Пример #1
  * @param string $email
  * @param array $mailingList
  * @param string $siteId
  * @return void
  * //send email with url to confirmation of subscription
 public static function sendEventConfirm($email, array $mailingIdList, $siteId)
     $mailingNameList = array();
     $mailingDb = MailingTable::getList(array('select' => array('NAME'), 'filter' => array('ID' => $mailingIdList)));
     while ($mailing = $mailingDb->fetch()) {
         $mailingNameList[] = $mailing['NAME'];
     $subscription = array('EMAIL' => $email, 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'MAILING_LIST' => $mailingIdList);
     $confirmUrl = static::getLinkSub($subscription);
     $date = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime();
     $eventSendFields = array("EVENT_NAME" => "SENDER_SUBSCRIBE_CONFIRM", "C_FIELDS" => array("EMAIL" => $email, "DATE" => $date->toString(), "CONFIRM_URL" => $confirmUrl, "MAILING_LIST" => implode("\r\n", $mailingNameList)), "LID" => is_array($siteId) ? implode(",", $siteId) : $siteId);
Пример #2
 public static function actualizeHandlers($chainId, array $fieldsNew = null, array $fieldsOld = null)
     $settingsNew = null;
     $settingsOld = null;
     if ($fieldsNew) {
         $settingsNew = new TriggerSettings($fieldsNew);
     if ($fieldsOld) {
         $settingsOld = new TriggerSettings($fieldsOld);
     // if old item was closed trigger
     if ($settingsOld && $settingsOld->isClosedTrigger()) {
         // delete agent
         $agentName = TriggerManager::getClosedEventAgentName($settingsOld->getEventModuleId(), $settingsOld->getEventType(), $chainId);
         $agent = new \CAgent();
         $agentListDb = $agent->GetList(array(), array('MODULE_ID' => 'sender', 'NAME' => $agentName));
         while ($agentItem = $agentListDb->Fetch()) {
     // if new item is closed trigger
     if ($settingsNew && $settingsNew->isClosedTrigger()) {
         // check active state of mailing
         $chainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $chainId, '=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y')));
         if (!$chainDb->fetch()) {
         // add new agent
         $agentName = TriggerManager::getClosedEventAgentName($settingsNew->getEventModuleId(), $settingsNew->getEventType(), $chainId);
         // set date of next exec
         $agentTime = $settingsNew->getClosedTriggerTime();
         $agentInterval = $settingsNew->getClosedTriggerInterval();
         if ($agentInterval <= 0) {
             $agentInterval = 1440;
         $agentTimeArray = explode(":", $agentTime);
         $agentDate = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime();
         $agentDate->setTime((int) $agentTimeArray[0], (int) $agentTimeArray[1]);
         // set next exec on next day if exec was today
         if ($agentDate->getTimestamp() < time()) {
             $agentDate->add("1 days");
         // add agent
         $agent = new \CAgent();
         $agent->AddAgent($agentName, 'sender', 'N', $agentInterval * 60, '', 'Y', $agentDate->toString());
     // actualize deleted/changed event
     if ($settingsOld && !$settingsOld->isClosedTrigger() && $settingsOld->getFullEventType()) {
         // if delete operation(no the NEW)
         // or change operation(the NEW is not equal to the OLD)
         if (!$settingsNew || $settingsOld->getFullEventType() != $settingsNew->getFullEventType()) {
             TriggerManager::actualizeHandler(array('MODULE_ID' => $settingsOld->getEventModuleId(), 'EVENT_TYPE' => $settingsOld->getEventType(), 'CALLED_BEFORE_CHANGE' => true));
     // actualize new event
     if ($settingsNew && $settingsNew->getFullEventType()) {
         $calledBeforeChange = $fieldsOld ? false : true;
         TriggerManager::actualizeHandler(array('MODULE_ID' => $settingsNew->getEventModuleId(), 'EVENT_TYPE' => $settingsNew->getEventType(), 'CALLED_BEFORE_CHANGE' => $calledBeforeChange));
Пример #3
 protected function changeResponsibleUserAction()
     if (!isset($this->request['user_id']) || intval($this->request['user_id']) <= 0) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("user_id");
     global $USER;
     $dateResponsible = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime();
     $userInformation = $USER->GetByID($this->request['user_id'])->Fetch();
     $this->addResultData("RESPONSIBLE", array(htmlspecialcharsbx($userInformation['NAME']), htmlspecialcharsbx($userInformation['LAST_NAME'])));
     $this->addResultData("EMP_RESPONSIBLE", array(htmlspecialcharsbx($USER->GetFirstName()), htmlspecialcharsbx($USER->GetLastName())));
     $this->addResultData("DATE_RESPONSIBLE", $dateResponsible->toString());