public function event($sub = null)
     $cookies = PageTool::getCookies(PageTool::getPage(), CShell::pages());
     //Is this a loadtest?
     $loadtest = !empty($_GET[self::LOADTEST]) && $_GET[self::LOADTEST] == self::LOADTEST;
     //Is this a preview?
     $preview = !empty($_GET[self::PREVIEW]) && $_GET[self::PREVIEW] == self::PREVIEW;
     //Are we testing tracking? Remember to register first.
     $tracking = !empty($_GET[self::TRACKING]) && $_GET[self::TRACKING] == self::TRACKING;
     /* Look for incoming 'eid' in URL - 'eid' is user's encrypted email address appended to the /event link.
     	   This will allow us to "auto-login" a user who has previously registered if they click the link we send
        them in the reminder email on the day of the event. */
     $e = PageTool::checkEID();
     //Get the event position
     $ep = EventTool::getTimePos(time(), -4);
     //If before the event OR Not EID, not registered and not a loadtest.
     if (!$loadtest && ($ep == EventTool::BEFORE && !$tracking || empty($e) && !$cookies[SystemTool::getCookieName()]->set)) {
         header("Location: " . PageTool::getSiteRoot());
     //They are registered and this is not a loadtest
     if (!$loadtest) {
         if (!empty($e)) {
             $email = $e;
         } else {
             $email = base64_decode(SystemTool::sanitize($_COOKIE[SystemTool::getCookieName()], 1));
     //Track visit
     if ($loadtest) {
         $ep = 'test';
         $email = '*****@*****.**';
     //Regardless of early entry what is the original time position?
     $op = EventTool::getTimePos(time());
     try {
         $VTM = new View_trackModel();
         $VTM->addRecord(CShell::track_id(), $email, $op);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     //Check the cache and server and exit if available.
     if (!$preview && APCTool::checkCache()) {
         $this->_return = self::CACHE;
     //If it's a preview clear the cache.
     if ($preview) {
     //If the page is not event/cr
     if (SystemTool::sanitize($sub) != self::CR) {
         if ($ep == EventTool::BEFORE) {
             $url = '';
             $thumb = '';
             $copy = '<strong>And for just $75 for a one-year membership</strong> – 50% discount – you literally make up the cost and are in the black on your very first gold purchase.';
         } else {
             $url = '';
             $thumb = '';
             $copy = '<strong>And for just $79 for a one-year membership</strong> – a savings of $70 off the normal price – you literally make up the cost and are in the black on your very first gold purchase.';
     } else {
         $this->set('cr', true);
         if ($ep == EventTool::BEFORE) {
             $url = '';
             $thumb = '';
             $copy = '<strong>And for just $75 for a one-year membership</strong> – 41% discount – you literally make up the cost and are in the black on your very first gold purchase.';
         } else {
             $url = $url = '';
             $thumb = '';
             $copy = '<strong>And for just $79 for a one-year membership</strong> – a savings of $50 off the normal price – you literally make up the cost and are in the black on your very first gold purchase.';
     //Retrieve the remaining seconds before the event starts.
     $targetDate = $preview ? 0 : EventTool::getTargetDate();
     $this->set('targetDate', $targetDate);
     $this->set('jwplayerkey', CShell::jwplayerkey());
     $this->set('url', $url);
     $this->set('thumb', $thumb);
     $this->set('copy', $copy);