public function create_contact($r) { global $OUTPUT; $mail = $r['record']['email']; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/epesi_contacts_addressbook_backend.php'; $contacts = new epesi_contacts_addressbook_backend('CRM Contacts'); $ret = $contacts->search('email', $mail, true, false); if (count($ret->records)) { $OUTPUT->show_message('contactexists', 'warning'); } else { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/epesi_companies_addressbook_backend.php'; $companies = new epesi_companies_addressbook_backend('CRM Companies'); $ret = $companies->search('email', $mail, true, false); if (count($ret->records)) { $OUTPUT->show_message('contactexists', 'warning'); } else { if (isset($r['record']['firstname']) && $r['record']['firstname'] !== "" && isset($r['record']['surname']) && $r['record']['surname'] !== "") { $name = array($r['record']['firstname'], $r['record']['surname']); } else { $name = explode(' ', $r['record']['name'], 2); } if (count($name) < 2) { $OUTPUT->show_message('errorsavingcontact', 'warning'); } else { $loc = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::get_default_location(); Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::new_record('contact', array('first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'email' => $mail, 'permission' => 0, 'country' => $loc['country'])); $OUTPUT->show_message('addedsuccessfully', 'confirmation'); } } } $OUTPUT->send(); // return array('abort'=>true); }
public function month_array($date, $mark = array()) { $first_day_of_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-', $date) . '01'); $diff = date('w', $first_day_of_month) - Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::get_first_day_of_week(); if ($diff < 0) { $diff += 7; } $currday = strtotime("-{$diff} days", $first_day_of_month); $curmonth = date('m', $date); $month = array(); $today = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false, true, true, false))); $colors = CRM_Calendar_EventCommon::get_available_colors(); while (date('m', $currday) != $curmonth % 12 + 1) { $week = array(); $weekno = date('W', $currday); $link = Base_BoxCommon::create_href($this, 'CRM_Calendar', null, null, null, array('jump_to_date' => $currday, 'switch_to_tab' => 'Week')); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $main_month = date('m', $currday) == $curmonth; $next = array('day' => date('j', $currday), 'day_link' => Base_BoxCommon::create_href($this, 'CRM_Calendar', null, null, null, array('jump_to_date' => $currday, 'switch_to_tab' => 'Day')), 'style' => ($main_month ? date('Y-m-d', $currday) == $today ? 'today' : 'current' : 'other') . (date('N', $currday) >= 6 ? '_weekend' : ''), 'time' => $currday); if ($main_month && isset($mark[date('Y-m-d', $currday)])) { $next['style'] .= ' event-' . $colors[$mark[date('Y-m-d', $currday)]]; } $week[] = $next; $currday = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 12:00:00', $currday)) + 3600 * 24) . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $currday)); } $month[] = array('week_label' => $weekno, 'week_link' => $link, 'days' => $week); } return $month; }
public static function format_time($time) { static $base_unix_time = null; if ($base_unix_time === null) { $base_unix_time = strtotime('1970-01-01 00:00'); } return Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($base_unix_time + $time, 'without_seconds', false, false); }
public function body() { if (!Base_AclCommon::i_am_user()) { print __('First log in to the system.'); return; } $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), __('Saving settings')); //pass $form->addElement('header', null, __('Change password')); $form->addElement('html', '<tr><td colspan=2>' . __('Leave password boxes empty if you prefer your current password') . '</td></tr>'); $form->addElement('password', 'new_pass', __('New password')); $form->addElement('password', 'new_pass_c', __('Confirm new password')); $form->addRule(array('new_pass', 'new_pass_c'), __('Your passwords don\'t match'), 'compare'); $form->addRule('new_pass', __('Your password must be longer then 5 chars'), 'minlength', 6); //mail $form->addElement('header', null, __('Change e-mail')); $form->addElement('text', 'mail', __('New e-mail address')); $form->addRule('mail', __('Field required'), 'required'); $form->addRule('mail', __('Invalid e-mail address'), 'email'); //autologin $ret = DB::GetAll('SELECT autologin_id,description,last_log FROM user_autologin WHERE user_login_id=%d', array(Acl::get_user())); if ($ret) { $form->addElement('header', null, __('Delete autologin')); } foreach ($ret as $row) { $form->addElement('checkbox', 'delete_autologin[' . $row['autologin_id'] . ']', $row['description'], Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['last_log'])); } //confirmation $form->addElement('header', null, __('Confirmation')); $form->addElement('password', 'old_pass', __('Old password')); $form->registerRule('check_old_pass', 'callback', 'check_old_pass', $this); $form->addRule('old_pass', __('Old password incorrect'), 'check_old_pass'); $form->addRule('old_pass', __('Field required'), 'required'); if (Base_AclCommon::check_permission('Advanced User Settings')) { Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_main_href('Base_User_Settings')); } Base_ActionBarCommon::add('save', __('Save'), $form->get_submit_form_href()); #$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('OK')); if ($form->validate_with_message('Setting saved', __('Problem encountered'))) { if ($form->process(array(&$this, 'submit_user_preferences'))) { if (Base_AclCommon::check_permission('Advanced User Settings')) { Base_BoxCommon::location('Base_User_Settings'); } } } else { //defaults $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT p.mail FROM user_password p WHERE p.user_login_id=%d', Acl::get_user()); if ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $form->setDefaults(array('mail' => $row[0])); } $form->display(); } }
public function body($skin, $size = 200) { print '<center' . ($skin == 'chunkySwissOnBlack' ? ' style="background-color:black; color:white;"' : '') . '>'; $browser = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'msie'); if ($browser !== false || $skin == 'flash') { $size *= 2; //clock taken from $clock = $this->get_module_dir() . 'clock.swf'; print '<center><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '">' . '<param name="movie" value="' . $clock . '">' . '<param name="quality" value="high">' . '<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' . '<param name="menu" value="false">' . '<embed src="' . $clock . '" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '">' . '</object></center>'; } else { load_js($this->get_module_dir() . 'coolclock.js'); eval_js('CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks()'); print '<canvas id="' . $this->get_path() . 'canvas" class="CoolClock:' . $skin . ':' . $size . '"></canvas>'; } print '<BR>' . Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false) . '</center>'; }
public function init() { $d = getcwd(); chdir('../../../../'); require_once 'include/epesi.php'; require_once 'include/cache.php'; require_once 'include/variables.php'; require_once 'include/misc.php'; require_once 'include/module_primitive.php'; require_once 'include/module_install.php'; require_once 'include/module_common.php'; require_once 'include/module.php'; require_once 'include/module_manager.php'; require_once 'include/autoloader.php'; ModuleManager::load_modules(); chdir($d); global $E_SESSION; $_SESSION['user'] = $E_SESSION['user']; if (Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time_12h()) { $time = 'h:i a'; } else { $time = 'H:i'; } $date = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::date_format(); switch ($date) { case '%Y-%m-%d': $date = 'Y-m-d'; break; case '%m/%d/%Y': $date = 'm/d/Y'; break; case '%d %B %Y': $date = 'd F Y'; break; case '%d %b %Y': $date = 'd M Y'; break; case '%b %d, %Y': $date = 'M d, Y'; break; } rcmail::get_instance()->config->set('date_short', 'D ' . $time); rcmail::get_instance()->config->set('date_long', $date . ' ' . $time); rcmail::get_instance()->config->set('date_today', $time); $this->add_hook('message_outgoing_body', array($this, 'add_signature')); $this->add_hook('user_create', array($this, 'lookup_user_name')); }
public function applet($conf, &$opts) { //available applet options: toggle,href,title,go,go_function,go_arguments,go_contruct_arguments $opts['go'] = false; // enable/disable full screen $opts['title'] = $conf['title']; $title = __('Birthdays upcoming in the next: %d days.', array($conf['no_of_days'])); $sort_order = 'ASC'; // initialize the recordset $rb = $this->init_module(Utils_RecordBrowser::module_name(), 'contact', 'contact'); // $conds - parameters for the applet // 1st - table field names, width, truncate // 2nd - criteria (filter) // 3rd - sorting // 4th - function to return tooltip // 5th - limit how many records are returned, null = no limit // 6th - Actions icons - default are view + info (with tooltip) // 1st - table field names $cols = array(array('field' => 'last_name', 'width' => 15), array('field' => 'first_name', 'width' => 15), array('field' => 'birth_date', 'width' => 15)); // 2nd - criteria (filter) if ($conf['no_of_days'] < 0) { $title = __('Birthdays from the last %d days.', array(-$conf['no_of_days'])); $sort_order = 'DESC'; } $dates = array(); $now = strtotime(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false, true, true, false)); foreach (range(0, $conf['no_of_days']) as $day) { $dates[] = date('%%-%m-%d', strtotime("+{$day} days", $now)); } $crits = array("~birth_date" => $dates); if (isset($conf['cont_type']) && $conf['cont_type'] == 'f') { $crits[':Fav'] = true; } // 3rd - sorting $sorting = array('birth_date' => $sort_order); // 4th - function to return tooltip $tooltip = null; // 5th - limit how many records are returned, null = no limit $limit = null; // 6th - Actions icons - default are view + info (with tooltip) $conds = array($cols, $crits, $sorting, $tooltip, $limit, $conf, &$opts); // initialize miniview print $title; $this->display_module($rb, $conds, 'mini_view'); }
public static function notification() { $time = time() - 24 * 3600; $arr = DB::GetAll('SELECT ul.login, as user_id,, asm.message, asm.posted_on, asm.to_user_login_id FROM apps_shoutbox_messages asm LEFT JOIN user_login ul ON WHERE asm.posted_on>=%T AND asm.base_user_login_id!=%d AND (asm.to_user_login_id=%d OR asm.to_user_login_id is null) ORDER BY asm.posted_on DESC LIMIT 10', array($time, Base_AclCommon::get_user(), Base_AclCommon::get_user())); if (empty($arr)) { return array(); } //print it out $ret = array(); $tray = array(); foreach ($arr as $row) { if (!$row['login']) { $row['login'] = '******'; } $ret['shoutbox_' . $row['id']] = vsprintf('<font color="gray">[%s]</font><font color="blue">%s</font>: %s', array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['posted_on']), $row['login'], $row['message'])); $tray['shoutbox_' . $row['id']] = array('title' => __('Shoutbox Message'), 'body' => $row['to_user_login_id'] ? __('%s wrote to you: %s', array(Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['user_id'], true), $row['message'])) : __('%s wrote to all: %s', array(Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['user_id'], true), $row['message']))); } return array('notifications' => $ret, 'tray' => $tray); }
public function applet($conf, &$opts) { //available applet options: toggle,href,title,go,go_function,go_arguments,go_contruct_arguments $opts['go'] = false; // enable/disable full screen $opts['title'] = $conf['title']; // initialize the recordset $rb = $this->init_module('Utils/RecordBrowser', 'contact', 'contact'); $me = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_my_record(); // $conds - parameters for the applet // 1st - table field names, width, truncate // 2nd - criteria (filter) // 3rd - sorting // 4th - function to return tooltip // 5th - limit how many records are returned, null = no limit // 6th - Actions icons - default are view + info (with tooltip) // 1st - table field names $cols = array(array('field' => 'last_name', 'width' => 15), array('field' => 'first_name', 'width' => 15), array('field' => 'birth_date', 'width' => 15)); // 2nd - criteria (filter) // TO DO - filter date - today through today+2 weeks $dates = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $conf['no_of_days']; $i++) { $dates[] = DB::Concat(DB::qstr('%'), DB::qstr(date('-m-d', strtotime(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(strtotime('+' . $i . ' days'), false, true, true, false))))); } if (isset($conf['cont_type']) && $conf['cont_type'] == 'f') { $crits = array(':Fav' => true, '"~birth_date' => $dates); } else { $crits = array('"~birth_date' => $dates); } // 3rd - sorting $sorting = array('last_name' => 'ASC'); // 4th - function to return tooltip $tooltip = 'test'; // 5th - limit how many records are returned, null = no limit $limit = null; // 6th - Actions icons - default are view + info (with tooltip) $conds = array($cols, $crits, $sorting, $tooltip, $limit, $conf, &$opts); // initialize miniview print __('Birthdays upcoming in the next: %d days.', array($conf['no_of_days'])); $this->display_module($rb, $conds, 'mini_view'); }
public function admin() { if ($this->is_back()) { $this->parent->reset(); } Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href()); $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $new_token_href = $this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure?'), array($this, 'new_token')); $theme->assign('new_token_href', $new_token_href); $theme->assign('wiki_url', ''); $theme->assign('cron_url', Base_CronCommon::get_cron_url()); $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'cron'); $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'Description', 'width' => 65), array('name' => 'Last Run', 'width' => 20), array('name' => 'Running', 'width' => 15))); $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT description,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last DESC'); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $m->add_row($row['description'] ? $row['description'] : '???', $row['last'] ? Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['last']) : '---', $row['running'] ? '<span style="color:red">' . __('Yes') . '</span>' : '<span style="color:green">' . __('No') . '</span>'); } $html = $this->get_html_of_module($m); $theme->assign('history', $html); $theme->display(); }
public static function post_install() { $loc = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::get_default_location(); $ret = array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'cname', 'label' => __('Company Name'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64), 'rule' => array(array('type' => 'required', 'message' => __('Field required')))), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'sname', 'label' => __('Short company name'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64))); if (Acl::is_user()) { $ret[] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'fname', 'label' => __('Your first name'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64), 'rule' => array(array('type' => 'required', 'message' => __('Field required')))); $ret[] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'lname', 'label' => __('Your last name'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64), 'rule' => array(array('type' => 'required', 'message' => __('Field required')))); } return array_merge($ret, array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'address1', 'label' => __('Address 1'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64)), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'address2', 'label' => __('Address 2'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64)), array('type' => 'callback', 'name' => 'country', 'func' => array('CRM_ContactsInstall', 'country_element'), 'default' => $loc['country']), array('type' => 'callback', 'name' => 'state', 'func' => array('CRM_ContactsInstall', 'state_element'), 'default' => $loc['state']), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'city', 'label' => __('City'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64), 'rule' => array(array('type' => 'required', 'message' => __('Field required')))), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'postal', 'label' => __('Postal Code'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64)), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'phone', 'label' => __('Phone'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64)), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'fax', 'label' => __('Fax'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64)), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'web', 'label' => __('Web address'), 'default' => '', 'param' => array('maxlength' => 64)))); }
public function display_activities($events, $tasks, $phonecalls) { $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'activities', 'activities'); $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Type'), 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap', 'width' => 8), array('name' => __('Subject'), 'width' => 20), array('name' => __('Date/Deadline'), 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap', 'width' => 8), array('name' => __('Employees'), 'width' => 11), array('name' => __('Customers'), 'width' => 11), array('name' => __('Attachments'), 'width' => 4))); $amount = 0; if ($this->display['events']) { $amount += count($events); } if ($this->display['tasks']) { $amount += count($tasks); } if ($this->display['phonecalls']) { $amount += count($phonecalls); } $limit = $gb->get_limit($amount); for ($i = 0; $i < $limit['offset'] + $limit['numrows'] && $i < $amount; $i++) { if ($this->display['events'] && count($events)) { $ev = current($events); } else { $ev = array('start' => -1); } if ($this->display['tasks'] && count($tasks)) { $t = current($tasks); if (!$t['deadline']) { $t['deadline'] = 0; } else { $t['deadline'] = strtotime($t['deadline']); } } else { $t = array('deadline' => -1); } if ($this->display['phonecalls'] && count($phonecalls)) { $ph = current($phonecalls); $ph['date_and_time'] = strtotime($ph['date_and_time']); } else { $ph = array('date_and_time' => -1); } $maxt = max($ev['start'], $t['deadline'], $ph['date_and_time']); $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row(); if ($ev['start'] == $maxt) { $v = array_shift($events); if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) { if (isset($v['view_action'])) { $view_href = $v['view_action']; } else { $view_href = $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'view_event'), array($v['id'])); } $title = '<a ' . $view_href . '>' . $v['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($v['description']) && $v['description'] != '') { $title = '<span ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs($v['description'], false) . '>' . $title . '</span>'; } $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('crm_meeting', $v['id'])); $gb_row->add_data(__('Meeting'), $title, Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['start'], $v['duration'] == -1 ? false : 2), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact(array('employees' => $v['employees']), false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact(array('customers' => $v['customers']), false, array('id' => 'customers', 'param' => ';::')), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('crm_meeting/' . $v['id'])); } } elseif ($t['deadline'] == $maxt) { $v = array_shift($tasks); $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('task', $v); if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) { $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('task', $v['id'])); $gb_row->add_data(__('Task'), CRM_TasksCommon::display_title($v, false), !isset($v['deadline']) || !$v['deadline'] ? __('No deadline') : Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['deadline'], false, true, false), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'customers')), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('task/' . $v['id'])); } } else { $v = array_shift($phonecalls); $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('phonecall', $v); if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) { $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('phonecall', $v['id'])); $gb_row->add_data(__('Phonecall'), CRM_PhoneCallCommon::display_subject($v), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['date_and_time'], 2), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_PhoneCallCommon::display_contact_name($v, false), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('phonecall/' . $v['id'])); } } } $this->display_module($gb); }
public function history($uid = null) { $th = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $th->assign('header', __('Shoutbox History')); $qf = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name()); if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) { $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT,' . DB::ifelse('cd.f_last_name!=\'\'', DB::concat('cd.f_last_name', DB::qstr(' '), 'cd.f_first_name'), 'l.login') . ' as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON ( AND WHERE ORDER BY name'); } else { $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id,login FROM user_login WHERE active=1 ORDER BY login'); } $qf->addElement('select', 'user', __('User'), array('all' => '[' . __('All') . ']') + $emps); $qf->addElement('datepicker', 'from_date', __('From')); $qf->addElement('datepicker', 'to_date', __('To')); $qf->addElement('text', 'search', __('Search for')); $qf->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Filter')); $to_date =& $this->get_module_variable('to_date'); $from_date =& $this->get_module_variable('from_date'); $user =& $this->get_module_variable('to', "all"); $qf->setDefaults(array('from_date' => $from_date, 'to_date' => $to_date, 'user' => $uid)); //if submited if ($qf->validate()) { $from_date = $qf->exportValue('from_date'); $to_date = $qf->exportValue('to_date'); $user = $qf->exportValue('user'); $search_word = $qf->exportValue('search'); } $qf->assign_theme('form', $th); $uid = is_numeric($user) ? $user : null; $date_where = ''; if ($from_date) { $date_where .= 'AND posted_on>=' . DB::DBDate($from_date); } if ($to_date) { $date_where .= 'AND posted_on<=' . DB::DBDate($to_date); } if (isset($search_word) && $search_word) { $search_word = explode(' ', $search_word); foreach ($search_word as $word) { if ($word) { $date_where .= ' AND message ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr('%'), DB::qstr(htmlspecialchars($word, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')), DB::qstr('%')); } } } $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'shoutbox_history'); $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('From'), 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('To'), 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('Message'), 'width' => 64), array('name' => __('Date'), 'width' => 16))); // $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Date')=>'DESC')); $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user(); $where = '(' . ($uid ? '(base_user_login_id=' . $myid . ' AND to_user_login_id=' . $uid . ') OR (base_user_login_id=' . $uid . ' AND to_user_login_id=' . $myid . ') OR (to_user_login_id is null AND base_user_login_id=' . $uid . ')' : 'to_user_login_id is null OR to_user_login_id=' . $myid . ' OR base_user_login_id=' . $myid) . ')' . $date_where; $query = 'SELECT base_user_login_id, to_user_login_id, message, posted_on FROM apps_shoutbox_messages WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY posted_on DESC'; $query_qty = 'SELECT count(id) FROM apps_shoutbox_messages WHERE ' . $where; $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query, $query_qty); if ($ret) { while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $ulogin = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['base_user_login_id']); if ($row['to_user_login_id'] !== null) { $tologin = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['to_user_login_id']); } else { $tologin = '******' . __('All') . ']'; } $gb->add_row('<span class="author">' . $ulogin . '</span>', '<span class="author">' . $tologin . '</span>', array('value' => Utils_BBCodeCommon::parse($row['message']), 'overflow_box' => false), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['posted_on'])); } } $gb->set_inline_display(true); $th->assign('messages', $this->get_html_of_module($gb)); $th->display(); return true; }
public function view_edit_history($id){ load_js('modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/edit_history.js'); if ($this->is_back()) return $this->back(); $this->init(); $tb = $this->init_module('Utils_TabbedBrowser'); $gb_cha = $this->init_module('Utils/GenericBrowser', null, $this->tab.'__changes'); $form = $this->init_module('Libs_QuickForm'); $table_columns_changes = array( array('name'=>__('Date'), 'width'=>10, 'wrapmode'=>'nowrap'), array('name'=>__('Username'), 'width'=>10, 'wrapmode'=>'nowrap'), array('name'=>__('Field'), 'width'=>10, 'wrapmode'=>'nowrap'), array('name'=>__('Old value'), 'width'=>10, 'wrapmode'=>'nowrap'), array('name'=>__('New value'), 'width'=>10, 'wrapmode'=>'nowrap')); $gb_cha->set_table_columns( $table_columns_changes ); $gb_cha->set_inline_display(); $created = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record($this->tab, $id, true); $access = $this->get_access('view', $created); $field_hash = array(); $edited = DB::GetRow('SELECT ul.login, c.edited_on FROM '.$this->tab.'_edit_history AS c LEFT JOIN user_login AS ul ON WHERE c.'.$this->tab.'_id=%d ORDER BY edited_on DESC',array($id)); foreach($this->table_rows as $field => $args) $field_hash[$args['id']] = $field; $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT ul.login,, c.edited_on, c.edited_by FROM '.$this->tab.'_edit_history AS c LEFT JOIN user_login AS ul ON WHERE c.'.$this->tab.'_id=%d ORDER BY edited_on DESC, id DESC',array($id)); $dates_select = array(); $tb_path = escapeJS($tb->get_path()); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $user = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['edited_by']); $date_and_time = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['edited_on']); $changed = array(); $ret2 = DB::Execute('SELECT * FROM '.$this->tab.'_edit_history_data WHERE edit_id=%d',array($row['id'])); while($row2 = $ret2->FetchRow()) { if ($row2['field']!='id' && (!isset($access[$row2['field']]) || !$access[$row2['field']])) continue; $changed[$row2['field']] = $row2['old_value']; $last_row = $row2; $dates_select[$row['edited_on']] = $date_and_time; } foreach($changed as $k=>$v) { if ($k=='id') { $gb_cha->add_row( $date_and_time, $user, array('value'=>_V($last_row['old_value']), 'attrs'=>'colspan="3" style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;"'), array('value'=>'', 'dummy'=>true), array('value'=>'', 'dummy'=>true) ); } else { if (!isset($field_hash[$k])) continue; $new = $this->get_val($field_hash[$k], $created, false, $this->table_rows[$field_hash[$k]]); if ($this->table_rows[$field_hash[$k]]['type']=='multiselect') $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::decode_multi($v); $created[$k] = $v; $old = $this->get_val($field_hash[$k], $created, false, $this->table_rows[$field_hash[$k]]); $gb_row = $gb_cha->get_new_row(); $gb_row->add_action('href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="recordbrowser_edit_history_jump(\''.$row['edited_on'].'\',\''.$this->tab.'\','.$created['id'].',\''.$form->get_name().'\');tabbed_browser_switch(1,2,null,\''.$tb_path.'\')"','View'); $gb_row->add_data( $date_and_time, $row['edited_by']!==null?$user:'', _V($this->table_rows[$field_hash[$k]]['name']), // TRSL $old, $new ); } } } $gb_row = $gb_cha->get_new_row(); $gb_row->add_data( Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($created['created_on']), $created['created_by']!==null?Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($created['created_by']):'', array('value'=>__('RECORD CREATED'), 'attrs'=>'colspan="3" style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;"'), array('value'=>'', 'dummy'=>true), array('value'=>'', 'dummy'=>true) ); // $tb->set_tab(__('Record historical view'), array($this, 'record_historical_view'), array($created, $access, $form, $dates_select), true); $tb->start_tab(__('Changes History')); $this->display_module($gb_cha); $tb->end_tab(); $tb->start_tab(__('Record historical view')); $dates_select[$created['created_on']] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($created['created_on']); foreach($this->table_rows as $field => $args) { if (!$access[$args['id']]) continue; $val = $this->get_val($field, $created, false, $args); } $form->addElement('select', 'historical_view_pick_date', __('View the record as of'), $dates_select, array('onChange'=>'recordbrowser_edit_history("'.$this->tab.'",'.$created['id'].',"'.$form->get_name().'");', 'id'=>'historical_view_pick_date')); $form->setDefaults(array('historical_view_pick_date'=>$created['created_on'])); $form->display(); $this->view_entry('history', $created); $tb->end_tab(); $this->display_module($tb); Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back',__('Back'),$this->create_back_href()); return true; }
public static function get_alarm($id) { $a = self::get_meeting($id); if (!$a) { return __('Private record'); } if ($a['duration'] < 0) { $date = __('Timeless event: %s', array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($a['date'], false))); } else { $date = __('Date: %s', array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($a['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($a['time'])), 2))); } return $date . "\n" . __('Title: %s', array($a['title'])); }
public static function get_html_record_info($created_by, $created_on, $edited_by = null, $edited_on = null, $id = null) { if ($created_by !== null) { $contact = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company(CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id($created_by), true); if ($contact != '') { $created_by = $contact; } else { $created_by = Base_UserCommon::get_user_login($created_by); } } else { $created_by = ''; } // If the record was edited get user contact info if ($edited_by != null) { if ($edited_by != $created_by) { $contact = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company(CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id($edited_by), true); } if ($contact != '') { $edited_by = $contact; } else { $edited_by = Base_UserCommon::get_user_login($edited_by); } } $htmlinfo = array(); if ($id) { $htmlinfo[__('Record ID') . ':'] = $id; } $htmlinfo[__('Created by') . ':'] = $created_by; $htmlinfo[__('Created on') . ':'] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($created_on); if ($edited_by != null) { $htmlinfo = $htmlinfo + array(__('Edited by') . ':' => $edited_by, __('Edited on') . ':' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($edited_on)); } return Utils_TooltipCommon::format_info_tooltip($htmlinfo); }
public function applet($conf, &$opts) { $opts['go'] = true; $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'agendaX'); $columns = array(array('name' => __('Start'), 'order' => 'e.starts', 'width' => 25, 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap'), array('name' => __('Title'), 'order' => 'e.title', 'width' => 50)); $gb->set_table_columns($columns); $start = date('Y-m-d', time()); $end = date('Y-m-d', time() + $conf['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60); $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Start') => 'ASC')); CRM_Calendar_EventCommon::$filter = '(' . CRM_FiltersCommon::get_my_profile() . ')'; $data = array(); Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('CRM_Calendar', 'agenda'); $custom_events = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id, handler_callback FROM crm_calendar_custom_events_handlers ORDER BY group_name'); $ret = array(); if (!empty($custom_events)) { $c = 0; foreach ($custom_events as $id => $cb) { if ($conf['events_handlers__' . $id]) { $cb = explode('::', $cb); if (!is_callable($cb)) { continue; } $add = call_user_func($cb, 'get_all', $start, $end, CRM_Calendar_EventCommon::$filter); foreach ($add as $v) { $ret[str_pad($v['start'], 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '__' . $c] = $v; $c++; } } } } ksort($ret); foreach ($ret as $row) { if (isset($row['status']) && $row['status'] == 'closed') { continue; } if (!isset($row['view_action'])) { $ex = Utils_CalendarCommon::process_event($row); $view_action = '<a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'view_event'), $row['id']) . '>'; $ev_id = explode('_', $row['id'], 2); $ev_id = $ev_id[0]; } else { $tmp = Utils_CalendarCommon::process_event($row); $ex = $row; $ex['start'] = $tmp['start']; $view_action = '<a ' . $row['view_action'] . '>'; } ////////////////////////// // left column $date = $ex['start']; /////////////////// // right column $title = Utils_TooltipCommon::create($row['title'], $row['custom_tooltip']); $day = isset($row['timeless']) && $row['timeless'] ? $row['timeless'] : Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['start'], false, true, true, false); if ($day < date('Y-m-d')) { $class = 'past'; } elseif ($day == date('Y-m-d')) { $class = 'today'; } elseif ($day == date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'))) { $class = 'tomorrow'; } else { $class = 'other'; } $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row(); $gb_row->set_attrs('class="CRM_Calendar_applet__' . $class . '"'); $gb_row->add_data(array('value' => $date, 'order_value' => isset($row['timeless']) && $row['timeless'] ? strtotime($row['timeless']) : $row['start']), array('value' => $view_action . $title . '</a>')); } $this->display_module($gb, array(false), 'automatic_display'); }
public function queue_tab($count_f, $get_f, $statuses) { $t = time(); $status =& $this->get_module_variable('queue_status', current(array_keys($statuses))); $offset =& $this->get_module_variable('queue_offset', 0); $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name()); $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $form->addElement('select', 'status', __('Status'), $statuses); $form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Show')); $form->addRule('status', 'Field required', 'required'); $form->setDefaults(array('status' => $status)); if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->exportValues(); if (array_key_exists($data['status'], $statuses)) { $status = $data['status']; } $offset = 0; } $form->assign_theme('form', $theme); $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'queue'); $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'To', 'width' => 30, 'order' => 'toNumber'), array('name' => 'Status', 'width' => 10), array('name' => 'Date', 'width' => 10, 'order' => 'creationDate'), array('name' => 'File', 'width' => 30, 'order' => 'fileName'))); $m->set_default_order(array('Date' => 'DESC')); $count = call_user_func($count_f, $status); if ($count === false) { $count = 0; } $limits = $m->get_limit($count); $order = $m->get_order(); if ($count != 0) { $data = call_user_func($get_f, $status, $order[0]['order'], $order[0]['direction'], $limits['numrows'], (string) ($limits['offset'] + 1)); } if ($count == 0 || $data === false) { $data = array(); } foreach ($data as $row) { $from_rec = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contacts(array('fax' => $row['toNumber'])); foreach ($from_rec as &$rec) { $rec = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_default($rec); } $from_rec_comp = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_companies(array('fax' => $row['toNumber'])); foreach ($from_rec_comp as $rec) { $from_rec[] = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_linked_label('company', 'Company Name', $rec); } $m->add_row(empty($from_rec) ? $row['toNumber'] : ' (' . implode(', ', $from_rec) . ')', $statuses[$row['faxStatus']], Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['creationDate']), '<a href="' . $row['fileUrl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $row['fileName'] . '</a>'); } $theme->assign('table_data', $this->get_html_of_module($m)); $theme->display(); }
//print it out foreach ($arr as $row) { $daydiff = floor((time() - strtotime($row['posted_on'])) / 86400); switch (true) { case $daydiff < 1: $fcolor = '#000000'; break; case $daydiff < 3: $fcolor = '#444444'; break; case $daydiff < 7: $fcolor = '#888888'; break; default: $fcolor = '#AAAAAA'; } $user_label = Apps_ShoutboxCommon::create_write_to_link($row['from_login_id']); if ($row['to_login_id']) { $user_label .= ' -> ' . Apps_ShoutboxCommon::create_write_to_link($row['to_login_id']); } print '<span class="author border_radius_3px dark_blue_gradient">' . $user_label . '</span><span class="time"> [' . Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['posted_on'], 2) . ']</span><br/><span class="shoutbox_textbox"style="color:' . $fcolor . ';">' . ($row['to_login_id'] == $myid && $uid === null ? '<b>' : '') . Utils_BBCodeCommon::parse($row['message']) . ($row['to_login_id'] == $myid && $uid === null ? '</b>' : '') . '</span><hr/>'; } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); require_once 'libs/minify/HTTP/Encoder.php'; $he = new HTTP_Encoder(array('content' => $content)); if (MINIFY_ENCODE) { $he->encode(); } $he->sendAll(); exit;
public function month() { $theme = $this->pack_module('Base/Theme'); Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_Calendar', 'common'); $theme->assign('trash_label', __('Drag and drop to delete')); $theme->assign('nextyear_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date'=>(date('Y',$this->date)+1).date('-m-d',$this->date)))); $theme->assign('nextyear_label',__('Next year')); $theme->assign('nextmonth_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date'=>date('Y-m-d',$this->date+86400*date('t',$this->date))))); $theme->assign('nextmonth_label',__('Next month')); $theme->assign('today_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date'=>date('Y-m-d')))); $theme->assign('today_label', __('Today')); $theme->assign('prevmonth_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date'=>date('Y-m-d',$this->date-86400*date('t',$this->date-86400*(date('d', $this->date)+1)))))); $theme->assign('prevmonth_label', __('Previous month')); $theme->assign('prevyear_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date'=>(date('Y',$this->date)-1).date('-m-d',$this->date)))); $theme->assign('prevyear_label', __('Previous year')); $theme->assign('info', __('Double click on cell to add event')); if ($this->isset_unique_href_variable('date')) $this->set_date($this->get_unique_href_variable('date')); $link_text = $this->create_unique_href_js(array('date'=>'__YEAR__-__MONTH__-__DAY__')); $theme->assign('popup_calendar', Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::show('week_selector', $link_text,'month')); $month = $this->month_array($this->date); $dnd = array(); foreach($month as & $week) { foreach($week['days'] as & $cday) { $cday['id'] = 'UCcell_'.$cday['time']; $dnd[] = $cday['time']; } } $day_headers = array(); $day = strtotime('Sun'); $day = strtotime('+'.Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::get_first_day_of_week().' days', $day); for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $day_headers[] = array('class'=>(date('N',$day)>=6?'weekend_day_header':'day_header'), 'label'=>__date('D', $day)); $day = strtotime('+1 day', $day); } $theme->assign('month_view_label', __('Month calendar')); $theme->assign('day_headers', $day_headers); $theme->assign('month', $month); $theme->assign('month_label', __date('F', $this->date)); $theme->assign('year_label', date('Y', $this->date)); $theme->assign('year_link', $this->create_unique_href(array('time'=>$this->date, 'tab'=>'Year','action'=>'switch'))); $theme->assign('trash_id','UCtrash'); $navigation_bar_additions = ''; if (is_callable(array($this->event_module, 'get_navigation_bar_additions'))) { $event_module_instance = $this->init_module($this->event_module); $navigation_bar_additions = call_user_func(array($event_module_instance,'get_navigation_bar_additions'), '', ''); } $theme->assign('navigation_bar_additions', $navigation_bar_additions); $theme->display('month'); //data $start_t = date('Y-m-d',$month[0]['days'][0]['time']); //$start_t = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($start_t); $end_t = date('Y-m-d',$month[count($month)-1]['days'][6]['time']+86400); //$end_t = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($end_t); $ret = $this->get_events($start_t,$end_t); $this->displayed_events = array('start'=>$start_t, 'end'=>$end_t,'events'=>$ret); $this->js('Utils_Calendar.page_type=\'month\''); $ev_out = 'function() {'; foreach($ret as $ev) { $this->print_event($ev); if(!isset($ev['timeless']) || !$ev['timeless']) $ev_start = strtotime(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['start'],true,true,true,false)); else $ev_start = strtotime($ev['timeless']); $ev_start = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time(date('Y-m-d',$ev_start).' 00:00:00'); $dest_id = 'UCcell_'.$ev_start; $ev_out .= 'Utils_Calendar.add_event(\''.Epesi::escapeJS($dest_id,false).'\', \''.$ev['id'].'\', '.((!isset($ev['draggable']) || $ev['draggable']==true)?1:0).', 1);'; } $ev_out.='}'; $this->js('Utils_Calendar.add_events_f = '.$ev_out); $this->js('Utils_Calendar.add_events("Utils%2FCalendar%2Fmonth.css")'); if ($this->custom_new_event_href_js!==null) $jshref = call_user_func($this->custom_new_event_href_js, '__TIME__', '__TIMELESS__'); else $jshref = $this->create_unique_href_js(array('action'=>'add','time'=>'__TIME__','timeless'=>'__TIMELESS__')); eval_js('Utils_Calendar.activate_dnd(\''.Epesi::escapeJS(json_encode($dnd),false).'\','. '\''.Epesi::escapeJS($jshref,false).'\','. '\''.Epesi::escapeJS($this->get_path(),false).'\','. '\''.CID.'\')'); }
protected function hf_timestamp($field, $operator, $value, $raw_sql_val) { if ($raw_sql_val) { return array("{$field} {$operator} {$value}", array()); } if ($operator == DB::like()) { if (DB::is_postgresql()) { $field .= '::varchar'; } return array("{$field} {$operator} %s", array($value)); } $vals = array(); if (!$value) { $sql = "{$field} IS NULL"; } else { $null_part = $operator == '<' || $operator == '<=' ? " OR {$field} IS NULL" : " AND {$field} IS NOT NULL"; $value = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($value, false); $sql = "({$field} {$operator} %T {$null_part})"; $vals[] = $value; } return array($sql, $vals); }
public function mail_addresses_addon($arg, $rb) { $type = $rb->tab; $loc = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::get_default_location(); $rb = $this->init_module('Utils/RecordBrowser', 'rc_multiple_emails'); $order = array(array('record_type' => $type, 'record_id' => $arg['id']), array('record_type' => false, 'record_id' => false), array()); $rb->set_defaults(array('record_type' => $type, 'record_id' => $arg['id'])); $rb->enable_quick_new_records(); $this->display_module($rb, $order, 'show_data'); }
public static function mobile_rb_edit($tab, $id) { if ($id === false) { $rec = array(); } else { $rec = self::get_record($tab, $id); } $cols = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::init($tab); $defaults = array(); if ($id === false) { $mode = 'add'; $access = array(); $defaults = self::record_processing($tab, $defaults, 'adding'); } else { $mode = 'edit'; $access = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access($tab, 'view', $rec); if (is_array($access)) { foreach ($access as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { unset($rec[$k]); } } } $defaults = $rec = self::record_processing($tab, $rec, 'editing'); } $QFfield_callback_table = array(); $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $tab . '_callback WHERE freezed=0'); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $QFfield_callback_table[$row['field']] = $row['callback']; } $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $_SESSION['rb_' . $tab . '_defaults']); $qf = new HTML_QuickForm('rb_edit', 'post', 'mobile.php?' . http_build_query($_GET)); foreach ($cols as $field => $args) { if (isset($access[$args['id']]) && !$access[$args['id']]) { continue; } if (isset($rec[$args['id']])) { $val = $rec[$args['id']]; } elseif (isset($defaults[$args['id']])) { $val = $defaults[$args['id']]; } else { $val = null; } $label = _V($args['name']); // TRSL if (isset($QFfield_callback_table[$field])) { $mobile_rb = new Utils_RecordBrowserMobile($tab, $rec); self::call_QFfield_callback($QFfield_callback_table[$field], $qf, $args['id'], $label, $mode, $val, $args, $mobile_rb, null); if ($mode == 'edit') { unset($defaults[$args['id']]); } continue; } switch ($args['type']) { case 'calculated': $qf->addElement('static', $args['id'], $label); if (!is_array($rec)) { $values = $defaults; } else { $values = $rec; if (is_array($defaults)) { $values = $values + $defaults; } } if (!isset($values[$args['id']])) { $values[$args['id']] = ''; } $val = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_val($tab, $field, $values, true, $args); if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'integer': case 'float': $qf->addElement('text', $args['id'], $label); if ($args['type'] == 'integer') { $qf->addRule($args['id'], __('Only integer numbers are allowed.'), 'regex', '/^[0-9]*$/'); } else { $qf->addRule($args['id'], __('Only numbers are allowed.'), 'numeric'); } if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'checkbox': $qf->addElement('checkbox', $args['id'], $label, ''); if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'currency': $qf->addElement('currency', $args['id'], $label); if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'text': $qf->addElement('text', $args['id'], $label, array('maxlength' => $args['param'])); $qf->addRule($args['id'], __('Maximum length for this field is %s characters.', array($args['param'])), 'maxlength', $args['param']); if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'long text': $qf->addElement('textarea', $args['id'], $label, array('maxlength' => 200)); $qf->addRule($args['id'], __('Maximum length for this field in mobile edition is 200 chars.'), 'maxlengt', 200); if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'commondata': $param = explode('::', $args['param']['array_id']); foreach ($param as $k => $v) { if ($k != 0) { $param[$k] = self::get_field_id($v); } } if (count($param) == 1) { $qf->addElement($args['type'], $args['id'], $label, $param, array('empty_option' => true, 'id' => $args['id'], 'order_by_key' => $args['param']['order_by_key'])); if ($val !== null) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } } break; case 'select': $comp = array(); $ref = explode(';', $args['param']); if (isset($ref[1])) { $crits_callback = $ref[1]; } else { $crits_callback = null; } if (isset($ref[2])) { $multi_adv_params = call_user_func(explode('::', $ref[2])); } else { $multi_adv_params = null; } if (!isset($multi_adv_params) || !is_array($multi_adv_params)) { $multi_adv_params = array(); } if (!isset($multi_adv_params['order'])) { $multi_adv_params['order'] = array(); } if (!isset($multi_adv_params['cols'])) { $multi_adv_params['cols'] = array(); } if (!isset($multi_adv_params['format_callback'])) { $multi_adv_params['format_callback'] = array(); } $ref = $ref[0]; @(list($tab2, $col) = explode('::', $ref)); if (!isset($col)) { trigger_error($field); } if ($tab2 == '__RECORDSETS__') { continue; } //skip multi recordsets chained selector if ($tab2 == '__COMMON__') { $data = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_tree($col); if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } $comp = $comp + $data; } else { if (isset($crits_callback)) { $crit_callback = explode('::', $crits_callback); if (is_callable($crit_callback)) { $crits = call_user_func($crit_callback, false, $rec); $adv_crits = call_user_func($crit_callback, true, $rec); } else { $crits = $adv_crits = array(); } if ($adv_crits === $crits) { $adv_crits = null; } if ($adv_crits !== null) { continue; //skip record picker } } else { $crits = array(); } $col = explode('|', $col); $col_id = array(); foreach ($col as $c) { $col_id[] = self::get_field_id($c); } $records = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records($tab2, $crits, empty($multi_adv_params['format_callback']) ? $col_id : array(), !empty($multi_adv_params['order']) ? $multi_adv_params['order'] : array()); $ext_rec = array(); if (isset($rec[$args['id']])) { if (!is_array($rec[$args['id']])) { if ($rec[$args['id']] != '') { $rec[$args['id']] = array($rec[$args['id']] => $rec[$args['id']]); } else { $rec[$args['id']] = array(); } } } if (isset($defaults[$args['id']])) { if (!is_array($defaults[$args['id']])) { $rec[$args['id']][$defaults[$args['id']]] = $defaults[$args['id']]; } else { foreach ($defaults[$args['id']] as $v) { $rec[$args['id']][$v] = $v; } } } $single_column = count($col_id) == 1; if (isset($rec[$args['id']])) { $ext_rec = array_flip($rec[$args['id']]); foreach ($ext_rec as $k => $v) { $c = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record($tab2, $k); if (!empty($multi_adv_params['format_callback'])) { $n = call_user_func($multi_adv_params['format_callback'], $c); } else { if ($single_column) { $n = $c[$col_id[0]]; } else { $n = array(); foreach ($col_id as $cid) { $n[] = $c[$cid]; } $n = implode(' ', $n); } } $comp[$k] = $n; } } if (!empty($multi_adv_params['order'])) { natcasesort($comp); } foreach ($records as $k => $v) { if (!empty($multi_adv_params['format_callback'])) { $n = call_user_func($multi_adv_params['format_callback'], $v); } else { // $n = $v[$col_id]; if ($single_column) { $n = $v[$col_id[0]]; } else { $n = array(); foreach ($col_id as $cid) { $n[] = $v[$cid]; } $n = implode(' ', $n); } } $comp[$k] = $n; unset($ext_rec[$v['id']]); } if (empty($multi_adv_params['order'])) { natcasesort($comp); } } if ($args['type'] === 'select') { $comp = array('' => '---') + $comp; } $qf->addElement($args['type'], $args['id'], $label, $comp, array('id' => $args['id'])); if ($id !== false) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $rec[$args['id']])); } break; case 'date': $qf->addElement('date', $args['id'], $label, array('format' => 'd M Y', 'minYear' => date('Y') - 95, 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 5, 'addEmptyOption' => true, 'emptyOptionText' => '--')); if ($val) { $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); } break; case 'timestamp': $qf->addElement('date', $args['id'], $label, array('format' => 'd M Y H:i', 'minYear' => date('Y') - 95, 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 5, 'addEmptyOption' => true, 'emptyOptionText' => '--')); if ($val) { $default = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($val, true, true, true, false); $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $default)); } break; case 'time': $qf->addElement('date', $args['id'], $label, array('format' => 'H:i', 'addEmptyOption' => true, 'emptyOptionText' => '--')); if ($val) { $default = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($val, true, true, true, false); $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $default)); } break; case 'multiselect': //ignore if ($id === false) { continue; } $val = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_val($tab, $field, $rec, true, $args); if ($val === '') { continue; } $qf->addElement('static', $args['id'], $label); $qf->setDefaults(array($args['id'] => $val)); unset($defaults[$args['id']]); break; } if ($args['required']) { $qf->addRule($args['id'], __('Field required'), 'required'); } } $qf->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Save'), IPHONE ? 'class="button white"' : ''); if ($qf->validate()) { $values = $qf->exportValues(); foreach ($cols as $v) { if ($v['type'] == 'checkbox' && !isset($values[$v['id']])) { $values[$v['id']] = 0; } elseif ($v['type'] == 'date') { if (is_array($values[$v['id']]) && $values[$v['id']]['Y'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['M'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['d'] !== '') { $values[$v['id']] = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", $values[$v['id']]['Y'], $values[$v['id']]['M'], $values[$v['id']]['d']); } else { $values[$v['id']] = ''; } } elseif ($v['type'] == 'timestamp') { if ($values[$v['id']]['Y'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['M'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['d'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['H'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['i'] !== '') { $timestamp = $values[$v['id']]['Y'] . '-' . $values[$v['id']]['M'] . '-' . $values[$v['id']]['d'] . ' ' . $values[$v['id']]['H'] . ':' . $values[$v['id']]['i']; $values[$v['id']] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($timestamp, true); } else { $values[$v['id']] = ''; } } elseif ($v['type'] == 'time') { if ($values[$v['id']]['H'] !== '' && $values[$v['id']]['i'] !== '') { $time = recalculate_time(date('Y-m-d'), $values[$v['id']]); $timestamp = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time(date('1970-01-01 H:i:s', $time), true); $values[$v['id']] = date('1970-01-01 H:i:s', $timestamp); } else { $values[$v['id']] = ''; } } } foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) { if (!isset($values[$k])) { $values[$k] = $v; } } if ($id !== false) { $values['id'] = $id; Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::update_record($tab, $id, $values); } else { $id = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::new_record($tab, $values); } return false; } $renderer =& $qf->defaultRenderer(); $qf->accept($renderer); print $renderer->toHtml(); }
protected function validate_single(Utils_RecordBrowser_CritsSingle $crits, $record) { $id = isset($record['id']) ? $record['id'] : ''; list($field, $subfield) = Utils_RecordBrowser_CritsSingle::parse_subfield($crits->get_field()); $field = ltrim(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_field_id($field), '_'); $subfield = ltrim(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_field_id($subfield), '_'); $r_val = isset($record[$field]) ? $record[$field] : ''; $crit_value = $crits->get_value(); $field_definition = $this->get_field_definition($field); if ($subfield && $field_definition) { $sub_tab = isset($field_definition['ref_table']) ? $field_definition['ref_table'] : false; if ($sub_tab) { if (is_array($r_val)) { foreach ($r_val as $k => $v) { $r_val[$k] = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_value($sub_tab, $v, $subfield); } } else { if ($r_val) { $r_val = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_value($sub_tab, $r_val, $subfield); } else { $r_val = ''; } if (substr($r_val, 0, 2) == '__') { $r_val = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::decode_multi($r_val); } // FIXME need better check } } } $k = strtolower($field); $record[$k] = $r_val; $result = false; $transform_date = false; if ($k == 'created_on') { $transform_date = 'timestamp'; } elseif ($k == 'edited_on') { $details = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record_info($this->tab, $id); $record[$k] = $details['edited_on']; $transform_date = 'timestamp'; } elseif ($field_definition) { $type = $field_definition['type']; if ($type == 'timestamp') { $transform_date = 'timestamp'; } elseif ($type == 'date') { $transform_date = 'date'; } } if ($transform_date == 'timestamp' && $crit_value) { $crit_value = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($crit_value, false); $crit_value = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $crit_value); } else { if ($transform_date == 'date' && $crit_value) { $crit_value = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($crit_value, false); $crit_value = date('Y-m-d', $crit_value); } } $vv = explode('::', $crit_value, 2); if (isset($vv[1]) && is_callable($vv)) { $result = call_user_func_array($vv, array($this->tab, &$record, $k, $crits)); } else { if (is_array($record[$k])) { if ($crit_value) { $result = in_array($crit_value, $record[$k]); } else { $result = empty($record[$k]); } if ($crits->get_operator() == '!=') { $result = !$result; } } else { switch ($crits->get_operator()) { case '>': $result = $record[$k] > $crit_value; break; case '>=': $result = $record[$k] >= $crit_value; break; case '<': $result = $record[$k] < $crit_value; break; case '<=': $result = $record[$k] <= $crit_value; break; case '!=': $result = $record[$k] != $crit_value; break; case '=': $result = $record[$k] == $crit_value; break; case 'LIKE': $result = self::check_like_match($record[$k], $crit_value); break; case 'NOT LIKE': $result = !self::check_like_match($record[$k], $crit_value); break; } } } if ($crits->get_negation()) { $result = !$result; } if (!$result) { $this->issues[] = $k; } return $result; }
public function body(){ if (empty($this->grid)) { print('Time grid not defined, aborting'); return; } load_js('modules/Utils/Planner/planner.js'); eval_js('disableSelection($("Utils_Planner__grid"))'); eval_js('Event.observe(window,"mouseup",time_grid_mouse_up)'); $theme = $this->init_module('Base/Theme'); /* HEADERS */ $fdow = Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::get_first_day_of_week(); $headers = array(); $select_all = array(); if ($this->date===null) { $days_of_week = array(0=>__('Sunday'), 1=>__('Monday'), 2=>__('Tuesday'), 3=>__('Wednesday'), 4=>__('Thursday'), 5=>__('Friday'), 6=>__('Saturday')); while (count($headers)<7) { $headers[$fdow] = $days_of_week[$fdow]; $fdow++; if ($fdow>6) $fdow -= 7; } } else { // while (date('w',$this->date)!=$fdow) $this->date = strtotime('-1 day', $this->date); $_SESSION['client']['utils_planner']['date'] = $this->date; $days_of_week = array(0=>__('Sun'), 1=>__('Mon'), 2=>__('Tue'), 3=>__('Wed'), 4=>__('Thu'), 5=>__('Fri'), 6=>__('Sat')); $curr = $this->date; while (count($headers)<7) { $headers[$curr] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($curr, false, true, false).' '.$days_of_week[date('w',$curr)]; $curr = strtotime('+1 day', $curr); } } $theme->assign('headers',$headers); foreach ($headers as $k1=>$v1) $select_all[$k1] = ''; /* GRID LEGEND */ $grid_legend = array(); $grid_attrs = array(); foreach ($this->grid as $k=>$v) { if (!isset($this->grid[$k+1])) break; foreach ($headers as $k1=>$v1) $select_all[$k1] .= ($select_all[$k1]?'time_grid_mouse_move':'time_grid_mouse_down').'('.$v.','.$k1.');'; $grid_legend[$v] = Utils_PlannerCommon::format_time($v*60); $grid_legend[$v] .= ' - '.Utils_PlannerCommon::format_time($this->grid[$k+1]*60); $grid_attrs[$v] = array(); foreach ($headers as $k2=>$v2) $grid_attrs[$v][$k2] = 'class="noconflict unused" id="'.$k2.'__'.$v.'" onmousedown="time_grid_mouse_down('.$v.','.$k2.')" onmousemove="if(typeof(time_grid_mouse_move)!=\'undefined\')time_grid_mouse_move('.$v.','.$k2.')"'; } foreach ($headers as $k1=>$v1) $select_all[$k1] .= 'time_grid_mouse_up();'; /* GRID LEGEND END */ $theme->assign('select_all',$select_all); $theme->assign('select_all_label',__('Select all')); $theme->assign('grid_legend',$grid_legend); $theme->assign('grid_attrs',$grid_attrs); $theme->assign('time_frames',array('label'=>__('Time frames'), 'html'=>'<div id="Utils_Planner__time_frames" />')); $_SESSION['client']['utils_planner']['grid']=array( 'timetable'=>$this->grid, 'days'=>$headers, ); if ($this->date!==null) { $this->form->addElement('submit', 'next_day', __('Next day'), array('onclick'=>'$("planner_navigation").value="next_day";')); $this->form->addElement('submit', 'prev_day', __('Previous day'), array('onclick'=>'$("planner_navigation").value="prev_day";')); $this->form->addElement('submit', 'next_week', __('Next week'), array('onclick'=>'$("planner_navigation").value="next_week";')); $this->form->addElement('submit', 'prev_week', __('Previous week'), array('onclick'=>'$("planner_navigation").value="prev_week";')); $this->form->addElement('submit', 'today', __('Today'), array('onclick'=>'$("planner_navigation").value="today";')); $this->form->addElement('hidden', 'navigation', '', array('id'=>'planner_navigation')); $link_text = '$(\'planner_navigation\').value=\'__YEAR__-__MONTH__-__DAY__\';'.$this->form->get_submit_form_js().';'; $theme->assign('popup_calendar', Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::show('week_selector', $link_text,'day',$fdow,null,null,$this->date)); eval_js('$("planner_navigation").value="";'); } $values = $this->get_module_variable('preserve_values', null); if ($values===null) $values = $this->form->exportValues(); else $this->unset_module_variable('preserve_values'); $this->form->setDefaults($values); $validate = false; if ($this->form->validate()) { $validate = true; foreach ($values as $k=>$v) $this->values[$k] = $v; } $this->form->assign_theme('form', $theme); $theme->display(); Base_ActionBarCommon::add('save',__('Save'),$this->form->get_submit_form_href()); Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back',__('Back'),$this->create_back_href()); $time_frames = explode(';',$values['grid_selected_frames']); if (!empty($time_frames) && $time_frames[0]) { foreach ($time_frames as $k=>$v) { $x = explode('::',$v); if (!isset($x[2])) trigger_error(print_r($time_frames, true)); list($day, $s, $e) = explode('::',$v); foreach ($this->grid as $v) { if ($v>=$s && $v<$e) { eval_js('time_grid_mouse_down('.$v.','.$day.',"used");'); } } } eval_js('time_grid_mouse_up();'); } if (isset($values['navigation']) && $values['navigation']) { switch ($values['navigation']) { case 'next_day': $ch = strtotime('+1 day', $this->date); break; case 'prev_day': $ch = strtotime('-1 day', $this->date); break; case 'next_week': $ch = strtotime('+7 days', $this->date); break; case 'prev_week': $ch = strtotime('-7 days', $this->date); break; case 'today': $ch = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); break; default: $ch = strtotime($values['navigation']); } if ($ch) { $values['navigation'] = ''; $this->set_module_variable('fixed_date', $ch); $this->set_module_variable('preserve_values', $values); location(array()); return; } } if ($validate) { unset($values['grid_selected_frames']); foreach ($time_frames as $k=>$v) { if (!$v) { unset($time_frames[$k]); break; } list($day, $s, $e) = explode('::',$v); $time_frames[$k] = array('day'=>$day, 'start'=>$s, 'end'=>$e); } call_user_func($_SESSION['client']['utils_planner']['processing_callback'], $values, $time_frames); $this->set_back_location(); location(array()); } foreach ($this->values as $k=>$v) { $_SESSION['client']['utils_planner']['resources'][$k]['value'] = $v; $_SESSION['client']['utils_planner']['resources'][$k]['in_use'] = array(); } foreach ($this->values as $k=>$v) { eval_js(Utils_PlannerCommon::resource_changed($k, $v)); } }
public function week() { $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_CalendarBusyReport', 'common'); $theme->assign('next7_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->date + 604800)))); $theme->assign('next7_label', __('Next week')); $theme->assign('next_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('shift_week_day' => 1))); $theme->assign('next_label', __('Next day')); $theme->assign('today_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date' => date('Y-m-d')))); $theme->assign('today_label', __('Today')); $theme->assign('prev_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('shift_week_day' => 0))); $theme->assign('prev_label', __('Previous day')); $theme->assign('prev7_href', $this->create_unique_href(array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->date - 604800)))); $theme->assign('prev7_label', __('Previous week')); $link_text = $this->create_unique_href_js(array('week_date' => '__YEAR__-__MONTH__-__DAY__')); $theme->assign('popup_calendar', Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::show('week_selector', $link_text, 'day', $this->settings['first_day_of_week'])); $week_shift = $this->get_module_variable('week_shift', 0); $first_day_of_displayed_week = date('w', $this->date) - $this->settings['first_day_of_week']; if ($first_day_of_displayed_week < 0) { $first_day_of_displayed_week += 7; } $diff = $week_shift - $first_day_of_displayed_week; $dis_week_from = strtotime(($diff < 0 ? $diff : '+' . $diff) . ' days', $this->date); //headers $day_headers = array(); $today = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false, true, true, false); if (date('m', $dis_week_from) != date('m', $dis_week_from + 518400)) { $second_span_width = date('d', $dis_week_from + 518400); $header_month = array('first_span' => array('colspan' => 7 - $second_span_width, 'month' => __date('M', $dis_week_from), 'month_link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $dis_week_from, 'tab' => 'Month')), 'year' => date('Y', $dis_week_from), 'year_link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $dis_week_from, 'tab' => 'Year'))), 'second_span' => array('colspan' => $second_span_width, 'month' => __date('M', $dis_week_from + 518400), 'month_link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $dis_week_from + 518400, 'tab' => 'Month')), 'year' => date('Y', $dis_week_from + 518400), 'year_link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $dis_week_from + 518400, 'tab' => 'Year')))); } else { $header_month = array('first_span' => array('colspan' => 7, 'month' => __date('M', $dis_week_from), 'month_link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $dis_week_from, 'tab' => 'Month')), 'year' => date('Y', $dis_week_from), 'year_link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $dis_week_from, 'tab' => 'Year')))); } for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $that_day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 12:00:00', $dis_week_from)) + 3600 * 24 * $i) . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $dis_week_from)); $day_headers[] = array('date' => date('d', $that_day) . ' ' . __date('D', $that_day), 'style' => (date('Y-m-d', $that_day) == $today ? 'today' : 'other') . (date('N', $that_day) >= 6 ? '_weekend' : ''), 'link' => $this->create_unique_href(array('action' => 'switch', 'time' => $that_day, 'tab' => 'Day'))); } $theme->assign('header_month', $header_month); $theme->assign('day_headers', $day_headers); $theme->assign('head_col_width', $this->settings['head_col_width']); $report = array(); //timeline and ids $time_ids = array(); $timeline = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $time_ids[$i] = array(); $today_t_timeless = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 12:00:00', $dis_week_from)) + 3600 * 24 * $i) . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $dis_week_from)); $today_t = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time(date('Y-m-d', $today_t_timeless)); $today_date = date('Y-m-d', $today_t_timeless); $timeline[$today_date] = $this->get_timeline($today_date); $prev = null; foreach ($timeline[$today_date] as &$v) { if ($v['time'] === false) { $time_ids[$i][] = false; } elseif (is_string($v['time'])) { $ii = $today_t_timeless . '_' . $v['time']; $time_ids[$i][] = $ii; $report[$ii] = array(); // eval_js('$("UCcell_'.$ii.'").innerHTML="'.$ii.'";'); // *DEBUG* } else { $ii = $today_t + $v['time']; $time_ids[$i][] = $ii; $report[$ii] = array(); // eval_js('$("UCcell_'.$ii.'").innerHTML="'.Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ii).'";'); // *DEBUG* } $prev = $v; } } $navigation_bar_additions = ''; if (is_callable(array($this->event_module, 'get_navigation_bar_additions'))) { $event_module_instance = $this->init_module($this->event_module); $navigation_bar_additions = call_user_func(array($event_module_instance, 'get_navigation_bar_additions'), '', ''); } $theme->assign('navigation_bar_additions', $navigation_bar_additions); $theme->assign('time_ids', $time_ids); $theme->assign('timeline', reset($timeline)); $theme->assign('week_view_label', __('Week calendar')); //data //$dis_week_from = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($dis_week_from); //$dis_week_to = $dis_week_from+7*86400-1; $dis_week_to = date('Y-m-d', $dis_week_from + 7.5 * 86400); $dis_week_from = date('Y-m-d', $dis_week_from); $ret = $this->get_events($dis_week_from, $dis_week_to); $this->displayed_events = array('start' => $dis_week_from, 'end' => $dis_week_to, 'events' => $ret); $custom_keys = $this->settings['custom_rows']; $busy_labels = $this->settings['busy_labels']; foreach ($ret as $k => $ev) { if (!isset($ev['busy_label'])) { continue; } if (!is_array($ev['busy_label'])) { $ev['busy_label'] = array($ev['busy_label']); } ob_start(); Utils_CalendarBusyReportCommon::print_event($ev); $ev_print = ob_get_clean(); $day_start = explode(':', $this->settings['start_day']); $day_start = ($day_start[0] * 60 + $day_start[1]) * 60; if (!isset($ev['start'])) { $diff = 1; } else { $diff = ($day_start - ($ev['start'] - $today_t)) / 3600; } $dur = ceil($ev['duration'] / (strtotime($this->settings['interval']) - strtotime('0:00'))); if (isset($ev['timeless']) && $ev['timeless']) { if (!isset($ev['custom_row_key'])) { $ev['custom_row_key'] = 'timeless'; } $today_t_timeless = strtotime($ev['timeless']); if (isset($custom_keys[$ev['custom_row_key']])) { $dest_id = $today_t_timeless . '_' . $ev['custom_row_key']; if (isset($report[$dest_id])) { foreach ($ev['busy_label'] as $busy_label) { if (!isset($busy_labels[$busy_label])) { $busy_labels[$busy_label] = $busy_label; } if (!isset($report[$dest_id][$busy_label])) { $report[$dest_id][$busy_label] = ''; } $report[$dest_id][$busy_label] .= $ev_print; } } } else { // trigger_error('Invalid custom_row_key:'.$ev['custom_row_key'],E_USER_ERROR); continue; } } else { $today_t = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['start'], true, true, true, false); $today_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($today_t)); $today_t = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($today_date))); $ev_start = $ev['start'] - $today_t; if (!isset($timeline[$today_date])) { continue; } $ct = count($timeline[$today_date]); for ($i = 1, $j = 2; $j < $ct; $i++, $j++) { while ($timeline[$today_date][$i]['time'] === false) { $i++; } while (($timeline[$today_date][$j]['time'] === false || $i >= $j) && $j < $ct) { $j++; } if ($j == $ct) { break; } if ($timeline[$today_date][$i]['time'] <= $ev_start && $ev_start < $timeline[$today_date][$j]['time']) { break; } } for ($k = $i; $k < $i + $dur; $k++) { $dest_id = $today_t + $timeline[$today_date][$k]['time']; if (isset($report[$dest_id])) { foreach ($ev['busy_label'] as $busy_label) { if (!isset($busy_labels[$busy_label])) { $busy_labels[$busy_label] = $busy_label; } if (!isset($report[$dest_id][$busy_label])) { $report[$dest_id][$busy_label] = ''; } $report[$dest_id][$busy_label] .= $ev_print; } } } } } $theme->assign('report', $report); $theme->assign('busy_labels', $busy_labels); //ok, display $theme->display('week'); if ($this->custom_new_event_href_js !== null) { $jshref = call_user_func($this->custom_new_event_href_js, '__TIME__', '__TIMELESS__', '__OBJECT__'); } else { $jshref = $this->create_unique_href_js(array('action' => 'add', 'time' => '__TIME__', 'timeless' => '__TIMELESS__', 'object' => '__OBJECT__')); } eval_js('Utils_CalendarBusyReport.activate_dclick(\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($jshref, false) . '\')'); }
public static function crm_event_get($id) { if (!is_array($id)) { $r = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record('task', $id); } else { $r = $id; $id = $r['id']; } $r = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('task', $r); if (!$r) { return null; } $next = array('type' => __('Task')); $day = $r['deadline']; $iday = strtotime($day); $next['id'] = $r['id']; $base_unix_time = strtotime(date('1970-01-01 00:00:00')); $next['start'] = $iday; $next['timeless'] = $day; $next['duration'] = -1; $next['title'] = (string) $r['title']; $next['description'] = (string) $r['description']; $next['color'] = 'gray'; if ($r['status'] == 0 || $r['status'] == 1) { switch ($r['priority']) { case 0: $next['color'] = 'green'; break; case 1: $next['color'] = 'yellow'; break; case 2: $next['color'] = 'red'; break; } } if ($r['status'] == 2) { $next['color'] = 'blue'; } if ($r['status'] == 3) { $next['color'] = 'gray'; } $next['view_action'] = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_record_href('task', $r['id'], 'view'); if (Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access('task', 'edit', $r) !== false) { $next['edit_action'] = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_record_href('task', $r['id'], 'edit'); } else { $next['edit_action'] = false; $next['move_action'] = false; } if (Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access('task', 'delete', $r) == false) { $next['delete_action'] = false; } /* $r_new = $r; if ($r['status']==0) $r_new['status'] = 1; if ($r['status']<=1) $next['actions'] = array( array('icon'=>Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM/Meeting', 'close_event.png'), 'href'=>self::get_status_change_leightbox_href($r_new, false, array('id'=>'status'))) );*/ $start_time = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($next['start'], 2, false, false); $event_date = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($next['start'], false, 3, false); $inf2 = array(__('Date') => '<b>' . $event_date . '</b>'); $emps = array(); foreach ($r['employees'] as $e) { $e = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company($e, true); $e = str_replace(' ', ' ', $e); if (mb_strlen($e, 'UTF-8') > 33) { $e = mb_substr($e, 0, 30, 'UTF-8') . '...'; } $emps[] = $e; } $next['busy_label'] = $r['employees']; $cuss = array(); foreach ($r['customers'] as $c) { $c = CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact(array('customers' => $c), true, array('id' => 'customers')); $cuss[] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $c); } $inf2 += array(__('Task') => '<b>' . $next['title'] . '</b>', __('Description') => $next['description'], __('Assigned to') => implode('<br>', $emps), __('Contacts') => implode('<br>', $cuss), __('Status') => Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_value('CRM/Status/' . $r['status'], true), __('Access') => Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_value('CRM/Access/' . $r['permission'], true), __('Priority') => Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_value('CRM/Priority/' . $r['priority'], true), __('Notes') => Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('task/' . $r['id'])); $next['employees'] = $r['employees']; $next['customers'] = $r['customers']; $next['status'] = $r['status'] <= 2 ? 'active' : 'closed'; $next['custom_tooltip'] = '<center><b>' . __('Task') . '</b></center><br>' . Utils_TooltipCommon::format_info_tooltip($inf2) . '<hr>' . CRM_ContactsCommon::get_html_record_info($r['created_by'], $r['created_on'], null, null); return $next; }
public function make_event_PDF($pdf, $id, $no_details = false, $type = 'Event') { $custom_event = false; if (!is_array($id)) { $check = explode('#', $id); if (isset($check[1])) { $callback = DB::GetOne('SELECT handler_callback FROM crm_calendar_custom_events_handlers WHERE id=%d', $check[0]); $callback = explode('::', $callback); $ev = call_user_func($callback, 'get', $check[1]); $no_details = true; $custom_event = true; } else { trigger_error('Invalid event id: ' . $id, E_USER_ERROR); } } else { $ev = $id; $id = $ev['id']; $id = explode('_', $id); $id = $id[0]; /* $ev_details = DB::GetRow('SELECT *, starts AS start, ends AS end FROM crm_calendar_event WHERE id=%d', array($id)); foreach ($ev_details as $k=>$v) if (!isset($ev[$k])) $ev[$k] = $v;*/ $ev['title'] = strip_tags($ev['title']); $check = explode('#', $id); if (isset($check[1])) { $no_details = true; $custom_event = true; } } $pdf_theme = $this->pack_module('Base/Theme'); $pdf_theme->assign('description', array('label' => __('Description'), 'value' => str_replace("\n", '<br/>', htmlspecialchars($ev['description'])))); if (!$no_details) { $ev['status'] = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_value('CRM/Status/' . $ev['status'], true); $ev['access'] = self::$access[$ev['access']]; $ev['priority'] = self::$priority[$ev['priority']]; foreach (array('access' => __('Access'), 'priority' => __('Priority'), 'status' => __('Status')) as $v => $label) { $pdf_theme->assign($v, array('label' => $label, 'value' => $ev[$v])); } $created_by = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id($ev['created_by']); if ($created_by !== null) { $created_by = $created_by['last_name'] . ' ' . $created_by['first_name']; } else { $created_by = Base_UserCommon::get_user_login($ev['created_by']); } $created_on = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['created_on'], false); $pdf_theme->assign('created_on', array('label' => __('Created on'), 'value' => $created_on)); $pdf_theme->assign('created_by', array('label' => __('Created by'), 'value' => $created_by)); if ($ev['edited_by'] != null) { $edited_by = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id($ev['edited_by']); if ($edited_by !== null) { $edited_by = $edited_by['last_name'] . ' ' . $edited_by['first_name']; } else { $edited_by = Base_UserCommon::get_user_login($ev['edited_by']); } $edited_on = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['edited_on'], false); } else { $edited_by = '--'; $edited_on = '--'; } $pdf_theme->assign('edited_on', array('label' => __('Edited on'), 'value' => $edited_on)); $pdf_theme->assign('edited_by', array('label' => __('Edited by'), 'value' => $edited_by)); $pdf_theme->assign('printed_on', array('label' => __('Printed on'), 'value' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(time()))); } $emps = array(); $cuss = array(); $cus_cmps = array(); if (isset($ev['employees']) && !empty($ev['employees'])) { foreach ($ev['employees'] as $v) { $c = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact($v); $emps[] = array('name' => $c['last_name'] . ' ' . $c['first_name'], 'mphone' => $c['mobile_phone'], 'wphone' => $c['work_phone'], 'hphone' => $c['home_phone']); } } if (isset($ev['customers']) && !empty($ev['customers'])) { foreach ($ev['customers'] as $v) { $det = explode(':', $v); if (isset($det[1])) { $v = $det[1]; } else { $v = $det[0]; $det[0] = 'P'; } if ($det[0] == 'P') { $c = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact($v); $company_name = isset($c['company_name']) && is_numeric($c['company_name']) ? array(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_value('company', $c['company_name'], 'Company Name')) : '---'; $cuss[] = array('name' => $c['last_name'] . ' ' . $c['first_name'], 'mphone' => $c['mobile_phone'], 'wphone' => $c['work_phone'], 'hphone' => $c['home_phone'], 'company_name' => $company_name); } if ($det[0] == 'C') { $c = array('company_name' => array($v)); } if (is_array($c['company_name'])) { foreach ($c['company_name'] as $v2) { if (!isset($cus_cmps[$v2])) { $cus_cmps[$v2] = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_company($v2); } } } } } $pdf_theme->assign('employees', array('main_label' => __('Employees'), 'name_label' => __('Name'), 'mphone_label' => __('Mobile Phone'), 'wphone_label' => __('Work Phone'), 'hphone_label' => __('Home Phone'), 'lp_label' => __('Lp'), 'data' => $emps)); $pdf_theme->assign('customers', array('main_label' => __('Customers'), 'name_label' => __('Name'), 'mphone_label' => __('Mobile Phone'), 'wphone_label' => __('Work Phone'), 'hphone_label' => __('Home Phone'), 'company_name' => __('Company Name'), 'lp_label' => __('Lp'), 'data' => $cuss)); $pdf_theme->assign('customers_companies', array('main_label' => __('Customers Companies'), 'name_label' => __('Company Name'), 'phone_label' => __('Phone'), 'fax_label' => __('Fax'), 'address_label' => __('Address'), 'city_label' => __('City'), 'lp_label' => __('Lp'), 'data' => $cus_cmps)); $pdf_theme->assign('title', array('label' => __('Title'), 'value' => $ev['title'])); $start = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['start'], false); $pdf_theme->assign('start_date', array('label' => __('Start Date'), 'value' => $start, 'details' => array('weekday' => __date('l', strtotime($start))))); if (!isset($ev['timeless'])) { $pdf_theme->assign('start_time', array('label' => __('Start Time'), 'value' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['start'], true, false))); if (!isset($ev['end'])) { trigger_error(print_r($ev, true)); } $pdf_theme->assign('end_time', array('label' => __('End Time'), 'value' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['end'], true, false))); $hours = floor(($ev['end'] - $ev['start']) / 3600); $format = __('%d hours', array($hours)); $minutes = ($ev['end'] - $ev['start']) % 3600; if ($minutes != 0) { if ($hours == 0) { $format = ''; } else { $format .= ', '; } $format .= __('%d minutes', array($minutes / 60)); } $pdf_theme->assign('duration', array('label' => __('Duration'), 'value' => $format)); if (date('Y-m-d', $ev['start']) != date('Y-m-d', $ev['end'])) { $pdf_theme->assign('end_date', array('label' => __('End Date'), 'value' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($ev['end'], false))); } } else { $pdf_theme->assign('timeless', array('label' => __('Timeless'), 'value' => __('Yes'))); } $pdf_theme->assign('type', $type); ob_start(); $pdf_theme->display('pdf_version'); $cont = ob_get_clean(); $pdf->writeHTML($cont); }
public function file_history($attachment) { if ($this->is_back()) { $x = ModuleManager::get_instance('/Base_Box|0'); if (!$x) { trigger_error('There is no base box module instance', E_USER_ERROR); } return $x->pop_main(); } Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href()); $id = $attachment['id']; $tb =& $this->init_module(Utils_TabbedBrowser::module_name()); $tb->start_tab('File history'); $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'hua' . $id); $gb->set_inline_display(); $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Deleted'), 'order' => 'deleted', 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('Date'), 'order' => 'upload_on', 'width' => 25), array('name' => __('Who'), 'order' => 'upload_by', 'width' => 25), array('name' => __('Attachment'), 'order' => 'uaf.original'))); $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Date') => 'DESC')); $ret = $gb->query_order_limit('SELECT,uaf.deleted,uaf.filestorage_id,uaf.created_on as upload_on,uaf.created_by as upload_by,uaf.original FROM utils_attachment_file uaf WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id, 'SELECT count(*) FROM utils_attachment_file uaf WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $r = $gb->get_new_row(); if ($row['deleted']) { $r->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure you want to restore attached file?'), array($this, 'restore_file'), array($row['id'])), 'restore', __('Restore')); } $view_link = ''; $lb = array(); $lb['aid'] = $id; $lb['crypted'] = $attachment['crypted']; $lb['original'] = $row['original']; $lb['id'] = $row['id']; $lb['filestorage_id'] = $row['filestorage_id']; $file = '<a ' . Utils_AttachmentCommon::get_file_leightbox($lb, $view_link) . '>' . $row['original'] . '</a>'; $r->add_data($row['deleted'] ? __('Yes') : __('No'), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['upload_on']), Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['upload_by']), $file); } $this->display_module($gb); $tb->end_tab(); $tb->start_tab('File access history'); $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'hda' . $id); $gb->set_inline_display(); $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Create date'), 'order' => 'created_on', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Download date'), 'order' => 'download_on', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Who'), 'order' => 'created_by', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('IP Address'), 'order' => 'ip_address', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Host Name'), 'order' => 'host_name', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Method description'), 'order' => 'description', 'width' => 20), array('name' => __('Remote'), 'order' => 'remote', 'width' => 10))); $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Create date') => 'DESC')); $query = 'SELECT uad.created_on,uad.download_on,(SELECT l.login FROM user_login l WHERE as created_by,uad.remote,uad.ip_address,uad.host_name,uad.description FROM utils_attachment_download uad INNER JOIN utils_attachment_file uaf ON WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id; $query_qty = 'SELECT count(*) FROM utils_attachment_download uad INNER JOIN utils_attachment_file uaf ON WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id; if (Base_AclCommon::check_permission('Attachments - view full download history')) { $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query, $query_qty); } else { print 'You are allowed to see your own downloads only'; $who = ' AND uad.created_by=' . Acl::get_user(); $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query . $who, $query_qty . $who); } while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $r = $gb->get_new_row(); $r->add_data(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['created_on']), $row['remote'] != 1 ? Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['download_on']) : '', $row['created_by'], $row['ip_address'], $row['host_name'], $row['description'], $row['remote'] == 0 ? 'no' : 'yes'); } $this->display_module($gb); $tb->end_tab(); $this->display_module($tb); $this->caption = 'Note history'; return true; }
public static function get_alarm($id) { $recurrence = strpos($id, '_'); if ($recurrence !== false) { $id = substr($id, 0, $recurrence); } $hndlr = DB::GetOne('SELECT id FROM crm_calendar_custom_events_handlers WHERE group_name=%s', array('Meetings')); $a = self::get($hndlr . '#' . $id); if (!$a) { return __('Private record'); } if (isset($a['timeless'])) { $date = __('Timeless event: %s', array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($a['timeless'], false))); } else { $date = __('Start: %s', array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($a['start'], 2))) . "\n" . __('End: %s', array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($a['end'], 2))); } return $date . "\n" . __('Title: %s', array($a['title'])); }