function loadRefGroup() { if (!$this->_ref_group) { $this->_ref_group = new CGroups(); $this->_ref_group->load($this->group_id); } }
/** * Get group host * * @param bool $get_id Only get the ID, not the object * * @return CGroups|int|null */ static function getHostGroup($get_id = true) { if (isset(self::$_host_group)) { return $get_id ? self::$_host_group->_id : self::$_host_group; } $host_group_id = CAppUI::conf("dPstock host_group_id"); if (!$host_group_id) { $host_group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; } $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($host_group_id); self::$_host_group = $group; if ($get_id) { return $group->_id; } return $group; }
/** * Recording NDA * * @param CIdSante400 $NDA Object id400 * @param CSejour $sejour Admit * @param CInteropSender $sender Sender * * @return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message */ static function storeNDA(CIdSante400 $NDA, CSejour $sejour, CInteropSender $sender) { /* Gestion du numéroteur */ $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($sender->group_id); $group->loadConfigValues(); // Purge du NDA existant sur le séjour et on le remplace par le nouveau if ($sender->_configs["purge_idex_movements"]) { // On charge le NDA courant du séjour $sejour->loadNDA($sender->group_id); $ref_NDA = $sejour->_ref_NDA; if ($ref_NDA) { // Si le NDA actuel est identique à celui qu'on reçoit on ne fait rien if ($ref_NDA->id400 == $NDA->id400) { return; } // On passe le NDA courant en trash $ref_NDA->tag = CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour tag_dossier_trash") . $ref_NDA->tag; $ref_NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; $ref_NDA->store(); } // On sauvegarde le nouveau $NDA->tag = $sender->_tag_sejour; $NDA->object_class = "CSejour"; $NDA->object_id = $sejour->_id; $NDA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; return $NDA->store(); } // Génération du NDA ? // Non if (!$group->_configs["smp_idex_generator"]) { if (!$NDA->id400) { return null; } if ($sejour) { $NDA->object_id = $sejour->_id; } $NDA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; return $NDA->store(); } else { $NDA_temp = CIdSante400::getMatch("CSejour", $sender->_tag_sejour, null, $sejour->_id); if ($NDA_temp->_id) { return; } // Pas de NDA passé if (!$NDA->id400) { if (!CIncrementer::generateIdex($sejour, $sender->_tag_sejour, $sender->group_id)) { return CAppUI::tr("CEAISejour-error-generate-idex"); } return null; } else { $incrementer = $sender->loadRefGroup()->loadDomainSupplier("CSejour"); if ($incrementer && $NDA->id400 < $incrementer->range_min || $NDA->id400 > $incrementer->range_max) { return CAppUI::tr("CEAISejour-idex-not-in-the-range"); } $NDA->object_id = $sejour->_id; $NDA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; return $NDA->store(); } } }
CAppUI::redirect("m=system&a=module_missing&mod={$m}"); } $m = "dP{$m}"; } // Get current module permissions // these can be further modified by the included action files $can = $module->canDo(); $a = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::get("a", $index)); $u = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::get("u", "")); $dosql = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::post("dosql", "")); $class = CAppUI::checkFileName(CValue::post("@class", "")); $tab = $a == "index" ? CValue::getOrSession("tab", $tab) : CValue::get("tab"); // set the group in use, put the user group if not allowed $g = CValue::getOrSessionAbs("g", CAppUI::$instance->user_group); $indexGroup = new CGroups(); if ($indexGroup->load($g) && !$indexGroup->canRead()) { $g = CAppUI::$instance->user_group; CValue::setSessionAbs("g", $g); } $user = CAppUI::$user; // Check whether the password is strong enough // If account is not a robot if ($user->_id && !$user->isRobot() && (!($m == "admin" && $tab == "chpwd") && !($m == "admin" && $dosql == "do_chpwd_aed"))) { if (CAppUI::$instance->weak_password && (!CAppUI::$instance->user_remote || CAppUI::conf("admin CUser apply_all_users"))) { CAppUI::redirect("m=admin&tab=chpwd&forceChange=1"); } // If we want to force user to periodically change password if (CAppUI::conf("admin CUser force_changing_password") || $user->_ref_user->force_change_password) { // Need to change if ($user->_ref_user->force_change_password) { CAppUI::redirect("m=admin&tab=chpwd&forceChange=1");
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @category CDA * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ * @link */ $group_type = CValue::post("group_type"); $group_id = CValue::post("group_id"); $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($group_id); $idex = new CIdSante400(); $idex->tag = "cda_association_code"; $idex->setObject($group); $idex->loadMatchingObject(); $idex->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $idex->id400 = $group_type; if ($group_type && ($msg = $idex->store())) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } CAppUI::setMsg("Configuration effectué");
/** * @see parent::extractData */ function extractData() { /** @var CDocumentItem $docItem */ $docItem = $this->mbObject; $this->realm_code = "FR"; $this->langage = $docItem->language; //Récupération du dernier log qui correspond à la date de création de cette version $last_log = $docItem->loadLastLog(); $this->date_creation = $last_log->date; $this->date_author = $last_log->date; $this->targetObject = $object = $docItem->loadTargetObject(); if ($object instanceof CConsultAnesth) { $this->targetObject = $object = $object->loadRefConsultation(); } $this->practicien = $object->loadRefPraticien(); $this->patient = $object->loadRefPatient(); $this->patient->loadLastINS(); $this->patient->loadIPP(); $this->mbObject = $docItem; $this->root = CMbOID::getOIDFromClass($docItem, $this->receiver); $this->practicien->loadRefFunction(); $this->practicien->loadRefOtherSpec(); $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($this->practicien->_group_id); $this->healt_care = CCdaTools::loadEntryJV("CI-SIS_jdv_healthcareFacilityTypeCode.xml", CIdSante400::getValueFor($group, "cda_association_code")); if ($docItem instanceof CFile) { $this->version = "1"; $this->nom = basename($docItem->file_name); } else { $this->version = $docItem->version; $this->nom = $docItem->nom; } $this->id_cda_lot = "{$this->root}.{$docItem->_id}"; $this->id_cda = "{$this->id_cda_lot}.{$this->version}"; $confidentialite = "N"; if ($docItem->private) { $confidentialite = "R"; } $this->confidentialite = CCdaTools::loadEntryJV("CI-SIS_jdv_confidentialityCode.xml", $confidentialite); if ($docItem->type_doc) { $type = explode("^", $docItem->type_doc); $this->code = CCdaTools::loadEntryJV("CI-SIS_jdv_typeCode.xml", $type[1]); } //conformité HL7 $this->templateId[] = $this->createTemplateID("2.16.840.1.113883.", "HL7 France"); //Conformité CI-SIS $this->templateId[] = $this->createTemplateID("", "CI-SIS"); //Confirmité IHE XSD-SD => contenu non structuré $this->templateId[] = $this->createTemplateID("", "IHE XDS-SD"); $this->industry_code = CCdaTools::loadEntryJV("CI-SIS_jdv_practiceSettingCode.xml", "ETABLISSEMENT"); $mediaType = "application/pdf"; //Génération du PDF if ($docItem instanceof CFile) { $path = $docItem->_file_path; switch ($docItem->file_type) { case "image/tiff": $mediaType = "image/tiff"; break; case "application/pdf": $mediaType = $docItem->file_type; $path = CCdaTools::generatePDFA($docItem->_file_path); break; case "image/jpeg": case "image/jpg": $mediaType = "image/jpeg"; break; case "application/rtf": $mediaType = "text/rtf"; break; default: $docItem->convertToPDF(); $file = $docItem->loadPDFconverted(); $path = CCdaTools::generatePDFA($file->_file_path); } } else { if ($msg = $docItem->makePDFpreview(1, 0)) { throw new CMbException($msg); } $file = $docItem->_ref_file; $path = CCdaTools::generatePDFA($file->_file_path); } $this->file = $path; $this->mediaType = $mediaType; $service["nullflavor"] = null; switch (get_class($object)) { case "CSejour": /** @var CSejour $object CSejour */ $dp = $object->DP; $service["time_start"] = $object->entree; $service["time_stop"] = $object->sortie; $service["executant"] = $object->loadRefPraticien(); if ($dp) { $service["oid"] = "2.16.840.1.113883.6.3"; $service["code"] = $dp; $service["type_code"] = "cim10"; } else { $service["nullflavor"] = "UNK"; } break; case "COperation": /** @var COperation $object COperation */ $no_acte = 0; foreach ($object->loadRefsActesCCAM() as $_acte_ccam) { if ($_acte_ccam->code_activite === "4" || !$_acte_ccam->_check_coded || $no_acte >= 1) { continue; } $service["time_start"] = $_acte_ccam->execution; $service["time_stop"] = ""; $service["code"] = $_acte_ccam->code_acte; $service["oid"] = ""; $_acte_ccam->loadRefExecutant(); $service["executant"] = $_acte_ccam->_ref_executant; $service["type_code"] = "ccam"; $no_acte++; } if ($no_acte === 0) { $service["time_start"] = $object->debut_op; $service["time_stop"] = $object->fin_op; $service["executant"] = $object->loadRefPraticien(); $service["nullflavor"] = "UNK"; } break; case "CConsultation": /** @var CConsultation $object CConsultation */ $object->loadRefPlageConsult(); $no_acte = 0; foreach ($object->loadRefsActesCCAM() as $_acte_ccam) { if (!$_acte_ccam->_check_coded || $_acte_ccam->code_activite === "4" || $no_acte >= 1) { continue; } $service["time_start"] = $_acte_ccam->execution; $service["time_stop"] = ""; $service["code"] = $_acte_ccam->code_acte; $service["oid"] = ""; $_acte_ccam->loadRefExecutant(); $service["executant"] = $_acte_ccam->_ref_executant; $service["type_code"] = "ccam"; $no_acte++; } if ($no_acte === 0) { $service["time_start"] = $object->_datetime; $service["time_stop"] = $object->_date_fin; $service["executant"] = $object->loadRefPraticien(); $service["nullflavor"] = "UNK"; } break; default: } $this->service_event = $service; if ($this->old_version) { $oid = CMbOID::getOIDFromClass($docItem, $this->receiver); $this->old_version = "{$oid}.{$this->old_id}.{$this->old_version}"; } }
/** * Trigger after event store * * @param CMbObject $mbObject Object * * @throws CMbException * * @return bool */ function onAfterStore(CMbObject $mbObject) { if (!$this->isHandled($mbObject)) { return false; } $receiver = $mbObject->_receiver; if ($mbObject instanceof CCorrespondantPatient) { $patient = $mbObject->loadRefPatient(); $patient->_receiver = $receiver; } else { $patient = $mbObject; } // Si Serveur if (CAppUI::conf('sip server')) { $echange_hprim = new CEchangeHprim(); if (isset($patient->_eai_exchange_initiator_id)) { $echange_hprim->load($patient->_eai_exchange_initiator_id); } $initiateur = $receiver->_id == $echange_hprim->sender_id ? $echange_hprim->_id : null; $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($receiver->group_id); $group->loadConfigValues(); if (!$initiateur && !$group->_configs["sip_notify_all_actors"]) { return false; } $patient->_id400 = null; $idexPatient = new CIdSante400(); $idexPatient->loadLatestFor($patient, $receiver->_tag_patient); $patient->_id400 = $idexPatient->id400; $this->generateTypeEvenement("CHPrimXMLEnregistrementPatient", $patient, true, $initiateur); } else { if (!$receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLEnregistrementPatient")) { return false; } if (!$patient->_IPP) { // Génération de l'IPP dans le cas de la création, ce dernier n'était pas créé if ($msg = $patient->generateIPP()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } $IPP = new CIdSante400(); $IPP->loadLatestFor($patient, $receiver->_tag_patient); $patient->_IPP = $IPP->id400; } // Envoi pas les patients qui n'ont pas d'IPP if (!$receiver->_configs["send_all_patients"] && !$patient->_IPP) { return false; } $this->sendEvenementPatient("CHPrimXMLEnregistrementPatient", $patient); if ($receiver->_configs["send_insured_without_admit"]) { if (!$receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLDebiteursVenue")) { return false; } $sejour = new CSejour(); $where = array(); $where["patient_id"] = "= '{$patient->_id}'"; $where["group_id"] = "= '{$receiver->group_id}'"; $datetime = CMbDT::dateTime(); $where["sortie"] = ">= '{$datetime}'"; /** @var CSejour[] $sejours */ $sejours = $sejour->loadList($where); // On va transmettre les informations sur le débiteur pour le séjour en cours, et ceux à venir foreach ($sejours as $_sejour) { if (!$patient->code_regime) { continue; } $_sejour->_receiver = $receiver; $_sejour->loadLastLog(); $_sejour->loadRefPatient(); if (!$_sejour->_NDA) { // Génération du NDA dans le cas de la création, ce dernier n'était pas créé if ($msg = $_sejour->generateNDA()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } $NDA = new CIdSante400(); $NDA->loadLatestFor($_sejour, $receiver->_tag_sejour); $sejour->_NDA = $NDA->id400; } if ($receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLDebiteursVenue")) { $this->sendEvenementPatient("CHPrimXMLDebiteursVenue", $_sejour); } } } $patient->_IPP = null; } return true; }
/** * $Id: $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage dPetablissement * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 18985 $ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); // Récupération du groupe selectionné $group_id = CValue::getOrSession("group_id"); // Fiche établissement $etab = new CGroups(); $etab->load($group_id); // Services d'hospitalisation $service = new CService(); $service->group_id = $etab->_id; $service->cancelled = 0; $service->externe = 0; /** @var CService[] $services */ $services = $service->loadMatchingList("nom"); foreach ($services as $_service) { $_service->loadRefsChambres(false); foreach ($_service->_ref_chambres as $_chambre) { $_chambre->loadRefsLits(false); } } // Blocs opératoires $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
/** * Trigger after event store * * @param CMbObject $mbObject Object * * @throws CMbException * * @return bool */ function onAfterStore(CMbObject $mbObject) { if (!$this->isHandled($mbObject)) { return false; } $receiver = $mbObject->_receiver; // Traitement Sejour if ($mbObject instanceof CSejour) { $sejour = $mbObject; $sejour->loadRefPraticien(); $sejour->loadNDA(); $sejour->loadLastLog(); $sejour->loadRefPatient(); $sejour->loadRefAdresseParPraticien(); // Si Serveur if (CAppUI::conf('smp server')) { $echange_hprim = new CEchangeHprim(); if (isset($sejour->_eai_exchange_initiator_id)) { $echange_hprim->load($sejour->_eai_exchange_initiator_id); } $initiateur = $receiver->_id == $echange_hprim->sender_id ? $echange_hprim->_id : null; $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($receiver->group_id); $group->loadConfigValues(); $mbObject->_id400 = null; $idexPatient = new CIdSante400(); $idexPatient->loadLatestFor($sejour, $receiver->_tag_sejour); $mbObject->_id400 = $idexPatient->id400; $this->generateTypeEvenement("CHPrimXMLVenuePatient", $sejour, true, $initiateur); } else { if (!$receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLVenuePatient")) { return false; } if (CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id != $receiver->group_id) { return false; } if (!$sejour->_NDA) { // Génération du NDA dans le cas de la création, ce dernier n'était pas créé if ($msg = $sejour->generateNDA()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } $NDA = new CIdSante400(); $NDA->loadLatestFor($sejour, $receiver->_tag_sejour); $sejour->_NDA = $NDA->id400; } if (!$sejour->_ref_patient->_IPP) { $IPP = new CIdSante400(); //Paramétrage de l'id 400 $IPP->loadLatestFor($sejour->_ref_patient, $receiver->_tag_patient); $sejour->_ref_patient->_IPP = $IPP->id400; } $this->sendEvenementPatient("CHPrimXMLVenuePatient", $sejour); if ($receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLDebiteursVenue") && $sejour->_ref_patient->code_regime) { $this->sendEvenementPatient("CHPrimXMLDebiteursVenue", $sejour); } if ($receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLMouvementPatient") && $sejour->_ref_last_log->type == "create") { $affectation = $sejour->loadRefFirstAffectation(); // $this->sendEvenementPatient("CHPrimXMLMouvementPatient", $affectation); } $sejour->_NDA = null; } return true; } elseif ($mbObject instanceof CAffectation) { $affectation = $mbObject; $current_log = $affectation->_ref_current_log; if (!$current_log || $affectation->_no_synchro || !in_array($current_log->type, array("create", "store"))) { return false; } // Cas où : // * on est l'initiateur du message // * le destinataire ne supporte pas le message if (!$receiver->isMessageSupported("CHPrimXMLMouvementPatient")) { return false; } // Affectation non liée à un séjour $sejour = $affectation->loadRefSejour(); if (!$sejour->_id) { return false; } $sejour->loadRefPatient(); $sejour->_receiver = $receiver; // Envoi de l'événement $this->sendEvenementPatient("CHPrimXMLMouvementPatient", $affectation); } return true; }
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage dPetablissement * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); // Récupération du groupe selectionné $group = new CGroups(); $group->load(CValue::getOrSession("group_id")); if ($group && $group->_id) { $group->loadFunctions(); $group->loadRefsNotes(); $group->loadRefLegalEntity(); } $legal_entity = new CLegalEntity(); $legal_entities = $legal_entity->loadList(); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("group", $group); $smarty->assign("legal_entities", $legal_entities); $smarty->display("inc_vw_groups.tpl");
/** * Charge tous les modèles pour une classe d'objets associés à un utilisateur * * @param integer $id Identifiant du propriétaire * @param string $owner Type de propriétaire du modèle: prat, func ou etab * @param string $object_class Nom de la classe d'objet, optionnel. Doit être un CMbObject * @param string $type Type de composant, optionnel * @param bool $fast_edit Inclue les modèles en édition rapide * @param string $order Ordre de tri de la liste * * @return CCompteRendu[][] Par propriétaire: prat => CCompteRendu[], func => CCompteRendu[], etab => CCompteRendu[] */ static function loadAllModelesFor($id, $owner = 'prat', $object_class = null, $type = null, $fast_edit = true, $order = "") { // Accès aux modèles de la fonction et de l'établissement $module = CModule::getActive("dPcompteRendu"); $is_admin = $module && $module->canAdmin(); $access_function = $is_admin || CAppUI::conf("compteRendu CCompteRendu access_function"); $access_group = $is_admin || CAppUI::conf("compteRendu CCompteRendu access_group"); $modeles = array(); $modeles["prat"] = array(); if ($access_function) { $modeles["func"] = array(); } if ($access_group) { $modeles["etab"] = array(); } if (!$id) { return $modeles; } // Clauses de recherche $modele = new CCompteRendu(); $where = array(); $where["object_id"] = "IS NULL"; if ($object_class) { $where["object_class"] = "= '{$object_class}'"; } if ($type) { $where["type"] = "= '{$type}'"; } if (!$fast_edit) { $where["fast_edit"] = " = '0'"; $where["fast_edit_pdf"] = " = '0'"; } if (!$order) { $order = "object_class, type, nom"; } switch ($owner) { case 'prat': // Modèle du praticien $prat = new CMediusers(); if (!$prat->load($id)) { return $modeles; } $prat->loadRefFunction(); $where["user_id"] = "= '{$prat->_id}'"; $where["function_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["group_id"] = "IS NULL"; $modeles["prat"] = $modele->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); $sec_func = $prat->loadRefsSecondaryFunctions(); foreach ($sec_func as $_func) { $where["user_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["function_id"] = "= '{$_func->_id}'"; $where["group_id"] = "IS NULL"; $modeles["func" . $_func->_id] = $modele->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); } case 'func': // Modèle de la fonction if (isset($modeles["func"])) { if (isset($prat)) { $func_id = $prat->function_id; } else { $func = new CFunctions(); if (!$func->load($id)) { return $modeles; } $func_id = $func->_id; } $where["user_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["function_id"] = "= '{$func_id}'"; $where["group_id"] = "IS NULL"; $modeles["func"] = $modele->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); } case 'etab': // Modèle de l'établissement if (isset($modeles["etab"])) { $etab_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; if ($owner == 'etab') { $etab = new CGroups(); if (!$etab->load($id)) { return $modeles; } $etab_id = $etab->_id; } elseif (isset($func)) { $etab_id = $func->group_id; } elseif (isset($func_id)) { $func = new CFunctions(); $func->load($func_id); $etab_id = $func->group_id; } $where["user_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["function_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["group_id"] = " = '{$etab_id}'"; $modeles["etab"] = $modele->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); } break; default: trigger_error("Wrong type '{$owner}'", E_WARNING); } return $modeles; }
/** * Charge les packs pour un propriétaire donné * * @param int $id identifiant du propriétaire * @param string $owner [optional] * @param string $object_class [optional] * * @todo: refactor this to be in a super class * * @return array */ static function loadAllPacksFor($id, $owner = 'user', $object_class = null) { // Accès aux packs de modèles de la fonction et de l'établissement $module = CModule::getActive("dPcompteRendu"); $is_admin = $module && $module->canAdmin(); $access_function = $is_admin || CAppUI::conf("compteRendu CCompteRendu access_function"); $access_group = $is_admin || CAppUI::conf("compteRendu CCompteRendu access_group"); $packs = array(); $packs["prat"] = array(); if ($access_function) { $packs["func"] = array(); } if ($access_group) { $packs["etab"] = array(); } // Clauses de recherche $pack = new CPack(); $where = array(); if ($object_class) { $where["object_class"] = "= '{$object_class}'"; } $order = "object_class, nom"; switch ($owner) { case 'prat': // Modèle du praticien $user = new CMediusers(); if (!$user->load($id)) { return $packs; } $user->loadRefFunction(); $where["user_id"] = "= '{$user->_id}'"; $where["function_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["group_id"] = "IS NULL"; $packs["prat"] = $pack->loadlist($where, $order); case 'func': // Modèle de la fonction if (isset($packs["func"])) { if (isset($user)) { $func_id = $user->function_id; } else { $func = new CFunctions(); if (!$func->load($id)) { return $packs; } $func_id = $func->_id; } $where["user_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["function_id"] = "= '{$func_id}'"; $where["group_id"] = "IS NULL"; $packs["func"] = $pack->loadlist($where, $order); } case 'etab': // Modèle de l'établissement if (isset($packs["etab"])) { $etab_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; if ($owner == 'etab') { $etab = new CGroups(); if (!$etab->load($id)) { return $packs; } $etab_id = $etab->_id; } else { if (isset($func)) { $etab_id = $func->group_id; } else { if (isset($func_id)) { $func = new CFunctions(); $func->load($func_id); $etab_id = $func->group_id; } } } $where["user_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["function_id"] = "IS NULL"; $where["group_id"] = " = '{$etab_id}'"; $packs["etab"] = $pack->loadlist($where, $order); } break; default: trigger_error("Wrong type '{$owner}'", E_WARNING); } return $packs; }
/** * Recording IPP * * @param CIdSante400 $IPP Object id400 * @param CPatient $patient Patient * @param CInteropSender $sender Sender * * @return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message */ static function storeIPP(CIdSante400 $IPP, CPatient $patient, CInteropSender $sender) { /* Gestion du numéroteur */ $group = new CGroups(); $group->load($sender->group_id); $group->loadConfigValues(); // Purge de l'IPP existant sur le patient et on le remplace par le nouveau if ($sender->_configs && $sender->_configs["purge_idex_movements"]) { // On charge l'IPP courant du patient $patient->loadIPP($sender->group_id); $ref_IPP = $patient->_ref_IPP; if ($ref_IPP) { // Si l'IPP actuel est identique à celui qu'on reçoit on ne fait rien if ($ref_IPP->id400 == $IPP->id400) { return; } // On passe l'IPP courant en trash $ref_IPP->tag = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient tag_ipp_trash") . $ref_IPP->tag; $ref_IPP->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; $ref_IPP->store(); $patient->trashIPP($ref_IPP); } // On sauvegarde le nouveau $IPP->tag = $sender->_tag_patient; $IPP->object_class = "CPatient"; $IPP->object_id = $patient->_id; $IPP->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $IPP->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; return $IPP->store(); } // Génération de l'IPP ? /* @todo sip_idex_generator doit être remplacé par isIPPSupplier */ if ($sender->_configs && !$group->_configs["sip_idex_generator"]) { if (!$IPP->id400) { return null; } if ($patient) { $IPP->object_id = $patient->_id; } $IPP->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $IPP->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; return $IPP->store(); } else { $IPP_temp = CIdSante400::getMatch("CPatient", $sender->_tag_patient, null, $patient->_id); // Pas d'IPP passé if (!$IPP->id400) { if ($IPP_temp->_id) { return null; } if (!CIncrementer::generateIdex($patient, $sender->_tag_patient, $sender->group_id)) { return CAppUI::tr("CEAIPatient-error-generate-idex"); } return null; } else { // Si j'ai déjà un identifiant if ($IPP_temp->_id) { // On passe l'IPP courant en trash $IPP_temp->tag = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient tag_ipp_trash") . $IPP_temp->tag; $IPP_temp->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; $IPP_temp->store(); } $incrementer = $sender->loadRefGroup()->loadDomainSupplier("CPatient"); if ($incrementer && $IPP->id400 < $incrementer->range_min || $IPP->id400 > $incrementer->range_max) { return CAppUI::tr("CEAIPatient-idex-not-in-the-range"); } $IPP->object_id = $patient->_id; $IPP->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime(); $IPP->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; return $IPP->store(); } } }