Пример #1
  * Get the patient merge by date
  * @param Date $before before date
  * @param Date $now    now date
  * @return array
 static function getPatientMergeByDate($before, $now)
     $where = array("date >= '{$before} 00:00:00'", "date <= '{$now} 23:59:59'", "type = 'merge'", "object_class = 'CPatient'");
     $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
     $ds->exec("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 100000;");
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addSelect("DATE(date) AS 'date', COUNT(*) AS 'total', GROUP_CONCAT( object_id  SEPARATOR '-') as ids");
     return $ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
Пример #2
  * @return string[]
 function getItemNames()
     $item = new CExListItem();
     $where = array($this->getBackRefField() => "= '{$this->_id}'");
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addOrder("LPAD(code, 20, '0'), name");
     $request->addSelect(array($item->_spec->key, "name"));
     $ds = $item->_spec->ds;
     return $ds->loadHashList($request->makeSelect());
Пример #3
  * Ajout des codes pour les Groups
  * @return bool
 protected function addCodeToGroups()
     $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addSelect(array("group_id", "code", "text"));
     $query = $request->makeSelect();
     $groups = $ds->loadList($query);
     foreach ($groups as $_group) {
         $group_id = $_group["group_id"];
         $code = CMbString::makeInitials($_group["text"]);
         $query = $ds->prepare("UPDATE `groups_mediboard` SET `code`=?1 WHERE `group_id`= ?2", $code, $group_id);
     return true;
Пример #4
 function check()
     $msg = parent::check();
     if (!$msg) {
         $where = array();
         $where["date"] = $this->_spec->ds->prepare("= %", $this->date);
         $where["affectation_id"] = $this->_spec->ds->prepare("= %", $this->affectation_id);
         $where["typerepas_id"] = $this->_spec->ds->prepare("= %", $this->typerepas_id);
         if ($this->repas_id) {
             $where["repas_id"] = $this->_spec->ds->prepare("!= %", $this->repas_id);
         $select = "count(`" . $this->_spec->key . "`) AS `total`";
         $sql = new CRequest();
         $nbRepas = $this->_spec->ds->loadResult($sql->makeSelect());
         if ($nbRepas) {
             $msg .= "Un repas a déjà été créé, vous ne pouvez pas en créer un nouveau.";
     return $msg;
Пример #5
  * Nettoie les operation_id
  * @return bool
 protected function cleanOperationIdError()
     $ds = $this->ds;
     $where = array();
     $where["consultation_anesth.operation_id"] = "!= 0";
     $where[] = "consultation_anesth.operation_id IS NOT NULL";
     $where[] = "(SELECT COUNT(operations.operation_id) FROM operations WHERE operation_id=consultation_anesth.operation_id)=0";
     $query = new CRequest();
     $aKeyxAnesth = $ds->loadColumn($query->makeSelect());
     if ($aKeyxAnesth === false) {
         return false;
     if (count($aKeyxAnesth)) {
         $query = "UPDATE consultation_anesth SET operation_id = NULL WHERE (consultation_anesth_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($aKeyxAnesth) . ")";
         if (!$ds->exec($query)) {
             return false;
         return true;
     return true;
 $results = $ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
 // Eventuelle deuxième requête (pour les lines mixes)
 if (!$commentaire && $one_field_presc) {
     $request_b = new CRequest();
     if ($one_field_presc) {
         $other_fields = ", prescription_line_mix_item.prescription_line_mix_item_id";
     if ($one_field_atcd) {
         $other_fields .= ", antecedent.antecedent_id";
     if ($one_field_traitement) {
         $other_fields .= ", traitement.traitement_id";
     if ($consult_filled) {
         $request_b->addSelect("consultation.consultation_id, patients.patient_id" . $other_fields);
         $request_b->addOrder("patients.nom ASC, plageconsult.date ASC");
     } elseif ($sejour_filled) {
         $request_b->addSelect("sejour.sejour_id, patients.patient_id" . $other_fields);
         $request_b->addOrder("patients.nom ASC, sejour.entree_prevue ASC");
     } elseif ($interv_filled) {
         $request_b->addSelect("operations.operation_id, patients.patient_id" . $other_fields);
         $request_b->addOrder("patients.nom ASC, operations.date ASC");
     } else {
         $request_b->addOrder("patients.nom ASC");
Пример #7
  * Computes the weighted average price (PMP)
  * @param string $since    [optional]
  * @param string $date_max [optional]
  * @param bool   $ttc      Include taxes
  * @return float
 function getWAP($since = "-1 MONTH", $date_max = null, $ttc = false)
     $qty = $this->getSupply($since, $date_max);
     if (!$qty) {
         return null;
     $where = array("product.product_id" => "= '{$this->_id}'", "product_order_item_reception.date > '" . CMbDT::date($since) . "'");
     if ($date_max) {
         $where[] = "product_order_item_reception.date <= '" . CMbDT::date($date_max) . "'";
     $ljoin = array("product_order_item" => "product_order_item.order_item_id = product_order_item_reception.order_item_id", "product_reference" => "product_reference.reference_id = product_order_item.reference_id", "product" => "product.product_id = product_reference.product_id");
     $sql = new CRequest();
     $select = "SUM(product_order_item_reception.quantity * product_order_item.unit_price)";
     if ($ttc) {
         $ttc_select = "product_order_item.unit_price + (product_order_item.unit_price * (product_order_item.tva / 100))";
         $select = "SUM(product_order_item_reception.quantity * ({$ttc_select}))";
     $total = $this->_spec->ds->loadResult($sql->makeSelect());
     return $total / $qty;
  * Get the configuration values of an object, without inheritance
  * @param string  $object_class Object class
  * @param integer $object_id    Object ID
  * @param array   $config_keys  The keys of the values to get
  * @return array The configuration values
 protected static function getSelfConfig($object_class = null, $object_id = null, $config_keys = null)
     static $cache_data = null;
     static $cache = array();
     $key = "{$object_class}/{$object_id}/" . ($config_keys ? implode("-", $config_keys) : "");
     if (isset($cache[$key])) {
         return $cache[$key];
     if ($cache_data === null) {
         $spec = self::_getSpec();
         $request = new CRequest();
         $request->addSelect(array("feature", "value", "object_class", "object_id"));
         $cache_data = $spec->ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
     if ($object_class && $object_id) {
         $data = array_filter($cache_data, function ($v) use($object_class, $object_id) {
             return $v["object_class"] === $object_class && $v["object_id"] === $object_id;
     } else {
         $data = array_filter($cache_data, function ($v) {
             return $v["object_class"] === null && $v["object_id"] === null;
     if ($config_keys) {
         $data = array_filter($data, function ($v) use($config_keys) {
             return in_array($v["feature"], $config_keys);
     $final_data = array();
     foreach ($data as $_data) {
         $final_data[$_data["feature"]] = $_data["value"];
     return $cache[$key] = $final_data;
Пример #9
$stats = new CMediusersStats($date, $period, "DATE(debut)", 18);
$consult = new CConsultation();
$ds = $consult->_spec->ds;
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$query = new CRequest();
$query->addColumn("COUNT(*) total");
$query->addColumn("therapeute_id", "user_id");
$query->addColumn($stats->sql_date, "refdate");
$query->addWhere("{$stats->sql_date} BETWEEN '{$stats->min_date}' AND '{$stats->max_date}'");
$query->addWhereClause("functions_mediboard.group_id", "= '{$group->_id}'");
$query->addGroup("therapeute_id, refdate");
$query->addOrder("refdate DESC");
$totals = array();
switch ($type) {
    case "CEvenementSSR":
        $query->addLJoinClause("sejour", "sejour.sejour_id = evenement_ssr.sejour_id");
        $query->addLJoinClause("users_mediboard", "users_mediboard.user_id = evenement_ssr.therapeute_id");
        $query->addLJoinClause("functions_mediboard", "functions_mediboard.function_id = users_mediboard.function_id");
        // Réalisés
        $query1 = clone $query;
        $query1->addWhereClause("evenement_ssr.realise", "= '1'");
        foreach ($ds->loadList($query1->makeSelect()) as $_row) {
            $stats->addTotal($_row["user_id"], $_row["refdate"], $_row["total"], "realises");
        // Annulés
        $query1 = clone $query;
        $query1->addWhereClause("evenement_ssr.annule", "= '1'");
        foreach ($ds->loadList($query1->makeSelect()) as $_row) {
            $stats->addTotal($_row["user_id"], $_row["refdate"], $_row["total"], "annules");
Пример #10
$owner = CView::post("owner", "str");
$modeles_ids = explode("-", $modeles_ids);
CMbArray::removeValue(array(), $modeles_ids);
if (!count($modeles_ids)) {
    CAppUI::stepMessage("Aucun modèle à exporter");
$doc = new CMbXMLDocument(null);
$root = $doc->createElement("modeles");
$where = array("compte_rendu_id" => CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($modeles_ids));
// Récupération des header_id, footer_id, preface_id et ending_id
$ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
$request = new CRequest();
$components_ids = array();
foreach (array("header_id", "footer_id", "preface_id", "ending_id") as $_component) {
    $request->select = array();
    $components_ids = array_merge($components_ids, $ds->loadColumn($request->makeSelect()));
$modeles_ids = array_unique(array_merge($components_ids, $modeles_ids));
CMbArray::removeValue("", $modeles_ids);
foreach ($modeles_ids as $_modele_id) {
    $modele = CApp::fetch("dPcompteRendu", "ajax_export_modele", array("modele_id" => $_modele_id));
    $doc_modele = new CMbXMLDocument(null);
    // Importation du noeud CPrescription
    $modele_importe = $doc->importNode($doc_modele->firstChild, true);
Пример #11
  * @see parent::check()
 function check()
     $msg = null;
     $ds = $this->_spec->ds;
     if (!$this->perm_object_id) {
         $where = array();
         $where["user_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->user_id);
         $where["object_class"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->object_class);
         if ($this->object_id) {
             $where["object_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->object_id);
         } else {
             $where["object_id"] = "IS NULL";
         $query = new CRequest();
         $nb_result = $ds->loadResult($query->makeSelect());
         if ($nb_result) {
             $msg .= "Une permission sur cet objet existe déjà.<br />";
     return $msg . parent::check();
Пример #12
        $where["sejour.type"] = " = '{$type}'";
} else {
    $where["sejour.type"] = "!= 'urg' AND `sejour`.`type` != 'seances'";
// filtre sur le praticien
if ($prat_id) {
    $where["sejour.praticien_id"] = "= '{$prat_id}'";
$where["sejour.entree"] = " BETWEEN '{$month_min}' AND '{$nextmonth}'";
$where["sejour.group_id"] = " = '{$group->_id}'";
$where["sejour.annule"] = " = '0'";
// Liste des admissions par jour
$request = new CRequest();
$request->addSelect(array("DATE_FORMAT(sejour.entree, '%Y-%m-%d') AS 'date'", "COUNT(sejour.sejour_id) AS 'num'"));
foreach ($ds->loadHashList($request->makeSelect()) as $day => $num1) {
    $days[$day]["admissions"] = $num1;
// Liste des admissions non préparées
$where["sejour.entree_preparee"] = " = '0'";
foreach ($ds->loadHashList($request->makeSelect()) as $day => $num3) {
    $days[$day]["admissions_non_preparee"] = $num3;
// Liste des admissions non effectuées par jour
$where_column = CValue::get("where_column");
$where_value = CValue::get("where_value");
$ds = CSQLDataSource::get($dsn);
$columns = CImportTools::getColumnsInfo($ds, $table);
$orderby = "";
if ($order_column) {
    $order_column = preg_replace('/[^-_\\w]/', "", $order_column);
    if (in_array($order_column, array_keys($columns))) {
        if (!in_array($order_way, array("ASC", "DESC"))) {
            $order_way = "ASC";
        $orderby = "{$order_column} {$order_way}";
$request = new CRequest();
if ($orderby) {
if ($where_column) {
    $where = array($where_column => $ds->prepare("=?", $where_value));
$rows = $ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
$request->order = null;
$total = $ds->loadResult($request->makeSelectCount());
$counts = array(10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000);
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
Пример #14
  * Vérifie l'unicité d'une aide à la saisie
  * @return string
 function check()
     $msg = "";
     $ds = $this->_spec->ds;
     $where = array();
     if ($this->user_id) {
         $where["user_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->user_id);
     } else {
         if ($this->function_id) {
             $where["function_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->function_id);
         } else {
             $where["group_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->group_id);
     $where["class"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->class);
     $where["field"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->field);
     $where["depend_value_1"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->depend_value_1);
     $where["depend_value_2"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->depend_value_2);
     $where["text"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->text);
     $where["aide_id"] = $ds->prepare("!= %", $this->aide_id);
     $sql = new CRequest();
     $nb_result = $ds->loadResult($sql->makeSelect());
     if ($nb_result) {
         $msg .= "Cette aide existe déjà<br />";
     return $msg . parent::check();
 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage Stock
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$ratio = (double) CValue::get("ratio", 2);
$sql = new CRequest();
$sql->addSelect("\r\n  product_order_item.order_item_id,\r\n  product_order_item.reference_id, \r\n  product_reference.price AS RP, \r\n  product_order_item.unit_price AS OP, \r\n  product_order_item.quantity AS OQ, \r\n  product_order.order_id, \r\n  product_order.order_number, \r\n  product_order.date_ordered");
$sql->addLJoin(array("product_reference" => "product_reference.reference_id = product_order_item.reference_id", "product_order" => "product_order.order_id = product_order_item.order_id"));
$sql->addWhere("\r\n  product_order.cancelled = '0' \r\n  AND (product_reference.cancelled = '0' OR product_reference.cancelled IS NULL)\r\n  AND product_reference.price != product_order_item.unit_price\r\n  AND (\r\n    product_order_item.unit_price > product_reference.price*{$ratio} OR \r\n    product_reference.price > product_order_item.unit_price*{$ratio}\r\n  )");
$changes = $this->_spec->ds->loadList($sql->makeSelect());
$changes_struct = array();
$references = array();
$references_cahpp = array();
foreach ($changes as $_change) {
    if (!isset($references[$_change["reference_id"]])) {
        $_reference = new CProductReference();
        $references[$_reference->_id] = $_reference;
        $article = new CCAHPPArticle();
        $where = array("reference_fournisseur" => $article->_spec->ds->prepare("=%", $_reference->supplier_code));
Пример #16
 function getDbIds($min_id = null)
     $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addColumn("DISTINCT id400");
     $tag = $this->getImportTag();
     $where = array("object_class" => "= '{$this->_class}'", "tag" => "= '{$tag}'");
     if ($min_id) {
         $where["id400"] = $ds->prepare("> ?", $min_id);
     return $ds->loadColumn($request->makeSelect());
Пример #17
  * @see parent::getUsersStatsDetails();
 function getUsersStatsDetails($user_ids)
     $ds = $this->_spec->ds;
     $query = new CRequest();
     $query->addColumn("COUNT(`file_id`)", "docs_count");
     $query->addColumn("SUM(`doc_size`)", "docs_weight");
     $query->addColumn("file_category_id", "category_id");
     $query->addGroup("object_class, category_id");
     if (is_array($user_ids)) {
         $in_owner = $ds->prepareIn($user_ids);
         $query->addWhereClause("author_id", $in_owner);
     return $ds->loadList($query->makeSelect());
Пример #18
    case 'month':
        $mysql_date_format = '%Y-%m';
        $php_date_format = '\\2';
    case 'year':
        $mysql_date_format = '%Y';
        $php_date_format = '\\1';
        CAppUI::stepAjax('common-error-Invalid parameter', UI_MSG_ERROR);
$order_by[] = "DATE_FORMAT(`{$patient->_spec->table}`.`naissance`, '{$mysql_date_format}')";
$order_by[] = "`{$patient->_spec->table}`.`nom`, `{$patient->_spec->table}`.`prenom`";
$request = new CRequest();
$request->addTable("{$consult->_spec->table} AS `cs`");
$consultations = $consult->loadQueryList($request->makeSelect());
CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($consultations, 'plageconsult_id');
$patients = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($consultations, 'patient_id');
if ($_print_ipp) {
$sorted_consults = array();
/** @var CConsultation $_consult */
foreach ($consultations as $_consult) {
    // Implicit loadRefPlageConsult()
Пример #19
        $where["element_prescription.category_prescription_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($category_ids);
        $join["prescription"] = "prescription.prescription_id = prescription_line_element.prescription_id";
        $where["prescription.type"] = "= 'sejour'";
        $where["prescription.object_class"] = "= 'CSejour'";
        $where["prescription.object_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($sejour_ids);
        $line_ids = $line->loadIds($where, null, null, null, $join);
        // Prescriptions exécutables
        $query = new CRequest();
        $query->addSelect("DISTINCT prescription_id");
        $query->addWhereClause("prescription_line_element_id", $ds->prepareIn($line_ids));
        $prescription_ids = $ds->loadColumn($query->makeSelect());
        // Séjours planifiables
        $query = new CRequest();
        $query->addSelect("DISTINCT object_id");
        $query->addWhereClause("prescription_id", $ds->prepareIn($prescription_ids));
        $sejour_ids = $ds->loadColumn($query->makeSelect());
        $where = array();
        $where["sejour_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($sejour_ids);
        $join = array();
        $join["patients"] = "patients.patient_id = sejour.patient_id";
        $order = "nom, prenom";
        if ($mode == "count") {
            $counts["plannable"] = $sejour->countList($where, null, $join);
        } else {
            $sejours = $sejour->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $join);
// Mode count
// Don't group by key... of course
CMbArray::removeValue($spec->key, $fields);
// Don't group by date
if ($merge_dates) {
    CMbArray::removeValue("date_debut", $fields);
$select = $fields;
$select["TOTAL"] = "COUNT(*)";
$select["IDS"] = "GROUP_CONCAT(CAST({$spec->key} AS CHAR))";
$orderby = "TOTAL DESC";
$count_min = max(1, $count_min);
$having = array("TOTAL" => $spec->ds->prepare("> ?", $count_min));
$where = array("patient_id" => "IS NOT NULL");
$request = new CRequest();
$list = $spec->ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
$count_total = 0;
foreach ($list as $_corresp) {
    $ids = explode(",", $_corresp["IDS"]);
    if (empty($ids)) {
    // Only keep last
Пример #21

 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage SSR
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
// Liste des RHSs
$rhs = new CRHS();
$req = new CRequest();
$req->addLJoinClause("sejour", "sejour.sejour_id = rhs.sejour_id");
$req->addColumn("date_monday", "mondate");
$req->addColumn("COUNT(*)", "count");
$req->addWhereClause("rhs.facture", " = '0'");
$req->addWhereClause("sejour.annule", " = '0'");
$ds = $rhs->_spec->ds;
$rhs_counts = $ds->loadList($req->makeSelect());
foreach ($rhs_counts as &$_rhs_count) {
    $_rhs_count["sundate"] = CMbDT::date("+6 DAYS", $_rhs_count["mondate"]);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("rhs_counts", $rhs_counts);

/* $Id$ */
 * @package Mediboard
 * @subpackage sante400
 * @version $Revision$
 * @author SARL OpenXtrem
 * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 
// Statistiques sur les id400
$req = new CRequest();
$req->addColumn("COUNT(DISTINCT object_id)", "nbObjects");
$req->addColumn("COUNT(id_sante400_id)", "nbID400s");
$ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
$statTotal = $ds->loadList($req->makeSelect());
$statTotal = $statTotal[0];
$stats = $ds->loadList($req->makeSelect());
// Computes average ID400 count per object
foreach ($stats as &$stat) {
    $stat["average"] = $stat["nbID400s"] / $stat["nbObjects"];
$statTotal["average"] = @($statTotal["nbID400s"] / $statTotal["nbObjects"]);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("stats", $stats);
  * Transform the mb locales with the overwrite system
  * @param array       $locales  locales from mediboard
  * @param string|null $language language chosen, if not defined, use the preference.
  * @return array $locales locales transformed
 function transformLocales($locales, $language = null)
     $ds = $this->_spec->ds;
     $where = array("language" => $ds->prepare("=%", $language ? $language : CAppUI::pref("LOCALE")));
     $query = new CRequest();
     $query->addSelect("source, translation");
     $overwrites = $ds->loadList($query->makeSelect());
     foreach ($overwrites as $_overwrite) {
         $locales[$_overwrite["source"]] = $_overwrite["translation"];
     return $locales;
  * Get observation results for this object
  * @param CMbObject $object Reference object
  * @param bool      $utf8   Encode data int UTF-8
  * @return array|CObservationResultSet[]
 static function getResultsFor(CMbObject $object, $utf8 = true)
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addLJoin(array("observation_result_set" => "observation_result_set.observation_result_set_id = observation_result.observation_result_set_id", "user_log" => "observation_result_set.observation_result_set_id = user_log.object_id AND\r\n                                     user_log.object_class = 'CObservationResultSet' AND user_log.type = 'create'", "users" => "users.user_id = user_log.user_id"));
     $request->addWhere(array("observation_result_set.context_class" => "= '{$object->_class}'", "observation_result_set.context_id" => "= '{$object->_id}'"));
     $results = $object->_spec->ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
     $times = array();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($results as $_result) {
         $_time = CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($_result["datetime"]);
         $times[$_time] = $_result["datetime"];
         $unit_id = $_result["unit_id"] ? $_result["unit_id"] : "none";
         $label = null;
         if ($_result["label_id"]) {
             $label_obj = new CSupervisionGraphAxisValueLabel();
             $label = $label_obj->title;
         $float_value = $_result["value"];
         $float_value = CMbFieldSpec::checkNumeric($float_value, false);
         $_user_name = $_result["user_first_name"] . " " . $_result["user_last_name"];
         $data[$_result["value_type_id"]][$unit_id][] = array(0 => $_time, 1 => $float_value, "ts" => $_time, "value" => $_result["value"], "datetime" => $_result["datetime"], "file_id" => $_result["file_id"], "set_id" => $_result["observation_result_set_id"], "result_id" => $_result["observation_result_id"], "label_id" => $_result["label_id"], "label" => $utf8 ? utf8_encode($label) : $label, "user_id" => $_result["user_id"], "user" => $utf8 ? utf8_encode($_user_name) : $_user_name);
     return array($data, $times);
  * Get the latest constantes values
  * @param int|CPatient $patient   The patient to load the constantes for
  * @param string       $datetime  The reference datetime
  * @param array        $selection A selection of constantes to load
  * @param CMbObject    $context   The context
  * @param boolean      $use_cache Force the function to return the latest_values is already set
  * @return array The constantes values and dates
 static function getLatestFor($patient, $datetime = null, $selection = array(), $context = null, $use_cache = true)
     $patient_id = $patient instanceof CPatient ? $patient->_id : $patient;
     if (isset(self::$_latest_values[$patient_id][$datetime]) && $use_cache === true) {
         return self::$_latest_values[$patient_id][$datetime];
     if (empty($selection)) {
         $list_constantes = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes;
     } else {
         $list_constantes = array_intersect_key(CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes, array_flip($selection));
     // Constante que l'on va construire
     $constante = new CConstantesMedicales();
     if (!$patient_id) {
         return array($constante, array());
     $constante->patient_id = $patient_id;
     $constante->datetime = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $where = array("patient_id" => "= '{$patient_id}'");
     if ($context) {
         $where["context_class"] = " = '{$context->_class}'";
         $where["context_id"] = " = '{$context->_id}'";
     if ($datetime) {
         $where["datetime"] = "<= '{$datetime}'";
     if (count($selection)) {
         $ors = array();
         foreach ($selection as $_item) {
             $ors[] = "{$_item} IS NOT NULL";
         $where[] = implode(" OR ", $ors);
     $count = $constante->countList($where);
     // Load all constants instead of checking every type to reduce number of SQL queries
     /** @var self[] $all_list */
     $all_list = array();
     if ($count <= 30) {
         $all_list = $constante->loadList($where, "datetime DESC");
     $list_datetimes = array();
     foreach ($list_constantes as $type => $params) {
         $list_datetimes[$type] = null;
         if ($type[0] == "_") {
         // Load them, if any ...
         if ($count > 0) {
             // Load them all and dispatch
             if ($count <= 30) {
                 foreach ($all_list as $_const) {
                     $_value = $_const->{$type};
                     if ($_value != null) {
                         $constante->{$type} = $_value;
                         $list_datetimes[$type] = $_const->datetime;
             } else {
                 $_where = $where;
                 $_where[$type] = "IS NOT NULL";
                 $_list = $constante->loadList($_where, "datetime DESC", 1);
                 if (count($_list)) {
                     $_const = reset($_list);
                     $constante->{$type} = $_const->{$type};
                     $list_datetimes[$type] = $_const->datetime;
     // Cumul de la diurese
     if ($datetime) {
         foreach ($list_constantes as $_name => $_params) {
             if (isset($_params["cumul_reset_config"]) || isset($_params["formula"])) {
                 $day_defore = CMbDT::dateTime("-24 hours", $datetime);
                 if (isset($_params["cumul_reset_config"]) && !isset($_params['formula'])) {
                     $cumul_field = '_' . $_name . '_cumul';
                     $reset_hour = str_pad(self::getHostConfig($_params["cumul_reset_config"], $context), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                     $cumul_begin = '';
                     $cumul_end = '';
                     if ($datetime >= CMbDT::format($datetime, "%Y-%m-%d {$reset_hour}:00:00")) {
                         $cumul_begin = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%Y-%m-%d {$reset_hour}:00:00");
                         $cumul_end = CMbDT::format(CMbDT::date('+1 DAY', $datetime), "%Y-%m-%d {$reset_hour}:00:00");
                     } else {
                         $cumul_begin = CMbDT::format(CMbDT::date('-1 DAY', $datetime), "%Y-%m-%d {$reset_hour}:00:00");
                         $cumul_end = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%Y-%m-%d {$reset_hour}:00:00");
                     $query = new CRequest();
                     $query->addWhere(array("`datetime` >= '{$cumul_begin}'", "`datetime` <= '{$cumul_end}'", "`{$_name}` IS NOT NULL", "`patient_id` = {$patient_id}"));
                     $ds = CSQLDataSource::get('std');
                     $constante->{$cumul_field} = $ds->loadResult($query->makeSelect());
                 } else {
                     // cumul de plusieurs champs (avec formule)
                     $formula = $_params["formula"];
                     foreach ($formula as $_field => $_sign) {
                         $_where = $where;
                         $_where[$_field] = "IS NOT NULL";
                         $_where[] = "datetime >= '{$day_defore}'";
                         $_list = $constante->loadList($_where);
                         foreach ($_list as $_const) {
                             if ($_sign === "+") {
                                 $constante->{$_name} += $_const->{$_field};
                             } else {
                                 $constante->{$_name} -= $_const->{$_field};
     // Don't cache partial loadings
     if (empty($selection)) {
         self::$_latest_values[$patient_id][$datetime] = array($constante, $list_datetimes);
     return array($constante, $list_datetimes);
  * MassCount des allergies
  * @param array $dossiers Dossier médicaux
  * @return array
 static function massCountAllergies($dossiers = array())
     $antecedent = new CAntecedent();
     $where["type"] = "= 'alle'";
     $where["annule"] = " ='0'";
     $where["dossier_medical_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($dossiers);
     $where["rques"] = 'NOT IN ("' . str_replace('|', '","', CAppUI::conf("soins Other ignore_allergies", CGroups::loadCurrent()->_guid)) . '")';
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addColumn("count(*)", "c");
     return $antecedent->getDS()->loadHashList($request->makeSelect());
Пример #27
  * Get random value
  * @param string $field       Field name
  * @param bool   $is_not_null Search field not null
  * @return mixed
 function getRandomValue($field, $is_not_null = false)
     $ds = $this->getDS();
     $query = new CRequest();
     if ($is_not_null) {
         $query->addWhereClause($field, "IS NOT NULL");
     return $ds->loadResult($query->makeSelect());
 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage SSR
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$date_min = CMbDT::date("last monday", CMbDT::date("+1 day", $date));
$date_max = CMbDT::date("+7 DAY", $date_min);
// Comptage des événements hors-séjours
$group = "sejour.sejour_id";
$query = new CRequest();
$query->addColumn("COUNT(evenement_ssr_id)", "evenements_count");
$query->addWhereClause("debut", "BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date_max}'");
$query->addWhereClause("type", "= 'ssr'");
$query->addLJoinClause("sejour", "sejour.sejour_id = evenement_ssr.sejour_id");
$query->addWhereClause(null, "debut NOT BETWEEN DATE(entree) AND DATE(ADDDATE(sortie, 1))");
$query->addWhereClause("sejour.annule", "!= '1'");
$sejour = new CSejour();
$ds = $sejour->_spec->ds;
$evenements_counts = array();
foreach ($ds->loadList($query->makeSelect()) as $row) {
    $evenements_counts[$row["sejour_id"]] = $row["evenements_count"];
// Chargement des séjours concernés
  * Get all the fields' names
  * @param bool $name_as_key Put the names in the keys
  * @param bool $all_groups  Load all groups
  * @return string[] List of field names
 function getFieldNames($name_as_key = true, $all_groups = true)
     $ds = $this->_spec->ds;
     $req = new CRequest();
     $req->addSelect("ex_class_field.name, ex_class_field_translation.std AS locale");
     $ljoin = array("ex_class_field_translation" => "ex_class_field_translation.ex_class_field_id = ex_class_field.ex_class_field_id");
     $where = array();
     if ($all_groups) {
         $ex_group = $this->loadRefExGroup();
         $where_ids = array("ex_class_id" => $ds->prepare("= %", $ex_group->ex_class_id));
         $ids = $ex_group->loadIds($where_ids);
         $where["ex_group_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($ids);
     } else {
         $where["ex_group_id"] = $ds->prepare("= %", $this->ex_group_id);
     $results = $ds->loadList($req->makeSelect());
     if ($name_as_key) {
         return array_combine(CMbArray::pluck($results, "name"), CMbArray::pluck($results, "locale"));
     return array_combine(CMbArray::pluck($results, "locale"), CMbArray::pluck($results, "name"));
Пример #30
             $total += $count;
             $series[$key]['data'][$i] = array($i, intval($count));
     // Nombre de transferts
 // Nombre de transferts
 case "transfers_count":
     $data[$axe] = array("options" => array("title" => utf8_encode("Nombre de transferts")), "series" => array());
     $series =& $data[$axe]['series'];
     $sejour = new CSejour();
     $end = end($dates);
     $start = reset($dates);
     $query = new CRequest();
     $query->addWhere(array("sejour.entree" => "BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}'", "sejour.etablissement_sortie_id" => "IS NOT NULL"));
     $etab_externe_ids = $sejour->_spec->ds->loadColumn($query->makeSelect());
     $etab_externe = new CEtabExterne();
     $etabs = $etab_externe->loadList(array($etab_externe->_spec->key => $etab_externe->_spec->ds->prepareIn($etab_externe_ids)));
     $etabs["none"] = $etab_externe;
     $etabs["none"]->_view = "Non renseigné";
     $where["sejour.mode_sortie"] = "= 'transfert'";
     $key = 0;
     foreach ($etabs as $_id => $_etab) {
         $series[$key] = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode($_etab->_view));
         $sub_total = 0;
         foreach ($dates as $i => $_date) {
             $_date_next = CMbDT::date("+1 {$period}", $_date);
             $where['sejour.entree'] = "BETWEEN '{$_date}' AND '{$_date_next}'";