null)
     // Check that the id is valid
     if ((int) $id == 0) {
         throw new \Exception('Invalid id');
     // Set up the name for the factory array
     $factory_array_name = "_{$classname}s";
     $item = null;
     // Set up the manufactured array if it doesn't exist
     if (!isset($this->{$factory_array_name})) {
         Logging::log("Setting up manufactured array for {$classname}");
         $this->{$factory_array_name} = array();
     // If the current id doesn't exist in the manufactured array, manufacture it
     if (!array_key_exists($id, $this->{$factory_array_name})) {
         // Initialize a position for the item in the manufactured array
         $this->{$factory_array_name}[$id] = null;
         try {
             // Check if the class is cacheable as well
             $cacheable = in_array($classname, array('TBGProject', 'TBGStatus', 'TBGPriority', 'TBGCategory', 'TBGUserstate'));
             $item = null;
             // If the class is cacheable, check if it exists in the cache
             if ($cacheable) {
                 if ($item = Cache::get("TBGFactory_cache{$factory_array_name}_{$id}")) {
                     Logging::log("Using cached {$classname} with id {$id}");
             // If we didn't get an item from the cache, manufacture it
             if (!$cacheable || !is_object($item)) {
                 $item = new $classname($id, $row);
                 Logging::log("Manufacturing {$classname} with id {$id}");
                 // Add the item to the cache if it's cacheable
                 if ($cacheable) {
                     Cache::add("TBGFactory_cache{$factory_array_name}_{$id}", $item);
             // Add the manufactured item to the manufactured array
             $this->{$factory_array_name}[$id] = $item;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
     } else {
         Logging::log("Using previously manufactured {$classname} with id {$id}");
     // Return the item at that id in the manufactured array
     return $this->{$factory_array_name}[$id];
Пример #11
  * @param string $template The name of the template to use for events. These are JSON files and reside in
  *                         [library]/config/schema
  * @throws InternalServerErrorException
  * @return bool|array The schema in array form, FALSE on failure.
 public static function initialize($template = self::SCRIPT_EVENT_SCHEMA)
     if (false !== ($eventTemplate = \Cache::get('scripting.event_schema', false))) {
         return $eventTemplate;
     //	Not cached, get it...
     $path = Platform::getLibraryConfigPath('/schema') . '/' . trim($template, ' /');
     if (is_file($path) && is_readable($path) && false !== ($eventTemplate = file_get_contents($path))) {
         if (false !== ($eventTemplate = json_decode($eventTemplate, true)) && JSON_ERROR_NONE == json_last_error()) {
             \Cache::add('scripting.event_schema', $eventTemplate, 86400);
             return $eventTemplate;
     \Log::notice('Scripting unavailable. Unable to load scripting event schema: ' . $path);
     return false;
Пример #12
  * Search for video
  * @param string $q The search query
  * @return Response
 public function searchVideo($q)
     // init result array
     $result = array();
     // create slug from query
     $q_slug = str_slug('youtube-' . $q);
     // check if search is in cache
     if (\Cache::has($q_slug)) {
         // retrieve item from cache
         $items = \Cache::get($q_slug);
         // add data to array
         $result = array('fromcache' => true, 'data' => $items);
     } else {
         // init Google objects
         $client = new \Google_Client();
         $youtube = new \Google_Service_YouTube($client);
         try {
             $items = array();
             // use youtube search to retrieve video data
             $searchResponse = $youtube->search->listSearch('id,snippet', array('q' => $q, 'maxResults' => 3, 'type' => 'video'));
             // loop through search results
             foreach ($searchResponse['items'] as $video) {
                 // create object for this video
                 $item = new YoutubeVideo($video['id']['videoId'], $video['snippet']['title'], $video['snippet']['description'], $video['snippet']['thumbnails']['default']['url']);
                 // add object to results
                 $items[] = $item;
             // add items to cache for a year
             \Cache::add($q_slug, $items, 60 * 24 * 365);
             // add data to array
             $result = array('fromcache' => false, 'data' => $items);
         } catch (\Google_Service_Exception $e) {
             // log Google_Service_Exception
             \Log::error('Google_Service_Exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
         } catch (\Google_Exception $e) {
             // log Google_Exception
             \Log::error('Google_Exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
     // return json formatted response
     return response()->json($result);
Пример #13
  * can we add several things to the cache and then return them all at once
 public function testFetchArrayOfKeys()
     // to store all the keys and values we are testing with
     $stored_values = array();
     // build and store 26 different values with different keys
     foreach (range('A', 'Z') as $letter) {
         $key = $this->key . '-key-' . $letter;
         $value = $this->key . '-value-' . $letter;
         // put them in the cache one at a time
         $this->assertTrue(Cache::add($key, $value, 10, false));
         // so we can get them all at once below
         $stored_values[$key] = $value;
     // get all the keys simultaneously
     $results = Cache::get(array_keys($stored_values));
     // test all the records were returned as expected
     foreach ($stored_values as $key => $value) {
         $this->assertEquals($results[$key], $value);
Пример #14
 param	options	[
 	processLink=>boolean, #whether to link lock to the process.  Defaults to true
 	timeLink=timeout in seconds #whether to timeout lock hold, and if so, how many seconds to hold lock for before timeout.  Defaults to false
 function lock($name, $options = [])
     //Don't use with forking.  forking will cause response code 47 (temporarily unavailable) for some time after forks end
     $lockPackage = [];
     if (!isset($options['processLink']) || $options['processLink']) {
         $lockPackage['pid'] = getmypid();
     if ($options['timeLink']) {
         $lockPackage['time'] = time();
         $lockPackage['timeout'] = $options['timeLink'];
     $lockPackage = json_encode($lockPackage);
     $initial = Cache::add($name, $lockPackage);
     if (!$initial) {
         $existingLockPackage = json_decode(Cache::get($name), true);
         if (is_array($existingLockPackage)) {
             if ($existingLockPackage['pid']) {
                 $processFile = '/proc/' . $existingLockPackage['pid'];
                 clearstatcache(false, $processFile);
                 //process is no longer running, attempt to get lock
                 if (!file_exists($processFile)) {
                     $return = Cache::add($name, $lockPackage);
                     return $return;
             if ($existingLockPackage['time']) {
                 //timeout period has passed, unlock and attempt to gt lock
                 if (time() - $existingLockPackage['time'] > $existingLockPackage['timeout']) {
                     return Cache::add($name, $lockPackage);
     } else {
         return $initial;
Пример #15
  * 获取上传token
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function getUploadToken()
     if (!config('l5-upload-client.enable')) {
         return '';
     $timestamp = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : 0;
     $version = config('l5-upload-client.version', '1.0');
     $param = ['app_key' => config('l5-upload-client.app_key'), 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'sign' => self::calcSign($timestamp), 'version' => $version];
     // 计算缓存过期
     $cacheKey = self::cacheName(__CLASS__, 'token');
     $uploadToken = '';
     if (\Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
         $cacheToken = \Cache::get($cacheKey);
         if (isset($cacheToken['token']) && $cacheToken['expire_timestamp'] > $timestamp) {
             // 存在 token 且不过期
             $uploadToken = $cacheToken['token'];
         } else {
     if (!$uploadToken) {
         if (!config('l5-upload-client.token_url')) {
             throw new \Exception('Please set lemon picture server token url');
         } else {
             $curl = new Curl();
             $upload = $curl->get(config('l5-upload-client.token_url'), $param);
             $upload = json_decode(json_encode($upload), true);
             if ($upload['status'] == 'success') {
                 $uploadToken = $upload['data']['upload_token'];
                 $expired = (int) config('l5-upload-client.expires');
                 \Cache::add($cacheKey, ['token' => $uploadToken, 'expire_timestamp' => $timestamp + $expired * 60], config('l5-upload-client.expires'));
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception($upload['msg']);
     return $uploadToken;
Пример #16
 public function ValidateToken($token, $isValidating, $user)
     $serviceResponse = new ServiceResponse();
     if ($isValidating) {
         if (Cache::has($token)) {
             //			  Constants->CacheExpirationTime
             //Cache::add($token, $this.GetSessionUser($token), 6000);
             Cache::add($token, $user, 525600);
             Cache::add($user->id, $token, 525600);
             $serviceResponse->IsSuccess = true;
             $this->Token = $token;
         $serviceResponse->Message = trans('messages.TokenIsNotValid');
         $serviceResponse->ErrorCode = "101";
     } else {
         //Cache::add($token, $user, Constants->CacheExpirationTime);
         Cache::add($token, $user, 525600);
         $serviceResponse->Data = Cache::get($token);
         $serviceResponse->IsSuccess = true;
         $this->Token = $token;
     return $serviceResponse;
Пример #17
  * save the values in the cache for faster retrieval next time (and to be kind to the database)
  * @param string $localOnly 
  * @return void
  * @author Craig Ulliott
 protected final function saveCache()
     // the key we use for this object
     $key = $this->buildCacheKey();
     // prepare the data we are saving
     $data = array('primary_key' => $this->ID, 'values' => $this->values, 'cache_values' => $this->cache_values);
     // cache this data
     return Cache::add($key, $data);
Пример #18
  * This recursive method is called to generate the HTML representation of
  * the cached menu that is shown in the menu pane whenever anyone with the
  * associated role id logs in. In the generation of the menu controllers
  * to which the user has no permissions are ignored.
  * @param $roleId     	string 		The id of the role for which the menu is being generated
  * @param $path     	string 		The path of the modules for which the menus is to be
  *	                     			generated.
  * @return String
 private function generateMenus($roleId, $path = "app/modules")
     $prefix = "app/modules";
     //$d = dir($path);
     if (file_exists($path . "/package_redirect.php")) {
         include $path . "/package_redirect.php";
         $originalPath = $path;
         $path = $redirect_path;
         $d = dir($path);
         $redirected = true;
         $redirects = Cache::get("permission_redirects");
         if ($redirects == null) {
             $redirects = array();
         $redirects[] = array("from" => $originalPath, "to" => $path);
         Cache::add("permission_redirects", $redirects);
     } else {
         $redirects = Cache::get("permission_redirects");
         if (is_array($redirects)) {
             foreach ($redirects as $redirect) {
                 if (substr_count($path, $redirect["from"]) > 0) {
                     $redirected = true;
                     $originalPath = $path;
                     $path = str_replace($redirect["from"], $redirect["to"], $path);
         $d = dir($path);
     $list = array();
     // Go through every file in the module directory
     while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
         // Ignore certain directories
         if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && is_dir("{$path}/{$entry}")) {
             if ($redirected) {
                 $urlPath = substr("{$originalPath}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix));
                 $modulePath = substr("{$originalPath}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix));
                 $this->permissions->queryResolve = true;
                 $value = $this->permissions->get(array("conditions" => "roles.role_id='{$roleId}' AND module = '{$modulePath}' AND value='1'"));
                 $children = $this->generateMenus($roleId, "{$originalPath}/{$entry}");
             } else {
                 $urlPath = substr("{$path}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix));
                 $modulePath = substr("{$path}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix));
                 $this->permissions->queryResolve = true;
                 $value = $this->permissions->get(array("conditions" => "roles.role_id='{$roleId}' AND module = '{$modulePath}' AND value='1'"));
                 $children = $this->generateMenus($roleId, "{$path}/{$entry}");
             if (file_exists("app/modules/" . $modulePath . "/package.xml")) {
                 $xml = simplexml_load_file("app/modules/" . $modulePath . "/package.xml");
                 $label = (string) reset($xml->xpath("/package:package/package:label"));
                 $icon = (string) reset($xml->xpath("/package:package/package:icon"));
             } else {
                 $label = "";
                 $icon = "";
             if (count($children) > 0 || count($value) > 0) {
                 $list[] = array("title" => $label == '' ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $entry)) : $label, "path" => $urlPath, "children" => $children, "icon" => $icon);
     array_multisort($list, SORT_ASC);
     return $list;
  * Test add method.
  * @return void
 public function testAdd()
     Cache::set(array('duration' => 1), null, 'memcached');
     Cache::delete('test_add_key', 'default');
     $result = Cache::add('test_add_key', 'test data', 'default');
     $expected = 'test data';
     $result = Cache::read('test_add_key', 'default');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Cache::add('test_add_key', 'test data 2', 'default');
Пример #20
 public function getOrderedChunk($X, $Z, $Yndex)
     if (!isset($this->level)) {
         return false;
     if (ADVANCED_CACHE == true and $Yndex == 0xff) {
         $identifier = "world:{$this->name}:{$X}:{$Z}";
         if (($cache = Cache::get($identifier)) !== false) {
             return $cache;
     $raw = array();
     for ($Y = 0; $Y < 8; ++$Y) {
         if (($Yndex & 1 << $Y) > 0) {
             $raw[$Y] = $this->level->getMiniChunk($X, $Z, $Y);
     $ordered = "";
     $flag = chr($Yndex);
     for ($j = 0; $j < 256; ++$j) {
         $ordered .= $flag;
         foreach ($raw as $mini) {
             $ordered .= substr($mini, $j << 5, 24);
             //16 + 8
     if (ADVANCED_CACHE == true and $Yndex == 0xff) {
         Cache::add($identifier, $ordered, 60);
     return $ordered;
Пример #21
  * @param array $libraryPaths
  * @throws ServiceUnavailableException
 protected static function initializeLibraryPaths($libraryPaths = null)
     static::$libraryPaths = \Cache::get('scripting.library_paths', []);
     static::$libraries = \Cache::get('scripting.libraries', []);
     //  Add ones from constructor
     $libraryPaths = ArrayUtils::clean($libraryPaths);
     //  Application storage script path
     $libraryPaths[] = storage_path('scripting');
     //  Merge in config libraries...
     $libraryPaths = array_merge($libraryPaths, ArrayUtils::clean(\Config::get('df.scripting.paths', [])));
     //  Add them to collection if valid
     if (is_array($libraryPaths)) {
         foreach ($libraryPaths as $path) {
             if (!in_array($path, static::$libraryPaths)) {
                 if (!empty($path) || is_dir($path) || is_readable($path)) {
                     static::$libraryPaths[] = $path;
                 } else {
                     Log::debug("Invalid scripting library path given {$path}.");
     \Cache::add('scripting.library_paths', static::$libraryPaths, static::DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL);
     if (empty(static::$libraryPaths)) {
         Log::debug('No scripting library paths found.');
Пример #22
  * deliver
  * this is the reason all we did all this
  * @return nothing
 protected function deliver()
     $buffer = ob_get_clean();
     $config = array('indent' => true, 'input-xml' => true, 'wrap' => 200);
     $tidy = tidy_repair_string($buffer, $config, 'UTF8');
     if (!$this->isAdmin && !$this->is_404() && ENABLE_CACHE && ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE && class_exists('Cache')) {
         Cache::add($this->cacheKey, (string) $tidy);
     $this->runHooks[] = 'deliver';
Пример #23

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: kevin
 * Date: 14/10/11
 * Time: 17:21
return array('appkey' => '', 'appsecret' => '', 'debounce' => 30, 'retry' => 3, 'logger' => function ($message, $context, $flag) {
    if (!is_array($context)) {
        $context = ['context' => $context];
    $context['flag'] = $flag;
    Log::debug($message, $context);
    return TRUE;
}, 'set_cache' => function ($key, $value, $duration) {
    $expiresAt = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addSeconds($duration);
    return Cache::add('laravel-sms-' . $key, $value, $expiresAt);
}, 'get_cache' => function ($key) {
    return Cache::get('laravel-sms-' . $key, false);
}, 'class_name' => '\\Sms\\Tui3');
Пример #24

<div data-lastcheck="" data-offset="{{\Config::get('post-per-page')}}" data-type="user-timeline"  id="post-list">

$counter = 0;
    @foreach($posts as $post)
$postContent = (string) Theme::section('post.media', ['post' => $post]);
if (Config::get('enable-query-cache', 0)) {
    Cache::add('post-' . $post->id, $postContent, Config::get('post-cache-time-out', 3));


Пример #25
 private function initialize($node)
     $this->title = '';
     $this->keywords = '';
     $this->description = '';
     $this->html = '';
     $this->css = '';
     $this->js = '';
     $is_404 = null === $this->page;
     $this->page = SystemPage::get($node->getProperty('reference'));
     if (null === $this->page) {
         header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
     $this->title = $node->getProperty('title');
     $this->keywords = $node->getProperty('keywords');
     $this->description = $node->getProperty('description');
     eval('?>' . $this->html);
     if (count(Router::$parts)) {
         Router::$parts = array();
         header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
     if (Config::get('CACHE_ENABLED')) {
         Cache::add(Router::$url, Router::export() . $this->html);
         $filename = 'cache/' . md5(Router::$url);
         file_put_contents($filename, php_strip_whitespace($filename));
Пример #26
  * Test add method.
  * @return void
 public function testAdd()
     Cache::delete('test_add_key', 'default');
     $result = Cache::add('test_add_key', 'test data', 'default');
     $expected = 'test data';
     $result = Cache::read('test_add_key', 'default');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Cache::add('test_add_key', 'test data 2', 'default');
Пример #27
 public static function getMulti($params, $mode = SQLDatabaseModel::MODE_ASSOC)
     //Load all models
     $fields = array();
     $field_infos = array();
     $models = array();
     $fieldDescriptions = array();
     $headers = array();
     $fixedConditions = array();
     foreach ($params["fields"] as $field) {
         $fieldreferences = explode(", ", $field);
         if (count($fieldreferences) == 1) {
             $fields[] = (string) $field;
             $field_infos[] = Model::resolvePath((string) $field);
         } else {
             $fields[] = $fieldreferences;
             foreach ($fieldreferences as $ref) {
                 $infos[] = Model::resolvePath((string) $ref);
             $field_infos[] = $infos;
     foreach ($fields as $i => $field) {
         if (is_array($field)) {
             foreach ($field_infos[$i] as $info) {
                 if (array_search($info["model"], array_keys($models)) === false) {
                     $models[$info["model"]] = Model::load($info["model"]);
         } else {
             if (array_search($field_infos[$i]["model"], array_keys($models)) === false) {
                 $models[$field_infos[$i]["model"]] = Model::load($field_infos[$i]["model"]);
                 if ($models[$field_infos[$i]["model"]]->fixedConditions != "") {
                     $fixedConditions[] = $models[$field_infos[$i]["model"]]->fixedConditions;
     // Replace any conditions with filters
     if (isset($params['filter'])) {
         $params['conditions'] = $params['filter'];
     } else {
         $params['conditions'] = '';
     if (count($fixedConditions) > 0) {
         $params["conditions"] = ($params["conditions"] == "" ? "" : "(" . $params["conditions"] . ") AND ") . "(" . implode(" AND ", $fixedConditions) . ")";
     //Buld the query
     $query = "SELECT ";
     $fieldList = array();
     $rawFields = array();
     $functions = $params["global_functions"];
     foreach ($fields as $i => $field) {
         $field_info = $field_infos[$i];
         if (is_array($field)) {
             $concatFieldList = array();
             foreach ($field_info as $info) {
                 $fieldData = $models[$info["model"]]->getFields(array($info["field"]));
                 $concatFieldList[] = $models[$info["model"]]->datastore->formatField($fieldData[0], $models[$info["model"]]->getDatabase() . "." . $info["field"], true, null, true);
                 $rawFields[] = $models[$info["model"]]->getDatabase() . "." . $info["field"];
             $fieldList[] = $models[$info["model"]]->datastore->applySqlFunctions($models[$info["model"]]->datastore->concatenate($concatFieldList), $functions);
         } else {
             $fieldData = $models[$field_infos[$i]["model"]]->getFields(array($field_info["field"]));
             $fieldDescriptions[] = $fieldData[0];
             $headers[] = $fieldData[0]["label"];
             $fieldList[] = $models[$field_info["model"]]->datastore->formatField($fieldData[0], $models[$field_info["model"]]->getDatabase() . "." . $field_info["field"], true, $functions, true);
             $rawFields[] = $models[$field_info["model"]]->getDatabase() . "." . $field_info["field"];
     if ($params['moreInfoOnly'] === true) {
         return array("data" => $data, "fieldInfos" => $fieldDescriptions, "headers" => $headers, "rawFields" => $rawFields);
     $tableList = array();
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $tableList[] = $model->getDatabase();
     $joinConditions = array();
     $hasDontJoin = is_array($params['dont_join']);
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         foreach ($models as $other_model) {
             // skip if the models are the same
             if ($model->name == $other_model->name) {
             if ($model->hasField($other_model->getKeyField())) {
                 if ($hasDontJoin) {
                     $modelPair = "{$model->package},{$other_model->package}";
                     $fieldPair = "{$model->package}.{$other_model->getKeyField()},{$other_model->package}.{$other_model->getKeyField()}";
                     Application::log('GET_MULTI')->debug("Trying to skip a join", ['model_pair' => $modelPair, 'field_pair' => $fieldPair, 'dont_join' => $params['dont_join']]);
                     if (array_search($modelPair, $params['dont_join']) !== false) {
                     if (array_search($fieldPair, $params['dont_join']) !== false) {
                 $joinConditions[] = "{$model->getDatabase()}.{$other_model->getKeyField()}={$other_model->getDatabase()}.{$other_model->getKeyField()}";
     if ($params["distinct"] === true) {
         $query .= " DISTINCT ";
     // Apply any special modifiers to the fields
     if ($params["count"] === true || $params["enumerate"] === true) {
         $query .= ' COUNT(*) as "count" FROM ' . implode(', ', array_unique($tableList));
     } else {
         if ($params["sum"] === true) {
             $query .= "SUM(" . implode("), SUM(", $rawFields) . ") FROM " . implode(", ", array_unique($tableList));
         } else {
             if ($params["max"] === true) {
                 $query .= "MAX(" . implode("), MAX(", $rawFields) . ") FROM " . implode(", ", array_unique($tableList));
             } else {
                 $query .= ($params["resolve"] === false ? implode(",", $rawFields) : implode(",", $fieldList)) . " FROM " . implode(",", array_unique($tableList));
     if (count($joinConditions) > 0) {
         $query .= " WHERE (" . implode(" AND ", $joinConditions) . ") ";
         $query .= strlen($params["conditions"]) > 0 ? " AND (" . $params["conditions"] . ")" : "";
     } else {
         $query .= strlen($params["conditions"]) > 0 ? " WHERE " . $params["conditions"] : "";
     if (is_array($params["sort_field"]) && $params["count"] !== true) {
         if (count($params["sort_field"]) > 0) {
             $query .= " ORDER BY ";
             $orderClauses = array();
             foreach ($params["sort_field"] as $sortField) {
                 if ($sortField["field"] == "") {
                 $orderClauses[] = "{$sortField["field"]} {$sortField["type"]}";
             $query .= implode(", ", $orderClauses);
     } else {
         if ($params["sort_field"] != "" && $params["count"] !== true) {
             $query .= " ORDER BY {$params["sort_field"]} {$params["sort_type"]}";
     if ($params["group_field"] != "") {
         $query .= " GROUP BY {$params["group_field"]}";
         foreach ($rawFields as $field) {
             if ($field != $params["group_field"]) {
                 $query .= "," . $field;
     if (isset($params["limit"])) {
         $query .= " LIMIT ?";
         $params['bind'][] = $params['limit'];
     if (isset($params['offset'])) {
         $query .= " OFFSET ?";
         $params['bind'][] = $params['offset'];
     $data = $other_model->datastore->query($query, $mode, $params['bind'], $params['cache_key']);
     if (isset($params['cache_key'])) {
         Cache::add($params['cache_key'], $query);
     if ($params["moreInfo"] === true) {
         if (isset($params['cache_key'])) {
             Cache::add("{$params['cache_key']}_meta", ['fieldInfos' => $fieldDescriptions, 'headers' => $headers, 'rawFields' => $rawFields]);
         return array("data" => $data, "fieldInfos" => $fieldDescriptions, "headers" => $headers, "rawFields" => $rawFields);
     } else {
         return $data;
Пример #28
 * call the WIB API and convert urls into trackable urls
 * @param mixed $urls 
 * @return void
 * @author Craig Ulliott
function track_urls($urls, $additional_params = null)
    // to make the code easier, and accept one or an array of urls
    if (!is_array($urls)) {
        $urls = array($urls);
        $return_single = true;
    } else {
        $return_single = false;
    // save on bandwidth
    $unique_urls = array_unique($urls);
    // here we add any new params we want to the url
    if ($additional_params) {
        foreach ($unique_urls as $k => $url) {
            // we cant add params to some urls
            if (!stristr($url, 'ad.doubleclick.net')) {
                $unique_urls[$k] = http_add_params($url, $additional_params);
    // build an assoc array to return the new urls
    $new_urls = array();
    // build cache keys
    $cache_keys = array();
    foreach ($unique_urls as $url) {
        $cache_keys[] = 'track_urls_' . $url;
    // try the cache first
    foreach (Cache::get($cache_keys) as $cache_key => $lilurl) {
        $url = substr($cache_key, 11);
        // add to the new url list
        $new_urls[$url] = $lilurl;
        // remove from the $unique_urls queue
        $k = array_search($url, $unique_urls);
        if ($k !== false) {
    // we want to get all the remaining lilurls in one call
    // loop through each
    foreach ($unique_urls as $url) {
        // if we didnt get it from the cache
        if (!array_key_exists($url, $new_urls)) {
            $response = WIB::getClient()->call_method('lilurl.create', array('url' => $url));
    // get the results
    $results = WIB::getClient()->run_batch();
    // get only the parts we want from each URL
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        //the url we passed to the wib api
        $tracked_url = array_val($result, array('results', 0, 'url'));
        // we now go back to the very original $urls array, as we dont want to pass back the "additional params"
        $k = array_search($tracked_url, $unique_urls);
        $original_url = $urls[$k];
        $tracking_url = array_val($result, array('results', 0, 'lilurl'));
        if ($original_url && $tracking_url) {
            // add it to the result
            $new_urls[$original_url] = $tracking_url;
            // cache it for next time
            $from_cache = Cache::add('track_urls_' . $original_url, $tracking_url);
    if ($return_single) {
        return reset($new_urls);
    return $new_urls;
Пример #29
 function getProductPopupData($lang = 'id')
     $result = Cache::get('product_popup_data_' . $lang, function () use($lang) {
         $promo = App\Models\Product::Active()->Promo()->first();
         if ($promo) {
             $data['photo'] = $promo->thumbnail;
             $data['slug'] = $promo->slug;
             if ($lang == 'en') {
                 $data['product'] = $promo->name_en;
                 $data['label'] = $promo->promo_label_en;
             } else {
                 $data['product'] = $promo->name_id;
                 $data['label'] = $promo->promo_label_id;
             Cache::add('product_popup_data_' . $lang, $data, 1);
             return $data;
         return false;
     return $result;
Пример #30
 private static function _load($model, $path)
     global $packageSchema;
     global $redirectedPackage;
     $model = (substr($model, 0, 1) == "." ? $redirectedPackage : "") . $model;
     $model_path = SOFTWARE_HOME . ($path == null ? Application::$packagesPath : $path) . "app/modules/" . str_replace(".", "/", $model) . "/";
     $modelClassName = Application::camelize($model) . "Model";
     add_include_path($model_path, false);
     $array = explode(".", $model);
     $model_name = array_pop($array);
     if (file_exists("{$model_path}/model.xml")) {
         if (CACHE_MODELS) {
             Cache::add("model_path_{$model}", $model_path);
         $instance = XMLDefinedSQLDatabaseModel::create($model_path, $model_name, $model, $path);
     } else {
         if (file_exists("{$model_path}/{$modelClassName}.php")) {
             if (CACHE_MODELS) {
                 Cache::add("model_path_{$model}", $model_path);
             $instance = new $modelClassName($model, $model_name);
         } else {
             $modelPathArray = explode(".", $model);
             $baseModelPath = SOFTWARE_HOME . ($path == null ? Application::$packagesPath : $path) . "app/modules/";
             foreach ($modelPathArray as $index => $path) {
                 $baseModelPath = $baseModelPath . "{$path}/";
                 if (file_exists($baseModelPath . "package_redirect.php")) {
                     include $baseModelPath . "package_redirect.php";
                     $modelPathArray = array_slice($modelPathArray, $index + 1);
                     $modelClassName = $package_name . Application::camelize(implode(".", $modelPathArray)) . "Model";
                     $modelIncludePath = SOFTWARE_HOME . $redirect_path . "/" . implode("/", $modelPathArray);
                     $packageSchema = $package_schema;
                     $redirectedPackage = $redirectedPackage == "" ? $package_path : $redirectedPackage;
                     add_include_path($modelIncludePath, false);
                     $instance = new $modelClassName($model, $model_name);
                     $instance->redirectedPackage = $redirectedPackage;
                     $instance->packageSchema = $packageSchema;
                     if (CACHE_MODELS) {
                         Cache::add("model_path_{$model}", $modelIncludePath);
             if ($instance == null) {
                 throw new ModelException("Failed to load Model [{$model}] with [{$modelClassName}]");
     return $instance;