Route::get('crear', 'IpxController@create'); Route::post('crear', 'IpxController@store'); Route::get('clientefactura/{ruta}', "invoiceController@verFacturaCliente"); Route::get('examenimpuestos', 'IpxController@test'); Route::post('examenimpuestos', 'IpxController@makeTest'); Route::post('/session', function () { $input = Input::all(); //return $input; // $input = get_file_contents(); // DB::table('pos_backups')->insert( // array('user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'json' => json_encode($input),'created_at'=>date()) // ); $PosBackup = new Backup(); $PosBackup->user_id = 1; $PosBackup->json = json_encode($input); $PosBackup->save(); return Response::json($PosBackup); // $documento = TypeDocument::where('account_id',Auth::user()->account_id)->first(); // $invoice_number = Branch::getInvoiceNumber(); // return Response::json($invoice_number); // $branchDocument = TypeDocumentBranch::where('branch_id',Session::get('branch_id'))->firstOrFail(); // $type_document =TypeDocument::where('account_id',Auth::user()->account_id)->firstOrFail(); // return Response::json($type_document); // return View::make('error'); // // $codigoControl = Utils::getControlCode($numfactura,$nit,$fechaEmision,$total,$numAuth,$llave); // // return View::make('emails.wellcome'); // // return Response::json(TypeDocument::getDocumento()->logo); // Session::flush(); //$pos = PosBackup::createNew(); // DB::table('pos_backups')->insert( // array('user_id' => '1', 'json' => 'json data','created_at'=>date())
public function saveBackup() { $input = Input::all(); //return $input; $PosBackup = new Backup(); $PosBackup->user_id = Auth::user()->id * -1; $PosBackup->json = json_encode($input); $PosBackup->save(); return Response::json($PosBackup); }
public function load() { $matches = glob(EPHP_BACKUP . "/" . $this->user . "/*"); if (count($matches) == 1) { $filename = substr($matches[0], strrpos($matches[0], "/") + 1); return array("src" => file_get_contents($matches[0]), "filename" => $filename == "unnamed" ? "" : $filename); } return array("src" => "", "filename" => ""); } public function clear() { } } if (!isset($_SESSION["ephpuser"])) { header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); } else { $bkp = new Backup($_SESSION["ephpuser"]); switch ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) { case "GET": header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($bkp->load()); break; case "POST": if (isset($_POST["src"]) && ($_POST["filename"] == "" || preg_match("/^[\\w\\.]+\$/", $_POST["filename"]))) { $bkp->save($_POST["src"], $_POST["filename"]); } elseif (isset($_POST["delete"])) { $bkp->clear(); } break; } }
public function dailyBackup($job, $data) { if ($job->attempts() > 3) { $job->delete(); } //################################### select each backup $hosts = Host::where('id', '=', $data["id"])->where('state', '!=', 'disabled')->where('cron', '=', 'yes')->get(array('id', 'parent', 'name', 'host', 'type', 'ssh_login', 'ssh_pwd', 'storage', 'source', 'db_name', 'db_user', 'db_pwd')); foreach ($hosts as $host) { $backup = new Backup(); $backup->host_id = $host["id"]; $backup->hostname = $host["host"]; $backup->type = "cron"; //################################### folders check $dir = $host["storage"] . "/auto/"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { // creating if not exists and setting owner $cmd = "mkdir -p " . $dir . " && chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /backups/web " . $dir; exec($cmd); } //##################################### -- //##################################### generating ssh configuration Config::set('', $host->host); Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.port', '22'); Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.username', $host->ssh_login); if (!$host->ssh_pwd) { Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.password', ''); Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.key', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'); } else { Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.password', $host->ssh_pwd); Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.key', ''); } Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.keyphrase', ''); Config::set('remote.connections.runtime.root', '~/'); $dtime = date('d.m.y_H.i'); $FileName = $host->host . "_" . $dtime; $path = $dir . $host->host . "_" . $dtime . ".tar"; $dbpath = $dir . $host->host . "_" . $dtime . ".sql"; //##################################### -- //##################################### backup type: ssh-all if ($host->type == "ssh-all") { SSH::into('runtime')->run(array("tar -cf ~/" . $FileName . ".tar " . $host->source, "mysqldump -u" . $host->db_user . " -p" . $host->db_pwd . " --lock-tables --databases " . $host->db_name . "> ~/" . $FileName . ".sql")); // downloading files SSH::into('runtime')->get($FileName . ".tar", $path); SSH::into('runtime')->get($FileName . ".sql", $dbpath); // continue to local actions if success if (file_exists($dbpath) && file_exists($path)) { // adding sql file to archive exec("tar -rf " . $path . " " . $dbpath); // compressing exec("bzip2 -zfkv9 " . $path); $backup->file = $path . ".bz2"; $backup->total_size = filesize($path . ".bz2"); // cleanup local and remote files SSH::into('runtime')->run(array("rm ~/" . $FileName . ".tar", "rm ~/" . $FileName . ".sql")); $backup->status = "ok"; exec("rm " . $path); exec("rm " . $dbpath); } else { $backup->status = "broken"; } $backup->save(); //##################################### permissions $set_perm = "chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /backups/web " . $dir; exec($set_perm); } //##################################### -- //##################################### backup type: ssh-files if ($host->type == "ssh-files") { SSH::into('runtime')->run(array("tar -cf ~/" . $FileName . ".tar " . $host->source)); // downloading files SSH::into('runtime')->get($FileName . ".tar", $path); // continue to local actions if success if (file_exists($path)) { // compressing exec("bzip2 -zfkv9 " . $path); $backup->file = $path . ".bz2"; $backup->total_size = filesize($path . ".bz2"); // cleanup local and remote files SSH::into('runtime')->run(array("rm ~/" . $FileName . ".tar")); $backup->status = "ok"; exec("rm " . $path); } else { $backup->status = "broken"; } //##################################### permissions $set_perm = "chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /backups/web " . $dir; exec($set_perm); $backup->save(); } //##################################### -- //##################################### backup type: ssh-db if ($host->type == "ssh-db") { SSH::into('runtime')->run(array("mysqldump -u" . $host->db_user . " -p" . $host->db_pwd . " --lock-tables --databases " . $host->db_name . "> ~/" . $FileName . ".sql", "tar -cf ~/" . $FileName . ".tar " . "~/" . $FileName . ".sql")); // downloading files SSH::into('runtime')->get($FileName . ".tar", $path); // continue to local actions if success if (file_exists($path)) { // compressing exec("bzip2 -zfkv9 " . $path); $backup->file = $path . ".bz2"; $backup->total_size = filesize($path . ".bz2"); // cleanup local and remote files SSH::into('runtime')->run(array("rm ~/" . $FileName . ".tar", "rm ~/" . $FileName . ".sql")); $backup->status = "ok"; exec("rm " . $path); } else { $backup->status = "broken"; } //##################################### permissions $set_perm = "chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /backups/web " . $dir; exec($set_perm); $backup->save(); } //##################################### -- } $job->delete(); }