Пример #1
         $cms_page = CMS_session::getPage();
         if (is_object($cms_page) && !$cms_page->hasError()) {
             $parameters['pageID'] = $cms_page->getID();
         $parameters['selection'] = io::decodeEntities($selectedContent);
         $parameters['public'] = false;
         $parameters['plugin-view'] = true;
         $definitionParsing = new CMS_polymod_definition_parsing($definition, true, CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::PARSE_MODE);
         $codeTopaste = $definitionParsing->getContent(CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::OUTPUT_RESULT, $parameters);
         //add some attributes to images to prevent resizing into editor
         $codeTopaste = str_replace('<img ', '<img contenteditable="false" unselectable="on" ', $codeTopaste);
         //encode all ampersand without reencode already encoded ampersand
         $codeTopaste = sensitiveIO::reencodeAmpersand($codeTopaste);
         if ($codeTopaste) {
             //add identification span tag arround code to paste
             $codeTopaste = '<span id="polymod-' . $pluginId . '-' . $itemId . '" class="polymod" title="' . io::htmlspecialchars($selectedPlugin->getLabel($cms_language) . ' : ' . trim($item->getLabel($cms_language))) . '">' . $codeTopaste . '</span>';
         $content = $codeTopaste;
     } elseif (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($itemId) && $selectedPlugin->needSelection()) {
         $codeTopaste = '<span id="polymod-' . $pluginId . '-' . $itemId . '" class="polymod">' . $selectedContent . '</span>';
         $content = $codeTopaste;
     } else {
         $selectedContent = $selectedContent ? $selectedContent : ' ';
         $content = $selectedContent;
 case 'setRowParameters':
     $tpl = sensitiveIO::request('template', 'sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger');
     $rowId = sensitiveIO::request('rowType', 'sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger');
     $rowTag = sensitiveIO::request('rowTag');
     $cs = sensitiveIO::request('cs');
Пример #2
  * Treat given content tag by this module for the specified treatment mode, visualization mode and object.
  * @param string $tag The CMS_XMLTag.
  * @param string $tagContent previous tag content.
  * @param integer $treatmentMode The current treatment mode (see constants on top of CMS_modulesTags class for accepted values).
  * @param integer $visualizationMode The current visualization mode (see constants on top of cms_page class for accepted values).
  * @param object $treatedObject The reference object to treat.
  * @param array $treatmentParameters : optionnal parameters used for the treatment. Usually an array of objects.
  * @return string the tag content treated.
  * @access public
 function treatWantedTag(&$tag, $tagContent, $treatmentMode, $visualizationMode, &$treatedObject, $treatmentParameters)
     switch ($treatmentMode) {
             return parent::treatWantedTag($tag, $tagContent, $treatmentMode, $visualizationMode, $treatedObject, $treatmentParameters);
             return parent::treatWantedTag($tag, $tagContent, $treatmentMode, $visualizationMode, $treatedObject, $treatmentParameters);
             if (!$treatedObject instanceof CMS_page) {
                 $this->raiseError('$treatedObject must be a CMS_page object');
                 return false;
             switch ($tag->getName()) {
                 case "span":
                     $ids = explode('-', $tag->getAttribute('id'));
                     $selectedPluginID = (int) $ids[1];
                     $selectedItem = (int) $ids[2];
                     //then create the code to paste for the current selected object if any
                     if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($selectedItem) && sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($selectedPluginID)) {
                         //get plugin
                         $selectedPlugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions($selectedPluginID);
                         //get plugin definition
                         $definition = $selectedPlugin->getValue('compiledDefinition');
                         //set parsing parameters
                         $parameters = array();
                         $parameters['itemID'] = $selectedItem;
                         $parameters['pageID'] = $treatedObject->getID();
                         $parameters['public'] = $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_HTML_PUBLIC || $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_PRINT || $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_HTML_PUBLIC_INDEXABLE ? true : false;
                         //get originaly selected text
                         if (!$selectedPlugin->needSelection()) {
                             $parameters['selection'] = '';
                         } else {
                             $hasSelection = preg_match('#<!--(.*)-->#s', $tag->getInnerContent(), $matches);
                             $parameters['selection'] = io::decodeEntities($hasSelection ? $matches[1] : $tag->getInnerContent());
                             //$parameters['selection'] = io::decodeEntities($tag->getInnerContent());
                         $tagContent = '<?php $parameters = ' . var_export($parameters, true) . ';' . "\n" . io::substr($definition, 5);
                         //save in global var the page ID who need this module so we can add the header code later.
                         CMS_module::moduleUsage($treatedObject->getID(), $this->_codename, array('block' => true));
                         //Cache management
                         if ($parameters['public']) {
                             //create definition hash
                             $cacheHash = md5(serialize(array('definition' => $tagContent, 'parameters' => $parameters)));
                             $tagContent = CMS_cache::wrapCode($cacheHash, $tagContent);
                     return $tagContent;
             $content = parent::treatWantedTag($tag, $tagContent, $treatmentMode, $visualizationMode, $treatedObject, $treatmentParameters);
             if ($treatedObject instanceof CMS_page && $tag->getName() === "atm-meta-tags") {
                 $oembed = CMS_polymod_oembed_definition_catalog::getByCodename($treatedObject->getCodename());
                 if ($oembed && CMS_poly_object_catalog::getModuleCodenameForObjectType($oembed->getObjectdefinition()) === $this->_codename) {
                     $content .= '<?php ' . "\n" . 'echo CMS_polymod_oembed_definition::getDiscoveryEndpoint(); ?>';
             return $content;
             switch ($tag->getName()) {
                 case "span":
                     global $cms_language;
                     $ids = explode('-', $tag->getAttribute('id'));
                     $selectedPluginID = (int) $ids[1];
                     $selectedItem = (int) $ids[2];
                     //then create the code to paste for the current selected object if any
                     if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($selectedItem) && sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($selectedPluginID)) {
                         //get plugin
                         $selectedPlugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions($selectedPluginID);
                         //get selected item
                         $item = CMS_poly_object_catalog::getObjectByID($selectedItem, false, $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_HTML_PUBLIC || $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_PRINT || $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_HTML_PUBLIC_INDEXABLE ? true : false);
                         if ($item && !$item->hasError()) {
                             //get originaly selected text if any
                             $selectedText = '';
                             if ($selectedPlugin->needSelection()) {
                                 $hasSelection = preg_match('#<!--(.*)-->#s', $tag->getInnerContent(), $matches);
                                 $selectedText = $hasSelection ? $matches[1] : $tag->getInnerContent();
                                 $tagContent = '<span id="polymod-' . $selectedPluginID . '-' . $selectedItem . '" class="polymod" title="' . io::htmlspecialchars($selectedPlugin->getLabel($cms_language) . ' : ' . trim($item->getLabel($cms_language))) . '">' . $selectedText . '</span>';
                             } else {
                                 $tagContent = '<span id="polymod-' . $selectedPluginID . '-' . $selectedItem . '" class="polymod" title="' . io::htmlspecialchars($selectedPlugin->getLabel($cms_language) . ' : ' . trim($item->getLabel($cms_language))) . '">' . CMS_poly_definition_functions::pluginCode($selectedPluginID, $selectedItem, '', $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_HTML_PUBLIC || $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_PRINT || $visualizationMode == PAGE_VISUALMODE_HTML_PUBLIC_INDEXABLE ? true : false, true) . '</span>';
                         } else {
                             $tagContent = '';
                     //strip cache comment
                     $tagContent = preg_replace('#<!--{cache:(.*)}-->#Us', '', $tagContent);
                     //encode all ampersand without reencode already encoded ampersand
                     $tagContent = sensitiveIO::reencodeAmpersand($tagContent);
                     return $tagContent;
             return $tagContent;
             switch ($tag->getName()) {
                 case "span":
                     $ids = explode('-', $tag->getAttribute('id'));
                     $selectedPluginID = (int) $ids[1];
                     $selectedItem = (int) $ids[2];
                     //then create the code to paste for the current selected object if any
                     if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($selectedItem) && sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($selectedPluginID)) {
                         //get plugin
                         $selectedPlugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions($selectedPluginID);
                         //get originaly selected text if any
                         $selectedText = $commentSelectedText = '';
                         if ($selectedPlugin->needSelection()) {
                             $hasSelection = preg_match('#<!--(.*)-->#s', $tag->getInnerContent(), $matches);
                             $selectedText = $hasSelection ? $matches[1] : $tag->getInnerContent();
                             $commentSelectedText = '<!--' . ($hasSelection ? $matches[1] : $tag->getInnerContent()) . '-->';
                         $tagContent = '<span id="polymod-' . $selectedPluginID . '-' . $selectedItem . '" class="polymod">' . "\n" . '<?php echo CMS_poly_definition_functions::pluginCode(\'' . $selectedPluginID . '\', \'' . $selectedItem . '\', ' . var_export($selectedText, true) . ', true); ?>' . "\n" . $commentSelectedText . '</span>';
                     return $tagContent;
             return $tagContent;
     return $tag->getContent();
Пример #3
        $content .= '
		<dialog-title type="admin_h2">' . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_PLUGIN_DEFINITIONS, false, MOD_POLYMOD_CODENAME) . ' :</dialog-title>
		<br />';
        if (sizeof($pluginDefinitions)) {
            $content .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
				<th class="admin">' . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_FIELD_TITLE) . '</th>
				<th class="admin">' . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_FIELD_DESCRIPTION) . '</th>
				<th class="admin">' . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_FIELD_ACTIONS) . '</th>
            $copunt = 0;
            foreach ($pluginDefinitions as $pluginDefinition) {
                $td_class = $count % 2 == 0 ? "admin_lightgreybg" : "admin_darkgreybg";
                $content .= '<tr alt="ID : ' . $pluginDefinition->getID() . '" title="ID : ' . $pluginDefinition->getID() . '">
					<td class="' . $td_class . '">' . $pluginDefinition->getLabel($cms_language) . '</td>
					<td class="' . $td_class . '">' . $pluginDefinition->getDescription($cms_language) . '</td>
					<td class="' . $td_class . '">
						<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
                $canBeDeleted = true;
                if ($canBeDeleted) {
                    $content .= '
								<form action="' . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . '" method="post" onSubmit="return confirm(\'' . addslashes($cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_ACTION_DELETEPLUGINCONFIRM, array($pluginDefinition->getLabel($cms_language)), MOD_POLYMOD_CODENAME)) . ' ?\')">
								<input type="hidden" name="cms_action" value="deletePlugin" />
								<input type="hidden" name="pluginDefinition" value="' . $pluginDefinition->getID() . '" />
								<input type="hidden" name="moduleCodename" value="' . $moduleCodename . '" />
								<input type="hidden" name="object" value="' . $object->getID() . '" />
									<td class="admin"><input type="submit" class="admin_input_' . $td_class . '" value="' . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_ACTION_DELETE) . '" /></td>
  * Import object from given array datas
  * @param array $data The object datas to import
  * @param array $params The import parameters.
  *		array(
  *				module	=> false|true : the module to create object (required)
  *				create	=> false|true : create missing objects (default : true)
  *				update	=> false|true : update existing objects (default : true)
  *				files	=> false|true : use files from PATH_TMP_FS (default : true)
  *			)
  * @param CMS_language $cms_language The CMS_langage to use
  * @param array $idsRelation : Reference : The relations between import datas ids and real imported ids
  * @param string $infos : Reference : The import infos returned
  * @return boolean : true on success, false on failure
  * @access public
 function fromArray($data, $params, $cms_language, &$idsRelation, &$infos)
     if (!isset($params['module'])) {
         $infos .= 'Error : missing module codename for object importation ...' . "\n";
         return false;
     $module = CMS_modulesCatalog::getByCodename($params['module']);
     if ($module->hasError()) {
         $infos .= 'Error : invalid module for object importation : ' . $params['module'] . "\n";
         return false;
     if (!$this->getID() && CMS_poly_object_catalog::objectUuidExists($data['uuid'])) {
         //check imported uuid. If objects does not have an Id, the uuid must be unique or must be regenerated
         $uuid = io::uuid();
         //store old uuid relation
         $idsRelation['objects-uuid'][$data['uuid']] = $uuid;
         $data['uuid'] = $uuid;
     //set object uuid if not exists
     if (!$this->_objectValues["uuid"]) {
         $this->_objectValues["uuid"] = $data['uuid'];
     if (isset($data['labels'])) {
         $label = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("labelID"));
         $this->setValue("labelID", $label->getID());
     if (isset($data['descriptions'])) {
         $description = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("descriptionID"));
         $this->setValue("descriptionID", $description->getID());
     if (isset($data['params']['resourceUsage'])) {
         $this->setValue("resourceUsage", $data['params']['resourceUsage']);
     if (isset($data['params']['admineditable'])) {
         $this->setValue("admineditable", $data['params']['admineditable']);
     if (isset($data['params']['indexable'])) {
         $this->setValue("indexable", $data['params']['indexable']);
     if (isset($data['params']['multilanguage'])) {
         $this->setValue("multilanguage", $data['params']['multilanguage']);
     if (isset($data['params']['composedLabel'])) {
         $this->setValue("composedLabel", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['composedLabel'], false));
     if (isset($data['params']['previewURL'])) {
         $this->setValue("previewURL", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['previewURL'], false));
     if (isset($data['params']['indexURL'])) {
         $this->setValue("indexURL", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['indexURL'], false));
     if (isset($data['params']['resultsDefinition'])) {
         $this->setValue("resultsDefinition", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['resultsDefinition'], false));
     //write object
     if (!$this->writeToPersistence()) {
         $infos .= 'Error : can not write object ...' . "\n";
         return false;
     //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation
     if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] && $this->getID() != $data['id']) {
         $idsRelation['objects'][$data['id']] = $this->getID();
     //set this object into definition to convert array so it can be converted again at end of import process
     $idsRelation['definitionToConvert'][] = $this;
     $return = true;
     //object fields
     if (isset($data['fields'])) {
         foreach ($data['fields'] as $fieldDatas) {
             $importType = '';
             if (isset($fieldDatas['type'])) {
                 if (isset($fieldDatas['uuid']) && ($id = CMS_poly_object_catalog::fieldExists($params['module'], $fieldDatas['uuid']))) {
                     //field already exist : load it if we can update it
                     if (!isset($params['update']) || $params['update'] == true) {
                         $field = new CMS_poly_object_field($id);
                         $importType = ' (Update)';
                 } else {
                     //create new field if we can
                     if (!isset($params['create']) || $params['create'] == true) {
                         $field = new CMS_poly_object_field();
                         $importType = ' (Creation)';
                 if (isset($field)) {
                     if ($field->fromArray($fieldDatas, $params, $cms_language, $idsRelation, $infos)) {
                         $return &= true;
                         $infos .= 'Field "' . $field->getLabel($cms_language) . '" successfully imported' . $importType . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $return = false;
                         $infos .= 'Error during import of field ...' . $importType . "\n";
             } else {
                 $return = false;
                 $infos .= 'Error during import of field : missing type' . "\n";
     //object rss feeds
     if (isset($data['rss'])) {
         foreach ($data['rss'] as $rssDatas) {
             $importType = '';
             if (isset($rssDatas['uuid']) && ($id = CMS_poly_object_catalog::rssExists($params['module'], $rssDatas['uuid']))) {
                 //rss already exist : load it if we can update it
                 if (!isset($params['update']) || $params['update'] == true) {
                     $rss = new CMS_poly_rss_definitions($id);
                     $importType = ' (Update)';
             } else {
                 //create new rss if we can
                 if (!isset($params['create']) || $params['create'] == true) {
                     $rss = new CMS_poly_rss_definitions();
                     $importType = ' (Creation)';
             if (isset($rss)) {
                 if ($rss->fromArray($rssDatas, $params, $cms_language, $idsRelation, $infos)) {
                     $return &= true;
                     $infos .= 'RSS feed "' . $rss->getLabel($cms_language) . '" successfully imported' . $importType . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $return = false;
                     $infos .= 'Error during import of rss feed ...' . $importType . "\n";
     //plugins wysiwyg
     if (isset($data['plugins'])) {
         foreach ($data['plugins'] as $pluginDatas) {
             $importType = '';
             if (isset($pluginDatas['uuid']) && ($id = CMS_poly_object_catalog::pluginExists($params['module'], $pluginDatas['uuid']))) {
                 //plugin already exist : load it if we can update it
                 if (!isset($params['update']) || $params['update'] == true) {
                     $plugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions($id);
                     $importType = ' (Update)';
             } else {
                 //create new plugin if we can
                 if (!isset($params['create']) || $params['create'] == true) {
                     $plugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions();
                     $importType = ' (Creation)';
             if (isset($plugin)) {
                 if ($plugin->fromArray($pluginDatas, $params, $cms_language, $idsRelation, $infos)) {
                     $return &= true;
                     $infos .= 'Plugin Wysiwyg "' . $plugin->getLabel($cms_language) . '" successfully imported' . $importType . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $return = false;
                     $infos .= 'Error during import of plugin wysiwyg ...' . $importType . "\n";
     return $return;