Пример #1
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
  * @author abn290
 function process($plist)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     // Remove serial_number from mylist, use the cleaned serial that was provided in the constructor.
     // Set default computer_name
     if (!isset($mylist['computer_name']) or trim($mylist['computer_name']) == '') {
         $mylist['computer_name'] = 'No name';
     // Convert memory string (4 GB) to int
     if (isset($mylist['physical_memory'])) {
         $mylist['physical_memory'] = intval($mylist['physical_memory']);
     // Convert OS version to int
     if (isset($mylist['os_version'])) {
         $digits = explode('.', $mylist['os_version']);
         $mult = 10000;
         $mylist['os_version'] = 0;
         foreach ($digits as $digit) {
             $mylist['os_version'] += $digit * $mult;
             $mult = $mult / 100;
     $this->timestamp = time();
Пример #2
  * Decode the given data from plist format
  * @param string $data data sent from client to
  * the api in the given format.
  * @return array associative array of the parsed data
 public function decode($data)
     require_once 'CFPropertyList.php';
     $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     return $plist->toArray();
Пример #3
 public function testInvalidString()
     $catched = false;
     try {
         $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     } catch (\DOMException $e) {
         $catched = true;
     } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_Error $e) {
         $catched = true;
     if ($catched == false) {
         $this->fail('No exception thrown for invalid string!');
     $catched = false;
     try {
         $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     } catch (PListException $e) {
     } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_Error $e) {
     $this->fail('No exception thrown for invalid string!');
Пример #4
 function process($data)
     //list of bundleids to ignore
     $bundleid_ignorelist = is_array(conf('bundleid_ignorelist')) ? conf('bundleid_ignorelist') : array();
     $regex = '/^' . implode('|', $bundleid_ignorelist) . '$/';
     // List of paths to ignore
     $bundlepath_ignorelist = is_array(conf('bundlepath_ignorelist')) ? conf('bundlepath_ignorelist') : array();
     $path_regex = ':^' . implode('|', $bundlepath_ignorelist) . '$:';
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($data, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $inventory_list = $parser->toArray();
     if (count($inventory_list)) {
         // clear existing inventory items
         // insert current inventory items
         foreach ($inventory_list as $item) {
             if (preg_match($regex, $item['bundleid'])) {
             if (preg_match($path_regex, $item['path'])) {
             $item['bundlename'] = isset($item['CFBundleName']) ? $item['CFBundleName'] : '';
             $this->id = 0;
Пример #5
 public function testParseBinaryString()
     $content = file_get_contents(TEST_BINARY_DATA_FILE);
     $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     $vals = $plist->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals(count($vals), 4);
     $this->assertEquals($vals['names']['given-name'], 'John');
     $this->assertEquals($vals['names']['surname'], 'Dow');
     $this->assertEquals($vals['pets'][0], 'Jonny');
     $this->assertEquals($vals['pets'][1], 'Bello');
     $this->assertEquals($vals['age'], 28);
     $this->assertEquals($vals['birth-date'], 412035803);
Пример #6
 function process($data)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $plist = $parser->toArray();
     echo "Setting: '";
     echo $plist['ds_workflow'];
     echo "' as DeployStudio workflow name.\n";
     // TODO Also deprecated, if testing works remove this line
     $this->workflow = '';
     $this->workflow = $plist['ds_workflow'];
Пример #7
 function process($data)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $plist = $parser->toArray();
     foreach (array('Text1', 'Text2', 'Text3', 'Text4') as $item) {
         if (isset($plist[$item])) {
             $this->{$item} = $plist[$item];
         } else {
             $this->{$item} = '';
 function process($data)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $plist = $parser->toArray();
     foreach (array('EnabledDate', 'EnabledUser', 'LVGUUID', 'LVUUID', 'PVUUID', 'RecoveryKey', 'HddSerial') as $item) {
         if (isset($plist[$item])) {
             $this->{$item} = $plist[$item];
         } else {
             $this->{$item} = '';
Пример #9
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
  * @author erikng
 function process($plist)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $plist = $parser->toArray();
     $this->delete_where('serial_number=?', $this->serial_number);
     $item = array_pop($plist);
     while (list($key, $val) = each($item)) {
         $this->munkiinfo_key = $key;
         $this->munkiinfo_value = $val;
         $this->id = '';
Пример #10
 function process($plist)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     // Remove serial_number from mylist, use the cleaned serial that was provided in the constructor.
     // If console_user is empty, retain previous entry
     if (!$mylist['console_user']) {
     // If long_username is empty, retain previous entry
     if (array_key_exists('long_username', $mylist) && empty($mylist['long_username'])) {
Пример #11
 public function testWriteString()
     $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     $dict = new CFDictionary();
     $names = new CFDictionary();
     $names->add('given-name', new CFString('John'));
     $names->add('surname', new CFString('Dow'));
     $dict->add('names', $names);
     $pets = new CFArray();
     $pets->add(new CFString('Jonny'));
     $pets->add(new CFString('Bello'));
     $dict->add('pets', $pets);
     $dict->add('age', new CFNumber(28));
     $dict->add('birth-date', new CFDate(412035803));
     $content = $plist->toXML();
Пример #12
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
 function process($data)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $plist = $parser->toArray();
     // Translate location strings to db fields
     $translate = array('Address' => 'address', 'Altitude' => 'altitude', 'CurrentStatus' => 'currentstatus', 'LS_Enabled' => 'ls_enabled', 'LastLocationRun' => 'lastlocationrun', 'LastRun' => 'lastrun', 'Latitude' => 'latitude', 'LatitudeAccuracy' => 'latitudeaccuracy', 'Longitude' => 'longitude', 'LongitudeAccuracy' => 'longitudeaccuracy', 'StaleLocation' => 'stalelocation');
     // Parse data
     foreach ($translate as $search => $field) {
         if (isset($plist[$search])) {
             $this->{$field} = $plist[$search];
         } else {
             $this->{$field} = $this->defaults[$field];
Пример #13
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
  * @author abn290
 function process($plist)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     if (!$mylist) {
         throw new Exception("No Disks in report", 1);
     // Convert old style reports from not migrated clients
     if (isset($mylist['DeviceIdentifier'])) {
         $mylist = array($mylist);
     // Delete previous set
     $this->delete_where('serial_number=?', $this->serial_number);
     // Copy default values
     $empty = $this->rs;
     foreach ($mylist as $disk) {
         // Reset values
         $this->rs = $empty;
         // Calculate percentage
         if (isset($disk['TotalSize']) && isset($disk['FreeSpace'])) {
             $disk['Percentage'] = round(($disk['TotalSize'] - $disk['FreeSpace']) / max($disk['TotalSize'], 1) * 100);
         // Determine VolumeType
         $disk['VolumeType'] = "hdd";
         if (isset($disk['SolidState']) && $disk['SolidState'] == TRUE) {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "ssd";
         if (isset($disk['CoreStorageCompositeDisk']) && $disk['CoreStorageCompositeDisk'] == TRUE) {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "fusion";
         if (isset($disk['RAIDMaster']) && $disk['RAIDMaster'] == TRUE) {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "raid";
         // Typecast Boolean values
         $this->Internal = (int) $this->Internal;
         $this->CoreStorageEncrypted = (int) $this->CoreStorageEncrypted;
         $this->id = '';
         $this->timestamp = time();
function isVersionAppSignedForUdid($udid, $version)
    $plistValue = __DIR__ . '/' . UPLOAD_PATH . $version->getToken() . '/app_bundle/Payload/' . $version->getApplication()->getBundleName() . '.app/embedded.mobileprovision';
    $plistValue = retreivePlistFromAsn($plistValue);
    if (empty($plistValue)) {
        die("unable to read plist from configuration profile challenge.");
    $plist = new CFPropertyList();
    $plist->parse($plistValue, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_AUTO);
    $plistData = $plist->toArray();
    $provisionedDevices = $plistData['ProvisionedDevices'];
    $found = false;
    foreach ($provisionedDevices as $device) {
        if (strtoupper($device) == strtoupper($udid)) {
            return true;
    return false;
Пример #15
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
  * @author abn290
 function process($plist)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     // Reset values
     $this->SolidState = 0;
     $this->TotalSize = 0;
     $this->FreeSpace = 0;
     $this->Percentage = 0;
     $this->SMARTStatus = '';
     // Calculate percentage
     if (isset($mylist['TotalSize']) && isset($mylist['FreeSpace'])) {
         $mylist['Percentage'] = round(($mylist['TotalSize'] - $mylist['FreeSpace']) / max($mylist['TotalSize'], 1) * 100);
     // Set type on SolidState (booleans don't translate well)
     $this->SolidState = (int) $this->SolidState;
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
  * @author abn290
 function process($plist)
     // Delete old data
     $this->delete_where('serial_number=?', $this->serial_number);
     // Check if we're passed a plist (10.6 and higher)
     if (strpos($plist, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') === 0) {
         // Strip invalid xml chars
         $plist = preg_replace('/[^\\x{0009}\\x{000A}\\x{000D}\\x{0020}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{E000}-\\x{FFFD}\\x{10000}-\\x{10FFFF}]/u', '�', $plist);
         require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
         $parser = new CFPropertyList();
         $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
         $mylist = $parser->toArray();
         foreach ($mylist as $item) {
             // PackageIdentifiers is an array, so we only retain one
             // packageidentifier so we can differentiate between
             // Apple and third party tools
             if (array_key_exists('packageIdentifiers', $item)) {
                 $item['packageIdentifiers'] = array_pop($item['packageIdentifiers']);
             $this->id = 0;
     } else {
         //2007-12-14 12:40:47 +0100: Installed "GarageBand Update" (4.1.1)
         $pattern = '/^(.*): .*"(.+)"\\s+\\((.+)\\)/m';
         if (preg_match_all($pattern, $plist, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             $this->packageIdentifiers = 'com.apple.fake';
             $this->processName = 'installer';
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $this->date = strtotime($row[1]);
                 $this->displayName = $row[2];
                 $this->displayVersion = $row[3];
                 $this->id = 0;
 // Upload the file to your specified path.
 mkdir($upload_path . $folder_token, 0700);
 $file_path = $upload_path . $folder_token . '/app_bundle.ipa';
 if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['app_file']['tmp_name'], $file_path)) {
     echo 'Your file upload was successful at: ' . $file_path . '<br />';
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     //$res = $zip->open($file_path . $folder_token . '/');
     if (unzipApplication($upload_path . $folder_token . '/', 'app_bundle.ipa')) {
         echo 'Unzip ok.<br>';
         // We get the Info.plist of the app if it exists else <app_name>-Info.plist
         $plistfile = Tools::getInfoPlistPath($folder_token);
         echo 'Plist file: ' . $plistfile . '<br />';
         $plistValue = file_get_contents($plistfile);
         if (!empty($plistValue)) {
             $plist = new CFPropertyList();
             $plist->parse($plistValue, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_AUTO);
             $plistData = $plist->toArray();
             //TODO connect to apple and be sure a profile exists for this app.
             //Create an application object and set basic data here
             $entityManager = initDoctrine();
             // Retrieve the developer connected (unique)
             $developer = $entityManager->getRepository('Entities\\Developer')->find($_SESSION['developerId']);
             //verify if the application does not already exist (Ask to create an new version if it exists)
             $application = $entityManager->getRepository('Entities\\Application')->findOneBy(array('bundleId' => $plistData['CFBundleIdentifier']));
             if ($application == NULL) {
                 $application = new Application();
             //ensure version doesn't already exists.
Пример #18
 function process($plist)
     // Check if uptime is set to determine this is a new client
     $new_client = $this->uptime ? FALSE : TRUE;
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     // Remove serial_number from mylist, use the cleaned serial that was provided in the constructor.
     // If console_user is empty, retain previous entry
     if (!$mylist['console_user']) {
     // If long_username is empty, retain previous entry
     if (array_key_exists('long_username', $mylist) && empty($mylist['long_username'])) {
     if ($new_client) {
         store_event($this->serial_number, 'reportdata', 'info', 'new_client');
Пример #19
  * Process data sent by postflight
  * @param string data
  * @author abn290
 function process($plist)
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     if (!$mylist) {
         throw new Exception("No Disks in report", 1);
     // Convert old style reports from not migrated clients
     if (isset($mylist['DeviceIdentifier'])) {
         $mylist = array($mylist);
     // Delete previous set
     $this->delete_where('serial_number=?', $this->serial_number);
     // Copy default values
     $empty = $this->rs;
     foreach ($mylist as $disk) {
         // Reset values
         $this->rs = $empty;
         // Calculate percentage
         if (isset($disk['TotalSize']) && isset($disk['FreeSpace'])) {
             $disk['Percentage'] = round(($disk['TotalSize'] - $disk['FreeSpace']) / max($disk['TotalSize'], 1) * 100);
         // Determine VolumeType
         $disk['VolumeType'] = "hdd";
         if (isset($disk['SolidState']) && $disk['SolidState'] == TRUE) {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "ssd";
         if (isset($disk['CoreStorageCompositeDisk']) && $disk['CoreStorageCompositeDisk'] == TRUE) {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "fusion";
         if (isset($disk['RAIDMaster']) && $disk['RAIDMaster'] == TRUE) {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "raid";
         if (isset($disk['Content']) && $disk['Content'] == 'Microsoft Basic Data') {
             $disk['VolumeType'] = "bootcamp";
         // Typecast Boolean values
         $this->Internal = (int) $this->Internal;
         $this->CoreStorageEncrypted = (int) $this->CoreStorageEncrypted;
         $this->id = '';
         $this->timestamp = time();
         // Fire event when systemdisk hits a threshold
         if ($this->MountPoint == '/') {
             $type = 'success';
             $msg = '';
             $data = '';
             $lowvalue = 1000;
             // Lowest value (GB)
             // Check SMART Status
             if ($this->SMARTStatus == 'Failing') {
                 $type = 'danger';
                 $msg = 'smartstatus_failing';
             foreach (conf('disk_thresholds', array()) as $name => $value) {
                 if ($this->FreeSpace < $value * 1000000000) {
                     if ($value < $lowvalue) {
                         $type = $name;
                         $msg = 'free_disk_space_less_than';
                         $data = json_encode(array('gb' => $value));
                         // Store lowest value
                         $lowvalue = $value;
             if ($type == 'success') {
             } else {
                 $this->store_event($type, $msg, $data);
Пример #20
 function process($plist)
     $this->timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // Todo: why this check?
     if (!$plist) {
         $this->errors = 0;
         $this->warnings = 0;
         return $this;
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     # Check munki version
     if (array_key_exists('ManagedInstallVersion', $mylist)) {
         $this->version = $mylist['ManagedInstallVersion'];
     # Copy items
     $strings = array('ManifestName', 'RunType', 'RunState', 'StartTime', 'EndTime');
     foreach ($strings as $str) {
         if (array_key_exists($str, $mylist)) {
             $lcname = strtolower($str);
             $this->rs[$lcname] = $mylist[$str];
     // If there's an error downloading the manifest, we don't get a ManagedInstalls
     // array. We retain the old ManagedInstalls array and only store the new
     // Errors, Warnings, StartTime, EndTime
     if (!array_key_exists('ManagedInstalls', $mylist)) {
         $strings = array('Errors', 'Warnings');
         foreach ($strings as $str) {
             $lcname = strtolower($str);
             $this->rs[$lcname] = 0;
             if (array_key_exists($str, $mylist)) {
                 $this->rs[$lcname] = count($mylist[$str]);
                 // Store errors and warnings
                 $this->rs['report_plist'][$str] = $mylist[$str];
         return $this;
     # Count items
     $strings = array('Errors', 'Warnings', 'ManagedInstalls', 'InstallResults', 'ItemsToInstall', 'AppleUpdates', 'RemovalResults');
     foreach ($strings as $str) {
         $lcname = strtolower($str);
         $this->rs[$lcname] = 0;
         if (array_key_exists($str, $mylist)) {
             $this->rs[$lcname] = count($mylist[$str]);
     // Install info - used when there is one install to report on
     $install_info = array();
     // Problem installs
     $this->failedinstalls = 0;
     if (array_key_exists('ProblemInstalls', $mylist)) {
         $this->failedinstalls = count($mylist['ProblemInstalls']);
         if ($this->failedinstalls == 1) {
             $install_info = array('pkg' => $mylist['ProblemInstalls'][0]['display_name'], 'reason' => $mylist['ProblemInstalls'][0]['note']);
     // Calculate pending installs
     $this->pendinginstalls = max($this->itemstoinstall + $this->appleupdates - $this->installresults, 0);
     // Calculate pending removals
     $removal_items = isset($mylist['ItemsToRemove']) ? count($mylist['ItemsToRemove']) : 0;
     $this->pendingremovals = max($removal_items - $this->removalresults, 0);
     // Check results for failed installs
     if ($this->installresults) {
         foreach ($mylist['InstallResults'] as $result) {
             if ($result["status"]) {
                 $install_info = array('pkg' => $result['display_name'], 'reason' => '');
             } else {
                 $install_info_success = array('pkg' => $result['display_name'] . ' ' . $result['version']);
     # Save plist todo: remove all cruft from plist
     $this->report_plist = $mylist;
     // Store apropriate event:
     if ($this->failedinstalls == 1) {
         $this->store_event('warning', 'pkg_failed_to_install', json_encode($install_info));
     } elseif ($this->failedinstalls > 1) {
         $this->store_event('warning', 'pkg_failed_to_install', json_encode(array('count' => $this->failedinstalls)));
     } elseif ($this->rs['errors'] == 1) {
         $this->store_event('danger', 'munki.error', json_encode(array('error' => truncate_string($mylist['Errors'][0]))));
     } elseif ($this->rs['errors'] > 1) {
         $this->store_event('danger', 'munki.error', json_encode(array('count' => $this->rs['errors'])));
     } elseif ($this->warnings == 1) {
         $this->store_event('warning', 'munki.warning', json_encode(array('warning' => truncate_string($mylist['Warnings'][0]))));
     } elseif ($this->warnings > 1) {
         $this->store_event('warning', 'munki.warning', json_encode(array('count' => $this->warnings)));
     } elseif ($this->installresults == 1) {
         $this->store_event('success', 'munki.package_installed', json_encode($install_info_success));
     } elseif ($this->installresults > 1) {
         $this->store_event('success', 'munki.package_installed', json_encode(array('count' => $this->installresults)));
     } else {
         // Delete event
     return $this;
  * Download distribution certificate
  * if $result['resultCode'] equal 0 have your result
  * else you can print the error $result['resultString']
  * @param string $team_id
  * @return array $result
 public static function downloadDistributionCert($team_id)
     // Create Web Service URL
     $url = self::$base_url_services . 'downloadDistributionCert.action?clientId=' . self::$client_id;
     // Generating  content
     $payload = array();
     $payload['clientId'] = self::$client_id;
     $payload['protocolVersion'] = self::$protocol_version_connect1;
     $payload['requestId'] = Tools::randomAppleRequestId();
     $payload['teamId'] = $team_id;
     $user_locale = array();
     $user_locale[0] = self::$user_locale;
     $payload['userLocale'] = $user_locale;
     $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     $type_detector = new CFTypeDetector();
     $contents = $plist->toXML(true);
     // Create a new cURL resource
     $ch = curl_init();
     // Set URL and other appropriate options
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $contents);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('User-Agent: Xcode', 'Content-Type: text/x-xml-plist', 'Accept: text/x-xml-plist', 'Accept-Language: en-us', 'Connection: keep-alive'));
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate');
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, self::$cookie);
     // Execute and close cURL
     $data = curl_exec($ch);
     $plist = new CFPropertyList();
     $plist->parse($data, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_AUTO);
     $plistData = $plist->toArray();
     return $plistData;
 function process($plist)
     $this->timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // Todo: why this check?
     if (!$plist) {
         $this->errors = 0;
         $this->warnings = 0;
         return $this;
     require_once APP_PATH . 'lib/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
     $parser = new CFPropertyList();
     $parser->parse($plist, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
     $mylist = $parser->toArray();
     # Check munki version
     if (array_key_exists('ManagedInstallVersion', $mylist)) {
         $this->version = $mylist['ManagedInstallVersion'];
     # Copy items
     $strings = array('ManifestName', 'RunType', 'RunState', 'StartTime', 'EndTime');
     foreach ($strings as $str) {
         if (array_key_exists($str, $mylist)) {
             $lcname = strtolower($str);
             $this->rs[$lcname] = $mylist[$str];
     // If there's an error downloading the manifest, we don't get a ManagedInstalls
     // array. We retain the old ManagedInstalls array and only store the new
     // Errors, Warnings, StartTime, EndTime
     if (!array_key_exists('ManagedInstalls', $mylist)) {
         $strings = array('Errors', 'Warnings');
         foreach ($strings as $str) {
             $lcname = strtolower($str);
             $this->rs[$lcname] = 0;
             if (array_key_exists($str, $mylist)) {
                 $this->rs[$lcname] = count($mylist[$str]);
                 // Store errors and warnings
                 $this->rs['report_plist'][$str] = $mylist[$str];
         return $this;
     # Count items
     $strings = array('Errors', 'Warnings', 'ManagedInstalls', 'InstallResults', 'ItemsToInstall', 'AppleUpdates', 'RemovalResults');
     foreach ($strings as $str) {
         $lcname = strtolower($str);
         $this->rs[$lcname] = 0;
         if (array_key_exists($str, $mylist)) {
             $this->rs[$lcname] = count($mylist[$str]);
     // Calculate pending installs
     $this->pendinginstalls = max($this->itemstoinstall + $this->appleupdates - $this->installresults, 0);
     // Calculate pending removals
     $removal_items = isset($mylist['ItemsToRemove']) ? count($mylist['ItemsToRemove']) : 0;
     $this->pendingremovals = max($removal_items - $this->removalresults, 0);
     // Check results for failed installs
     $this->failedinstalls = 0;
     if ($this->installresults) {
         foreach ($mylist['InstallResults'] as $result) {
             if ($result["status"]) {
     // Adjust installed items
     $this->installresults -= $this->failed_installs;
     # Save plist todo: remove all cruft from plist
     $this->report_plist = $mylist;
     return $this;
Пример #23

 * Examples for how to use CFPropertyList with strings
 * Read a binary from a string PropertyList
 * @package plist
 * @subpackage plist.examples
namespace CFPropertyList;

// just in case...
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
 * Require CFPropertyList
require_once __DIR__ . '/../classes/CFPropertyList/CFPropertyList.php';
 * create a new CFPropertyList instance which loads the sample.plist on construct.
 * We don't know that it is a binary plist, so we simply call ->parse()
$content = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/sample.binary.plist');
$plist = new CFPropertyList();
 * retrieve the array structure of sample.plist and dump to stdout
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';