<span class="permission_level"><input type="radio" data-category="Module" data-key="<?php echo $m["id"]; ?> " name="permissions[module][<?php echo $m["id"]; ?> ]" value="n" <?php if (!$permissions["module"][$m["id"]] || $permissions["module"][$m["id"]] == "n") { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /></span> <?php if (isset($gbp["enabled"]) && $gbp["enabled"]) { if (BigTree::tableExists($gbp["other_table"])) { $categories = array(); $ot = sqlescape($gbp["other_table"]); $tf = sqlescape($gbp["title_field"]); if ($tf && $ot) { $q = sqlquery("SELECT id,`{$tf}` FROM `{$ot}` ORDER BY `{$tf}` ASC"); ?> <ul class="depth_2"<?php if ($closed) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <?php while ($c = sqlfetch($q)) {
<?php $db_error = false; $is_group_based_perm = false; $list = array(); // Database populated list. if ($field["options"]["list_type"] == "db") { $list_table = $field["options"]["pop-table"]; $list_id = $field["options"]["pop-id"]; $list_title = $field["options"]["pop-description"]; $list_sort = $field["options"]["pop-sort"]; // If debug is on we're going to check if the tables exists... if ($bigtree["config"]["debug"] && !BigTree::tableExists($list_table)) { $db_error = true; } else { $q = sqlquery("SELECT `id`,`{$list_title}` FROM `{$list_table}` ORDER BY {$list_sort}"); // Check if we're doing module based permissions on this table. if ($bigtree["module"] && $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["enabled"] && $form["table"] == $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["table"] && $key == $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["group_field"]) { $is_group_based_perm = true; while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) { // Find out whether the logged in user can access a given group, and if so, specify the access level. $access_level = $admin->canAccessGroup($bigtree["module"], $f["id"]); if ($access_level) { $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$list_title], "access_level" => $access_level); } } // We're not doing module group based permissions, get a regular list. } else { while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) { $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$list_title]); }
<?php BigTree::globalizePOSTVars(); $errors = array(); // Check if the table exists if (BigTree::tableExists($table)) { $errors["table"] = "The table you chose already exists."; } // Check if the class name exists if (class_exists($class)) { $errors["class"] = "The class name you chose already exists."; } if (count($errors)) { $_SESSION["developer"]["designer_errors"] = $errors; $_SESSION["developer"]["saved_module"] = $_POST; BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "modules/designer/"); } if ($group_new) { $group = $admin->createModuleGroup($group_new, "on"); } else { $group = $group_existing; } $id = $admin->createModule($name, $group, $class, $table, $gbp, $icon); // Create the table. sqlquery("CREATE TABLE `{$table}` (`id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci"); BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "modules/designer/form/?table=" . urlencode($table) . "&module={$id}");