public function loadExtras(array $storage, CAppUI $AppUI, $m, $type = 'tabs') { //Set up extra $type if (!isset($storage['all_' . $type][$m])) { // For some reason on some systems if you don't set this up // first you get recursive pointers to the all_$type array, creating // phantom tabs. if (!isset($storage['all_' . $type])) { $storage['all_' . $type] = array(); } $storage['all_' . $type][$m] = array(); $all_items =& $storage['all_' . $type][$m]; foreach ($AppUI->getActiveModules() as $dir => $module) { if (!canAccess($dir)) { continue; } $modules_tabs = $AppUI->readFiles(W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/' . $dir . '/', '^' . $m . '_tab.*\\.php'); foreach ($modules_tabs as $tab) { // Get the name as the subextension // cut the module_tab. and the .php parts of the filename // (begining and end) $nameparts = explode('.', $tab); $filename = substr($tab, 0, -4); if (count($nameparts) > 3) { $file = $nameparts[1]; if (!isset($all_items[$file])) { $all_items[$file] = array(); } $tabArray =& $all_items[$file]; $name = $nameparts[2]; } else { $tabArray =& $all_items; $name = $nameparts[1]; } $tabArray[] = array('name' => ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)), 'file' => W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/' . $dir . '/' . $filename, 'module' => $dir); } } } else { $all_items =& $storage['all_' . $type][$m]; } }
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Cabinet * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::check(); // Chargement de la liste des icones presents dans le fichier $icones = CAppUI::readFiles("modules/dPcabinet/images/categories", ".png"); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("icones", $icones); $smarty->display("icone_selector.tpl");
} } if ($categories = @CAppUI::conf($module)) { foreach ($categories as $category => $values) { addConfigConfigCategory($module, $category, $values); } } if ($module == "system") { foreach (CAppUI::conf() as $chapter => $values) { if (!CModule::exists($chapter) && $chapter != "db") { addConfigConfigCategory(null, $chapter, $values); } } } if ($module != "common") { $files = CAppUI::readFiles("modules/{$module}", '\\.php$'); addLocale("Module", "Name", "module-{$module}-court"); addLocale("Module", "Name", "module-{$module}-long"); foreach ($files as $_file) { $_tab = substr($_file, 0, -4); if (in_array($_tab, array("setup", "index", "config", "preferences", "configuration"))) { continue; } addLocale("Module", "Tabs", "mod-{$module}-tab-{$_tab}"); } } $empty_locales = array_fill(0, 5, null); foreach ($all_locales as &$_locale) { $_locale = str_replace(array('\\n', '\\t'), array("\n", "\t"), $_locale); } $completion = round(100 * $local_count / $total_count);
CAppUI::stepAjax("{$count} fichiers '{$type}' à passer en échanges HPRIM"); } else { if ($count <= 0) { CAppUI::stepAjax("Aucun fichier à passer en échange HPRIM", UI_MSG_ERROR); } $evt = $class = null; if ($type == "pmsi") { $domEvenement = new CHPrimXMLEvenementsPmsi(); $evt = "evenementsPMSI"; } elseif ($type == "actes") { $domEvenement = new CHPrimXMLEvenementsServeurActes(); $evt = "evenementsServeurActes"; } else { CAppUI::stepAjax("Type de l'échange invalide", UI_MSG_ERROR); } $files = CAppUI::readFiles($path); ini_set("memory_limit", "512M"); CApp::setTimeLimit(360); CMbObject::$useObjectCache = false; $counter = 0; foreach ($files as $_file) { $xmlfile = file_get_contents("{$path}/{$_file}"); // Chargement du fichier XML $domEvenement->loadXML($xmlfile); // Création de l'échange $echg_hprim = new CEchangeHprim(); $data = $domEvenement->getEnteteEvenementXML($evt); $data = array_merge($data, $domEvenement->getContentsXML()); $dest_hprim = new CDestinataireHprim(); $dest_hprim->register($data['idClient']); $echg_hprim->date_production = $data['dateHeureProduction'];