Пример #1
  * Search scope
  * @param Builder $query
  * @param string $keywords
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeSearch($query, $keywords)
     //Return search results
     return $query->where(function ($query) use($keywords) {
         $query->where('first_name', 'like', $keywords . '%')->orWhere('last_name', 'like', $keywords . '%')->orWhereRaw('CONCAT(first_name, \' \',last_name) like \'' . $keywords . '%\'');
Пример #2
  * @param Builder $query
  * @return mixed
 public function scopePublished($query)
     return $query->where(function ($query) {
         $query->where(function ($query) {
             $query->where('published_at', '<=', Carbon::now())->orWhere('published_at', null);
         $query->where(function ($query) {
             $query->where('concealed_at', '>=', Carbon::now())->orWhere('concealed_at', null);
  * Resolves all the ScopeInterface items into the current Builder.
  * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query
 public function getBuilder()
     $this->query = clone $this->baseQuery;
     //apply all direct scopes to the query.
     $this->directScopes->each(function ($scope) {
         $scope_method = 'apply';
         $this->query = $scope->{$scope_method}($this->query);
     //chain all required scopes in "AND" blocks
     $this->requiredScopes->each(function ($scope) {
         $scope_method = 'applyAnd';
         $this->query = $scope->{$scope_method}($this->query);
     //chain all optional scopes using "OR", nested within a single "AND" block.
     if ($this->optionalScopes->count()) {
         $this->query->where(function ($query) {
             $this->optionalScopes->each(function ($scope) use($query) {
                 $scope_method = 'applyOr';
                 return $scope->{$scope_method}($query);
     collect([])->merge($this->directScopes)->merge($this->requiredScopes)->merge($this->optionalScopes)->each(function ($scope) {
     return $this->query;
Пример #4
  * Perform column search
  * @return void
 public function doColumnSearch()
     $input = $this->input;
     $columns = $input['columns'];
     // if older version, set the column name to query's fields
     // or if new version but does not use mData support
     if (!$this->new_version or !$this->mDataSupport and $this->new_version) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++) {
             if (!isset($this->columns[$i])) {
             $columns[$i]['name'] = $this->columns[$i];
             if (stripos($columns[$i]['name'], ' AS ') !== false or $columns[$i]['name'] instanceof Expression) {
                 $columns[$i]['name'] = '';
                 $columns[$i]['searchable'] = false;
                 $columns[$i]['orderable'] = false;
     for ($i = 0, $c = count($columns); $i < $c; $i++) {
         if ($columns[$i]['searchable'] == "true" and !empty($columns[$i]['search']['value']) and !empty($columns[$i]['name'])) {
             $column = $columns[$i]['name'];
             $keyword = $this->setupKeyword($columns[$i]['search']['value']);
             // wrap column possibly allow reserved words to be used as column
             $column = $this->wrapColumn($column);
             if ($this->isCaseInsensitive()) {
                 $this->query->whereRaw('LOWER(' . $column . ') LIKE ?', [strtolower($keyword)]);
             } else {
                 $col = strstr($column, '(') ? $this->connection->raw($column) : $column;
                 $this->query->where($col, 'LIKE', $keyword);
Пример #5
  * Set query options and params
  * @param  array  $options
  * @return Builder
 public function options($options = array())
     // Get order options
     $orderBy = array_get($options, 'order_by', 'created_at');
     $order = array_get($options, 'order', 'desc');
     // Run order
     if ($orderBy == 'rand') {
         $this->query->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'), $order);
     } else {
         $this->query->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
     // Also the limit
     if ($limit = array_get($options, 'limit')) {
         $this->defaultLimit = (int) $limit;
     if (is_array($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($key, array('limit', 'order_by'))) {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $this->query->where($key, $value[0], $value[1]);
                 } else {
                     $this->query->where($key, $value);
     return $this->query;
Пример #6
  * Query scope that returns only the friendships of two users
  * @param  Builder      $query       The query builder object
  * @param  int          $friendOneId The ID of the first user
  * @param  int          $friendTwoId The ID of the second user
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeAreFriends($query, $friendOneId, $friendTwoId)
     return $query->where(function ($query) use($friendOneId, $friendTwoId) {
     })->orWhere(function ($query) use($friendOneId, $friendTwoId) {
Пример #7
  * Query scope that returns the friendships of a user
  * @param  Builder  $query  The query builder object
  * @param  int      $userId The ID of the user
  * @param  boolean      $confirmed   Only show confirmed friendships? Default = true
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeFriendsOf($query, $userId, $confirmed = true)
     if ($confirmed) {
     return $query->where(function ($query) use($userId) {
         $query->whereSenderId($userId)->orWhere('receiver_id', $userId);
Пример #8
  * Perform filter for global
  * @param  array  $columns
  * @param  string $search
  * @return self
 public function dtPerformGlobalFilter($columns, $search = '')
     $this->dtModel = $this->dtModel->where(function ($query) use($columns, $search) {
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             if (filter_var($column['searchable'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) && !in_array($column['name'], $this->dtUnsearchable)) {
                 $query->orWhere(DB::raw($column['name']), 'LIKE', '%' . $search['value'] . '%');
     return $this;
Пример #9
  * Method returns models geted by uuid
  * @param  Builder $query
  * @param  array|tring $uuid  uuid or list of uuids
  * @return Collection|Model Single model or collection of models
 public function scopeFindByUuid($query, $uuid)
     if (!is_array($uuid)) {
         if (!Uuid::isValid($uuid)) {
             throw (new ModelNotFoundException())->setModel(get_class($this));
         return $query->where('uuid', $uuid)->first();
     } elseif (is_array($uuid)) {
         array_map(function ($element) {
             if (!Uuid::isValid($element)) {
                 throw (new ModelNotFoundException())->setModel(get_class($this));
         }, $uuid);
         return $query->whereIn('uuid', $uuid)->get();
  * Perform column search
  * @param  array $columns
  * @return void
 public function doColumnSearch(array $columns)
     for ($i = 0, $c = count($columns); $i < $c; $i++) {
         if ($columns[$i]['searchable'] == "true" and !empty($columns[$i]['search']['value']) and !empty($columns[$i]['name'])) {
             $column = $columns[$i]['name'];
             $keyword = $this->setupKeyword($columns[$i]['search']['value']);
             // wrap column possibly allow reserved words to be used as column
             $column = $this->wrapColumn($column);
             if ($this->isCaseInsensitive()) {
                 $this->query->whereRaw('LOWER(' . $column . ') LIKE ?', [strtolower($keyword)]);
             } else {
                 $col = strstr($column, '(') ? $this->connection->raw($column) : $column;
                 $this->query->where($col, 'LIKE', $keyword);
Пример #11
  * Select only those forums the user has access to.
  * WARNING: Creates JOINs with the forum_threads and the forums table.
  * @param Builder   $query  The Eloquent Builder object
  * @param User      $user   User model or null if it's the current client
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeIsAccessible($query, $user = null)
     $query->select('forum_posts.*')->join('forum_threads', 'forum_posts.thread_id', '=', 'forum_threads.id')->join('forums', 'forum_threads.forum_id', '=', 'forums.id');
     if (!$user) {
         $user = user();
     if ($user) {
         $internal = $user->hasAccess('internal');
         $teamIds = DB::table('team_user')->whereUserId($user->id)->lists('team_id');
         $teamIds[] = -1;
         // Add -1 as team ID so the SQL statements (`team_id` in (...)) always has valid syntax
         return $query->where('internal', '<=', $internal)->where(function ($query) use($teamIds) {
             $query->whereNull('team_id')->orWhereIn('team_id', $teamIds);
     } else {
         return $query->whereInternal(0)->whereNull('team_id');
Пример #12
  * Applies a translatable index to a basic query. This scope will join the index
  * table and cannot be executed more than once.
  * @param  Builder $query
  * @param  string $index
  * @param  string $value
  * @param  string $locale
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeTransWhere($query, $index, $value, $locale = null)
     if (!$locale) {
         $locale = $this->translatableContext;
     $query->select($this->model->getTable() . '.*');
     $query->where(function ($q) use($index, $value) {
         $q->where($this->model->getTable() . '.' . $index, $value);
         $q->orWhere(function ($q) use($index, $value) {
             $q->where('rainlab_translate_indexes.item', $index)->where('rainlab_translate_indexes.value', $value);
     // This join will crap out if this scope executes twice, it is a known issue.
     // It should check if the join exists before applying it, this mechanism was
     // not found in Laravel. So options are block joins entirely or allow once.
     $query->leftJoin('rainlab_translate_indexes', function ($join) use($locale) {
         $join->on(Db::raw(DbDongle::cast($this->model->getQualifiedKeyName(), 'TEXT')), '=', 'rainlab_translate_indexes.model_id')->where('rainlab_translate_indexes.model_type', '=', get_class($this->model))->where('rainlab_translate_indexes.locale', '=', $locale);
     return $query;
Пример #13
  * A scope filter to only show items which have a given string in one
  * or more of it's columns, defined by the searchables property
  * @param  Builder  $query        Original query
  * @param  string   $search_term  term to search for
  * @param  boolean  $loose        whether to form exact matches only
  * @return Builder                Filtered query
 public function scopeSimpleSearch($query, $search_term, $loose = true)
     if ($loose) {
         $search_term = "%{$search_term}%";
     return $query->where(function ($sub_query) use($search_term) {
         $searchables = $this->getSearchables();
         if (count($searchables) === 0) {
             throw new Exception("Attempting to search Model with no fields to search by");
         } elseif (count($searchables) === 1) {
             return $sub_query->where($searchables[0], 'LIKE', $search_term);
         } else {
             // Pop the first item to initiate a where set
             $first = array_shift($searchables);
             $sub_query->where($first, 'LIKE', $search_term);
             // Then loop through the remainder to add them as 'or where' participants
             foreach ($searchables as $column_name) {
                 $sub_query->orWhere($column_name, 'LIKE', $search_term);
         return $sub_query;
Пример #14
 public function scopePatchId(Builder $query, $patch_id)
     return $query->where('patch_id', $patch_id);
Пример #15
  * Root scope
  * @param Builder $query
  * @return Builder $query
 public function scopeInRoot($query)
     return $query->where($this->getContainerKeyName(), null);
Пример #16
Файл: row.php Проект: nikis/Go
  * Create default where for builder
  * @return void
 protected function defaultBuilderWhere(Builder $builder)
     $pk = $this->table->pk();
     if ($pk && isset($this->data[$pk])) {
         $builder->where($pk, '=', $this->data[$pk]);
     } else {
         foreach ($this->data as $key => $val) {
             if (array_key_exists($key, $this->modifiedData)) {
             $builder->where($key, '=', $val);
Пример #17
  * @param string $category
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeWhereCategoryIs(Builder $q, $category)
     if ($category == 'contorni') {
         $category = 'Verdure, ortaggi e contorni';
     } elseif ($category == 'primi') {
         $category = 'Primi Piatti';
     } elseif ($category == 'secondi') {
         $category = ['Secondi di carne', 'Secondi di pesce'];
     if (is_array($category)) {
         return $q->whereIn('category', $category);
     } else {
         return $q->where('category', '=', $category);
Пример #18
  * Scope the query to a specific category.
  * @param	Builder		$query		Query object
  * @param	string		$category
  * @return	void
 public function scopeGetCategory($query, $category)
     $query->where('category', $category);
Пример #19
  * Scope queary to those located at a given address
  * @param Builder $query
  * @param string $uri
  * @return mixed
 public function scopeFindEventByUri($query, $uri)
     $sections = explode('/', $uri);
     $event = $query->where([['zip', $sections[0]], ['name', str_replace('-', ' ', $sections[1])]])->first();
     return $event;
Пример #20
  * @param string $type
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeWhereTypeIs(Builder $q, $type)
     return $q->where('type', '=', ${$type});
Пример #21
  * Has role scope.
  * @param  Builder $query 
  * @param  string  $type  
  * @return Builder        
 public function scopeHasRole($query, $type)
     return $query->whereHas('roles', function ($query) use($type) {
         $query->where('slug', $type);
Пример #22
  * Service id scope
  * @param Builder $query
  * @param string $id
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeService($query, $id)
     return $query->where("service_message_id", $id);
Пример #23
  * Static query scope. Returns a query scope with
  * the page that matches the url, the language code
  * and the scoped attributes, if any.
  * @param  Builder $query
  * @param  string  $url
  * @param  string  $lang_code
  * @param  array   $scoped
  * @return string
 public function scopeMatch($query, $url, $lang_code, $scoped = [])
     $slug = new Slug();
     if (starts_with($url, '/')) {
         $url = substr($url, 1, strlen($url));
     $tokens = explode('/', $url);
     return $query->where($scoped)->whereHas('slugs', function ($query) use($slug, $lang_code, $tokens) {
         $query->where($slug->getLangColumnKey(), $lang_code)->whereIn($slug->getSlugColumnKey(), $tokens);
     })->orderBy($this->getQualifiedDepthColumnName(), 'DESC')->firstOrFail();
Пример #24
  * Process STRING type of search
  * @param Builder $query
  * @param string $key
  * @param array $values
 protected function setStringSearchQuery($query, $key, array $values)
     $value = $values['values'][0];
     switch ($values['operator']) {
         case '~':
             if (isset(static::$searchParams[$key]['relation'])) {
                 $relationKey = static::$searchParams[$key]['relation'][1];
                 $query->whereHas(static::$searchParams[$key]['relation'][0], function ($q) use($relationKey, $value) {
                     $q->where($relationKey, 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");
             } else {
                 $query->where($key, 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");
         case '!~':
             if (isset(static::$searchParams[$key]['relation'])) {
                 $relationKey = static::$searchParams[$key]['relation'][1];
                 $query->whereHas(static::$searchParams[$key]['relation'][0], function ($q) use($relationKey, $value) {
                     $q->where($relationKey, 'NOT LIKE', "%{$value}%");
             } else {
                 $query->where($key, 'NOT LIKE', "%{$value}%");
Пример #25
  * Applies a filter scope constraints to a DB query.
  * @param  string $scope
  * @param  Builder $query
  * @return Builder
 public function applyScopeToQuery($scope, $query)
     if (is_string($scope)) {
         $scope = $this->getScope($scope);
     if (!$scope->value) {
     switch ($scope->type) {
         case 'string':
             if ($scope->value && is_scalar($scope->value) && trim($scope->value)) {
                 if (array_get($scope->config, 'isNumericFindId') && is_numeric(trim($scope->value))) {
                     $query->where('id', trim($scope->value));
                 } else {
                     $query->searchWhere($scope->value, array_get($scope->config, 'fields') ?: [$scope->scopeName]);
         case 'date':
         case 'range':
             $this->applyDateScopeToQuery($scope, $query);
             $value = is_array($scope->value) ? array_keys($scope->value) : $scope->value;
              * Condition
             if ($scopeConditions = $scope->conditions) {
                 foreach ((array) $scopeConditions as $scopeKey => $scopeCondition) {
                     if (is_array($scopeConditions)) {
                         if (array_key_exists($scopeKey, $scope->value) == false) {
                     if (is_array($value)) {
                         $filtered = implode(',', array_build($value, function ($key, $_value) {
                             return [$key, Db::getPdo()->quote($_value)];
                     } else {
                         $filtered = Db::getPdo()->quote($value);
                     $query->whereRaw(strtr($scopeCondition, [':filtered' => $filtered]));
      * Scope
     if ($scopeMethod = $scope->scope) {
     return $query;
Пример #26
  * @param  array   $queries  {
  * @type string    $relation Optional. The MySQL keyword used to join the clauses of the query. Accepts 'AND', Or
  *       'OR'. Default 'AND'.
  * @type array {
  * @type string    $key      Meta key to filter by.
  * @type string    $value    Meta value to filter by.
  * @type string    $compare  MySQL operator used for comparing the $value. Accepts '=',
  *                               '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'IN', 'NOT IN',
  *                               'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP', or 'RLIKE'.
  *                               Default is '='
  *             }
  * }
  * @param  Builder $q
  * @param  int     $depth
 public function metaQueryClause($queries, &$q, $depth = 0)
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($queries as $key => $query) {
         if ('relation' === $key) {
             //if relation were found we shall skip to the next iteration
         } else {
             if (isset($query['key'])) {
                 // That happens when a non-nested query found on the first iteration
                 // in that case we the clause should be AND
                 $relation = 0 === $i ? 'AND' : $queries['relation'];
                 $q->where(function ($q) use($query) {
                     if (isset($query['key'])) {
                         $q->where('meta_key', '=', $query['key']);
                     if (isset($query['value'])) {
                         if (isset($query['compare'])) {
                             switch (strtolower($query['compare'])) {
                                 case 'between':
                                     $q->whereBetween('meta_value', $query['value']);
                                 case 'not between':
                                     $q->whereNotBetween('meta_value', $query['value']);
                                 case 'in':
                                     $q->whereIn('meta_value', $query['value']);
                                 case 'not in':
                                     $q->whereNotIn('meta_value', $query['value']);
                                 case 'is null':
                                 case 'is not null':
                                     $q->where('meta_value', $query['compare'], $query['value']);
                         } else {
                             $q->where('meta_value', '=', $query['value']);
                 }, null, null, $relation);
             } else {
                 if (is_array($query)) {
                     $depth = $depth + 1;
                     // If we're going recursive for the first iterate we shall make the relation AND by default
                     // else we should use the provided relation
                     $relation = 1 === $depth && 0 === $i ? 'AND' : $queries['relation'];
                     $q->where(function ($q) use($query, $depth) {
                         $this->metaQueryClause($query, $q, $depth);
                     }, null, null, $relation);
                 } else {
Пример #27
  * Scope query to those located at a given adress
  * @param  Builder $query
  * @param  string $zip  
  * @param  string $street
  * @return Builder
 public function scopeLocatedAt($query, $zip, $street)
     $street = str_replace('-', ' ', $street);
     return $query->where(compact('zip', 'street'));
Пример #28
 *@param Builder $query
 *@param string $title
 *@param string $flavor
 *@return Builder
 public function scopelocatedAt($query, $title, $flavor)
     $flavor = str_replace('-', ' ', $flavor);
     return $query->where(compact('title', 'flavor'));