## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; //for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; $fldPageStatus = 1; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldPageTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageTitle']); $fldPageDescraption = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageDescraption']); $fldPageMetaTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageMetaTitle']); $fldPageMetaDescraption = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageMetaDescraption']); $fldPageMetaKeyword = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageMetaKeyword']); $fldPageStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageStatus']); $whereClause = "fldPageTitle='" . $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageTitle']) . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_PAGE, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This Page Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldPageTitle' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageTitle']), 'fldPageDescraption' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageDescraption']), 'fldPageMetaTitle' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageMetaTitle']), 'fldPageMetaDescraption' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageMetaDescraption']), 'fldPageMetaKeyword' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageMetaKeyword']), 'fldPageAddedDate' => date("d-y-m"), 'fldPageStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPageStatus'])); $db->insertRec(TBL_PAGE, $strDataArr);
## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; //for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; $fldStatus = 1; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']); $fldDescription = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); $whereClause = "fldTitle='" . $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']) . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec("tbl_notes", $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This Note Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldTitle' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']), 'fldDescription' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->insertRec("tbl_notes", $strDataArr); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADNotesList.php?msg=Note is Added Successfully, "); }
include_once "inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "inc/page.inc.php"; include_once "inc/config.inc.php"; //for paging $func = new COMMONFUNC(); $db = new DB(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Comments From My Coach</title> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="My Account"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account"> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> function refreshParent() { window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href; if(window.opener.progressWindow) { window.opener.progressWindow.close() } window.close(); } function validate() { var error_msg = ""; //Check Values if(trimString(document.frmSubmit.fldDivision.value) == "select") {
$fldVertical = ""; $fld40_yardDash = ""; $fldShuttleRun = ""; $fldBenchPressMax = ""; $fldSquatMax = ""; $fldGPA = ""; $fldSATScore = ""; $fldACTScore = ""; $fldClassRank = ""; $fldClearinghouseEligible = ""; $fldIntendedMajor = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { if ($_GET['fldId'] != "") { //Edit the user info $fldUsername = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUsername']); $fldEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']); $fldFirstname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFirstname']); $fldLastname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastname']); $fldClass = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldClass']); $fldHeight = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldHeight']); $fldWeight = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldWeight']); $fldDescription = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']); $fldSchool = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSchool']); $fldSport = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']); $fldPrimaryPosition = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPrimaryPosition']); $fldSecondaryPosition = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSecondaryPosition']); $fldVertical = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldVertical']); $fld40_yardDash = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']); $fldShuttleRun = $func->input_fun($_POST['fld40_yardDash']); $fldBenchPressMax = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBenchPressMax']);
$lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str, "."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = strlen($str) - $i; $ext = substr($str, $i + 1, $l); return $ext; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldSchoolname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSchoolname']); $fldUserName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']); //$city = $func->input_fun($_POST['city']); $whereClause = "fldUserName='******'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This School User Name Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { define("MAX_SIZE", "400"); $errors = 0; /////////// $image = $_FILES['fldLogo']['name']; if ($image) { $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['fldLogo']['name']);
$db->next_record(); $fldName = $db->f('fldName'); $fldNameint = $db->f('fldNameint'); $fldParentId = $db->f('fldParentId'); $fldStatus = $db->f('fldStatus'); } } else { $fldName = ""; $fldNameint = ""; $fldParentId = ""; $fldStatus = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $where = "fldId=" . $fldId; //Update data $strDataArr = array('fldName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']), 'fldNameint' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNameint']), 'fldParentId' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldParentId']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->updateRec(TBL_ATHLETE_STATS_CATAGORY, $strDataArr, $where); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADAthleteCatagoryList.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&msg=Category Updated Successfully!"); if ($error_msg != "") { $fldName = $_REQUEST['fldName']; $fldNameint = $_REQUEST['fldNameint']; $fldParentId = $_REQUEST['fldParentId']; $fldfldStatus = $_REQUEST['fldfldStatus']; } } //END if submit ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
$db->next_record(); $fldName = $db->f('fldName'); $fldAddress = $db->f('fldCoachName'); $fldContactInfo = $db->f('fldCoachPhone'); $fldStatus = $db->f('fldStatus'); } } else { $fldName = ""; $fldAddress = ""; $fldContactInfo = ""; $fldStatus = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $where = "fldId=" . $fldId; //Update data $strDataArr = array('fldCoachName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAddress']), 'fldCoachPhone' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldContactInfo']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->updateRec(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM_OTHER, $strDataArr, $where); if ($_POST['fldStatus'] == 1) { $query_others = "select * from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM_OTHER; $db1->query($query_others); $db1->next_record(); $fld_other_username = $db1->f('fldUserId'); $query_others = "select * from " . TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER . " where fldId ='" . $fld_other_username . "' and fldSchool ='others'"; $db2->query($query_others); $db2->next_record(); $db2->f('fldEmail'); $where1 = "fldId ='" . $fld_other_username . "'"; //Update data if ($func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']) == 1) { $status = "ACTIVE"; }
$fldStatus = ""; $fldSubscribe = ""; $fldPosition = ""; $fldNeedType = ""; $fldEmail = ""; $fldFirstName = ""; $fldLastName = ""; $fldAlternativeEmail = ""; $fldPhone = ""; $fldAlternativePhone = ""; $fldDescriPation = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { if ($_GET['fldId'] != "") { //Edit the user info $fldUserName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']); $fldPassword = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPassword']); $fldCollegename = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCollegename']); $fldCity = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCity']); $fldState = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldState']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); $fldSubscribe = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSubscribe']); $fldPosition = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPosition']); $fldNeedType = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNeedType']); $fldEmail = $fldDescriPation = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']); $fldFirstName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFirstName']); $fldLastName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastName']); $fldAlternativeEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativeEmail']); $fldPhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPhone']); $fldAlternativePhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativePhone']); $fldDescriPation = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescriPation']);
## Copyright : Synapse Communications Private Limited. ## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; // for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldSchoolname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSchoolname']); $whereClause = "fldSchoolname='" . $fldSchoolname . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This HS/AAU Team Code Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { $errors = 0; //Insert data $Zipcode_lat_lon = $func->getLatLong($func->input_fun($_POST['fldZipcode']), MAPS_APIKEY); $strDataArr = array('fldSchoolname' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSchoolname']), 'fldAddress' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAddress']), 'fldCity' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCity']), 'fldState' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldState']), 'fldZipcode' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldZipcode']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']), 'fldEnrollment' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEnrollment']), 'fldLatitude' => $Zipcode_lat_lon['Latitude'], 'fldLongitude' => $Zipcode_lat_lon['Longitude']); //$s=$_POST; //print_r($s); $db->insertRec(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM, $strDataArr); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation
## Page name : ADChangePassword.php ## Create Date : 23/06/2009 ## Description : It is use to change the admin password. ## Copyright : Synapse Communications Private Limited. ## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; // for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "0"; $error_msg = ''; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { if ($_SESSION['ADMIN_USER'] != "") { $whereClause = "username='******'ADMIN_USER'] . "' and password ='******'oldpassword']) . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_ADMIN, $whereClause) == 0) { $error_msg = 'Please enter correct old password!'; } else { if ($error_msg == '') { $strDataArr = array('password ' => $func->input_fun($_POST['newpassword'])); $where = "username='******'ADMIN_USER'] . "'"; $db->updateRec(TBL_ADMIN, $strDataArr, $where); header("Location: ADChangePassword.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&msg=Admin password changed successfully!"); } } } //this section is use to filup the value after erro message. if ($error_msg != "") { $oldpassword = $_REQUEST['oldpassword']; $newpassword = $_REQUEST['newpassword'];
$size = filesize($_FILES['fldImage']['tmp_name']); if ($size > MAX_SIZE * 1024 * 1024) { $error_msg = "You have exceeded the size limit"; $errors = 1; } $image_name = "cpn_" . time() . '.' . $extension; $newname = "athimages/" . $image_name; $copied = copy($_FILES['fldImage']['tmp_name'], $newname); } } //Update data $fldUsername = $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER']; $where = "fldUsername='******'"; if ($fldAdminAthleticStat != 1) { $nowToday = strtotime(date("now")); $strDataArr = array('fldEmail' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']), 'fldFirstname' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFirstname']), 'fldLastname' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastname']), 'fldClass' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldClass']), 'fldHeight' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldHeight']), 'fldWeight' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldWeight']), 'fldDescription' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']), 'fldPrimaryPosition' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPrimaryPosition']), 'fldSecondaryPosition' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSecondaryPosition']), 'fldVertical' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldVertical']), 'fld40_yardDash' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fld40_yardDash']), 'fldShuttleRun' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldShuttleRun']), 'fldBenchPressMax' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBenchPressMax']), 'fldSquatMax' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSquatMax']), 'fldGPA' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldGPA']), 'fldSATScore' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSATScore']), 'fldACTScore' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldACTScore']), 'fldClassRank' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldClassRank']), 'fldClearinghouseEligible' => $func->input_fun($fldClearinghouseEligible), 'fldJerseyNumber' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldJerseyNumber']), 'fldImage' => $image_name, 'fldIntendedMajor' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldIntendedMajor'])); } else { if ($fldAdminAthleticStat == 1) { $strDataArr = array('fldEmail' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']), 'fldFirstname' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFirstname']), 'fldLastname' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastname']), 'fldClass' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldClass']), 'fldWeight' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldWeight']), 'fldDescription' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']), 'fldVertical' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldVertical']), 'fldBenchPressMax' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBenchPressMax'])); } } if ($_POST['fldSchool'] != "others") { if ($fldSchool == 'others') { $String_Delete_Query = "delete from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM_OTHER . " where fldUserId =" . $fldAthleteid; $db->query($String_Delete_Query); } } if ($_POST['fldSchool'] == "others") { $whereClause_team = "fldSchoolname='" . $func->input_fun($_POST['txtfldName']) . "'"; $flagss = 0; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM, $whereClause_team) > 0) {
## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; //for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; $fldStatus = 1; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']); $fldNameint = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNameint']); $fldParentId = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldParentId']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); $whereClause = "fldName='" . $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']) . "'"; if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']), 'fldNameint' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNameint']), 'fldParentId' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldParentId']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->insertRec(TBL_ATHLETE_STATS_CATAGORY, $strDataArr); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADAthleteCatagoryList.php?msg=Catagory is Added Successfully, "); } //this section is use to filup the value after erro message. if ($error_msg != "") { $fldName = $_REQUEST['fldName']; $fldNameint = $_REQUEST['fldNameint'];
$db->query($query); $db->next_record(); if ($db->num_rows() > 0) { $fldTitle = $db->f('fldTitle'); $fldVideo = $db->f('fldVideo'); $fldStatus = $db->f('fldStatus'); } } else { $fldTitle = " "; $fldVideo = " "; $fldStatus = " "; } //Submit Form if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); $video_upload = $_FILES['fldVideo']['name']; if ($video_upload) { $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['fldVideo']['name']); $extension = getExtension($filename); $extension = strtolower($extension); if ($extension != "mov" && $extension != "flv" && $extension != "avi" && $extension != "mp4" && $extension != "wmv" && $extension != "mpeg" && $extension != "mpg") { $error_msg = 'Unknown Video Extension: only .mov .flv .avi .mp4 .wmv .mpeg .mpg are supported'; $flag++; } else { $size = filesize($_FILES['fldVideo']['tmp_name']); if ($size > MAX_SIZE * 1024) { $error_msg = 'This Game Tape exceeds the 200MB Size Limit, please upload a smaller version.'; $flag++; }
$db->query($query); $db->next_record(); if ($db->num_rows() > 0) { $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $fldName = $db->f('fldName'); $fldStatus = $db->f('fldStatus'); } } else { $fldName = ""; $fldStatus = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $where = "fldId=" . $fldId; //Update data $strDataArr = array('fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->updateRec(TBL_OTHER, $strDataArr, $where); if ($_POST['fldStatus'] == 1) { $query_others = "select * from " . TBL_OTHER; $db1->query($query_others); $db1->next_record(); $fld_other_username = $db1->f('fldUserId'); $query_others = "select * from " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " where fldUserName ='******' and fldCollegename ='other' and fldStatus ='ACTIVE'"; $db2->query($query_others); $db2->next_record(); $db2->f('fldEmail'); $where1 = "fldName ='" . $fldName . "'"; //Update data $strDataArr_college = array('fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db3->updateRec(TBL_COLLEGE, $strDataArr_college, $where1); $subjectStre = "College Add Confirmation";
ini_set('max_execution_time', 600); //Get Video Extension function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str, "."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = strlen($str) - $i; $ext = substr($str, $i + 1, $l); return $ext; } //Submit Form if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //get form data $fldTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); $video_upload = $_FILES['fldVideo']['name']; if ($video_upload) { $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['fldVideo']['name']); $extension = getExtension($filename); $extension = strtolower($extension); if ($extension != "mov" && $extension != "flv" && $extension != "avi" && $extension != "mp4" && $extension != "wmv" && $extension != "mpeg" && $extension != "mpg") { $error_msg = 'Unknown Video Extension: only .mov .flv .avi .mp4 .wmv .mpeg .mpg are supported'; $flag++; } else { $size = filesize($_FILES['fldVideo']['tmp_name']); if ($size > MAX_SIZE * 1024) { $error_msg = 'This Game Tape exceeds the 50MB Size Limit, please upload a smaller version.'; $flag++; }
## Copyright : Synapse Communications Private Limited. ## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; // for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Insert the block message info $fldFrom = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFrom']); $fldSport = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']); $fldTo = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTo']); $fldStartdate = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStartdate']); $fldEndDate = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEndDate']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldFrom' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFrom']), 'fldSport' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']), 'fldTo' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTo']), 'fldStartdate' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStartdate']), 'fldEndDate' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEndDate']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->insertRec(TBL_BLOCK_MESSAGE, $strDataArr); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADBlockMessageList.php?msg=You have Successfully Block Messaging between the selected Criteria "); } //this section is use to filup the value after erro message. if ($error_msg != "") { $fldFrom = $_REQUEST['fldFrom'];
$error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; $fldEventStatus = 1; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { /* Validation Area Start*/ hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventName'], "Please Enter Special Event Name!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventLocation'], "Please Enter Special Event Loacation!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventStartDate'], "Please Enter Special Event Start Date!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventcurrentprice'], "Please Enter Special Event Current Price!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventfutureprice'], "Please Enter Special Event Future Price!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['Early_Discount_day'], "Please Enter Early Discount Day!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['Early_discount_rate'], "Please Enter Early Discount Price!"); hb_php_validate($_POST['Transcript_discount'], "Please Enter Transcript Discount Price!"); /* Validation Area End*/ //Edit the user info $fldEventName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventName']); /*$fldSport =$func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']);*/ $fldEventDescription = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventDescription']); $fldEventLocation = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventLocation']); $fldEventStartDate = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventStartDate']); $fldEventcurrentprice = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventcurrentprice']); $fldEventfutureprice = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventfutureprice']); $Early_Discount_day = $func->input_fun($_POST['Early_Discount_day']); $Early_discount_rate = $func->input_fun($_POST['Early_discount_rate']); $Transcript_discount = $func->input_fun($_POST['Transcript_discount']); /*$fldEventEndDate = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventEndDate']);*/ /*$fldHomeTeam = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldHomeTeam']); $fldAwayTeam = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAwayTeam']);*/ $fldEventStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventStatus']); $cur_price = $_POST['fldEventcurrentprice']; $future_price = $_POST['fldEventfutureprice'];
## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; // for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $page = new Page(); //Create an instance of class Pate $lnb = "2"; $error_msg = ''; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldSportsname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSportsname']); $whereClause = "fldSportsname='" . $fldSportsname . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_SPORTS, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This Coach is Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldSportsname' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSportsname']), 'fldDescription' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus'])); $db->insertRec(TBL_SPORTS, $strDataArr); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADSportList.php?msg={$fldSportsname} is Added Successfully, "); } //this section is use to filup the value after erro message. if ($error_msg != "") {
<?php exit; } if ($evnt_price < $_POST['Transcript_discount']) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("Please Enter Current Price Larger then Transcript Discount!"); window.history.go(-1); </script> <?php exit; } /* validation area ended */ $where = "fldEventId=" . $fldEventId; //Update data $strDataArr = array('fldEventName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventName']), 'fldSport' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']), 'fldEventDescription' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventDescription']), 'fldEventLocation' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventLocation']), 'fldEventStartDate' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventStartDate']), 'fldEventEndDate' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventEndDate']), 'fldHomeTeam' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldHomeTeam']), 'fldAwayTeam' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAwayTeam']), 'fldEventcurrentprice' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventcurrentprice']), 'fldEventfutureprice' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventfutureprice']), 'Early_Discount_day' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Early_Discount_day']), 'Early_discount_rate' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Early_discount_rate']), 'Transcript_discount' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Transcript_discount']), 'fldEventStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEventStatus'])); $db->updateRec(TBL_SPECIAL_EVENT, $strDataArr, $where); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADSpecialEventList.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&msg=Special Event Updated Successfully!"); if ($error_msg != "") { $fldEventName = $_REQUEST['fldEventName']; $fldSport = $_REQUEST['fldSport']; $fldEventDescription = $_REQUEST['fldEventDescription']; $fldEventLocation = $_REQUEST['fldEventLocation']; $fldEventStartDate = $_REQUEST['fldEventStartDate']; $fldEventEndDate = $_REQUEST['$fldEventEndDate']; $fldHomeTeam = $_REQUEST['fldHomeTeam']; $fldAwayTeam = $_REQUEST['fldAwayTeam']; $fldEventcurrentprice = $_POST['fldEventcurrentprice']; $fldEventfutureprice = $_POST['fldEventfutureprice']; $Early_Discount_day = $_POST['Early_Discount_day'];
//for common function include_once "inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include_once "inc/config.inc.php"; $func = new COMMONFUNC(); $db = new DB(); if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { if ($_REQUEST['fldUsername'] == '') { $error_msg[] = " Please Enter User Name"; } if ($_REQUEST['fldPassword'] == '') { $error_msg[] = "Please enter Password"; } if ($_REQUEST['logininfo'] == "athlete") { ########### ATHLETE ############# $fldUsername = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUsername']); $fldPassword = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPassword']); $whereClause = "fldUsername='******' and fldPassword= '******' "; $retVal = $db->MatchingRec(TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER, $whereClause); //If Username & Password Matches if ($retVal != 0) { $query = " Select fldUsername,fldEmail,fldId,fldApproveCoachId,fldStatus from " . TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER . " where fldUsername = '******' "; $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $fldUsername = $db->f('fldUsername'); $Email = $db->f('fldEmail'); $fldId = $db->f('fldId'); //IsApproveds $sessIsApproved = 0; $fldApproveCoachId = $db->f('fldApproveCoachId '); if ($fldApproveCoachId != 0) {
## Create Date : 19/07/2011 ## Description : It is use to send the message to athlete. ## Copyright : Synapse Communications Private Limited. ## ***************************************************************** include_once "inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "inc/page.inc.php"; include_once "inc/config.inc.php"; session_start(); //for paging $func = new COMMONFUNC(); $db = new DB(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Messaging</title> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="My Account"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account"> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"></script> </head> <body> <!--middle panel starts from here --> <!--content panel starts from here --> <div class="container"> <div class="innerWraper"> <div class="middle-bg"> <div class="cantener">
$trans = mysql_query("select * from " . $tbl_transportation_discount . " where id='" . $fldTransportation . "'"); $re = mysql_fetch_array($trans); $Transportation_charge = $re['Transportation_charge']; $fldprice = $fldprice + $Transportation_charge; $transportationCharge = $fldprice; } $coupon = mysql_query("select * from tbl_cupon where cpn_number='" . $_POST['fldCouponNumber'] . "' AND status='1'"); $re = mysql_fetch_array($coupon); if ($_POST['fldCouponNumber'] == $re['cpn_number']) { $fldprice = $fldprice - $re['amount']; $coupondiscount = $re['amount']; } $fldpaymentstatus = "INCOMPLETE"; ##INSERT Enent### ####################################### $strDataArr = array('fldFirstName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFirstName']), 'fldLastName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastName']), 'fldAddress' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBSAddress']), 'fldCity' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBSCity']), 'fldState' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBSState']), 'fldZipCode' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldBSZipCode']), 'fldPhone' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPhone']), 'fldEmail' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']), 'fldSpecialEvent' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSpecialEvent']), 'fldReferredBy' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldReferredBy']), 'fldClass' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldClass']), 'fldPrimaryPosition' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPrimaryPosition']), 'fldSecondaryPosition' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSecondaryPosition']), 'fldHSCoachName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldHSCoachName']), 'fldSchool' => $func->input_fun($fldSchool), 'fldOthers' => $func->input_fun($_POST['txtfldName']), 'Address' => $func->input_fun($Address), 'City' => $func->input_fun($City), 'State' => $func->input_fun($State), 'Zipcode' => $func->input_fun($Zipcode), 'fldAAUCoachName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAAUCoachName']), 'AAUOther' => $func->input_fun($_POST['txtfldAAUName']), 'HS_AAU_Team' => $func->input_fun($fldAAUSchool), 'AAUAddress' => $func->input_fun($fldAAUAddress), 'AAUCity' => $func->input_fun($fldAAUCity), 'AAUState' => $func->input_fun($fldAAUState), 'AAUZipCode' => $func->input_fun($fldAAUZipcode), 'fldCouponNumber' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCouponNumber']), 'fldTransportation' => $func->input_fun($fldTransportation), 'fldTranscript' => $newname, 'fldprice' => $fldprice, 'fldpaymentstatus' => $fldpaymentstatus, 'fldAddDate' => date("y-m-d")); //print_r($strDataArr); $debugstep = 2; //Insert Data - Get NewUserID if (isset($_REQUEST['fld_id']) && $_REQUEST['fld_id'] != '') { $where_reg_update = "fldId = " . $_REQUEST['fld_id']; $result = $db->updateRec(TBL_SPECIAL_EVENT_REGISTER, $strDataArr, $where_reg_update); $NewUserId = $_SESSION['fld_id']; } else { $NewUserId = $db->insertRec(TBL_SPECIAL_EVENT_REGISTER, $strDataArr); } $error_msg = "Thankyou for Register with Our Event"; $_SESSION['fld_id'] = $NewUserId; $debugstep = 3; ?>
$db->next_record(); if ($db->num_rows() > 0) { $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $fldTitle = $db->f('fldTitle'); $fldDescription = $db->f('fldDescription'); } } else { $fldTitle = ""; $fldDescription = ""; $fldStatus = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $where = "fldId='" . $fldId . "'"; //Update data $strDataArr = array('fldDescription' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']), 'fldStatus' => 1); $db->updateRec(TBL_HOME_CONTENT, $strDataArr, $where); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADHomeContentList.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&msg=Content Updated Successfully!"); if ($error_msg != "") { $fldTitle = $_REQUEST['fldTitle']; $fldDescription = $_REQUEST['fldDescription']; } } ?> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Add User Info</TITLE> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
$fldPosition = ""; $fldNeedType = ""; $fldEmail = ""; $fldFirstName = ""; $fldLastName = ""; $fldAlternativeEmail = ""; $fldPhone = ""; $fldAlternativePhone = ""; $fldAddress = ""; $fldEnrollmentNumber = ""; $fldDivison = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { if ($fldId != "") { //Edit the user info $fldUserName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']); $fldCollegename = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCollegename']); $fldCity = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCity']); $fldState = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldState']); $fldSport = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']); $fldCoachname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCoachname']); $fldPosition = $_POST['fldPosition']; $fldNeedType = $_POST['fldNeedType']; $fldEmail = $_POST['fldEmail']; $fldFirstName = $_POST['fldFirstName']; $fldLastName = $_POST['fldLastName']; $fldAlternativeEmail = $_POST['fldAlternativeEmail']; $fldPhone = $_POST['fldPhone']; $fldAlternativePhone = $_POST['fldAlternativePhone']; $fldAddress = $_POST['fldAddress']; $fldEnrollmentNumber = $_POST['fldEnrollmentNumber'];
## ***************************************************************** session_start(); include_once "inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "inc/config.inc.php"; //for paging $func = new COMMONFUNC(); $db = new DB(); $fldAthleteid = isset($_REQUEST["fldAthleteid"]) ? $_REQUEST["fldAthleteid"] : 0; $fldYoutubelink = ""; $fldYoutubeModifiedDate = ""; $youID = ""; $error_msg = ""; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $nowToday = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $fldNoteID = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNoteID']); if ($fldNoteID <= 0 || $fldNoteID == "") { $error_msg = '<div class="thankyoumessage" style="margin-right:29px;">Please select Note.</div>'; } else { $strDataArr = array('fldAthleteId' => $fldAthleteid, 'fldNoteId' => $fldNoteID, 'fldPostDate' => $nowToday); $db->insertRec("tbl_athlete_notes", $strDataArr, ""); $error_msg = ' <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> window.opener.location.reload(false); self.close(); </script>
## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; //for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; $fldStatus = 1; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']); $fldDescription = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCost']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); $fldPeriod = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPeriod']); $whereClause = "fldName='" . $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']) . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_SUBSRIPTION, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This Subsription Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']), 'fldCost' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCost']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']), 'fldPeriod' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPeriod'])); $db->insertRec(TBL_SUBSRIPTION, $strDataArr); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADSubsriptionList.php?msg=Subsription is Added Successfully, ");
## Copyright : Synapse Communications Private Limited. ## ***************************************************************** include_once "../inc/common_functions.php"; //for common function include_once "../inc/page.inc.php"; //for paging include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php"; // for admin login $func = new COMMONFUNC(); //Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC $lnb = "10"; $error_msg = ''; $flag = 0; if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { //Edit the user info $fldCollegename = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCollegename']); $fldUserName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']); $fldEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']); $fldAlternativeEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativeEmail']); $fldPhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPhone']); $fldAlternativePhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativePhone']); $fldDescriPation = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescriPation']); $whereClause = "fldUserName='******' or fldCollegename ='{$fldCollegename}' or fldEmail='{$fldEmail}'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_COLLEGE_REGISTER, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists $error_msg = 'This College is Already Exists!'; $flag++; } if ($flag == 0) { //Insert data $strDataArr = array('fldUserName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']), 'fldPassword' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPassword']), 'fldCollegename' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCollegename']), 'fldCity' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCity']), 'fldState' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldState']), 'fldStatus' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']), 'fldAddDate' => date("y-m-d"), 'fldSubscribe' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSubscribe']), 'fldPosition' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPosition']), 'fldNeedType' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNeedType']), 'fldEmail' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']), 'fldFirstName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldFirstName']), 'fldLastName' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastName']), 'fldAlternativeEmail' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativeEmail']), 'fldPhone' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPhone']), 'fldAlternativePhone' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativePhone']), 'fldDescriPation' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescriPation']));
$EndDate = $func->output_fun($db->f('end_date')); $event_id1 = $func->output_fun($db->f('event_id')); $Status = $func->output_fun($db->f('Status')); } } else { $coupon_name = ""; $discount_amount = ""; $StartDate = ""; $EndDate = ""; $event_id = ""; $Status = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $where = "id=" . $Couponid; //Update data $strDataArr = array('cpn_number' => $func->input_fun($_POST['coupon_name']), 'amount' => $func->input_fun($_POST['discount_amount']), 'start_date' => $func->input_fun($_POST['StartDate']), 'end_date' => $func->input_fun($_POST['EndDate']), 'event_id' => $func->input_fun($_POST['event_id']), 'status' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Status'])); $db->updateRec($tbl_coupon, $strDataArr, $where); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADCouponManage.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&msg=Coupon Updated Successfully!"); if ($error_msg != "") { $coupon_name = $_REQUEST['cpn_number']; $discount_amount = $_REQUEST['discount_amount']; $StartDate = $_REQUEST['StartDate']; $EndDate = $_REQUEST['EndDate']; $event_id = $_REQUEST['event_id']; $Status = $_REQUEST['status']; } } //END if submit ?>
$option = $option1[1]; $Transportation_charge = $func->output_fun($db->f('Transportation_charge')); $status = $func->output_fun($db->f('status')); } } else { $id = ""; $Event_id = ""; $Diparture_City = ""; $Departure_Time = ""; $Transportation_charge = ""; $status = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { $where = "id=" . $id; //Update data $strDataArr = array('Event_id' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Event_id']), 'Diparture_City' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Diparture_City']), 'Departure_Time' => $func->input_fun($_POST['hours'] . ":" . $_POST['minute'] . " " . $_POST['option']), 'Transportation_charge' => $func->input_fun($_POST['Transportation_charge']), 'status' => $func->input_fun($_POST['status'])); $db->updateRec($tbl_transportation_discount, $strDataArr, $where); #redirect to listing page on successfull updation header("Location: ADTransportationManage.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&msg=Transportation Discount Updated Successfully!"); if ($error_msg != "") { $Event_id = $_REQUEST['Event_id']; $Diparture_City = $_REQUEST['Diparture_City']; $Departure_Time = $_POST['hours'] . ":" . $_POST['minute'] . " " . $_POST['option']; $Transportation_charge = $_REQUEST['Transportation_charge']; $Status = $_REQUEST['status']; } } //END if submit ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
$fldLastName = ""; $fldEmail = ""; $fldAEmail = ""; $fldPhone = ""; $fldAPhone = ""; //$fldDescription = ""; $fldSchool = ""; $fldSport = ""; $fldPosition = ""; $fldPassword = ""; $fldStatus = ""; } if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') { if ($_GET['fldId'] != "") { //Edit the user info $fldUsername = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUsername']); $fldName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldName']); $fldLastName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldLastName']); $fldEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']); $fldAEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAEmail']); $fldPhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPhone']); $fldAPhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAPhone']); $fldSchool = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSchool']); $fldSport = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSport']); $fldPosition = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPosition']); $fldPassword = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPassword']); $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']); if ($_GET['fldId'] != $_GET['fldId']) { $whereClause = "fldId='" . $func->input_fun($_GET['fldId']) . "'"; if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_HS_AAU_COACH, $whereClause) > 0) { #user Username already exists