Пример #1
$prat = new CMediusers();
$function_prat = $prat->loadRefFunction();
$user = new CMediusers();
$nbjours = 7;
$listPlageConsult = new CPlageconsult();
$listPlageOp = new CPlageOp();
$where = array();
$where["date"] = "= '{$fin}'";
$where["chir_id"] = " = '{$chirSel}'";
$operation = new COperation();
$operation->chir_id = $chirSel;
$operation->date = $fin;
// find for day number
if (!$listPlageConsult->countList($where) && !$listPlageOp->countList($where) && !$operation->countMatchingList()) {
    // Aucune plage le dimanche, on peut donc tester le samedi.
    $dateArr = CMbDT::date("-1 day", $fin);
    $where["date"] = "= '{$dateArr}'";
    $operation->date = $dateArr;
    if (!$listPlageConsult->countList($where) && !$listPlageOp->countList($where) && !$operation->countMatchingList()) {
// Instanciation du planning
$planning = new CPlanningWeek($debut, $debut, $fin, $nbjours, false, null, null, true);
if ($user->load($chirSel)) {
    $planning->title = $user->load($chirSel)->_view;
} else {
    $planning->title = "";
Пример #2
$purge_start_date = CValue::post('purge_start_date', CMbDT::date());
$purge_limit = CValue::post('purge_limit');
$practitioner_id = CValue::post('practitioner_id');
$just_count = CValue::post('just_count');
if (!$purge_start_date) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("common-error-You must select a start date", UI_MSG_ERROR);
$purge_limit = $purge_limit ? $purge_limit : 100;
$ds = CSQLDataSource::get('std');
$plage_op = new CPlageOp();
$ljoin = array('operations' => '`plagesop`.`plageop_id` = `operations`.`plageop_id`');
$where = array('plagesop.date' => $ds->prepare('>= ?', $purge_start_date), 'operations.plageop_id' => 'IS NULL');
if ($practitioner_id) {
    $where['plagesop.chir_id'] = $ds->prepare('= ?', $practitioner_id);
$count = $plage_op->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
$msg = '%d CPlageOp to be removed.';
if ($count == 1) {
    $msg = 'One CPlageOp to be removed.';
} elseif (!$count) {
    $msg = 'No CPlageOp to be removed.';
CAppUI::stepAjax("CPlageOp-msg-{$msg}", UI_MSG_OK, $count);
if ($just_count || !$count) {
    CAppUI::js("\$('clean_plage_auto').checked = false");
$plages_op = $plage_op->loadList($where, null, $purge_limit, null, $ljoin);
if (!$plages_op) {
    CAppUI::js("\$('clean_plage_auto').checked = false");
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CPlageOp-msg-No CPlageOp to be removed.", UI_MSG_OK);
Пример #3
 $where = array();
 $_date_min = $date_temp;
 $_date_max = CMbDT::date("+1 WEEK -1 DAY", $date_temp);
 $dates_planning[$date_temp] = $date_temp;
 $results[$date_temp] = array("date_min" => $_date_min, "date_max" => $_date_max);
 $dates[$date_temp] = array();
 for ($date = $_date_min; $date <= $_date_max; $date = CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $date)) {
     $dates[$date_temp][$date] = $date;
 // On teste si l'on peut retirer le dimanche
 $where["date"] = "= '{$date_max}'";
 if ($bloc_id) {
     $ljoin["sallesbloc"] = "sallesbloc.salle_id = plagesop.salle_id";
     $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = "= '{$bloc_id}'";
 if ($plage->countList($where, null, $ljoin) == 0) {
 // Puis le samedi
 $where["date"] = "= '" . CMbDT::date("-1 day", $date_max) . "'";
 if ($plage->countList($where, null, $ljoin) == 0) {
 foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
     foreach ($_bloc->_ref_salles as $_salle) {
         foreach ($dates[$date_temp] as $date) {
             $where["salle_id"] = "= '{$_salle->_id}'";
             $results[$date_temp][$_salle->_id][$date] = array("am" => "", "pm" => "");
             foreach ($results[$date_temp][$_salle->_id][$date] as $key => &$_result_by_creneau) {
                 $where["date"] = " = '{$date}'";