Пример #1
	 * render frontend overview
	 * @param object $rows
	 * @param object $pageNav
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	static function showOverview( $rows, $pageNav, $user, $plugin ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		$generalTitle	=	$plugin->params->get( 'general_title', $plugin->name );

		$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) . ' ' . cbgjClass::getOverride( 'overview' ) );

		if ( $generalTitle != '' ) {
			$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( $generalTitle ) ), cbgjClass::getPluginURL() );

		$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) . ' ' . cbgjClass::getOverride( 'overview' ), cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview' ) ) );

		$main			=	HTML_groupjiveOverviewMain::showOverviewMain( $rows, $pageNav, $user, $plugin );

		$return			=	'<div class="gjOverview">';

		if ( $plugin->params->get( 'general_panes', 1 ) ) {
			$return		.=		'<div class="gjHeader">'
						.			HTML_groupjiveOverviewPanes::showOverviewPanes( $user, $plugin )
						.		'</div>'
						.		'<div class="gjBody">'
						.			$main
						.		'</div>';
		} else {
			$return		.=		$main;

		$return			.=	'</div>';

		echo $return;
Пример #2
	 * output form validation jquery
	 * @param string $selector
	 * @param string $params
	static function loadJquery( $selector, $params ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		if ( ! $selector ) {
			$selector	=	'#gjForm';

		$js				=	"$( '" . addslashes( $selector ) . "' ).validate( {"
						.		"submitHandler: function( form ) {"
						.			"$( form ).find( 'input[type=\"submit\"]' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ).addClass( 'disabled' ).val( '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Loading...' ) ) . "' );"
						.			"form.submit();"
						.		"},";

		if ( $params ) {
			$js			.=		$params . ( ( cbIsoUtf_substr( trim( $params ), -1 ) != ',' ) ? ',' : null );

		$js				.=		"ignoreTitle: true,"
						.		"errorClass: 'gjValidationError',"
						.		"highlight: function( element, errorClass ) {"
						.			"$( element ).parent().parent().addClass( 'error');"
						.		"},"
						.		"unhighlight: function( element, errorClass ) {"
						.			"$( element ).parent().parent().removeClass( 'error' );"
						.		"},"
						.		"errorElement: 'div',"
						.		"errorPlacement: function( error, element ) {"
						.			"$( element ).parent().children().last().after( error );"
						.		"}"
						.	"});"
						.	"$.extend( jQuery.validator.messages, {"
						.		"required: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'This input is required.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"remote: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please fix this input.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"email: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a valid email address.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"url: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a valid URL.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"date: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a valid date.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"dateISO: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a valid date (ISO).' ) ) . "',"
						.		"number: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a valid number.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"digits: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input only digits.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"creditcard: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a valid credit card number.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"equalTo: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input the same value again.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"accept: '" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a value with a valid extension.' ) ) . "',"
						.		"maxlength: $.validator.format('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input no more than {0} characters.' ) ) . "'),"
						.		"minlength: $.validator.format('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input at least {0} characters.' ) ) . "'),"
						.		"rangelength: $.validator.format('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a value between {0} and {1} characters long.' ) ) . "'),"
						.		"range: $.validator.format('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a value between {0} and {1}.' ) ) . "'),"
						.		"max: $.validator.format('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a value less than or equal to {0}.' ) ) . "'),"
						.		"min: $.validator.format('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T( 'Please input a value greater than or equal to {0}.' ) ) . "')"
						.	"});";

		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $js, 'validate' );
Пример #3
	 * render frontend category message
	 * @param cbgjCategory $row
	 * @param array $input
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	static function showCategoryMessage( $row, $input, $user, $plugin ) {
		$row->setPathway( CBTxt::P( 'Message [groups]', array( '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ), cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'message', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ) ) );

		$return			=	'<div class="gjCategoryMessage">'
						.		'<form action="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'send', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ) ) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="gjForm" id="gjForm" class="gjForm form-horizontal">'
						.			'<legend class="gjEditTitle">' . CBTxt::Ph( 'Message [groups]', array( '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ) . '</legend>'
						.			'<div class="gjEditContentInput control-group">'
						.				'<label class="gjEditContentInputTitle control-label">' . CBTxt::Th( 'Subject' ) . '</label>'
						.				'<div class="gjEditContentInputField controls">'
						.					$input['subject']
						.					'<span class="gjEditContentInputIcon help-inline">'
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( null, CBTxt::T( 'Required' ), 'icon-star' )
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( CBTxt::P( 'Input [groups] message subject.', array( '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ) )
						.					'</span>'
						.				'</div>'
						.			'</div>'
						.			'<div class="gjEditContentInput control-group">'
						.				'<label class="gjEditContentInputTitle control-label">' . CBTxt::Th( 'Body' ) . '</label>'
						.				'<div class="gjEditContentInputField controls">'
						.					$input['body']
						.					'<span class="gjEditContentInputIcon help-inline">'
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( null, CBTxt::T( 'Required' ), 'icon-star' )
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( CBTxt::P( 'Input [groups] message body.', array( '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ) )
						.					'</span>'
						.				'</div>'
						.			'</div>';

		if ( $input['captcha'] !== false ) {
			$return		.=			'<div class="gjEditContentInput control-group">'
						.				'<label class="gjEditContentInputTitle control-label">' . CBTxt::Th( 'Captcha' ) . '</label>'
						.				'<div class="gjEditContentInputField controls">'
						.					'<div style="margin-bottom: 5px;">' . $input['captcha']['code'] . '</div>'
						.					'<div>' . $input['captcha']['input'] . '</div>'
						.					'<span class="gjEditContentInputIcon help-inline">'
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( null, CBTxt::T( 'Required' ), 'icon-star' )
						.					'</span>'
						.				'</div>'
						.			'</div>';

		$return			.=			'<div class="gjButtonWrapper form-actions">'
						.				'<input type="submit" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Send Message' ) ) . '" class="gjButton gjButtonSubmit btn btn-primary" />&nbsp;'
						.				'<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Cancel' ) ) . '" class="gjButton gjButtonCancel btn btn-mini" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'show', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::T( 'Are you sure you want to cancel? All unsaved data will be lost!' ) ) . '" />'
						.			'</div>'
						.			cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'plugin' )
						.		'</form>'
						.	'</div>';

		echo $return;
Пример #4
	 * render frontend overview message
	 * @param array $input
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	static function showOverviewMessage( $input, $user, $plugin ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		$generalTitle	=	$plugin->params->get( 'general_title', $plugin->name );
		$pageTitle		=	CBTxt::P( 'Message [category]', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) ) );

		$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( htmlspecialchars( $pageTitle ) );

		if ( $generalTitle != '' ) {
			$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( $generalTitle ) ), cbgjClass::getPluginURL() );

		$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( htmlspecialchars( cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) . ' ' . cbgjClass::getOverride( 'overview' ) ), cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview' ) ) );
		$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( htmlspecialchars( $pageTitle ), cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview', 'message' ) ) );

		$return			=	'<div class="gjOverviewMessage">'
						.		'<form action="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview', 'send' ) ) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="gjForm" id="gjForm" class="gjForm form-horizontal">'
						.			'<legend class="gjEditTitle">' . $pageTitle . '</legend>'
						.			'<div class="gjEditContentInput control-group">'
						.				'<label class="gjEditContentInputTitle control-label">' . CBTxt::Th( 'Subject' ) . '</label>'
						.				'<div class="gjEditContentInputField controls">'
						.					$input['subject']
						.					'<span class="gjEditContentInputIcon help-inline">'
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( null, CBTxt::T( 'Required' ), 'icon-star' )
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( CBTxt::P( 'Input [categories] message subject.', array( '[categories]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) ) ) )
						.					'</span>'
						.				'</div>'
						.			'</div>'
						.			'<div class="gjEditContentInput control-group">'
						.				'<label class="gjEditContentInputTitle control-label">' . CBTxt::Th( 'Body' ) . '</label>'
						.				'<div class="gjEditContentInputField controls">'
						.					$input['body']
						.					'<span class="gjEditContentInputIcon help-inline">'
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( null, CBTxt::T( 'Required' ), 'icon-star' )
						.						cbgjClass::getIcon( CBTxt::P( 'Input [categories] message body.', array( '[categories]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) ) ) )
						.					'</span>'
						.				'</div>'
						.			'</div>'
						.			'<div class="gjButtonWrapper form-actions">'
						.				'<input type="submit" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Send Message' ) ) . '" class="gjButton gjButtonSubmit btn btn-primary" />&nbsp;'
						.				'<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Cancel' ) ) . '" class="gjButton gjButtonCancel btn btn-mini" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview' ), CBTxt::T( 'Are you sure you want to cancel? All unsaved data will be lost!' ) ) . '" />'
						.			'</div>'
						.			cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'plugin' )
						.		'</form>'
						.	'</div>';

		echo $return;
	 * Generates HTML for expert kunena sidebar mode
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object             $forum
	 * @param object             $model
	 * @return mixed
	function ShowExpert( $user, $forum, $model, $params ) {
		$html					=	'<div>'
								.		'<span class="view-username">' . $model->getFieldValue( $user, 'formatname', 'html', 'list' ) . '</span> '
								.		'<span class="msgusertype">(' . $user->usertype . ')</span>'
								.	'</div>'
								.	'<div>' . $model->getFieldValue( $user, 'avatar', 'html', 'list' ) . '</div>'
								.	'<div class="viewcover">' . $model->getFieldValue( $user, 'forumrank' ) . '</div>'
								.	'<div class="viewcover"><strong>' . CBTxt::T( 'Karma: ' ) . '</strong>' . $model->getFieldValue( $user, 'forumkarma' ) . '</div>'
								.	'<div class="viewcover"><strong>' . CBTxt::T( 'Posts: ' ) . '</strong>' . $model->getFieldValue( $user, 'forumposts' ) . '</div>'
								.	'<div>'
								.		$model->getStatusIcon( $user )
								.		$model->getPMIcon( $user )
								.		$model->getProfileIcon( $user )
								.	'</div>';
		return $html;
Пример #6
	 * render frontend overview panes
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	 * @return string
	static function showOverviewPanes( $user, $plugin ) {
		$overviewDesc			=	CBTxt::Th( $plugin->params->get( 'overview_desc', null ) );
		$authorized				=	cbgjClass::getAuthorization( null, null, $user );
		$categoryCount			=	count( cbgjData::getCategories( array( 'cat_access', 'mod_lvl1' ), array( 'parent', '=', 0 ) ) );

		$return					=	'<legend class="gjHeaderTitle">' . cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) . ' ' . cbgjClass::getOverride( 'overview' ) . '</legend>'
								.	'<div class="gjGrid row-fluid">'
								.		'<div class="gjGridLeft span9">'
								.			'<div class="gjGridLeftLogo span4">'
								.				'<img alt="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Logo' ) ) . '" src="' . $plugin->livePath . '/images/' . $plugin->params->get( 'overview_logo', 'default_overview.png' ) . '" class="gjLogoDefault img-polaroid" />'
								.			'</div>'
								.			'<div class="gjGridLeftInfo span8">'
								.				cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeOverviewInfo', array( $user, $plugin ) )
								.				( $categoryCount ? '<div>' . cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) . ': ' . $categoryCount . '</div>' : null )
								.				cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterOverviewInfo', array( $user, $plugin ) )
								.			'</div>';

		if ( $overviewDesc ) {
			if ( $plugin->params->get( 'overview_desc_content', 0 ) ) {
				$overviewDesc	=	cbgjClass::prepareContentPlugins( $overviewDesc );

			$return				.=			'<div class="gjGridLeftDesc span12 well well-small">' . $overviewDesc . '</div>';

		$return					.=		'</div>'
								.		'<div class="gjGridRight span3">'
								.			cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeOverviewMenu', array( $user, $plugin ), null, null )
								.			( cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'cat_create', $authorized ) ? '<div><i class="icon-plus"></i> <a href="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'new' ) ) . '">' . CBTxt::Ph( 'New [category]', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ) ) ) . '</a></div>' : null )
								.			( cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'usr_mod', $authorized ) && $categoryCount ? '<div><i class="icon-envelope"></i> <a href="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview', 'message' ) ) . '">' . CBTxt::Ph( 'Message [categories]', array( '[categories]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) ) ) . '</a></div>' : null )
								.			( cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'usr_panel', $authorized ) ? '<div><i class="icon-home"></i> <a href="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel' ) ) . '">' . CBTxt::Ph( 'My [panel]', array( '[panel]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'panel' ) ) ) . '</a></div>' : null )
								.			cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterOverviewMenu', array( $user, $plugin ), null, null )
								.			( cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'gen_usr_notifications', $authorized ) ? '<div><i class="icon-info-sign"></i> <a href="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'notifications', 'show' ) ) . '">' . CBTxt::Th( 'Notifications' ) . '</a></div>' : null )
								.		'</div>'
								.	'</div>';

		return $return;
Пример #7
	function _cbadmin_emailUsers( &$rows, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $limitstart, $limit, $total, $simulationMode ) {
		global $_PLUGINS;
		// simple spoof check security
		cbSpoofCheck( 'cbadmingui' );
		$cbNotification				=	new cbNotification();
		$mode						=	1;		// html
		$usernames					=	'';
		foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
			$user					=	CBuser::getUserDataInstance( (int) $row->id );
			$usernames				.=	( $usernames ? ', ' : '' ) . htmlspecialchars( $user->username );
			if ( $simulationMode ) {
				$usernames			.=	' (' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('email not send: simulation mode') ) . ')';
			} else {
				$extraStrings		=	array();
				$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onBeforeBackendUserEmail', array( &$user, &$emailSubject, &$emailBody, $mode, &$extraStrings, $simulationMode ) );
				if ( ! $cbNotification->sendFromSystem( $user, $emailSubject, $this->_cbadmin_makeLinksAbsolute( $emailBody ), true, $mode, null, null, null, $extraStrings, false ) ) {
					$usernames		.=	': <span class="cb_result_error">' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Error sending email!') ) . '</span>';
		if ( $total < $limit ) {
			$limit					=	$total;
		$usersView					=	_CBloadView( 'users' );
		$usersView->ajaxResults( $usernames, $emailSubject, $this->_cbadmin_makeLinksAbsolute( $emailBody ), $limitstart, $limit, $total );
		$html						=	ob_get_contents();
		$reply						=	array(	'result'		=>	1,
												'htmlcontent'	=>	$html );
		if ( ! ( $total - ( $limitstart + $limit ) > 0 ) ) {
			$reply['result']		=	2;
		echo json_encode( $reply );
    function _cbadmin_ajaxBatch($ajaxUrl, $cssSelectorReply, $formSelector, $postArray, $delay, $limitstart = 0, $limit = 30, $textDuringExecution = null, $textWhenDone = null, $cssSelectorTitle, $titleTextWhenDone)
        global $_CB_framework;
        $ajaxUrl = addslashes($ajaxUrl);
        $cbSpoofField = cbSpoofField();
        $cbSpoofString = cbSpoofString(null, 'cbadmingui');
        $regAntiSpamFieldName = cbGetRegAntiSpamFieldName();
        $regAntiSpamValues = cbGetRegAntiSpams();
        // sets the cookie
        $regAntiSpZ = $regAntiSpamValues[0];
        $postString = '';
        foreach ($postArray as $k => $v) {
            if (is_array($v)) {
                foreach ($v as $vv) {
                    $postString .= '&' . urlencode($k) . '[]=' . urlencode($vv);
            } else {
                $postString .= '&' . urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v);
        $postString = addslashes($postString);
        //$errorText				=	addslashes( $errorText );
        $textWaiting = addslashes(CBTxt::T('Waiting delay for next batch...'));
        $textExecuting = addslashes($textDuringExecution ? $textDuringExecution : CBTxt::T('Executing'));
        $textFinished = addslashes($textWhenDone ? $textWhenDone : CBTxt::T('Done'));
        $textError = addslashes(CBTxt::T('ERROR!'));
        $titleTextWhenDone = addslashes($titleTextWhenDone);
\t\tvar cbanimate = function() {
\t\tvar cbajaxjsonbatch = function(limitstart,limit,successFnct){
\t\t\t\$.ajax( {\ttype: 'POST',
\t\t\t\t\t\turl:  '{$ajaxUrl}',
\t\t\t\t\t\tdata: \$('{$formSelector}').serialize() + '&{$cbSpoofField}=' + encodeURIComponent('{$cbSpoofString}') + '&{$regAntiSpamFieldName}=' + encodeURIComponent('{$regAntiSpZ}') + '{$postString}' + '&limitstart=' + limitstart,
\t\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: function(response) {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar div').stop().animate( {width:'100%'},500).animate( {width:'0%'},200, function() { \$(this).css({"background-color":"#8f8"}) });
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}').fadeOut(400, function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).html(response.htmlcontent).fadeIn(400, function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif ( response.result == 1 ) {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).each( function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar span').html('{$textWaiting}')
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.siblings('div').animate( {width:'100%'},{$delay}*1000,'linear', function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).animate( {width:'0%'},200, function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if ( response.result == 2 ) {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar span').html('{$textFinished}');
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (successFnct) {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar span').html('{$textError}')
\t\t\t\t\t\terror: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar div').stop().animate( {width:'100%'},500).css({"background-color":"#f87"});
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar span').html('{$textError}');
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}').hide().html( ( errorThrown ? errorThrown : textStatus ? textStatus : 'No additional message' ).replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;") ).fadeIn('fast');
\t\t\t\t\t\tdataType: 'json'
\t\t\t\$('{$cssSelectorReply}'+'Bar span').html('{$textExecuting}')
\t\tvar cbTitleSetDone = function() {
Пример #9
	public function getAccess() {
		global $_CB_framework;

		static $cache			=	array();

		$id						=	$this->get( 'access' );

		if ( ! isset( $cache[$id] ) ) {
			$access				=	array();

			if ( $id ) foreach ( explode( '|*|', $id ) as $k => $v ) {
				if ( $v == -1 ) {
					$access[$k]	=	CBTxt::T( 'Everybody' );
				} elseif ( $v == -2 ) {
					$access[$k]	=	CBTxt::T( 'All Non-Registered Users' );
				} elseif ( $v == -3 ) {
					$access[$k]	=	CBTxt::T( 'All Registered Users' );
				} elseif ( $v == -4 ) {
					$access[$k]	=	CBTxt::T( 'All Non-Moderators' );
				} elseif ( $v == -5 ) {
					$access[$k]	=	CBTxt::T( 'All Moderators' );
				} else {
					$access[$k]	=	CBTxt::T( $_CB_framework->acl->get_group_name( $v ) );

			$cache[$id]			=	$access;

		return $cache[$id];
  * Returns the activity update corresponding to the logged values
  * @param  moscomprofilerFields       $field
  * @param  moscomprofilerActivity     $activity
  * @param  moscomprofilerUser         $user
  * @param  string  $output            NO 'htmledit' BUT: 'html', 'xml', 'json', 'php', 'csvheader', 'csv', 'rss', 'fieldslist'
  * @param  boolean $htmlspecialchars  TRUE: escape for display, FALSE: not escaped will display raw.
  * @return mixed
 function _formatFieldActivityOutput(&$field, &$activity, &$user, $output, $htmlspecialchars = true)
     $name = $field->name;
     		global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig;
     		$value		=	'<a href="' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl( $user->id ) . '">'
     					.	getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] )
     					.	'</a>'
     					.	' updated his '
     $value = $this->_formatFieldOutput($field->name, $activity->new_value, $output, $htmlspecialchars);
     switch ($output) {
         case 'html':
         case 'rss':
         case 'htmledit':
             $title = $this->getFieldTitle($field, $user, $output, 'profile');
             if ($htmlspecialchars) {
                 return sprintf('%s %s %s', '<span class="titleCell">' . $title . '</span>', '<span class="cbIs">' . CBTxt::Th('is now') . '</span>', '<span class="fieldCell">' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</span>');
             } else {
                 return sprintf(CBTxt::T('%s is now %s'), $title, $value);
                 //FIXME : LANGUAGE STRINGS FOR THIS !
         case 'xml':
             return '<' . $name . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</' . $name . '>';
             // htmlspecialchars handled already by _formatFieldOutput
         case 'json':
             return "'" . $name . "' : '" . addslashes($value) . "'";
         case 'php':
             return array($name => $value);
         case 'csvheader':
         case 'fieldslist':
             return $name;
         case 'csv':
             return '"' . addslashes($value) . '"';
             trigger_error('_formatFieldActivityOutput called with ' . htmlspecialchars($output), E_USER_WARNING);
             return $value;
Пример #11
	function saveTab( $option ) {
		global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework, $_POST;


		if ( isset( $_POST['params'] ) ) {
		 	$_POST['params']	=	cbParamsEditorController::getRawParamsMagicgpcEscaped( $_POST['params'] );
		} else {
			$_POST['params']	=	'';
		if ( ! isset( $_POST['tabid'] ) || ( count( $_POST ) == 0 ) ) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T('Missing post values') ) . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
		if ( $_POST['tabid'] ) {
			$oldrow		=	new moscomprofilerTabs( $_CB_database );
			if ( $oldrow->load( (int) $_POST['tabid'] )
				&& 	( ! in_array( $oldrow->useraccessgroupid, getChildGIDS( userGID( $_CB_framework->myId() ) ) ) ) ) {
				echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access') ) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
		$row = new moscomprofilerTabs( $_CB_database );
		if (!$row->bind( $_POST )) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
		if ( ! $row->ordering_register ) {
			$row->ordering_register		=	10;
		$row->description	=	cleanEditorsTranslationJunk( trim( $row->description ) );
		if (!$row->check()) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
		$row->tabid			=	(int) cbGetParam( $_POST, 'tabid', 0 );
		if ( ! $row->store() ) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
		cbRedirect( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( "index.php?option=$option&task=showTab" ), CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved Tab') . ": ". $row->title );
Пример #12
    function edittab(&$row, $option, &$lists, $tabid, &$paramsEditorHtml)
        global $_CB_framework, $task, $_CB_database, $_PLUGINS;
        global $_CB_Backend_Title;
        $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-tabs', CBTxt::T('Community Builder Tab') . ": <small>" . ($row->tabid ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' [ ' . htmlspecialchars(getLangDefinition($row->title)) . ' ]' : CBTxt::T('New')) . '</small>'));
        if ($row->tabid && !$row->enabled) {
            echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Tab is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";
        $editorSave_description = $_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS('description');
		function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
			var form = document.adminForm;
			if (pressbutton == 'showTab') {
        echo $editorSave_description;
				cbsubmitform( pressbutton );
			var r = new RegExp("[^0-9A-Za-z]", "i");

			// do field validation
			if (jQuery.trim(form.title.value) == "") {
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T('You must provide a title.'));
			} else {
        echo $editorSave_description;
				cbsubmitform( pressbutton );
        $js = ob_get_contents();
	<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:10000;"></div>

	<form action="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=saveTab');
" method="POST" name="adminForm">
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
	<tr valign="top">
		<td width="60%" valign="top">
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="3">
        echo CBTxt::T('Tab Details');
				<td width="20%"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Title');
				<td width="35%"><input type="text" name="title" class="inputbox" size="40" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($row->title);
" /></td>
				<td width="45%"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Title as will appear on tab.');
				<td colspan="3"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Description: This description appears only on user edit, not on profile (For profile text, use delimiter fields)');
				<td colspan="3" align="left"><?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->displayCmsEditor('description', $row->description, 600, 200, 50, 10);
        // <textarea name="description" class="inputbox" cols="40" rows="10">< ?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->description ); ? ></textarea>
        echo CBTxt::T('Publish');
        echo $lists['enabled'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Profile ordering');
        echo $lists['ordering'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Tabs and fields on profile are ordered as follows:');
        echo CBTxt::T('position of tab on user profile (top-down, left-right)');
        echo CBTxt::T('This ordering of tab on position of user profile');
        echo CBTxt::T('ordering of field within tab position of user profile.');
        echo CBTxt::T('Registration ordering');
<br /><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('(default value: 10)');
        echo $lists['ordering_register'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Tabs and fields on registration are ordered as follows:');
        echo CBTxt::T('This registration ordering of tab');
        echo CBTxt::T('position of tab on user profile (top-down, left-right)');
        echo CBTxt::T('ordering of tab on position of user profile');
        echo CBTxt::T('ordering of field within tab position of user profile.');
        echo CBTxt::T('Position');
        echo $lists['position'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Position on profile and ordering on registration.');
        echo CBTxt::T('Display type');
        echo $lists['displaytype'];
        echo CBTxt::T('In which way the content of this tab will be displayed on the profile.');
        echo CBTxt::Th('View Access Level');
        echo $lists['viewaccesslevel'];
        echo CBTxt::Th('Only users which are in groups assigned to this View Access Level will see this tab.') . ($lists['useraccessgroup'] ? ' (' . CBTxt::Th('New method working in all Joomla and Mambo versions') . ')' : '');
        if ($lists['useraccessgroup']) {
            echo CBTxt::Th('User Group to allow access to') . (checkJversion() >= 2 ? '<br /><em>(' . CBTxt::Th("Old deprecated method of Joomla 1.5, do not use here") . '. ' . CBTxt::Th('Keep setting "-- Everybody --" and Use View Access Level above instead') . ')</em>' : '');
            echo $lists['useraccessgroup'];
            echo CBTxt::Ph('Old Joomla [VERSION] method', array('[VERSION]' => '1.0 and 1.5 and Mambo')) . ': ' . CBTxt::Th('This method is kept for backwards compatibility but will be removed at next major Community Builder version.') . '<br />' . CBTxt::Th('Use View Access Level above instead and set this Group setting to - "Everybody" -.') . ' ' . CBTxt::Th('All groups above that level will also have access to this tab.');
		<td width="40%">
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
        echo CBTxt::T('Parameters');
        if ($row->tabid && $row->pluginid > 0) {
            $plugin = new moscomprofilerPlugin($_CB_database);
            $plugin->load((int) $row->pluginid);
            // fail if checked out not by 'me'
            if ($plugin->checked_out && $plugin->checked_out != $_CB_framework->myId()) {
                echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" . addslashes(sprintf(CBTxt::T('The plugin %s is currently being edited by another administrator'), $plugin->name)) . "'); document.location.href='" . $_CB_framework->backendUrl("index.php?option={$option}") . "'</script>\n";
            // get params values
            if ($plugin->type !== "language" && $plugin->id) {
                $_PLUGINS->loadPluginGroup($plugin->type, array((int) $plugin->id), 0);
            $element = $_PLUGINS->loadPluginXML('editTab', $row->pluginclass, $plugin->id);
            					$xmlfile = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/' .$plugin->type . '/'.$plugin->folder . '/' . $plugin->element .'.xml';
            					// $params = new cbParameters( $row->params, $xmlfile );
            					$xmlDoc = new CBSimpleXML();
            					if ( $xmlDoc->loadFile( $xmlfile ) ) {
            						$element =& $xmlDoc->document;
            					} else {
            						$element = null;
            $pluginParams = new cbParamsBase($plugin->params);
            $params = new cbParamsEditorController($row->params, $element, $element, $plugin, $row->tabid);
            $options = array('option' => $option, 'task' => $task, 'pluginid' => $row->pluginid, 'tabid' => $row->tabid);
            echo $params->draw('params', 'tabs', 'tab', 'class', $row->pluginclass);
        } else {
            echo '<em>' . CBTxt::T('No Parameters') . '</em>';
        if ($paramsEditorHtml) {
            foreach ($paramsEditorHtml as $paramsEditorHtmlBlock) {
					<table class="adminform" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
							<th colspan="2">
                echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['title'];
                echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['content'];
  <input type="hidden" name="tabid" value="<?php 
        echo $row->tabid;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
        if (!$lists['useraccessgroup']) {
  <input type="hidden" name="useraccessgroupid" value="-2" />
        echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('tab');
Пример #13
        if ($newConnectionRequests) {
            echo $newConnectionRequests == 1 ? CBTxt::T('YOU_HAVE_COUNT_NEW_CONNECTION_REQUEST', 'You have [count] new connection request.', array('[count]' => $newConnectionRequests)) : CBTxt::T('YOU_HAVE_COUNT_NEW_CONNECTION_REQUESTS', 'You have [count] new connection requests.', array('[count]' => $newConnectionRequests));
        } else {
            echo CBTxt::T('You have no new connection requests.');
    if ($profileViewText) {
					<li class="logout-profile">
						<a href="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl();
 function saveField($option, $task)
     global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework, $_POST, $_PLUGINS;
     if ($task == 'showField' || !(isset($_POST['oldtabid']) && isset($_POST['fieldid']))) {
     $fieldOldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
     if (isset($_POST['oldtabid']) && $_POST['oldtabid']) {
         $fieldOldTab->load((int) $_POST['oldtabid']);
         // Check if user is a super user:
         if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
             // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid:
             if (!in_array($fieldOldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
             // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel:
             if (!in_array($fieldOldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     $fid = (int) $_POST['fieldid'];
     $row = new moscomprofilerFields($_CB_database);
     if ($fid) {
         // load the row from the db table
         if (!$row->load((int) $fid)) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Innexistant field')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         $fieldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
         // load the row from the db table
         $fieldTab->load((int) $row->tabid);
         // Check if user is a super user:
         if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
             // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid:
             if (!in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
             // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel:
             if (!in_array($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     $oldrow = new moscomprofilerFields($_CB_database);
     foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($row)) as $k) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 1) != '_') {
             $oldrow->{$k} = $row->{$k};
     if (!$this->_prov_bind_CB_field($row, $fid)) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     // Set defaults if nothing is found
     // Also check if oldrow value to use its current value or default otherwise
     // This prevents a tab from storing to database with null values when some inputs are set disabled:
     if ($row->tabid == '') {
         $row->tabid = $oldrow->tabid != '' ? $oldrow->tabid : 11;
     if ($row->profile == '') {
         $row->profile = $oldrow->profile != '' ? $oldrow->profile : 1;
     if ($row->registration == '') {
         $row->registration = $oldrow->registration != '' ? $oldrow->registration : 1;
     if ($row->published == '') {
         $row->published = $oldrow->published != '' ? $oldrow->published : 1;
     if ($row->required == '') {
         $row->required = $oldrow->required != '' ? $oldrow->required : 0;
     if ($row->readonly == '') {
         $row->readonly = $oldrow->readonly != '' ? $oldrow->readonly : 0;
     if ($row->tablecolumns != '' && !in_array($row->type, array('password', 'userparams'))) {
         $searchable_default = 1;
     } else {
         $searchable_default = 0;
     if ($row->searchable == '') {
         $row->searchable = $oldrow->searchable != '' ? $oldrow->searchable : $searchable_default;
     // If the input is disabled we need to apply the default if the tabid isn't in POST:
     if (!isset($_POST['tabid'])) {
         $_POST['tabid'] = $row->tabid;
     // Moved above check here just encase it ends up being empty:
     if ($task == 'showField' || !isset($_POST['tabid'])) {
     // in case the above changed perms.... really ?
     $fieldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
     $fieldTab->load((int) $row->tabid);
     // Check if user is a super user:
     if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
         // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid:
         if (!in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel:
         if (!in_array($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     if ($row->type == 'webaddress') {
         $row->rows = $_POST['webaddresstypes'];
         if (!($row->rows == 0 || $row->rows == 2)) {
             $row->rows = 0;
     if ($_POST['oldtabid'] != $_POST['tabid']) {
         if ($_POST['oldtabid'] !== '') {
             //Re-order old tab
             $sql = "UPDATE #__comprofiler_fields SET ordering = ordering-1 WHERE ordering > " . (int) $_POST['ordering'] . " AND tabid = " . (int) $_POST['oldtabid'];
         //Select Last Order in New Tab
         $sql = "SELECT MAX(ordering) FROM #__comprofiler_fields WHERE tabid=" . (int) $_POST['tabid'];
         $max = $_CB_database->LoadResult();
         $row->ordering = max($max + 1, 1);
     if (cbStartOfStringMatch($row->name, 'cb_')) {
         $row->name = str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($row->name));
     if (!$row->check()) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
     // Check if user is a super user:
     if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
         $canEditState = CBuser::getMyInstance()->authoriseAction('core.edit.state');
         // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid
         if ($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid != '' && !in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel
         if ($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel != '' && !in_array($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         // Check if user can edit status (and if not, that status are as expected):
         if (!$canEditState) {
             $failed = false;
             // Check if row exists and if tabid is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if tabid is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->tabid != '' && $oldrow->tabid != $row->tabid) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->tabid != '' && $row->tabid != 11)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if profile is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if profile is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->profile != '' && $oldrow->profile != $row->profile) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->profile != '' && $row->profile != 1)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if registration is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if registration is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->registration != '' && $oldrow->registration != $row->registration) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->registration != '' && $row->registration != 1)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if published is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if published is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->published != '' && $oldrow->published != $row->published) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->published != '' && $row->published != 1)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if required is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if required is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->required != '' && $oldrow->required != $row->required) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->required != '' && $row->required != 0)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if readonly is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if readonly is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->readonly != '' && $oldrow->readonly != $row->readonly) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->readonly != '' && $row->readonly != 0)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if searchable is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if searchable is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->searchable != '' && $oldrow->searchable != $row->searchable) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->searchable != '' && $row->searchable != $searchable_default)) {
                 $failed = true;
             if ($failed) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     if (!$row->store((int) $fid)) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
     $fieldNames = $_POST['vNames'];
     $j = 1;
     if ($row->fieldid > 0) {
         $_CB_database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__comprofiler_field_values" . " WHERE fieldid = " . (int) $row->fieldid);
         if ($_CB_database->query() === false) {
             echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
     } else {
         $_CB_database->setQuery("SELECT MAX(fieldid) FROM #__comprofiler_fields");
         $maxID = $_CB_database->loadResult();
         $row->fieldid = $maxID;
         echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
     //for($i=0, $n=count( $fieldNames ); $i < $n; $i++) {
     foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
         if (trim($fieldName) != null || trim($fieldName) != '') {
             $_CB_database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__comprofiler_field_values (fieldid,fieldtitle,ordering)" . " VALUES( " . (int) $row->fieldid . ",'" . cbGetEscaped(trim($fieldName)) . "', " . (int) $j . ")");
             if ($_CB_database->query() === false) {
                 echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
     switch ($task) {
         case 'applyField':
             $msg = CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved changes to Field') . ': ' . $row->name;
             cbRedirect($_CB_framework->backendUrl("index.php?option={$option}&task=editField&cid={$row->fieldid}"), $msg);
         case 'saveField':
             $msg = CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved Field') . ': ' . $row->name;
             cbRedirect($_CB_framework->backendUrl("index.php?option={$option}&task=showField"), $msg);
Пример #15
		<!-- End Register Button -->
		<!-- Recover Login -->
if ($showForgotLogin) {
	  <div class="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border">
	    <a class="mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect" href="<?php 
    echo $_CB_framework->viewUrl('lostpassword', true, null, 'html', $secureForm);
    echo CBTxt::T('Forgot Login?');
		<!-- End Recover Login -->
echo modCBLoginHelper::getPlugins($params, $type, 'almostEnd');
echo modCBLoginHelper::getPlugins($params, $type, 'end');
echo modCBLoginHelper::getPlugins($params, $type, 'afterForm');
Пример #16
    echo $newMessageCount == 1 ? CBTxt::T('COUNT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE', '[count] Private Message', array('[count]' => $newMessageCount)) : CBTxt::T('COUNT_PRIVATE_MESSAGES', '[count] Private Messages', array('[count]' => $newMessageCount));
if ($showConnectionRequests) {
		<li class="cbModeratorLink cbModeratorLinkConnectionRequests">
			<a href="<?php 
    echo $_CB_framework->viewUrl('manageconnections');
    echo $newConnectionRequests == 1 ? CBTxt::T('COUNT_CONNECTION_REQUEST', '[count] Connection Request', array('[count]' => $newConnectionRequests)) : CBTxt::T('COUNT_CONNECTION_REQUESTS', '[count] Connection Requests', array('[count]' => $newConnectionRequests));
echo modCBModeratorHelper::getPlugins($params, 'afterLinks');
echo modCBModeratorHelper::getPlugins($params, 'almostEnd');
if ($postText) {
	<div class="posttext">
Пример #17
	 * Generates HTML for favorites in forum tab
	 * @param object  $template
	 * @param object  $forum
	 * @param object  $model
	 * @return mixed
	function ShowFavorites( $template, $forum, $model ) {
		$html					=	null;
		$oneOrTwo				=	1;
		if ( $template->favorites ) {
			$html				.=	'<br /><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">'
								.	'<thead>'
								.		'<tr class="sectiontableheader">'
								.			'<th colspan="4">' . CBTxt::T( 'Your Favorites' ) . '</th>'
								.		'</tr>'
								.		'<tr class="sectiontableheader">'
								.			'<th width="20%">' . $template->titles->date . '</th>'
								.			'<th width="45%">' . $template->titles->subject . '</th>'
								.			'<th width="25%">' . $template->titles->category . '</th>'
								.			'<th width="10%">' . CBTxt::T( 'Action' ) . '</th>'
								.		'</tr>'
								.	'</thead>'
								.	'<tbody>';
			foreach ( $template->favorites as $item ) {
				$unsubURL		=	cbSef( $template->unFavThreadURL . $item->thread );
				$postURL		=	cbSef( 'index.php?option=' . $forum->component . $forum->itemid . '&amp;func=view&amp;catid='. $item->catid . '&amp;id=' . $item->id );
				$catURL			=	cbSef( 'index.php?option=' . $forum->component . $forum->itemid . '&amp;func=' . ( $forum->component == 'com_kunena' ? 'showcat' : 'view' ) . '&amp;catid='. $item->catid );
				$html			.=	'<tr class="sectiontableentry' . $oneOrTwo . '">'
								.		'<td>' . getFieldValue( 'date', date( 'Y-m-d, H:i:s', $item->time ) ) . '</td>'
								.		'<td><a href="' . $postURL . '">' . htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $item->subject ) ) . '</a></td>'
								.		'<td><a href="' . $catURL . '">' . htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $item->catname ) ) . '</a></td>'
								.		'<td><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:if ( confirm(\'' . CBTxt::T( "Are you sure you want to remove this favorite thread?" ) . '\') ) { location.href=\'' . $unsubURL . '\'; }">' . CBTxt::T( 'Remove' ) . '</a></td>'
								.	'</tr>';
				$oneOrTwo		=	( $oneOrTwo == 1 ? 2 : 1 );
			$html				.=	'</tbody>'
								.	'</table>';
			if ( $template->showPaging ) {
				$html			.=	'<br /><div style="width:95%;text-align:center;">' . $template->paging . '</div>';
			$html				.=	'<br /><div style="width:95%;text-align:center;"><input type="button" class="button" onclick="javascript:if ( confirm(\'' . CBTxt::T( "Are you sure you want to remove all your favorite threads?" ) . '\') ) { location.href=\'' . $template->unFavAllURL . '\'; }" value="' . CBTxt::T( 'Remove All' ) . '" /></div>';		
		} else {
			$html				.=	'<br /><div>' . CBTxt::T( 'No favorites found for you.' ) . '</div>';
		return $html;
Пример #18
	 * render frontend users
	 * @param object $rows
	 * @param object $pageNav
	 * @param cbgjCategory $category
	 * @param cbgjGroup $group
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	 * @return string
	static function showUsers( $rows, $pageNav, $category, $group, $user, $plugin ) {
		$groupUsersSearch		=	$plugin->params->get( 'group_users_search', 1 );
		$groupUsersPaging		=	$plugin->params->get( 'group_users_paging', 1 );
		$groupUsersLimitbox		=	$plugin->params->get( 'group_users_limitbox', 1 );

		$return					=	'<form action="' . $group->getUrl() . '" method="post" name="gjForm_users" id="gjForm_users" class="gjUsers_form">'
								.		( $groupUsersSearch && ( $pageNav->searching || $pageNav->total ) ? '<div class="gjTop gjTopRight">' . $pageNav->search . '</div>' : null );

		if ( $rows ) {
			$return				.=		'<div class="gjContent">';

			foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
				$authorized		=	cbgjClass::getAuthorization( $category, $group, $user, $row->getOwner() );
				$adminUrl		=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'admin', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to set this [user] to [admin]?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ), '[admin]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'admin' ) ) ) );
				$modUrl			=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'mod', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to set this [user] to [mod]?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ), '[mod]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'moderator' ) ) ) );
				$activeUrl		=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'active', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to set this [user] as Active?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ) ) ) );
				$inactiveUrl	=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'inactive', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to set this [user] as Inactive?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ) ) ) );
				$banUrl			=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'ban', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to ban this [user]?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ) ) ) );
				$deleteUrl		=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'delete', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to delete this [user]?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ) ) ) );

				if ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 0 ) {
					$typeClass	=	'gjUserTypePENDING';
					$type		=	CBTxt::Th( 'Pending' );
				} elseif ( $row->get( 'status' ) == -1 ) {
					$typeClass	=	'gjUserTypeBANNED';
					$type		=	CBTxt::Th( 'Banned' );
				} elseif ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 2 ) {
					$typeClass	=	'gjUserTypeMOD';
					$type		=	cbgjClass::getOverride( 'moderator' );
				} elseif ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 3 ) {
					$typeClass	=	'gjUserTypeADMIN';
					$type		=	cbgjClass::getOverride( 'admin' );
				} elseif ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 4 ) {
					$typeClass	=	'gjUserTypeOWNER';
					$type		=	cbgjClass::getOverride( 'owner' );
				} else {
					$typeClass	=	'gjUserTypeUSER';
					$type		=	cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' );

				if ( ( ! in_array( $row->get( 'status' ), array( -1, 4 ) ) ) && ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) != 3 ) || cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl2', $authorized ) ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl3', $authorized ) ) {
					$ban		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $banUrl . '"><i class="icon-lock"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Ban' ) . '</a></div>';
				} elseif ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == -1 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl3', $authorized ) ) {
					$ban		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $activeUrl . '"><i class="icon-ok"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Unban' ) . '</a></div>';
				} else {
					$ban		=	null;

				if ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 1 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl3', $authorized ) ) {
					$promote	=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $modUrl . '"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Promote' ) . '</a></div>';
				} elseif ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 2 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl2', $authorized ) ) {
					$promote	=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $adminUrl . '"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Promote' ) . '</a></div>';
				} else {
					$promote	=	null;

				if ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 2 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl3', $authorized ) ) {
					$demote		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $activeUrl . '"><i class="icon-thumbs-down"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Demote' ) . '</a></div>';
				} elseif ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 3 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl2', $authorized ) ) {
					$demote		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $modUrl . '"><i class="icon-thumbs-down"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Demote' ) . '</a></div>';
				} elseif ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 1 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl4', $authorized ) ) {
					$demote		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $inactiveUrl . '"><i class="icon-thumbs-down"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Demote' ) . '</a></div>';
				} else {
					$demote		=	null;

				if ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) != 4 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl2', $authorized ) ) {
					$delete		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . $deleteUrl . '"><i class="icon-remove"></i> ' . CBTxt::T( 'Delete' ) . '</a></div>';
				} else {
					$delete		=	null;

				$beforeMenu		=	cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeGroupUserMenu', array( $row, $group, $category, $user, $plugin ) );
				$afterMenu		=	cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterGroupUserMenu', array( $row, $group, $category, $user, $plugin ) );

				$return			.=			'<div class="gjContentBox mini-layout">'
								.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $row->getOwnerName( true ) . '</div>'
								.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $row->getOwnerAvatar( true ) . '</div>'
								.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $row->getOwnerOnline() . '</div>'
								.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">'
								.					cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeGroupUserInfo', array( $row, $group, $category, $user, $plugin ) )
								.					'<span class="' . $typeClass . '" title="' . cbFormatDate( $row->get( 'date' ), 1, false ) . '">' . $type . '</span>'
								.					cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterGroupUserInfo', array( $row, $group, $category, $user, $plugin ) )
								.				'</div>';

				if ( ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 0 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl4', $authorized ) ) {
					$return		.=				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">'
								.					'<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::Th( 'Approve' ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn btn-mini btn-success" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'users', 'active', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to set this [user] as Active?', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ) ) ), true ) . '" />'
								.				'</div>';

				if ( $beforeMenu || $ban || $delete || $promote || $demote || $afterMenu ) {
					$return		.=				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">'
								.					cbgjClass::getDropdown( ( $beforeMenu . $ban . $delete . $promote . $demote . $afterMenu ), CBTxt::T( 'Menu' ) )
								.				'</div>';

				$return			.=			'</div>';

			$return				.=		'</div>';
		} else {
			$return				.=		'<div class="gjContent">';

			if ( $groupUsersSearch && $pageNav->searching ) {
				$return			.=			CBTxt::Ph( 'No [user] search results found.', array( '[user]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user' ) ) );
			} else {
				$return			.=			CBTxt::Ph( 'There are no [users] available.', array( '[users]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'user', true ) ) );

			$return				.=		'</div>';

		if ( $groupUsersPaging ) {
			$return				.=		'<div class="gjPaging pagination pagination-centered">'
								.			( $pageNav->total > $pageNav->limit ? $pageNav->pagelinks : null )
								.			( ! $groupUsersLimitbox ? $pageNav->getLimitBox( false ) : ( $pageNav->total ? '<div class="gjPagingLimitbox">' . $pageNav->limitbox . '</div>' : null ) )
								.		'</div>';

		$return					.=		cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'plugin' )
								.	'</form>';

		return $return;
Пример #19
            echo htmlspecialchars($templateClass);
								<span class="cbModuleRegisterIcon fa fa-edit" title="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REGISTER', 'Sign up'));
        if (in_array($params->get('show_newaccount', 1), array(1, 3))) {
            echo CBTxt::T('UE_REGISTER', 'Sign up');
Пример #20
	 * render frontend tab invites
	 * @param object $rows
	 * @param object $pageNav
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $displayed
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	 * @param boolean $tabbed
	 * @return mixed
	static function showInvites( $rows, $pageNav, $displayed, $user, $plugin, $tabbed ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		$invitesTabSearch			=	$plugin->params->get( 'invites_tab_search', 1 );
		$invitesTabPaging			=	$plugin->params->get( 'invites_tab_paging', 1 );
		$invitesTabLimitbox			=	$plugin->params->get( 'invites_tab_limitbox', 1 );

		if ( ! $tabbed ) {
			$formUrl				=	cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel', 'invites' ) );
		} else {
			$formUrl				=	$_CB_framework->userProfileUrl( $displayed->id, true, $plugin->tab->tabid );

		$return						=	'<div class="gjTabInvites">'
									.		'<form action="' . $formUrl . '" method="post" name="gjTabForm_invites" id="gjTabForm_invites" class="gjForm">'
									.			( $invitesTabSearch && ( $pageNav->searching || $pageNav->total ) ? '<div class="gjTop gjTopRight">' . $pageNav->search . '</div>' : null );

		if ( $rows ) {
			$return					.=		'<div class="gjContent">';

			foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
				$group				=	$row->getGroup();
				$category			=	$group->getCategory();

				if ( $row->get( 'user' ) ) {
					$userAvatar		=	$row->getInvitedAvatar( true );
					$userName		=	$row->getInvitedName( true );
					$userOnline		=	$row->getInvitedOnline();
				} else {
					$userAvatar		=	'<img src="' . selectTemplate() . 'images/avatar/tnnophoto_n.png" alt="' . htmlspecialchars( $row->get( 'email' ) ) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars( $row->get( 'email' ) ) . '" />';
					$userName		=	'******' . htmlspecialchars( $row->get( 'email' ) ) . '">' . htmlspecialchars( $row->get( 'email' ) ) . '</a>';
					$userOnline		=	null;

				$menuItems			=	cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeProfileGroupInviteMenu', array( $row, $group, $category, $displayed, $user, $plugin ) )
									.	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'invites', 'delete', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::T( 'Are you sure you want to delete this invite?' ) ) . '"><i class="icon-remove"></i> ' . CBTxt::Th( 'Delete' ) . '</a></div>'
									.	cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterProfileGroupInviteMenu', array( $row, $group, $category, $displayed, $user, $plugin ) );

				$return				.=			'<div class="gjContentBox mini-layout">'
									.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $userName . '</div>'
									.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $userAvatar . '</div>'
									.				( $userOnline ? '<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $userOnline . '</div>' : null )
									.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $group->getName( 0, true ) . '</div>'
									.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">' . $category->getName( 0, true ) . '</div>'
									.				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">'
									.					cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeProfileGroupInviteInfo', array( $row, $group, $category, $displayed, $user, $plugin ) )
									.					'<span title="' . cbFormatDate( $row->get( 'invited' ), 1, false ) . ( $row->isAccepted() ? ' - ' . cbFormatDate( $row->get( 'accepted' ), 1, false ) : null ) . '">' . $row->getStatus() . '</span>'
									.					cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterProfileGroupInviteInfo', array( $row, $group, $category, $displayed, $user, $plugin ) )
									.				'</div>';

				if ( ( ! $row->isAccepted() ) && ( $row->dateDifference() >= 5 ) ) {
					$return			.=				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">'
									.					'<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::Th( 'Resend' ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn btn-mini btn-success" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'invites', 'send', (int) $category->get( 'id' ), (int) $group->get( 'id' ), (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), true ) . '" />'
									.				'</div>';

				$return				.=				'<div class="gjContentBoxRow">'
									.					cbgjClass::getDropdown( $menuItems, CBTxt::Th( 'Menu' ) )
									.				'</div>';

				$return				.=			'</div>';

			$return					.=		'</div>';
		} else {
			$return					.=			'<div class="gjContent">';

			if ( $invitesTabSearch && $pageNav->searching ) {
				$return				.=				CBTxt::Th( 'No invite search results found.' );
			} else {
				if ( $displayed->id == $user->id ) {
					$return			.=				CBTxt::Th( 'You have no invites.' );
				} else {
					$return			.=				CBTxt::Th( 'This user has no invites.' );

			$return					.=			'</div>';

		if ( $invitesTabPaging ) {
			$return					.=			'<div class="gjPaging pagination pagination-centered">'
									.				( $pageNav->total > $pageNav->limit ? $pageNav->pagelinks : null )
									.				( ! $invitesTabLimitbox ? $pageNav->getLimitBox( false ) : ( $pageNav->total ? '<div class="gjPagingLimitbox">' . $pageNav->limitbox . '</div>' : null ) )
									.			'</div>';

		$return						.=			cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'plugin' )
									.		'</form>'
									.	'</div>';

		return $return;
Пример #21
    function edituser($user, $option, $newCBuser, &$postdata)
        global $_CB_framework, $_PLUGINS;
        $results = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeUserProfileEditDisplay', array(&$user, 2));
        if ($_PLUGINS->is_errors()) {
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"" . str_replace(array("\n", '<br />'), array('\\n', '\\n'), addslashes($_PLUGINS->getErrorMSG())) . "\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
        $tabs = new cbTabs($_CB_framework->getUi() == 2 && !isset($_REQUEST['tab']) ? 1 : 0, 2);
        // use cookies in backend to remember selected tab.
        $tabcontent = $tabs->getEditTabs($user, $postdata);
        global $_CB_Backend_Title;
        //OLD:	$_CB_Backend_Title	=	array( 0 => array( 'cbicon-48-users', "Community Builder User: <small>" . ( $user->id ? "Edit" . ' [ '. $user->username .' ]' : "New" ) . '</small>' ) );
        $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-users', CBTxt::T('Community Builder User') . ": <small>" . ($user->id ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' [ ' . $user->username . ' ]' : CBTxt::T('New')) . '</small>'));
        if (defined('_CB_VALIDATE_NEW')) {

$('div.cbtoolbaractions .cbtoolbaraction').click( function() {
		if ( $(this).attr('href') ) {
			var taskVal = $(this).attr('href').substring(1);
		} else if ( $(this).attr('value') ) {
			taskVal = $(this).attr('value').substring(1);
		$('#cbcheckedadminForm input[name=task]').val( taskVal );
		if (taskVal == 'showusers') {
		} else {
		return false;
	} );

            $cbjavascript = ob_get_contents();
            $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery($cbjavascript, array('metadata', 'validate'));
        } else {
            // old way:
var cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
function cbFrmSubmitButton() {
	var me = this.elements;
            $version = checkJversion();
            if ($version == 1) {
                // var r = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z](([\.\-a-zA-Z0-9@])?[a-zA-Z0-9]*)*$", "i");
	var r = new RegExp("^[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\+|\-]*$", "i");
            } elseif ($version == -1) {
	var r = new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "i");
            } else {
	var r = new RegExp("[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\+|\-]", "i");
	var errorMSG = '';
	var iserror=0;
	if (cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor === undefined) cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor = ((me['username'].style.getPropertyValue) ? me['username'].style.getPropertyValue("backgroundColor") : me['username'].style.backgroundColor);
            echo $tabs->fieldJS;
	if (me['username'].value == "") {
		errorMSG += "<?php 
            echo str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_UNAME));
		me['username'].style.backgroundColor = "red";
	} else if (r.exec(me['username'].value) || (me['username'].value.length < 3)) {
		errorMSG += "<?php 
            echo str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', sprintf(CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_VALID_AZ09), CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_PROMPT_UNAME), 2));
		me['username'].style.backgroundColor = "red";
	} else if (me['username'].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") {
		me['username'].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
	if ((me['password'].value != "") && (me['password'].value != me['password__verify'].value)){
		errorMSG += "<?php 
            echo CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_VPASS2);
		me['password'].style.backgroundColor = "red"; me['password__verify'].style.backgroundColor = "red";
	} else {
		if (me['password'].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me['password'].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
		if (me['password__verify'].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me['password__verify'].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
	if (!$('input[name^=\"gid\"],select[name^=\"gid\"]').val()) {
		errorMSG += '<?php 
            echo addslashes(CBTxt::T('You must assign user to a group.'));
' + "\n";

	// loop through all input elements in form
	var fieldErrorMessages = new Array;
	for (var i=0; i < me.length; i++) {
		// check if element is mandatory; here mosReq=1
		if ( (typeof(me[i].getAttribute('mosReq')) != "undefined") && ( me[i].getAttribute('mosReq') == 1) ) {
			if (me[i].type == 'radio' || me[i].type == 'checkbox') {
				var rOptions = me[me[i].getAttribute('name')];
				var rChecked = 0;
				if(rOptions.length > 1) {
					for (var r=0; r < rOptions.length; r++) {
						if ( (typeof(rOptions[r].getAttribute('mosReq')) != "undefined") && ( rOptions[r].getAttribute('mosReq') == 1) ) {
							if (rOptions[r].checked) {
				} else {
					if (me[i].checked) {
				if(rChecked==0) {
					for (var k=0; k < me.length; k++) {
						if (me[i].getAttribute('name') == me[k].getAttribute('name')) {
							if (me[k].checked) {
				if(rChecked==0) {
					var alreadyFlagged = false;
					for (var j = 0, n = fieldErrorMessages.length; j < n; j++) {
						if (fieldErrorMessages[j] == me[i].getAttribute('name')) {
							alreadyFlagged = true;
					if ( ! alreadyFlagged ) {
						// add up all error messages
						errorMSG += me[i].getAttribute('mosLabel') + ' : <?php 
            echo CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_UE_REQUIRED_ERROR);
						// notify user by changing background color, in this case to red
						me[i].style.backgroundColor = "red";
				} else if (me[i].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me[i].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
			if (me[i].value == '') {
				// add up all error messages
				errorMSG += me[i].getAttribute('mosLabel') + ' : <?php 
            echo CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_UE_REQUIRED_ERROR);
				// notify user by changing background color, in this case to red
				me[i].style.backgroundColor = "red";
			} else if (me[i].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me[i].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
	if(iserror==1) {
		return false;
	} else {
		return true;
$('#cbcheckedadminForm').submit( cbFrmSubmitButton );
$('div.cbtoolbaractions .cbtoolbaraction').click( function() {
		if ( $(this).attr('href') ) {
			var taskVal = $(this).attr('href').substring(1);
		} else if ( $(this).attr('value') ) {
			taskVal = $(this).attr('value').substring(1);
		$('#cbcheckedadminForm input[name=task]').val( taskVal );
		if (taskVal == 'showusers') {
			$('#userEditTable input').val('');
		} else {
		return false;
	} );
            $cbjavascript = ob_get_contents();
            // end of old way
        if (is_array($results)) {
            echo implode('', $results);
<div id="cbErrorMessages"></div>
<form action="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php');
" method="post" name="adminForm" id="cbcheckedadminForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off">
        echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%' id='userEditTable'><tr><td width='100%'>\n";
        echo $tabcontent;
        echo "</td></tr></table>";
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $user->id;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="newCBuser" value="<?php 
        echo $newCBuser;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="save" />
        echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('user');
<div style="align:center;">
        echo getFieldIcons(2, true, true, "", "", true);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) {
            $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery("showCBTab( '" . addslashes(urldecode(stripslashes(cbGetParam($_REQUEST, 'tab')))) . "' );");
Пример #22
	 * prepare frontend tab invited render
	 * @param  moscomprofilerUser $displayed
	 * @param  moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param  object             $plugin
	 * @param  boolean            $tabbed
	 * @return mixed
	public function getInvited( $displayed, $user, $plugin, $tabbed = true ) {
		cbgjClass::getTemplate( 'tab_invited' );

		$paging					=	new cbgjPaging( 'tab_invited' );

		$limit					=	$paging->getlimit( (int) $plugin->params->get( 'invited_tab_limit', 15 ) );
		$limitstart				=	$paging->getLimistart();
		$search					=	$paging->getFilter( 'search' );
		$where					=	array();

		if ( isset( $search ) && ( $search != '' ) ) {
			$where[]			=	array( 'name', 'CONTAINS', $search );

		$searching				=	( count( $where ) ? true : false );

		$where[]				=	array( 'f.user', '=', (int) $displayed->id, array( 'f.email', '=', $displayed->email ) );
		$where[]				=	array( 'f.accepted', 'IN', array( '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', null ) );

		switch( $plugin->params->get( 'invited_tab_orderby', 1 ) ) {
			case 2:
				$orderBy		=	array( 'ordering', 'DESC' );
			case 3:
				$orderBy		=	array( 'date', 'ASC' );
			case 4:
				$orderBy		=	array( 'date', 'DESC' );
			case 5:
				$orderBy		=	array( 'name', 'ASC' );
			case 6:
				$orderBy		=	array( 'name', 'DESC' );
			case 7:
				$orderBy		=	'user_count_asc';
			case 8:
				$orderBy		=	'user_count_desc';
			case 9:
				$orderBy		=	'nested_count_asc';
			case 10:
				$orderBy		=	'nested_count_desc';
				$orderBy		=	null;

		$total					=	count( cbgjData::getGroups( array( array( 'grp_access', 'mod_lvl2' ), $user ), $where, $orderBy ) );

		if ( $total <= $limitstart ) {
			$limitstart			=	0;

		$pageNav				=	$paging->getPageNav( $total, $limitstart, $limit );

		$rows					=	cbgjData::getGroups( array( array( 'grp_access', 'mod_lvl2' ), $user ), $where, $orderBy, ( $plugin->params->get( 'invited_tab_paging', 1 ) ? array( $pageNav->limitstart, $pageNav->limit ) : null ) );

		$pageNav->search		=	$paging->getInputSearch( 'gjTabForm_invited', 'search', CBTxt::T( 'Search Invited...' ), $search );
		$pageNav->searching		=	$searching;
		$pageNav->limitbox		=	$paging->getLimitbox( $pageNav );
		$pageNav->pagelinks		=	$paging->getPagesLinks( $pageNav );

		return HTML_groupjiveTabInvited::showInvited( $rows, $pageNav, $displayed, $user, $plugin, $tabbed );
Пример #23
	 * render frontend panel main
	 * @param string $function
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	 * @return string
	static function showPanelMain( $function, $user, $plugin ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		$authorized				=	cbgjClass::getAuthorization( null, null, $user );
		$newCategory			=	( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_new_category', 1 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'cat_create', $authorized ) );
		$newGroup				=	( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_new_group', 1 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'grp_create', $authorized ) );

		$return					=	null;

		if ( $newCategory || $newGroup ) {
			$return				.=	'<div class="gjTop gjTopCenter">'
								.		'<div class="btn-group">'
								.			( $newCategory ? '<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'New [category]', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ) ) ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'new' ), true, true, false, null, true ) . '" />' : null )
								.			( $newGroup ? '<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'New [group]', array( '[group]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group' ) ) ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'groups', 'new' ), true, true, false, null, true ) . '" />' : null )
								.		'</div>'
								.	'</div>';

		switch ( $function ) {
			case 'categories':
				if ( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_category_display', 1 ) ) {
					$title		=	htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'My [categories]', array( '[categories]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) ) ) );

					$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( $title );
					$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( $title, cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel', 'categories' ) ) );

					$return		.=	cbgjTab::getCategories( $user, $user, $plugin, false );
			case 'groups':
				if ( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_group_display', 1 ) ) {
					$title		=	htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'My [groups]', array( '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ) );

					$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( $title );
					$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( $title, cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel', 'groups' ) ) );

					$return		.=	cbgjTab::getGroups( $user, $user, $plugin, false );
			case 'joined':
				if ( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_joined_display', 1 ) ) {
					$title		=	htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'Joined [groups]', array( '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ) );

					$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( $title );
					$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( $title, cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel', 'joined' ) ) );

					$return		.=	cbgjTab::getJoined( $user, $user, $plugin, false );
			case 'invites':
				if ( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_invites_display', 1 ) ) {
					$title		=	htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'My Invites' ) );

					$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( $title );
					$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( $title, cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel', 'invites' ) ) );

					$return		.=	cbgjTab::getInvites( $user, $user, $plugin, false );
			case 'invited':
				if ( $plugin->params->get( 'panel_invited_display', 1 ) ) {
					$title		=	htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Invited To' ) );

					$_CB_framework->setPageTitle( $title );
					$_CB_framework->appendPathWay( $title, cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'panel', 'invited' ) ) );

					$return		.=	cbgjTab::getInvited( $user, $user, $plugin, false );

		return $return;
Пример #24
	 * render frontend overview main
	 * @param object $rows
	 * @param object $pageNav
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	 * @return string
	static function showOverviewMain( $rows, $pageNav, $user, $plugin ) {
		$authorized			=	cbgjClass::getAuthorization( null, null, $user );
		$overviewSearch		=	$plugin->params->get( 'overview_search', 1 );
		$overviewPaging		=	$plugin->params->get( 'overview_paging', 1 );
		$overviewLimitbox	=	$plugin->params->get( 'overview_limitbox', 1 );
		$categoryDescLimit	=	(int) $plugin->params->get( 'overview_cat_desc_limit', 150 );
		$categoryApprove	=	$plugin->params->get( 'category_approve', 0 );
		$newCategory		=	( $plugin->params->get( 'overview_new_category', 0 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'cat_create', $authorized ) );
		$newGroup			=	( $plugin->params->get( 'overview_new_group', 0 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'grp_create', $authorized ) );

		$return				=	null;

		if ( $newCategory || $newGroup ) {
			$return			.=	'<div class="gjTop gjTopCenter">'
							.		'<div class="btn-group">'
							.			( $newCategory ? '<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'New [category]', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ) ) ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'new' ), true ) . '" />' : null )
							.			( $newGroup ? '<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::P( 'New [group]', array( '[group]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group' ) ) ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'groups', 'new' ), true, true, false, null, true ) . '" />' : null )
							.		'</div>'
							.	'</div>';

		$return				.=	'<form action="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'overview' ) ) . '" method="post" name="gjForm" id="gjForm" class="gjForm">'
							.		( $overviewSearch && ( $pageNav->searching || $pageNav->total ) ? '<div class="gjTop gjTopRight">' . $pageNav->search . '</div>' : null );

		if ( $rows ) foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
			$authorized		=	cbgjClass::getAuthorization( $row, null, $user );

			if ( $row->get( 'published' ) == 1 ) {
				$state		=	'<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'unpublish', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to unpublish this [category]?', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ) ) ), true, false, null, true ) . '"><i class="icon-ban-circle"></i> ' . CBTxt::Th( 'Unpublish' ) . '</a></div>';
			} else {
				$state		=	'<div><a href="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'publish', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), null, true, false, null, true ) . '"><i class="icon-ok"></i> ' . CBTxt::Th( 'Publish' ) . '</a></div>';

			$canApprove		=	( $categoryApprove && ( $row->get( 'published' ) == -1 ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'cat_can_publish', $authorized ) );

			$beforeMenu		=	cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeOverviewCategoryMenu', array( $row, $user, $plugin ) );
			$afterMenu		=	cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterOverviewCategoryMenu', array( $row, $user, $plugin ) );

			$return			.=		'<div class="gjContent row-fluid">'
							.			'<div class="gjContentLogo span2">' . $row->getLogo( true, true, true ) . '</div>'
							.			'<div class="gjContentBody mini-layout span10">'
							.				'<div class="gjContentBodyHeader row-fluid">'
							.					'<div class="gjContentBodyTitle span9"><h5>' . $row->getName( 0, true ) . '<small> ' . cbFormatDate( $row->get( 'date' ), 1, false ) . '</small></h5></div>'
							.					'<div class="gjContentBodyMenu span3">';

			if ( $canApprove ) {
				$return		.=						'<input type="button" value="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Approve' ) ) . '" class="gjButton btn btn-mini btn-success" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'publish', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), true, true, false, null, true ) . '" />';
			} else {
				if ( ( $row->get( 'published' ) == 0 ) || ( ( $row->get( 'published' ) == 1 ) && ( ! cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'cat_approved', $authorized ) ) ) ) {
					$return	.=						cbgjClass::getIcon( null, CBTxt::P( 'This [category] is currently unpublished.', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ) ) ), 'icon-eye-close' );

			if ( $beforeMenu || cbgjClass::hasAccess( array( 'mod_lvl1', 'cat_can_publish' ), $authorized ) || $afterMenu ) {
				$menuItems	=	$beforeMenu
							.	( cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl1', $authorized ) ? '<div><a href="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'edit', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), null, true, false, null, true ) . '"><i class="icon-pencil"></i> ' . CBTxt::Th( 'Edit' ) . '</a></div>' : null )
							.	( ( ! $canApprove ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'cat_can_publish', $authorized ) ? $state : null )
							.	( cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl1', $authorized ) ? '<div><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="' . cbgjClass::getPluginURL( array( 'categories', 'delete', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), CBTxt::P( 'Are you sure you want to delete this [category] and all its associated [groups]?', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ), '[groups]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', true ) ) ), true, false, null, true ) . '"><i class="icon-remove"></i> ' . CBTxt::Th( 'Delete' ) . '</a></div>' : null )
							.	$afterMenu;

				$return		.=						cbgjClass::getDropdown( $menuItems, CBTxt::Th( 'Menu' ) );

			$return			.=					'</div>'
							.				'</div>'
							.				'<div class="gjContentBodyInfo">' . ( $row->getDescription( $categoryDescLimit ) ? '<div class="well well-small">' . $row->getDescription( $categoryDescLimit ) . '</div>' : null ) . '</div>'
							.				'<div class="gjContentDivider"></div>'
							.				'<div class="gjContentBodyFooter">'
							.					cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onBeforeOverviewCategoryInfo', array( $row, $user, $plugin ), null, 'span' )
							.					( ( ( ( ! $row->get( 'nested' ) ) && cbgjClass::hasAccess( 'mod_lvl1', $authorized ) ) || $row->get( 'nested' ) ) && $row->nestedCount() ? cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', $row->nestedCount() ) . ' | ' : null )
							.					( $row->groupCount() ? cbgjClass::getOverride( 'group', $row->groupCount() ) . ' | ' : null )
							.					implode( ', ', $row->getTypes() )
							.					cbgjClass::getIntegrations( 'gj_onAfterOverviewCategoryInfo', array( $row, $user, $plugin ), null, 'span' )
							.				'</div>'
							.			'</div>'
							.		'</div>';
		} else {
			$return			.=		'<div class="gjContent">';

			if ( $overviewSearch && $pageNav->searching ) {
				$return		.=			CBTxt::Ph( 'No [category] search results found.', array( '[category]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category' ) ) );
			} else {
				$return		.=			CBTxt::Ph( 'There are no [categories] available.', array( '[categories]' => cbgjClass::getOverride( 'category', true ) ) );

			$return			.=		'</div>';

		if ( $overviewPaging ) {
			$return			.=		'<div class="gjPaging pagination pagination-centered">'
							.			( $pageNav->total > $pageNav->limit ? $pageNav->pagelinks : null )
							.			( ! $overviewLimitbox ? $pageNav->getLimitBox( false ) : ( $pageNav->total ? '<div class="gjPagingLimitbox">' . $pageNav->limitbox . '</div>' : null ) )
							.		'</div>';

		$return				.=		cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'plugin' )
							.	'</form>';

		return $return;
Пример #25
	function editfield( &$row, $lists, $fieldvalues, $option, $paramsEditorHtml ) {
		global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database;

		outputCbTemplate( 2 );
		outputCbJs( 2 );
		initToolTip( 2 );

		global $_CB_Backend_Title;
		$_CB_Backend_Title	=	array( 0 => array( 'cbicon-48-fields', CBTxt::T('Community Builder Field') . ': <small>' . ( $row->fieldid ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' [ ' . htmlspecialchars( getLangDefinition( $row->title ) ) . ' ] ' : CBTxt::T('New') ) . '</small>' ) );

		if ( $row->fieldid && ( ! $row->published ) ) {
			echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Field is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";
		if ( $row->pluginid ) {
			$plugin		=	new moscomprofilerPlugin( $_CB_database );
			if ( ! $plugin->load( (int) $row->pluginid ) ) {
				echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Plugin is not installed') . '</div>' . "\n";
			} else {
				if ( ! $plugin->published ) {
					echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Plugin is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";

//		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( "var cbTypeState = $('#type').val();	$('#type').change(function() { if ( cbTypeState != $('#type').val() ) submitbutton('reloadField') } ).change();" );
//		outputCbJs( 2 );
	if($row->fieldid > 0) {
		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( 'document.adminForm.name.readOnly=true; document.adminForm.name.disabled=true; document.adminForm.type.disabled=true;');
//		disableAll();
//		selType('".$row->type."');

	$editorSave_description		=	$_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'description' );
	$editorSave_default			=	$_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'default' );
   function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
     if ( (pressbutton == 'showField') || (pressbutton == 'reloadField') ) {
       <?php echo $editorSave_description;
			if ( $row->type == 'editorta' ) {
				echo $editorSave_default;
     var coll = document.adminForm;
     var errorMSG = '';
     var iserror=0;
     if (coll != null) {
       var elements = coll.elements;
       // loop through all input elements in form
       for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
         // check if element is mandatory; here mosReq=1
         if ( (typeof(elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosReq')) != "undefined") && (elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosReq') == 1) ) {
           if (elements.item(i).value == '') {
             //alert(elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosLabel') + ':' + elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosReq'));
             // add up all error messages
             errorMSG += elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosLabel') + ' : <?php echo _UE_REQUIRED_ERROR; ?>\n';
             // notify user by changing background color, in this case to red
             elements.item(i).style.backgroundColor = "red";
     if(iserror==1) {
     } else {
       <?php echo $editorSave_description;
			if ( $row->type == 'editorta' ) {
				echo $editorSave_default;
		$jsTop		=	ob_get_contents();
		$_CB_framework->document->addHeadScriptDeclaration( $jsTop );
	function insertRow() {
		// Create and insert rows and cells into the first body.
//		var i = $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val( Number( $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val() ) + 1 ).val();
//		$('#fieldValuesBody').append('<tr><td><input id=\"vNames'+i+'\" name=\"vNames[' + i + ']\" /></td></tr>');
		var i = $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val( Number( $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val() ) + 1 ).val();
		$('#fieldValuesList').append('<li><input id=\"vNames'+i+'\" name=\"vNames[]\" /></li>');

	function disableAll() {

	function selType(sType) {
		var elem;
		switch (sType) {
			case 'editorta':
			case 'textarea':

			case 'emailaddress':
			case 'password':
			case 'text':
			case 'integer':
			case 'predefined':

			case 'select':
			case 'multiselect':

			case 'radio':
			case 'multicheckbox':

			case 'webaddress':

			case 'delimiter':

  function prep4SQL(o){
	if(o.value!='') {
		var cbsqloldvalue, cbsqlnewvalue;
		cbsqloldvalue = o.value;
		cbsqlnewvalue = o.value;
		o.value='cb_' + o.value;
		if (cbsqloldvalue != cbsqlnewvalue) {
			alert('<?php echo addslashes( CBTxt::T('Warning: SQL name of field has been changed to fit SQL constraints') ); ?>');
  var cbTypeState = $('#type').val();	$('#type').change(function() { selType(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); if ( cbTypeState != $('#type').val() ) submitbutton('reloadField') } ).change();
  $('#name').change(function() { if ( ! $('#name').attr('disabled') ) { prep4SQL(this); } } ).change();
  $('#insertrow').click(function() { insertRow(); } );
  $('#fieldValuesList').sortable( { items: 'li', containment: 'parent', animated: true, placeholder: 'fieldValuesList-selected' } );
//  $('#mainparams').sortable( { items: 'tr', containment: 'parent', animated: true } );
  /* $('#adminForm').submit(function() { return submitbutton(''); } );	*/
  selType('<?php echo $row->type; ?>');
$jsContent	=	ob_get_contents();

		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $jsContent, 'ui-all' );
<form action="<?php echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=saveField' ); ?>" method="POST" id="adminForm" name="adminForm">
		if ( $paramsEditorHtml ) {
  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
   <tr valign="top">
    <td width="60%" valign="top">

	<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform" id="mainparams">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Type'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['type']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Tab'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['tabs']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Name'); ?>:</td>
			<td align=left  width="20%"><input type="text" id="name" name="name" maxlength='64' mosReq="1" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Name') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->name ); ?>" /></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Title'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%" align=left><input type="text" name="title" mosReq="1" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Title') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->title ); ?>" /></td>
			<td colspan="3"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Description/"i" field-tip: text or HTML'); ?>:</td>
			<td colspan="3" align=left><?php echo $_CB_framework->displayCmsEditor( 'description', $row->description, 600 /* ( $row->type == 'delimiter' ? 600 : 286 ) */ , 200, 50, 7 );
			// <textarea name="description" cols="40" rows="6" maxlength='255' mosReq="0" mosLabel="Description" class="inputbox">< ?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->description ); ? ></textarea>
		if ( $row->type != 'delimiter' ) { ?>

<?php		if ( $row->type == 'editorta' ) {	?>
			<td colspan="3"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Pre-filled default value at registration only'); ?>:</td>
			<td colspan="3"><?php
				echo $_CB_framework->displayCmsEditor( 'cb_default', $row->default, 600, 200, 50, 7 );
			} else {
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Pre-filled default value at registration only'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%">
				<input type="text" name="cb_default" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Default value') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->default ); ?>" />

			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Required'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['required']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Show on Profile'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['profile']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Display field title in Profile'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['displaytitle']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Searchable in users-lists'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['searchable']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('User Read Only'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['readonly']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Show at Registration'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['registration']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Published'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo ( $row->sys == 1 ? ( $row->published ? _UE_YES : _UE_NO ) . ' (' . CBTxt::T('System-fields cannot be published/unpublished here.') . ( in_array( $row->name, array( 'name', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname' ) ) ? ' ' . CBTxt::T('Name-fields publishing depends on your setting in global CB config.') . ')' : ')' ) : $lists['published'] ); ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Size'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="size" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Size') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->size ); ?>" /></td>
	<div id="page1"  class="pagetext">

	<div id="divText"  class="pagetext">
		<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Max Length'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="maxlength" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Max Length') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->maxlength ); ?>" /></td>
	<div id="divColsRows"  class="pagetext">
		<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Cols'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="cols" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Cols') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->cols ); ?>" /></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Rows'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="rows"  mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Rows') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->rows ); ?>" /></td>
	<div id="divWeb"  class="pagetext">
		<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Type'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['webaddresstypes']; ?></td>
	<div id="divValues" style="text-align:left;">
		<?php echo CBTxt::T('Use the table below to add new values.'); ?><br />
		<input type=button id="insertrow" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Add a Value') ); ?>" />
		<table align="left" id="divFieldValues" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform" >
			<th width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Name'); ?></th>
		<tbody id="fieldValuesBody">
				<ul id="fieldValuesList">
		//echo "count:".count( $fieldvalues );
		//print_r (array_values($fieldvalues));
		for ($i=0, $n=count( $fieldvalues ); $i < $n; $i++) {
			//print "count:".$i;
			$fieldvalue = $fieldvalues[$i];
			if ($i==0) $req =1;
			else $req = 0;
			echo "\n<li><input type='text' mosReq='$req'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $fieldvalue->fieldtitle ) . "\" name=\"vNames[]\" id=\"vNames".$i."\" /></li>\n";
		if(count( $fieldvalues )< 1) {
			echo "\n<li><input type='text' mosReq='0'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value='' name='vNames[]' /></li>\n";
		//echo "count:".count( $fieldvalues );
		//print_r (array_values($fieldvalues));
		for ($i=0, $n=count( $fieldvalues ); $i < $n; $i++) {
			//print "count:".$i;
			$fieldvalue = $fieldvalues[$i];
			if ($i==0) $req =1;
			else $req = 0;
			echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"20%\"><input type='text' mosReq='$req'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $fieldvalue->fieldtitle ) . "\" name=\"vNames[".$i."]\" id=\"vNames".$i."\" /></td></tr>\n";
		if(count( $fieldvalues )< 1) {
			echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"20%\"><input type='text' mosReq='0'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value='' name=vNames[0] /></td></tr>\n";
		if ( $paramsEditorHtml ) {
    <td width="40%" valign="top">
			foreach ( $paramsEditorHtml as $paramsEditorHtmlBlock ) {
		<table class="adminform" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
				<th colspan="2">
					<?php echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['title']; ?>
					<?php echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['content']; ?>
  <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>

  <input type="hidden" name="valueCount" value=<?php echo $i; ?> />
  <input type="hidden" name="oldtabid" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->tabid ); ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="fieldid" value="<?php echo (int) $row->fieldid; ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="ordering" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->ordering ); ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
	echo cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'field' );
    static function renderGenericJs()
$.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, {
		required: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("This field is required."));
		remote: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please fix this field."));
		email: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a valid email address."));
		url: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a valid URL."));
		date: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a valid date."));
		dateISO: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a valid date (ISO)."));
		number: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a valid number."));
		digits: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter only digits."));
		creditcard: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a valid credit card number."));
		equalTo: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter the same value again."));
		accept: "<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a value with a valid extension."));
		maxlength: $.validator.format("<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter no more than {0} characters."));
		minlength: $.validator.format("<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter at least {0} characters."));
		rangelength: $.validator.format("<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long."));
		range: $.validator.format("<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}."));
		max: $.validator.format("<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}."));
		min: $.validator.format("<?php 
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T("Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}."));

	var firstInvalidFieldFound	=	0;
	$('#cbcheckedadminForm').submit( function() {
		var v = $(this).validate();
		v.cbIsFormSubmitting = true;
		var r = $(this).validate().form();
		v.cbIsFormSubmitting = false;
		if ( ! r ) {
		return r;
	} );
	$('#cbcheckedadminForm').validate( {
		onsubmit : false,
		ignoreTitle : true,
		errorClass: 'cb_result_warning',
		// debug: true,
		cbIsOnKeyUp: false,
		cbIsFormSubmitting: false,
		highlight: function( element, errorClass ) {
			$( element ).parents('.fieldCell').parent().addClass( 'cbValidationError' );		// tables
			$( element ).parents('.cb_field,.cb_form_line').addClass( 'cbValidationError' );	// divs
			$( element ).addClass( 'cbValidationError' + $(element).attr('type') );
			$( element ).parents('.tab-page').addClass('cbValidationErrorTab')
			.each( function() {
				.find('h2:nth-child(' + $(this).index() + ')')
			.filter(':not(:visible)').each( function() {
				if ( ! firstInvalidFieldFound++ ) {
					showCBTab( $(this).attr('id').substr(5) );
		unhighlight: function( element, errorClass ) {
			if ( this.errorList.length == 0 ) {
				firstInvalidFieldFound = 0;
			$( element ).parents('.fieldCell').parent().removeClass( 'cbValidationError' );		// tables
			$( element ).parents('.cb_field,.cb_form_line').removeClass( 'cbValidationError' );	// divs
			$( element ).removeClass( 'cbValidationError' + $(element).attr('type') );
			$( element ).parents('.tab-page')
			.each( function() {
				if ( $(this).find('.cbValidationError').size() == 0 ) {
					.find('h2:nth-child(' + $(this).index() + ')')
		errorElement: 'div',
		errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
			element.closest('.fieldCell, .cb_field').append( error[0] );		// .fieldCell : tables, .cb_field : div
		onkeyup: function(element) {
			if ( element.name in this.submitted || element == this.lastElement ) {
				// avoid remotejhtml rule onkeyup
				this.cbIsOnKeyUp = true;
				this.cbIsOnKeyUp = false;
        		showErrors: function(errorMap, errorList) {
        			var messages;
        			for ( var i = 0; errorList[i]; i++ ) {
        				messages += errorList[i].message + "\n";
        			alert( messages );
                rules: { 
                    username: { 
                        required: true, 
                        minlength: 3 //, 
                        // remote: "users.php" 
                    password: { 
                        required: true, 
                        minlength: 6 
                    password_confirm: { 
                        required: true, 
                        minlength: 6, 
                        equalTo: "#password" 
                    email: { 
                        required: true, 
                        email: true //, 
             			//remote: "emails.php" 
                messages: { 
                	username: { 
                        required: "Please enter a username", 
                        minlength: jQuery.format("Enter at least {0} characters"), 
                        remote: jQuery.format("{0} is already in use") 
                    password: { 
                        required: "Please provide a password", 
                        rangelength: jQuery.format("Enter at least {0} characters") 
                    password_confirm: { 
                        required: "Please repeat your password", 
                        minlength: jQuery.format("Enter at least {0} characters"), 
                        equalTo: "Enter the same password as above" 
                    email: { 
                        required: "Please enter a valid email address", 
                        minlength: "Please enter a valid email address" //,
                        // remote: jQuery.format("{0} is already in use") 
	} );
	$('#cbcheckedadminForm input:checkbox,#cbcheckedadminForm input:radio').click( function() {
		$('#cbcheckedadminForm').validate().element( $(this) );
	} );
	$( '#cbcheckedadminForm .cbDateinputJs select' ).change( function() {
		var datefield	=	$(this).parent().prev('input');
		if ( datefield.length ) {
			$('#cbcheckedadminForm').validate().element( datefield );
	} );
        echo implode("\n", self::$methods) . "\n";
        echo self::$rules;
Пример #27
	 * Translates, prepares the HTML $htmlText with triggering CMS Content Plugins, replaces CB substitutions and extra HTML and non-HTML substitutions
	 * @see CBuser::replaceUserVars
	 * @param  string      $mainText
	 * @param  int         $user_id
	 * @param  boolean     $html
	 * @param  boolean     $translateMainText
	 * @param  boolean     $prepareHtmlContentPlugins
	 * @param  array|null  $extraHtmlStrings
	 * @param  array|null  $extraNonHtmlStrings
	 * @return string
	public static function replaceUserVars( $mainText, $user_id, $html, $translateMainText = true,
											$prepareHtmlContentPlugins = false,
											$extraHtmlStrings = null, $extraNonHtmlStrings = null )
		if ( $translateMainText ) {
			$mainText		=	$html ? parent::Th( $mainText ) : parent::T( $mainText );

		if ( $prepareHtmlContentPlugins ) {
			$mainText		=	Application::Cms()->prepareHtmlContentPlugins( $mainText );

			if ( ! $html ) {
				$mainText	=	strip_tags( $mainText );

		$cbUser				=	CBuser::getInstance( (int) $user_id );

		if ( ! $cbUser ) {
			$cbUser			=	CBuser::getInstance( null );

		$mainText			=	$cbUser->replaceUserVars( $mainText, true, false, $extraNonHtmlStrings, false );

		if ( $extraHtmlStrings ) {
			foreach ( $extraHtmlStrings as $k => $v ) {
				$mainText	=	str_replace( "[$k]", $html ? $v : strip_tags( $v ), $mainText );

		return $mainText;
	 * Function for the backend XML
	 * @param  string  $name          Name of the control
	 * @param  string  $value         Current value
	 * @param  string  $control_name  Name of the controlling array (if any)
	 * @return string                 HTML for the control data part or FALSE in case of error
	function loadExistingForums( $name, $value, $control_name ) {
		global $_CB_framework;
		$img_path											=	$_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' ) . '/components/com_comprofiler/images/';
		$installed											=	'<img src="' . $img_path . 'approve.png" alt="Installed" title="Installed" border="0" />';
		$uninstalled										=	'<img src="' . $img_path . 'reject.png" alt="Uninstalled" title="Uninstalled" border="0" />';
		$path												=	$_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' );
		$forums												=	null;

		if ( file_exists( $path . '/administrator/components/com_joomlaboard/' ) ) {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $installed . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Joomlaboard' ) . '</div>';
		} else {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $uninstalled . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Joomlaboard' ) . '</div>';
		if ( file_exists( $path . '/administrator/components/com_simpleboard/' ) ) {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $installed . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Simpleboard' ) . '</div>';
		} else {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $uninstalled . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Simpleboard' ) . '</div>';
		if ( file_exists( $path . '/administrator/components/com_fireboard/' ) ) {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $installed . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Fireboard' ) . '</div>';
		} else {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $uninstalled . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Fireboard' ) . '</div>';
		if ( file_exists( $path . '/administrator/components/com_kunena/' ) ) {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $installed . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Kunena (It is advised to select Kunena manually as Kunena has additional options)' ) . '</div>';
		} else {
			$forums											.=	'<div>' . $uninstalled . ' ' . CBTxt::T( 'Kunena' ) . '</div>';		}
		return $forums;
Пример #29
	 * finds and accepts a users invites when registered within CB (front and backend)
	 * @param  moscomprofilerUser $user
	public function acceptInvites( $user ) {
		$plugin					=	cbgjClass::getPlugin();

		if ( $plugin->params->get( 'group_invites_accept', 1 ) ) {
			$invites			=	cbgjData::getInvites( null, array( 'email', '=', $user->email ) );

			if ( $invites ) foreach ( $invites as $invite ) {
				$invite->set( 'accepted', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() );
				$invite->set( 'user', (int) $user->id );

				if ( $invite->store() ) {
					$row		=	cbgjData::getUsers( null, array( array( 'group', '=', (int) $invite->get( 'group' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', (int) $user->id ) ), null, null, false );

					if ( ! $row->get( 'id' ) ) {
						$row->set( 'user_id', (int) $user->id );
						$row->set( 'group', (int) $invite->get( 'group' ) );
						$row->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() );
						$row->set( 'status', 1 );


				$notification	=	cbgjData::getNotifications( array( array( 'grp_usr_notifications' ), 'owner' ), array( array( 'type', '=', 'group' ), array( 'item', '=', (int) $invite->get( 'group' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', (int) $invite->get( 'user_id' ) ), array( 'params', 'CONTAINS', 'group_inviteaccept=1' ) ), null, null, false );

				if ( $notification->get( 'id' ) ) {
					$subject	=	CBTxt::T( '[group_name] - Invite Accepted!' );
					$message	=	CBTxt::T( '[user] has accepted your invite to join [group] in [category]!' );

					cbgjClass::getNotification( $notification->get( 'user_id' ), $invite->get( 'user' ), $subject, $message, 1, $invite->getCategory(), $invite->getGroup() );
Пример #30
	* @param string The name of the form element
	* @param string The value of the element
	* @param CBSimpleXMLElement  $node The xml element for the parameter
	* @param string The control name
	* @return string The html for the element
	function _form_field( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
		global $_CB_database;

		$query 	=	"SELECT f.fieldid AS value, f.title AS text"
		. "\n FROM #__comprofiler_fields AS f"
		. "\n LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler_tabs AS t ON t.tabid = f.tabid"
		. "\n WHERE f.published = 1 AND f.name != 'NA'"
		. "\n ORDER BY t.ordering, f.ordering"
		$_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
		$options				=	$_CB_database->loadObjectList();
		for ($i=0, $n=count($options); $i<$n; $i++) {
			$options[$i]->text	=	CBTxt::T( getLangDefinition( $options[$i]->text ) );
		array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', '- Select Field -' ) );

		return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2, true, false );