Пример #1

 * @version $Header$
 * @package address
require_once ADDRESS_PKG_PATH . 'BitAddress.php';
$pkgname = ADDRESS_PKG_NAME;
$grpname = $pkgname . '_admin';
$gBitSmarty->assign('grpname', $grpname);
$list_grpname = $grpname . '_list';
$gBitSmarty->assign('list_grpname', $list_grpname);
$country_grpname = $grpname . '_country';
$gBitSmarty->assign('country_grpname', $country_grpname);
// Process the form if we've made some changes
if (isset($_REQUEST[$grpname . '_submit'])) {
    LibertyForm::storeConfigs($_REQUEST[$list_grpname], $pkgname);
$list_fields = array("list_country" => array('description' => 'Country', 'helptext' => 'Display the country.', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => $gBitSystem->getConfig($pkgname . '_list_country')), "list_description" => array('description' => 'Description', 'helptext' => 'Display the address description field.', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => $gBitSystem->getConfig($pkgname . '_list_description')));
$gBitSmarty->assign('list_fields', $list_fields);
$countries = @BitAddressCountry::getPossibles('country_name');
$country_fields = array("country_def" => array("description" => "Default Country", "type" => "options", "options" => $countries, "value" => @BitAddressCountry::getDefault(), "required" => TRUE, "helptext" => "This selects the country that is selected by default when a new address is created."), "countries" => array("description" => "Available Countries", "type" => "options", "typopt" => "multiple", "options" => $countries, "value" => array_keys(BitAddressCountry::getPossibles('isocode2', TRUE)), "required" => TRUE, "helptext" => "Select the multiple countries available by holding down Shift/Ctrl."));
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref('country_fields', $country_fields);