function getComments($iId, $iCmtVParentId = 0, $iAuthorId = 0, $sFilter = '', $aOrder = array(), $iStart = 0, $iCount = -1) { $sFields = $sJoin = ""; $oVote = $this->_oMain->getVoteObject(0); if ($oVote !== false) { $aSql = $oVote->getSqlParts($this->_sTable, 'cmt_id'); $sFields .= $aSql['fields']; $sJoin .= $aSql['join']; } $sWhereParent = ''; if ((int) $iCmtVParentId >= 0) { $sWhereParent = $this->prepare(" AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_vparent_id` = ?", $iCmtVParentId); } if (in_array($sFilter, array(BX_CMT_FILTER_FRIENDS, BX_CMT_FILTER_SUBSCRIPTIONS))) { bx_import('BxDolConnection'); $oConnection = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($this->_oMain->getConnectionObject($sFilter)); $aQueryParts = $oConnection->getConnectedContentAsSQLParts($this->_sTable, 'cmt_author_id', $iAuthorId); $sJoin .= ' ' . $aQueryParts['join']; } $sOder = " ORDER BY `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_time` ASC"; if (isset($aOrder['by']) && isset($aOrder['way'])) { $aOrder['way'] = strtoupper(in_array($aOrder['way'], array(BX_CMT_ORDER_WAY_ASC, BX_CMT_ORDER_WAY_DESC)) ? $aOrder['way'] : BX_CMT_ORDER_WAY_ASC); switch ($aOrder['by']) { case BX_CMT_ORDER_BY_DATE: $sOder = " ORDER BY `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_time` " . $aOrder['way']; break; case BX_CMT_ORDER_BY_POPULAR: $sOder = " ORDER BY `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_rate` " . $aOrder['way']; break; } } $sLimit = $iCount != -1 ? $this->prepare(" LIMIT ?, ?", (int) $iStart, (int) $iCount) : ''; $sQuery = $this->prepare("SELECT\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_id`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_parent_id`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_vparent_id`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_object_id`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_author_id`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_level`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_text`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_replies`,\n `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_time`\n {$sFields}\n FROM `{$this->_sTable}`\n {$sJoin}\n WHERE `{$this->_sTable}`.`cmt_object_id` = ?" . $sWhereParent . $sOder . $sLimit, $iId); return $this->getAll($sQuery); }
public function __construct($aObject, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aObject, $oTemplate); $CNF = $this->_oModule->_oConfig->CNF; $iProfileId = bx_process_input(bx_get('profile_id'), BX_DATA_INT); $iContentId = bx_process_input(bx_get('id'), BX_DATA_INT); if ($iProfileId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iProfileId); } if (!$this->_oProfile && $iContentId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstanceByContentAndType($iContentId, $this->MODULE); } if ($this->_oProfile) { $this->_aProfileInfo = $this->_oProfile->getInfo(); $this->_aContentInfo = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getContentInfoById($this->_aProfileInfo['content_id']); $this->addMarkers($this->_aProfileInfo); $this->addMarkers(array('profile_id' => $this->_oProfile->id())); if (isLogged()) { $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance('sys_profiles_friends'); if ($oConn->isConnectedNotMutual(bx_get_logged_profile_id(), $this->_oProfile->id())) { $this->addMarkers(array('title_add_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_befriend_sent']), 'title_remove_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_unfriend_cancel_request']))); } elseif ($oConn->isConnectedNotMutual($this->_oProfile->id(), bx_get_logged_profile_id())) { $this->addMarkers(array('title_add_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_befriend_confirm']), 'title_remove_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_unfriend_reject_request']))); } else { $this->addMarkers(array('title_add_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_befriend']), 'title_remove_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_unfriend']))); } } } }
protected function _setConnectionsConditions($aParams) { $oConnection = isset($aParams['object']) ? BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($aParams['object']) : false; if (!$oConnection || !isset($aParams['profile']) || !(int) $aParams['profile']) { return false; } $sContentType = isset($aParams['type']) ? $aParams['type'] : BX_CONNECTIONS_CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT; $isMutual = isset($aParams['mutual']) ? $aParams['mutual'] : false; $a = $oConnection->getConnectionsAsCondition($sContentType, 'id', (int) $aParams['profile'], (int) $aParams['profile2'], $isMutual); $this->aCurrent['restriction'] = array_merge($this->aCurrent['restriction'], $a['restriction']); $this->aCurrent['join'] = array_merge($this->aCurrent['join'], $a['join']); return true; }
protected function _getSqlPartsEventsList($aParams) { $sJoinClause = $sWhereClause = ""; if (isset($aParams['active'])) { $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`active`=? ", (int) $aParams['active']); } //--- Apply modules or handlers filter $sWhereModuleFilter = ''; if (!empty($aParams['modules']) && is_array($aParams['modules'])) { $sWhereModuleFilter = "AND `" . $this->_sTable . "`.`type` IN (" . $this->implode_escape($aParams['modules']) . ") "; } if ($sWhereModuleFilter == '') { $aHidden = $this->_oConfig->getHandlersHidden(); $sWhereModuleFilter = !empty($aHidden) && is_array($aHidden) ? "AND `" . $this->_sTableHandlers . "`.`id` NOT IN (" . $this->implode_escape($aHidden) . ") " : ""; } if ($sWhereModuleFilter != '') { $sWhereClause .= $sWhereModuleFilter; } //--- Check flag 'New' if (!empty($aParams['new']) && !empty($aParams['owner_id'])) { $sSql = $this->prepare("SELECT `event_id` FROM `" . $this->_sTableEvt2Usr . "` WHERE `user_id`=? LIMIT 1", (int) $aParams['owner_id']); $iId = (int) $this->getOne($sSql); $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`id`>? ", $iId); } //--- Apply privacy filter $oPrivacy = BxDolPrivacy::getObjectInstance($this->_oConfig->getObject('privacy_view')); $aQueryParts = $oPrivacy->getContentByGroupAsSQLPart(BX_DOL_PG_ALL); $sWhereClause .= $aQueryParts['where'] . " "; //--- Check type if (!empty($aParams['owner_id'])) { switch ($aParams['type']) { case BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_OWNER: $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`owner_id`=? ", $aParams['owner_id']); break; case BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_OBJECT_OWNER: $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`owner_id`<>`{$this->_sTable}`.`object_owner_id` AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`object_owner_id`=? ", $aParams['owner_id']); break; case BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_CONNECTIONS: $oConnection = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($this->_oConfig->getObject('conn_subscriptions')); $aQueryParts = $oConnection->getConnectedContentAsSQLParts($this->_sPrefix . "events", 'owner_id', $aParams['owner_id']); $sJoinClause .= ' ' . $aQueryParts['join']; break; } } return array($sJoinClause, $sWhereClause); }
/** * get number of received unconfirmed connections (friend requests) * @param $sConnectionsObject connections object to get unconfirmed connections from * @param $mixedId id to get connections for, if omitted then logged-in profile id is used * @return number */ public function serviceGetUnconfirmedConnectionsNum($sConnectionsObject, $mixedId = 0) { $oConnection = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($sConnectionsObject); if (!$oConnection) { return 0; } if (!$mixedId) { $mixedId = bx_get_logged_profile_id(); } $i = 0; $a = $oConnection->getConnectedInitiators($mixedId, 0); // get received friend requests foreach ($a as $iId) { if (BxDolProfile::getInstance($iId)) { ++$i; } } return $i; }
protected function _checkAllowedConnect(&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $sObjConnection, $isMutual, $isInvertResult, $isSwap = false) { if (!$this->_iProfileId) { return _t('_sys_txt_access_denied'); } $CNF =& $this->_oConfig->CNF; $oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstanceByContentAndType($aDataEntry[$CNF['FIELD_ID']], $this->_aModule['name']); if (!$oProfile || $oProfile->id() == $this->_iProfileId) { return _t('_sys_txt_access_denied'); } $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($sObjConnection); if ($isSwap) { $isConnected = $oConn->isConnected($oProfile->id(), $this->_iProfileId, $isMutual); } else { $isConnected = $oConn->isConnected($this->_iProfileId, $oProfile->id(), $isMutual); } if ($isInvertResult) { $isConnected = !$isConnected; } return $isConnected ? _t('_sys_txt_access_denied') : CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; }
/** * * Connections objects associated with module data. It must be defined which content is associated with the connection. * The key is connection object name and value is array (possible array values: type, conn, table, field_id). * If 'type' == 'profiles', then it is considered profiles connection and other possible param is 'conn' ('initiator', 'content' or 'both') * If 'type' == 'custom' (or ommited), then other possible params are 'conn', 'table' and 'field_id' * @param string $sOperation - operation type. */ protected function actionProcessConnections($sOperation) { if (!in_array($sOperation, array('uninstall')) || empty($this->_aConfig['connections'])) { return BX_DOL_STUDIO_INSTALLER_FAILED; } foreach ($this->_aConfig['connections'] as $sObjectConnections => $a) { $o = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($sObjectConnections); if (!$o) { continue; } $sFuncSuffix = 'DeleteInitiatorAndContent'; if (isset($a['conn']) && 'initiator' == $a['conn']) { $sFuncSuffix = 'DeleteInitiator'; } elseif (isset($a['conn']) && 'content' == $a['conn']) { $sFuncSuffix = 'DeleteContent'; } if (isset($a['type']) && 'profiles' == $a['type']) { $sFunc = 'onModuleProfile' . $sFuncSuffix; $o->{$sFunc}($this->_aConfig['name']); } else { $sFunc = 'onModule' . $sFuncSuffix; $o->{$sFunc}($a['table'], $a['field_id']); } } return BX_DOL_STUDIO_INSTALLER_SUCCESS; }
function uninstall($aParams, $bDisable = false) { // check if module is already waiting while files are deleting bx_import('BxDolInstallerUtils'); if (BxDolInstallerUtils::isModulePendingUninstall($this->_aConfig['home_uri'])) { return array('message' => _t('_adm_err_modules_pending_uninstall_already'), 'result' => false); } // queue for deletion storage files $bSetModulePendingUninstall = false; foreach ($this->_aStorages as $s) { if (($o = BxDolStorage::getObjectInstance($s)) && $o->queueFilesForDeletionFromObject()) { $bSetModulePendingUninstall = true; } } // delete comments and queue for deletion comments attachments bx_import('BxDolCmts'); $iFiles = 0; BxDolCmts::onModuleUninstall($this->_aConfig['name'], $iFiles); if ($iFiles) { $bSetModulePendingUninstall = true; } // if some files were added to the queue, set module as pending uninstall if ($bSetModulePendingUninstall) { BxDolInstallerUtils::setModulePendingUninstall($this->_aConfig['home_uri']); return array('message' => _t('_adm_err_modules_pending_uninstall'), 'result' => false); } // delete associated connections if ($this->_aConnections) { bx_import('BxDolConnection'); foreach ($this->_aConnections as $sObjectConnections => $a) { $o = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($sObjectConnections); if (!$o) { continue; } $sFuncSuffix = 'DeleteInitiatorAndContent'; if (isset($a['conn']) && 'initiator' == $a['conn']) { $sFuncSuffix = 'DeleteInitiator'; } elseif (isset($a['conn']) && 'content' == $a['conn']) { $sFuncSuffix = 'DeleteContent'; } if (isset($a['type']) && 'profiles' == $a['type']) { $sFunc = 'onModuleProfile' . $sFuncSuffix; $o->{$sFunc}($this->_aConfig['name']); } else { $sFunc = 'onModule' . $sFuncSuffix; $o->{$sFunc}($a['table'], $a['field_id']); } } } return parent::uninstall($aParams, $bDisable); }
protected function _getActionAddFriend($sType, $sKey, $a, $isSmall = false, $isDisabled = false, $aRow = array()) { if ($this->_bOwner || $aRow['id'] == bx_get_logged_profile_id()) { return ''; } bx_import('BxDolConnection'); $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($this->_sObjectConnections); if ($oConn->isConnected($aRow['id'], bx_get_logged_profile_id()) || $oConn->isConnected(bx_get_logged_profile_id(), $aRow['id'])) { return ''; } return parent::_getActionDefault($sType, $sKey, $a, $isSmall, $isDisabled, $aRow); }
<?php /** * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * CC-BY License - * * @defgroup TridentCore Trident Core * @{ */ require_once './inc/'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ""; check_logged(); $sObj = bx_get('obj') ? bx_get('obj') : ''; $sAct = bx_get('act') && preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+$/', bx_get('act')) ? bx_get('act') : ''; $sFmt = bx_get('fmt') ? bx_get('fmt') : 'json'; bx_import('BxDolConnection'); $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($sObj); $sMethod = 'action' . $sAct; if ($oConn && $sAct && method_exists($oConn, $sMethod)) { echo $oConn->outputActionResult($oConn->{$sMethod}(), $sFmt); exit; } else { bx_import('BxDolLanguages'); bx_import('BxDolTemplate'); $oTemplate = BxDolTemplate::getInstance(); $oTemplate->displayPageNotFound(); } /** @} */
public function checkConnections($iOwnerId, $iViewerId) { bx_import('BxDolConnection'); return BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance('sys_profiles_friends')->isConnected($iOwnerId, $iViewerId, true); }
/** * Delete profile. * @param $ID - optional profile id to delete * @param $bForceDelete - force deletetion is case of account profile deletion * @return false on error, or true on success */ function delete($ID = false, $bForceDelete = false) { $ID = (int) $ID; if (!$ID) { $ID = $this->_iProfileID; } $aProfileInfo = $this->_oQuery->getInfoById($ID); if (!$aProfileInfo) { return false; } // delete system profiles (accounts) is not allowed, instead - delete whole account if (!$bForceDelete && 'system' == $aProfileInfo['type']) { return false; } // switch profile context if deleted profile is active profile context bx_import('BxDolAccount'); $oAccount = BxDolAccount::getInstance($aProfileInfo['account_id']); $aAccountInfo = $oAccount->getInfo(); if (!$bForceDelete && $ID == $aAccountInfo['profile_id']) { $oProfileAccount = BxDolProfile::getInstanceAccountProfile($aProfileInfo['account_id']); $oAccount->updateProfileContext($oProfileAccount->id()); } // create system event before deletion $isStopDeletion = false; bx_alert('profile', 'before_delete', $ID, 0, array('stop_deletion' => &$isStopDeletion)); if ($isStopDeletion) { return false; } // delete associated comments bx_import('BxDolCmts'); BxDolCmts::onAuthorDelete($ID); // delete connections bx_import('BxDolConnection'); $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance('sys_profiles_friends'); $oConn->onDeleteInitiatorAndContent($ID); $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance('sys_profiles_subscriptions'); $oConn->onDeleteInitiatorAndContent($ID); // delete profile's acl levels bx_import('BxDolAcl'); BxDolAcl::getInstance()->onProfileDelete($ID); // delete profile if (!$this->_oQuery->delete($ID)) { return false; } // create system event bx_alert('profile', 'delete', $ID); // unset class instance to prevent creating the instance again $this->_iProfileID = 0; $sClass = get_class($this) . '_' . $ID; unset($GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClass]); return true; }
protected function _getSqlPartsEventsList($aParams) { $sJoinClause = $sWhereClause = ""; if (isset($aParams['active'])) { $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`active`=? ", (int) $aParams['active']); } //--- Apply filter if (isset($aParams['filter'])) { $sWhereClause .= $this->_getFilterAddon($aParams['owner_id'], $aParams['filter']); } //--- Apply timeline if (isset($aParams['timeline']) && !empty($aParams['timeline'])) { $iYear = (int) $aParams['timeline']; $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `date`<=? ", mktime(23, 59, 59, 12, 31, $iYear)); } //--- Apply modules or handlers filter $sWhereModuleFilter = ''; if (!empty($aParams['modules']) && is_array($aParams['modules'])) { $sWhereModuleFilter = "AND `" . $this->_sTable . "`.`type` IN (" . $this->implode_escape($aParams['modules']) . ") "; } if ($sWhereModuleFilter == '') { $aHidden = $this->_oConfig->getHandlersHidden(); $sWhereModuleFilter = !empty($aHidden) && is_array($aHidden) ? "AND `" . $this->_sTableHandlers . "`.`id` NOT IN (" . $this->implode_escape($aHidden) . ") " : ""; } if ($sWhereModuleFilter != '') { $sWhereClause .= $sWhereModuleFilter; } //--- Check type switch ($aParams['type']) { case BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_OWNER: if (empty($aParams['owner_id'])) { break; } $sWhereClause .= $this->prepare("AND `{$this->_sTable}`.`owner_id`=? ", $aParams['owner_id']); break; case BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_CONNECTIONS: if (empty($aParams['owner_id'])) { break; } bx_import('BxDolConnection'); $oConnection = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($this->_oConfig->getObject('conn_subscriptions')); $aQueryParts = $oConnection->getConnectedContentAsSQLParts($this->_sPrefix . "events", 'owner_id', $aParams['owner_id']); $sJoinClause .= ' ' . $aQueryParts['join']; $iUserId = bx_get_logged_profile_id(); $sCommonPostPrefix = $this->_oConfig->getPrefix('common_post'); $sWhereClause .= "AND IF(SUBSTRING(`{$this->_sTable}`.`type`, 1, " . strlen($sCommonPostPrefix) . ") = '" . $sCommonPostPrefix . "', `{$this->_sTable}`.`object_id` <> " . $iUserId . ", 1) "; break; case BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_PUBLIC: $sCommonPostPrefix = $this->_oConfig->getPrefix('common_post'); $sWhereClause .= "AND SUBSTRING(`{$this->_sTable}`.`type`, 1, " . strlen($sCommonPostPrefix) . ") <> '" . $sCommonPostPrefix . "' "; break; } return array($sJoinClause, $sWhereClause); }
function GenerateData($iMutual = 3, $iOneWay = 1, $sTable, $sType, $sObject) { $oDb = BxDolDb::getInstance(); bx_import('BxDolConnection'); $oConnection = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance($sObject); if (!$oConnection) { die("'{$sObject}' object is not defined."); } $oDb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$sTable}"); // get all profiles $sQueryOrig = "SELECT * FROM `sys_profiles` WHERE `type` = ? AND `status` = 'active'"; $sQueryPrepared = $oDb->prepare($sQueryOrig, $sType); if (!($aAll = $oDb->getAll($sQueryPrepared))) { die($oDb->getErrorMessage()); } foreach ($aAll as $aProfile) { // get random profiles to add as connections $sQueryOrig = "SELECT * FROM `sys_profiles` WHERE `type` = ? AND `status` = 'active' AND `id` != ? ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ?"; $sQueryPrepared = $oDb->prepare($sQueryOrig, $sType, $aProfile['id'], $iMutual + $iOneWay); if (!($a = $oDb->getAll($sQueryPrepared))) { die($oDb->getErrorMessage()); } $i = 0; foreach ($a as $r) { echo "{$aProfile['id']} " . ($i < $iMutual ? '<=>' : '=>') . " {$r['id']} <br />\n"; if ($i < $iMutual) { // mutual if (!$oConnection->isConnected($aProfile['id'], $r['id'], true)) { $oConnection->addConnection($aProfile['id'], $r['id']); $oConnection->addConnection($r['id'], $aProfile['id']); } } elseif ($i >= $iMutual) { // one-way if (!$oConnection->isConnected($aProfile['id'], $r['id'])) { $oConnection->addConnection($aProfile['id'], $r['id']); } } $i++; } } }