  * Get an HTML representation of the symbol char
  * @return string The HTML symbol char
 function getSymbolChar()
     $this->completeField("symbol", "show_points", "display");
     if (!$this->show_points && $this->display != "points") {
         return null;
     return CMbArray::get(self::$_symbol_chars, $this->symbol);
Пример #2
  * Retourne le nom de la classe
  * @return mixed|string
 function getNameClass()
     $name = get_class($this);
     $name = substr($name, 4);
     if (get_class($this) === "CCDA_base_cs") {
         $name = CMbArray::get(explode("_", $name), 1);
     return $name;
Пример #3
  * Returns a spec object for an object's field from a class name
  * @param string $class The class name
  * @param string $field The field name
  * @param string $prop  The prop string serializing the spec object options
  * @throws Exception
  * @return CMbFieldSpec
 static function getSpecWithClassName($class, $field, $prop)
     $spec_class = "CMbFieldSpec";
     // Get Spec type
     $first_space = strpos($prop, " ");
     $spec_type = $first_space === false ? $prop : substr($prop, 0, $first_space);
     // Get spec class
     if ($spec_type && null == ($spec_class = CMbArray::get(self::$classes, $spec_type))) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid spec '{$prop}' for field '{$class}::{$field}'");
     return new $spec_class($class, $field, $prop);
Пример #4
  * Build event
  * @param CMbObject $object Object
  * @see parent::build()
  * @return void
 function build($object)
     // Traitement sur le mbObject
     $this->object = $object;
     $this->last_log = $object->loadLastLog();
     // Récupération de la version HL7 en fonction du receiver et de la transaction
     $this->version = CAppUI::conf("hl7 default_version");
     if ($version = CMbArray::get($this->_receiver->_configs, $this->transaction . "_HL7_version")) {
         $this->version = $version;
     // Génération de l'échange
     $terminator = $this->getSegmentTerminator($this->_receiver->_configs["ER7_segment_terminator"]);
     // Création du message HL7
     $message = new CHL7v2Message($this->version);
     $message->segmentTerminator = $terminator;
     $message->name = $this->msg_codes;
     $this->message = $message;
  * @see parent::build
 function build(CHPrimSanteEvent $event)
     $patient = $this->patient;
     $sejour = $this->sejour;
     $actor = isset($event->_sender->_id) ? $event->_sender : $event->_receiver;
     $group = $actor->loadRefGroup();
     // P-1: type segment - P(par défaut) (ST)
     // P-2: rang segment - (NM)
     $data[] = "1";
     // P-3: Patient ID (SPEC) (optional)
     $data[] = array(array($patient->_IPP, $patient->_patient_elimine ? $patient->_patient_elimine->_IPP : null, $patient->_patient_elimine ? "FU" : null));
     // P-4: Patient ID (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-5: sejour ID (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-6: Nom patient (PN) (optional)
     $data[] = array(array($patient->_p_last_name, $patient->_p_first_name, $patient->prenom_2, $patient->civilite));
     // P-7: Nom de naissance (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = $patient->_p_maiden_name;
     // P-8: Date de naissance (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = $patient->_p_birth_date;
     // P-9: Sexe (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = CMbString::upper($patient->sexe);
     // P-10: race (forbidden)
     $data[] = null;
     $address = explode("\n", $patient->_p_street_address, 1);
     // P-11: adresse (AD) (optional)
     $data[] = array(array(CMbArray::get($address, 0), str_replace("\n", " ", CMbArray::get($address, 1)), $patient->_p_city, null, $patient->_p_postal_code, $patient->pays_insee));
     // P-12: INS (version 2.3) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-13: téléphone (TN) (optional) (repeatable)
     $data[] = array($patient->_p_phone_number, $patient->_p_mobile_phone_number);
     // P-14: Médecins (CNA) (optional) (repeatable)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-15: Traitement local 1 (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-16: Traitement local 2 (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-17: Taille (CQ) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-18: Poids (CQ) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-19: Diagnostic (CE) (optional) (repeatable)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-20: Traitement (ST) (optional) (repeatable)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-21: Régime (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-22: Commentaire 1 (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-23: Commentaire 2 (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-24: Date de mouvement (TS) (optional) (repeatable)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-25: Statut de l'admission (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-26: Localisation (SPEC) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-27: classification diagnostic (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-28: Religion (forbidden)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-29: Situation maritale (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = $this->getMaritalStatus($patient->situation_famille);
     // P-30: Précauton à prendre (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-31: Langue (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-32: Statut de confidentialité (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-33: Date de dernière modification (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // P-34: Date de décès (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
    if ($filter->_other_function_id) {
        // Other (consultations)
        $query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE consultation_other\n      SELECT \n        consultation_prime.praticien_id, \n        consultation_prime.patient_id,\n        consultation_prime.consultation_id AS consult1_id, \n        consult_date AS consult1_date, \n        consultation.consultation_id AS consult2_id, \n        plageconsult.date AS consult2_date\n      FROM consultation_prime\n      LEFT JOIN consultation ON consultation.patient_id = consultation_prime.patient_id \n      LEFT JOIN plageconsult ON plageconsult.plageconsult_id = consultation.plageconsult_id\n      LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON users_mediboard.user_id = plageconsult.chir_id\n      WHERE users_mediboard.function_id = '{$filter->_other_function_id}'\n      AND plageconsult.date BETWEEN '{$filter->_date_min}' AND '{$filter->_date_max}'\n      GROUP BY consult1_id;";
        // Other (consultations) counts
        $query = "SELECT praticien_id, COUNT(*)\n      FROM consultation_other\n      GROUP BY praticien_id;";
        $others_counts = $ds->loadHashList($query);
    } else {
        $others_counts = array();
// Praticiens
$praticiens = $mediuser->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ, $filter->_function_id);
// Stats by praticiens
$stats = array();
foreach ($praticiens as $prat_id => $_praticien) {
    if (!isset($consultations_counts[$_praticien->_id]) && !isset($sejours_counts[$_praticien->_id]) && !isset($patients_counts[$_praticien->_id]) && !isset($others_counts[$_praticien->_id])) {
    // Counts
    $counts = array("consultations" => CMbArray::get($consultations_counts, $_praticien->_id), "sejours" => CMbArray::get($sejours_counts, $_praticien->_id), "patients" => CMbArray::get($patients_counts, $_praticien->_id), "others" => CMbArray::get($others_counts, $_praticien->_id));
    // Percents
    $percents = array("consultations" => $counts["consultations"] ? 1 : null, "sejours" => $counts["consultations"] ? $counts["sejours"] / $counts["consultations"] : null, "patients" => $counts["consultations"] ? $counts["patients"] / $counts["consultations"] : null, "others" => $counts["consultations"] ? $counts["others"] / $counts["consultations"] : null);
    $stats[$_praticien->_id] = array("counts" => $counts, "percents" => $percents);
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("filter", $filter);
$smarty->assign("praticiens", $praticiens);
$smarty->assign("stats", $stats);
  * Récupération du segment GT1
  * @param DOMNode $node     Node
  * @param CSejour $newVenue Admit
  * @return void
 function getGT1(DOMNode $node, CSejour $newVenue)
     if (!$newVenue->_id) {
     $patient = $newVenue->_ref_patient;
     if (!$patient->_id) {
     $GT1_2 = $this->queryTextNode("GT1.2/CX.1", $node);
     $GT1_3 = $this->queryNode("GT1.3", $node);
     $nom = $this->queryTextNode("XPN.1/FN.1", $GT1_3);
     $prenom = $this->queryTextNode("XPN.2", $GT1_3);
     if ($prenom == "") {
         $prenom = null;
     $GT1_5 = $this->queryNode("GT1.5", $node);
     $adresse = $this->queryTextNode("XAD.1/SAD.1", $GT1_5);
     $ville = $this->queryTextNode("XAD.3", $GT1_5);
     $cp = $this->queryTextNode("XAD.5", $GT1_5);
     $GT1_6 = $this->queryNodes("GT1.6", $node);
     $tel = null;
     $ean = null;
     $ean_base = null;
     foreach ($GT1_6 as $_GT1_6) {
         if (!$tel) {
             $tel = $this->queryTextNode("XTN.12", $_GT1_6);
         if (!$tel) {
             $tel = $this->queryTextNode("XTN.1", $_GT1_6);
         $XTN_4 = $this->queryTextNode("XTN.4", $_GT1_6);
         // EAN base => Ean Dest
         if (preg_match('/^Ean Dest=(\\d+)$/', $XTN_4, $matches) === 1) {
             $ean_base = CMbArray::get($matches, 1);
         // EAN => Code Ean
         if (preg_match('/^Code Ean=(\\d+)$/', $XTN_4, $matches) === 1) {
             $ean = CMbArray::get($matches, 1);
     $GT1_13 = $this->queryTextNode("GT1.13", $node);
     $GT1_14 = $this->queryTextNode("GT1.14", $node);
     $corres_patient = new CCorrespondantPatient();
     $where = array();
     $where["patient_id"] = " = '{$patient->_id}'";
     if ($nom) {
         $where["nom"] = " = '{$nom}'";
     if ($prenom) {
         $where["prenom"] = " = '{$prenom}'";
     $where["relation"] = " = 'assurance'";
     $now = CMbDT::date();
     $next = CMbDT::date("+ 1 DAY");
     $where["date_debut"] = " <= '{$now}' AND IFNULL(date_fin, '{$next}') >= '{$now}'";
     if (!$corres_patient->_id) {
         $corres_patient->patient_id = $patient->_id;
         $corres_patient->nom = $nom;
         $corres_patient->relation = "assurance";
     $corres_patient->prenom = $prenom;
     $corres_patient->adresse = $adresse;
     $corres_patient->cp = $cp;
     $corres_patient->ville = $ville;
     $corres_patient->tel = $tel;
     $corres_patient->ean = $ean;
     $corres_patient->ean_base = $ean_base;
     if ($ean) {
         $where = array("patient_id" => "IS NULL", "relation" => "= 'assurance'", "ean" => "= '{$ean}'");
         $assurance = new CCorrespondantPatient();
         $corres_patient->type_pec = $assurance->type_pec;
     if ($GT1_13) {
         $corres_patient->date_debut = CMbDT::date($GT1_13);
     if ($GT1_14) {
         $corres_patient->date_fin = CMbDT::date($GT1_14);
     $sender = $this->_ref_sender;
     // Notifier les autres destinataires autre que le sender
     $corres_patient->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
     if ($msg = $corres_patient->store()) {
         $corres_patient->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
  * Récupération de l'assuré
  * @param DOMNode  $node      Node
  * @param CPatient $mbPatient Patient
  * @return CPatient
 static function getAssure(DOMNode $node, CPatient $mbPatient)
     $xpath = new CHPrimXPath($node->ownerDocument);
     $immatriculation = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:immatriculation", $node);
     $mbPatient->matricule = $immatriculation;
     $mbPatient->assure_matricule = $immatriculation;
     $personne = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("hprim:personne", $node);
     if (!$personne) {
         return $mbPatient;
     $sexe = $xpath->queryAttributNode("hprim:personne", $node, "sexe");
     $sexeConversion = array("M" => "m", "F" => "f");
     $mbPatient->assure_sexe = $sexeConversion[$sexe];
     $mbPatient->assure_nom = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:nomUsuel", $personne);
     $prenoms = $xpath->getMultipleTextNodes("hprim:prenoms/*", $personne);
     $mbPatient->assure_prenom = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 0);
     $mbPatient->assure_prenom_2 = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 1);
     $mbPatient->assure_prenom_3 = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 2);
     $mbPatient->assure_naissance = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:naissance", $personne);
     $elementDateNaissance = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("hprim:dateNaissance", $personne);
     $mbPatient->assure_naissance = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:date", $elementDateNaissance);
     $mbPatient->rang_beneficiaire = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:lienAssure", $node);
     $mbPatient->qual_beneficiaire = CValue::read(CPatient::$rangToQualBenef, $mbPatient->rang_beneficiaire);
     return $mbPatient;
Пример #9
  * Recording NPA
  * @param String         $NPA    NPA
  * @param CSejour        $sejour Sejour
  * @param CInteropSender $sender Sender
  * @return null|string
 static function storeNPA($NPA, CSejour $sejour, CInteropSender $sender)
     if (!$NPA) {
         return null;
     // L'expéditeur gère les NPA
     $manage_npa = CMbArray::get($sender->_configs, "manage_npa");
     if (!$manage_npa) {
         return null;
     //Récupération du tag pour les NPA
     $tag = CSejour::getTagNPA($sender->group_id);
     if (!$tag) {
         return null;
     $idex_NPA = CIdSante400::getMatch("CSejour", $tag, null, $sejour->_id);
     $idex_NPA->object_id = $sejour->_id;
     $idex_NPA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $idex_NPA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
     $idex_NPA->id400 = $NPA;
     return $idex_NPA->store();
  * Get the patient state
  * @param DOMNode  $node       Node
  * @param CPatient $newPatient Patient
  * @return void
 function getPatientState(DOMNode $node, CPatient $newPatient)
     if ($states = $this->queryNodes("PID.32", $node)) {
         $list_state = array();
         foreach ($states as $_state) {
             $list_state[] = $this->queryTextNode(".", $_state);
         $state = CMbArray::extract($list_state, 0);
         if (!$state) {
         if ($state == "CACH") {
             $newPatient->vip = true;
             $status = CMbArray::get($list_state, 1);
             if ($status) {
                 $state = $status;
         } else {
             if (in_array("CACH", $list_state)) {
                 $newPatient->vip = true;
         $newPatient->_status_no_guess = true;
         $newPatient->status = $state;
Пример #11
  * @see parent::getFormHtmlElement()
 function getFormHtmlElement($object, $params, $value, $className)
     $field = CMbString::htmlSpecialChars($this->fieldName);
     $locales = $this->_locales;
     $typeEnum = CMbArray::extract($params, "typeEnum", $this->typeEnum ? $this->typeEnum : "checkbox");
     $separator = CMbArray::extract($params, "separator", $this->vertical ? "<br />" : null);
     $cycle = CMbArray::extract($params, "cycle", 1);
     $alphabet = CMbArray::extract($params, "alphabet", false);
     $size = CMbArray::extract($params, "size", 0);
     $onchange = CMbArray::get($params, "onchange");
     $form = CMbArray::extract($params, "form");
     // needs to be extracted
     $readonly = CMbArray::extract($params, "readonly") == 1;
     $extra = CMbArray::makeXmlAttributes($params);
     $className = CMbString::htmlSpecialChars(trim("{$className} {$this->prop}"));
     if ($alphabet) {
     $uid = uniqid();
     $value_array = $this->getListValues($value);
     switch ($typeEnum) {
         case "select":
             if ($readonly) {
                 $readonly = "readonly";
             $sHtml = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n          Main.add(function(){\n            var select = \$\$('select[data-select_set={$uid}]')[0],\n                element = select.previous(),\n                tokenField = new TokenField(element, {" . ($onchange ? "onChange: function(){ {$onchange} }.bind(element)" : "") . "});\n\n            select.observe('change', function(event){\n              tokenField.setValues(\$A(select.options).filter(function(o){return o.selected}).pluck('value'));\n\n              element.fire('ui:change');\n            });\n          });\n        </script>";
             $sHtml .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$field}\" value=\"{$value}\" class=\"{$className}\" {$extra} />\n";
             $sHtml .= "<select class=\"{$className}\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"{$size}\" data-select_set=\"{$uid}\" {$extra} {$readonly}>";
             foreach ($locales as $key => $item) {
                 if (!empty($value_array) && in_array($key, $value_array)) {
                     $selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
                 } else {
                     $selected = "";
                 $sHtml .= "\n<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$item}</option>";
             $sHtml .= "\n</select>";
         case "checkbox":
             $sHtml = "<span id=\"set-container-{$uid}\">\n";
             $sHtml .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$field}\" value=\"{$value}\" class=\"{$className}\" {$extra} />\n";
             $sHtml .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n          Main.add(function(){\n            var cont = \$('set-container-{$uid}'),\n                element = cont.down('input[type=hidden]'),\n                tokenField = new TokenField(element, {" . ($onchange ? "onChange: function(){ {$onchange} }.bind(element)" : "") . "});\n\n            cont.select('input[type=checkbox]').invoke('observe', 'click', function(event){\n              var elt = Event.element(event);\n              tokenField.toggle(elt.value, elt.checked);\n\n              element.fire('ui:change');\n            });\n          });\n        </script>";
             $compteur = 0;
             if ($readonly) {
                 $readonly = "disabled";
             foreach ($locales as $key => $item) {
                 $selected = "";
                 if (!empty($value_array) && in_array($key, $value_array)) {
                     $selected = " checked=\"checked\"";
                 $sHtml .= "\n<label>\n              <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"_{$field}_{$key}\" value=\"{$key}\" class=\"set-checkbox token{$uid}\" {$selected} {$readonly}  />\n              {$item}\n            </label> ";
                 $modulo = $compteur % $cycle;
                 if ($separator != null && $modulo == 0 && $compteur < count($locales)) {
                     $sHtml .= $separator;
             $sHtml .= "</span>\n";
     return $sHtml;
Пример #12
  * Return person
  * @param DOMNode   $node       Node
  * @param CMbObject $mbPersonne Person
  * @return CMbObject|CMediusers|CPatient
 static function getPersonne(DOMNode $node, CMbObject $mbPersonne)
     $xpath = new CHPrimXPath($node->ownerDocument);
     $civilite = $xpath->queryAttributNode("hprim:civiliteHprim", $node, "valeur");
     $civiliteHprimConversion = array("mme" => "mme", "mlle" => "mlle", "mr" => "m", "dr" => "dr", "pr" => "pr", "bb" => "enf", "enf" => "enf");
     $nom = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:nomUsuel", $node);
     $prenoms = $xpath->getMultipleTextNodes("hprim:prenoms/*", $node);
     $adresses = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("hprim:adresses", $node);
     $adresse = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("hprim:adresse", $adresses);
     $ligne = $xpath->getMultipleTextNodes("hprim:ligne", $adresse, true);
     $ville = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:ville", $adresse);
     $cp = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:codePostal", $adresse);
     if ($cp) {
         $cp = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $cp);
     $telephones = $xpath->getMultipleTextNodes("hprim:telephones/*", $node);
     $email = $xpath->getFirstTextNode("hprim:emails/*", $node);
     if ($mbPersonne instanceof CPatient) {
         if ($civilite) {
             $mbPersonne->civilite = $civiliteHprimConversion[$civilite];
         } else {
             if ($mbPersonne->civilite == null) {
                 $mbPersonne->civilite = "guess";
         $mbPersonne->nom = $nom;
         $mbPersonne->nom_jeune_fille = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:nomNaissance", $node);
         $mbPersonne->prenom = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 0);
         $mbPersonne->prenom_2 = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 1);
         $mbPersonne->prenom_3 = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 2);
         $mbPersonne->adresse = $ligne;
         $mbPersonne->ville = $ville;
         $mbPersonne->pays_insee = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:pays", $adresse);
         $pays = new CPaysInsee();
         $pays->numerique = $mbPersonne->pays_insee;
         $mbPersonne->pays = $pays->nom_fr;
         $mbPersonne->cp = $cp;
         $tel1 = $tel2 = null;
         if (isset($telephones[0])) {
             $tel1 = $telephones[0];
         if (isset($telephones[1])) {
             $tel2 = $telephones[1];
         $mbPersonne->tel = $tel1 != $mbPersonne->tel2 && strlen($tel1) <= 10 ? $tel1 : null;
         $mbPersonne->tel2 = $tel2 != $mbPersonne->tel && strlen($tel2) <= 10 ? $tel2 : null;
         if (strlen($tel1) > 10) {
             $mbPersonne->tel_autre = $tel1;
         if (strlen($tel2) > 10) {
             $mbPersonne->tel_autre = $tel2;
         $mbPersonne->email = $email;
     } elseif ($mbPersonne instanceof CMediusers) {
         $mbPersonne->_user_last_name = $nom;
         $mbPersonne->_user_first_name = CMbArray::get($prenoms, 0);
         $mbPersonne->_user_email = $email;
         $mbPersonne->_user_phone = CMbArray::get($telephones, 0);
         $mbPersonne->_user_adresse = $ligne;
         $mbPersonne->_user_cp = $cp;
         $mbPersonne->_user_ville = $ville;
     return $mbPersonne;
  * Handle event A44 - move account information - patient account number
  * @param CHL7Acknowledgment $ack        Acknowledgment
  * @param CPatient           $newPatient Person
  * @param array              $data       Datas
  * @return string
 function handleA44(CHL7Acknowledgment $ack, CPatient $newPatient, $data)
     // Traitement du message des erreurs
     $comment = "";
     $exchange_hl7v2 = $this->_ref_exchange_hl7v2;
     $sender = $exchange_hl7v2->_ref_sender;
     // Impossibilité dans Mediboard de modifier le patient d'un séjour
     if (CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour patient_id") == 0) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E700", null, $newPatient);
     // On considère que l'on a qu'un changement à faire
     if (count($data["merge"]) > 1) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E701", null, $newPatient);
     $data = CMbArray::get($data["merge"], 0);
     $venue = new CSejour();
     $mbPatient = new CPatient();
     $mbPatientChange = new CPatient();
     $patientPI = CValue::read($data['personIdentifiers'], "PI");
     $patientRI = CValue::read($data['personIdentifiers'], "RI");
     $patientChangePI = CValue::read($data['personChangeIdentifiers'], "PI");
     $patientChangeRI = CValue::read($data['personChangeIdentifiers'], "RI");
     // Acquittement d'erreur : identifiants RI et PI non fournis
     if (!$patientRI && !$patientPI || !$patientChangeRI && !$patientChangePI) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E100", null, $newPatient);
     $idexPatient = CIdSante400::getMatch("CPatient", $sender->_tag_patient, $patientPI);
     if ($mbPatient->load($patientRI)) {
         if ($mbPatient->_id != $idexPatient->object_id) {
             $comment = "L'identifiant source fait référence au patient : {$idexPatient->object_id}";
             $comment .= " et l'identifiant cible au patient : {$mbPatient->_id}.";
             return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E601", $comment, $newPatient);
     if (!$mbPatient->_id) {
     $idexPatientChange = CIdSante400::getMatch("CPatient", $sender->_tag_patient, $patientChangePI);
     if ($mbPatientChange->load($patientChangeRI)) {
         if ($mbPatientChange->_id != $idexPatientChange->object_id) {
             $comment = "L'identifiant source fait référence au patient : {$idexPatientChange->object_id}";
             $comment .= "et l'identifiant cible au patient : {$mbPatientChange->_id}.";
             return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E602", $comment, $newPatient);
     if (!$mbPatientChange->_id) {
     if (!$mbPatient->_id || !$mbPatientChange->_id) {
         $comment = !$mbPatient->_id ? "Le patient {$mbPatient->_id} est inconnu dans Mediboard." : "Le patient {$mbPatientChange->_id} est inconnu dans Mediboard.";
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E603", $comment, $newPatient);
     $venueAN = $this->getVenueAN($sender, $data);
     $NDA = CIdSante400::getMatch("CSejour", $sender->_tag_sejour, $venueAN);
     if (!$venueAN && !$NDA->_id) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E604", $comment, $mbPatient);
     // Impossibilité dans Mediboard de modifier le patient d'un séjour ayant une entrée réelle
     if (CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour patient_id") == 2 && $venue->entree_reelle) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E605", null, $venue);
     if ($venue->patient_id != $mbPatientChange->_id) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E606", null, $venue);
     $venue->patient_id = $mbPatient->_id;
     if ($msg = $venue->store()) {
         return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAR($ack, "E607", $msg, $venue);
     $comment = CEAISejour::getComment($venue);
     return $exchange_hl7v2->setAckAA($ack, "I600", $comment, $venue);
  * store the patient
  * @param String[] $identifier identifier
  * @param CPatient $patient    patient
  * @param DOMNode  $node       node
  * @return null|CHPrimSanteError
 function storePatient($identifier, $patient, $node)
     $sender = $this->_ref_sender;
     if ($identifier["merge"] === "FU") {
         return $this->mergePatient($identifier, $sender->_tag_patient, $patient);
     //@todo voir pour nouveau né
      * H2.3C: Si le patient est un nouveau né, les champs 8.3 et 8.5 peuvent contenir les numéros permanent et
      * dossier administratif de la mère. Dans ce cas, afin de distinguer (en plus des nom et prénom) le nouveau né de sa mère,
      * et pour permettre une meilleure gestion des admissions, il faut renseigner le sous-champ 8.5.2, dans les contextes ADM et ORM.
     $person = $this->getNamePerson($node);
     $patient->nom_jeune_fille = $person["family_name"];
     $patient->nom = $person["name"];
     $patient->prenom = $person["firstname"];
     $patient->prenom_2 = $person["secondname"];
     $patient->civilite = CMbString::lower($person["civilite"]);
     $patient->naissance = $this->getBirthdate($node);
     $patient->sexe = CMbString::lower($this->getSexPerson($node));
     $address = $this->getAddress($node);
     $address["street"] .= $address["comp"] ? "\n{$address["comp"]}" : null;
     $patient->adresse = $address["street"];
     $patient->ville = $address["city"];
     $patient->pays = $address["country"];
     $patient->cp = $address["postal"];
     $phone = $this->getPhone($node);
     $patient->tel = CMbArray::get($phone, 0);
     $patient->tel2 = CMbArray::get($phone, 1);
     $patient->situation_famille = $this->getMaritalStatus($node);
     $patient->deces = $this->getDeathDate($node);
     if ($msg = $patient->store()) {
         return new CHPrimSanteError($this->_ref_exchange_hpr, "P", "08", array("P", $this->loop, $this->identifier_patient), "8.3", $msg);
     /*$ins = $this->getINS($node);
         foreach ($ins as $_ins) {
           $ins_patient           = new CINSPatient();
           $ins_patient->ins      = $_ins["ins"];
           $ins_patient->type     = substr($_ins["type"], -1);
           $ins_patient->date     = $_ins["date"];
           $ins_patient->provider = $sender->nom;
           if ($msg = $ins_patient->store()) {
             return new CHPrimSanteError($this->_ref_exchange_hpr, "P", "11", array("P", $this->loop, $this->identifier_patient), "8.12", $msg);
     return null;
Пример #15
  * Transforme la classe en document XML
  * @param null $nameParent String
  * @param null $namespace  String
  * @return CCDADomDocument
 function toXML($nameParent = null, $namespace = null)
     $dom = new CCDADomDocument();
     //on affecte le nom de la classe comme noeud racine
     $name = $this->getNameClass();
      * Si le nom parent est spécifié, on utilisera ce nom pour le noeud racine
     if (!empty($nameParent)) {
         $name = $nameParent;
     //on créé le nom racine
     $baseXML = $dom->addElement($dom, $name, null, $namespace);
     //on récupère les specifications définie dans les props
     $spec = $this->getSpecs();
     //On parcours les specs
     foreach ($spec as $key => $value) {
         //on récupère une instance d'une classe stocké dans la variable
         /** @var CCDA_Datatype $classInstance */
         $classInstance = $this->{$key};
         //on effectue différente action selon ce qui est définir dans la prop XML
         switch ($value["xml"]) {
             case "attribute":
                 //On vérifie la présence d'une instance
                 if (empty($classInstance)) {
                 if ($key === "identifier") {
                     $key = "ID";
                 //On créé l'attribut
                 $dom->addAttribute($baseXML, $key, $classInstance->getData());
             case "data":
                 //on insert la donnée avant tous les éléments
                 $dom->insertTextFirst($baseXML, $this->getData());
             case "element":
                 //on vérifie l'existence d'une instance
                 if (empty($classInstance)) {
                 //on vérifie si l'instance est un tableau
                 if (is_array($classInstance)) {
                     //on parcours les différentes instance
                     /** @var CCDA_Datatype[] $classInstance */
                     foreach ($classInstance as $_class) {
                         //on récupère le code xml de l'instance en spécifiant le nom du noeud racine
                         $xmlClass = $_class->toXML($key, $namespace);
                         //on ajoute à notre document notre instance
                         $dom->importDOMDocument($baseXML, $xmlClass);
                 } else {
                     //on récupère le code xml de l'instance en spécifiant le nom du noeud racine
                     $xmlClass = $classInstance->toXML($key, $namespace);
                     //on ajoute à notre document notre instance
                     $dom->importDOMDocument($baseXML, $xmlClass);
         //si la propriété abstract est spécifié
         if (CMbArray::get($value, "abstract")) {
             //on vérifie l'existence d'une instance
             if (empty($classInstance)) {
             //on cherche le noeud XML dans notre document
             $xpath = new CMbXPath($dom);
             if (!empty($namespace)) {
                 $xpath->registerNamespace("cda", $namespace);
                 $nodeKey = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("//cda:" . $key);
             } else {
                 $nodeKey = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("//" . $key);
             if (is_array($classInstance)) {
                 foreach ($classInstance as $_class) {
                      * on spécifie le type de l'élément (on cast)
                     $dom->castElement($nodeKey, $_class->getNameClass());
             } else {
                  * on spécifie le type de l'élément (on cast)
                 $dom->castElement($nodeKey, $classInstance->getNameClass());
     return $dom;
Пример #16
  * @see parent::updatePlainFields()
 function updatePlainFields()
     // Tris
     $dBs_gauche = array();
     foreach ($this->_gauche_vocale as $key => $value) {
         $dBs_gauche[] = CMbArray::get($value, 0, "end sort");
         $this->_gauche_vocale[$key] = CMbArray::get($value, 0) . "-" . CMbArray::get($value, 1);
     array_multisort($dBs_gauche, SORT_ASC, $this->_gauche_vocale);
     $dBs_droite = array();
     foreach ($this->_droite_vocale as $key => $value) {
         $dBs_droite[] = CMbArray::get($value, 0, "end sort");
         $this->_droite_vocale[$key] = CMbArray::get($value, 0) . "-" . CMbArray::get($value, 1);
     array_multisort($dBs_droite, SORT_ASC, $this->_droite_vocale);
     // Implodes
     $this->gauche_aerien = implode("|", $this->_gauche_aerien);
     $this->gauche_osseux = implode("|", $this->_gauche_osseux);
     $this->gauche_conlat = implode("|", $this->_gauche_conlat);
     $this->gauche_ipslat = implode("|", $this->_gauche_ipslat);
     $this->gauche_pasrep = implode("|", $this->_gauche_pasrep);
     $this->gauche_vocale = implode("|", $this->_gauche_vocale);
     $this->gauche_tympan = implode("|", $this->_gauche_tympan);
     $this->droite_aerien = implode("|", $this->_droite_aerien);
     $this->droite_osseux = implode("|", $this->_droite_osseux);
     $this->droite_conlat = implode("|", $this->_droite_conlat);
     $this->droite_ipslat = implode("|", $this->_droite_ipslat);
     $this->droite_pasrep = implode("|", $this->_droite_pasrep);
     $this->droite_vocale = implode("|", $this->_droite_vocale);
     $this->droite_tympan = implode("|", $this->_droite_tympan);
Пример #17
 * @category HL7
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  $Revision$
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$actor_guid = CValue::get("actor_guid");
$profil = CValue::get("profil", "PAM");
$message_class = CValue::get("message_class", "CHL7EventADTA01");
$temp = explode("_", $message_class);
$event_name = CMbArray::get($temp, 0);
$version = CAppUI::conf("hl7 default_version");
$extension = null;
if (CMbArray::get($temp, 1)) {
    $extension = CAppUI::conf("hl7 default_fr_version");
$message = str_replace("CHL7Event", "", $event_name);
/** @var CInteropActor $actor */
$actor = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($actor_guid);
$where = array("message" => " = '{$message}'", "profil" => " = '{$profil}'");
if ($extension) {
    $where["extension"] = " = '{$extension}'";
$trans = new CHL7v2Transformation($version, $extension, $message);
$tree = $trans->getSegments($actor);
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("profil", $profil);
$smarty->assign("version", $version);
$smarty->assign("extension", $extension);
  * OBX Segment with reference pointer to external report
  * @param DOMNode   $OBX    DOM node
  * @param CMbObject $object object
  * @param String    $name   name
  * @return bool
 function getReferencePointerToExternalReport(DOMNode $OBX, CMbObject $object, $name)
     $exchange_hl7v2 = $this->_ref_exchange_hl7v2;
     $sender = $exchange_hl7v2->_ref_sender;
     //Récupération de l'emplacement et du type du fichier (full path)
     $observation = $this->getObservationValue($OBX);
     $rp = explode("^", $observation);
     $pointer = CMbArray::get($rp, 0);
     $type = CMbArray::get($rp, 2);
     // Création d'un lien Hypertext sur l'objet
     if ($type == "HTML") {
         $hyperlink = new CHyperTextLink();
         $hyperlink->name = $name;
         $hyperlink->link = $pointer;
         if ($msg = $hyperlink->store()) {
             $this->codes[] = "E343";
             return false;
         return true;
     // Chargement des objets associés à l'expéditeur
     /** @var CInteropSender $sender_link */
     $object_links = $sender->loadRefsObjectLinks();
     if (!$object_links) {
         $this->codes[] = "E340";
         return false;
     $sender_link = new CInteropSender();
     $files_category = new CFilesCategory();
     // On récupère toujours une seule catégorie, et une seule source associée à l'expéditeur
     foreach ($object_links as $_object_link) {
         if ($_object_link->_ref_object instanceof CFilesCategory) {
             $files_category = $_object_link->_ref_object;
         if ($_object_link->_ref_object instanceof CInteropSender) {
             $sender_link = $_object_link->_ref_object;
             continue 1;
     // Aucun expéditeur permettant de récupérer les fichiers
     if (!$sender_link->_id) {
         $this->codes[] = "E340";
         return false;
     $authorized_sources = array("CSenderFileSystem", "CSenderFTP");
     // L'expéditeur n'est pas prise en charge pour la réception de fichiers
     if (!CMbArray::in($sender_link->_class, $authorized_sources)) {
         $this->codes[] = "E341";
         return false;
     // Aucune source permettant de récupérer les fichiers
     if (!$sender_link->_id) {
         $this->codes[] = "E342";
         return false;
     $source = $sender_link->getFirstExchangesSources();
     $path = str_replace("\\", "/", $pointer);
     $path = basename($path);
     if ($source instanceof CSourceFileSystem) {
         $path = $source->getFullPath() . "/{$path}";
     // Exception déclenchée sur la lecture du fichier
     try {
         $content = $source->getData("{$path}");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->codes[] = "E345";
         return false;
     if (!$type) {
         $type = CMbPath::getExtension($path);
     $file_type = $this->getFileType($type);
     $file_name = $this->getObservationFilename($OBX);
     // Gestion du CFile
     $file = new CFile();
     $file->file_name = $file_name ? $file_name : $name;
     $file->file_type = $file_type;
     if ($files_category->_id && $sender->_configs["associate_category_to_a_file"]) {
         $file->file_category_id = $files_category->_id;
     $file->file_date = "now";
     $file->doc_size = strlen($content);
     if ($msg = $file->store()) {
         $this->codes[] = "E343";
     $this->codes[] = "I340";
     return true;
Пример #19
  * Show a value if different from previous cached one
  * @param array $params  Smarty parameters
  *  * name : Name of the cached value
  *  * value: Value to show, empty string to clear out cache
  *  * reset: Reset value
  * @param self  &$smarty The Smarty object
  * @return string
 function mb_ditto($params, &$smarty)
     static $cache = array();
     $name = CMbArray::extract($params, "name", null, true);
     $value = CMbArray::extract($params, "value", null, true);
     $reset = CMbArray::extract($params, "reset", false, false);
     $center = CMbArray::extract($params, "center", false, false);
     $old = '';
     if (!$reset) {
         $old = CMbArray::get($cache, $name, "");
     $cache[$name] = $value;
     $new_value = $old != $value ? $value : "|";
     if ($center && $new_value == "|") {
         $new_value = "<div style='text-align:center;'>{$new_value}</div>";
     return $new_value;
Пример #20
 public function testGet()
     $this->assertNull($this->stub->get(null, null));
     $this->assertEquals("val", $this->stub->get(array("key" => "val"), "key"));
  * Store object
  * @return void
 function doStore()
     if ($msg = $this->_obj->store()) {
         CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
         if ($this->redirectError) {
             $this->redirect =& $this->redirectError;
     } else {
         $id = $this->objectKey;
         CValue::setSession($id, $this->_obj->_id);
         CAppUI::setMsg($this->_old->_id ? $this->modifyMsg : $this->createMsg, UI_MSG_OK);
         // Store additional object reference to the CExObject
         $ex_object_guid = CMbArray::get($this->request, "_ex_object_guid");
         if ($ex_object_guid) {
             $obj = $this->_obj;
             /** @var CExObject $ex_object */
             $ex_object = CStoredObject::loadFromGuid($ex_object_guid);
             if ($ex_object->_id) {
                 $ex_object->additional_class = $obj->_class;
                 $ex_object->additional_id = $obj->_id;
         if ($this->redirectStore) {
             $this->redirect =& $this->redirectStore;
Пример #22
  * Add value set
  * @param DOMNode $elParent Parent element
  * @param string  $attName  Attribute name
  * @param string  $attValue Attribute value
  * @param array   $data     Data
  * @return void
 function addValueSet($elParent, $attName, $attValue, $data = array())
     if (!($value = CMbArray::get($data, $attValue))) {
     $this->addAttribute($elParent, $attName, $value);
  * Ajout des éléments Reponses
  * @param string    $statut       Statut de l'acquittement
  * @param array     $codes        Codes d'erreurs
  * @param string    $commentaires Commentaire
  * @param CMbObject $mbObject     Object
  * @param array     $data         Datas
  * @return void
 function addReponses($statut, $codes, $commentaires = null, $mbObject = null, $data = array())
     $acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi = $this->documentElement;
     $mbPatient = $mbSejour = null;
     if ($mbObject instanceof CSejour) {
         $mbPatient = $mbObject->loadRefPatient();
         $mbSejour = $mbObject;
     if ($mbObject instanceof COperation) {
         $mbPatient = $mbObject->loadRefSejour()->loadRefPatient();
         $mbSejour = $mbObject->_ref_sejour;
     // Ajout des réponses
     $reponses = $this->addElement($acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi, "reponses");
     // Ajout du patient et de la venue
     $patient = $this->addElement($reponses, "patient");
     if (isset($mbPatient->_id)) {
         $this->addPatient($patient, $mbPatient, false, true);
     $venue = $this->addElement($reponses, "venue");
     if (isset($mbSejour->_id)) {
         $this->addVenue($venue, $mbSejour, false, true);
     if (!is_array($codes)) {
         if (!isset($mbPatient->_id)) {
             $this->addPatientError($reponses, $data);
         $this->addReponseGeneral($reponses, $statut, $codes, null, $mbObject, $commentaires, $data);
     // Génération des réponses en fonction du type de l'acquittement
     switch (get_class($this)) {
         case "CHPrimXMLAcquittementsServeurActes":
             if (!$data && !CMbArray::get($data, "CCAM") && !CMbArray::get($data, "NGAP")) {
             $actesCCAM = $data["CCAM"];
             $actesNGAP = $data["NGAP"];
             foreach ($actesCCAM as $_acteCCAM) {
                 $code_ccam = $codes[$_acteCCAM["idSourceActeCCAM"]];
                 $this->addReponseCCAM($reponses, $_acteCCAM["statut"], $code_ccam["code"], $_acteCCAM, $mbObject, $code_ccam["commentaires"]);
             foreach ($actesNGAP as $_acteNGAP) {
                 $code_ngap = $codes[$_acteNGAP["idSourceActeNGAP"]];
                 $this->addReponseNGAP($reponses, $_acteNGAP["statut"], $code_ngap["code"], $_acteNGAP, $mbObject, $code_ngap["commentaires"]);
         case "CHPrimXMLAcquittementsServeurIntervention":
             $this->addReponseIntervention($reponses, $statut, $codes, null, $mbObject, $commentaires);
Пример #24
  * Retourne les classes manqantes
  * @return array
 static function missclass()
      * On récupère les types des différents XSD
     $listAllType = self::returnType("modules/cda/resources/datatypes-base.xsd");
     $voc = self::returnType("modules/cda/resources/voc.xsd");
     $datatype = self::returnType("modules/cda/resources/datatypes.xsd");
     $listAllType = array_merge($listAllType, $voc, $datatype);
     $file = glob("modules/cda/classes/{classesCDA,datatypes}/{voc,base,datatype}/*.class.php", GLOB_BRACE);
     $result = array();
      * On parcours les classes existantes
     foreach ($file as $_file) {
         $_file = CMbArray::get(explode(".", $_file), 0);
         $_file = substr($_file, strrpos($_file, "/") + 1);
         /** @var CCDAClasseBase $class */
         $class = new $_file();
         array_push($result, $class->getNameClass());
     //on retourne la différence entre le tableau des types XSd et le tableau des classes existantes
     return array_diff($listAllType, $result);
Пример #25
if ($web_service) {
    $where["web_service_name"] = " = '" . $web_service . "'";
$total_echange_soap = 0;
$echangesSoap = array();
if ($service && $web_service || $service && $_date_min && $_date_max) {
    $total_echange_soap = $itemEchangeSoap->countList($where);
    $order = "date_echange DESC";
    $forceindex[] = "date_echange";
    $echangesSoap = $itemEchangeSoap->loadList($where, $order, "{$page}, 20", null, null, $forceindex);
foreach ($echangesSoap as $_echange_soap) {
    /** @var $_echange_soap CEchangeSOAP  */
    $destinataire = $_echange_soap->destinataire;
    $url = parse_url($destinataire);
    if (!CMbArray::get($url, "host")) {
        $name = basename($destinataire);
        $url['host'] = $name;
    $_echange_soap->destinataire = $url['host'];
$services = array();
if (!$echange_soap->_id) {
    $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
    $services = $ds->loadColumn("SELECT type FROM echange_soap GROUP BY type");
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("echange_soap", $echange_soap);
$smarty->assign("echangesSoap", $echangesSoap);
$smarty->assign("total_echange_soap", $total_echange_soap);
Пример #26
$date_max = CValue::get("_date_max");
$page = (int) CValue::get("page", 0);
$where = array();
if ($status) {
    $where["status"] = "= '{$status}'";
if ($error) {
    $where["error"] = "LIKE '%{$error}%'";
if ($cronjob_id) {
    $where["cronjob_id"] = "= '{$cronjob_id}'";
if ($date_min) {
    $where["start_datetime"] = ">= '{$date_min}'";
if ($date_max) {
    $where["start_datetime"] = $date_min ? $where["start_datetime"] . "AND start_datetime <= '{$date_max}'" : "<= '{$date_max}'";
$log = new CCronJobLog();
/** @var CCronJobLog[] $logs */
$nb_log = $log->countList($where);
$logs = $log->loadList($where, "start_datetime DESC", "{$page}, 30");
$cronjobs = CCronJobLog::massLoadFwdRef($logs, "cronjob_id");
foreach ($logs as $_log) {
    $_log->_ref_cronjob = CMbArray::get($cronjobs, $_log->cronjob_id);
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("logs", $logs);
$smarty->assign("page", $page);
$smarty->assign("nb_log", $nb_log);
  * Check service availability
  * @throws CMbException
  * @return void
 public function checkServiceAvailability()
     $url = $this->wsdl_url;
     if ($this->wsdl_original) {
         $url = $this->wsdl_original;
     $xml = file_get_contents($url);
     $dom = new CMbXMLDocument();
     $xpath = new CMbXPath($dom);
     $xpath->registerNamespace("wsdl", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/");
     $xpath->registerNamespace("soap", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/");
     $xpath->registerNamespace("soap12", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12");
     $login = CMbArray::get($this->options, "login");
     $password = CMbArray::get($this->options, "password");
     $service_nodes = $xpath->query("//wsdl:service");
     foreach ($service_nodes as $_service_node) {
         $service_name = $_service_node->getAttribute("name");
         $port_nodes = $xpath->query("wsdl:port", $_service_node);
         foreach ($port_nodes as $_port_node) {
             $address = $xpath->queryAttributNode("soap:address|soap12:address", $_port_node, "location");
             if (!$address) {
             if ($login && $password) {
                 $address = str_replace("://", "://{$login}:{$password}@", $address);
             // Url exist
             $url_exist = CHTTPClient::checkUrl($address, $this->check_option);
             if (!$url_exist) {
                 throw new CMbException("Service '{$service_name}' injoignable à l'adresse : <em>{$address}</em>");
Пример #28
 $results[$i]["username"] = CMbArray::get($line, 2);
 $results[$i]["password"] = CMbArray::get($line, 3);
 $results[$i]["type"] = CMbArray::get($line, 4);
 $results[$i]["function_name"] = CMbArray::get($line, 5);
 $results[$i]["profil_name"] = CMbArray::get($line, 6);
 if (CAppUI::conf("ref_pays") == 1) {
     $results[$i]["adeli"] = CMbArray::get($line, 7);
     $results[$i]["rpps"] = CMbArray::get($line, 8);
 } else {
     $results[$i]["ean"] = CMbArray::get($line, 7);
     $results[$i]["rcc"] = CMbArray::get($line, 8);
 $results[$i]["spec_cpam_code"] = CMbArray::get($line, 9);
 $results[$i]["discipline_name"] = CMbArray::get($line, 10);
 $results[$i]["idex"] = CMbArray::get($line, 11);
 $results[$i]["remote"] = CMbArray::get($line, 12);
 $results[$i]["error"] = 0;
 if ($results[$i]["remote"] == "") {
     $results[$i]["remote"] = "1";
 // User
 $mediuser = new CMediusers();
 $mediuser->_user_last_name = $results[$i]["lastname"];
 $mediuser->_user_first_name = $results[$i]["firstname"];
 $mediuser->_user_type = $results[$i]["type"];
 if (!is_numeric($mediuser->_user_type) || !array_key_exists($mediuser->_user_type, CUser::$types)) {
     $unfound["user_type"][$mediuser->_user_type] = true;
 if (CAppUI::conf("ref_pays") == 1) {
     $mediuser->adeli = $results[$i]["adeli"];
     $mediuser->rpps = $results[$i]["rpps"];
Пример #29
  * @see parent::getFormHtmlElement()
 function getFormHtmlElement($object, $params, $value, $className)
     $form = CMbArray::extract($params, "form");
     $increment = CMbArray::extract($params, "increment");
     $showPlus = CMbArray::extract($params, "showPlus");
     $fraction = CMbArray::extract($params, "fraction");
     $showFraction = CMbArray::extract($params, "showFraction");
     $deferEvent = CMbArray::extract($params, "deferEvent");
     $bigButtons = CMbArray::extract($params, "bigButtons");
     $readonly = CMbArray::get($params, "readonly");
     $field = CMbString::htmlSpecialChars($this->fieldName);
     $min = CMbArray::extract($params, "min");
     if ($min === null) {
         $min = CMbFieldSpec::checkNumeric($this->min, false);
     $max = CMbArray::extract($params, "max");
     if ($max === null) {
         $max = CMbFieldSpec::checkNumeric($this->max, false);
     $new_value = CMbArray::extract($params, "value");
     if ($new_value !== null) {
         $value = $new_value;
     $decimals = CMbArray::extract($params, "decimals", $this->decimals);
     if ($decimals == null) {
         $decimals = isset($this->precise) ? 4 : 2;
     $step = CMbArray::extract($params, "step");
     $step = CMbFieldSpec::checkNumeric($step, false);
     CMbArray::defaultValue($params, "size", 4);
     if ($form && $increment && !$readonly) {
         $sHtml = $this->getFormElementText($object, $params, ($value >= 0 && $showPlus ? '+' : '') . ($value == 0 && $showPlus ? '0' : $value), $className, "number");
         $sHtml .= '
 <script type="text/javascript">
     var element = $(document.forms["' . $form . '"]["' . $field . '"]);
     if ($(element.form).isReadonly()) return;
         if ($step) {
             $sHtml .= "step: {$step},";
         if ($decimals) {
             $sHtml .= "decimals: {$decimals},";
         if ($this->pos) {
             $sHtml .= "min: 0,";
         } elseif (isset($min)) {
             $sHtml .= "min: {$min},";
         if (isset($max)) {
             $sHtml .= "max: {$max},";
         if ($deferEvent) {
             $sHtml .= "deferEvent: true,";
         if ($bigButtons) {
             $sHtml .= "bigButtons: true,";
         if ($showPlus) {
             $sHtml .= "showPlus: true,";
         if ($fraction) {
             $sHtml .= "fraction: true,";
         if ($showFraction) {
             $sHtml .= "showFraction: true,";
         $sHtml .= '_:0 // IE rules
     } else {
         $sHtml = $this->getFormElementText($object, $params, $value, $className, "number");
     return $sHtml;
Пример #30
  * Get all number patient by a state and the filter
  * @param String $date_min Date minimum
  * @param String $date_max Date maximum
  * @return array
 static function getAllNumberPatient($date_min = null, $date_max = null)
     $patients_count = array();
     $leftjoin = null;
     $where = array();
     if ($date_min) {
         $where["entree"] = ">= '{$date_min}'";
         $leftjoin["sejour"] = "patients.patient_id = sejour.patient_id";
     if ($date_max) {
         $where["entree"] = "<= '{$date_max}'";
         $leftjoin["sejour"] = "patients.patient_id = sejour.patient_id";
     $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
     $request = new CRequest();
     $request->addSelect("`status`, COUNT(DISTINCT(`patients`.`patient_id`)) as `total`");
     $result = $ds->loadList($request->makeSelect());
     $state_count = array();
     foreach ($result as $_result) {
         $state_count[$_result["status"]] = $_result["total"];
     foreach (self::$list_state as $_state) {
         $patients_count[CMbString::lower($_state)] = CMbArray::get($state_count, $_state, 0);
         if ($_state == "CACH") {
             $where = array("vip" => "= '1'", "status" => "!= 'VALI'");
             $patient = new CPatient();
             $patients_count[CMbString::lower($_state)] = $patient->countList($where, null, $leftjoin);
         if ($_state == "DPOT") {
             $patient_link = new CPatientLink();
             $patients_count[CMbString::lower($_state)] = $patient_link->countList($where, null, array("sejour" => "patient_link.patient_id1 = sejour.patient_id"));
     return $patients_count;