Пример #1
  * adds css files to self::$css
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $path path to included file
  * @param string $path path to included file within given module/component
 public static function addCssFile($key, $path, $srcPathsuffix = null)
     $key = Basic::addLastSlash($key) . '||' . $srcPathsuffix;
     if (!isset(self::$css[$key])) {
         self::$css[$key] = array();
     if (!in_array($path, self::$css[$key])) {
         self::$css[$key][] = $path;
Пример #2
  * save $img in $dirname named $filename
  * @param Image
  * @param string destination to store image to
  * @param string file name
  * @param bool overwrite older file with given $filename ?
  * @return string filename as file was stored (potential dangerous chars replaced)
  * @throws NotImageException
 public static function save($img, $dirname, $filename = null, $overwriteOldFile = true)
     if (!$img instanceof Image) {
         throw new NotImageException('Argument "$img" must be instance of Image, "' . get_class($img) . '" given.');
     $dirname = Basic::addLastSlash($dirname);
     if (is_null($filename)) {
         $filename = $img->name;
     $filename = self::handleFilename($filename);
     if (!$overwriteOldFile) {
         $filename = self::getUniqueFilename($dirname, null, $filename);
     $dest = $dirname . $filename;
     // PNG does not save alpha channel (transparency) by default, needs to be turned on explicitly
     $img->save($dest, self::$quality);
     return $filename;
Пример #3
  * return unique filename having $suffix within $dirname
  * @param string path within which filename must be unique
  * @param string suffix of filename
  * @param string filename
  * @return string
 public static function getUniqueFilename($dirname, $suffix = null, $filename = null)
     if ($suffix === null && ($filename === null or strpos($filename, '.') === false)) {
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException('At least one of \\$suffix or \\$filename must be set');
     if ($suffix === null) {
         $suffix = self::getSuffix($filename);
     // if only base filename given [without suffix] append it
     if (!self::hasSuffix($filename, $suffix)) {
         $filename .= ".{$suffix}";
     $dirname = Basic::addLastSlash($dirname);
     while (is_null($filename) or file_exists($dirname . $filename)) {
         $filename = self::handleFilename(uniqid() . '.' . $suffix);
     return $filename;
Пример #4
  * copy $path to webmodulePublicDir/$path
  * @param string
  * @param bool is copied file mandatory?
 protected function copy($path, $need = true)
     $dest = Basic::addLastSlash(self::$webloaderDestPath) . $path;
     $src = Basic::addLastSlash(self::$webloaderSrcPath) . $path;
     if (!file_exists($dest)) {
         if (file_exists($src)) {
             Basic::copyr($src, $dest);
         } elseif ($need) {
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Source path '{$src}' does NOT exist");
Пример #5
  * vrati pole suborov s pozadovanymi priponami
  * @param string $path
  * @param array $suffixes
  * @return array
 private function getFiles($path, $suffixes)
     $path = Basic::addLastSlash($path, '\\');
     $ret = array();
     if (($dp = @opendir($path)) != false) {
         while (false !== ($item = readdir($dp))) {
             $newPath = $path . $item;
             if (is_dir($newPath) and !in_array($item, array('.', '..'))) {
                 $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->getFiles($newPath, $suffixes));
             } elseif (is_file($newPath) and is_readable($newPath) and preg_match('/^.+\\.(' . implode('|', $suffixes) . ')$/i', $item)) {
                 //		   			echo $newPath . '<br>';
                 array_push($ret, $newPath);
     } elseif ($this->debug) {
         echo "directory '{$path}' not opened";
     return $ret;
Пример #6
  * make thumbnail and resize images storing them in $dirname
  * @param string
  * @param HttpUploadedFile array 
  * @param int
  * @param int
  * @param int
  * @param int
  * @return bool have we uploaded sth?
  * @throws NotImageException
 public static function saveImages($dirname, $files, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $big_w, $big_h)
     if (count($files) == 0) {
         return false;
     $dirname = Basic::addLastSlash($dirname);
     $dest_big = $dirname . 'big/';
     $dest_thumb = $dirname . 'thumb/';
     $uploaded = false;
     // move uploaded files .. errors are handled in MyAppForm and MyFileInput already when form is submitted
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         //	ak nezvoli subor, tak skusime dalsi
         if (!$file instanceof HttpUploadedFile or $file->error === UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
         $filename = $file->getName();
         if (!$file->isImage()) {
             throw new NotImageException('Nahrať možete iba obrázky! Poslaný súbor: ' . $file->name);
         $filename = self::handleFilename($filename);
         $img = $file->toImage();
         $img2 = clone $img;
         self::makeThumbnail($img, $thumb_w, $thumb_h);
         // PNG does not save alpha channel (transparency) by default, needs to be turned on explicitly
         $img->save($dest_thumb . $filename, self::$quality);
         //	big one - proportionally
         $img2->resize($big_w, $big_h);
         // PNG does not save alpha channel (transparency) by default, needs to be turned on explicitly
         $img2->save($dest_big . $filename, self::$quality);
         // flag we uploaded sth.
         $uploaded = true;
     return $uploaded;