Пример #1
  * @ignore
 public static function maybeUpdateThirdParty()
     if (!self::isInCliMode()) {
         // This method can be run in CLI mode only.
         assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         return false;
     $updates = CConfiguration::option("updates");
     $updatesAreEnabled = $updates["enable"];
     if ($updatesAreEnabled) {
         $minTimeBetweenDoUpdatesDays = $updates["minTimeBetweenDoUpdatesDays"];
         $components = $updates["components"];
         assert('is_int($minTimeBetweenDoUpdatesDays)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         // Logging.
         $logging = $updates["logging"];
         $loggingIsEnabled = $logging["enable"];
         $logFp = $logging["logFilePath"];
         if ($loggingIsEnabled) {
             assert('!CString::isEmpty($logFp)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
             $logFp = CFilePath::frameworkPath($logFp);
         // Mailing.
         $mailing = $updates["mailing"];
         $mailingIsEnabled = $mailing["enable"];
         if ($mailingIsEnabled) {
             $adminMail = CConfiguration::option("admin.mail");
             $to = $adminMail["to"];
             $from = $adminMail["from"];
             $transport = $adminMail["transport"];
             assert('!CString::isEmpty($to) && !CString::isEmpty($from) && !CString::isEmpty($transport)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
             if (CString::equalsCi($transport, "smtp")) {
                 $smtpOutgoingServer = $adminMail["smtpOutgoingServer"];
                 $smtpUsername = $adminMail["smtpUsername"];
                 $smtpPassword = $adminMail["smtpPassword"];
                 assert('!CString::isEmpty($smtpOutgoingServer) && !CString::isEmpty($smtpUsername) && ' . '!CString::isEmpty($smtpPassword)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
                 $mail = CMail::makeSmtp($smtpOutgoingServer, $smtpUsername, $smtpPassword, $from, $to);
             } else {
                 if (CString::equalsCi($transport, "system")) {
                     $mail = CMail::makeSystem($from, $to);
                 } else {
                     assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         $thirdPartyDp = $GLOBALS["PHRED_PATH_TO_THIRD_PARTY"];
         $lastUpdateTimeFp = CFilePath::add($thirdPartyDp, self::$ms_thirdPartyLastUpdateTimeFn);
         // Read the file containing the Unix seconds of the last update time stamp (if exists) and compare that
         // time with the current time.
         if (CFile::exists($lastUpdateTimeFp)) {
             $lastUpdateTime = new CTime(CString::toInt(CFile::read($lastUpdateTimeFp)));
             $currTime = CTime::now();
             if ($lastUpdateTime->isBefore($currTime)) {
                 $numDaysSinceLastUpdate = $currTime->diffInDays($lastUpdateTime);
                 if ($numDaysSinceLastUpdate < $minTimeBetweenDoUpdatesDays) {
                     // It is too early for updates yet.
                     return false;
             } else {
                 assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         $date = CShell::currentDate();
         CShell::say("Started on {$date}.");
         if (isset($numDaysSinceLastUpdate)) {
             CShell::say("It has been {$numDaysSinceLastUpdate} day(s) since last successful update.");
         $concurrLockFp = CFilePath::add($thirdPartyDp, self::$ms_thirdPartyConcurrLockFn);
         // Try locking the operation.
         if (!self::setLock($concurrLockFp, false)) {
             assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
             CShell::onError(false, "Could not obtain a lock on the operation.");
             return false;
         $phpConfigNeedsReload = false;
         $totalNumComponents = CMap::length($components);
         $numComponentsUpdated = 0;
         // The Browser Capabilities Project (BrowsCap).
         if (CMap::hasKey($components, "browsCap")) {
             $browsCap = $components["browsCap"];
             $skip = $browsCap["skip"];
             if (!$skip) {
                 CShell::say("Updating the Browser Capabilities Project (BrowsCap) ...");
                 $lookupFileUrl = $browsCap["lookupFileUrl"];
                 assert('!CString::isEmpty($lookupFileUrl)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
                 // Component-related constants.
                 static $s_configOptName = "browscap";
                 static $s_lookupFileDownloadTimeoutSeconds = 120;
                 if (self::hasConfigOption($s_configOptName)) {
                     $browsCapLookupFp = CString::trim(self::configOption($s_configOptName));
                     if (!CString::isEmpty($browsCapLookupFp)) {
                         $browsCapDp = CFilePath::directory($browsCapLookupFp);
                         CShell::say("Downloading a BrowsCap lookup file from '{$lookupFileUrl}' ...");
                         $temporaryFp = CFile::createTemporary($browsCapDp);
                         $downloadRes = CInetRequest::downloadFile($lookupFileUrl, $temporaryFp, $s_lookupFileDownloadTimeoutSeconds);
                         if ($downloadRes) {
                             // After the file is downloaded into a temporary one, move it to the destination,
                             // safely replacing the existing file, if any.
                             CFile::move($temporaryFp, $browsCapLookupFp);
                             $phpConfigNeedsReload = true;
                             $downloadedFileSizeKB = CUUnit::convertStoragef((double) CFile::size($browsCapLookupFp), CUUnit::BYTE, CUUnit::KILOBYTE);
                             $downloadedFileSizeKB = CMathf::round($downloadedFileSizeKB, 2);
                             CShell::say("Done. The downloaded file is {$downloadedFileSizeKB} KB in size.");
                         } else {
                             CShell::onError(false, "Could not download a BrowsCap lookup file from '{$lookupFileUrl}'.");
                         // Just in case, check for any temporary files that could have been left by any previous
                         // operations in the directory.
                         $leftoverFiles = CFile::findFiles(CFilePath::add($browsCapDp, CFile::DEFAULT_TEMPORARY_FILE_PREFIX . "*"));
                         if (!CArray::isEmpty($leftoverFiles)) {
                             // Cleanup the directory from the temporary files.
                             $len = CArray::length($leftoverFiles);
                             for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                     } else {
                         CShell::onError(false, "Could not read the value of '{$s_configOptName}' option " . "in the PHP CLI configuration file.");
                 } else {
                     CShell::onError(false, "Could not find '{$s_configOptName}' option in the PHP CLI configuration file.");
             } else {
                 CShell::say("Skipping the Browser Capabilities Project (BrowsCap).");
         // All the components have been processed. Unlock the operation.
         $date = CShell::currentDate();
         if ($numComponentsUpdated != 0) {
             // One or more third-party components have been updated. Put a time stamp on the directory where the
             // components are located.
             CFile::write($lastUpdateTimeFp, CString::fromInt(CTime::currentUTime()));
             if ($numComponentsUpdated == $totalNumComponents) {
                 CShell::speak("Success. All {$totalNumComponents} third-party component(s)");
             } else {
                 CShell::speak("Partial success. {$numComponentsUpdated} out of {$totalNumComponents} third-party component(s)");
             CShell::say("have been updated. Completed on {$date}.");
         } else {
             CShell::say("No third-party components have been updated. Completed on {$date}.");
         return $phpConfigNeedsReload;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #2
 protected function removeHeader($headerName)
     $headerName = CString::trim($headerName);
     CArray::removeByValue($this->m_requestHeaders, $headerName, function ($element0, $element1) {
         return CRegex::find($element0, "/^\\h*" . CRegex::enterTd($element1) . "\\h*:/i");
Пример #3
  * Returns a string with the current date and time formatted by the shell to allow for consistency with other logs
  * on the system.
  * @return CUStringObject The current date and time formatted by the shell.
 public static function currentDate()
     $date = self::execCommand("date");
     $date = CString::trim($date);
     return $date;
Пример #4
  * Filters a string or a collection of strings according to the expected output type(s) and returns the output
  * value(s).
  * @param  mixed $inputStringOrDecodedCollection The string to be filtered or the array or map containing the
  * strings to be filtered. If the parameter's value is a JSON-encoded string, the output value is going to be
  * either an array or map.
  * @param  reference $success **OUTPUT.** After the method is called, the value of this parameter tells whether
  * the filtering was successful.
  * @return mixed The output value or a collection of values of the expected type(s) after having been put through
  * the filter.
 public function filter($inputStringOrDecodedCollection, &$success)
     assert('is_cstring($inputStringOrDecodedCollection) || is_collection($inputStringOrDecodedCollection)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $success = true;
     if ($this->m_expectedType != self::CARRAY && $this->m_expectedType != self::CMAP) {
         // The expected output type is not a collection; the input value must be of string type.
         if (!is_cstring($inputStringOrDecodedCollection)) {
             $success = false;
             return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
         $inputString = $inputStringOrDecodedCollection;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::BOOL || $this->m_expectedType == self::INT || $this->m_expectedType == self::FLOAT || $this->m_expectedType == self::EMAIL || $this->m_expectedType == self::URL || $this->m_expectedType == self::IP) {
             // Trim the input string on both sides from whitespace, including Unicode whitespace and control
             // characters.
             $trimmingSubjectRe = CUString::TRIMMING_AND_SPACING_NORM_SUBJECT_RE;
             $inputString = CRegex::remove($inputString, "/^({$trimmingSubjectRe})+|({$trimmingSubjectRe})+\\z/u");
         // Pre-process the string for integer and floating-point types.
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::INT || $this->m_expectedType == self::FLOAT) {
             if (CString::startsWith($inputString, "+")) {
                 // Remove the plus sign.
                 $inputString = CString::substr($inputString, 1);
             $looksLikeHex = CRegex::find($inputString, "/^-?0x/i");
             if ($this->m_allowLeadingZeros && !($this->m_expectedType == self::INT && $this->m_allowHex && $looksLikeHex)) {
                 // Remove any leading zeros (except for special cases).
                 $inputString = CRegex::replace($inputString, "/^(\\D*)0*(?!\\b)/", "\$1");
             if ($this->m_allowComma) {
                 $inputString = CRegex::remove($inputString, "/,(?=\\d{3}\\b)/");
         // Validate and sanitize the value according to its expected type.
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::BOOL) {
             if (!CRegex::find($inputString, "/^(1|true|yes|on|0|false|no|off)\\z/i")) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             return CString::equals($inputString, "1") || CString::equalsCi($inputString, "true") || CString::equalsCi($inputString, "yes") || CString::equalsCi($inputString, "on");
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::INT) {
             if (!($this->m_allowHex && $looksLikeHex)) {
                 // Regular.
                 if (!CRegex::find($inputString, "/^-?(?!0(?!\\b))\\d+\\z/")) {
                     $success = false;
                     return $this->m_defaultValue;
                 $value = CString::toInt($inputString);
             } else {
                 // Hex.
                 if (!CRegex::find($inputString, "/^-?0x[0-9A-F]+\\z/i")) {
                     $success = false;
                     return $this->m_defaultValue;
                 $value = CString::toIntFromHex($inputString);
             if (isset($this->m_intValidMin) && $value < $this->m_intValidMin || isset($this->m_intValidMax) && $value > $this->m_intValidMax) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             if (isset($this->m_intClampingMin) && $value < $this->m_intClampingMin) {
                 $value = $this->m_intClampingMin;
             if (isset($this->m_intClampingMax) && $value > $this->m_intClampingMax) {
                 $value = $this->m_intClampingMax;
             return $value;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::FLOAT) {
             if (!CRegex::find($inputString, "/^-?(?!0(?!\\b))\\d*\\.?\\d+(e[\\-+]?\\d+)?\\z/i")) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             $value = CString::toFloat($inputString);
             if (isset($this->m_floatValidMin) && $value < $this->m_floatValidMin || isset($this->m_floatValidMax) && $value > $this->m_floatValidMax) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             if (isset($this->m_floatClampingMin) && $value < $this->m_floatClampingMin) {
                 $value = $this->m_floatClampingMin;
             if (isset($this->m_floatClampingMax) && $value > $this->m_floatClampingMax) {
                 $value = $this->m_floatClampingMax;
             return $value;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::CSTRING) {
             $value = $inputString;
             if (!CString::isValid($value)) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             if (!$this->m_keepAbnormalNewlines) {
                 $value = CString::normNewlines($value);
             if (!$this->m_keepNonPrintable) {
                 if (!$this->m_keepTabsAndNewlines) {
                     $value = CRegex::remove($value, "/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F-\\xFF]/");
                 } else {
                     $value = CRegex::remove($value, "/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F-\\xFF](?<![\\x09\\x0A\\x0D])/");
             } else {
                 if (!$this->m_keepTabsAndNewlines) {
                     $value = CRegex::remove($value, "/[\\x09\\x0A\\x0D]/");
             if (!$this->m_keepSideSpacing) {
                 $value = CString::trim($value);
             if (!$this->m_keepExtraSpacing) {
                 $value = CString::normSpacing($value);
             return $value;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::CUSTRING) {
             $value = $inputString;
             if (!CUString::isValid($value)) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             if (!$this->m_keepAbnormalNewlines) {
                 $value = CUString::normNewlines($value);
             if (!$this->m_keepNonPrintable) {
                 if (!$this->m_keepTabsAndNewlines) {
                     $value = CRegex::remove($value, "/\\p{C}|\\p{Zl}|\\p{Zp}/u");
                 } else {
                     $value = CRegex::remove($value, "/\\p{C}(?<!\\x{0009}|\\x{000A}|\\x{000D})/u");
             } else {
                 if (!$this->m_keepTabsAndNewlines) {
                     $value = CRegex::remove($value, "/\\x{0009}|\\x{000A}|\\x{000D}|\\p{Zl}|\\p{Zp}/u");
             if (!$this->m_keepSideSpacing) {
                 $value = CUString::trim($value);
             if (!$this->m_keepExtraSpacing) {
                 $value = CUString::normSpacing($value);
             return $value;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::EMAIL) {
             $value = filter_var($inputString, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
             if (!is_cstring($value)) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             return $value;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::URL) {
             $value = $inputString;
             if (!CUrl::isValid($value, $this->m_ignoreProtocolAbsence)) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             if ($this->m_ignoreProtocolAbsence) {
                 $value = CUrl::ensureProtocol($value);
             return $value;
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::IP) {
             $value = $inputString;
             $options = CBitField::ALL_UNSET;
             if (!$this->m_allowPrivateRange) {
                 $options |= CIp::DISALLOW_PRIVATE_RANGE;
             if (!$this->m_allowReservedRange) {
                 $options |= CIp::DISALLOW_RESERVED_RANGE;
             if (!$this->m_ipV6 && !$this->m_ipV4OrV6) {
                 $isValid = CIp::isValidV4($value, $options);
             } else {
                 if (!$this->m_ipV4OrV6) {
                     $isValid = CIp::isValidV6($value, $options);
                 } else {
                     $isValid = CIp::isValidV4($value, $options) || CIp::isValidV6($value, $options);
             if (!$isValid) {
                 $success = false;
                 return $this->m_defaultValue;
             return $value;
     } else {
         if ($this->m_expectedType == self::CARRAY) {
             if (!is_cstring($inputStringOrDecodedCollection) && !is_carray($inputStringOrDecodedCollection)) {
                 $success = false;
                 return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
             if (is_cstring($inputStringOrDecodedCollection)) {
                 // Assume JSON format for the input string.
                 $json = new CJson($inputStringOrDecodedCollection, $this->m_jsonStrictness);
                 $value = $json->decode($success);
                 if (!$success) {
                     return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
                 if (!is_carray($value)) {
                     $success = false;
                     return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
             } else {
                 $value = $inputStringOrDecodedCollection;
             $value = self::recurseCollectionFiltering($value, $this->m_collectionInputFilters, $success, 0);
             if (!$success) {
                 return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
             return $value;
         } else {
             if (!is_cstring($inputStringOrDecodedCollection) && !is_cmap($inputStringOrDecodedCollection)) {
                 $success = false;
                 return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
             if (is_cstring($inputStringOrDecodedCollection)) {
                 // Assume JSON format for the input string.
                 $json = new CJson($inputStringOrDecodedCollection, $this->m_jsonStrictness);
                 $value = $json->decode($success);
                 if (!$success) {
                     return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
                 if (!is_cmap($value)) {
                     $success = false;
                     return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
             } else {
                 $value = $inputStringOrDecodedCollection;
             $value = self::recurseCollectionFiltering($value, $this->m_collectionInputFilters, $success, 0);
             if (!$success) {
                 return oop_x($this->m_defaultValue);
             return $value;