Пример #1
  * @see parent::getProps()
 function getProps()
     $protocole = new CProtocole();
     $props = parent::getProps();
     $props["sejour_id"] = "ref notNull class|CSejour";
     $props["chir_id"] = "ref notNull class|CMediusers seekable";
     $props["chir_2_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers seekable";
     $props["chir_3_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers seekable";
     $props["chir_4_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers seekable";
     $props["anesth_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers";
     $props["sortie_locker_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers";
     $props["plageop_id"] = "ref class|CPlageOp seekable show|0";
     $props["pause"] = "time show|0";
     $props["salle_id"] = "ref class|CSalle";
     $props["poste_sspi_id"] = "ref class|CPosteSSPI";
     $props["poste_preop_id"] = "ref class|CPosteSSPI";
     $props["examen_operation_id"] = "ref class|CExamenOperation";
     $props["graph_pack_id"] = "ref class|CSupervisionGraphPack";
     $props["consult_related_id"] = "ref class|CConsultation show|0";
     $props["date"] = "date";
     $props["code_uf"] = "str length|3";
     $props["libelle_uf"] = "str maxLength|35";
     $props["libelle"] = "str seekable autocomplete dependsOn|chir_id";
     $props["cote"] = $protocole->_props["cote"] . " notNull default|inconnu";
     $props["temp_operation"] = "time show|0";
     $props["debut_prepa_preop"] = "time show|0";
     $props["fin_prepa_preop"] = "time show|0";
     $props["entree_salle"] = "time show|0";
     $props["sortie_salle"] = "time show|0";
     $props["remise_chir"] = "time show|0";
     $props["tto"] = "time show|0";
     $props["time_operation"] = "time show|0";
     $props["examen"] = "text helped";
     $props["exam_extempo"] = "bool";
     $props["materiel"] = "text helped seekable show|0";
     $props["exam_per_op"] = "text helped seekable show|0";
     $props["commande_mat"] = "bool show|0";
     $props["info"] = "bool";
     $props["type_anesth"] = "ref class|CTypeAnesth";
     $props["rques"] = "text helped";
     $props["rques_personnel"] = "text";
     $props["rank"] = "num max|255 show|0";
     $props["rank_voulu"] = "num max|255 show|0";
     $props["depassement"] = "currency min|0 confidential show|0";
     $props["conventionne"] = "bool default|1";
     $props["forfait"] = "currency min|0 confidential show|0";
     $props["fournitures"] = "currency min|0 confidential show|0";
     $props["depassement_anesth"] = "currency min|0 confidential show|0";
     $props["annulee"] = "bool show|0";
     $props["pose_garrot"] = "time show|0";
     $props["debut_op"] = "time show|0";
     $props["fin_op"] = "time show|0";
     $props["retrait_garrot"] = "time show|0";
     $props["entree_reveil"] = "time show|0";
     $props["sortie_reveil_possible"] = "time show|0";
     $props["sortie_reveil_reel"] = "time show|0";
     $props["induction_debut"] = "time show|0";
     $props["induction_fin"] = "time show|0";
     $props["suture_fin"] = "time show|0";
     $props["entree_bloc"] = "time show|0";
     $props["anapath"] = "enum list|1|0|? default|? show|0";
     $props["flacons_anapath"] = "num max|255 show|0";
     $props["labo_anapath"] = "str autocomplete";
     $props["description_anapath"] = "text helped";
     $props["labo"] = "enum list|1|0|? default|? show|0";
     $props["flacons_bacterio"] = "num max|255 show|0";
     $props["labo_bacterio"] = "str autocomplete";
     $props["description_bacterio"] = "text helped";
     $props["prothese"] = "enum list|1|0|? default|? show|0";
     $props["position"] = "enum list|DD|DV|DL|GP|AS|TO|GYN|DDA";
     $props["ASA"] = "enum list|1|2|3|4|5|6";
     $props["horaire_voulu"] = "time show|0";
     $props["presence_preop"] = "time show|0";
     $props["presence_postop"] = "time show|0";
     $props["envoi_mail"] = "dateTime show|0";
     // Clôture des actes
     $props["cloture_activite_1"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["cloture_activite_4"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["cote_admission"] = $protocole->_props["cote"] . " show|0";
     $props["cote_consult_anesth"] = $protocole->_props["cote"] . " show|0";
     $props["cote_hospi"] = $protocole->_props["cote"] . " show|0";
     $props["cote_bloc"] = $protocole->_props["cote"] . " show|0";
     // Visite de préanesthésie
     $props["date_visite_anesth"] = "date";
     $props["time_visite_anesth"] = "time";
     $props["prat_visite_anesth_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers";
     $props["rques_visite_anesth"] = "text helped show|0";
     $props["autorisation_anesth"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["facture"] = "bool default|0";
     // Max USCPO accélère les chargements, ne pas supprimer, au pire augmenter
     $props["duree_uscpo"] = "num min|0 max|10 default|0";
     if (CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp COperation show_duree_uscpo") == 2) {
         $props["passage_uscpo"] = "bool notNull";
     } else {
         $props["passage_uscpo"] = "bool";
     $props["duree_preop"] = "time";
     $props["_duree_interv"] = "time";
     $props["_duree_garrot"] = "time";
     $props["_duree_induction"] = "time";
     $props["_presence_salle"] = "time";
     $props["_duree_sspi"] = "time";
     $props["_horaire_voulu"] = "time";
     $props["_date_min"] = "date";
     $props["_date_max"] = "date moreEquals|_date_min";
     $props["_plage"] = "bool";
     $props["_datetime_min"] = "dateTime";
     $props["_datetime_max"] = "dateTime moreEquals|_datetime_min";
     $props["_ranking"] = "enum list|ok|ko";
     $props["_cotation"] = "enum list|ok|ko";
     $props["_prat_id"] = "ref class|CMediusers";
     $props["_func_id"] = "ref class|CFunctions";
     $props["_patient_id"] = "ref class|CPatient show|1";
     $props["_bloc_id"] = "ref class|CBlocOperatoire";
     $props["_specialite"] = "text";
     $props["_ccam_libelle"] = "bool default|1";
     $props["_time_op"] = "time";
     $props["_datetime"] = "dateTime show";
     $props["_datetime_reel"] = "dateTime";
     $props["_datetime_reel_fin"] = "dateTime";
     $props["_datetime_best"] = "dateTime";
     $props["_move"] = "str";
     $props["_password_visite_anesth"] = "password notNull";
     $props["_heure_us"] = "time";
     return $props;
Пример #2
  * Get the properties of our class as strings
  * @return array
 function getProps()
     $props = parent::getProps();
     $props['codable_class'] = 'str notNull class';
     $props['codable_id'] = 'ref notNull class|CCodable meta|codable_class';
     $props['patient_id'] = 'ref notNull class|CPatient';
     $props['praticien_id'] = 'ref notNull class|CMediusers';
     $props['creation_date'] = 'dateTime notNull';
     $props['date'] = 'date';
     $props['event_type'] = 'enum list|CConsultation|COperation';
     $props['libelle'] = 'str';
     $props['comment'] = 'text helped';
     $props['base'] = 'currency min|0 show|0';
     $props['dh'] = 'currency min|0 show|0';
     $props['ht'] = 'currency min|0 show|0';
     $props['tax_rate'] = 'float';
     $props['_ttc'] = 'currency min|0 show|0';
     $props['_total'] = 'currency min|0 show|0';
     return $props;