Пример #1
 public static function suite()
     $files = CIUnit::files('/test.*\\.php/', dirname(__FILE__));
     $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('Library tests');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $file = str_replace('.php', '', $file);
     return $suite;
Пример #2
 public static function suite()
     $files = CIUnit::files('/.*Test\\.php/', dirname(__FILE__));
     $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('Applet tests');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         require_once $file;
         $file = str_replace('.php', '', $file);
     return $suite;
Пример #3
 public static function &set_controller($controller = 'Controller', $path = FALSE)
     $controller_name = array_pop(split('/', $controller));
     //echo "\nc name ".$controller_name;
     //is it the current controller?
     if ($controller_name == self::$current) {
         //we have nothing to do, return current controller
         //echo "current found!";
         return self::$controller;
     //the current controller must be archieved before littered
     $loader =& load_class('Loader');
     if (isset(self::$controllers[self::$current])) {
         self::$controllers[self::$current]['models'] = $loader->_ci_models;
         //this might be an update if it was there before
         // FIXME, all additional properties of the loader / controllers
         // that have to be reset must go in some test config file..
         //'components' => $loader->_ci_components,
         //'classes' => $loader->_ci_classes
     //clean up the current controllers mess
     //reset models
     $loader->_ci_models = array();
     //reset components
     //$loader->_ci_components = array();
     //reset saved queries
     self::$controller->db->queries = array();
     //clean output / viewvars as well;
     if (isset(self::$controller->output)) {
     //the requested controller was loaded before?
     if (isset(self::$controllers[$controller_name])) {
         //echo "saved found! $controller_name";
         //load it
         $old =& self::$controllers[$controller_name];
         self::$controller =& $old['address'];
         self::$current = $controller_name;
         $loader->_ci_models = $old['models'];
         //$loader->_ci_components = $old['components'];
         //$loader->_ci_classes = &$old['classes'];
     } else {
         //echo "load new $controller_name";
         //it was not loaded before
         if (!class_exists($controller_name)) {
             if ($path) {
                 include_once $path . $controller . EXT;
             } else {
                 include_once APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $controller . EXT;
         self::$current = $controller_name;
         self::$controllers[$controller_name] = array('address' => new $controller_name(), 'models' => array());
         self::$controller =& self::$controllers[$controller_name]['address'];
     CI_Base::$instance =& self::$controller;
     //so get_instance() provides the correct controller
     return self::$controller;
Пример #4
 public static function &set_controller($controller = 'CI_Controller', $path = FALSE)
     $controller_name = array_pop(explode('/', $controller));
     //echo "\nc name ".$controller_name;
     //is it the current controller?
     if ($controller_name == self::$current) {
         //we have nothing to do, return current controller
         //echo "current found!"; die();
         return self::$controller;
     // the current controller must be archieved before littered
     $loader =& load_class('Loader', 'core');
     // reset all loaded data
     //echo 'Var Dump of self::$controllers -- ';
     I don't understand this section of code.
     self::$controllers[self::$current] is never set when testing
     models. Maybe it will be set when testing controllers?
     if (isset(self::$controllers[self::$current]))
     	self::$controllers[self::$current]['models'] = $loader->_ci_models;
     	//this might be an update if it was there before
     	// FIXME, all additional properties of the loader / controllers
     	// that have to be reset must go in some test config file..
     	//'components' => $loader->_ci_components,
     	//'classes' => $loader->_ci_classes
     I don't understand why this code is clearing out
     all the loaded components such as autoloaded models
     -- this is very frustrating
     //clean up the current controllers mess
     //reset models
     $loader->_ci_models = array();
     //reset components
     //$loader->_ci_components = array();
     //reset saved queries
     self::$controller->db->queries = array();
     //clean output / viewvars as well;
     if (isset(self::$controller->output)) {
     //the requested controller was loaded before?
     if (isset(self::$controllers[$controller_name])) {
         //echo "saved found! $controller_name";
         //load it
         $old =& self::$controllers[$controller_name];
         self::$controller =& $old['address'];
         self::$current = $controller_name;
         //$loader->_ci_models = $old['models'];
         //$loader->_ci_components = $old['components'];
         //$loader->_ci_classes = &$old['classes'];
     } else {
         //echo "load new $controller_name";
         //it was not loaded before
         if (!class_exists($controller_name)) {
             if ($path && file_exists($path . $controller . EXT)) {
                 include_once $path . $controller . EXT;
             } else {
                 include_once APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $controller . EXT;
         self::$current = $controller_name;
         self::$controllers[$controller_name] = array('address' => new $controller_name(), 'models' => array());
         self::$controller =& self::$controllers[$controller_name]['address'];
     //		var_dump(self::$controllers); die();
     //		var_dump(self::$controller); die();
     //CI_Base::$instance = &self::$controller; //so get_instance() provides the correct controller
     return self::$controller;
Пример #5
// The path to CIUnit
if (is_dir($ciunit_folder)) {
    define('CIUPATH', $ciunit_folder . '/');
} else {
    if (!is_dir(APPPATH . 'third_party/' . $ciunit_folder)) {
        exit("Your CIUnit folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: " . SELF);
    define('CIUPATH', APPPATH . 'third_party/' . $ciunit_folder);
// The path to the Tests folder
define('TESTSPATH', realpath($tests_folder) . '/');
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * And away we go...
// Load the CIUnit CodeIgniter Core
require_once CIUPATH . 'core/CodeIgniter.php';
// Load the CIUnit Framework
require_once CIUPATH . 'libraries/CIUnit.php';
//=== and off we go ===
$CI =& set_controller('CIU_Controller', CIUPATH . 'core/');
CIUnit::$spyc = new Spyc();
require_once CIUPATH . 'libraries/Fixture.php';
$CI->fixture = new Fixture();
CIUnit::$fixture =& $CI->fixture;