Пример #1
 public static function retrieveOrCreateByObject(BaseObject $object)
     if ($object->isNew() === true || $object->isModified() === true || $object->isDeleted() === true) {
         throw new Exception('You can only approve an object which has already been saved');
     $columnName = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_column', 'is_approved');
     $approvedValue = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_approved_value', true);
     $disabledApplications = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_disabled_applications');
     // Test if we should crated an approval - is the column value different to out required value?
     // If our object is already approved then we can delete other
     $columnGetter = 'get' . sfInflector::camelize($columnName);
     if ($approvedValue != $object->{$columnGetter}()) {
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(sfApprovalPeer::APPROVABLE_ID, $object->getPrimaryKey());
         $c->add(sfApprovalPeer::APPROVABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
         $approval = sfApprovalPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (!$approval) {
             $approval = new sfApproval();
         return $approval;
     } else {
         return null;
     return $approval;
  * Adds a user recommendation to the object.
  * @param BaseObject  $object
  * @param integer     $user_id
  * @return bool
 public function recommend(BaseObject $object, $user_id = null)
     if (true === $object->isNew()) {
         throw new Exception('Comments can only be attached to already saved objects');
     $sfContext = sfContext::getInstance();
     // unregistered user handling (via cookie)
     if ($user_id === null) {
            $sfContext   = sfContext::getInstance();
            $cookieName  = md5($object->getPrimaryKey().get_class($object));
            $cookieValue = 'ok';
            if (!$sfContext->getRequest()->getCookie($cookieName) == $cookieValue)
              $sfContext->getResponse()->setCookie($cookieName, $cookieValue);
              return $this->saveRecommendation($object);
         $sfContext->getLogger()->info('Userid Null, returning false...');
         return false;
     } else {
         $sfContext->getLogger()->info('Userid OK, checking for previous recommendation...');
         if (!$this->userRecommendationExists($object, $user_id)) {
             $sfContext->getLogger()->info('User has not recommended previously...');
             $this->saveUserRecommendation($object, $user_id);
             $sfContext->getLogger()->info('User rec saved, updating master rec table...');
             return $this->saveRecommendation($object);
     $sfContext->getLogger()->info('Something did not work, returning false...');
     return false;
  * Adds a comment to the object. The "comment" param can be an associative
  * array (in which each element represents one of the comment properties), or
  * an array of associative arrays. In this case, it adds all the comments to
  * the object.
  * @param      BaseObject  $object
  * @param      array       $comment
 public function addComment(BaseObject $object, $comment)
     if ($object->isNew() === true) {
         throw new Exception('Comments can only be attached to already saved objects');
     if (is_array($comment)) {
         if (!isset($comment['text'])) {
             foreach ($comment as $onecomment) {
                 $this->addComment($object, $onecomment);
         } else {
             if (strlen($comment['text']) > 0) {
                 $comment['text'] = strip_tags($comment['text']);
                 $comment['created_at'] = time();
                 if (!isset($comment['namespace'])) {
                     $comment['namespace'] = '';
                 $comment_object = new sfComment();
                 $comment_object->fromArray($comment, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
                 return $comment_object;
     } elseif (is_string($comment)) {
         $this->addComment($object, array('text' => $comment));
     } else {
         new Exception('A comment must be represented as string or an associative array with a "text" key');
  * Retrieves an existing Star object, or return a new empty one
  * @param  BaseObject  $object
  * @param  integer     $user_id  
  * @return Star
 protected static function getOrCreate(BaseObject $object, $user_id)
     if ($object->isNew()) {
         throw new sfException('Unsaved objects cannot be starred');
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(StarPeer::STARRED_ID, $object->getPrimaryKey());
     $c->add(StarPeer::STARRED_MODEL, get_class($object));
     $c->add(StarPeer::USER_ID, $user_id);
     $ustar = StarPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     return is_null($ustar) ? new Star() : $ustar;
  * Retrieves an existing rating object, or return a new empty one
  * @param  BaseObject  $object
  * @param  mixed       $user_id  Unique user primary key
  * @return sfRating
  * @throws sfPropelActAsRatableException
 protected static function getOrCreate(BaseObject $object, $user_id = null)
     if ($object->isNew()) {
         throw new sfPropelActAsRatableException('Unsaved objects are not ratable');
     if (is_null($user_id)) {
         return new sfRating();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(sfRatingPeer::RATABLE_ID, $object->getReferenceKey());
     $c->add(sfRatingPeer::RATABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
     $c->add(sfRatingPeer::USER_ID, $user_id);
     $user_rating = sfRatingPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     return is_null($user_rating) ? new sfRating() : $user_rating;
  * launches the Object
  * @param  BaseObject  $object
  * @param  string      $namespace
  * @throws deppPropelActAsLaunchableException
  * @return the number of affected rows
 public function setLaunching(BaseObject $object, $namespace = 'home')
     if ($object->isNew()) {
         throw new deppPropelActAsLaunchableException('Unsaved objects are not launchable');
     if (!is_string($namespace)) {
         throw new deppPropelActAsLaunchableException('Namespace can only be a string');
     $launch = new sfLaunching();
     $ret = $launch->save();
     return $ret;
 public function getApproval(BaseObject $object)
     if ($object->isNew() === true || $object->isModified() === true || $object->isDeleted() === true) {
         throw new Exception('You can only approve an object which has already been saved');
     $columnName = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_column', 'is_approved');
     $approvedValue = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_approved_value', true);
     $disabledApplications = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_disabled_applications');
     // Test if we should crated an approval - is the column value different to out required value?
     // If our object is already approved then we can delete other
     $columnGetter = 'get' . sfInflector::camelize($columnName);
     if ($approvedValue != $object->{$columnGetter}()) {
         return sfApprovalPeer::retrieveOrCreateByObject($object);
     } else {
         return null;
Пример #8
  * Gets hash of current object, or previous specified version
  * Note: version number is sanity-checked in MeshingBaseObject->getHash()
  * @param BaseObject $object
  * @param integer $version The integer of the version required
 public function getHash(BaseObject $object, $version = null)
     // Return null if not saved, as there is no previous hash to get
     if ($object->isNew()) {
         return null;
     $crit = $object->getSelectAllVersionsCriteria();
     $vsnColName = constant($object->getVersionablePeerName() . '::VERSION');
     if (is_null($version)) {
         // To get the current item, save a select by grabbing the latest version row
     } else {
         $crit->add($vsnColName, $version);
     // Grabs the latest/only row depending on above criteria
     $row = call_user_func(array($object->getVersionablePeerName(), 'doSelectOne'), $crit, $this->con);
     // There's a gap between saving a row and its version row. So, if we're in an insert
     // and using the Version hash provider, we must catch having no versionable row.
     if (!$row) {
         return null;
     return $row->getMeshingHash();
  * Returns the current value of the counter. If it is the first time that this
  * instance of the objects works with its counter, the counter will be
  * retrieved from the database. Else, it will use its cached value.
  * @param      BaseObject  $object
  * @return     integer
 public function getCounter(BaseObject $object)
     if ($object->isNew() === true) {
         throw new Exception('Counters can only be attached to already saved objects.');
     if (!isset($object->_counter) || $object->_counter === null) {
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(sfCounterPeer::COUNTABLE_ID, $object->getPrimaryKey());
         $c->add(sfCounterPeer::COUNTABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
         $counter = sfCounterPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (is_null($counter)) {
             $counter = new sfCounter();
         if (isset($object->_forced) && $object->_forced) {
         $object->_counter = $counter;
         $object->_forced = false;
     return $object->_counter->getCounter();
  * Retrieves an existing bookmarking object, or return a new empty one
  * @param  BaseObject  $object
  * @param  mixed       $user_id  Unique user primary key
  * @return sfBookmarking
  * @throws deppPropelActAsBookmarkableException
 protected static function getOrCreate(BaseObject $object, $user_id)
     if ($object->isNew()) {
         throw new deppPropelActAsBookmarkableException('Unsaved objects are not bookmarkable');
     if (is_null($user_id)) {
         throw new deppPropelActAsBookmarkableException('Anonymous bookmarking not allowed');
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(sfBookmarkingPeer::BOOKMARKABLE_ID, $object->getBookmarkableReferenceKey());
     $c->add(sfBookmarkingPeer::BOOKMARKABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
     $c->add(sfBookmarkingPeer::USER_ID, $user_id);
     $user_bookmarking = sfBookmarkingPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     return is_null($user_bookmarking) ? new sfBookmarking() : $user_bookmarking;
Пример #11
 	Will set the 'display_in_search' field according to business-logic per object type
 	// kuser | kshow | entry
 	// for objects that are search worthy - search_text will hold text from relevant columns depending on the object type 
 public static function setDisplayInSearch(BaseObject $obj, $parent_obj = null)
     if ($obj == null) {
     // update the displayInSearch with the logic above only when the object is new or null
     if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->getDisplayInSearch() === null) {
         $res = myPartnerUtils::shouldDisplayInSearch($obj->getPartnerId());
         $obj_id = $obj->getId();
         if ($obj_id && is_numeric($obj_id)) {
             self::setRes($res, $obj_id > entry::MINIMUM_ID_TO_DISPLAY);
         if ($res) {
             if ($obj instanceof kuser) {
                 // if the status is not
                 self::setRes($res, $obj->getStatus() == KuserStatus::ACTIVE);
             } elseif ($obj instanceof kshow) {
                 self::setRes($res, $obj->getViewPermissions() == kshow::KSHOW_PERMISSION_EVERYONE || $obj->getViewPermissions() == null);
                 // if the viewPermission changed from kshow::KSHOW_PERMISSION_EVERYONE to something else
                 // update all entries
                 if ($res && $obj->isColumnModified(kshowPeer::VIEW_PERMISSIONS)) {
                     $entries = $obj->getentrys();
                     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                         // run this code for each entry
                         self::setDisplayInSearch($entry, $obj);
             } elseif ($obj instanceof entry) {
                 // status=READY , type=MEDIACLIP, view permissions of kshow
                 self::setRes($res, true);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("mySearchUtils::setDisplayInSearch - cannot handle objects of type " . get_class($obj));
     } else {
         // if not new - use the value from the object
         $res = $obj->getDisplayInSearch();
     //	echo __METHOD__ . " (" . get_class ( $obj ) . ") res [$res]\n";
     $words = "";
     $fields_to_use = $obj->getColumnNames();
     foreach ($fields_to_use as $field) {
         $field_str = $obj->getByName($field, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         //  call_user_func ( array ( $obj , $func_name ) );
         $words .= " " . $field_str;
     $extra_invisible_data = null;
     if ($obj instanceof kshow) {
         $type = $obj->getType();
         if (empty($type)) {
             $type = kshow::KSHOW_TYPE_OTHER;
         // add the category to the search
         $words .= " _CAT_" . $type;
     } elseif ($obj instanceof entry) {
         $extra_invisible_data = "_MEDIA_TYPE_" . $obj->getMediaType();
         $type = $obj->getType();
         // add the SEARCH_ENTRY_TYPE_RC to the words
         if ($type == entryType::MIX) {
             $extra_invisible_data .= " " . self::SEARCH_ENTRY_TYPE_RC;
     $prepared_text = self::prepareSearchText($words);
     $partner_id = $obj->getPartnerId();
     // if res == 1 - only for partner , if == 2 - also for kaltura network
     $obj->setSearchText(self::addPartner($partner_id, $prepared_text, $res, $extra_invisible_data));
  * Adds a comment to the object. 
  * The "comment" param can be a string, an associative array 
  * (in which each element represents one of the comment properties), or
  * an array of associative arrays. In this case, it adds all the comments to
  * the object.
  * @param      BaseObject  $object
  * @param      array       $comment
 public function addComment(BaseObject $object, $comment)
     if ($object->isNew() === true) {
         throw new Exception('Comments can only be attached to already saved objects');
     if (is_array($comment)) {
         // array of associative arrays
         if (!isset($comment['text'])) {
             foreach ($comment as $onecomment) {
                 $this->addComment($object, $onecomment);
         } else {
             // associative array (with the text key not void)
             if (strlen($comment['text']) > 0) {
                 if (isset($comment['title'])) {
                     $comment['title'] = strip_tags($comment['title']);
                 if (isset($comment['author_name'])) {
                     $comment['author_name'] = strip_tags($comment['author_name']);
                 if (isset($comment['author_email'])) {
                     $comment['author_email'] = strip_tags($comment['author_email']);
                 if (isset($comment['author_website'])) {
                     $comment['author_website'] = strip_tags($comment['author_website']);
                 // store comment's text, after cleaning it (see app.yml)
                 $comment['text'] = deppPropelActAsCommentableToolkit::clean($comment['text']);
                 $comment['created_at'] = time();
                 if (!isset($comment['namespace'])) {
                     $comment['namespace'] = null;
                 $comment_object = new sfComment();
                 $comment_object->fromArray($comment, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
                 // when the current user is authenticated, a connection to the user table is made
                 $user_options = sfConfig::get('app_deppPropelActAsCommentableBehaviorPlugin_user', array());
                 $curr_user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
                 if ($user_options['enabled'] && $curr_user->isAuthenticated()) {
                     if (is_callable(get_class($curr_user), $user_options['cu_id_method'])) {
                         $comment_object->setAuthorId(call_user_func(array($curr_user, $user_options['cu_id_method'])));
                     if (is_callable(array($user_options['class'] . 'Peer', 'retrieveByPK'))) {
                         $user = call_user_func($user_options['class'] . 'Peer::retrieveByPk', $comment_object->getAuthorId());
                         if (array_key_exists('name_method', $user_options) && is_callable(get_class($user), $user_options['name_method'])) {
                             $comment_object->setAuthorName(call_user_func(array($user, $user_options['name_method'])));
                         if (array_key_exists('email_method', $user_options) && is_callable(get_class($user), $user_options['email_method'])) {
                             $comment_object->setAuthorEmail(call_user_func(array($user, $user_options['email_method'])));
                         if (array_key_exists('website_method', $user_options) && is_callable(get_class($user), $user_options['website_method'])) {
                             $comment_object->setAuthorWebsite(call_user_func(array($user, $user_options['website_method'])));
                 self::_checkAndSaveCountCache($object, $comment['namespace']);
                 return $comment_object;
     } elseif (is_string($comment)) {
         $this->addComment($object, array('text' => $comment));
     } else {
         new Exception('A comment must be represented as string, an associative array with a "text" key, or an array of associative arrays');
  * Retrieves from the database tags that have been atached to the object.
  * Once loaded, this saved tags list is cached and updated in memory.
  * @param      BaseObject  $object
  * @param      boolean     $force_cache_override if the DB must be read, even when the cache exists
 private function getSavedTags(BaseObject $object, $force_cache_override = false)
     if (!isset($object->_tags) || !$object->_tags->hasNamespace('saved_tags') || $force_cache_override) {
         if (true === $object->isNew()) {
             self::set_saved_tags($object, array());
             return array();
         } else {
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_ID, $object->getPrimaryKey());
             $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
             $c->addJoin(TaggingPeer::TAG_ID, TagPeer::ID);
             $saved_tags = TagPeer::doSelect($c);
             $tags = array();
             foreach ($saved_tags as $tag) {
                 $tags[$tag->getName()] = $tag->getName();
             self::set_saved_tags($object, $tags);
             return $tags;
     } else {
         return self::get_saved_tags($object);
  * This hook is called before object is saved.
  * @param      BaseObject    $object
 public function preSave(BaseObject $object)
     $this->wasNew = $object->isNew();
     // gestisce eccezione generazione passaggi di iter
     if ($object instanceof OppAtto && !$object->isNew() && $object->isColumnModified(OppAttoPeer::SUCC)) {
         $this->succNews = true;
 	Will set the 'display_in_search' field according to business-logic per object type
 	// kuser | kshow | entry
 	// for objects that are search worthy - search_text will hold text from relevant columns depending on the object type 
 public static function setDisplayInSearch(BaseObject $obj, $parent_obj = null)
     if ($obj == null) {
     // update the displayInSearch with the logic above only when the object is new or null
     if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->getDisplayInSearch() === null) {
         $res = myPartnerUtils::shouldDisplayInSearch($obj->getPartnerId());
         $obj_id = $obj->getId();
         if ($obj_id && is_numeric($obj_id)) {
             self::setRes($res, $obj_id > entry::MINIMUM_ID_TO_DISPLAY);
         if ($res) {
             if ($obj instanceof kuser) {
                 // if the status is not
                 self::setRes($res, $obj->getStatus() == KuserStatus::ACTIVE);
             } elseif ($obj instanceof kshow) {
                 self::setRes($res, $obj->getViewPermissions() == kshow::KSHOW_PERMISSION_EVERYONE || $obj->getViewPermissions() == null);
                 // if the viewPermission changed from kshow::KSHOW_PERMISSION_EVERYONE to something else
                 // update all entries
                 if ($res && $obj->isColumnModified(kshowPeer::VIEW_PERMISSIONS)) {
                     $entries = $obj->getentrys();
                     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                         // run this code for each entry
                         self::setDisplayInSearch($entry, $obj);
             } elseif ($obj instanceof entry) {
                 // status=READY , type=MEDIACLIP, view permissions of kshow
                 self::setRes($res, true);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("mySearchUtils::setDisplayInSearch - cannot handle objects of type " . get_class($obj));
  * This hook is called before generator object is saved.
  * @param      BaseObject    $object
 public function preSave(BaseObject $object)
     $this->wasNew = $object->isNew();
  * Retrieve an existing priority object, or return a new empty one
  * @param  BaseObject  $object
  * @param  mixed       $user_id  Unique user primary key
  * @return sfPriority
  * @throws deppPropelActAsPrioritisableException
 protected static function getOrCreate(BaseObject $object, $user_id = null)
     if ($object->isNew()) {
         throw new deppPropelActAsPrioritisableException('Unsaved objects are not prioritisable');
     if (is_null($user_id)) {
         return new sfPriority();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(sfPriorityPeer::PRIORITISABLE_ID, $object->getPrioritisableReferenceKey());
     $c->add(sfPriorityPeer::PRIORITISABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
     $priority = sfPriorityPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     return is_null($priority) ? new sfPriority() : $priority;