<?php include_once './cad/DAL/Connection.php'; include_once './cad/BLL/ClaseAulaMateriaBLL.php'; include_once './cad/DTO/ClaseAulaMateria.php'; include_once './cad/BLL/ClaseAulaBLL.php'; include_once './cad/DTO/ClaseAula.php'; include_once './cad/BLL/ClaseMateriaBLL.php'; include_once './cad/DTO/ClaseMateria.php'; $aulaMateriaBLL = new AulaMateriaBLL(); $aulaBLL = new AulaBLL(); $materiaBLL = new MateriaBLL(); if (isset($_REQUEST["task"])) { $task = $_REQUEST["task"]; } else { $task = "mostrar"; } switch ($task) { case "insertar": if (isset($_REQUEST["idMateria"])) { $idMateria = $_REQUEST["idMateria"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["idAula"])) { $idAula = $_REQUEST["idAula"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["hora"])) { $hora = $_REQUEST["hora"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["dia"])) { $dia = $_REQUEST["dia"]; }
<?php include_once './cad/DAL/Connection.php'; include_once './cad/BLL/ClaseAulaMateriaBLL.php'; include_once './cad/DTO/ClaseAulaMateria.php'; include_once './cad/BLL/ClaseAulaBLL.php'; include_once './cad/DTO/ClaseAula.php'; include_once './cad/BLL/ClaseMateriaBLL.php'; include_once './cad/DTO/ClaseMateria.php'; $aulaBLL = new AulaBLL(); $materiaBLL = new MateriaBLL(); $aulaMateriaBLL = new AulaMateriaBLL(); $listaAulas = $aulaBLL->selectAll(); $listaMaterias = $materiaBLL->selectAll(); $id = $_REQUEST["id"]; $objAulaMateria = $aulaMateriaBLL->select($id); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body>