Пример #1
 public function getOnline($StartTime, $EndTime, $ServerId, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     if (($StartTime + $EndTime) / 2 > time()) {
         $Return['AvgOnline'] = 0;
         $Return['LowOnline'] = 0;
         $Return['HighOnline'] = 0;
     } else {
         $select_fields = array('ServerId', 'AvgOnline' => 'avg(CurOnline)', 'LowOnline' => 'min(CurOnline)', 'HighOnline' => 'max(HighestOnline)');
         $whereStartTime = " Time  >= '" . $StartTime . "' ";
         $whereEndTime = " Time  <= '" . $EndTime . "' ";
         $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
         $whereCondition = array($whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission);
         $group_fields = array('ServerId');
         $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
         $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
         $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
         $Date = date("Ym", ($StartTime + $EndTime) / 2);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table) . "_" . $Date;
         $Return = array('UserCount' => 0, 'OnlineCount' => 0);
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $Online = $this->db->getAll($sql);
         foreach ($Online as $key => $val) {
             $Return['AvgOnline'] += $val['AvgOnline'];
             $Return['LowOnline'] += $val['LowOnline'];
             $Return['HighOnline'] += $val['HighOnline'];
     return $Return;
Пример #2
 public function GetInsertLastLogoutUser($table_suffix)
     $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_login_log);
     $table_to_process .= "_" . $table_suffix;
     $group_fields = array('UserId', 'AppId', 'PartnerId', 'ServerId');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $where = "and LogoutTime > 0 ";
     $sql = "select \n                t.UserId,t.AppId,t.PartnerId,t.ServerId,t.LoginTime,t.UserLoginIp,t.LogoutTime,t.LoginId,t.UserSourceId,t.UserSourceDetail,t.UserSourceProjectId,t.UserSourceActionId,t.UserRegTime,t.FirstLoginTime \n                from (select UserId,AppId,PartnerId,ServerId,max(LogoutTime) as last\n                from {$table_to_process} \n                where 1 {$where}{$groups}) as log , {$table_to_process} as t \n                where t.UserId = log.UserId and t.AppId = log.AppId and t.PartnerId = log.PartnerId and t.ServerId = log.ServerId and t.LogoutTime = log.last";
     return $sql;
Пример #3
 public function getMailSentUpByMailAddress($StartDate, $EndDate, $MailType)
     $select_fields = array('MailSent' => 'count(*)', 'UserMail');
     //		$whereStart = $StartDate?" end_date >= '".strtotime($StartDate)."' ":"";
     //		$whereEnd = $EndDate?" end_date <= '".(strtotime($EndDate)+86400-1)."' ":"";
     $whereType = $MailType ? " MailType ='" . $MailType . "' " : "";
     $group_fields = array('UserMail');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereStart, $whereEnd, $whereType);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $StatArr['MailSent'] = array();
     //		foreach($MailFixList as $key => $value)
     //		{
     //			$StatArr['MailSent'][$value['SubFix']] = array('MailSent'=>0,'Detail'=>array());
     //		}
     $Date = $StartDate;
     $DateStart = date("Ymd", strtotime($StartDate));
     $DateEnd = date("Ymd", strtotime($EndDate));
     $DateList = array();
     $Date = $StartDate;
     do {
         $D = date("Ymd", strtotime($Date));
         $DateList[] = $D;
         $Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("{$Date} +1 day"));
     } while ($D != $DateEnd);
     foreach ($DateList as $k => $v) {
         $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table) . "_log_" . $v;
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $MailSentArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         foreach ($MailSentArr as $key => $val) {
             $t = explode("@", $val['UserMail']);
             $MailFix = "@" . $t['1'];
             if (isset($StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix])) {
                 $StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix]['MailSent'] += $val['MailSent'];
             } else {
                 $StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix] = array('MailSent' => 0, 'Detail' => array());
                 $StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix]['MailSent'] += $val['MailSent'];
             if (isset($StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix]['Detail'][$val['UserMail']])) {
                 $StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix]['Detail'][$val['UserMail']] += $val['MailSent'];
             } else {
                 $StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix]['Detail'][$val['UserMail']] = 0;
                 $StatArr['MailSent'][$MailFix]['Detail'][$val['UserMail']] += $val['MailSent'];
     return $StatArr;
Пример #4
 public function getUserByAge()
     $select_fields = array('UserAge' => 'floor(datediff(now(),UserBirthDay)/365)', 'UserCount' => 'count(*)');
     $group_fields = array('UserAge');
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $StatArr = array('UserAge' => array(), 'UnDefined' => 0);
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) {
         for ($j = 0; $j <= 15; $j++) {
             $position = array('db_fix' => dechex($i), 'tb_fix' => dechex($j));
             $table_name = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_communication, $position);
             $sql = "SELECT  {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where UserIdCard !='' " . $groups;
             $UserSexArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
             if (is_array($UserSexArr)) {
                 foreach ($UserSexArr as $key => $Stat) {
                     if (isset($StatArr['UserAge'][$Stat['UserAge']])) {
                         $StatArr['UserAge'][$Stat['UserAge']]['UserCount'] += $Stat['UserCount'];
                     } else {
                         $StatArr['UserAge'][$Stat['UserAge']] = array('UserCount' => 0);
                         $StatArr['UserAge'][$Stat['UserAge']]['UserCount'] += $Stat['UserCount'];
                     $StatArr['TotalData']['UserCount'] += $Stat['UserCount'];
             $sql = "SELECT count(*) as UserCount FROM {$table_name} as log where UserIdCard =''";
             $UserCount = $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
             $StatArr['UnDefined'] += $UserCount;
             $StatArr['TotalData']['UserCount'] += $UserCount;
     return $StatArr;
Пример #5
 public function getQuestionNumList($ConditionList)
     $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_question_num);
     $select_fields = array('QuestionNum' => 'sum(questions)', 'QuestionType' => 'question_type', 'Qtype' => 'qtype');
     $group_fields = array('QuestionType', 'Qtype');
     if ($ConditionList['StartDate'] == $ConditionList['EndDate']) {
         $whereDate = $ConditionList['StartDate'] ? " date = '" . $ConditionList['StartDate'] . "' " : "";
         $whereStartDate = "";
         $whereEndDate = "";
     } else {
         $whereStartDate = $ConditionList['StartDate'] ? " date >= '" . $ConditionList['StartDate'] . "' " : "";
         $whereEndDate = $ConditionList['EndDate'] ? " date <= '" . $ConditionList['EndDate'] . "' " : "";
         $whereDate = "";
     $whereQtype = $ConditionList['QtypeId'] ? " qtype = " . $ConditionList['QtypeId'] . " " : "";
     //$whereQuestionType = $ConditionList['QuestionType']?" question_type in (".$ConditionList['QuestionType'].")":"";
     $QuestionTypeArrTemp = explode(',', $ConditionList['QuestionType']);
     $QuestionTypeArr = $this->config->QuestionTypeList;
     foreach ($QuestionTypeArr as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, $QuestionTypeArrTemp)) {
     if (count($QuestionTypeArr) < 1) {
         $QuestionTypeArr = $this->config->QuestionTypeList;
     $t = array();
     foreach ($QuestionTypeArr as $key => $value) {
         $t[] = "'" . $key . "'";
     $whereQuestionType = "question_type in (" . implode(",", $t) . ")";
     $whereCondition = array($whereDate, $whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereQtype, $whereQuestionType);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $QtypeList = $this->getAllQtype(1, 'name,id,trading,pid');
     $QuestionNum = array();
     foreach ($QuestionTypeArr as $QuestionType => $QuestionTypeName) {
         $oCategory = new Kubao_Category();
         $CategoryInfo = $oCategory->getCategoryByQuestionType($QuestionType, 'name');
         $QuestionNum[$QuestionType] = array('content' => $CategoryInfo['name'] . "总量:", 'QuestionNum' => 0, 'QuestionNumList' => array());
         foreach ($QtypeList as $key => $QtypeInfo) {
             if ($QuestionType == "complain") {
                 $TradingConfig = unserialize($QtypeInfo['trading']);
                 if (trim($TradingConfig['directOrderUrl']) == "") {
                     $OrderCount = $this->getOrderCount($QtypeInfo['id'], 'order_count');
                     $OrderCount = isset($OrderCount['order_count']) ? intval($OrderCount['order_count']) : 0;
                     $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList'][$QtypeInfo['id']] = array('QuestionNum' => 0, 'OrderCount' => $OrderCount, 'QtypeId' => $QtypeInfo['id'], 'content' => $QtypeInfo['name'], 'url' => 'http://sc.5173.com/?index/questionTypeDetail/' . $QtypeInfo['id'] . '/' . $QuestionType);
                     $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['OrderCount'] += $OrderCount;
             } else {
                 $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList'][$QtypeInfo['id']] = array('QuestionNum' => 0, 'QtypeId' => $QtypeInfo['id'], 'content' => $QtypeInfo['name'], 'url' => 'http://sc.5173.com/?index/questionTypeDetail/' . $QtypeInfo['id'] . '/' . $QuestionType);
         foreach ($QtypeList as $key => $QtypeInfo) {
             if ($QtypeInfo['pid'] > 0) {
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} where 1 " . $where . $groups;
     $data = $this->db->getAll($sql);
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNumList'][$value['Qtype']])) {
             if ($value['QuestionType'] == "complain") {
                 $QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNum'] += $value['QuestionNum'];
                 if ($QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNumList'][$value['Qtype']]['OrderCount'] > 0) {
                     $value['QuestionNum'] = $value['QuestionNum'] / $QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNumList'][$value['Qtype']]['OrderCount'];
                     if ($value['QuestionNum'] > 1 || $value['QuestionNum'] < 1 / 100 / 100) {
                         $value['QuestionNum'] = "0.01%";
                         //$value['QuestionNum'] = $QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['OrderCount'];
                     } else {
                         $value['QuestionNum'] = sprintf("%2.2f", $value['QuestionNum'] * 100) . "%";
                 } else {
                     $value['QuestionNum'] = "0.01%";
                     //$value['QuestionNum'] = $value['QuestionNum'];//$QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['OrderCount'];
                 $QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNumList'][$value['Qtype']]['QuestionNum'] = $value['QuestionNum'];
             } else {
                 $QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNumList'][$value['Qtype']]['QuestionNum'] = $value['QuestionNum'];
                 $QuestionNum[$value['QuestionType']]['QuestionNum'] += $value['QuestionNum'];
     foreach ($QuestionTypeArr as $QuestionType => $QuestionTypeName) {
         $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList2'] = array();
         foreach ($QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList'] as $key => $value) {
             $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList2'][] = $value;
         $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList'] = $QuestionNum[$QuestionType]['QuestionNumList2'];
     if (isset($QuestionNum["complain"])) {
         $Q = sprintf("%2.2f", $QuestionNum["complain"]['QuestionNum'] / $QuestionNum["complain"]['OrderCount'] * 100) . "%";
         if ($Q > 1 || $Q < 1 / 100 / 100) {
             $QuestionNum["complain"]['QuestionNum'] = "0.01%";
         } else {
             $QuestionNum["complain"]['QuestionNum'] = sprintf("%2.2f", $Q) . "%";
     return $QuestionNum;
Пример #6
 public function getFirstPayDay($StartDate, $EndDate, $RegStartDate, $RegEndDate, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $select_fields = array('FirstPayUser' => 'count(distinct(AcceptUserId))', 'TotalAmount' => 'sum(Amount)', 'Date' => "from_unixtime(PayTime,'%Y-%m-%d')", 'PartnerId', 'AppId');
     $group_fields = array('Date', 'PartnerId', 'AppId');
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " PayedTime >= '" . strtotime($StartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " PayedTime <= '" . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereRegStartDate = $RegStartDate ? " UserRegTime >= '" . strtotime($RegStartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereRegEndDate = $RegEndDate ? " UserRegTime <= '" . (strtotime($RegEndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereRegStartDate, $whereRegEndDate, $oWherePartnerPermission);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $date = $StartDate;
     do {
         $StatArr['PayDate'][$date] = array('FirstPayUser' => 0, 'Detail' => array());
         $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date) + 86400);
     } while (strtotime($date) <= strtotime($EndDate));
     $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_first);
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
     $PayDateArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
     if (is_array($PayDateArr)) {
         foreach ($PayDateArr as $key => $Stat) {
             if (isset($StatArr['PayDate'][$Stat['Date']]['Detail'][$Stat['AppId']][$Stat['PartnerId']])) {
                 $StatArr['PayDate'][$Stat['Date']]['FirstPayUser'] += $Stat['FirstPayUser'];
                 $StatArr['PayDate'][$Stat['Date']]['Detail'][$Stat['AppId']][$Stat['PartnerId']]['TotalAmount'] += $Stat['TotalAmount'];
             } else {
                 $StatArr['PayDate'][$Stat['Date']]['Detail'][$Stat['AppId']][$Stat['PartnerId']] = array('TotalAmount' => 0);
                 $StatArr['PayDate'][$Stat['Date']]['FirstPayUser'] += $Stat['FirstPayUser'];
                 $StatArr['PayDate'][$Stat['Date']]['Detail'][$Stat['AppId']][$Stat['PartnerId']]['TotalAmount'] += $Stat['TotalAmount'];
     return $StatArr;
Пример #7
 public function getFirstLoginUserByAll($FirstStartDate, $FirstEndDate, $RegStartDate, $RegEndDate, $ServerId, $oWherePartnerPermission, $type)
     if ($type == 1) {
         $select_fields = array('LoginUser' => 'count(distinct(UserId))', 'Date' => "from_unixtime(FirstLoginTime,'%Y-%m-%d')", 'DayLag' => "floor((LoginTime-FirstLoginTime)/86400)");
     } else {
         $select_fields = array('LoginUser' => 'count(distinct(UserId))', 'Date' => "from_unixtime(FirstLoginTime,'%Y-%m-%d')", 'DayLag' => "datediff(from_unixtime(LoginTime,'%Y-%m-%d'),from_unixtime(FirstLoginTime,'%Y-%m-%d'))");
     $group_fields = array('Date', 'DayLag');
     $whereStartDate = $FirstStartDate ? " FirstLoginTime >= '" . strtotime($FirstStartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $FirstEndDate ? " FirstLoginTime <= '" . (strtotime($FirstEndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereRegStartDate = $RegStartDate ? " UserRegTime >= '" . strtotime($RegStartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereRegEndDate = $RegEndDate ? " UserRegTime <= '" . (strtotime($RegEndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereRegStartDate, $whereRegEndDate, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $date = $FirstStartDate;
     do {
         $StatArr['LoginDate'][$date] = array();
         $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date) + 86400);
     } while (strtotime($date) <= strtotime($FirstEndDate));
     $DateStart = date("Ym", strtotime($FirstStartDate));
     $DateEnd = date("Ym", strtotime($FirstEndDate));
     $DateList = array();
     $Date = $FirstStartDate;
     do {
         $D = date("Ym", strtotime($Date));
         $DateList[] = $D;
         $Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("{$Date} +1 month"));
     } while ($D != $DateEnd);
     foreach ($DateList as $key => $value) {
         $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_date) . "_" . $value;
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $LoginDateArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         if (is_array($LoginDateArr)) {
             foreach ($LoginDateArr as $key => $Stat) {
                 if (isset($StatArr['LoginDate'][$Stat['Date']][$Stat['DayLag']])) {
                     $StatArr['LoginDate'][$Stat['Date']][$Stat['DayLag']]['LoginUser'] += $Stat['LoginUser'];
                 } else {
                     $StatArr['LoginDate'][$Stat['Date']][$Stat['DayLag']] = array('LoginUser' => 0);
                     $StatArr['LoginDate'][$Stat['Date']][$Stat['DayLag']]['LoginUser'] += $Stat['LoginUser'];
     return $StatArr;
Пример #8
 public function getExchangeDay($StartDate, $EndDate, $ExchangeType, $ServerId, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $select_fields = array('ExchangeUser' => 'count(distinct(UserId))', 'ExchangeCount' => 'count(*)', 'TotalAppCoin' => 'sum(AppCoin)', 'Date' => "from_unixtime(ExchangeTime,'%Y-%m-%d')");
     $group_fields = array('Date', 'AppId', 'PartnerId');
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " ExchangeTime >= '" . strtotime($StartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " ExchangeTime <= '" . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereType = $ExchangeType ? " ExchangeType = " . $ExchangeType . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $oWherePartnerPermission, $whereType);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $date = $StartDate;
     $StatArr['TotalData'] = array('ExchangeUser' => 0, 'ExchangeCount' => 0, 'TotalAppCoin' => 0);
     do {
         $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$date] = array('ExchangeUser' => 0, 'ExchangeCount' => 0, 'TotalAppCoin' => 0);
         $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date) + 86400);
     } while (strtotime($date) <= strtotime($EndDate));
     $DateStart = date("Ym", strtotime($StartDate));
     $DateEnd = date("Ym", strtotime($EndDate));
     $DateList = array();
     $Date = $StartDate;
     do {
         $D = date("Ym", strtotime($Date));
         $DateList[] = $D;
         $Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("{$Date} +1 month"));
     } while ($D != $DateEnd);
     $oPartnerApp = new Config_Partner_App();
     $oArea = new Config_Area();
     foreach ($DateList as $key => $value) {
         $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table) . "_date_" . $value;
         $sql = "SELECT  {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $ExchangeDateArr = $this->db->getAll($sql);
         if (is_array($ExchangeDateArr)) {
             foreach ($ExchangeDateArr as $key => $Stat) {
                 if (isset($StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']])) {
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']]['ExchangeCount'] += $Stat['ExchangeCount'];
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']]['ExchangeUser'] += $Stat['ExchangeUser'];
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']]['TotalAppCoin'] += $Stat['TotalAppCoin'];
                 } else {
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']] = array('ExchangeUser' => 0, 'ExchangeCount' => 0, 'TotalAppCoin' => 0);
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']]['ExchangeCount'] += $Stat['ExchangeCount'];
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']]['ExchangeUser'] += $Stat['ExchangeUser'];
                     $StatArr['ExchangeDate'][$Stat['Date']]['TotalAppCoin'] += $Stat['TotalAppCoin'];
     return $StatArr;
Пример #9
 public function getSendStatus($Date, $ServerId, $uType)
     $select_fields = array('SendCount' => 'count(*)', 'H' => 'from_unixtime(Sendtime,"%H")', 'm' => 'from_unixtime(SendTime,"%i")');
     $whereuType = $uType ? ' uType = ' . $uType . ' ' : '';
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? ' ServerId = ' . $ServerId . ' ' : '';
     $whereCondition = array($whereuType, $whereServer);
     $group_fields = array('H', 'm');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $table_to_process = $this->getDbTable($this->table_date) . "_" . date("Ymd", strtotime($Date));
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
     $return = $this->db->getAll($sql);
     $SendStatus = array();
     if (count($return)) {
         foreach ($return as $key => $value) {
             $SendStatus[$value['H'] * 60 + $value['m']]['SendCount'] = $value['SendCount'];
     return $SendStatus;
Пример #10
 public function getPveTowerSummary($StartTime, $EndTime, $UserId, $InstMapId, $HeroId, $ServerId, $TowerIndex, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $select_fields = array('UserId', 'PassCount' => 'count(*)', 'FirstPassTime' => 'min(EndTowerTime)', 'TotalTime' => 'sum(RunTime)/1000');
     $group_fields = array('UserId');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereStartTime = $StartTime ? " CreateTowerTime >= " . $StartTime . " " : "";
     $whereEndTime = $EndTime ? " CreateTowerTime <= " . $EndTime . " " : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " UserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereInstMap = $InstMapId ? " SlkId = " . $InstMapId . " " : "";
     $whereHero = $HeroId != -1 ? " HeroId = " . $HeroId . " " : "";
     $whereIndex = $TowerIndex ? " TowerIndex = " . $TowerIndex . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereUser, $whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $whereServer, $whereInstMap, $whereHero, $whereIndex, $oWherePartnerPermission);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     if ($UserId) {
         //echo "1轮<br>";
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_pve_tower_log_user, $position);
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $PveTowerSummaryArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         if (isset($PveTowerSummaryArr)) {
             foreach ($PveTowerSummaryArr as $key => $value) {
                 $StatArr['UserList'][$value['UserId']] = $value;
         $StatArr['UserCount'] = count($StatArr['UserList']);
     } elseif (!$UserId && date('m', $StartTime) == date('m', $EndTime)) {
         //echo "1轮<br>";
         $Date = date("Ym", $StartTime);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_pve_tower_log) . "_" . $Date;
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $PveTowerSummaryArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         if (isset($PveTowerSummaryArr)) {
             foreach ($PveTowerSummaryArr as $key => $value) {
                 $StatArr['UserList'][$value['UserId']] = $value;
         $StatArr['UserCount'] = count($StatArr['UserList']);
     if (!$UserId && date('m', $StartTime) != date('m', $EndTime)) {
         //echo "256轮<br>";
         for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
             $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById(sprintf("%03d", $i));
             $table_to_process = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_pve_tower_log_user, $position);
             $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
             $PveTowerSummaryArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
             if (isset($PveTowerSummaryArr)) {
                 foreach ($PveTowerSummaryArr as $key => $value) {
                     $StatArr['UserList'][$value['UserId']] = $value;
             $StatArr['UserCount'] = count($StatArr['UserList']);
     return $StatArr;
Пример #11
 public function getNpcItemPurchaseDetailCount($StartTime, $EndTime, $UserId, $ServerId, $MoneyType, $oWherePartnerPermission, $ItemListText)
     $select_fields = array('PurchaseCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartTime = $StartTime ? " NpcPurchaseTime >= '" . strtotime($StartTime) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndTime = $EndTime ? " NpcPurchaseTime <= '" . strtotime($EndTime) . "' " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereItemID = $ItemListText ? " ItemID in ( " . $ItemListText . " )" : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " UserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereMoney = $MoneyType ? " MoneyType = " . $MoneyType . " " : "";
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $whereUser, $whereMoney, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission, $whereItemID);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     if ($UserId) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_npc_item_purchase) . "_user_" . $position['db_fix'];
     } else {
         $Date = date("Ym", strtotime($StartTime));
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_npc_item_purchase) . "_" . $Date;
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $PurchaseCount = $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
     if ($PurchaseCount) {
         return $PurchaseCount;
     } else {
         return 0;
Пример #12
 public function getActiveGenLog($StartDate, $EndDate, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $select_fields = array('ActiveGenCount' => 'sum(GenedNum)', 'GenDate' => "from_unixtime(GenTime,'%Y-%m-%d')");
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " GenTime >= '" . strtotime($StartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " GenTime <= '" . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $group_fields = array('GenDate');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $oWherePartnerPermission);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $Date = $StartDate;
     $StatArr = array('ActiveGen' => array(), 'TotalData' => array('Total' => 0));
     do {
         $StatArr['ActiveGen'][$Date] = array('ActiveGenCount' => 0);
         $Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($Date) + 86400);
     } while (strtotime($Date) <= strtotime($EndDate));
     $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_gen_log);
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
     $CharacterDeadArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
     foreach ($CharacterDeadArr as $key => $val) {
         $StatArr['ActiveGen'][$val['GenDate']]['ActiveGenCount'] = $val['ActiveGenCount'];
         $StatArr['TotalData']['Total'] += $val['ActiveGenCount'];
     return $StatArr;
Пример #13
 public function changeHeroByLevel($StartDate, $EndDate, $ServerId, $HeroId, $oWherePartnerPermission, $CurHeroId, $NewHeroId)
     $select_fields = array('HeroChangeCount' => 'count(*)', 'UserCount' => 'count(distinct(UserId))', 'CharacterLevel' => 'CharacterLevel', 'HeroChangeDate' => "from_unixtime(HeroChangeTime,'%Y-%m-%d')");
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " HeroChangeTime >= '" . strtotime($StartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " HeroChangeTime <= '" . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereCurHero = $CurHeroId ? " CurHeroId = " . $CurHeroId . " " : "";
     $whereNewHero = $NewHeroId ? " NewHeroId = " . $NewHeroId . " " : "";
     $group_fields = array('CharacterLevel');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission, $whereReason, $whereCurHero, $whereNewHero);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $StatArr = array('ChangeHero' => array());
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 50; $i++) {
         $StatArr['ChangeHero'][$i] = array('HeroChangeCount' => 0, 'UserCount' => 0);
     $DateStart = date("Ym", strtotime($StartDate));
     $DateEnd = date("Ym", strtotime($EndDate));
     $DateList = array();
     $Date = $StartDate;
     do {
         $D = date("Ym", strtotime($Date));
         $DateList[] = $D;
         $Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("{$Date} +1 month"));
     } while ($D != $DateEnd);
     foreach ($DateList as $k => $v) {
         $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_change) . "_" . $v;
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $ChangeHeroLogoutArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         foreach ($ChangeHeroLogoutArr as $key => $val) {
             $StatArr['ChangeHero'][$val['CharacterLevel']]['HeroChangeCount'] += $val['HeroChangeCount'];
             $StatArr['ChangeHero'][$val['CharacterLevel']]['UserCount'] += $val['UserCount'];
     return $StatArr;
Пример #14
 public function getCharacterLevel($ServerId, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $select_fields = array('UserId', 'MaxLevel' => 'max(CharacterLevel)', 'ServerId');
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $group_fields = array('UserId', 'ServerId');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $StatArr = array('Level' => array());
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) {
         $StatArr['Level'][$i] = array('UserCount' => 0);
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) {
         $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_levelup_log) . "_user_" . dechex($i);
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $CharacterLevelArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         foreach ($CharacterLevelArr as $key => $val) {
     return $StatArr;
Пример #15
 public function getCharacterTaskCompleteByType($StartDate, $EndDate, $ServerId, $TaskId, $TaskType, $oWherePartnerPermission, $TaskTypeList)
     $select_fields = array('CompleteCount' => 'count(*)', 'UserCount' => 'count(distinct(UserId))', 'TaskType', 'TaskId');
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " HeroTaskCompleteTime >= '" . strtotime($StartDate) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " HeroTaskCompleteTime <= '" . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . "' " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereTask = $TaskId ? " TaskId = " . $TaskId . " " : "";
     $whereTaskType = $TaskType != 999 ? " TaskType = " . $TaskType . " " : "";
     $group_fields = array('TaskType', 'TaskId');
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission, $whereTask, $whereTaskType);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     foreach ($TaskTypeList as $Type => $TypeData) {
         $StatArr['TaskType'][$Type] = array("name" => $TypeData, 'CompleteCount' => 0, 'UserCount' => 0);
     $DateStart = date("Ym", strtotime($StartDate));
     $DateEnd = date("Ym", strtotime($EndDate));
     $DateList = array();
     $Date = $StartDate;
     do {
         $D = date("Ym", strtotime($Date));
         $DateList[] = $D;
         $Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("{$Date} +1 month"));
     } while ($D != $DateEnd);
     foreach ($DateList as $k => $v) {
         $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_task_complete_log) . "_" . $v;
         $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where . $groups;
         $CharacterTaskAccpetArr = $this->db->getAll($sql, false);
         foreach ($CharacterTaskAccpetArr as $key => $val) {
             $StatArr['TaskType'][$val['TaskType']]['CompleteCount'] += $val['CompleteCount'];
             $StatArr['TaskType'][$val['TaskType']]['UserCount'] += $val['UserCount'];
             if (!isset($StatArr['Task'][$val['TaskId']])) {
                 $StatArr['Task'][$val['TaskId']]['CompleteCount'] = $val['CompleteCount'];
                 $StatArr['Task'][$val['TaskId']]['UserCount'] = $val['UserCount'];
             } else {
                 $StatArr['Task'][$val['TaskId']]['CompleteCount'] += $val['CompleteCount'];
                 $StatArr['Task'][$val['TaskId']]['UserCount'] += $val['UserCount'];
     return $StatArr;