get_body() публичный статический Метод

Parses and returns the email body content.
public static get_body ( string $body = '', boolean $html = false, boolean $reply = true, integer $i = 1 ) : string | boolean
$body string The email body content.
$html boolean Whether the email body is HTML or not. Defaults to false.
$reply boolean Whether the current item is a reply. Defaults to true.
$i integer The current email message number.
Результат string | boolean
     * Setup our extension's failure message to send back to the sender.
     * @param mixed $message
     * @param string $type Type of error message
     * @param array $data {
     *     An array of arguments.
     *     @type array $headers Email headers.
     *     @type string $content The email body content.
     *     @type string $subject The email subject line.
     *     @type int $user_id The user ID who sent the email.
     *     @type bool $is_html Whether the email content is HTML or not.
     *     @type int $i The email message number.
     * }
     * @param int $i The message number from the inbox loop
     * @param resource $connection The current IMAP connection. Chances are you probably don't have to do anything with this!
     * @return string|bool Could be a string or boolean false.
    public function failure_message_to_sender($message, $type, $data, $i, $imap)
        switch ($type) {
            case 'bp_doc_parent_comment_deleted':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted because the parent comment you were replying to no longer exists.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bp_doc_parent_comment_spam':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted because the parent comment you were replying to was marked as spam.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bp_doc_parent_comment_unapproved':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted because the parent comment you were replying was unapproved.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bp_doc_comment_change_to_noone':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted because the comment setting for this group document recently changed to "No One".
This means that no other comments can be posted for the group document in question.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bp_doc_user_not_admin_mod':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted because the comment setting for this group document recently changed to "Admin and moderators only".
Since you are not a group administrator or a group moderator, this means your comment could be posted.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bp_doc_user_not_member':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted because you are no longer a member of this group.  To comment on this group document, please rejoin the group.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bp_doc_new_comment_fail':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your comment to the group document:


Could not be posted due to an error.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
        return $message;
Пример #2
 * Logs no match errors during RBE parsing.
 * Also sends a failure message back to the original sender for feedback
 * purposes if enabled.
 * @since 1.0-RC3
 * @uses bp_rbe_log() Logs error messages in a custom log
 * @param object $parser The WP_Error object.
 * @param array $data {
 *     An array of arguments.
 *     @type array $headers Email headers.
 *     @type string $to_email The 'To' email address.
 *     @type string $from_email The 'From' email address.
 *     @type string $content The email body content.
 *     @type string $subject The email subject line.
 *     @type bool $is_html Whether the email content is HTML or not.
 * }
 * @param int $i The current message number
 * @param resource|bool $imap The IMAP connection if passed. Boolean false if not.
function bp_rbe_log_no_matches($parser, $data, $i, $imap)
    $log = $message = false;
    $type = is_wp_error($parser) ? $parser->get_error_code() : false;
    // log messages based on the type
    switch ($type) {
        /** RBE **********************************************************/
        case 'no_address_tag':
            $log = __('error - no address tag could be found', 'bp-rbe');
        case 'no_user_id':
            $log = __('error - no user ID could be found', 'bp-rbe');
            $sitename = wp_specialchars_decode(get_blog_option(bp_get_root_blog_id(), 'blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

You tried to use the email address - %s - to reply by email.  Unfortunately, we could not find this email address in our system.

This can happen in a couple of different ways:
* You have configured your email client to reply with a custom "From:" email address.
* You read email addressed to more than one account inside of a single Inbox.

Make sure that, when replying by email, your "From:" email address is the same as the address you\'ve registered at %s.

If you have any questions, please let us know.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_header($data['headers'], 'From'), $sitename);
        case 'user_is_spammer':
            $log = __('notice - user is marked as a spammer.  reply not posted!', 'bp-rbe');
        case 'no_params':
            $log = __('error - no parameters were found', 'bp-rbe');
        case 'no_reply_body':
            $log = __('error - body message for reply was empty', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your reply could not be posted because we could not find the "%s" marker in the body of your email.

In the future, please make sure you reply *above* this line for your comment to be posted on the site.

For reference, your entire reply was:


If you have any questions, please let us know.', 'bp-rbe'), bp_rbe_get_marker(), $data['content']);
            /** ACTIVITY *****************************************************/
        /** ACTIVITY *****************************************************/
        case 'root_activity_deleted':
            $log = __('error - root activity update was deleted before this could be posted', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your reply:


Could not be posted because the activity entry you were replying to no longer exists.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
        case 'root_or_parent_activity_deleted':
            $log = __('error - root or parent activity update was deleted before this could be posted', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your reply:


Could not be posted because the activity entry you were replying to no longer exists.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            /** GROUP FORUMS *************************************************/
        /** GROUP FORUMS *************************************************/
        case 'user_not_group_member':
            $log = __('error - user is not a member of the group. forum reply not posted.', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your forum reply:


Could not be posted because you are no longer a member of this group.  To comment on the forum thread, please rejoin the group.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
        case 'user_banned_from_group':
            $log = __('notice - user is banned from group. forum reply not posted.', 'bp-rbe');
        case 'new_forum_topic_empty':
            $log = __('error - body message for new forum topic was empty', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = __('Hi there,

We could not post your new forum topic by email because we could not find any text in the body of the email.

In the future, please make sure to type something in your email! :)

If you have any questions, please let us know.', 'bp-rbe');
        case 'forum_reply_exists':
            $log = __('error - forum reply already exists in topic', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your forum reply:


Could not be posted because you have already posted the same message in the forum topic you were attempting to reply to.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
        case 'forum_reply_fail':
            $log = __('error - forum topic was deleted before reply could be posted', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your forum reply:


Could not be posted because the forum topic you were replying to no longer exists.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
        case 'forum_topic_fail':
            $log = __('error - forum topic failed to be created', 'bp-rbe');
            // this is a pretty generic message...
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your forum topic titled "%s" could not be posted due to an error.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), $data['subject']);
            /** PRIVATE MESSAGES *********************************************/
            // most likely a spammer trying to infiltrate an existing PM thread
        /** PRIVATE MESSAGES *********************************************/
        // most likely a spammer trying to infiltrate an existing PM thread
        case 'private_message_not_in_thread':
            $log = __('error - user is not a part of the existing PM conversation', 'bp-rbe');
        case 'private_message_thread_deleted':
            $log = __('error - private message thread was deleted by all parties before this could be posted', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your private message reply:


Could not be posted because the private message thread you were replying to no longer exists.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
        case 'private_message_fail':
            $log = __('error - private message failed to post', 'bp-rbe');
            $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Your reply:


Could not be posted due to an error.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            // 3rd-party plugins can filter the two variables below to add their own logs and email messages.
        // 3rd-party plugins can filter the two variables below to add their own logs and email messages.
            $log = apply_filters('bp_rbe_extend_log_no_match', $log, $type, $data, $i, $imap);
            $message = apply_filters('bp_rbe_extend_log_no_match_email_message', $message, $type, $data, $i, $imap);
    // internal logging
    if ($log) {
        bp_rbe_log(sprintf(__('Message #%d: %s', 'bp-rbe'), $i, $log));
    // failure message to author
    // if you want to turn off failure messages, use the filter below
    if (apply_filters('bp_rbe_enable_failure_message', true) && $message) {
        $to = BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_header($data['headers'], 'From');
        if (!empty($to)) {
            $sitename = wp_specialchars_decode(get_blog_option(bp_get_root_blog_id(), 'blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
            $subject = sprintf(__('[%s] Your Reply By Email message could not be posted', 'bp-rbe'), $sitename);
            // temporarily remove RBE mail filter by wiping out email querystring
            add_filter('bp_rbe_querystring', '__return_false');
            // send email
            wp_mail($to, $subject, $message);
            // add it back
            remove_filter('bp_rbe_querystring', '__return_false');
     * Setup our extension's failure message to send back to the sender.
     * @param mixed $message
     * @param string $type Type of error message
     * @param array $data {
     *     An array of arguments.
     *     @type array $headers Email headers.
     *     @type string $content The email body content.
     *     @type string $subject The email subject line.
     *     @type int $user_id The user ID who sent the email.
     *     @type bool $is_html Whether the email content is HTML or not.
     *     @type int $i The email message number.
     * }
     * @param int $i The message number from the inbox loop
     * @param resource $connection The current IMAP connection. Chances are you probably don't have to do anything with this!
     * @return string|bool Could be a string or boolean false.
    public function failure_message_to_sender($message, $type, $data, $i, $imap)
        switch ($type) {
            /** REPLIES *****************************************************/
            case 'bbp_reply_permissions':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your reply to the forum topic could not be posted because it appears that you do not have the ability to post replies.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bbp_reply_flood':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your reply to the forum topic could not be posted because it appears that you are trying to post too often.  Please wait a few minutes and try again.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bbp_reply_duplicate':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your reply to the forum topic could not be posted because it appears you have already made the same reply.

Here is a copy of your reply:


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bbp_reply_blacklist':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your reply to the forum topic could not be posted because the content of your message was automatically marked as spam.

Here is a copy of your reply that was marked as spam:


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
            case 'bbp_reply_error':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your reply to the forum topic could not be posted due to an error.

Here is a copy of your attempted reply:


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], true, $i));
                /** TOPICS *****************************************************/
            /** TOPICS *****************************************************/
            case 'bbp_topic_permissions':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because it appears that you do have the ability to post topics.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_edit_topic_forum_category':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because the forum you are attempting to post in is a forum category.  Forum categories cannot contain topics.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_edit_topic_forum_closed':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because the forum you are trying to post in is closed and no new topics can be created there.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_edit_topic_forum_private':
            case 'bbp_edit_topic_forum_hidden':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because it appears that you do not have access to that forum.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_topic_flood':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because it appears that you are trying to post too often.  Please wait a few minutes and try again.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to repost the following message:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_topic_duplicate':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because it appears you already created this topic before.

Here is a copy of your attempted topic:

"%s"', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_topic_blacklist':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted because the content of your message was automatically marked as spam.

Here is a copy of your topic that was marked as spam:


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
            case 'bbp_topic_error':
                $message = sprintf(__('Hi there,

Unfortunately, your new forum topic could not be posted due to an error.

Here is a copy of your attempted topic:


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.', 'bp-rbe'), BP_Reply_By_Email_Parser::get_body($data['content'], $data['is_html'], false, $i));
        return $message;