Пример #1
	function renderOneParamAndChildren( &$param, $control_name='params', $tabs=null, $viewType = 'depends', $htmlFormatting = 'table' ) {
		static $tabNavJS				=	array();		// javascript for all nested tabs.
		static $tabpaneCounter			=	0;				// level of tabs (for nested tabs)
		// static $tabpaneNames			=	array();		// names of the tabpanes of level [tabpaneCounter] for the tabpanetabs

		$html							=	array();

		$viewMode						=	$param->attributes( 'mode' );
		switch ( $viewMode ) {
			// case 'view':
			case 'show':
				$viewType				=	'view';
			// case 'param':
			case 'edit':
				$viewType				=	'param';

		// treat any <attributes> below the tag to add attributes to the tag as needed:
		$this->extendParamAttributes( $param, $control_name, ( $viewType == 'view' ) );

		switch ( $param->name() ) {
			case 'inherit':
				$from				=	$param->attributes( 'from' );
				if ( $from ) {
					$fromXml		=	$param->xpath( $from );
					if ( $fromXml && ( count( $fromXml ) > 0 ) ) {
						array_unshift( $this->_extenders, array( &$param ) );
						foreach ( $fromXml as $fmx ) {
							$html[]	=	$this->renderAllParams( $fmx, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
			case 'param':
				$result				=	$this->renderParam( $param, $control_name, ( $viewType == 'view' ), $htmlFormatting );
				$dynamic			=	( ( ! ( $viewType == 'view' ) ) && ( $param->attributes( 'onchange' ) == 'evaluate' ) );
				if ( $dynamic && ( $viewType == 'param' ) && ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) ) {
					$result[1]		.=	'<noscript><button type="submit" name="cbdoevalpostagain" value="" class="button cbregOnChange">' . CBTxt::Th("Change") . '</button></noscript>';
				if ( $result[1] || ( $viewType != 'view' ) || ( $param->attributes( 'hideblanktext' ) != 'true' ) ) {
					$html[]			=	$this->_renderLine( $param, $result, $control_name, $htmlFormatting );
					if ( $dynamic ) {
						$ifName		=	$this->_htmlId( $control_name, $param );
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['element']					=	$param;
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['control_name']				=	$control_name;
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['ifname']						=	$ifName;
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['onchange']					=	$param->attributes( 'onchange' );

			case 'params':
				$paramsName			=	$param->attributes( 'name' );
				$paramsType			=	$param->attributes( 'type' );
				if ( ( ( $paramsType == 'params' ) && $paramsName ) || ( $paramsType == 'pluginparams' ) ) {
					if ( $paramsType == 'params' ) {
						$valueObj	=&	$this->_parseParamsColumn( $paramsName );
					} else {
						$valueObj	=&	$this->_pluginParams;
					$this->pushModelOfData( $valueObj );
					if ( $control_name ) {
						$child_cnam	=	$control_name . '[' . $paramsName . ']';
					} else {
						$child_cnam	=	$paramsName;

					$html[]			=	$this->renderAllParams( $param, $child_cnam, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
			case 'field':
				$result				=	$this->renderParam( $param, $control_name, ( $viewType != 'param' ) );

				$link				=	$param->attributes( 'link' );
				$title				=	$param->attributes( 'title' );
				if ( $title ) {
					$title			= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars( CBPTXT::T( $title ) ) . '"';
				} else {
					$title			= '';

				if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					if ( $link ) {
						if ( $param->attributes( 'target' ) == '_blank' ) {
							$linkhref = $this->_controllerView->drawUrl( $link, $param, $this->_modelOfData[0], isset( $this->_modelOfData[0]->id ) ? $this->_modelOfData[0]->id : null, true, false );		//TBD NOT URGENT: hardcoded id column name 'id'
							$onclickJS	=	'window.open(\'' . htmlspecialchars( cbUnHtmlspecialchars( $linkhref ) )
								 		.	'\', \'cbtablebrowserpopup\', \'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no\'); return false;';
 							$rowOnclickHtml	=	' onclick="' . $onclickJS . '"';
						} else {
							$linkhref = $this->_controllerView->drawUrl( $link, $param, $this->_modelOfData[0], isset( $this->_modelOfData[0]->id ) ? $this->_modelOfData[0]->id : null, true );		//TBD NOT URGENT: hardcoded id column name 'id'
							$rowOnclickHtml	=	'';

						$result[1]		= '<a href="' . $linkhref .'"' . $title . $rowOnclickHtml . '>' . ( trim( $result[1] ) ? $result[1] : '---' ) . '</a>';
					} elseif ( $title ) {
						$result[1]		= '<span' . $title . '>' . $result[1] . '</span>';
				$html[]	= $this->_renderLine( $param, $result, $control_name, $htmlFormatting, false );

			case 'fieldset':
				$htid				=	$this->_outputIdEqualHtmlId( $control_name, $param );

				$legend				=	$param->attributes( 'label' );
				$description		=	$param->attributes( 'description' );
				$name				=	$param->attributes( 'name' );
				$class				=	$param->attributes( 'class' );

				$fieldsethtml		=	'<fieldset' . ( $class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : ( $name ? ( ' class="cbfieldset_' . $name . '"' ) : '' ) ) . '>';
				if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
					$html[] 		=	'<tr' . $htid . '><td colspan="3" width="100%">' . $fieldsethtml;
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
					$html[]			=	"\t\t\t<td" . $htid . ">" . $fieldsethtml;
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
					$html[]			=	'<div' . $htid . '>' . $fieldsethtml;
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					// nothing
				} else {
					$html[] 		=	'<fieldset' . $htid . ( $name ? ( ' class="cbfieldset_' . $name . '"' ) : '' ) . '>';
				if ( $legend && ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) ) {
				    $html[]			=	'<legend' . ( $class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '' ) . '>' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition($legend) ) . '</legend>';
				if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
					$html[]			=	'<table class="paramlist" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">';
					if ( $description ) {
					    $html[]		=	'<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><strong>' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition($description) ) . '</strong></td></tr>';
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
					if ( $description ) {
						$html[] 	=	'<td colspan="3" width="100%"><strong>' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition($description) ) . '</strong></td>';
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
					if ( $description ) {
						$html[]		=	'<span class="cbLabelSpan">' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition($description) ) . '</span> ';
					$html[]			=	'<span class="cbFieldSpan">';
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					// nothing
				} else {
					if ( $description ) {
						$html[] 	=	'<strong>' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition($description) ) . '</strong>';
				$html[]				=	$this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );

				if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
					$html[]			=	"\n\t</table>";
					$html[]			=	'</fieldset></td></tr>';
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
					$html[]			=	'</fieldset></td>';
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
					$html[]			=	'</span></fieldset></div>';
				} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					// nothing
				} else {
					$html[]			=	'</fieldset>';

			case 'fields':
			case 'status':
				$html[]				=	$this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );

			case 'if':
				$showInside							=	true;
				$ifType								=	$param->attributes( 'type' );
				if ( ( $ifType == 'showhide' ) && ( ! ( $viewType == 'view' ) ) ) {
					$ifName							=	$this->_htmlId( $control_name, $param ) . $param->attributes( 'operator' ) . $param->attributes( 'value' ). $param->attributes( 'valuetype' );
					// $this->_jsif[$ifName]		=	array();
					// $this->_jsif[$ifName]['show']=	array();
					// $this->_jsif[$ifName]['set']	=	array();
					if ( count( $param->children() ) > 0 ) {
						foreach ( $param->children() as $subParam ) {
							if ( $subParam->name() == 'showview' ) {
								$viewName			=	$subParam->attributes( 'view' );
								$viewModel			=&	$this->_views->getChildByNameAttributes( 'view', array( 'ui' => 'admin', 'name' => $viewName ) );
								if ( !$viewModel ) {
									echo 'Extended renderAllParams:showview: View ' . $viewName . ' not defined in XML';
									return false;
								foreach ( $viewModel->children() as $vChild ) {
									$this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][]		=	$this->_htmlId( $control_name, $vChild );
							} elseif ( in_array( $subParam->name(), array( 'params', 'fields', 'status', 'if' ) ) ) {
								if ( count( $subParam->children() ) > 0 ) {
									if ( $subParam->name() == 'params' ) {
										$paramsName							=	$subParam->attributes( 'name' );
										if ( $control_name ) {
											$child_cnam						=	$control_name . '[' . $paramsName . ']';
										} else {
											$child_cnam						=	$paramsName;
									} else {
										$child_cnam							=	$control_name;
									foreach ( $subParam->children() as $vChild ) {
										if ( ! in_array( $vChild->name(), array( 'showview', 'if', 'else' ) ) ) {													//TBD	//FIXME: this avoids JS error but still shows sub-view ! recursive function needed here
											$this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][]		=	$this->_htmlId( $child_cnam, $vChild );
										} elseif ( $vChild->name() == 'if' ) {
											foreach ( $vChild->children() as $vvChild ) {
												if ( ! in_array( $vvChild->name(), array( 'showview', 'if', 'else', 'params', 'fields', 'status' ) ) ) {													//TBD	//FIXME: this avoids JS error but still shows sub-view ! recursive function needed here
													$this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][]		=	$this->_htmlId( $child_cnam, $vvChild );
												} elseif ( $vvChild->name() == 'if' ) {
													foreach ( $vvChild->children() as $vvvChild ) {
														if ( ! in_array( $vvvChild->name(), array( 'showview', 'if', 'else', 'params', 'fields', 'status' ) ) ) {													//TBD	//FIXME: this avoids JS error but still shows sub-view ! recursive function needed here
															$this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][]		=	$this->_htmlId( $child_cnam, $vvvChild );
							} elseif ( $subParam->name() == 'else' ) {
								if ( $subParam->attributes( 'action' ) == 'set' ) {
									$correspondingParam						=	$param->getAnyChildByNameAttr( 'param', 'name', $subParam->attributes( 'name' ) );
									if ( $correspondingParam ) {
										$this->_jsif[$ifName]['set'][]		=	$this->_htmlId( $control_name, $correspondingParam )
																			.	'=' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $subParam->attributes( 'name' ) )
																			.	'=' . $subParam->attributes( 'value' );
									} else {
										echo 'No corresponding param to the else statement for name ' . $subParam->attributes( 'name' ) . ' !';
							} else {
								$this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][]				=	$this->_htmlId( $control_name, $subParam );
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['element']					=	$param;
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['control_name']				=	$control_name;
						$this->_jsif[$ifName]['ifname']						=	$this->_htmlId( $control_name, $param );
				} elseif ( ( $ifType == 'condition' ) || ( $viewType == 'view' ) ) {
					$showInside						=	$this->_evalIf( $param );
				if ( $showInside ) {
					$html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
			case 'else':
				break;		// implemented in if above it

			case 'toolbarmenu':
				break;		// implemented in higher level

			case 'tabpane':
				// first render all tabpanetabs (including nested tabpanes):
				$this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter]	=	$param->attributes( 'name' );
				$subhtml					=	$this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
				unset( $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] );
				if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					// then puts them together:
					$htid					=	$this->_outputIdEqualHtmlId( $control_name, $param );
					if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
						$html[]				=	'<tr' . $htid . '><td colspan="3" width="100%">';
					} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
						$html[]				=	'<td' . $htid . '>';
					if ( $tabpaneCounter == 0 ) {
						$html[]				=	$tabs->_getTabNavJS( $param->attributes( 'name' ), $tabNavJS );
						$tabNavJS			=	array();
					$html[]					=	$tabs->startPane( $param->attributes( 'name' ) );
				$html[]						=	$subhtml;
				if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					$html[]					=	$tabs->endPane();
					if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
						$html[]				=	'</td></tr>';
					} elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
						$html[]				=	'</td>';

			case 'tabpanetab':
				if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					$i						=	$this->_i++;
					$idtab					=	$this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] . $this->_i;
					$html[]					=	$tabs->startTab( $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter], CBTxt::T( getLangDefinition( $param->attributes( 'label' ) ) ), $idtab );
					$html[]					=	'<table class="paramlist" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">';

					$tabName				=	$param->attributes( 'name' );
					$tabTitle				=	$param->attributes( 'title' );
					$description			=	$param->attributes( 'description' );
					if ( $tabTitle ) {
					    $html[]				=	'<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><h3' . ( $tabName ? ' class="cbTH' . $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] . $tabName . '"' : '' ) . '>' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition( $tabTitle ) ) . '</h3></td></tr>';
					if ( $description || ! $tabTitle ) {
					    $html[]				=	'<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><strong>' . CBTxt::Th( getLangDefinition( $description ) ) . '</strong></td></tr>';		// either description or a spacer.
				$html[]						=	$this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
				if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
					$html[]					=	"\n\t</table>";
					$html[]					=	$tabs->endTab();
					$tabNavJS[$i]->nested	=	( $tabpaneCounter > 1 );
					$tabNavJS[$i]->name		=	CBTxt::T( getLangDefinition( $param->attributes( 'label' ) ) );
					$tabNavJS[$i]->id		=	$idtab;
					$tabNavJS[$i]->pluginclass	=	$idtab;

			case 'extendparser':
				$this->setExtendedViewParser( $param );

				if ( $this->_extendViewParser ) {
					$html[]						=	$this->_extendViewParser->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
				} else {
					echo 'Method to render XML view element ' . $param->name() . ' is not implemented !';
		return ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ? $html : implode( "\n", $html ) );