  * Constructs an instance of the Response class.
  * @param CPS_Connection &$connection CPS connection object
  * @param CPS_Request &$request The original request that the response is to
  * @param string &$responseXml The raw XML response
  * @param bool $noCdata set this to TRUE if you want cdata returned as text
 public function __construct(CPS_Connection &$connection, CPS_Request &$request, &$responseXml, $noCdata = FALSE)
     try {
         $this->_simpleXml = @new SimpleXMLElement($responseXml, ($noCdata ? LIBXML_NOCDATA : 0) | LIBXML_COMPACT | LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new CPS_Exception(array(array('long_message' => 'Invalid response XML', 'code' => ERROR_CODE_INVALID_RESPONSE, 'level' => 'ERROR', 'source' => 'CPS_API')), $e);
     $cpsChildren = $this->_simpleXml->children('www.clusterpoint.com');
     if (count($cpsChildren) == 0) {
         throw new CPS_Exception(array(array('long_message' => 'Invalid response XML', 'code' => ERROR_CODE_INVALID_RESPONSE, 'level' => 'ERROR', 'source' => 'CPS_API')));
     $this->_textParamNames = array('hits', 'from', 'to', 'found', 'real_query', 'iterator_id', 'more', 'cursor_id', 'cursor_data');
     $this->_connection = $connection;
     $this->_storageName = (string) $cpsChildren->storage;
     $this->_command = (string) $cpsChildren->command;
     $this->_seconds = (double) $cpsChildren->seconds;
     $this->_errors = $cpsChildren->error;
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($this->_errors as $error) {
         $error = $error->children();
         if ($error->level == 'REJECTED' || $error->level == 'FAILED' || $error->level == 'ERROR' || $error->level == 'FATAL') {
             $errorArray = array('long_message' => (string) $error->message, 'short_message' => (string) $error->text, 'code' => (int) $error->code, 'source' => (string) $error->source, 'level' => (string) $error->level);
             if (isset($error->document_id)) {
                 $errorArray['document_id'] = (string) $error->document_id;
                 // this line = backwards compatibility
                 $errorArray['document_ids'] = array();
                 foreach ($error->document_id as $errDocId) {
                     $errorArray['document_ids'][] = (string) $errDocId;
             $errors[] = $errorArray;
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         throw new CPS_Exception($errors);
     $this->_documents = array();
     $this->_facets = array();
     $this->_aggregate = array();
     $this->_textParams = array();
     $this->_words = array();
     $this->_wordCounts = array();
     $this->_contentArray = array();
     $this->_paths = array();
     if (isset($cpsChildren->content)) {
         $cpsContent = $cpsChildren->content->children();
         $docs = NULL;
         $saveDocs = true;
         // extracting documents / document IDs
         $idPath = $connection->getDocumentIdXpath();
         switch ($this->_command) {
             case 'update':
             case 'insert':
                 $this->_contentArray = CPS_Response::simpleXmlToArray($cpsContent);
             case 'delete':
             case 'partial-replace':
             case 'partial-xreplace':
             case 'replace':
                 $docs = $cpsContent;
                 $idPath[0] = 'document';
                 // TODO: Jasalabo datubazes puse lai atgriez korekti
             // TODO: Jasalabo datubazes puse lai atgriez korekti
             case 'lookup':
                 if (!isset($cpsContent->results)) {
                     $docs = $cpsContent;
                 if ($this->_command != 'lookup') {
                     $saveDocs = false;
             case 'search':
             case 'retrieve':
             case 'retrieve-last':
             case 'retrieve-first':
             case 'list-last':
             case 'list-first':
             case 'similar':
             case 'show-history':
             case 'cursor-next-batch':
                 if (is_null($docs)) {
                     if (isset($cpsContent->results)) {
                         $docs = $cpsContent->results[0];
                     } else {
                         $docs = array();
                 $this->_rawResults = $docs;
                 $curpos = 0;
                 foreach ($docs as $rootTag => $doc) {
                     if ($rootTag == $idPath[0]) {
                         if ($this->_command == 'show-history') {
                             $id = (string) $doc->children('www.clusterpoint.com')->revision_id;
                         } else {
                             $id = '';
                             $cur = $doc;
                             for ($i = 1; $i < count($idPath); ++$i) {
                                 $path = $idPath[$i];
                                 if (!isset($cur->{$path})) {
                                 if ($i == count($idPath) - 1) {
                                     $id = (string) $cur->{$path};
                                 } else {
                                     $cur = $cur->{$path};
                         if (strlen($id) > 0) {
                             $index = $id;
                         } else {
                             $index = $curpos;
                         $this->_documents[$index] = $saveDocs ? $doc : NULL;
             case 'alternatives':
                 if (isset($cpsContent->alternatives_list)) {
                     foreach ($cpsContent->alternatives_list->alternatives as $alt) {
                         $alts = array();
                         foreach ($alt->word as $word) {
                             $alts[(string) $word] = array('h' => (string) $word['h'], 'idif' => (string) $word['idif'], 'cr' => (string) $word['cr'], 'count' => (string) $word['count']);
                         $this->_words[(string) $alt->to] = $alts;
                         $this->_wordCounts[(string) $alt->to] = intval($alt->count);
             case 'list-words':
                 if (isset($cpsContent->list)) {
                     foreach ($cpsContent->list as $list) {
                         $words = array();
                         foreach ($list->word as $word) {
                             $words[(string) $word] = (string) $word['count'];
                         $this->_words[(string) $list['to']] = $words;
             case 'status':
             case 'list-backups':
             case 'make-backup':
             case 'restore':
             case 'list-paths':
             case 'list-databases':
             case 'list-collections':
             case 'create-database':
             case 'create-collection':
             case 'edit-database':
             case 'edit-collection':
             case 'edit-database-layout':
             case 'rename-database':
             case 'rename-collection':
             case 'drop-database':
             case 'drop-collection':
             case 'list-nodes':
             case 'list-hubs':
             case 'list-hosts':
             case 'set-offline':
             case 'set-online':
             case 'list-accounts':
             case 'list-users':
             case 'create-account':
             case 'create-user':
             case 'edit-user':
             case 'delete-user':
             case 'get-account-info':
             case 'get-user-info':
             case 'get-verification-code':
             case 'get-password-reset-code':
             case 'password-reset':
             case 'verify-user':
             case 'verify-account':
             case 'login':
             case 'list-alerts':
             case 'reset-hmac-keys':
             case 'get-hmac-keys':
             case 'delete-operation':
                 $this->_contentArray = CPS_Response::simpleXmlToArray($cpsContent);
             case 'describe-database':
             case 'describe-collection':
                 $this->_contentArray = CPS_Response::simpleXmlToArray($cpsContent);
                 $rawDataModelXML = substr($responseXml, strpos($responseXml, '<overrides>') + 11, strpos($responseXml, '</overrides>') - strpos($responseXml, '<overrides>') - 11);
                 $this->_contentArray['overrides'] = $rawDataModelXML;
             case 'begin-transaction':
                 $connection->setTransactionId((string) $cpsContent->transaction_id);
                 $this->_contentArray = CPS_Response::simpleXmlToArray($cpsContent);
             case 'commit-transaction':
             case 'rollback-transaction':
                 $this->_contentArray = CPS_Response::simpleXmlToArray($cpsContent);
                 // no special parsing
         if ($this->_command == 'search' || $this->_command == 'list-facets') {
             if (isset($cpsContent->facet)) {
                 foreach ($cpsContent->facet as $facet) {
                     $path = (string) $facet['path'];
                     $terms = array();
                     foreach ($facet->term as $term) {
                         if ($this->_command == 'search') {
                             $terms[(string) $term] = intval($term['hits']);
                         } else {
                             if ($this->_command == 'list-facets') {
                                 $terms[] = (string) $term;
                     $this->_facets[$path] = $terms;
             if (isset($cpsContent->aggregate)) {
                 foreach ($cpsContent->aggregate as $aggr) {
                     $this->_aggregate[(string) $aggr->query] = $aggr->data;
         $this->_textParams = array();
         foreach ($cpsContent as $name => $value) {
             if (in_array($name, $this->_textParamNames)) {
                 $this->_textParams[$name] = (string) $value;

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    //  $cpsConnection->setDebug(1);
    //=========== adding a new subdocument
    $subdocument = array('person' => array('name' => 'Josh', 'surname' => 'Smith'));
    $ids = array('id1', 'id2');
    // Perform additions
    $prxRequest = new CPS_PartialXRequest($ids, new CPS_PRX_Operation('/document/persons', 'append_children', $subdocument));
    $response = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($prxRequest);
    //=========== sending multiple changesets at once
    $subdocument = array('person' => array('name' => 'George', 'surname' => 'Smith'));
    $changeset1 = new CPS_PRX_Changeset('id1', new CPS_PRX_Operation('/document/persons', 'append_children', $subdocument));
    $subdocument2 = array('birth_year' => '1960');
    $changeset2 = new CPS_PRX_Changeset('id2', new CPS_PRX_Operation('/document/persons/person[name="Josh"]', 'merge_children', $subdocument2));
    // Perform changes
    $prxRequest = new CPS_PartialXRequest(array($changeset1, $changeset2));
    $response = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($prxRequest);
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {


// includes
include_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Setting parameters
    // search for items with category == 'cars' and car_params/year >= 2010
    $query = CPS_Term('cars', 'category') . CPS_Term('>=2010', 'car_params/year');
    // return documents starting with the first one - offset 0
    $offset = 0;
    // return not more than 5 documents
    $docs = 5;
    // return these fields from the documents
    $list = array('id' => 'yes', 'car_params/make' => 'yes', 'car_params/model' => 'yes', 'car_params/year' => 'yes');
    $listXml = '<id>yes</id>  <car_params><make>yes</make></car_params>  <car_params><model listas="modelis">yes</model></car_params>  <car_params><year>yes</year></car_params>';
    // order by year, from largest to smallest
    $ordering = CPS_NumericOrdering('car_params/year', 'descending');
    // Searching for documents
    // note that only the query parameter is mandatory - the rest are optional
    $searchRequest = new CPS_SearchRequest($query, $offset, $docs);
    $searchRequest->setParam('list', $listXml);
    $searchResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($searchRequest);
    if ($searchResponse->getHits() > 0) {
        // getHits returns the total number of documents in the storage that match the query
        echo 'Found ' . $searchResponse->getHits() . ' documents<br />';
        echo 'showing from ' . $searchResponse->getFrom() . ' to ' . $searchResponse->getTo() . '<br />';

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // looking up 10 last documents - list only the name
    $listLastRequest = new CPS_ListLastRequest(array('document' => 'no', 'name' => 'yes'), 0, 10);
    $listLastResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($listLastRequest);
    foreach ($listLastResponse->getDocuments() as $id => $document) {
        echo $document->name . '<br />';
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {

// includes
include_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Setting parameters
    // search for items with category == 'cars' and car_params/year >= 2010
    $query = CPS_Term('cars', 'category') . CPS_Term('>=2010', 'car_params/year');
    // return documents starting with the first one - offset 0
    $offset = 0;
    // return not more than 5 documents
    $docs = 5;
    // return these fields from the documents
    $list = array('id' => 'yes', 'car_params/make' => 'yes', 'car_params/model' => 'yes', 'car_params/year' => 'yes');
    // order by year, from largest to smallest
    $ordering = CPS_NumericOrdering('car_params/year', 'descending');
    // Searching for documents
    // note that only the query parameter is mandatory - the rest are optional
    $searchRequest = new CPS_SearchRequest($query, $offset, $docs, $list);
    $searchResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($searchRequest);
    if ($searchResponse->getHits() > 0) {
        // getHits returns the total number of documents in the storage that match the query
        echo 'Found ' . $searchResponse->getHits() . ' documents<br />';
        echo 'showing from ' . $searchResponse->getFrom() . ' to ' . $searchResponse->getTo() . '<br />';
        foreach ($searchResponse->getDocuments() as $id => $document) {
            echo $document->car_params->make . ' ' . $document->car_params->model . '<br />';
            echo 'first registration in ' . $document->car_params->year . '<br />';

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Reindexing storage
    $reindexRequest = new CPS_Request('reindex');
    $resp = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($reindexRequest);
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {


// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Looking up one document - listing name only
    $lookupRequest = new CPS_LookupRequest('id1', array('document' => 'no', 'name' => 'yes'));
    $lookupResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($lookupRequest);
    foreach ($lookupResponse->getDocuments() as $id => $document) {
        echo $document->name . '<br />';
    // Looking up multiple documents - listing name only
    $lookupRequest = new CPS_LookupRequest(array('id2', 'id3'), array('document' => 'no', 'name' => 'yes'));
    $lookupResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($lookupRequest);
    foreach ($lookupResponse->getDocuments() as $id => $document) {
        echo $document->name . '<br />';
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Retrieving paths
    $listPathsRequest = new CPS_ListPathsRequest();
    $listPathsResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($listPathsRequest);
    $paths = $listPathsResponse->getPaths();
    foreach ($paths as $path) {
        echo $path . '<br>';
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {
Пример #9

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Clearing storage
    $clearRequest = new CPS_Request('clear');
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {
Пример #10

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Retrieving status information
    $statusRequest = new CPS_StatusRequest();
    $statusResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($statusRequest);
    $status = $statusResponse->getStatus();
    foreach ($status['shard'] as $shard) {
        foreach ($shard['replica'] as $replica) {
            echo 'Status ' . $replica['status']['index']['status'] . ' <br>';
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {


// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Retrieving one document
    $retrieveRequest = new CPS_RetrieveRequest('id1');
    $retrieveResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($retrieveRequest);
    foreach ($retrieveResponse->getDocuments() as $id => $document) {
        echo $document->category . '<br />';
    // Retrieving multiple documents
    $retrieveRequest = new CPS_RetrieveRequest(array('id2', 'id3'));
    $retrieveResponse = $cpsConnection->sendRequest($retrieveRequest);
    foreach ($retrieveResponse->getDocuments() as $id => $document) {
        echo $document->category . '<br />';
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {
Пример #12

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    //  $cpsConnection->setDebug(1);
    // creating a new document
    $document = array('title' => 'Test document', 'body' => array('text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a nisl magna.'));
    $document2 = array('title' => 'Document 2', 'body' => array('text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a nisl magna.'));
    $document3 = array('title' => 'Document 3', 'body' => array('text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a nisl magna.'));
    // Insert
    $insertRequest = new CPS_InsertRequest('id1', $document);
    $insertRequest = new CPS_InsertRequest(array('id2' => $document2, 'id3' => $document3));
    // Update
    $document['title'] = 'changed title';
    $updateRequest = new CPS_UpdateRequest('id1', $document);
    $updateRequest = new CPS_UpdateRequest(array('id1' => $document, 'id3' => $document3));
    // Replace
    $document['title'] = 'changed title for replace';
    $replaceRequest = new CPS_ReplaceRequest('id1', $document);
    $replaceRequest = new CPS_ReplaceRequest(array('id1' => $document, 'id3' => $document3));
    // Partial Replace
Пример #13

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    // Deleting one
    $deleteRequest = new CPS_DeleteRequest('id1');
    // Deleting multiple
    $deleteRequest = new CPS_DeleteRequest(array('id2', 'id3'));
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {
require_once 'cps_simple.php';
try {
    define('DO_CPS', 1);
    define('DO_MYSQL', 0);
    define('DO_MONGO', 0);
    define('MONGO_SAFE', true);
    define('DELAYED_REQUESTS', false);
    define('DELAYED_REQUESTS_FILE', '/tmp/insert_input.data');
    define('TOTAL_DOCS', 100000);
    define('ID_OFFSET', 1);
    define('DOCS_PER_REQUEST', 1000);
    define('RANDOM_SEED', 123456);
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    //    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection('', 'leta3m', 'root', 'root123');
    //	$cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection('tcp://', 'leta3m', 'root', 'root123');
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection('tcp://', 'performance_test3', 'root', 'password');
    //	$cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection('unix:///home/andrejs/cps2root/storages/test/storage.sock', 'test2', 'root', 'password');
    //  $cpsConnection->setDebug(true);
    $cpsSimple = new CPS_Simple($cpsConnection);
    /*  $ids = array();
      for ($x = 0; $x < TOTAL_DOCS; ++$x) {
        $ids[] = 'perf_id' . ($x + ID_OFFSET);
      $startTime = microtime(true);
      echo 'Total : ' . sprintf('%01.6f', microtime(true) - $startTime) . ' seconds.<br />';
    if (DO_MYSQL) {
        $mysqlConnection = mysql_connect('', 'root', 'password');
 $config = $app->config('cps');
 $lat = (double) $lat;
 $lng = (double) $lng;
 $radius = (int) $radius;
 $q = trim((string) $app->request->get('q', ''));
 // search phrase
 $amenities = (array) $app->request->get('amenities', []);
 // amenities filter
 $page = (int) $app->request->get('page', 1);
 // page
 if ($page < 1) {
     $page = 1;
 // structure of response
 $objects = ['total' => 0, 'from' => 0, 'to' => 0, 'pages' => 0, 'current_page' => 0, 'list' => [], 'amenities' => []];
 $cps_connection = new CPS_Connection(new CPS_LoadBalancer($config['connection']), $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', ['account' => $config['account']]);
 $docs = 50;
 $offset = $docs * ($page - 1);
 $radius = $radius / 1000;
 // radius is received in meters, but request to Clusterpoint should be in km
 // Shape (circle) definition. This will need to be attached to search query.
 $circle = CPS_CircleDefinition('circle', [$lat, $lng], $radius . ' km', 'lat', 'lon');
 $query = CPS_Term(' ><circle');
 // search inside of defined circle
 if ($q !== '') {
     $query .= CPS_Term($q);
     // if there was search phrase, attach it to the query
 $query_without_amenities = $query;
 $aggregate = 'DISTINCT tags.amenity';
 // aggregate distinct values of amenity tag

// includes
require_once 'config.php';
require_once '../cps_api.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection($config['connection'], $config['database'], $config['username'], $config['password'], 'document', '//document/id', array('account' => $config['account']));
    $insertDocs = array();
    $insertDocs['id1'] = array('category' => 'cars', 'name' => 'Janis', 'car_params' => array('year' => '2011', 'make' => 'Audi', 'model' => 'A6'), 'persons' => array('person' => array('name' => 'Janis', 'surname' => 'Karklins')));
    $insertDocs['id2'] = array('category' => 'cars', 'name' => 'Karlis', 'car_params' => array('year' => '2009', 'make' => 'Audi', 'model' => 'A6'), 'persons' => array('person' => array('name' => 'Janis', 'surname' => 'Karklins')));
    $insertDocs['id3'] = array('category' => 'mopeds', 'name' => 'Aigars', 'car_params' => array('year' => '2012', 'make' => 'Audi', 'model' => 'A4'), 'persons' => array('person' => array('name' => 'Janis', 'surname' => 'Karklins')));
    $insertDocs['id4'] = array('category' => 'cars', 'name' => 'Janis', 'car_params' => array('year' => '2010', 'make' => 'Audi', 'model' => 'A5'), 'persons' => array('person' => array('name' => 'Janis', 'surname' => 'Karklins')));
    $insertDocs['id5'] = array('category' => 'mopeds', 'name' => 'Janis', 'car_params' => array('year' => '2011', 'make' => 'Audi', 'model' => 'A6'), 'persons' => array('person' => array('name' => 'Janis', 'surname' => 'Karklins')));
    $insertDocs['id6'] = array('category' => 'mopeds', 'name' => 'Janis', 'persons' => array('year' => '2011', 'make' => 'Audi', 'model' => 'A6'), 'persons' => array('person' => array('name' => 'Janis', 'surname' => 'Karklins')));
    // Insert
    $insertRequest = new CPS_InsertRequest($insertDocs);
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {

// includes
require_once 'cps_simple.php';
try {
    // creating a CPS_Connection instance
    // if using HMAC keys, USERNAME and PASSWORD can be left empty
    $cpsConnection = new CPS_Connection("tcp://ENDPOINT_IP:PORT", "DATABASE", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "document", "//document/id", array("account" => "ACCOUNTID"));
    // setting HMAC keys, comment out is and standard username/password will be used
    $cpsConnection->setHMACKeys("USERKEY", "SIGNKEY");
    // uncomment this, if you would like to see request/response and verify, that username and password is not set
    // perform status command
    $cpsSimple = new CPS_Simple($cpsConnection);
    echo "Status response:\n";
} catch (CPS_Exception $e) {