  * check before store
  * @return null|string
 function check()
     $this->completeField("date_debut", "date_fin", "user_id");
     $plage_conge = new CPlageConge();
     $plage_conge->user_id = $this->user_id;
     $plages_conge = $plage_conge->loadMatchingList();
     /** @var $plages_conge CPlageConge[] */
     foreach ($plages_conge as $_plage) {
         if (CMbRange::collides($this->date_debut, $this->date_fin, $_plage->date_debut, $_plage->date_fin)) {
             return CAppUI::tr("CPlageConge-conflit %s", $_plage->_view);
     return parent::check();
Пример #2
} else {
    list($a, $m, $j) = explode("-", $filter->date_debut);
    $debut_periode = "{$a}-{$m}-01";
    $fin_periode = CMbDT::transform('+1 month', $debut_periode, '%Y-%m-%d');
    $fin_periode = CMbDT::transform('-1 day', $fin_periode, '%Y-%m-%d');
$tableau_periode = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < CMbDT::daysRelative($debut_periode, $fin_periode) + 1; $i++) {
    $tableau_periode[$i] = CMbDT::transform('+' . $i . 'day', $debut_periode, '%Y-%m-%d');
$where = array();
$where[] = "((date_debut >= '{$debut_periode}' AND date_debut <= '{$fin_periode}'" . ")OR (date_fin >= '{$debut_periode}' AND date_fin <= '{$fin_periode}')" . "OR (date_debut <='{$debut_periode}' AND date_fin >= '{$fin_periode}'))";
$where["user_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($mediusers), $filter->user_id);
$plageconge = new CPlageConge();
$plagesconge = array();
$orderby = "user_id";
/** @var CPlageConge[] $plagesconge */
$plagesconge = $plageconge->loadList($where, $orderby);
$tabUser_plage = array();
$tabUser_plage_indices = array();
foreach ($plagesconge as $_plage) {
    $_plage->_deb = CMbDT::daysRelative($debut_periode, $_plage->date_debut);
    $_plage->_fin = CMbDT::daysRelative($_plage->date_debut, $_plage->date_fin) + 1;
    $_plage->_duree = CMbDT::daysRelative($_plage->date_debut, $_plage->date_fin) + 1;
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("debut_periode", $debut_periode);
Пример #3
  * Charge la plage de congés pour un technicien à une date donnée
  * @param date $date Date de référence
  * @return CPlageConge
 function loadRefCongeDate($date)
     $this->_ref_conge_date = new CPlageConge();
     $this->_ref_conge_date->loadFor($this->kine_id, $date);
     return $this->_ref_conge_date;
Пример #4
 * $Id:$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage dPpersonnel
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision:$
$user_id = CValue::getorSession("user_id");
$plage_id = CValue::get("plage_id");
$user = new CMediusers();
// Plages de congés pour l'utilisateur
$plage_conge = new CPlageConge();
$plage_conge->user_id = $user_id;
$plages_conge = $plage_conge->loadMatchingList("date_debut");
foreach ($plages_conge as $_plage) {
    $replacer =& $_plage->_fwd["replacer_id"];
$new_plageconge = new CPlageConge();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("user", $user);
$smarty->assign("plages_conge", $plages_conge);
$smarty->assign("new_plageconge", $new_plageconge);
$smarty->assign("plage_id", $plage_id);
Пример #5
 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage SSR
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$type = CValue::getOrSession("type");
// Week dates
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$monday = CMbDT::date("last monday", CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $date));
$sunday = CMbDT::date("next sunday", CMbDT::date("-1 DAY", $date));
// Chargement des conges
$plage_conge = new CPlageConge();
$where = array();
$where["date_debut"] = "<= '{$sunday}'";
$where["date_fin"] = ">= '{$monday}'";
$order = "date_debut DESC, date_fin DESC";
/** @var CPlageConge[] $plages_conge */
$plages_conge = $plage_conge->loadList($where, $order);
// Début et fin d'activite
foreach (CEvenementSSR::getActiveTherapeutes($monday, $sunday) as $_therapeute) {
    // Pseudo plage de début
    if (($deb = $_therapeute->deb_activite) && $deb >= $monday) {
        $plage = CPlageConge::makePseudoPlage($_therapeute->_id, "deb", $monday);
        $plages_conge[$plage->_id] = $plage;
    // Pseudo plage de fin
    if (($fin = $_therapeute->fin_activite) && $fin <= $sunday) {
Пример #6
foreach ($plagesOp as $_op) {
    $color = "#BCE";
    //to check if group is present group
    $g = CGroups::loadCurrent();
    if ($_op->_ref_salle->_ref_bloc->group_id != $g->_id) {
        $color = "#748dee";
    ajoutEvent($planning, $_op, $_op->date, $_op->_ref_salle->nom, $color, "operation");
// plages conge
if (CModule::getActive("dPpersonnel")) {
    $conge = new CPlageConge();
    $where_conge = array();
    $where_conge["date_debut"] = " <= '{$fin}' ";
    $where_conge["date_fin"] = " >= '{$debut}' ";
    $where_conge["user_id"] = " = '{$chirSel}' ";
    /** @var CPlageConge[] $conges */
    $conges = $conge->loadList($where_conge);
    foreach ($conges as $_conge) {
        $_dates = array();
        $_dates[] = $_conge->date_debut;
        $_date = $_conge->date_debut;
        if ($_conge->date_debut != $_conge->date_fin) {
            while ($_date != $_conge->date_fin) {
                $_date = CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $_date);
                $_dates[] = $_date;
     $conge = new CPlageConge();
     $conge->loadFor($therapeute_id, $_day);
     // Référent en congés
     if ($conge->_id) {
         $replacement = new CReplacement();
         $replacement->conge_id = $conge->_id;
         $replacement->sejour_id = $sejour->_id;
         if ($replacement->_id) {
             $evenement->therapeute_id = $replacement->replacer_id;
 // Transfert kiné remplacant => kiné référant si présent
 if ($sejour->isReplacer($therapeute_id)) {
     $conge = new CPlageConge();
     $conge->loadFor($referent->_id, $_day);
     // Référent présent
     if (!$conge->_id) {
         $evenement->therapeute_id = $referent->_id;
 // Si l'evenement n'est pas une seance collective
 if ($type_seance != "collective") {
     $evenement->prescription_line_element_id = $line_id;
     $evenement->sejour_id = $sejour_id;
 // Store de l'evenement ou de la nouvelle seance
 $msg = $evenement->store();
 CAppUI::displayMsg($msg, "CEvenementSSR-msg-create");
 $evenement_actes_id = $evenement->_id;
Пример #8

 * $Id:$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage dPpersonnel
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision:$
$plage_id = CValue::get("plage_id");
$user_id = CValue::getOrSession("user_id");
$user = CMediusers::get($user_id);
// Chargement de la plage
$plageconge = new CPlageConge();
$plageconge->user_id = $user_id;
// Remplaçants disponibles
$replacers = $user->loadUsers();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("user", $user);
$smarty->assign("plageconge", $plageconge);
$smarty->assign("replacers", $replacers);
$sejour_id = CValue::post("sejour_id");
$conge_id = CValue::post("conge_id");
$replacer_id = CValue::post("replacer_id");
// Standard plage
$conge = new CPlageConge();
// Week dates
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$monday = CMbDT::date("last monday", CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $date));
$sunday = CMbDT::date("next sunday", CMbDT::date("-1 DAY", $date));
// Pseudo plage for user activity
if (preg_match("/[deb|fin][\\W][\\d]+/", $conge_id)) {
    list($activite, $user_id) = explode("-", $conge_id);
    $limit = $activite == "deb" ? $monday : $sunday;
    $conge = CPlageConge::makePseudoPlage($user_id, $activite, $limit);
// Events to be transfered
$evenement = new CEvenementSSR();
$where = array();
$date_min = max($monday, $conge->date_debut);
$date_max = CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", min($sunday, $conge->date_fin));
$where["therapeute_id"] = " = '{$conge->user_id}'";
$where["sejour_id"] = " = '{$sejour_id}'";
$where["debut"] = " BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date_max}'";
/** @var CEvenementSSR[] $evenements */
$evenements = $evenement->loadList($where);
foreach ($evenements as $_evenement) {
    $_evenement->therapeute_id = $replacer_id;
    $msg = $_evenement->store();
    CAppUI::displayMsg($msg, "CEvenementSSR-msg-modify");
Пример #10

 * $Id:$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage dPpersonnel
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision:$
// Get filter
$filter = new CPlageConge();
$year = date("Y");
$filter->user_id = CValue::get("user_id", CAppUI::$user->_id);
$filter->_id = CValue::get("plage_id", "");
$filter->date_debut = CValue::get("date_debut", "{$year}-01-01");
$filter->date_fin = CValue::get("date_fin", "{$year}-12-31");
// load available users
$mediuser = new CMediusers();
$mediusers = $mediuser->loadListFromType();
// load ref function
foreach ($mediusers as $_medius) {
// Query
$where = array();
$where["user_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($mediusers), $filter->user_id);
$debut = CValue::first($filter->date_debut, $filter->date_fin);
$fin = CValue::first($filter->date_fin, $filter->date_debut);
if ($fin || $debut) {
Пример #11
$where = array();
if ($function_id) {
    $where["function_id"] = " = '{$function_id}'";
} else {
    $where["user_id"] = " = '{$prat_id}'";
$prats = $prat->loadList($where);
$function = new CFunctions();
$ds = $function->getDS();
$calendar = new CPlanningMonth($date);
$calendar->title = htmlentities(CMbDT::format($date, "%B %Y"));
foreach ($prats as $_prat) {
    // plages de congés (si mode prat)
    if (!$function_id && CModule::getActive("dPpersonnel")) {
        $plage_cong = new CPlageConge();
        $plages_cong = $plage_cong->loadListForRange($_prat->_id, $calendar->date_min, $calendar->date_max);
        foreach ($plages_cong as $_conge) {
            $first_day = $_conge->date_debut;
            $last_day = $_conge->date_fin;
            $replaced_by = new CMediusers();
            while ($last_day >= $first_day) {
                $calendar->addClassesForDay("disabled", $first_day);
                if ($replaced_by->_id) {
                    $event = new CPlanningEvent($_conge->_guid, $first_day);
                    $event->title = "<strong>" . ($_conge->_view ? $_conge->_view : "Congés");
                    if ($function_id) {
                        $event->title .= " (" . $_prat->_shortview . ")";
                    $event->title .= $replaced_by ? " remplacé par " . $replaced_by->_view . "</strong> " : null;
Пример #12
$actes = CValue::get("actes");
$function = new CFunctions();
$muser = new CMediusers();
$musers = $muser->loadProfessionnelDeSanteByPref(PERM_READ, $function_id, null, true);
$planning = new CPlanningWeek(0, 0, count($musers), count($musers), false, "auto");
$planning->title = "Planning du " . htmlentities(CMbDT::format($date, "%A %d %B %Y"));
$planning->guid = "planning_j_n";
$planning->dragndrop = 1;
$planning->hour_divider = 12;
$planning->show_half = true;
$i = 0;
foreach ($musers as $_user) {
    $user_id = $_user->_id;
    // plages conge
    $conge = new CPlageConge();
    $where = array();
    $where["date_debut"] = " <= '{$date}'";
    $where["date_fin"] = " >= '{$date}'";
    $where["user_id"] = " = '{$_user->_id}'";
    $nb_conges = $conge->countList($where);
    if ($nb_conges) {
        $libelle = '<h3 style="text-align: center">
    <p style="text-align: center">' . CMbString::htmlEntities($conge->libelle) . '</p>';
        if ($conge->replacer_id) {
            $replacer = $conge->loadRefReplacer();
            $libelle .= '<p style="text-align: center">Remplacé par : ' . CMbString::htmlEntities($replacer->_view) . '</p>';
        $event = new CPlanningEvent($conge->_guid, "{$i} {$conge->date_debut} 00:00:00", 1440, $libelle, "#ffe87e", true, "hatching", null, false);
Пример #13
  * Charge les possibles congés du remplacant pendant le remplacement
  * @return CPlageConge[]
 function checkCongesRemplacer()
     $conge = new CPlageConge();
     return $this->_ref_replacer_conges = $conge->loadListForRange($this->replacer_id, $this->_min_deb, $this->_max_fin);