public function get_permission($arrParam = null) { $module = empty($arrParam['module']) ? $this->_arrParam['module'] : $arrParam['module']; $controller = empty($arrParam['controller']) ? $this->_arrParam['controller'] : $arrParam['controller']; $action = empty($arrParam['action']) ? $this->_arrParam['action'] : $arrParam['action']; return \Auth::has_access('module_' . $module . '.' . $controller . '.[' . $action . ']'); }
public function action_senior($center = null) { if (Auth::has_access('reports.all_centers')) { $view_all = TRUE; } else { $view_all = FALSE; } $all_call_centers = Model_Call_Center::find('all'); $this->template->title = 'Senior Leaderboard'; $this->template->content = View::forge('leaderboard/senior', array('view_all' => $view_all, 'all_call_centers' => $all_call_centers, 'center' => $center, 'url' => !is_null($center) ? '/reports/get_senior_report/' . $center . '.json' : '/reports/get_senior_report.json')); }
public function get_get_view() { if (Auth::has_access('user.view')) { $users = Model_User::find('all'); $user_parse = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $user_parse[] = array('<img src="' . md5(strtolower(trim($user->email))) . '?d=mm" alt="Gravatar Image" height="40" width="40">', $user->name, $user->username, Auth_Group_SimpleGroup::instance()->get_name($user->group), $user->email, $user->call_center->title, strlen($user->last_login) > 2 ? date("M j, Y g:i A", (int) $user->last_login) : "No previous Login"); } $this->response(array("aaData" => $user_parse, "aoColumnDefs" => array(array("iDataSort" => 6, "asSorting" => array("desc"), "aTargets" => array(0))), "aoColumns" => array(array("mDataProp" => "id", "bSortable" => false), array("mDataProp" => "name", "sTitle" => "Name", "sType" => "string"), array("mDataProp" => "username", "sTitle" => "Username", "sType" => "string"), array("mDataProp" => "group", "sTitle" => "Group", "sType" => "string"), array("mDataProp" => "email", "sTitle" => "E-mail", "sType" => "string"), array("mDataProp" => "call_center", "sTitle" => "Call Center", "sType" => "string"), array("mDataProp" => "last_login", "sTitle" => "Last Login", "sType" => "date")))); } else { $this->response(array("error" => "You are not authorised to view this content!")); } }
public function action_delete($id = null) { if (!Auth::has_access('news.delete')) { Session::set_flash('warning', 'You don\'t have the right to delete a news'); Response::redirect('admin'); } if ($news = Model_News::find($id)) { $news->delete(); Session::set_flash('success', 'Deleted news #' . $id); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not delete news #' . $id); } Response::redirect('news'); }
public function action_delete($id = null) { if (Auth::has_access('country.delete') == false) { Session::set_flash("error", "Only admins may delete countries!"); Response::redirect("country/") and die; } if ($country = Model_Country::find($id)) { $country->delete(); Session::set_flash('success', 'Deleted country #' . $id); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not delete country #' . $id); } Response::redirect('country'); }
public function action_add() { if (Auth::has_access('ppi.admin')) { if (Input::method() == "POST") { \Crm\Creditor\Creditor_model::addCreditor(array('name' => \Input::post('name', ""), 'department_id' => \Input::post('department_id', ""), 'street_and_number' => \Input::post('street_and_number', ""), 'area' => \Input::post('area', ""), 'district' => \Input::post('district', ""), 'town' => \Input::post('town', ""), 'county' => \Input::post('county', ""), 'post_code' => \Input::post('post_code', ""), 'telephone' => \Input::post('telephone', ""), 'fax' => \Input::post('fax', ""), 'email' => \Input::post('email', ""), 'payee_name' => \Input::post('payee_name', ""), 'bacs_account_number' => \Input::post('bacs_account_number', ""), 'bacs_sortcode' => \Input::post('bacs_sortcode', ""), 'notes' => \Input::post('notes', ""))); \Session::set_flash('success', "Creditor named " . \Input::post('name', "") . " has been added!"); \Response::redirect('crm/creditor/add'); } else { $this->template->title = "Add Creditor"; $this->template->content = View::forge(static::$_viewPath . '/add.php'); } } else { \Session::set_flash('fail', "You do not have access to this section. This has been logged!"); \Response::redirect('/'); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (\Auth::check()) { $access = Auth::has_access(\Request::active()->controller . "." . \Request::active()->action); if ($access) { $this->user_id = Auth::instance()->get_user_id(); $this->user_id = $this->user_id[1]; View::set_global('usuario', Auth::instance()->get_screen_name()); } else { Response::redirect('welcome/404'); } } else { Response::redirect('user/login'); } }
public function action_create() { //assumption: this will only be called using ajax if (!Input::is_ajax()) { return Response::forge("Access forbidden, only AJAX calls allowed", 403); } if (!Auth::has_access("location.create")) { return Response::forge("Only admins allowed here", 403); } if (Input::post("location_title", null) != null) { $loc = Model_Orm_Location::forge(); $loc->title = Input::post("location_title"); $loc->save(); $ret = array("id" => $loc->id); return Response::forge(Format::forge()->to_json($ret), 200, array("Content-Type" => "application/json")); } }
public static function _init() { // static::$_properties = \Arr::merge(static::$_properties, array( // 'default_id' => array( // 'form' => array( // 'options' => function($model) { // $model->items; // $model = $model->to_array(); // return \Arr::pluck($model['items'], 'name', 'id'); // } // ) // ), // )); if (\Auth::has_access('enum.enum[all]')) { \Arr::set(static::$_properties, 'read_only.form', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'template' => 'switch', 'options' => array(gettext('No'), gettext('Yes')))); } }
public function action_disposition() { $this->template->title = "PPI Disposition Report"; if (\Auth::has_access('reports.all_centers')) { $center = \Input::post('center'); $view_all = TRUE; } else { $view_all = FALSE; list($driver, $user_id) = \Auth::get_user_id(); $this_user = \Model_User::find($user_id); $center = $this_user->call_center_id; } $all_call_centers = \Model_Call_Center::find('all'); $hourlyStatsReport = array('Referrals' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::perPeriod('referral', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'Pack Outs' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::perPeriod('packOut', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'Pack In' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::perPeriod('packIn', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))); $quickView = array(array('No Contacts' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('noContact', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))), 'Referrals' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('referral', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))), 'Pack Outs' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('packOut', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))), 'Pack Ins' => count(\Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::packIns($center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate'))))); $report = Report\Create::forge(array('hourlyStats' => array('reportResults' => $hourlyStatsReport, 'displayType' => 'chart'), 'noContacts' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('noContact', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'referrals' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('referral', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'packOuts' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::simpleStats('packOut', $center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'packIns' => array('reportResults' => \Crm\Reports\Model_Ppi::packIns($center, \Input::post('startdate'), \Input::post('enddate')), 'options' => array('class' => 'zebra-striped datatable')), 'quickView' => array('reportResults' => $quickView, 'options' => array('direction' => 'vertical'))), 3600); $this->template->content = View::forge(static::$_viewPath . 'ppi/disposition.php', array('reports' => $report->generate(), 'all_call_centers' => $all_call_centers, 'center' => $center, 'start_date' => \Input::post('startdate'), 'end_date' => \Input::post('enddate'), 'view_all' => $view_all)); }
/** * Creation of new events. * Works on both the first load, which is typically * a GET request as on later requests, which are POST. * When POST-ing, a validation is run on input data. * Validation rules taken from "Event" model. */ public function action_create() { if (!Auth::has_access('event.create')) { //if ($this->_user_id == 0){ Session::set_flash("error", __('ERR_CREATE_AUTH')); Response::redirect("/") and die; } $data = array(); //to be passed into the view if (Input::method() == "POST") { $val = Model_Orm_Event::validate('create'); if ($val->run()) { $newEvent = new Model_Orm_Event(); $newEvent->title = $val->validated("title"); $newEvent->start = $val->validated("start"); $newEvent->description = $val->validated("description"); $location = Model_Orm_Location::find(Input::post("location")); $newEvent->location = $location; //first, we save the item without attachments $newEvent->save(); $errors = $this->try_get_attachments($newEvent); Session::set_flash("success", __('ACTION_CREATE_CREATED') . $val->validated("title")); Response::redirect("event/view/" . $newEvent->id); } else { //validation did not work. //But still, there may be uploaded files! $errors = $this->try_get_attachments(); Session::set_flash("error", array_merge($val->error(), $errors)); } $this->template->title = __("ACTION_CREATE_TITLE"); $data["form_key"] = Input::post("form_key"); } else { //the first GET request $this->template->title = __("ACTION_CREATE_TITLE"); //we assign a random value to the form $data["form_key"] = md5(mt_rand(1000, 10000)); } $data["locations"] = Model_Orm_Location::get_locations(); $this->add_rich_form_scripts(); $this->template->page_content = View::forge("event/create", $data); }
public function check_auth() { if (!Auth::has_access(array($this->request->controller, $this->request->action))) { if (Auth::check()) { $this->set_user(); Session::set_flash('error', 'Permission Denied.'); Response::redirect(''); } else { Session::set_flash('error', "Not Logged in."); $request_uri = urlencode($this->request->uri->uri); if (preg_match('/Controller_Admin/', $this->request->controller)) { Response::redirect('admin/login/?uri=' . $request_uri); } else { Response::redirect('users/login'); } } } else { if (Auth::check()) { $this->set_user(); } } }
public static function check_exists_accessible_uri($paths) { if (!is_array($paths)) { if (!$paths) { return true; } if ($paths == '/') { return true; } return \Auth::has_access(\Site_Util::get_acl_path($paths) . '.GET'); } foreach ($paths as $name => $path) { if (is_array($path)) { if (isset($path['href']) && isset($path['method']) && \Auth::has_access(\Site_Util::get_acl_path($path['href']) . '.' . $path['method'])) { return true; } } else { if (\Auth::has_access(\Site_Util::get_acl_path($path) . '.GET')) { return true; } } } return false; }
protected function check_acl($is_return_true_for_not_auth_action = true) { if ($is_return_true_for_not_auth_action && $this->check_not_auth_action()) { return true; } return \Auth::has_access(sprintf('%s.%s', \Site_Util::get_action_path(), \Input::method())); }
function anchor($href, $text, $is_admin = false, $attr = array(), $is_absolute_ext_uri = false, $acl_method = 'GET') { if (is_null($attr)) { $attr = array(); } if ($is_absolute_ext_uri || ($is_ext_url = Site_Util::check_ext_uri($href, $is_admin))) { $attr['target'] = '_blank'; $text .= ' ' . icon('new-window'); } if ($is_admin && !$is_ext_url) { if (Auth::check() && !Auth::has_access(Site_Util::get_acl_path($href) . '.' . $acl_method)) { $attr['class'] = empty($attr['class']) ? '' : $attr['class'] . ' '; $attr['class'] .= 'disabled'; return html_tag('span', $attr, $text); } } return Html::anchor($href, $text, $attr); }
function check_acl($acl_path, $method = 'GET', $is_convert_acl_path = false) { if ($is_convert_acl_path) { $acl_path = Site_Util::get_acl_path($acl_path); } return Auth::has_access($acl_path . '.' . $method); }
?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="alert alert-danger" style="display:none; text-align: center; font-size:20px;" id="ajaxResult"></div> <!-- PAGE CONTENT BEGINS --> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" role="form"> <h4 class="header purple"> <i class="ace-icon fa fa-tachometer purple"></i> 公众号基础信息 <small>基本信息</small> </h4> <!-- #section:elements.form --> <?php if (Auth::has_access('admin.wxaccount[show_seller]')) { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-3 control-label no-padding-right" for="seller_id"> 所属商户 </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input type="text" class="col-xs-10 col-sm-5 col-md-7" id="seller_id" name="seller_id" placeholder="商户ID" value="<?php echo isset($item) && $item ? $item->seller_id : ''; ?> "> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-3 control-label no-padding-right" for="nickname"> 公众号名称 </label>
<p> <?php echo implode('</p><p>', e((array) Session::get_flash('success'))); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo $content; ?> <?php if (Auth::has_access('user.view')) { ?> <div> <p style="color: silver; font-weight: bold; text-align: right;">Intranet: <?php echo exec('git describe --tags --long'); ?> (<?php echo exec('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'); ?> ) - Fuel: <?php echo e(Fuel::VERSION); ?> - Render Time: {exec_time}s - Memory Use: {mem_usage}mb</p> </div> <?php }
?> <?php echo Form::input('username', $username, array('placeholder' => 'Username / Email', 'autofocus')); ?> <?php echo Form::password('password', $password, array('placeholder' => 'Password')); ?> <?php echo Form::submit('submit', 'Connect', array('class' => 'btn success')); ?> <?php echo Form::close(); ?> </div> <?php } elseif (Auth::has_access('')) { echo 'admin panel'; ?> <br /> <div id='news'> List of news <ul> <?php foreach ($news as $new) { ?> <?php echo '<li>' . Html::anchor('news/view/' . $new->id, $new->title) . '</li>'; ?> <?php } ?>
"> <?php echo __('LINK_SHOW_AGENDA'); ?> </div> <!--ul> <?php foreach ($event->agendas as $agenda) { ?> <li><?php echo $agenda->title; ?> </li> <?php } //foreach agenda item ?> </ul--> <?php } //foreach event if (Auth::has_access("event.create")) { ?> <p> <?php echo Html::anchor("/event/create/", __("ADD_EVENT_LINK"), array("class" => "btn btn-primary")); ?> </p> <?php }
<div style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 30px;"> <a href="/crm/view_client/<?php echo $clientID; ?> ">Return to Client View</a> </div> <?php // -- Only PPI Admin can view this page // ------------------------------------ if (!Auth::has_access('ppi.admin')) { ?> <div class="notification error"> <a href="#" class="close-notification" title="Hide Notification" rel="tooltip">x</a> <p><strong>Error notification</strong> You do not have permission to view this page. If you feel that you should, then please contact your manager.</p> </div> <?php return; } ?> <article class="full-block clearfix"> <section> <article class="half-block"> <header> <h2>Claim Information</h2> <nav> <a href="#" class="button" id="editClaim" rel="">Edit Claim</a> </nav> </header>
echo Html::anchor('news/view/' . $new->id, 'View', array("class" => "btn primary")); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (Auth::has_access('news.update')) { ?> <?php echo Html::anchor('news/edit/' . $new->id, 'Edit', array("class" => "btn success")); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (Auth::has_access('news.delete')) { ?> <?php echo Html::anchor('news/delete/' . $new->id, 'Delete', array('onclick' => "return confirm('Are you sure?')", 'class' => 'btn danger')); ?> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?>
public function get_dispositions() { if (strtotime($this->param('enddate')) - strtotime($this->param('startdate')) < -2678400) { $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'Sorry, you cannot get a disposition report for a larger period than one month!')); } else { $this->response(Controller_Reports::generate_disposition_report($this->param('center'), Auth::has_access('reports.disposition'), Auth::has_access('reports.all_centers'), $this->param('startdate'), $this->param('enddate'))); } }
public function router($method, $args) { if (in_array(\Uri::string(), static::$ignore_login)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'action_' . $method), $args); } $right = $this->app . '.[' . str_replace(array('edit', 'view'), array('update', 'read'), $method) . ']'; if (\Auth::has_access($right)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'action_' . $method), $args); } \Session::delete('redirect_url'); \Response::redirect($this->app . '/not_allow'); }
<!-- End --> <?php } ?> </section> </article> <article class="full-block clearfix"> <section> <article class="half-block"> <section> <?php if ($isActive === true && $packCompleted == 'no' || Auth::has_access('ppi.admin')) { ?> <button id="cancelPPIClient" class="btn btn-alt btn-large btn-primary" type="submit" rel="<?php echo $clientDetails['clientID']; ?> " title="Cancel Client's PPI Account">Cancel Client</button> <?php } ?> </section> </article> </section> </article> <!--- Create Claims -->
echo Html::anchor('country/delete/' . $country->id, 'Delete', array('onclick' => "return confirm('Are you sure?')")); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { ?> <p>No Countries.</p> <?php } ?> <?php if (Auth::has_access("country.create")) { ?> <p> <?php echo Html::anchor('country/create', 'Add new Country', array('class' => 'btn btn-success')); ?> </p> <?php }