public function testConfigAbleToPersistAndLoadKeys() { $root = vfsStream::setup($this->temp_path_root); $bitpay = new \Bitpay\Bitpay(array('bitpay' => array('network' => 'testnet', 'private_key' => vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pri), 'public_key' => vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pub)))); $pri = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pri)); $pri->generate(); $pub = new \Bitpay\PublicKey(vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pub)); $pub->setPrivateKey($pri)->generate(); /** * Save keys to the filesystem */ $storage = $bitpay->get('key_storage'); $storage->persist($pri); $storage->persist($pub); /** * This will load the keys, if you have not already persisted them, than * this WILL throw an Exception since this will load the keys from the * storage class */ $pri = $bitpay->get('private_key'); $pub = $bitpay->get('public_key'); }
*/ $pairingCode = 'YCBrKpr'; $tokenString = 'realtokengoeshere'; $privateKeyPath = '/tmp/bitpay.pri'; $publicKeyPath = '/tmp/'; $keyStoragePassword = '******'; /*** end options ***/ /** * The Bitpay class takes care of all the dependency injection for * you while at the same time allowing you to easily configure based on * environment variables or other configuration system you have. * * For a list of options you can pass in please see the Bitpay\Config\Configuration * class. You will find a list of options and the default and valid values. */ $bitpay = new \Bitpay\Bitpay(array('bitpay' => array('network' => 'testnet', 'public_key' => $publicKeyPath, 'private_key' => $privateKeyPath, 'key_storage_password' => $keyStoragePassword))); echo 'Bitpay class initialized.' . PHP_EOL; /** * If you have not already generated and persisted you keys, please uncomment * this code. This should only be ran once. Once you have generated your key * pairs, keep you keys in a secure location. If you regenerate your keys, you * will need to repair and get a new token. * $privateKey = \Bitpay\PrivateKey::create($privateKeyPath)->generate(); $publicKey = \Bitpay\PublicKey::create($publicKeyPath)->setPrivateKey($privateKey)->generate(); $bitpay->get('key_manager')->persist($privateKey); $bitpay->get('key_manager')->persist($publicKey); echo 'Public and Private keys have been generated and persisted.'.PHP_EOL; //exit(0); // exit in case you just wanted to generate keys */ /**