function showJoinForm() { //echoDbg( $this -> aValues );exit; $aFormAttrs = array('id' => 'join_form', 'onsubmit' => 'return validateJoinForm(this);'); $aTableAttrs = array('id' => 'join_form_table'); $aFormParams = array('hidden' => $this->genHiddenFieldsArray()); $aTableParams = array('double' => $this->bCoupleEnabled, 'second_enabled' => $this->bCouple); $aTableParams['headers'] = array('', _t('_First Person'), _t('_Second Person')); $aTableParams['headers_add'] = 'class="header form_second_col"' . ($this->bCouple ? '' : ' style="display: none;"'); $aButtons = array(array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => _t('_Submit'), 'class' => 'input_submit')); /* @var $oForm BxTemplFormView */ $oForm = new BxTemplFormView('join_form'); $oForm->begin($aFormAttrs, $aTableAttrs, $aFormParams, $aTableParams); $aBlocks = $this->oPF->aArea[$this->iPage]; foreach ($aBlocks as $aBlock) { $oForm->beginBlock(_t($aBlock['Caption'])); foreach ($aBlock['Items'] as $aItem) { $aCol0 = array(); $aCol0['Type'] = $aItem['Type']; $aCol0['Name'] = $aItem['Type'] == 'system' ? $aItem['Name'] : $aItem['Name'] . '[0]'; $aCol0['Mandatory'] = $aItem['Mandatory']; $aCol0['Control'] = $aItem['Control']; $aCol0['Values'] = $aItem['Values']; $aCol0['UseLKey'] = $aItem['UseLKey']; $aCol0['Caption'] = _t($aItem['Caption']); $aCol0['Desc'] = _t($aItem['Desc'], $aItem['Min'], $aItem['Max']); if ($aCol0['Desc'] == $aItem['Desc']) { $aCol0['Desc'] = ''; } // set value if (isset($this->aValues[0][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol0['Value'] = $this->aValues[0][$aItem['Name']]; } elseif ($aItem['Name'] == 'Couple') { $aCol0['Value'] = $this->bCouple; } // set error if (isset($this->aErrors[0][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol0['Error'] = $this->aErrors[0][$aItem['Name']]; } // check second person's field if ($this->bCoupleEnabled and !in_array($aItem['Name'], $this->aCoupleMutualItems)) { $aCol1 = array(); $aCol1['Type'] = $aItem['Type']; $aCol1['Name'] = $aItem['Name'] . '[1]'; $aCol1['Control'] = $aItem['Control']; $aCol1['Values'] = $aItem['Values']; $aCol1['UseLKey'] = $aItem['UseLKey']; // set value if (isset($this->aValues[1][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol1['Value'] = $this->aValues[1][$aItem['Name']]; } // set error if (isset($this->aErrors[1][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol1['Error'] = $this->aValues[1][$aItem['Name']]; } $oForm->addRow($aCol0, $aCol1); } else { $oForm->addRow($aCol0); } } $oForm->endBlock(); } $oForm->end($aButtons); echo $oForm->getCode(); //boonex id /* if( getParam( 'enable_get_boonex_id' ) ) { global $tmpl; echo "<div class=\"import_boonex_id\">"; $action = "boonex"; $text = '<div class="boonex_id">' . _t( '_Import BoonEx ID' ) . '</div>'; $table = "Profiles"; $login_page = "{$site['url']}member.php"; $join_page = "{$site['url']}join_form.php"; $forgot_page = ''; $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/join_login_form.html"; echo LoginForm( $text,$action,$table,$login_page,$forgot_page,$template ); echo "</div>"; } */ }
function showEditForm($sStatusText) { //echoDbg( $this -> aValues );exit; $aFormAttrs = array('id' => 'edit_form', 'onsubmit' => 'return validateEditForm(this);'); $aTableAttrs = array('id' => 'edit_form_table', 'action' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $aFormParams = array('hidden' => array('ID' => $this->iProfileID, 'do_submit' => '1')); $aTableParams = array('double' => $this->bCouple, 'second_enabled' => $this->bCouple); $aTableParams['headers'] = array('', _t('_First Person'), _t('_Second Person')); $aTableParams['headers_add'] = 'class="header form_second_col"' . ($this->bCouple ? '' : ' style="display: none;"'); $aButtons = array(array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => _t('_Save'), 'class' => 'input_submit')); /* @var $oForm BxTemplFormView */ $oForm = new BxTemplFormView('edit_form'); $oForm->begin($aFormAttrs, $aTableAttrs, $aFormParams, $aTableParams); foreach ($this->aBlocks as $aBlock) { $oForm->beginBlock(_t($aBlock['Caption'])); foreach ($aBlock['Items'] as $aItem) { $aCol0 = array(); $aCol0['Type'] = $aItem['Type']; $aCol0['Name'] = $aItem['Type'] == 'system' ? $aItem['Name'] : $aItem['Name'] . '[0]'; $aCol0['Mandatory'] = $aItem['Type'] == 'pass' ? false : $aItem['Mandatory']; $aCol0['Control'] = $aItem['Control']; $aCol0['Values'] = $aItem['Values']; $aCol0['UseLKey'] = $aItem['UseLKey']; $aCol0['Caption'] = _t($aItem['Caption']); $aCol0['Desc'] = _t($aItem['Desc']); if ($aCol0['Desc'] == $aItem['Desc']) { $aCol0['Desc'] = ''; } // set value if (isset($this->aValues[0][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol0['Value'] = $this->aValues[0][$aItem['Name']]; } elseif ($aItem['Name'] == 'Couple') { $aCol0['Value'] = $this->bCouple; } // set error if (isset($this->aErrors[0][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol0['Error'] = $this->aErrors[0][$aItem['Name']]; } // check second person's field if ($this->bCouple and !in_array($aItem['Name'], $this->aCoupleMutualFields)) { $aCol1 = array(); $aCol1['Type'] = $aItem['Type']; $aCol1['Name'] = $aItem['Name'] . '[1]'; $aCol1['Control'] = $aItem['Control']; $aCol1['Values'] = $aItem['Values']; $aCol1['UseLKey'] = $aItem['UseLKey']; // set value if (isset($this->aValues[1][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol1['Value'] = $this->aValues[1][$aItem['Name']]; } // set error if (isset($this->aErrors[1][$aItem['Name']])) { $aCol1['Error'] = $this->aValues[1][$aItem['Name']]; } //echoDbg( $aCol0 ); $oForm->addRow($aCol0, $aCol1); } else { $oForm->addRow($aCol0); } } $oForm->endBlock(); } $oForm->end($aButtons); if ($sStatusText) { echo '<div class="notice_text">' . _t($sStatusText) . "</div>"; } echo $oForm->getCode(); }