Пример #1
 * Removes a (namespace_uri, alias) registration from the global
 * namespace alias map.  Returns true if the removal succeeded; false
 * if not (if the mapping did not exist).
function Auth_OpenID_removeNamespaceAlias($namespace_uri, $alias)
    global $Auth_OpenID_registered_aliases;
    if (Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($Auth_OpenID_registered_aliases, $alias) === $namespace_uri) {
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #2
  * @access private
 function _verifyReturnToArgs($query)
     // Verify that the arguments in the return_to URL are present in this
     // response.
     $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
     $return_to = $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'return_to');
     if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($return_to)) {
         return $return_to;
     // XXX: this should be checked by _idResCheckForFields
     if (!$return_to) {
         return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, "Response has no return_to");
     $parsed_url = parse_url($return_to);
     $q = array();
     if (array_key_exists('query', $parsed_url)) {
         $rt_query = $parsed_url['query'];
         $q = Auth_OpenID::parse_str($rt_query);
     foreach ($q as $rt_key => $rt_value) {
         if (!array_key_exists($rt_key, $query)) {
             return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, sprintf("return_to parameter %s absent from query", $rt_key));
         } else {
             $value = $query[$rt_key];
             if ($rt_value != $value) {
                 return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, sprintf("parameter %s value %s does not match " . "return_to value %s", $rt_key, $value, $rt_value));
     // Make sure all non-OpenID arguments in the response are also
     // in the signed return_to.
     $bare_args = $message->getArgs(Auth_OpenID_BARE_NS);
     foreach ($bare_args as $key => $value) {
         if (Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($q, $key) != $value) {
             return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, sprintf("Parameter %s = %s not in return_to URL", $key, $value));
     return true;
Пример #3
  * @return $result Auth_OpenID_AX_Error on failure or true on
  * success.
 function parseExtensionArgs($ax_args)
     $result = parent::parseExtensionArgs($ax_args);
     if (Auth_OpenID_AX::isError($result)) {
         return $result;
     $this->update_url = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($ax_args, 'update_url');
     return true;
Пример #4
  * Parse the provider authentication policy arguments into the
  *  internal state of this object
  * @param args: unqualified provider authentication policy
  * arguments
  * @param strict: Whether to return false when bad data is
  * encountered
  * @return null The data is parsed into the internal fields of
  * this object.
 function parseExtensionArgs($args, $strict = false)
     $policies_str = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'auth_policies');
     if ($policies_str && $policies_str != "none") {
         $this->auth_policies = explode(" ", $policies_str);
     $nist_level_str = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'nist_auth_level');
     if ($nist_level_str !== null) {
         $nist_level = Auth_OpenID::intval($nist_level_str);
         if ($nist_level === false) {
             if ($strict) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $nist_level = null;
         if (0 <= $nist_level && $nist_level < 5) {
             $this->nist_auth_level = $nist_level;
         } else {
             if ($strict) {
                 return false;
     $auth_time = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'auth_time');
     if ($auth_time !== null) {
         if (preg_match(PAPE_TIME_VALIDATOR, $auth_time)) {
             $this->auth_time = $auth_time;
         } else {
             if ($strict) {
                 return false;
Пример #5
  * @access private
 function _checkReturnTo($message, $return_to)
     // Check an OpenID message and its openid.return_to value
     // against a return_to URL from an application.  Return True
     // on success, False on failure.
     // Check the openid.return_to args against args in the
     // original message.
     $result = Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer::_verifyReturnToArgs($message->toPostArgs());
     if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result)) {
         return false;
     // Check the return_to base URL against the one in the
     // message.
     $msg_return_to = $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'return_to');
     $return_to_parts = parse_url($return_to);
     $msg_return_to_parts = parse_url($msg_return_to);
     // If port is absent from both, add it so it's equal in the
     // check below.
     if (!array_key_exists('port', $return_to_parts) && !array_key_exists('port', $msg_return_to_parts)) {
         $return_to_parts['port'] = null;
         $msg_return_to_parts['port'] = null;
     // If path is absent from both, add it so it's equal in the
     // check below.
     if (!array_key_exists('path', $return_to_parts) && !array_key_exists('path', $msg_return_to_parts)) {
         $return_to_parts['path'] = null;
         $msg_return_to_parts['path'] = null;
     // The URL scheme, authority, and path MUST be the same
     // between the two URLs.
     foreach (array('scheme', 'host', 'port', 'path') as $component) {
         // If the url component is absent in either URL, fail.
         // There should always be a scheme, host, port, and path.
         if (!array_key_exists($component, $return_to_parts)) {
             return false;
         if (!array_key_exists($component, $msg_return_to_parts)) {
             return false;
         if (Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($return_to_parts, $component) !== Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($msg_return_to_parts, $component)) {
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #6
 function findFirstHref($link_attrs_list, $target_rel)
     // Return the value of the href attribute for the first link
     // tag in the list that has target_rel as a relationship.
     // XXX: TESTME
     $matches = $this->findLinksRel($link_attrs_list, $target_rel);
     if (!$matches) {
         return null;
     $first = $matches[0];
     return Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($first, 'href', null);
Пример #7
  * Get the openid.return_to argument from this response.
  * This is useful for verifying that this request was initiated by
  * this consumer.
  * @return string $return_to The return_to URL supplied to the
  * server on the initial request, or null if the response did not
  * contain an 'openid.return_to' argument.
 function getReturnTo()
     return Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->signed_args, 'openid.return_to');
Пример #8
 function get($field_name, $default = null)
     if (!Auth_OpenID_checkFieldName($field_name)) {
         return null;
     return Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->data, $field_name, $default);
 function fetch($url, $body = null, $headers = null)
     $this->fetchlog[] = array($url, $body, $headers);
     $u = parse_url($url);
     $proxy_host = $u['host'];
     $xri = $u['path'];
     $query = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($u, 'query');
     if (!$headers && !$query) {
         trigger_error('Error in mock XRI fetcher: no headers or query');
     if (Auth_Yadis_startswith($xri, '/')) {
         $xri = substr($xri, 1);
     if (array_key_exists($xri, $this->documents)) {
         list($ctype, $body) = $this->documents[$xri];
         $status = 200;
     } else {
         $status = 404;
         $ctype = 'text/plain';
         $body = '';
     return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, $status, array('content-type' => $ctype), $body);
Пример #10
 function get($handle)
     return Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->assocs, $handle);
Пример #11
  * Parse the unqualified hybrid OAuth response parameters
  * and add them to this object.
  * This method is essentially the inverse of
  * getExtensionArgs. This method restores the serialized hybrid
  * OAuth response fields.
  * If you are extracting arguments from a standard OpenID
  * checkid_* response, you probably want to use fromSuccessResponse,
  * which will extract the oauth namespace and arguments from the
  * successful OpenID response. This method is intended for cases where the
  * OpenID server needs more control over how the arguments are
  * parsed than that method provides.
  * $args = $message->getArgs($ns_uri);
  * $response->parseExtensionArgs($args);
  * $args: The unqualified hybrid OAuth arguments
 public function parseExtensionArgs($args)
     $this->request_token = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'request_token');
     $this->scope = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'scope');
     return true;
Пример #12
  * Given an HTTP query in an array (key-value pairs), decode it
  * into an Auth_OpenID_Request object.
 function decode($query)
     if (!$query) {
         return null;
     $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
     $mode = $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'mode');
     if (!$mode) {
         return new Auth_OpenID_ServerError($message, "No mode value in message");
     $handlerCls = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->handlers, $mode, $this->defaultDecoder($message));
     if (!is_a($handlerCls, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerError')) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($handlerCls, 'fromMessage'), array($message, $this->server));
     } else {
         return $handlerCls;
  * Parse the provider authentication policy arguments into the
  *  internal state of this object
  * @param args: unqualified provider authentication policy
  * arguments
  * @param strict: Whether to return false when bad data is
  * encountered
  * @return null The data is parsed into the internal fields of
  * this object.
 function parseExtensionArgs($args, $strict = false)
     $policies_str = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'auth_policies');
     if ($policies_str) {
         $this->auth_policies = explode(" ", $policies_str);
     $nist_level_str = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'nist_auth_level');
     if ($nist_level_str !== null) {
         $nist_level = Auth_OpenID::intval($nist_level_str);
         if ($nist_level === false) {
             if ($strict) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $nist_level = null;
         if (0 <= $nist_level && $nist_level < 5) {
             $this->nist_auth_level = $nist_level;
         } else {
             if ($strict) {
                 return false;
     $auth_age_str = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($args, 'auth_age');
     if ($auth_age_str !== null) {
         $auth_age = Auth_OpenID::intval($auth_age_str);
         if ($auth_age === false) {
             if ($strict) {
                 return false;
         } else {
             if ($auth_age >= 0) {
                 $this->auth_age = $auth_age;
             } else {
                 if ($strict) {
                     return false;
Пример #14
  * Given a {@link Auth_OpenID_Message}, return the key/value pairs
  * to be signed according to the signed list in the message.  If
  * the message lacks a signed list, return null.
  * @access private
 function _makePairs(&$message)
     $signed = $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'signed');
     if (!$signed || Auth_OpenID::isFailure($signed)) {
         // raise ValueError('Message has no signed list: %s' % (message,))
         return null;
     $signed_list = explode(',', $signed);
     $pairs = array();
     $data = $message->toPostArgs();
     foreach ($signed_list as $field) {
         $pairs[] = array($field, Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($data, 'openid.' . $field, ''));
     return $pairs;
Пример #15
 function test_signInvalidHandle()
     $request = new Auth_OpenID_ServerRequest();
     $assoc_handle = '{bogus-assoc}{notvalid}';
     $request->assoc_handle = $assoc_handle;
     $response = new Auth_OpenID_CheckIDResponse($request);
     $response->fields = array('foo' => 'amsigned', 'bar' => 'notsigned', 'azu' => 'alsosigned');
     $response->signed = array('foo', 'azu');
     $sresponse = $this->signatory->sign($response);
     $new_assoc_handle = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($sresponse->fields, 'assoc_handle');
     $this->assertFalse($new_assoc_handle == $assoc_handle);
     $this->assertEquals(Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($sresponse->fields, 'invalidate_handle'), $assoc_handle);
     $this->assertEquals(Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($sresponse->fields, 'signed'), 'foo,azu');
     $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($sresponse->fields, 'sig'));
     // make sure the new key is a dumb mode association
     $this->assertTrue($this->store->getAssociation($this->dumb_key, $new_assoc_handle));
     $this->assertFalse($this->store->getAssociation($this->normal_key, $new_assoc_handle));
Пример #16
	 * Given an HTTP query in an array (key-value pairs), decode it
	 * into an Auth_OpenID_Request object.
	function decode($query)
		if (!$query) {
			return null;

		$message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);

		if ($message === null) {
			 * It's useful to have a Message attached to a
			 * ProtocolError, so we override the bad ns value to build
			 * a Message out of it.  Kinda kludgy, since it's made of
			 * lies, but the parts that aren't lies are more useful
			 * than a 'None'.
			$old_ns = $query['openid.ns'];

			$query['openid.ns'] = Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS;
			$message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
			return new Auth_OpenID_ServerError(
			sprintf("Invalid OpenID namespace URI: %s", $old_ns));

		$mode = $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'mode');
		if (!$mode) {
			return new Auth_OpenID_ServerError($message,
                                               "No mode value in message");

		if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($mode)) {
			return new Auth_OpenID_ServerError($message,

		$handlerCls = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->handlers, $mode,

		if (!is_a($handlerCls, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerError')) {
			return call_user_func_array(array($handlerCls, 'fromMessage'),
			array($message, $this->server));
		} else {
			return $handlerCls;
Пример #17
  * Given an HTTP query in an array (key-value pairs), decode it
  * into an Auth_OpenID_Request object.
 function decode($query)
     if (!$query) {
         return null;
     $myquery = array();
     foreach ($query as $k => $v) {
         if (strpos($k, $this->prefix) === 0) {
             $myquery[$k] = $v;
     if (!$myquery) {
         return null;
     $mode = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($myquery, $this->prefix . 'mode');
     if (!$mode) {
         return new Auth_OpenID_ServerError($query, sprintf("No %s mode found in query", $this->prefix));
     $handlerCls = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->handlers, $mode, $this->defaultDecoder($query));
     if (!is_a($handlerCls, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerError')) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($handlerCls, 'fromQuery'), array($query));
     } else {
         return $handlerCls;
Пример #18
 function test_parseExtensionArgs()
     $extension_args = array('mode' => 'fetch_request', 'type.' . $this->alias_a => $this->type_a, 'if_available' => $this->alias_a);
     $this->assertEquals(array($this->type_a), $this->msg->iterTypes());
     $attr_info = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($this->msg->requested_attributes, $this->type_a);
     $this->assertEquals($this->type_a, $attr_info->type_uri);
     $this->assertEquals($this->alias_a, $attr_info->alias);
     $this->assertEquals(array($attr_info), $this->msg->iterAttrs());
Пример #19
  * @access private
 function _verifyReturnToArgs($query)
     // Verify that the arguments in the return_to URL are present in this
     // response.
     $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
     $return_to = $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'return_to');
     // modified by ben brown 2010-01-21
     // for some reason the return url being specified is all jacked
     //$return_to = preg_replace("/(.*?)\?.*/","$1",$return_to);
     error_log("Looking at return to = {$return_to}");
     if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($return_to)) {
         error_log("failing 1");
         return $return_to;
     // XXX: this should be checked by _idResCheckForFields
     if (!$return_to) {
         error_log("failing 2");
         return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, "Response has no return_to");
     $parsed_url = parse_url($return_to);
     error_log("parsed url: {$parsed_url}");
     $q = array();
     if (array_key_exists('query', $parsed_url)) {
         $rt_query = $parsed_url['query'];
         $q = Auth_OpenID::parse_str($rt_query);
     foreach ($q as $rt_key => $rt_value) {
         if (!array_key_exists($rt_key, $query)) {
             error_log("failing 3");
             return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, sprintf("return_to parameter %s absent from query", $rt_key));
         } else {
             $value = $query[$rt_key];
             if ($rt_value != $value) {
                 error_log("failing 4");
                 return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, sprintf("parameter %s value %s does not match " . "return_to value %s", $rt_key, $value, $rt_value));
     // Make sure all non-OpenID arguments in the response are also
     // in the signed return_to.
     $bare_args = $message->getArgs(Auth_OpenID_BARE_NS);
     foreach ($bare_args as $key => $value) {
         if (Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($q, $key) != $value) {
             error_log("failing 5");
             return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, sprintf("Parameter %s = %s not in return_to URL", $key, $value));
     return true;