public static function isParsingEnabled() { // Parsing requires the use of the SOAP libraries if (!CATSUtility::isSOAPEnabled()) { return false; } if (($status = self::getParsingStatus()) === false) { return false; } if ($status['parseLimit'] != -1 && $status['parseUsed'] >= $status['parseLimit']) { return false; } return true; }
public function wizard_checkKey() { $fileError = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['CATS']) || empty($_SESSION['CATS'])) { echo 'CATS has lost your session!'; return; } /* Bail out if the user doesn't have SA permissions. */ if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA) { echo 'You do not have access to set the key.'; return; } if (isset($_GET[$id = 'key']) && $_GET[$id] != '') { $license = new License(); $key = strtoupper(trim($_GET[$id])); $configWritten = false; if ($license->setKey($key) !== false) { if ($license->isProfessional()) { if (!CATSUtility::isSOAPEnabled()) { echo "CATS Professional requires the PHP SOAP library which isn't currently installed.\n\n" . "Installation Instructions:\n\n" . "WAMP/Windows Users:\n" . "1) Left click on the wamp icon.\n" . "2) Select \"PHP Settings\" from the drop-down list.\n" . "3) Select \"PHP Extensions\" from the drop-down list.\n" . "4) Check the \"php_soap\" option.\n" . "5) Restart WAMP.\n\n" . "Linux Users:\n" . "Re-install PHP with the --enable-soap configuration option.\n\n" . "Please visit for more support options."; return; } else { if (!LicenseUtility::validateProfessionalKey($key)) { echo "That is not a valid CATS Professional license key. Please visit " . " for more information about CATS Professional.\n\n" . "For a free open-source key, please visit and " . "click on \"Downloads\"."; return; } } } if (CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('LICENSE_KEY', "'" . $key . "'")) { $configWritten = true; } } if ($configWritten) { echo 'Ok'; return; } } // The key hasn't been written. But they may have manually inserted the key into their config.php, check if (LicenseUtility::isLicenseValid()) { echo 'Ok'; return; } if ($fileError) { echo 'You entered a valid key, but this wizard is unable to write to your config.php file! You have ' . 'two choices: ' . "\n\n" . '1) Change the file permissions of your config.php file.' . "\n" . 'If you\'re using unix, try:' . "\n" . 'chmod 777 config.php' . "\n\n" . '2) Edit your config.php file manually and enter your valid key near this line: ' . "\n" . 'define(\'LICENSE_KEY\', \'ENTER YOUR KEY HERE\');' . "\n" . 'Once you\'ve done this, refresh your browser.' . "\n\n" . 'For more help, visit our website at for support options.'; } echo 'That is not a valid key. You can register for a free open source license key on our website ' . 'at or a professional key to unlock all of the available features at ' . ''; }
public function status($key) { if (!CATSUtility::isSOAPEnabled()) { return false; } $client = new SoapClient('wsdl/status.wsdl'); if (!defined('CATS_TEST_MODE') || !CATS_TEST_MODE) { try { $res = $client->Status($key); } catch (SoapFault $exception) { return false; } } else { $res = $client->Status($key); } switch ($res->message) { case PARSE_CODE_SUCCESS: break; case PARSE_CODE_ERROR: case PARSE_CODE_FAILED: return false; case PARSE_CODE_NOAUTH: return false; } $ret = array('version' => $res->version, 'name' => $res->name, 'lastUse' => $res->lastUse, 'parseUsed' => $res->parseUsed, 'parseLimit' => $res->parseLimit, 'parseLimitReset' => $res->parseLimitReset); return $ret; }