function Dwoo_plugin_cmsplink(Dwoo $dwoo, $page) { // remove all but numbers preg_match('/(\\d+)/', $page, $match); if (!count($match)) { return ''; } return CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($match[1]); }
function cmsplink(&$content) { $regexp = array('/\\[cmsplink([0-9]+)\\]/isU'); // for backward compatibility with WB if (defined('WB_PREPROCESS_PREG')) { $regexp[] = WB_PREPROCESS_PREG; } foreach ($regexp as $preg) { if (preg_match_all($preg, $content, $ids)) { $new_ids = array_unique($ids[1]); foreach ($new_ids as $key => &$page_id) { $link = CAT_Helper_Page::properties($page_id, 'link'); if (!is_null($link)) { $content = str_replace($ids[0][$key], CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($link), $content); } } } } }
function page_link($link) { return CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($link); }
} else { $root = "../"; $level = 1; while ($level < 10 && !file_exists($root . '/framework/')) { $root .= "../"; $level += 1; } if (file_exists($root . '/framework/')) { include $root . '/framework/'; } else { trigger_error(sprintf("[ <b>%s</b> ] Can't include!", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), E_USER_ERROR); } } if (!file_exists(CAT_PATH . '/modules/' . SEARCH_LIBRARY . '/library.php')) { $page_id = CAT_Helper_Validate::get('_REQUEST', 'page_id'); CAT_Object::printFatalError(CAT_Object::lang()->translate('No search library installed!'), CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($page_id)); } // Required page details $page_id = -1; $page_description = ''; $page_keywords = ''; // load search library require_once CAT_PATH . '/modules/' . SEARCH_LIBRARY . '/library.php'; $s = new CATSearch(); $page_id = $s->getSearchPageID(); // load droplets extensions $h = CAT_Helper_Droplet::getInstance(); $h->register_droplet_css('SearchBox', $page_id, '/modules/' . SEARCH_LIBRARY . '/templates/default/', ''); $h->register_droplet_js('SearchBox', $page_id, '/modules/' . SEARCH_LIBRARY . '/templates/default/', ''); if (isset($_GET['string'])) { CAT_Helper_Page::addCSS(CAT_URL . '/modules/' . SEARCH_LIBRARY . '/templates/default/frontend.css');
/** * * @access public * @return **/ public static function uninstallModule($type, $addon_name) { // keep old modules happy global $wb, $admin, $database; switch ($type) { case 'languages': // is default or used by current user if ($addon_name == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE || $addon_name == LANGUAGE) { $temp = array('name' => $addon_name, 'type' => $addon_name == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ? self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('standard language') : self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('current language')); return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall this language <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is the {{type}}!', $temp); } // used by other users $query_users = self::getInstance()->db()->query("SELECT `user_id` FROM `:prefix:users` WHERE language=:lang LIMIT 1", array('lang' => $addon_name)); if ($query_users->rowCount() > 0) { return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall this language <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is in use!', array('name' => $addon_name)); } break; case 'modules': // check if the module is still in use $info = self::getInstance()->db()->query("SELECT `section_id`, `page_id` FROM `:prefix:sections` WHERE module=:mod", array('mod' => $addon_name)); if ($info->rowCount() > 0) { $temp = explode(";", self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('this page;these pages')); $add = $info->rowCount() == 1 ? $temp[0] : $temp[1]; $values = array('type' => self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Module'), 'type_name' => $type, 'pages_string' => $add, 'count' => $info->rowCount(), 'name' => $addon_name); $pages = array(); while (false != ($data = $info->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC))) { // skip negative page id's if (substr($data['page_id'], 0, 1) == '-') { continue; } $pages[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($data['page_id']), CAT_Helper_Page::properties($data['page_id'], 'menu_title')); } $values['pages'] = implode('<br />', $pages); return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall module <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is in use on {{pages_string}}:<br /><br />{{pages}}', $values); } // some modules cannot be removed (used by system) if (!self::isRemovable($addon_name)) { return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall module <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is marked as mandatory!', array('name' => $addon_name)); } if (defined('WYSIWYG_EDITOR') && $addon_name == WYSIWYG_EDITOR) { return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall module <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is the standard WYSWIWYG editor!', array('name' => $addon_name)); } break; case 'templates': if ($addon_name == DEFAULT_THEME || $addon_name == DEFAULT_TEMPLATE) { $temp = array('name' => $addon_name, 'type' => $addon_name == DEFAULT_TEMPLATE ? self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('default template') : self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('default backend theme')); return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall template <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is the {{type}}!', $temp); } $info = self::getInstance()->db()->query("SELECT `page_id`, `page_title` FROM `:prefix:pages` WHERE template=:name order by page_title", array('name' => $addon_name)); if ($info->rowCount() > 0) { $msg_template_str = 'Cannot uninstall template <span class="highlight_text">{{name}}</span> because it is still in use on {{pages}}:'; $temp = explode(';', self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('this page;these pages')); $add = $info->rowCount() == 1 ? $temp[0] : $temp[1]; $page_template_str = "<li><a href='../pages/settings.php?page_id={{id}}'>{{title}}</a></li>"; $values = array('pages' => $add, 'name' => $addon_name); $msg = self::getInstance()->lang()->translate($msg_template_str, $values); $page_names = '<ul>'; while ($data = $info->fetchRow()) { $page_info = array('id' => $data['page_id'], 'title' => $data['page_title']); $page_names .= self::getInstance()->lang()->translate($page_template_str, $page_info); } $page_names .= '</ul>'; return $msg . $page_names; } break; default: break; } // end switch // all checks succeeded, try to uninstall if (file_exists(CAT_PATH . '/' . $type . '/' . $addon_name . '/uninstall.php')) { require CAT_PATH . '/' . $type . '/' . $addon_name . '/uninstall.php'; } // Remove entry from DB if ($type != 'languages') { self::getInstance()->db()->query("DELETE FROM `:prefix:addons` WHERE directory=:dir AND type=:type", array('dir' => $addon_name, 'type' => substr($type, 0, -1))); if (self::getInstance()->db()->isError()) { return self::getInstance()->db()->getError(); } $stmt = self::getInstance()->db()->query('SELECT * FROM `:prefix:groups` WHERE group_id <> 1'); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { while ($row = $stmt->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $gid = $row['group_id']; $file = $addon_name; // get current value $permissions = explode(',', $row[substr($type, 0, -1) . '_permissions']); // remove uninstalled module if (in_array($file, $permissions)) { $i = array_search($file, $permissions); array_splice($permissions, $i, 1); $permissions = array_unique($permissions); asort($permissions); // Update the database $addon_permissions = implode(',', $permissions); self::getInstance()->db()->query(sprintf("UPDATE `:prefix:groups` SET %s_permissions=:perm WHERE group_id=:id", substr($type, 0, -1)), array('perm' => $addon_permissions, 'id' => $gid)); } } } // Try to delete the module dir if (!CAT_Helper_Directory::removeDirectory(CAT_PATH . '/' . $type . '/' . $addon_name)) { return self::getInstance()->lang()->translate('Cannot uninstall - unable to delete the directory!'); } } else { self::getInstance()->db()->query("DELETE FROM `:prefix:addons` WHERE directory=:dir AND type=:type", array('dir' => $addon_name, 'type' => substr($type, 0, -1))); if (self::getInstance()->db()->isError()) { return self::getInstance()->db()->getError(); } unlink(CAT_PATH . '/languages/' . $addon_name . '.php'); } return true; }
/** * * @access public * @return **/ private static function listbuilder($list, $root_id = 0, $type = 'ul', $selected = NULL) { if (empty($list) || !is_array($list) || !count($list)) { return NULL; } // initialize $self = self::getInstance(false); $output = array(); $hidden = isset($self->_config['__hidden_key']) ? $self->_config['__hidden_key'] : ''; $p_key = $self->_config['__parent_key']; $id_key = $self->_config['__id_key']; $title_key = $self->_config['__title_key']; $level_key = $self->_config['__level_key']; $isopen_key = $self->_config['__is_open_key']; $link_key = $self->_config['__link_key']; $auto_link = $self->_config['__auto_link']; $current = $self->_config['__is_current_key']; $space = $self->_config['space']; $is_first = true; $is_last = false; $is_open = false; // create a list of children for each item foreach ($list as $item) { // sort out hidden items if (isset($item[$hidden])) { continue; } $children[$item[$p_key]][] = $item; } // loop will be false if the root has no children $loop = !empty($children[$root_id]); // initializing $parent as the root $parent = $root_id; $parent_stack = array(); while ($loop && (($option = each($children[$parent])) || $parent > $root_id)) { $is_current = isset($option['value'][$current]) && $option['value'][$current] == true || isset($selected) && $selected == $option['value'][$id_key] ? true : false; if ($option === false) { $parent = array_pop($parent_stack); if ($type != 'select') { // close list item $output[] = str_repeat("\t", (count($parent_stack) + 1) * 2) . $self->closeUL(); $output[] = str_repeat("\t", (count($parent_stack) + 1) * 2 - 1) . $self->closeLI(); } } elseif (!empty($children[$option['value'][$id_key]])) { $level = isset($option['value'][$level_key]) && $option['value'][$level_key] >= 0 ? $option['value'][$level_key] : 0; $tab = str_repeat($space, $level); $text = $option['value'][$title_key]; $is_open = $selected ? $selected : $option['value'][$isopen_key]; // mark selected if ($type == 'select') { $sel = NULL; if (isset($selected) && $selected == $option['value'][$id_key]) { $sel = ' selected="selected"'; } $output[] = $self->getOption($option['value'][$id_key], $sel, $tab, $text); } else { // HTML for menu item containing children (open) $output[] = $tab . $self->startLI($option['value'][$id_key], $level, true, $is_first, $is_last, $is_open, $is_current) . ($auto_link && $link_key ? '<a href="' . CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($option['value'][$id_key]) . '">' : '') . $text . ($auto_link && $link_key ? '</a>' : ''); // open sub list $output[] = $tab . "\t" . $self->startUL($space, '', $option['value'][$level_key]); #$output[] = '-'.$option['value'][$id_key].'-'; } array_push($parent_stack, $option['value'][$p_key]); $parent = $option['value'][$id_key]; } else { $level = isset($option['value'][$level_key]) && $option['value'][$level_key] >= 0 ? $option['value'][$level_key] : 0; $tab = str_repeat($space, $level); $text = $option['value'][$title_key]; if ($type == 'select') { // mark selected $sel = NULL; if ($is_current) { $sel = ' selected="selected"'; } $output[] = $self->getOption($option['value'][$id_key], $sel, $tab, $text); } else { $output[] = $tab . $self->startLI($option['value'][$id_key], $level, false, $is_first, $is_last, false, $is_current) . ($auto_link && $link_key ? '<a href="' . CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($option['value'][$id_key]) . '">' : '') . $text . ($auto_link && $link_key ? '</a>' : '') . $self->closeLI(); } } $is_first = false; } // end while if (isset($self->_config['__li_last_item_class']) && !empty($self->_config['__li_last_item_class'])) { // get the very last element $last = array_splice($output, -1, 1); // add last item css $last = str_ireplace('class="', 'class="' . $self->_config['__li_last_item_class'] . ' ', $last); $output[] = is_array($last) && count($last) ? $last[0] : ''; } return $output; }
// ! Get page details // ==================== $results_array = CAT_Helper_Page::properties($page_id); // ========================================================= // ! Get display name of person who last modified the page // ========================================================= $user = CAT_Users::get_user_details($results_array['modified_by']); global $parser; $tpl_data = array(); // ============================ // ! Include page info script // ============================ $tpl_data['PAGE_ID'] = $results_array['page_id']; $tpl_data['PAGE_TITLE'] = $results_array['page_title']; $tpl_data['MENU_TITLE'] = $results_array['menu_title']; $tpl_data['PAGE_LINK'] = CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($results_array['page_id']); $tpl_data['MODIFIED_BY'] = $user['display_name']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_BY_USERNAME'] = $user['username']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_WHEN'] = $results_array['modified_when'] != 0 ? $modified_ts = CAT_Helper_DateTime::getDateTime($results_array['modified_when']) : false; $tpl_data['SECTION_BLOCKS'] = SECTION_BLOCKS; $tpl_data['SEC_ANCHOR'] = SEC_ANCHOR; $tpl_data['DATE_FORMAT'] = CAT_DATE_FORMAT; $tpl_data['CUR_TAB'] = 'modify'; $tpl_data['PAGE_HEADER'] = $backend->lang()->translate('Modify page'); // ========================================================= // ! Work-out if we should show the "manage sections" link // ========================================================= $section_id = CAT_Sections::getSectionForPage($page_id); $tpl_data['MANAGE_SECTIONS'] = $section_id || MANAGE_SECTIONS != 'enabled' ? false : true; // =========================================================================== // ! get template used for the displayed page (for displaying block details)
function sm2_recurse(&$rgParent, $aStart, $aStartLevel, $aShowAllLevel, $aMaxLevel, $aFlags, &$aFormatter) { global $wb; // on entry to this function we know that there are entries for this // parent and all entries for that parent are being displayed. We also // need to check if any of the children need to be displayed too. $isListOpen = false; $currentLevel = $wb->page['level'] == '' ? 0 : $wb->page['level']; // get the number of siblings skipping the hidden pages so we can pass // this in and check if the item is first or last $sibCount = 0; foreach ($rgParent[$aStart] as $page) { if (!array_key_exists('sm2_hide', $page)) { $sibCount++; } } $currSib = 0; foreach ($rgParent[$aStart] as $page) { // skip all hidden pages if (array_key_exists('sm2_hide', $page)) { // not set if false, so existence = true continue; } $currSib++; // skip any elements that are lower than the maximum level $pageLevel = $page['level']; if ($pageLevel > $aMaxLevel) { continue; } // this affects ONLY the top level if ($aStart == 0 && $aFlags & SM2_CURRTREE) { if (!array_key_exists('sm2_on_curr_path', $page)) { // not set if false, so existence = true continue; } $sibCount = 1; } // trim the tree as appropriate if ($aFlags & SM2_SIBLING) { // parents, and siblings and children of current only if (!array_key_exists('sm2_on_curr_path', $page) && !array_key_exists('sm2_is_sibling', $page) && !array_key_exists('sm2_child_level', $page)) { // not set if false, so existence = true continue; } } else { if ($aFlags & SM2_TRIM) { // parents and siblings of parents if ($pageLevel > $aShowAllLevel && !array_key_exists('sm2_on_curr_path', $page) && !array_key_exists('sm2_path_sibling', $page)) { // not set if false, so existence = true continue; } } elseif ($aFlags & SM2_CRUMB) { // parents only if (!array_key_exists('sm2_on_curr_path', $page) || array_key_exists('sm2_child_level', $page)) { // not set if false, so existence = true continue; } } } // depth first traverse $nextParent = $page['page_id']; // display the current element if we have reached the start level if ($pageLevel >= $aStartLevel) { //echo INTRO_PAGE; // M.f.i. Aldus - it's not clear why the intro-page got another url at this point. /*if(!INTRO_PAGE && $page['link'] == $wb->default_link) { //echo $nextParent . ' - ' .$page['link'] . ' - ' . $wb->default_link; $url = CAT_URL; } else { $url = CAT_Helper_Page::getLink( CAT_Helper_Page::properties($page['page_id'],'link') ); }*/ $url = CAT_Helper_Page::getLink(CAT_Helper_Page::properties($page['page_id'], 'link')); // we open the list only when we absolutely need to if (!$isListOpen) { $aFormatter->startList($page, $url); $isListOpen = true; } $aFormatter->startItem($page, $url, $currSib, $sibCount); } // display children as appropriate if ($pageLevel + 1 <= $aMaxLevel && array_key_exists('sm2_has_child', $page)) { // not set if false, so existence = true sm2_recurse($rgParent, $nextParent, $aStartLevel, $aShowAllLevel, $aMaxLevel, $aFlags, $aFormatter); } // close the current element if appropriate if ($pageLevel >= $aStartLevel) { $aFormatter->finishItem($pageLevel, $page); } } // close the list if we opened one if ($isListOpen) { $aFormatter->finishList(); } }
/** * prints the top of the backend page * * @access public * @return void **/ public static function print_banner() { global $page_id, $parser; $results_array = CAT_Helper_Page::properties($page_id); $user = CAT_Users::get_user_details($results_array['modified_by']); $tpl_data = array(); foreach ($results_array as $key => $value) { $tpl_data[strtoupper($key)] = $value; } $tpl_data['MODIFIED_BY'] = $user['display_name']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_BY_USERNAME'] = $user['username']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_WHEN'] = $results_array['modified_when'] != 0 ? $modified_ts = CAT_Helper_DateTime::getDateTime($results_array['modified_when']) : false; $tpl_data['PAGE_HEADER'] = self::getInstance('')->lang()->translate('Modify page'); $tpl_data['CUR_TAB'] = 'modify'; $tpl_data['PAGE_LINK'] = CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($results_array['page_id']); $parser->output('backend_pages_header', $tpl_data); $parser->output('backend_pages_banner', $tpl_data); }
$page_id = $val->get('_REQUEST', 'page_id', 'numeric'); if (!$page_id) { header("Location: index.php"); exit(0); } $backend = CAT_Backend::getInstance('Pages', 'pages_settings'); $page = CAT_Helper_Page::getPage($page_id); $user = CAT_Users::get_user_details($page['modified_by']); $files = CAT_Helper_Page::getExtraHeaderFiles($page_id); // ================================== // ! Add globals to the template data // ================================== $tpl_data['CUR_TAB'] = 'headers'; $tpl_data['PAGE_HEADER'] = $backend->lang()->translate('Modify header files'); $tpl_data['PAGE_ID'] = $page_id; $tpl_data['PAGE_LINK'] = CAT_Helper_Page::getLink($page['link']); $tpl_data['PAGE_TITLE'] = $page['page_title']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_BY'] = $user['display_name']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_BY_USERNAME'] = $user['username']; $tpl_data['MODIFIED_WHEN'] = $page['modified_when'] != 0 ? CAT_Helper_DateTime::getDateTime($page['modified_when']) : false; $tpl_data['page_js'] = isset($files['js']) ? $files['js'] : ''; $tpl_data['page_css'] = isset($files['css']) ? $files['css'] : ''; $tpl_data['use_core'] = isset($files['use_core']) ? $files['use_core'] : NULL; $tpl_data['use_ui'] = isset($files['use_ui']) ? $files['use_ui'] : NULL; $tpl_data['jquery_plugins'] = CAT_Helper_Directory::getInstance()->maxRecursionDepth(0)->scanDirectory(CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_jquery/plugins', false, false, CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_jquery/plugins/'); $tpl_data['js_files'] = CAT_Helper_Directory::getInstance()->maxRecursionDepth(5)->setSuffixFilter(array('js'))->scanDirectory(CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_jquery/plugins', true, true, CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_jquery/plugins'); $tpl_data['css_files'] = CAT_Helper_Directory::getInstance()->maxRecursionDepth(5)->setSuffixFilter(array('css'))->scanDirectory(CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_jquery/plugins', true, true, CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_jquery/plugins'); $backend->print_header(); // ==================== // ! Parse output tpl // ====================