function test_clean() { $bread_crumb = new BreadCrumb(); $ret = $bread_crumb->clean(); $tmp = $bread_crumb->get_links(); self::assertEquals(count($tmp), 0); }
public function transform(BreadCrumb $breadCrumb) { $result = $breadCrumb->getRoot(); $isFirst = true; foreach ($breadCrumb->getNodes() as $node) { if ($isFirst) { $isFirst = false; if ($breadCrumb->getDepth() > 1) { $result .= "/" . $node->getPropertyName(); } continue; } $result .= "/" . $node->getTemplateName(); if ($node->getTemplateIndex() != 0) { $result .= "/" . $node->getTemplateIndex(); } } return $result; }
} if ($cf->isValid()) { $cf->Save(); //$cf->FailTransaction(); $cf->CommitTransaction(); if ($permission->Check('company', 'edit')) { Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'CompanyList.php')); } else { Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, '../index.php')); } break; } $cf->FailTransaction(); default: if (isset($id)) { BreadCrumb::setCrumb($title); $clf = new CompanyListFactory(); if ($permission->Check('company', 'edit')) { $clf->GetByID($id); } else { $id = $current_company->getId(); $clf->GetByID($id); } foreach ($clf as $company) { //Debug::Arr($company,'Company', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $company_data = array('id' => $company->getId(), 'parent' => $company->getParent(), 'status' => $company->getStatus(), 'product_edition' => $company->getProductEdition(), 'name' => $company->getName(), 'short_name' => $company->getShortName(), 'business_number' => $company->getBusinessNumber(), 'originator_id' => $company->getOriginatorID(), 'data_center_id' => $company->getDataCenterID(), 'address1' => $company->getAddress1(), 'address2' => $company->getAddress2(), 'city' => $company->getCity(), 'province' => $company->getProvince(), 'country' => $company->getCountry(), 'postal_code' => $company->getPostalCode(), 'work_phone' => $company->getWorkPhone(), 'fax_phone' => $company->getFaxPhone(), 'admin_contact' => $company->getAdminContact(), 'billing_contact' => $company->getBillingContact(), 'support_contact' => $company->getSupportContact(), 'logo_file_name' => $company->getLogoFileName(NULL, FALSE), 'enable_second_last_name' => $company->getEnableSecondLastName(), 'created_date' => $company->getCreatedDate(), 'created_by' => $company->getCreatedBy(), 'updated_date' => $company->getUpdatedDate(), 'updated_by' => $company->getUpdatedBy(), 'deleted_date' => $company->getDeletedDate(), 'deleted_by' => $company->getDeletedBy()); } } //Select box options; $company_data['status_options'] = $cf->getOptions('status'); $company_data['country_options'] = $cf->getOptions('country');
* $Revision: 7487 $ * $Id: ViewScheduleWeek.php 7487 2012-08-15 22:35:09Z ipso $ * $Date: 2012-08-15 15:35:09 -0700 (Wed, 15 Aug 2012) $ */ require_once '../../includes/'; require_once Environment::getBasePath() . 'includes/'; require_once Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes/misc/arr_multisort.class.php'; //Debug::setVerbosity(11); if (!$permission->Check('schedule', 'enabled') or !($permission->Check('schedule', 'view') or $permission->Check('schedule', 'view_own') or $permission->Check('schedule', 'view_child'))) { $permission->Redirect(FALSE); //Redirect } $smarty->assign('title', TTi18n::gettext($title = 'My Schedule')); // See index.php //BreadCrumb::setCrumb($title); BreadCrumb::setCrumb($title, str_replace('ViewScheduleWeek.php', 'ViewSchedule.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); /* * Get FORM variables */ extract(FormVariables::GetVariables(array('do', 'page', 'sort_column', 'sort_order', 'filter_data'))); URLBuilder::setURL($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], array('sort_column' => $sort_column, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'page' => $page)); if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and $filter_data['start_date'] != '') { $filter_data['start_date'] = TTDate::parseDateTime($filter_data['start_date']); } else { $filter_data['start_date'] = time(); } if (!isset($filter_data['show_days']) or isset($filter_data['show_days']) and $filter_data['show_days'] == '') { $filter_data['show_days'] = 1; } $filter_data['show_days'] = $filter_data['show_days'] * 7; //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing.
/** * Smarty plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins */ function smarty_function_DisplayBreadCrumbs($params, &$smarty) { return BreadCrumb::Display(); }
/** * This function returns two results: * [triples: the generated triples, metaTriples: meta triples 2: the used templates] * * Unfortunately I haven't renamed the variables yet - result * is the array containing the result TRIPLES!! - its not this * 2 element. * */ private function myGenerate(BreadCrumb $breadCrumb, $value) { // result is the array containing: triples, meta triples, used templates $result = array(array(), array(), array()); $rootSubjectUri = RDFTriple::page($breadCrumb->getRoot()); // this array is only relevant on depth 0 $relatedClasses = array(); //$metaTriples = array(); //$usedTemplateNames = array(); // 'parent' means the parent of the value - thus subject and predicate $parentName = $this->breadCrumbTransformer->transform($breadCrumb); $parentResource = RDFTriple::page($parentName); $parentPropertyName = null; $tmp = $breadCrumb->peekTop(0); if (isset($tmp)) { $parentPropertyName = $tmp->getPropertyName(); } // Get all templates on this site, indexed by name // (there may be multiple templates with the same name) $nameToTemplates = SimpleWikiTemplateMatcher::match($value); //print_r($value); //print_r($nameToTemplates); //echo "NOW COMES THE STORM\n"; foreach ($nameToTemplates as $templateName => $templates) { if (strlen($templateName) < 1) { continue; } //echo "GOT TEMPLATE NAME $templateName\n"; $templateName = $this->mediaWikiUtil->toCanonicalWikiCase($templateName); if (!$this->templateNameFilter->doesAccept($templateName)) { continue; } $templateUri = RDFTriple::URI(DB_TEMPLATE_NS . $templateName, false); $result[2][$templateName] = 1; // Get annotations for the template - if there are any $lookupName = "Template:{$templateName}/doc"; if ($breadCrumb->getDepth() == 0) { $ta = $this->templateDb->getTemplateAnnotation($lookupName); // Create the triples for "relatesToClass" // But only for the page itself (not for sub templates) // if no related class exists, default to rdf:type owl:Thing if (isset($ta)) { foreach ($ta->getRelatedClasses() as $item) { $relatedClasses[$item] = 1; } } } foreach ($templates as $templateIndex => $template) { //echo "GOT TEMPLATE INDEX $templateIndex\n"; // Iterate over all arguments $arguments = $template->getArguments(); foreach ($arguments as $argumentName => $values) { //echo "GOT ARGUMENT NAME $argumentName\n"; // propertyNs defaults to DB_PROPERTY_NS unless there // exists a mapping in the templatedb. In that case it will // be set to DB_ONTOLOGY_NS $propertyNs = DB_PROPERTY_NS; $pa = null; if (isset($ta)) { $pas = $ta->getPropertyAnnotations(); if (array_key_exists($argumentName, $pas)) { $pa = $pas[$argumentName]; $propertyNs = DB_ONTOLOGY_NS; } } //print_r($ta); //echo "PROPERTY NS : $lookupName - $argumentName = $propertyNs\n"; // Fake a property mapping if there was none in the db // This maps argumentName back to iteself if (!isset($pa)) { // If there was no mapping we might ignore it // depending on an option (We can prevent this extractor // to generate triples with properties in the // dbp:property namespace // We allow such triples on subResources though. if ($this->allowUnmappedProperties != true && $breadCrumb->getDepth() == 0) { continue; } // If there was no mapping, also rename numeric // argument names (e.g. 1 becomes property1) // this is just cosmetic for the result if (is_numeric($argumentName)) { $argumentName = "property{$argumentName}"; } $pa = new PropertyAnnotation($argumentName); $pa->addMapping(new PropertyMapping($argumentName)); } foreach ($pa->getMappings() as $pm) { $parseHint = $pm->getParseHint(); //echo "Mapping $argumentName : {$pm->getRenamedValue()}\n\n"; // if the renamed value is not set, use the original // name // otherwise use the mapped value if (!isEmptyString($pm->getRenamedValue())) { $argumentName = $pm->getRenamedValue(); } $argumentName = trim($argumentName); //echo "Mapping $argumentName : {$pm->getRenamedValue()}\n\n"; // Skip empty properties // FIXME does that even happen? if (strlen($argumentName) < 1) { continue; } //echo "TN = $templateName, AN = $argumentName\n"; $childBreadcrumb = $breadCrumb->createClone(); $childBreadcrumb->push(new BreadcrumbNode($templateName, $templateIndex, $argumentName)); //$templateChildName = $this->breadcrumbToSubject($childBreadcrumb); $templateChildName = $this->breadCrumbTransformer->transform($childBreadcrumb); // If there is no parse hint we might be able to derive it if (!isset($parseHint)) { $parseHint = $this->deriveParseHintFromName($argumentName); } // Attempt to obtain a triple generator $tripleGenerator = $this->getTripleGenerator($parseHint); // If we DONT have a triple generator // we fall through to default handling $localResult = array(array(), array(), array()); if (isset($tripleGenerator)) { foreach ($values as $valueIndex => $value) { //echo "GOT VALUE $value\n"; $value = trim($value); // Skip empty values if ($value == "") { continue; } //echo "PROCESSING $templateChildName - $argumentName $value\n"; $tmp = $tripleGenerator->generate($templateChildName, $argumentName, $value); $localResult[0] = array_merge($localResult[0], $tmp); //echo "LOCALRESULT\n"; //print_r($localResult[0]); //print_r($triples); //echo "\nSigh\n"; //if(isset($triples)) // $result = array_merge($result, $triples); } // append the generated triples //continue; } else { // No parse hint - default handling // if property date and object an timespan // we extract it with following special case $argumentName = propertyToCamelCase($argumentName); $argumentName = encodeLocalName($argumentName); if (in_array($argumentName, $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['ignoreProperties'])) { continue; } // turn the argument name into a property name $propertyName = $propertyNs . $argumentName; foreach ($values as $valueIndex => $value) { $value = trim($value); // Skip empty values if ($value == "") { continue; } if ($argumentName == "date") { $value = str_replace("[", "", $value); $value = str_replace("]", "", $value); $value = str_replace("–", "-", $value); } // Parse out sub templates // if something was extracted: // .) connect subject with subsubject // .) indicate usage at wikipage $subResources = $this->myGenerate($childBreadcrumb, $value); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) { $localResult[$i] = array_merge($localResult[$i], $subResources[$i]); } //$result = array_merge($result, $triples); //echo "GOT OBJECT $value\n"; $localResult[0] = array_merge($localResult[0], parseAttributeValueWrapper($value, $templateChildName, $propertyName, $this->language)); //$result = array_merge($result, $triples); } } // For each triple add the ExtractedFromTemplate-Annotation // Exclude triples with wikiPageUsesTemplate as predicate though foreach ($localResult[0] as $triple) { $triple->addExtractedFromTemplateAnnotation($templateUri); } // Add on delete cascade annotation if ($breadCrumb->getDepth() > 1) { foreach ($localResult[0] as $triple) { $triple->addOnDeleteCascadeAnnotation($rootSubjectUri); } } // merge the results //for($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) // $result[$i] = array_merge($result[$i], $localResult[$i]); //} for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) { $result[$i] = array_merge($result[$i], $localResult[$i]); } } } /* How to connect a sub-subject to the root subject? if($breadCrumb->getDepth() == 0) continue; // Create the parent-child connection $parentChildTriple = new RDFtriple( $parentResource, RDFtriple::URI(DB_PROPERTY_NS . encodeLocalName($parentPropertyName), false), RDFtriple::page($templateChildName)); //$result[1][] = $parentChildTriple; */ } } if (count($relatedClasses) > 0) { foreach ($relatedClasses as $relatedClass => $dummy) { $result[1][] = new RDFtriple($parentResource, RDFtriple::URI(RDF_TYPE, false), RDFtriple::URI(DB_ONTOLOGY_NS . $relatedClass, false)); } } else { if ($breadCrumb->getDepth() == 0) { $result[1][] = new RDFtriple($parentResource, RDFtriple::URI(RDF_TYPE, false), RDFtriple::URI(OWL_THING, false)); } } // Add the wiki page uses template triples - but only on depth 0 if ($breadCrumb->getDepth() == 0) { foreach ($result[2] as $name => $dummy) { $result[1][] = new RDFTriple($parentResource, self::$wikiPageUsesTemplateUri, RDFTriple::URI(DB_TEMPLATE_NS . $name, false)); } } $n = count($result[0]) + count($result[1]); $this->log(TRACE, "Generated a total of {$n} triples at {$breadCrumb}"); foreach ($result[0] as $item) { $this->log(TRACE, $item); } foreach ($result[1] as $item) { $this->log(TRACE, $item); } return $result; }
function Logout($session_id = NULL) { $this->destroyCookie(); $this->Delete(); TTLog::addEntry($this->getObject()->getID(), 'Logout', TTi18n::getText('SourceIP') . ': ' . $this->getIPAddress() . ' ' . TTi18n::getText('SessionID') . ': ' . $this->getSessionID() . ' ' . TTi18n::getText('UserID') . ': ' . $this->getObject()->getId(), $this->getObject()->getID(), 'authentication'); BreadCrumb::Delete(); return TRUE; }
<?php define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__DIR__)); require ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require ROOT_PATH . '/test/application.php'; $bc = new BreadCrumb('Application', 'edit', array('controller_postfix' => 'Controller', 'action_postfix' => 'Action')); $tpl = $bc->render(); echo $tpl . PHP_EOL;