public function actionIndex() { if ($this->mySelf == 'yes') { $sql = "SELECT id,title,faceimg,uid,colid,cTime,updateTime FROM {{posts}} WHERE (uid='{$this->uid}' OR uid IN(SELECT logid FROM {{favorites}} WHERE uid='{$this->uid}' AND classify='user')) AND classify='" . Posts::CLASSIFY_WEDDING . "' ORDER BY cTime DESC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT id,title,faceimg,uid,colid,cTime,updateTime FROM {{posts}} WHERE uid='{$this->uid}' AND classify='" . Posts::CLASSIFY_WEDDING . "' ORDER BY cTime DESC"; } Posts::getAll(array('sql' => $sql), $pages, $lists); if (!empty($lists)) { foreach ($lists as $k => $p) { if ($p['faceimg'] > 0) { $_attach = Attachments::getOne($p['faceimg']); $_url = Attachments::getUrl($_attach); $lists[$k]['faceimg'] = $_url; } else { $lists[$k]['faceimg'] = ''; } } } if ($this->mySelf != 'yes') { Posts::updateCount($this->uid, 'Users'); } $data = array('posts' => $lists, 'pages' => $pages); $this->pageTitle = $this->userInfo['truename'] . '的主页 - ' . zmf::config('sitename'); $this->render('index', $data); }
public function actionIndex() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->order = 'cTime DESC'; $count = Attachments::model()->count($criteria); $pager = new CPagination($count); $pager->pageSize = 30; $pager->applyLimit($criteria); $posts = Attachments::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($posts as $k => $val) { $_img = Attachments::getUrl($val, 240); $posts[$k]['filePath'] = $_img; } $this->render('index', array('pages' => $pager, 'posts' => $posts)); }
public function actionView($id) { $this->layout = '/layouts/group'; $this->currentModule = 'group'; $info = WeddingGroup::model()->findByPk($id); if (!$info) { throw new CHttpException(404, '你所查看的页面不存在'); } $info->avatar = $info->getAvatar($info->avatar); if (zmf::uid()) { $reInfo = GroupLink::findRelation($this->uid, $id); if ($reInfo) { $this->joined = true; } } //获取团队成员 $criteria = new CDbCriteria(array('condition' => 'gl.groupid=' . $id, 'join' => 'LEFT JOIN {{group_link}} gl ON', 'select' => ',t.truename,t.avatar')); $members = new CActiveDataProvider('Users', array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => 10), 'criteria' => $criteria)); //获取团队案例列表 $sql = "SELECT,p.title,p.faceimg,p.uid,p.colid,p.cTime,p.updateTime FROM {{posts}} p WHERE p.groupid='{$id}' AND p.classify=" . Posts::CLASSIFY_WEDDING . " AND p.status=" . Posts::STATUS_PASSED . " ORDER BY p.cTime DESC"; Posts::getAll(array('sql' => $sql), $pages, $posts); if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $k => $p) { if ($p['faceimg'] > 0) { $_attach = Attachments::getOne($p['faceimg']); $_url = Attachments::getUrl($_attach); $posts[$k]['faceimg'] = $_url; } else { $posts[$k]['faceimg'] = ''; } } } $data = array('info' => $info, 'posts' => $posts, 'pages' => $pages); $this->pageTitle = $info['title'] . ' - ' . zmf::config('sitename'); $this->render('view', $data); }
public function actionView($id) { $keyid = zmf::filterInput($id); $checkInfo = Posts::checkInfo($info, $keyid, 'posts'); if (!$checkInfo['status']) { $this->message(0, $checkInfo['msg']); } if ($info['redirect'] != '') { $this->redirect(zmf::config('domain') . $info['redirect'], true, 301); } if ($info['classify'] == Posts::CLASSIFY_BLOG) { $this->redirect(zmf::config('blog_domain') . '/post/' . $keyid . '.html', true, 301); } $groupInfo = array(); if ($info['groupid'] > 0) { $groupInfo = WeddingGroup::getOne($info['groupid']); if ($groupInfo['status'] != Posts::STATUS_PASSED) { $this->message(0, '该团队已不存在'); } $groupInfo['avatar'] = Users::getAvatar($groupInfo['avatar']); } $keyid = $info['id']; $this->currentColid = $info['colid']; $colinfo = Column::getSimpleInfo($info['colid']); $breads[] = CHtml::link('作品', array('posts/index')); if ($colinfo) { $breads[] = CHtml::link($colinfo['title'], array('posts/index', 'colid' => $colinfo['id'])); } //更新统计 Posts::updateCount($keyid, 'Posts'); //获取用户推荐文章 $sqlUser = "******" . Posts::CLASSIFY_WEDDING . " ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 5"; $userPosts = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlUser)->queryAll(); //获取标签 $info['tagids'] = join(',', explode(',', $info['tagids'])); $relPosts = array(); if ($info['tagids'] != '') { //获取与本文类似文章 //计算方法为与本文提到的标签相关文章出现次数最多的 $relPosts = Posts::getTopPostsByTags($id, $info['tagids']); $_sql = "SELECT id,title FROM {{tags}} WHERE classify='posts' AND id IN({$info['tagids']})"; $info['tagids'] = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($_sql)->queryAll(); } if (!empty($userPosts)) { foreach ($userPosts as $k => $p) { if ($p['faceimg'] > 0) { $_attach = Attachments::getOne($p['faceimg']); $_url = Attachments::getUrl($_attach); $userPosts[$k]['faceimg'] = $_url; } else { $userPosts[$k]['faceimg'] = ''; } } } if (!empty($relPosts)) { foreach ($relPosts as $k => $p) { if ($p['faceimg'] > 0) { $_attach = Attachments::getOne($p['faceimg']); $_url = Attachments::getUrl($_attach); $relPosts[$k]['faceimg'] = $_url; } else { $relPosts[$k]['faceimg'] = ''; } } } //判断是否已收藏和赞过 if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { if (Favorites::checkFavored($keyid, 'posts')) { $this->favorited = true; } if (UserAction::checkAction($keyid, 'favorPost')) { $this->favored = true; } } $breads[] = $info['title']; $data = array('colinfo' => $colinfo, 'data' => $info, 'breads' => $breads, 'userPosts' => $userPosts, 'relPosts' => $relPosts, 'groupInfo' => $groupInfo); $this->pageTitle = (!empty($colinfo) ? "【{$colinfo['title']}】" : '') . $info['title'] . ' - ' . zmf::config('sitename'); $this->render('view', $data); }
private function foreachNaodong($posts) { if (!empty($posts)) { $uids = array_keys(CHtml::listData($posts, 'uid', '')); $usersInfo = array(); if (!empty($uids)) { $uidstr = join(',', $uids); $items = Users::model()->findAll(array('condition' => "id IN({$uidstr}) AND status=" . Posts::STATUS_PASSED, 'select' => "id,truename")); $usersInfo = CHtml::listData($items, 'id', 'truename'); } $imgsize = 600; if ($this->isMobile == 'yes') { $imgsize = 170; } foreach ($posts as $k => $v) { if ($v['attachid'] > 0) { $_attach = Attachments::model()->findByPk($v['attachid']); $_url = Attachments::getUrl($_attach, $imgsize); $posts[$k]['attachid'] = $_url; } else { $posts[$k]['attachid'] = ''; } $posts[$k]['truename'] = $usersInfo[$v['uid']]; } } return $posts; }