Пример #1
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");

	if ($cp->canAdminPage() && is_object($a)) {
		$ax = $a;
		if ($a->isGlobalArea()) {
			$cx = Stack::getByName($a->getAreaHandle());
			$a = Area::get($cx, STACKS_AREA_NAME);
		$btArray = BlockTypeList::getAreaBlockTypes($a, $cp);
		// if the area overrides the collection permissions explicitly (with a one on the override column) we check
		if ($a->overrideCollectionPermissions()) {
			$gl = new GroupList($a);
			$ul = new UserInfoList($a);
		} else {
			// now it gets more complicated. 
			$permsSet = false;
			if ($a->getAreaCollectionInheritID() > 0) {
				// in theory we're supposed to be inheriting some permissions from an area with the same handle,
				// set on the collection id specified above (inheritid). however, if someone's come along and
				// reverted that area to the page's permissions, there won't be any permissions, and we 
				// won't see anything. so we have to check
				$areac = Page::getByID($a->getAreaCollectionInheritID());
				$inheritArea = Area::get($areac, $_GET['arHandle']);