public static function runRestMethod($executiveUserId, $methodName, $args, $navigation) { static $arManifest = null; static $arMethodsMetaInfo = null; if ($arManifest === null) { $arManifest = self::getManifest(); $arMethodsMetaInfo = $arManifest['REST: available methods']; } // Check and parse params CTaskAssert::assert(isset($arMethodsMetaInfo[$methodName])); $arMethodMetaInfo = $arMethodsMetaInfo[$methodName]; $argsParsed = CTaskRestService::_parseRestParams('ctasklogitem', $methodName, $args); $returnValue = null; if (isset($arMethodMetaInfo['staticMethod']) && $arMethodMetaInfo['staticMethod']) { if ($methodName === 'list') { $taskId = $argsParsed[0]; $order = $argsParsed[1]; $filter = $argsParsed[2]; $oTaskItem = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $executiveUserId); list($items, $rsData) = self::fetchList($oTaskItem, $order, $filter); $returnValue = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $returnValue[] = $item->getData(false); } } else { $returnValue = call_user_func_array(array('self', $methodName), $argsParsed); } } else { $taskId = array_shift($argsParsed); $itemId = array_shift($argsParsed); $oTaskItem = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $executiveUserId); $item = new self($oTaskItem, $itemId); $returnValue = call_user_func_array(array($item, $methodName), $argsParsed); } return array($returnValue, null); }
public function stop() { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $arTimer = CTaskTimerCore::stop($this->userId); $this->cachedLastTimer = null; if ($arTimer !== false && $arTimer['TIMER_ACCUMULATOR'] > 0) { /** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection */ $o = new CTaskElapsedTime(); $o->add(array('USER_ID' => $this->userId, 'TASK_ID' => $arTimer['TASK_ID'], 'SECONDS' => $arTimer['TIMER_ACCUMULATOR'], 'COMMENT_TEXT' => ''), array('SOURCE_SYSTEM' => 'Y')); $oTaskItem = CTaskItem::getInstance($arTimer['TASK_ID'], $this->userId); $arTask = $oTaskItem->getData(false); $arAffectedUsers = array_unique(array_merge(array($this->userId, $arTask['RESPONSIBLE_ID']), (array) $arTask['ACCOMPLICES'])); foreach ($arAffectedUsers as $userId) { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('tasks_user_' . $userId); } } }
protected static function getTask($userId, $taskId) { // on the same $userId and $taskId this will return the same task instance from cache return \CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $userId); }
protected static function SaveTask(&$arFields) { $responsibleID = isset($arFields['RESPONSIBLE_ID']) ? intval($arFields['RESPONSIBLE_ID']) : 0; $typeID = isset($arFields['TYPE_ID']) ? intval($arFields['TYPE_ID']) : CCrmActivityType::Undefined; if (!($responsibleID > 0 && $typeID === CCrmActivityType::Task)) { return false; } if (!(IsModuleInstalled('tasks') && CModule::IncludeModule('tasks'))) { return false; } $associatedEntityID = isset($arFields['ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID']) ? intval($arFields['ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID']) : 0; if ($associatedEntityID <= 0) { return false; } $arTaskFields = array(); if (isset($arFields['SUBJECT'])) { $arTaskFields['TITLE'] = $arFields['SUBJECT']; } if (isset($arFields['END_TIME'])) { $arTaskFields['DEADLINE'] = $arFields['END_TIME']; } if (isset($arFields['COMPLETED']) && $arFields['COMPLETED'] !== 'Y') { $arTaskFields['STATUS'] = CTasks::STATE_PENDING; } $result = true; if (!empty($arTaskFields)) { $task = new CTasks(); self::$TASK_OPERATIONS[$associatedEntityID] = 'U'; $result = $task->Update($associatedEntityID, $arTaskFields); unset(self::$TASK_OPERATIONS[$associatedEntityID]); } if (isset($arFields['COMPLETED']) && $arFields['COMPLETED'] === 'Y') { self::$TASK_OPERATIONS[$associatedEntityID] = 'U'; try { $currentUser = CCrmSecurityHelper::GetCurrentUserID(); $taskItem = CTaskItem::getInstance($associatedEntityID, $currentUser > 0 ? $currentUser : 1); $taskItem->complete(); $result = true; } catch (TasksException $e) { $result = false; } unset(self::$TASK_OPERATIONS[$associatedEntityID]); } return $result; }
/** * @deprecated */ private static function getTaskMembersByTaskId($taskId, $excludeUser = 0) { $oTask = CTaskItem::getInstance((int) $taskId, CTasksTools::GetCommanderInChief()); $arTask = $oTask->getData(false); $arUsersIds = CTaskNotifications::getRecipientsIDs($arTask, $bExcludeLoggedUser = false); $excludeUser = (int) $excludeUser; if ($excludeUser >= 1) { $currentUserPos = array_search($excludeUser, $arUsersIds); if ($currentUserPos !== false) { unset($arUsersIds[$currentUserPos]); } } else { if ($excludeUser < 0) { CTaskAssert::logWarning('[0x3c2a31fe] invalid user id (' . $excludeUser . ')'); } } return $arUsersIds; }
try { $oTask = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $loggedInUserId); $arTask = $oTask->getData(false); $oTask->update(array('DEADLINE' => $value)); ++$processedItems; } catch (TasksException $e) { // some of items can't be processed (no rights, etc) ++$notProcessedItems; } } break; case 'set_group': $value = (int) $_POST['value']; foreach ($arTasksIds as $taskId) { try { $oTask = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $loggedInUserId); $arTask = $oTask->getData(false); $oTask->update(array('GROUP_ID' => $value)); ++$processedItems; } catch (TasksException $e) { // some of items can't be processed (no rights, etc) ++$notProcessedItems; } } break; default: CTaskAssert::logError('[0x8a1747a5] unknown subaction: ' . $_POST['subaction']); break; } break; default:
public static function tasks_extended_meta_setAnyStatus($args) { $arMessages = array(); $parsedReturnValue = null; $withoutExceptions = false; try { CTaskAssert::assert(is_array($args) && count($args) == 2); $statusId = array_pop($args); $taskId = array_pop($args); CTaskAssert::assertLaxIntegers($statusId, $taskId); $taskId = (int) $taskId; $statusId = (int) $statusId; if (!in_array($statusId, array(CTasks::STATE_PENDING, CTasks::STATE_IN_PROGRESS, CTasks::STATE_SUPPOSEDLY_COMPLETED, CTasks::STATE_COMPLETED, CTasks::STATE_DEFERRED), true)) { throw new TasksException('Invalid status given', TasksException::TE_WRONG_ARGUMENTS); } $oTask = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, 1); // act as Admin $oTask->update(array('STATUS' => $statusId)); $parsedReturnValue = null; $withoutExceptions = true; } catch (CTaskAssertException $e) { $arMessages[] = array('id' => 'TASKS_ERROR_ASSERT_EXCEPTION', 'text' => 'TASKS_ERROR_ASSERT_EXCEPTION'); } catch (TasksException $e) { $errCode = $e->getCode(); $errMsg = $e->getMessage(); if ($e->GetCode() & TasksException::TE_FLAG_SERIALIZED_ERRORS_IN_MESSAGE) { $arMessages = unserialize($errMsg); } else { $arMessages[] = array('id' => 'TASKS_ERROR_EXCEPTION_#' . $errCode, 'text' => 'TASKS_ERROR_EXCEPTION_#' . $errCode . '; ' . $errMsg . '; ' . TasksException::renderErrorCode($e)); } } catch (Exception $e) { $errMsg = $e->getMessage(); if ($errMsg !== '') { $arMessages[] = array('text' => $errMsg, 'id' => 'TASKS_ERROR'); } } if ($withoutExceptions) { return $parsedReturnValue; } else { self::_emitError($arMessages); throw new Exception(); } }
foreach ($arChecklistItemsInDb as $oChecklistItem) { if (in_array($oChecklistItem->getId(), $arItemsToRemove)) { $oChecklistItem->delete(); } } } } } } return $arChecklistItems; } else { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException(); } $arResult['BLOCKS'] = array_intersect($arWhiteList, $arParams['BLOCKS']); if (isset($arParams['TASK_ID']) && isset($arParams['LOAD_TASK_DATA']) && $arParams['LOAD_TASK_DATA'] === 'Y') { $oTask = CTaskItem::getInstance($arParams['TASK_ID'], $arResult['LOGGED_IN_USER']); $arResult['ALLOWED_ACTIONS'] = $oTask->getAllowedActions($asStrings = true); $arResult['TASK'] = $oTask->getData(); $arResult['TASK']['META:ALLOWED_ACTIONS_CODES'] = $oTask->getAllowedTaskActions(); $arResult['TASK']['META:ALLOWED_ACTIONS'] = $arResult['ALLOWED_ACTIONS']; $arResult['TASK']['META:IN_DAY_PLAN'] = 'N'; $arResult['TASK']['META:CAN_ADD_TO_DAY_PLAN'] = 'N'; // Was task created from template? if ($arResult['TASK']['FORKED_BY_TEMPLATE_ID']) { $rsTemplate = CTaskTemplates::GetByID($arResult['TASK']['FORKED_BY_TEMPLATE_ID']); if ($arTemplate = $rsTemplate->Fetch()) { $arTemplate['REPLICATE_PARAMS'] = unserialize($arTemplate['REPLICATE_PARAMS']); $arResult['TASK']['FORKED_BY_TEMPLATE'] = $arTemplate; } } if (($arResult['TASK']["RESPONSIBLE_ID"] == $arResult['LOGGED_IN_USER'] || in_array($arResult['LOGGED_IN_USER'], $arResult['TASK']['ACCOMPLICES'])) && CModule::IncludeModule("timeman") && (!CModule::IncludeModule('extranet') || !CExtranet::IsExtranetSite())) {
/** * This function will decrements user counters of new tasks when user view task */ public static function onBeforeTaskViewedFirstTime($taskId, $userId, $onTaskAdd) { $taskId = (int) $taskId; $userId = (int) $userId; // there is self::onAfterTaskAdd() function process case when task added if ($onTaskAdd) { return; } $adminId = self::getAdminId(); if (!intval($adminId)) { return; } // if task not in statuses CTasks::STATE_PENDING or CTasks::STATE_NEW, // than counters of "new tasks" must to have been decremented already (on status change) // or not incremented at all (on task creation). $oTaskItem = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $adminId); $arTask = $oTaskItem->getData($escaped = false); if (!self::isNewStatus($arTask['REAL_STATUS'])) { return; } // The task wasn't viewed by user, but will be viewed just now // So, we must decrement count of unviewed tasks for this user $oTaskItem = CTaskItem::getInstance($taskId, $adminId); $arTask = $oTaskItem->getData(false); if ($userId == $arTask['RESPONSIBLE_ID']) { CTaskCountersQueue::push(CTaskCountersProcessor::COUNTER_TASKS_MY_NEW, CTaskCountersQueue::OP_DECREMENT, array($userId)); } if (isset($arTask['ACCOMPLICES']) && is_array($arTask['ACCOMPLICES'])) { if (in_array($userId, $arTask['ACCOMPLICES'])) { CTaskCountersQueue::push(CTaskCountersProcessor::COUNTER_TASKS_ACCOMPLICE_NEW, CTaskCountersQueue::OP_DECREMENT, array($userId)); } } CTaskCountersQueue::execute(); }
function lambda_sgkrg455d_funcCreateSubtasks($arFields, $arAllResponsibles, $index, $loggedInUserId, $woStepper = false, $parameters = array()) { $allResponsiblesCount = count($arAllResponsibles); $arResponsibles = array_slice($arAllResponsibles, $index); $cutoffTime = microtime(true) + 5; foreach ($arResponsibles as $responsible) { $arFields['RESPONSIBLE_ID'] = $responsible; ++$index; try { $arFieldsToSave = $arFields; // transform UF files if (is_array($arFieldsToSave['UF_TASK_WEBDAV_FILES']) && !empty($arFieldsToSave['UF_TASK_WEBDAV_FILES']) && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('disk')) { // find which files are new and which are old $old = array(); $new = array(); foreach ($arFieldsToSave['UF_TASK_WEBDAV_FILES'] as $fileId) { if ((string) $fileId) { if (strpos($fileId, 'n') === 0) { $new[] = $fileId; } else { $old[] = $fileId; } } } if (!empty($old)) { $userFieldManager = \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance()->getUserFieldManager(); $old = $userFieldManager->cloneUfValuesFromAttachedObject($old, $loggedInUserId); if (is_array($old) && !empty($old)) { $new = array_merge($new, $old); } } $arFieldsToSave['UF_TASK_WEBDAV_FILES'] = $new; } $oTask = CTaskItem::add($arFieldsToSave, $loggedInUserId); // Save checklist data $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->IncludeComponent("", ".default", array('MODE' => 'JUST AFTER TASK CREATED', 'BLOCKS' => array("checklist"), 'TASK_ID' => (int) $oTask->getId()), null, array('HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y')); // copy child tasks if ($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['COPY_CHILD_TASKS'] && intval($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['ORIGIN_TASK'])) { $parentTaskInstance = CTaskItem::getInstance(intval($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['ORIGIN_TASK']), $loggedInUserId); $parentTaskInstance->duplicateChildTasks($oTask); // task access rights check inside } // create child tasks by child templates if ($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['COPY_CHILD_TEMPLATES'] && intval($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['ORIGIN_TEMPLATE'])) { // get template to ensure we own it... $templateData = CTaskTemplates::GetList(false, array('ID' => intval($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['ORIGIN_TEMPLATE'])), false, array('USER_ID' => $loggedInUserId))->fetch(); if (is_array($templateData)) { $oTask->addChildTasksByTemplate(intval($parameters['COPY_PARAMS']['ORIGIN_TEMPLATE'])); // task access rights check inside } } } catch (Exception $e) { } // Timeout only if multistepper can be used if (!$woStepper && microtime(true) > $cutoffTime) { break; } } if ($woStepper) { $needStep = false; } else { $needStep = true; if ($index >= $allResponsiblesCount) { $needStep = false; } } return array($needStep, $index, $allResponsiblesCount); }