$tarifs = array(); $order = "description"; $where = array(); $where["chir_id"] = "= '{$chir->_id}'"; $tarifs["user"] = $tarif->loadList($where, $order); foreach ($tarifs["user"] as $_tarif) { /**@var CTarif $_tarif */ $_tarif->getPrecodeReady(); } $where = array(); $where["function_id"] = "= '{$chir->function_id}'"; $tarifs["func"] = $tarif->loadList($where, $order); foreach ($tarifs["func"] as $_tarif) { $_tarif->getPrecodeReady(); } if (CAppui::conf("dPcabinet Tarifs show_tarifs_etab")) { $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'"; $tarifs["group"] = $tarif->loadList($where, $order); foreach ($tarifs["group"] as $_tarif) { $_tarif->getPrecodeReady(); } } $consult = new CConsultation(); if ($consult_id) { $consult->load($consult_id); } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("consult", $consult); $smarty->assign("sejour", $sejour); $smarty->assign("tarifs", $tarifs);
* @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ $step = CValue::get("step", 0); $aff_pers = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $where = array(); $where["object_class"] = "= 'CPlageOp'"; $affs = $aff_pers->loadList($where, null, "{$step},1000"); /**@var $_aff CAffectationPersonnel */ foreach ($affs as $_aff) { $plage = $_aff->loadRefObject(); $ops = $plage->loadBackIds("operations"); foreach ($ops as $_op) { $affectation = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $whereAff = array(); $whereAff["personnel_id"] = "= '{$_aff->personnel_id}'"; $whereAff["object_class"] = "= 'COperation'"; $whereAff["object_id"] = "= '{$_op}'"; $whereAff["parent_affectation_id"] = "IS NULL"; if ($affectation->loadObject($whereAff)) { $affectation->parent_affectation_id = $_aff->_id; $msg = $affectation->store(); CAppUI::stepAjax($msg ? $msg : "Affectation modifiée", $msg ? UI_MSG_ERROR : UI_MSG_OK); } } } CAppui::js('if (' . count($affs) . ' > 0) { $V(getForm("Configure").step, parseInt($V(getForm("Configure").step))+1000); affUpdate(); }');
function managePersonnel($obj) { global $_iade_id, $_aideop_id, $_op_panseuse_id, $_sagefemme_id, $_manipulateur_id, $del_personnel; if ($_iade_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_iade_id; if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("IADE ajoutée", UI_MSG_OK); } } if ($_aideop_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_aideop_id; if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Aide opératoire ajoutée", UI_MSG_OK); } } if ($_op_panseuse_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_op_panseuse_id; if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Panseuse ajoutée", UI_MSG_OK); } } if ($_sagefemme_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_sagefemme_id; if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Sage femme ajoutée", UI_MSG_OK); } } if ($_manipulateur_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_manipulateur_id; if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Manipulateur ajouté", UI_MSG_OK); } } foreach ($del_personnel as $_personnel_id) { if ($_personnel_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_personnel_id; $affectation_personnel->loadMatchingObject(); if ($affectation_personnel->_id) { if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->delete()) { CAppui::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Personnel supprimé"); } } } } }
<?php /** * $Id: vw_codes_tarif.php 19425 2013-06-04 18:04:05Z mytto $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Cabinet * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision: 19425 $ */ CCanDo::checkEdit(); $tarif_id = CValue::getOrSession("tarif_id"); $tarif = new CTarif(); $tarif->load($tarif_id); $tarif->loadActes(); $tab = array(); if (CAppui::conf("dPccam CCodeCCAM use_cotation_ccam")) { $tab["ccam"] = "_ref_code_ccam"; $tab["ngap"] = "_libelle"; } if (CModule::getActive("tarmed") && CAppui::conf("tarmed CCodeTarmed use_cotation_tarmed")) { $tab["tarmed"] = "_ref_tarmed"; $tab["caisse"] = "_ref_prestation_caisse"; } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("tarif", $tarif); $smarty->assign("tab", $tab); $smarty->display("vw_codes_tarif.tpl");
foreach ($tarifs["func"] as $_tarif) { $_tarif->getPrecodeReady(); } if (CAppui::conf("dPcabinet Tarifs show_tarifs_etab")) { $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'"; $tarifs["group"] = $tarif->loadList($where, $order); foreach ($tarifs["group"] as $_tarif) { $_tarif->getPrecodeReady(); } } } //Recherche de la facture pour cette consultation $facture = $consult->_ref_facture; $divers = array(); if (CAppui::conf("dPccam CCodable use_frais_divers CConsultation")) { $divers = $consult->loadRefsFraisDivers(count($consult->_ref_factures) + 1); $consult->loadRefsFraisDivers(null); } //Si on a pas de facture on recherche d'une facture ouverte if (!$facture->_id && CAppUI::conf("ref_pays") == 2) { $where = array(); $where["patient_id"] = "= '{$consult->patient_id}'"; $plage = $consult->_ref_plageconsult; $praticien_id = $plage->pour_compte_id ? $plage->pour_compte_id : $prat_id; $where["praticien_id"] = "= '{$praticien_id}'"; $where["cloture"] = " IS NULL"; $facture->loadObject($where); } if ($facture->_id) { $facture->loadRefPatient();
/** * Returns the field's main locale * * @param string $field Field name * * @return string The locale */ function getLocale($field) { return CAppui::tr("{$this->_class}-{$field}"); }
$name_short = CValue::post("name_short"); $name_long = CValue::post("name_long"); $license = CValue::post("license"); $licenses = array("GNU GPL" => "GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html", "OXOL" => "OXOL, see http://www.mediboard.org/public/OXOL"); $license = CValue::read($licenses, $license, $licenses["GNU GPL"]); // Only alphanumeric caracters $name_canonical = preg_replace("/[^\\w\\s]/", "", $name_canonical); $name_short = CMbString::purifyHTML($name_short); $name_long = CMbString::purifyHTML($name_long); if (is_dir("modules/{$name_canonical}")) { CAppui::stepAjax("Module '{$name_canonical}' existe déjà", UI_MSG_ERROR); } $zip_path = "dev/sample_module.zip"; $destination = "tmp/sample_module"; if (false == ($files_count = CMbPath::extract($zip_path, $destination))) { CAppui::stepAjax("Impossible d'extraire l'archive '{$zip_path}'</div>", UI_MSG_ERROR); } rename("{$destination}/sample_module", "{$destination}/{$name_canonical}"); $path = "{$destination}/{$name_canonical}"; $files = array_merge(glob("{$path}/*"), glob("{$path}/classes/*"), glob("{$path}/locales/*"), glob("{$path}/templates/*")); $translate = array('{NAME_CANONICAL}' => $name_canonical, '{NAME_SHORT}' => $name_short, '{NAME_LONG}' => $name_long, '{LICENSE}' => $license); foreach ($files as $_file) { if (is_dir($_file)) { continue; } file_put_contents($_file, strtr(file_get_contents($_file), $translate)); } rename("{$destination}/{$name_canonical}", "modules/{$name_canonical}"); CAppUI::setMsg("Module '{$name_canonical}' créé", UI_MSG_OK); CAppUI::js("location.reload()"); CApp::rip();
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage SSR * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ */ $sejour_ids = CValue::post("sejour_ids"); $date_monday = CValue::post("date_monday"); $all_rhs = CValue::post("all_rhs"); $where["sejour_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($sejour_ids); $where["date_monday"] = $all_rhs ? ">= '{$date_monday}'" : "= '{$date_monday}'"; $order = "sejour_id, date_monday"; $rhs = new CRHS(); /** @var CRHS[] $rhss */ $rhss = $rhs->loadList($where, $order); if (count($rhss)) { foreach ($rhss as $_rhs) { $_rhs->facture = CValue::post("facture"); $msg = $_rhs->store(); CAppUI::displayMsg($msg, "CRHS-msg-modify"); } } else { CAppui::setMsg("CRHS.none", UI_MSG_WARNING); } echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip();