Пример #1
  * Render widget object
  * @param MenuWidget $widgetObj
  * @return string result of rendering process
 public static function render($widgetObj)
     $tplEngine = $widgetObj->m_TemplateEngine;
     $tplFile = BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($widgetObj->m_TemplateFile, $widgetObj->m_Package);
     if ($tplEngine == "Smarty" || $tplEngine == null) {
         return MenuRenderer::renderSmarty($widgetObj, $tplFile);
     } else {
         return MenuRenderer::renderPHP($widgetObj, $tplFile);
Пример #2
  * Render form object
  * @param EasyForm $formObj
  * @return string result of rendering process
 public static function render($formObj)
     $tplEngine = $formObj->m_TemplateEngine;
     $tplFile = BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($formObj->m_TemplateFile, $formObj->m_Package);
     //echo "template file at $tplFile"; exit;
     if (isset($formObj->m_jsClass)) {
         $subForms = $formObj->m_SubForms ? implode(";", $formObj->m_SubForms) : "";
         $formScript = "\n<script>Openbiz.newFormObject('{$formObj->m_Name}','{$formObj->m_jsClass}','{$subForms}'); </script>\n";
     if ($tplEngine == "Smarty" || $tplEngine == null) {
         return FormRenderer::renderSmarty($formObj, $tplFile) . $formScript;
     } else {
         return FormRenderer::renderPHP($formObj, $tplFile) . $formScript;
Пример #3
 public function CronJobEmail($recipientEmail, $job_name, $output)
     //init email info
     $template = $this->m_Tempaltes["CronjobEmail"]["TEMPLATE"];
     $subject = $this->m_Tempaltes["CronjobEmail"]["TITLE"];
     $sender = $this->m_Tempaltes["CronjobEmail"]["EMAILACCOUNT"];
     //prepare data
     $data["job_name"] = $job_name;
     $data["job_output"] = $output;
     //render the email tempalte
     $tplFile = BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($template, "email");
     $content = $this->renderEmail($data, $tplFile);
     //prepare recipient info
     $recipient['email'] = $recipientEmail;
     $recipient['name'] = $recipientEmail;
     //send it to the queue
     $result = $this->sendEmail($sender, $recipient, $subject, $content);
     return $result;
Пример #4
  * Render the html tabs
  * @return string html content of the tabs
 public function render()
     global $g_BizSystem;
     $curView = $g_BizSystem->getCurrentViewName();
     $curViewobj = $curView ? BizSystem::getObject($curView) : null;
     $profile = $g_BizSystem->getUserProfile();
     $svcobj = BizSystem::getService("accessService");
     $role = isset($profile["ROLE"]) ? $profile["ROLE"] : null;
     // list all views and highlight the current view
     // pass $tabs(caption, url, target, icon, current) to template
     $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     $tabs = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->m_TabViews as $tview) {
         // tab is renderd if  no definition  is found in accessservice.xml (default)
         if ($svcobj->allowViewAccess($tview->m_View, $role)) {
             $tabs[$i]['name'] = $tview->m_Name;
             //Name of each tab--jmmz
             $tabs[$i]['forms'] = $this->_renderJSCodeForForms($tview->m_Forms);
             //Configuration of the forms to hide or show--jmmz
             $tabs[$i]['caption'] = $tview->m_Caption;
             $tabs[$i]['url'] = $this->_renderURL($tview);
             //Call the method to render the url--jmmz
             //If I have forms to hide or show I add the event because I don't need an URL, I need an event
             if ((bool) $tview->hasForms()) {
                 $tabs[$i]['event'] = $tabs[$i]['url'];
                 //Assign The url rendered to the event on click
                 $tabs[$i]['url'] = 'javascript:void(0)';
                 //If I put url in '' then the href want send me to another direction
                 $this->setCurrentTabInSession($tview, $curViewobj, $curView);
                 //I set the current tab wrote in session
                 $hasForms = TRUE;
             $tabs[$i]['target'] = $tview->m_Target;
             $tabs[$i]['icon'] = $tview->m_Icon;
             $tabs[$i]['current'] = $this->isCurrentTab($tview, $curViewobj, $curView);
             //I get the current tab.
     $this->setClientScripts($tabs, $hasForms);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("tabs", $tabs);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("tabs_Name", $this->m_Name);
     return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($this->m_TemplateFile, $this->m_Package));
Пример #5
  * Render this view. This function is called by Render() or ReRender()
  * @return mixed either print html content or return html content if called by Render(), or void if called by ReRender()
 protected function _render($bReRender = false, $smarty = false)
     if ($smarty == false) {
         $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     global $g_BizSystem;
     if ($bReRender == false) {
     // todo: should enforce rendering parent form before rendering subforms,
     // because subform's dataobj is a objreference of the parent dataobj.
     foreach ($this->m_ChildFormList as $form => $formobj) {
         if ($bReRender) {
             if (BizSystem::clientProxy()->hasFormRerendered($form) == false) {
             $sHTML = BizSystem::clientProxy()->GetFormOutput($form);
         $sHTML = $formobj->render();
         $htmlStyle = $this->_getHTMLStyle($formobj);
         //Modification: html attribute added to set the initial style for a form
         //Add: Next 5 lines was added for get the initial style from a form and after set it in bizview --jmmz
         $style = $formobj->m_Style ? Expression::evaluateExpression($formobj->m_Style, $formobj) : '';
         $htmlStyle = "";
         if (!empty($style) && !is_null($style)) {
             $htmlStyle = "style='{$style}'";
         //Modification: html attribute added to set the initial style for a form --jmmz
         $controls[] = "\n<div id='" . $formobj->m_Name . "_container' {$htmlStyle}>\n" . $sHTML . "\n</div>\n";
         $forms[str_replace(".", "_", $formobj->m_Name)] = "\n<div id='" . $formobj->m_Name . "_container'>\n" . $sHTML . "\n</div>\n";
         if (isset($formobj->m_jsClass)) {
             $newClntObjs .= "NewObject('" . $formobj->m_Name . "','" . $formobj->m_jsClass . "'); \n";
         //$newClntObjs .= "var fobj=GetObject('".$formobj->m_Name."');\n";
     // add clientProxy scripts
     if ($bReRender == false) {
         $includedScripts = BizSystem::clientProxy()->getAppendedScripts();
         $styles = BizSystem::clientProxy()->getAppendedStyles();
     if ($this->m_IsPopup && $bReRender == false) {
         $moveToCenter = "moveToCenter(self, " . $this->m_Width . ", " . $this->m_Height . ");";
         $scripts = $includedScripts . "\n<script>\n" . $newClntObjs . $moveToCenter . "</script>\n";
     } else {
         $scripts = $includedScripts . "\n<script>\n" . $newClntObjs . "</script>\n";
     $smarty->assign("scripts", $scripts);
     $smarty->assign("style_sheets", $styles);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("view_description", $this->m_Description);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("controls", $controls);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("forms", $forms);
     if ($this->m_ConsoleOutput) {
         $smarty->display(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($this->m_Template, $this->m_Package));
     } else {
         return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($this->m_Template, $this->m_Package));
Пример #6
  * Render PHP template for form object
  * @param EasyForm $formObj
  * @param string $tplFile
  * @return string result of rendering process
 protected static function renderPHP($formObj, $tplAttributes = array())
     $form = BizSystem::getZendTemplate();
     $tplFile = BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($formObj->m_TemplateFile, $formObj->m_Package);
     /*$formOutput = $formObj->outputAttrs();
       foreach ($formOutput as $k=>$v) {
           $form->$k = $v;
     foreach ($tplAttributes as $key => $value) {
         if ($value == NULL) {
             $form->{$key} = '';
         } else {
             $form->{$key} = $value;
     // render the formobj attributes
     //$form->form = $formOutput;
     return $form->render($formObj->m_TemplateFile);
Пример #7
  * Render PHP template for view object
  * @param EasyForm $formObj
  * @param string $tplFile
  * @return string result of rendering process
 protected static function renderPHP($viewObj, $tplAttributes = array())
     $view = BizSystem::getZendTemplate();
     $tplFile = BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($viewObj->m_TemplateFile, $viewObj->m_Package);
     //Translate Array of template variables to Zend template object
     foreach ($tplAttributes as $key => $value) {
         if ($value == NULL) {
             $view->{$key} = '';
         } else {
             $view->{$key} = $value;
     $tpl = $_REQUEST['partial'] ? $viewObj->m_TemplateFile : $viewObj->m_PageTemplate;
     if ($viewObj->m_ConsoleOutput) {
         echo $view->render($tpl);
     } else {
         return $view->render($tpl);
Пример #8
  * Render html content of this form
  * @return string - HTML text of this form's read mode
 protected function renderHTML()
     // TODO: need to consider history into the searchrule
     //echo "History:";
     if ($this->_directParentId) {
         $this->setSearchRule("[PId] = '" . $this->_directParentId . "'");
     } else {
         $root_searchRule = $this->getParameter("Root_SearchRule");
         if (!$root_searchRule) {
             $this->setSearchRule("[PId] = '' or [PId] is NULL");
         } else {
     $this->m_ClearSearchRule = true;
     $dispmode = $this->GetDisplayMode();
     $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("name", $this->m_Name);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("title", $this->m_Title);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("toolbar", $this->m_ToolBar->render());
     if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "array") {
         // if dataFormat is array, call array render function
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("fields", $this->renderArray());
     } else {
         if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "table") {
             // if dataFormat is table, call table render function.
             $smarty->assign_by_ref("table", $this->renderTable());
         } else {
             if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "block" && $dispmode->m_FormatStyle) {
                 $smarty->assign_by_ref("block", $this->renderFormattedTable());
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("navbar", $this->m_NavBar->render());
     if (count($this->_parents) == 0) {
         $rec = $this->getActiveRecord();
         if ($rec) {
             $this->_parents = $this->_getAllLevelParents($rec);
         } else {
             $rec = $this->_getNodeRecord($this->_directParentId);
             $this->_parents = $this->_getAllLevelParents($rec, true);
     $objname = $this->m_Name;
     $prts_txt = "";
     for ($i = count($this->_parents) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $prtid = $this->_parents[$i]['Id'];
         $prtname = $this->_parents[$i]['Name'];
         if ($prts_txt == "") {
             $prts_txt .= "<a href=\"javascript:CallFunction('{$objname}.ListSiblings({$prtid}))')\">{$prtname}</a>";
         } else {
             $prts_txt .= " > <a href=\"javascript:CallFunction('{$objname}.ListSiblings({$prtid}))')\">{$prtname}</a>";
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("parents_links", $prts_txt);
     return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($dispmode->m_TemplateFile, $this->m_Package)) . "\n" . $this->renderShortcutKeys() . "\n" . $this->renderContextMenu();
Пример #9
  * Render the wizard view
  * @return mixed either print html content, or return html content
 public function render($bReRender = false, $smarty = false)
     if ($smarty == false) {
         $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     global $g_BizSystem;
     // render progress bar
     // render only current wizard form, not all forms
     $formName = $this->GetCurWizardForm();
     // ouput the form into the wizard container
     $sHTML = $this->renderWizardForm($formName, true);
     $controls[] = "<div id='" . $this->m_Name . "'>" . $sHTML . "</div>\n";
     //added by Jixian , Render progress bar and step list bar
     $sProgressBar = $this->renderProgressBar($bReRender);
     $sStepListBar = $this->renderStepListBar($bReRender);
     //Add any required scripts that will be needed in future forms
     foreach ($this->m_MetaChildFormList as $form) {
         global $g_BizSystem;
         $formobj = BizSystem::getObject($form['FORM']);
     // add clientProxy scripts
     if ($bReRender == false) {
         $smarty->assign("scripts", BizSystem::clientProxy()->getAppendedScripts());
         $smarty->assign("style_sheets", BizSystem::clientProxy()->getAppendedStyles());
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("view_description", $this->m_Description);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("controls", $controls);
     //added by Jixian , Render progress bar and step list bar
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("progress_bar", $sProgressBar);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("steplist_bar", $sStepListBar);
     if ($bReRender) {
         BizSystem::clientProxy()->redrawForm('steplist_bar', $sStepListBar);
         BizSystem::clientProxy()->redrawForm('progress_bar', $sProgressBar);
     if ($this->m_ConsoleOutput) {
         $smarty->display(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($this->m_Template, $this->m_Package));
     } else {
         return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($this->m_Template, $this->m_Package));
Пример #10
  * Render smarty template for view object
  * @param EasyView $viewObj
  * @param string $tplFile
  * @return string result of rendering process
 protected static function renderSmarty($viewObj, $tplFile)
     $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     $newClntObjs = '';
     // render the viewobj attributes
     $smarty->assign("view", $viewObj->outputAttrs());
     $smarty->assign("module", $viewObj->getModuleName($viewObj->m_Name));
     if ($viewObj->m_Tiles) {
         foreach ($viewObj->m_Tiles as $tname => $tile) {
             foreach ($tile as $formRef) {
                 if ($formRef->m_Display == false) {
                 $tiles[$tname][$formRef->m_Name] = BizSystem::getObject($formRef->m_Name)->render();
                 $tiletabs[$tname][$formRef->m_Name] = $formRef->m_Description;
     } else {
         foreach ($viewObj->m_FormRefs as $formRef) {
             if ($formRef->m_Display == false) {
             $forms[$formRef->m_Name] = BizSystem::getObject($formRef->m_Name)->render();
             $formtabs[$formRef->m_Name] = $formRef->m_Description;
     // add clientProxy scripts
     $includedScripts = BizSystem::clientProxy()->getAppendedScripts();
     $styles = BizSystem::clientProxy()->getAppendedStyles();
     if ($viewObj->m_IsPopup && $bReRender == false) {
         $moveToCenter = "moveToCenter(self, " . $viewObj->m_Width . ", " . $viewObj->m_Height . ");";
         $scripts = $includedScripts . "\n<script>\n" . $newClntObjs . $moveToCenter . "</script>\n";
     } else {
         $scripts = $includedScripts . "\n<script>\n" . $newClntObjs . "</script>\n";
     if ($viewObj->m_Title) {
         $title = Expression::evaluateExpression($viewObj->m_Title, $viewObj);
     } else {
         $title = $viewObj->m_Description;
     $smarty->assign("scripts", $scripts);
     $smarty->assign("style_sheets", $styles);
     $smarty->assign("title", $title);
     $smarty->assign("description", $viewObj->m_Description);
     $smarty->assign("keywords", $viewObj->m_Keywords);
     $smarty->assign("forms", $forms);
     $smarty->assign("formtabs", $formtabs);
     $smarty->assign("tiles", $tiles);
     $smarty->assign("tiletabs", $tiletabs);
     if ($viewObj->m_ConsoleOutput) {
         $smarty->display(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($viewObj->m_TemplateFile, $viewObj->m_Package));
     } else {
         return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($viewObj->m_TemplateFile, $viewObj->m_Package));
Пример #11
  * BizForm::renderHTML() - render html content of this form
  * @return string - HTML text of this form's read mode
 protected function renderHTML($smarty = false)
     $dispmode = $this->GetDisplayMode();
     //Added to support Auto Scripts
     if (!$smarty) {
         $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     //Rendering to support either normal Form on in a window/modal
     if ($this->_DetectModal($dispmode->m_Name) == TRUE or $this->_DetectWindow($dispmode->m_Name) == TRUE) {
         $pop_name = $this->m_Name . Popup_Suffix;
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("name", $pop_name);
         $temp_toolbar = $this->m_ToolBar->render();
         $temp_navbar = $this->m_NavBar->render();
         foreach ($temp_toolbar as $key => $val) {
             $pop_toolbar[$key] = str_replace($this->m_Name, $pop_name, $val);
         foreach ($temp_navbar as $key => $val) {
             $pop_navbar[$key] = str_replace($this->m_Name, $pop_name, $val);
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("toolbar", $pop_toolbar);
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("navbar", $pop_navbar);
     } else {
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("name", $this->m_Name);
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("navbar", $this->m_NavBar->render());
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("toolbar", $this->m_ToolBar->render());
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("title", $this->m_Title);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("description", $this->m_Description);
     //added by Jixian
     if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "array") {
         // if dataFormat is array, call array render function
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("fields", $this->renderArray());
     } else {
         if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "table") {
             $smarty->assign_by_ref("table", $this->renderTable());
             $smarty->assign_by_ref("formobj", $this);
         } else {
             if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "block" && $dispmode->m_FormatStyle) {
                 $smarty->assign_by_ref("block", $this->renderFormattedTable());
     return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($dispmode->m_TemplateFile, $this->m_Package)) . "\n" . $this->renderShortcutKeys() . "\n" . $this->renderContextMenu();
Пример #12
 public function UpdateLangPack($lang, $recArr)
     $this->m_RecordID = $lang;
     $locale = explode('_', $lang);
     $lang_code = strtolower($locale[0]);
     //clean up array
     foreach ($recArr as $key => $value) {
         $recArr[$key] = addslashes($recArr[$key]);
         $recArr[$key] = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $recArr[$key]);
     //create lang.xml metainfo
     $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     $smarty->assign("language", $this->Code2Language($lang_code));
     $smarty->assign("lang_code", $lang);
     $smarty->assign("version", $recArr['version']);
     $smarty->assign("create_date", $recArr['creationDate']);
     $smarty->assign("author", $recArr['author']);
     $smarty->assign("author_email", $recArr['authorEmail']);
     $smarty->assign("author_url", $recArr['authorUrl']);
     $smarty->assign("description", $recArr['description']);
     $data = $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath("lang.xml.tpl", $this->m_Package));
     $lang_dir = APP_HOME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "languages" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang;
     $lang_file = $lang_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".xml";
     file_put_contents($lang_file, $data);
     //generate lang string files.
     return true;
Пример #13
 public function UpdateThemePack($theme, $recArr)
     $this->m_RecordID = $theme;
     $locale = explode('_', $theme);
     $theme_code = strtolower($locale[0]);
     //clean up array
     foreach ($recArr as $key => $value) {
         $recArr[$key] = addslashes($recArr[$key]);
         $recArr[$key] = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $recArr[$key]);
     //create theme.xml metainfo
     $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     $smarty->assign("theme_name", $recArr['name']);
     $smarty->assign("preview", $recArr['preview']);
     $smarty->assign("icon", $recArr['icon']);
     $smarty->assign("version", $recArr['version']);
     $smarty->assign("create_date", $recArr['creationDate']);
     $smarty->assign("author", $recArr['author']);
     $smarty->assign("author_email", $recArr['authorEmail']);
     $smarty->assign("author_url", $recArr['authorUrl']);
     $smarty->assign("description", $recArr['description']);
     $data = $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath("theme.xml.tpl", $this->m_Package));
     $theme_dir = THEME_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $theme;
     $theme_file = $theme_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "theme.xml";
     file_put_contents($theme_file, $data);
     //generate theme string files.
     return true;
Пример #14
  * Render html content of this form
  * @return string - HTML text of this form's read mode
 protected function renderHTML()
     $dispmode = $this->GetDisplayMode();
     $smarty = BizSystem::getSmartyTemplate();
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("name", $this->m_Name);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("title", $this->m_Title);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("toolbar", $this->m_ToolBar->render());
     //print_r ($this->m_SearchBox->render());
     if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "array") {
         // if dataFormat is array, call array render function
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("fields", $this->renderArray());
     } else {
         if ($dispmode->m_DataFormat == "table") {
             $smarty->assign_by_ref("table", $this->renderTable());
             $smarty->assign_by_ref("formobj", $this);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref("navbar", $this->m_NavBar->render());
     return $smarty->fetch(BizSystem::getTplFileWithPath($dispmode->m_TemplateFile, $this->m_Package));