static function fork($phpScript, $phpExec = null) { $cwd = dirname($phpScript); @putenv("PHP_FORCECLI=true"); if (!is_string($phpExec) || !file_exists($phpExec)) { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $phpExec = str_replace('/', '\\', dirname(ini_get('extension_dir'))) . '\\php.exe'; if (@file_exists($phpExec)) { BackgroundProcess::open(escapeshellarg($phpExec) . " " . escapeshellarg($phpScript), $cwd); } } else { $phpExec = exec("which php-cli"); if ($phpExec[0] != '/') { $phpExec = exec("which php"); } if ($phpExec[0] == '/') { BackgroundProcess::open(escapeshellarg($phpExec) . " " . escapeshellarg($phpScript), $cwd); } } } else { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $phpExec = str_replace('/', '\\', $phpExec); } BackgroundProcess::open(escapeshellarg($phpExec) . " " . escapeshellarg($phpScript), $cwd); } }
/** * Tests running a background process. * * @covers Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess::__construct() * @covers Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess::run() * @covers Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess::isRunning() * @covers Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess::getPid() * @covers Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess::stop() */ public function testRun() { $process = new BackgroundProcess('sleep 5'); $this->assertFalse($process->isRunning(), 'process should not run'); $process->run(); $this->assertNotNull($process->getPid(), 'process should have a pid'); $this->assertTrue($process->isRunning(), 'process should run'); $this->assertTrue($process->stop(), 'stop process'); $this->assertFalse($process->isRunning(), 'processes should not run anymore'); $this->assertFalse($process->stop(), 'cannot stop process that is not running'); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); $imgDir = public_path() . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'upload' . DS . 'images'; if (!File::exists($imgDir)) { File::makeDirectory($imgDir, 0755); } File::cleanDirectory($imgDir, true); foreach (range(1, 500) as $index) { $dir = $imgDir . DS . $index; if (!File::exists($dir)) { File::makeDirectory($dir, 0755); } $width = $faker->numberBetween(800, 1024); $height = $faker->numberBetween(800, 1024); $orgImg = $faker->image($dir, $width, $height); chmod($orgImg, 0755); $img = str_replace($dir . DS, '', $orgImg); $image = new Imagick($orgImg); $dpi = $image->getImageResolution(); $dpi = $dpi['x'] > $dpi['y'] ? $dpi['x'] : $dpi['y']; $size = $image->getImageLength(); $extension = strtolower($image->getImageFormat()); //get 5 most used colors from the image $color_extractor = new ColorExtractor(); $myfile = $orgImg; $mime_type = $image->getImageMimeType(); switch ($mime_type) { case 'image/jpeg': $palette_obj = $color_extractor->loadJpeg($myfile); break; case 'image/png': $palette_obj = $color_extractor->loadPng($myfile); break; case 'image/gif': $palette_obj = $color_extractor->loadGif($myfile); break; } $main_color = ''; if (is_object($palette_obj)) { $arr_palette = $palette_obj->extract(5); if (!empty($arr_palette)) { $main_color = strtolower($arr_palette[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr_palette); $i++) { $main_color .= ',' . strtolower($arr_palette[$i]); } } } //update field main_color from images table $image_obj = VIImage::findorFail((int) $index); $image_obj->main_color = $main_color; $image_obj->save(); $id = VIImageDetail::insertGetId(['path' => 'assets/upload/images/' . $index . '/' . $img, 'height' => $height, 'width' => $width, 'ratio' => $width / $height, 'dpi' => $dpi, 'size' => $size, 'extension' => $extension, 'type' => 'main', 'image_id' => $index]); BackgroundProcess::makeSize($id); } }
function handle($params) { @session_write_close(); header('Connection: close'); require_once 'inc/BackgroundProcess.php'; $out = array('running' => BackgroundProcess::getRunningProcessInfo(), 'recent' => BackgroundProcess::getRecentProcessInfo()); header('Content-Type: text/json; charset="' . Dataface_Application::getInstance()->_conf['oe'] . '"'); echo json_encode($out); exit; }
function handle($params) { set_time_limit(0); @session_write_close(); header('Connection: close'); $out = '//OK'; header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset="' . Dataface_Application::getInstance()->_conf['oe'] . '"'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($out)); echo $out; flush(); require_once 'inc/BackgroundProcess.php'; BackgroundProcess::runProcesses(); }
public static function upload($file, $path, $width = 110, $makeThumb = true, $fileName = '') { if (!File::exists($path)) { File::makeDirectory($path, 493, true); } if (!empty($fileName)) { $fileName .= '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); } else { $fileName = Str::slug(str_replace('.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(), '', $file->getClientOriginalName())) . '.' . date('d-m-y') . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); } $path = str_replace(['\\', '/'], DS, $path); if ($file->move($path, $fileName)) { BackgroundProcess::resize($width, $path, $fileName); if ($makeThumb) { BackgroundProcess::makeThumb($path, $fileName); } return $path . DS . $fileName; } return false; }
public function updateImage() { if (!Request::ajax()) { return App::abort(404); } $arrReturn = ['status' => 'error']; $id = Input::has('id') ? Input::get('id') : 0; if ($id) { $create = false; try { $image = VIImage::findorFail((int) Input::get('id')); } catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) { return App::abort(404); } $message = 'has been updated successful'; } else { $create = true; $image = new VIImage(); $message = 'has been created successful'; } if ($create && !Input::hasFile('image')) { return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'You need to upload at least 1 image.']; } $image->name = Input::get('name'); $image->short_name = Str::slug($image->name); $image->description = Input::get('description'); $image->keywords = Input::get('keywords'); $image->keywords = rtrim(trim($image->keywords), ','); $image->model = Input::get('model'); $image->model = rtrim(trim($image->model), ','); $image->artist = Input::get('artist'); $image->age_from = Input::get('age_from'); $image->age_to = Input::get('age_to'); $image->gender = Input::get('gender'); $image->number_people = Input::get('number_people'); $pass = $image->valid(); if ($pass->passes()) { if (Input::hasFile('image')) { $color_extractor = new ColorExtractor(); $myfile = Input::file('image'); $mime_type = $myfile->getClientMimeType(); switch ($mime_type) { case 'image/jpeg': $palette_obj = $color_extractor->loadJpeg($myfile); break; case 'image/png': $palette_obj = $color_extractor->loadPng($myfile); break; case 'image/gif': $palette_obj = $color_extractor->loadGif($myfile); break; } $main_color = ''; if (is_object($palette_obj)) { $arr_palette = $palette_obj->extract(5); if (!empty($arr_palette)) { $main_color = strtolower($arr_palette[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr_palette); $i++) { $main_color .= ',' . strtolower($arr_palette[$i]); } } } $image->main_color = $main_color; } $image->save(); //insert into statistic_images table if ($create) { StatisticImage::create(['image_id' => $image->id, 'view' => '0', 'download' => '0']); } foreach (['category_id' => 'categories', 'collection_id' => 'collections'] as $key => $value) { $arrOld = $remove = $add = []; $old = $image->{$value}; $data = Input::has($key) ? Input::get($key) : []; $data = (array) json_decode($data[0]); if (!empty($old)) { foreach ($old as $val) { if (!in_array($val->id, $data)) { $remove[] = $val->id; } else { $arrOld[] = $val->id; } } } foreach ($data as $id) { if (!$id) { continue; } if (!in_array($id, $arrOld)) { $add[] = $id; } } if (!empty($remove)) { $image->{$value}()->detach($remove); } if (!empty($add)) { $image->{$value}()->attach($add); } foreach ($add as $v) { $arrOld[] = $v; } $image->{'arr' . ucfirst($value)} = $arrOld; } $path = public_path('assets' . DS . 'upload' . DS . 'images' . DS . $image->id); if ($create) { $main = new VIImageDetail(); $main->image_id = $image->id; $main->type = 'main'; File::makeDirectory($path, 0755, true); } else { $main = VIImageDetail::where('type', 'main')->where('image_id', $image->id)->first(); File::delete(public_path($main->path)); } if (Input::hasFile('image')) { $file = Input::file('image'); $name = $image->short_name . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->move($path, $name); $imageChange = true; } else { if (Input::has('choose_image') && Input::has('choose_name')) { $chooseImage = Input::get('choose_image'); $name = Input::get('choose_name'); file_put_contents($path . DS . $name, file_get_contents($chooseImage)); $imageChange = true; } } if (isset($imageChange)) { $main->path = 'assets/upload/images/' . $image->id . '/' . $name; $img = Image::make($path . DS . $name); $main->width = $img->width(); $main->height = $img->height(); $main->ratio = $main->width / $main->height; $img = new Imagick($path . DS . $name); $dpi = $img->getImageResolution(); $main->dpi = $dpi['x'] > $dpi['y'] ? $dpi['x'] : $dpi['y']; $main->size = $img->getImageLength(); $main->extension = strtolower($img->getImageFormat()); $main->save(); BackgroundProcess::makeSize($main->detail_id); $image->changeImg = true; if ($create) { $image->dimension = $main->width . 'x' . $main->height; $image->newImg = true; $image->path = URL . '/pic/large-thumb/' . $image->short_name . '-' . $image->id . '.jpg'; } } $arrReturn['status'] = 'ok'; $arrReturn['message'] = "{$image->name} {$message}."; $arrReturn['data'] = $image; return $arrReturn; } $arrReturn['message'] = ''; $arrErr = $pass->messages()->all(); foreach ($arrErr as $value) { $arrReturn['message'] .= "{$value}\n"; } return $arrReturn; }
/** * Poorman launcher background process callback. * * @param string $lock_id * The lock id used for this process. */ public static function poormanLauncher($lock_id) { $class = _ultimate_cron_get_class('lock'); // Bail out if someone stole our lock. if (!$class::reLock($lock_id, 60)) { return; } ultimate_cron_poorman_page_flush(); // Wait until it's our turn (0 seconds at next minute). $cron_last = variable_get('cron_last', 0); $cron_next = floor(($cron_last + 60) / 60) * 60; $time = time(); if ($time < $cron_next) { $sleep = $cron_next - $time; sleep($sleep); } // Get settings, so we can determine the poormans cron service group. $plugin = _ultimate_cron_plugin_load('launcher', 'background_process_legacy'); if (!$plugin) { $class::unlock($lock_id); throw new Exception(t('Failed to load launcher plugin?!?!?!?!')); } $settings = $plugin->getDefaultSettings(); // In case launchers fail, we don't want to relaunch this process // immediately. _ultimate_cron_variable_save('cron_last', time()); // It's our turn! $launchers = array(); foreach (_ultimate_cron_job_load_all() as $job) { $launcher = $job->getPlugin('launcher'); $launchers[$launcher->name] = $launcher->name; } foreach ($launchers as $name) { $process = new BackgroundProcess('_ultimate_cron_poorman_' . $name); $process->uid = 0; $process->service_group = $settings['poorman_service_group']; $process->start('ultimate_cron_run_launchers', array(array($name))); } // Bail out if someone stole our lock. if (!$class::reLock($lock_id, 60)) { return; } // Wait until it's our turn (0 seconds at next minute). $cron_last = _ultimate_cron_variable_load('cron_last', 0); $cron_next = floor(($cron_last + 60) / 60) * 60; $time = time(); if ($time < $cron_next) { $sleep = $cron_next - $time; sleep($sleep); } // Check poorman settings. If launcher has changed, we don't want // to keepalive. $poorman = _ultimate_cron_plugin_load('settings', 'poorman'); if (!$poorman) { return; } $settings = $poorman->getDefaultSettings(); if (!$settings['launcher'] || $settings['launcher'] !== 'background_process_legacy') { return; } background_process_keepalive(); }
public function index($image_id) { $arrReturn = array(); $arrImage = array(); $imageObj = VIImage::select('', '', 'images.short_name', 'images.description', 'images.keywords', 'images.artist', 'images.author_id', 'image_details.path', 'image_details.width', 'image_details.height', 'image_details.ratio')->join('image_details', 'image_details.image_id', '=', '')->where('', $image_id)->first(); if (is_object($imageObj)) { if ($imageObj->ratio > 1) { $width = 450; $height = $width / $imageObj->ratio; } else { $height = 450; $width = $height * $imageObj->ratio; } $arrImage = ['image_id' => $imageObj->id, 'name' => $imageObj->name, 'short_name' => $imageObj->short_name, 'description' => $imageObj->description, 'keywords' => $imageObj->keywords, 'artist' => $imageObj->artist, 'author_id' => $imageObj->author_id, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'path' => '/pic/with-logo/' . $imageObj->short_name . '-' . $imageObj->id . '.jpg', 'path_thumb' => '/pic/thumb/' . $imageObj->short_name . '-' . $imageObj->id . '.jpg']; $htmlChooseDownload = $this->loadChooseDownload($imageObj->id); $product = Product::with(['type', 'sizeLists', 'optionGroups' => function ($query) { $query->select('', 'name', 'key'); }, 'options' => function ($query) { $query->select('', 'name', 'key', 'option_group_id'); }]); $product = $product->where('active', 1)->get(); $arrProduct = array(); if (is_object($product)) { $arrProduct = $product->toArray(); } // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($arrProduct[0]['option_groups']); // echo '</pre>'; $htmlOrder = $this->loadOrder($arrImage, $arrProduct); $htmlSignin = View::make('frontend.account.signin')->with([])->render(); $arrKeywords = explode(',', $imageObj->keywords); $arrReturn['htmlKeywords'] = View::make('frontend.images.view-keywords')->with('arrKeywords', $arrKeywords)->render(); $action = Input::has('a') ? Input::get('a') : ''; $arrReturn['htmlMainImage'] = View::make('frontend.images.main-image')->with(['imageObj' => $arrImage, 'htmlChooseDownload' => $htmlChooseDownload, 'htmlOrder' => $htmlOrder, 'htmlSignin' => $htmlSignin, 'action' => $action, 'htmlKeywords' => $arrReturn['htmlKeywords']])->render(); $arrReturn['htmlSameArtist'] = $this->loadSameArtist($imageObj->author_id); $arrReturn['htmlSimilarImages'] = $this->getSimilarImage(array($imageObj->id)); $this->layout->metaTitle = $imageObj->name; //save to recently_view_images table //App::make('AccountController')->addToRecentlyViewImages($imageObj->id); if (Auth::user()->check()) { BackgroundProcess::actionSearch(['type' => 'recently-view', 'image_id' => $imageObj->id, 'user_id' => Auth::user()->get()->id]); } } else { return App::abort(404); } $arrReturn['imageObj'] = $arrImage; $categories = $this->layout->categories; $arrReturn['htmlCategories'] = View::make('frontend.account.view-categories')->with('categories', $categories)->render(); $lightboxes = array(); if (Auth::user()->check()) { $lightboxes = Lightbox::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->get()->id)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($lightboxes as $key => $lightbox) { $lightboxes[$key]['total'] = LightboxImages::where('lightbox_id', '=', $lightbox['id'])->count(); } } $arrReturn['lightboxes'] = $lightboxes; $arrReturn['mod_download'] = Configure::GetValueConfigByKey('mod_download'); $arrReturn['mod_order'] = Configure::GetValueConfigByKey('mod_order'); $arrReturn['arrProduct'] = $arrProduct; $this->layout->content = View::make('frontend.images.index')->with($arrReturn); }
function testProcesses() { SweteDb::q('delete from background_processes'); require_once 'inc/BackgroundProcess.php'; $process = new BackgroundProcess(); $this->assertEquals(null, $process->getProcessId()); $this->assertEquals(false, $process->isClean()); $process->save(); $prec = df_get_record('background_processes', array('process_id' => '=' . $process->getProcessId())); $this->assertTrue($prec instanceof Dataface_Record); $this->assertEquals($process->getProcessId(), $prec->val('process_id')); $this->assertEquals('BackgroundProcess', $prec->val('process_class')); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('running'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('complete'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('error'))); $process->start(); $prec = df_get_record('background_processes', array('process_id' => '=' . $process->getProcessId())); $this->assertTrue($prec instanceof Dataface_Record); $this->assertTrue(isset($prec)); if ($prec) { $this->assertEquals($process->getProcessId(), $prec->val('process_id')); $this->assertEquals('BackgroundProcess', $prec->val('process_class')); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('running'))); $this->assertEquals(1, intval($prec->val('complete'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('error'))); } $process = new BackgroundProcess(); $this->assertEquals(null, $process->getProcessId()); $this->assertEquals(false, $process->isClean()); $process->save(); $prec = df_get_record('background_processes', array('process_id' => '=' . $process->getProcessId())); $this->assertTrue($prec instanceof Dataface_Record); $this->assertEquals($process->getProcessId(), $prec->val('process_id')); $this->assertEquals('BackgroundProcess', $prec->val('process_class')); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('running'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('complete'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('error'))); BackgroundProcess::runProcess($process->getProcessId()); $prec = df_get_record('background_processes', array('process_id' => '=' . $process->getProcessId())); $this->assertTrue($prec instanceof Dataface_Record); $this->assertTrue(isset($prec)); if ($prec) { $this->assertEquals($process->getProcessId(), $prec->val('process_id')); $this->assertEquals('BackgroundProcess', $prec->val('process_class')); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('running'))); $this->assertEquals(1, intval($prec->val('complete'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('error'))); } $process = new BackgroundProcess(); $this->assertEquals(null, $process->getProcessId()); $this->assertEquals(false, $process->isClean()); $process->save(); $prec = df_get_record('background_processes', array('process_id' => '=' . $process->getProcessId())); $this->assertTrue($prec instanceof Dataface_Record); $this->assertEquals($process->getProcessId(), $prec->val('process_id')); $this->assertEquals('BackgroundProcess', $prec->val('process_class')); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('running'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('complete'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('error'))); $res = BackgroundProcess::runProcesses(); $this->assertTrue($res); if ($res) { $prec = df_get_record('background_processes', array('process_id' => '=' . $process->getProcessId())); $this->assertTrue($prec instanceof Dataface_Record); $this->assertTrue(isset($prec)); if ($prec) { $this->assertEquals($process->getProcessId(), $prec->val('process_id')); $this->assertEquals('BackgroundProcess', $prec->val('process_class')); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('running'))); $this->assertEquals(1, intval($prec->val('complete'))); $this->assertEquals(0, intval($prec->val('error'))); } } }
public function synchronize() { BackgroundProcess::sync(); return Response::json(1); }
public function searchImage() { $keyword = Input::has('keyword') ? Input::get('keyword') : ''; //for recently searched images $keyword_searched = $keyword; $short_name = Input::has('short_name') ? Input::get('short_name') : ''; $sort_method = Input::has('sort_method') ? Input::get('sort_method') : 'new'; $sort_style = Input::has('sort_style') ? Input::get('sort_style') : 'mosaic'; if (trim($keyword) != '') { $keyword = '*' . trim($keyword) . '*'; } $page = Input::has('page') ? Input::get('page') : 1; $take = Input::has('take') ? Input::get('take') : 30; $type = Input::has('type') ? intval(Input::get('type')) : 0; $orientation = Input::has('orientation') ? Input::get('orientation') : 'any'; $skip = ($page - 1) * $take; $category = Input::has('category') ? intval(Input::get('category')) : 0; $search_type = Input::has('search_type') ? Input::get('search_type') : 'search'; $exclude_keyword = Input::has('exclude_keyword') ? '*' . Input::get('exclude_keyword') . '*' : ''; $exclude_people = Input::has('exclude_people'); $include_people = Input::has('include_people'); $gender = Input::has('gender') ? Input::get('gender') : 'any'; $age = Input::has('age') ? Input::get('age') : 'any'; $ethnicity = Input::has('ethnicity') ? Input::get('ethnicity') : 'any'; $number_people = Input::has('number_people') ? Input::get('number_people') : 'any'; $color = Input::has('color') ? Input::get('color') : ''; $images = VIImage::select('images.short_name', '', '', 'images.main_color', DB::raw('count( as count_favorite'))->leftJoin('lightbox_images', '', '=', 'lightbox_images.image_id')->groupBy('')->with('downloads'); switch ($sort_method) { case 'new': $images = $images->with('statistic')->orderBy('', 'desc')->withType('main')->withOrientation($orientation); break; case 'relevant': $images = $images->with('statistic')->orderBy('', 'desc')->withType('main')->withOrientation($orientation); break; case 'popular': $images = $images->join('statistic_image', 'statistic_image.image_id', '=', '')->with('statistic')->orderBy('view', 'desc')->orderBy('download', 'desc')->withType('main')->withOrientation($orientation); break; case 'undiscovered': $images = $images->join('statistic_image', 'statistic_image.image_id', '=', '')->with('statistic')->orderBy('view', 'asc')->orderBy('download', 'asc')->withType('main')->withOrientation($orientation); break; default: $images = $images->with('statistic')->orderBy('', 'desc')->withType('main')->withOrientation($orientation); break; } if ($search_type == 'search' && $keyword != '') { $images = $images->search($keyword); } if ($exclude_keyword != '') { $images = $images->notSearchKeyWords($exclude_keyword); } if ($exclude_people) { $images = $images->where('number_people', '=', 0); } if ($include_people) { if ($gender != 'any') { $images = $images->where('gender', '=', $gender); } if ($age != 'any') { $age = explode('-', $age); $from = intval($age[0]); $to = intval($age[1]); $images = $images->where('age_from', '<=', $to)->where('age_to', '>=', $from); } if ($ethnicity != 'any') { $images = $images->where('ethnicity', '=', $ethnicity); } if ($number_people != 'any') { if ($number_people < 4) { $images = $images->where('number_people', '=', $number_people); } else { $images = $images->where('number_people', '>=', $number_people); } } } if (!(Input::has('editorial') && Input::has('non_editorial'))) { if (Input::has('editorial')) { $images = $images->where('editorial', '=', 1); } if (Input::has('non_editorial')) { $images = $images->where('editorial', '=', 0); } } if ($type != 0) { $images = $images->where('type_id', '=', $type); } if ($category != 0) { $images = $images->join('images_categories', 'images_categories.image_id', '=', '')->where('images_categories.category_id', '=', $category); } $total_image = $images->count(); $images = $images->get()->toArray(); $images = $this->searchColorFromArray($color, $images); $total_image = count($images); $images = array_slice($images, $skip, $take); //pr(DB::getQueryLog());die; $total_page = ceil($total_image / $take); //for recently searched images if ((trim($keyword_searched) != '' || $short_name != '') && count($images) > 0) { if ($keyword_searched == '') { $keyword_searched = str_replace('-', ' ', $short_name); } if (Auth::user()->check()) { BackgroundProcess::actionSearch(['type' => 'recently-search', 'keyword' => $keyword_searched, 'image_id' => $images[0]['id'], 'user_id' => Auth::user()->get()->id, 'query' => Request::server('REQUEST_URI')]); } BackgroundProcess::actionSearch(['type' => 'popular-search', 'keyword' => $keyword_searched, 'image_id' => $images[0]['id'], 'query' => Request::server('REQUEST_URI')]); } $lightboxes = array(); if (Auth::user()->check()) { $lightboxes = Lightbox::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->get()->id)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($lightboxes as $key => $lightbox) { $lightboxes[$key]['total'] = LightboxImages::where('lightbox_id', '=', $lightbox['id'])->count(); } } $image_action_title = 'Like this item'; if (Auth::user()->check()) { $image_action_title = 'Save to lightbox'; } $arr_sort_method = array('new' => 'New', 'popular' => 'Popular', 'relevant' => 'Relevant', 'undiscovered' => 'Undiscovered'); $arrReturn = array('images' => $images, 'total_page' => $total_page, "total_image" => $total_image, "sort_style" => $sort_style, "search_type" => $search_type, "categories" => $this->layout->categories, "lightboxes" => $lightboxes, "image_action_title" => $image_action_title, "arr_sort_method" => $arr_sort_method, "sort_method" => $sort_method, 'mod_download' => Configure::GetValueConfigByKey('mod_download'), 'mod_order' => Configure::GetValueConfigByKey('mod_download')); if (Request::ajax()) { return $arrReturn; } $this->layout->in_search = 1; $this->layout->content = View::make('')->with($arrReturn); }
/** * @test * @covers Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess::stop() * @expectedException \RuntimeException */ public function stopShouldThrowExceptionIfWindows() { if (!preg_match('/^WIN/', PHP_OS)) { $this->markTestSkipped('Cocur\\BackgroundProcess\\BackgroundProcess::stop() is supported on *nix systems ' . 'and does not need to throw an exception.'); return; } $process = new BackgroundProcess('sleep 1'); $process->stop(); }
/** * Run the PDF Processor utility. * @return mixed Total pages or false if failed processing. */ protected function runPdfProcessor($localPDF) { // Get Chaucer PDF converter $ChaucerPDF = Configure::read('processor.ChaucerPDF'); if (strlen($ChaucerPDF) > 0) { if (!strlen($localPDF)) { throw new exception("[PdfProcessor::runPdfProcessor] PDF Processing executable not configured"); } if (!file_exists($localPDF)) { throw new exception("[PdfProcessor::runPdfProcessor] PDF Processor {$ChaucerPDF} not found"); } // Get book dimensions $bookSize = $this->getBookDimensions($localPDF); // Get book processing options $options = $this->getPdfProcessorSwitches($bookSize['width'], $bookSize['height']); // Assemble PDF converter command $cmd = "{$ChaucerPDF} {$options} {$localPDF}"; CakeLog::debug('[PdfProcessor::runPdfProcessor] Executing: ' . $cmd); // Set progress and error log files for PDF converter $progressFile = Folder::addPathElement($this->workingDir, "progress.txt"); $errorLogFile = Folder::addPathElement($this->workingDir, "ErrorLog.txt"); // Create and run new background process $pdfProc = new BackgroundProcess($cmd); $endTime = time() + PROCESS_TIMEOUT; $pdfProc->run($cmd); // Preset progress vars $maxSteps = 0; $lastPage = 0; $totalPages = 0; // Get and check running process $bRunning = true; while ($bRunning && time() < $endTime) { // Get the progress if (file_exists($progressFile)) { // Get contents of the progress file $content = file_get_contents($progressFile); // Check for the string 10/1020. <page>/<page_count> if (strpos($content, '/') !== false) { // Get page info $pageInfo = explode('/', $content); // Check to stat the progress if (!$maxSteps) { $totalPages = (int) $pageInfo[1]; if ($totalPages > 0) { $maxSteps = $this->getMaxProgressSteps($totalPages); $this->progress->startProgress($maxSteps); } } // Update step $this->progress->setCurrentStep($pageInfo[0]); if ($lastPage != $pageInfo[0]) { $endTime = time() + PROCESS_TIMEOUT; // reset the timeout window for the pdf processor $lastPage = $pageInfo[0]; } } else { // Check if process is running $bRunning = $this->isPdfProcessorRunning($progressFile, $errorLogFile); } } sleep(2); } clearstatcache(); // Check if there were any errors if (file_exists($errorLogFile)) { throw new Exception('PDF Processor Failed: ' . file_get_contents($errorLogFile)); } CakeLog::debug('[PdfProcessor::runPdfProcessor] Complete: ' . $cmd); // Return total pages return $totalPages; } // Return false if PDF Converter was not detected return FALSE; }