Пример #1
$r_form->addItem(array(S_DISCOVERY_RULE . SPACE, $cmbDRules));
//	$dscvry_wdgt->addHeader(array(S_FOUND.': ',$numrows), $r_form);
$numrows = new CDiv();
$numrows->setAttribute('name', 'numrows');
$dscvry_wdgt->addHeader(S_DISCOVERY_RULES_BIG, $r_form);
//	$dscvry_wdgt->addHeader($numrows);
$sortfield = getPageSortField('ip');
$sortorder = getPageSortOrder();
$options = array('selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'host', 'status'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortfield' => $sortfield, 'sortorder' => $sortorder, 'limitSelects' => 1);
if ($druleid > 0) {
    $options['druleids'] = $druleid;
} else {
    $options['druleids'] = zbx_objectValues($drules, 'druleid');
$dservices = CDService::get($options);
$gMacros = CUserMacro::get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'globalmacro' => 1));
$gMacros = zbx_toHash($gMacros, 'macro');
$services = array();
foreach ($dservices as $dsnum => $dservice) {
    $key_ = $dservice['key_'];
    if (!zbx_empty($key_)) {
        if (isset($gMacros[$key_])) {
            $key_ = $gMacros[$key_]['value'];
        $key_ = ': ' . $key_;
    $service_name = discovery_check_type2str($dservice['type']) . discovery_port2str($dservice['type'], $dservice['port']) . $key_;
    $services[$service_name] = 1;
Пример #2
  * Get Host data
  * {@source}
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @since 1.8
  * @version 1
  * @param _array $options
  * @param array $options['nodeids'] Node IDs
  * @param array $options['groupids'] HostGroup IDs
  * @param array $options['hostids'] Host IDs
  * @param boolean $options['monitored_hosts'] only monitored Hosts
  * @param boolean $options['templated_hosts'] include templates in result
  * @param boolean $options['with_items'] only with items
  * @param boolean $options['with_monitored_items'] only with monitored items
  * @param boolean $options['with_historical_items'] only with historical items
  * @param boolean $options['with_triggers'] only with triggers
  * @param boolean $options['with_monitored_triggers'] only with monitored triggers
  * @param boolean $options['with_httptests'] only with http tests
  * @param boolean $options['with_monitored_httptests'] only with monitored http tests
  * @param boolean $options['with_graphs'] only with graphs
  * @param boolean $options['editable'] only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param int $options['extendoutput'] return all fields for Hosts
  * @param boolean $options['select_groups'] select HostGroups
  * @param boolean $options['select_templates'] select Templates
  * @param boolean $options['select_items'] select Items
  * @param boolean $options['select_triggers'] select Triggers
  * @param boolean $options['select_graphs'] select Graphs
  * @param boolean $options['select_applications'] select Applications
  * @param boolean $options['select_macros'] select Macros
  * @param boolean $options['select_profile'] select Profile
  * @param int $options['count'] count Hosts, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string $options['pattern'] search hosts by pattern in Host name
  * @param string $options['extendPattern'] search hosts by pattern in Host name, ip and DNS
  * @param int $options['limit'] limit selection
  * @param string $options['sortfield'] field to sort by
  * @param string $options['sortorder'] sort order
  * @return array|boolean Host data as array or false if error
 public static function get($options = array())
     global $USER_DETAILS;
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $user_type = $USER_DETAILS['type'];
     $sort_columns = array('dhostid', 'druleid');
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $subselects_allowed_outputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM);
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $sql_parts = array('select' => array('dhosts' => 'dh.dhostid'), 'from' => array('dhosts' => 'dhosts dh'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $def_options = array('nodeids' => null, 'druleids' => null, 'dhostids' => null, 'dserviceids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectDRules' => null, 'selectDServices' => null, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($def_options, $options);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         foreach ($options['output'] as $key => $field) {
             $sql_parts['select'][$field] = ' dh.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN == $user_type) {
     } else {
         if (is_null($options['editable']) && $USER_DETAILS['type'] == USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN) {
         } else {
             if (!is_null($options['editable']) && $USER_DETAILS['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
                 return array();
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // dhostids
     if (!is_null($options['dhostids'])) {
         $sql_parts['where']['dhostid'] = DBcondition('dh.dhostid', $options['dhostids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sql_parts['where'][] = DBin_node('dh.dhostid', $nodeids);
     // druleids
     if (!is_null($options['druleids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sql_parts['select']['druleid'] = 'dh.druleid';
         $sql_parts['where']['druleid'] = DBcondition('dh.druleid', $options['druleids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sql_parts['group']['druleid'] = 'dh.druleid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sql_parts['where'][] = DBin_node('dh.druleid', $nodeids);
     // dserviceids
     if (!is_null($options['dserviceids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sql_parts['select']['dserviceids'] = 'ds.dserviceids';
         $sql_parts['from']['dservices'] = 'dservices ds';
         $sql_parts['where'][] = DBcondition('ds.dserviceid', $options['dserviceids']);
         $sql_parts['where']['dhds'] = 'dh.dhostid=ds.dhostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sql_parts['group']['dserviceids'] = 'ds.dserviceid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sql_parts['where'][] = DBin_node('ds.dserviceid', $nodeids);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sql_parts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sql_parts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sql_parts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sql_parts['where'][] = DBcondition('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sql_parts['where']['dhh'] = 'h.ip=dh.ip';
         $sql_parts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=h.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sql_parts['group']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sql_parts['where'][] = DBin_node('hg.groupid', $nodeids);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sql_parts['select']['hostid'] = 'h.hostid';
         $sql_parts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sql_parts['where'][] = DBcondition('h.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sql_parts['where']['dhh'] = 'h.ip=dh.ip';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sql_parts['group']['hostid'] = 'h.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sql_parts['where'][] = DBin_node('h.hostid', $nodeids);
     // node check !!!!!
     // should be last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $nodeCheck = true;
         $sql_parts['where'][] = DBin_node('dh.dhostid', $nodeids);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sql_parts['select']['dhosts'] = 'dh.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sql_parts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT dh.dhostid) as rowscount');
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sql_parts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sql_parts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         zbx_db_filter('dhosts dh', $options, $sql_parts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('dhosts dh', $options, $sql_parts);
     // order
     // restrict not allowed columns for sorting
     $options['sortfield'] = str_in_array($options['sortfield'], $sort_columns) ? $options['sortfield'] : '';
     if (!zbx_empty($options['sortfield'])) {
         $sortorder = $options['sortorder'] == ZBX_SORT_DOWN ? ZBX_SORT_DOWN : ZBX_SORT_UP;
         $sql_parts['order'][$options['sortfield']] = 'dh.' . $options['sortfield'] . ' ' . $sortorder;
         if (!str_in_array('dh.' . $options['sortfield'], $sql_parts['select']) && !str_in_array('dh.*', $sql_parts['select'])) {
             $sql_parts['select'][$options['sortfield']] = 'dh.' . $options['sortfield'];
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sql_parts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $dhostids = array();
     $sql_parts['select'] = array_unique($sql_parts['select']);
     $sql_parts['from'] = array_unique($sql_parts['from']);
     $sql_parts['where'] = array_unique($sql_parts['where']);
     $sql_parts['group'] = array_unique($sql_parts['group']);
     $sql_parts['order'] = array_unique($sql_parts['order']);
     $sql_select = '';
     $sql_from = '';
     $sql_where = '';
     $sql_group = '';
     $sql_order = '';
     if (!empty($sql_parts['select'])) {
         $sql_select .= implode(',', $sql_parts['select']);
     if (!empty($sql_parts['from'])) {
         $sql_from .= implode(',', $sql_parts['from']);
     if (!empty($sql_parts['where'])) {
         $sql_where .= implode(' AND ', $sql_parts['where']);
     if (!empty($sql_parts['group'])) {
         $sql_where .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sql_parts['group']);
     if (!empty($sql_parts['order'])) {
         $sql_order .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sql_parts['order']);
     $sql_limit = $sql_parts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sql_parts) . ' ' . $sql_select . ' FROM ' . $sql_from . ' WHERE ' . $sql_where . $sql_group . $sql_order;
     $res = DBselect($sql, $sql_limit);
     while ($dhost = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $dhost;
             } else {
                 $result = $dhost['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $dhostids[$dhost['dhostid']] = $dhost['dhostid'];
             //				$dips[$dhost['ip']] = $dhost['ip'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$dhost['dhostid']] = array('dhostid' => $dhost['dhostid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']])) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDRules']) && !isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['drules'])) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['drules'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDServices']) && !isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['dservices'])) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['dservices'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && !isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['groups'])) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['groups'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 // druleids
                 if (isset($dhost['druleid']) && is_null($options['selectDRules'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['drules'])) {
                         $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['drules'] = array();
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['drules'][] = array('druleid' => $dhost['druleid']);
                 // dserviceids
                 if (isset($dhost['dserviceid']) && is_null($options['selectDServices'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['dservices'])) {
                         $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['dservices'] = array();
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['dservices'][] = array('dserviceid' => $dhost['dserviceid']);
                 // groupids
                 if (isset($dhost['groupid']) && is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$dhost['dhostid']]['groups'])) {
                         $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['groups'] = array();
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $dhost['groupid']);
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($dhost['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$dhost['hostid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $dhost['hostid']);
                 $result[$dhost['dhostid']] += $dhost;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
             $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
         return $result;
     // Adding Objects
     // select_drules
     if (!is_null($options['selectDRules'])) {
         $obj_params = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'dhostids' => $dhostids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectDRules']) || str_in_array($options['selectDRules'], $subselects_allowed_outputs)) {
             $obj_params['output'] = $options['selectDRules'];
             $drules = CDRule::get($obj_params);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($drules, 'name');
             foreach ($drules as $druleid => $drule) {
                 $count = array();
                 foreach ($drule['dhosts'] as $dnum => $dhost) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$dhost['dhostid']])) {
                             $count[$dhost['dhostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$dhost['dhostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['drules'][] =& $drules[$druleid];
         } else {
             if (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectDRules']) {
                 $obj_params['countOutput'] = 1;
                 $obj_params['groupCount'] = 1;
                 $drules = CDRule::get($obj_params);
                 $drules = zbx_toHash($drules, 'dhostid');
                 foreach ($result as $dhostid => $dhost) {
                     if (isset($drules[$dhostid])) {
                         $result[$dhostid]['drules'] = $drules[$dhostid]['rowscount'];
                     } else {
                         $result[$dhostid]['drules'] = 0;
     // selectDServices
     if (!is_null($options['selectDServices'])) {
         $obj_params = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'dhostids' => $dhostids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectDServices']) || str_in_array($options['selectDServices'], $subselects_allowed_outputs)) {
             $obj_params['output'] = $options['selectDServices'];
             $dservices = CDService::get($obj_params);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($dservices, 'name');
             foreach ($dservices as $dserviceid => $dservice) {
                 foreach ($dservice['dhosts'] as $dnum => $dhost) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$dhost['dhostid']])) {
                             $count[$dhost['dhostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$dhost['dhostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['dservices'][] =& $dservices[$dserviceid];
         } else {
             if (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectDServices']) {
                 $obj_params['countOutput'] = 1;
                 $obj_params['groupCount'] = 1;
                 $dservices = CDService::get($obj_params);
                 $dservices = zbx_toHash($dservices, 'dhostid');
                 foreach ($result as $dhostid => $dhost) {
                     if (isset($dservices[$dhostid])) {
                         $result[$dhostid]['dservices'] = $dservices[$dhostid]['rowscount'];
                     } else {
                         $result[$dhostid]['dservices'] = 0;
     // TODO :select_groups
     if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && str_in_array($options['selectGroups'], $subselects_allowed_outputs)) {
         $obj_params = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectGroups'], 'hostids' => $dhostids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         $groups = CHostgroup::get($obj_params);
         foreach ($groups as $groupid => $group) {
             $ghosts = $group['hosts'];
             foreach ($ghosts as $num => $dhost) {
                 $result[$dhost['hostid']]['groups'][] = $group;
     // select_hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
         $obj_params = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'dhostids' => $dhostids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselects_allowed_outputs)) {
             $obj_params['output'] = $options['selectHosts'];
             $hosts = CHost::get($obj_params);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($hosts, 'host');
             foreach ($hosts as $hostid => $host) {
                 foreach ($host['dhosts'] as $dnum => $dhost) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$dhost['dhostid']])) {
                             $count[$dhost['dhostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$dhost['dhostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$dhost['dhostid']]['hosts'][] =& $hosts[$hostid];
         } else {
             if (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectHosts']) {
                 $obj_params['countOutput'] = 1;
                 $obj_params['groupCount'] = 1;
                 $hosts = CHost::get($obj_params);
                 $hosts = zbx_toHash($hosts, 'hostid');
                 foreach ($result as $dhostid => $dhost) {
                     if (isset($hosts[$dhostid])) {
                         $result[$dhostid]['hosts'] = $hosts[$dhostid]['rowscount'];
                     } else {
                         $result[$dhostid]['hosts'] = 0;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;